Rib pain

random_wmercado8507 Member Posts: 18

I have had the worse left side rib pain where if I sneeze or cough it’s a sharp pain. I have a hard time moving never the rib pain is constant. Closer to 1 yr double mastectomy and 6 months post reconstruction. Bone scan good. Ct scan good. Do I need a chest x ray. Not sure what is causing it and I’m so sad 😞


  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,436

    @random_wmercado8507 , I’m sorry you are having rib pain. Have you contacted your plastic surgeon to see if it might be due to reconstruction? While fractures can cause rib pain it can also be due to injury to the intercostal muscles or nerve pain in that region. If other doctors have not found a reason a pain clinic might be able to help. I hope you can find the cause.

  • random_wmercado8507
    random_wmercado8507 Member Posts: 18

    TY. I plan on surgeon this week. Wishing it would go away soon.

  • maggiehopley
    maggiehopley Member Posts: 148

    Does it hurt when you inhale? Pleurisy is a possibility; the rib pain can be excruciating.

  • random_wmercado8507
    random_wmercado8507 Member Posts: 18

    not so much. More like an ache and if I sneeze it cough it’s a shooting pain. Almost feels like it’s broken.