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Newly Diagnosed

sandichris Member Posts: 2

hello, I am new to this but know how important support groups are! My name is Sandi, my beautiful daughter Chris was just diagnosed with Triple Positive Breast cancer. She has been caring for her husband of 37 years who was diagnosed with GBM inoperable brain cancer for 3 years. He now needs her for everything as their options have ran out. So on Monday she gets diagnosed with TPB and will have a mastectomy of the left breast July 29. My problem is she belongs to Kaiser and I just have a real problem with how slow/fast they do this! Chris is just turning 60. Her husband Mike is 59, my head is spinning trying to figure this all out! I would appreciate any information on Triple Positive. I pray this journey is swift and the right one! I have angels, right now God and I are taking a timeout, love and light, Sandi


  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    Hi @sandichris, and welcome to We're so very sorry for all you and your daughter are going through, but we're so glad you've found us, decided to join, and post. You're sure to find our incredible community a wonderful source of advice, information, encouragement, and support — we're all here for you and your daughter!

    You're sure to get some great advice on our Triple Positive Breast Cancer thread, where you can talk with others with a similar diagnosis.

    Also, if she is up for it, your daughter may want to join one of our weekly In Treatment Zoom Meetups where she can talk with others in a similar situation and get face-to-face support. Here is a link to the days/times available and how to register:

    Love the beautiful pictures of you and Chris, and of Chris and Mike. Sending big hugs to you all! Let us know how we can be of help to you.

    —The Mods

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250


    So sorry to hear of your family’s health challenges. I am not triple positive but am a long time Kaiser patient. You mentioned that you have a real problem with Kaiser being too fast and too slow? I am not sure I understand that . The date from diagnosis to surgery seems typical. Can you elaborate?

  • sandichris
    sandichris Member Posts: 2

    Hi, I just feel that Kaiser just gives you a doctor and we cannot go out of the “system!”

    My daughter is comfortable with it so I go along too. I believe in second opinions but Kaiser just gives you another Kaiser doctor. I’m sure they are all good, it’s just my own personal opinion!

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250
    edited July 5

    Yes, you are correct. If you are a Kaiser patient you must use Kaiser medical personnel and Kaiser facilities but you know that when you join! Yes, you get assigned a doctor initially but are free to switch to any other doctor who is available. I actually switched oncologists early on.
    I am stage IV de novo and have had 13 progression free years. The reality is that no one can say why this is. I’d like to think that the excellent care I have received at Kaiser contributed to that. Kaisers’s internal records/communications system is seamless. Every provider who I have seen for any reason has instant access to all my medical records, appointment summaries, test results and anything else you can think of. When you are being treated for bc and learning what a complicated and varied disease it can be, not having to worry about communication delays with other health care providers is priceless. I will say that my parents felt as you do. My sister was a Kaiser employee who passed away from a uterine sarcoma. They felt that all the Kaiser doctors would agree if asked for a second opinion. My sister, an RN, did not feel a second opinion was necessary. So, my family paid for me to get a second opinion outside of Kaiser (Stanford). The result? They agreed with my Kaiser doctor on the treatment plan. Both of my daughters recently switched their families back to Kaiser too. They are not perfect. No medical group or facility is but I can’t complain. Most importantly, if your daughter is confident and happy with her care then that’s what really counts.