Any insight?

hello! I am new here. A week or two ago I noticed a little bit of redness by my nipple and didn’t think much of it. Since then and over the past few weeks it has now just grown in size. There is a tiny tiny dot that I scratched that appears to maybe started this whole thing, not sure. Anyway- since I had my breast aug 6 months ago I decided to send pics to my surgeon and he immediately said to come in- he verified that this had nothing to do with the implant, which I never suspected it did. Told me to follow up with my doc for sure. I proceeded to go to the women’s health doctor this morning and the PA seemed confused, but not certain on what it could be. I said “ tells me it’s IBC” and her response is “that was my first thought but since you don’t have the orange peel look- we can rule that out, but let me grab another doc for a second opinion”. Another doc came in- also confused and ultimately decided to just treat me with “shingles”. Now- this looks nothing like shingles but she said because it’s hooking around the nipple that’s why she is doing that- apparently that’s what shingles does? Now- yes it was itchy, but not like I need to scratch Allll the time, and tender or sore a bit but not like aching all day. You can tell it’s there, for sure. I am opposed to think this is shingles, or even dermatitis. Any other insight?
@etaylor0140 Hi, and welcome. just so you know, we did delete the photos as people here aren't physicians, and don't necessarily encourage people trying to diagnose. We hope you understand.
For sure there are so many things that could cause this, and it will need a stepwise approach- a dermatologist could also be helpful! They may recommend something topical to try, or be able to really look at it under their scope.
If your doctor is really concerned, they should consider ordering a biopsy, as that is the only way to rule out cancer.Remember, IBC is very rare, but we understand the concern. We're here for you!