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Newly Diagnosed... Scared and Sad

Hello all newly diagnosed. Ductal Carcinoma 2 cm Pos Hrz, 4 cm Neg Hrz. Cancer cells in one lymph node. I am awaiting my Onocology appt. this Thursday. I have such a hard time sleeping, not lots of support since I am a single woman and family…no. So it is very treatable which is good but the thought of getting a masectomy to one breast just makes me want to cry all the time. I read somewhere here that you have to get constant check ups after this cancer. It is all too much. I really wonder if I want to go through all of this. I have a pal from Can-Care that helps me, she survived the same type cancer I have. I am full of empathy for other women going through this, but I mostly concentrate on myself because now it is survival. I do not want to make myself sad. Anyone else?? I believe my cancer is Phase 1 whatever that is.


  • doodler
    doodler Member Posts: 81

    I'm very sorry for your reason for being here. But there is lots of information here that might help to put your mind at ease. By "Phase 1" maybe you misheard "stage 1" which would be very good news, that means it is at a very early stage and very treatable.

    The appointments and tests are pretty overwhelming. Things happen quickly, they will want to move into your treatment plan quickly too. When you know more details about the treatment plan and what exactly is ahead, that may bring it into focus, and give you practical steps to concentrate on, preparations to make.

    Wishing you the best with your treatment.

  • mandy23
    mandy23 Member Posts: 125

    Hi @ilovelife87 -

    Very sorry you had to join us, but glad you found us. BC is a difficult journey for all of us and none of us want to be here. The idea of losing a breast is quite a shock to think about isn't it? I know it sounds odd, but it will help once you have a plan in front of you. Hopefully, your oncologist will discuss all of that with you on Thursday.

    In the meantime, you can read these forums to gain some further knowledge.

    Those of us here will help you on this journey. You WILL get through this!

    Take Care.

  • ilovelife87
    ilovelife87 Member Posts: 5

    Thank you. I am usually the most optimistic on this planet but really there is not a lot of good about all this. It really sucks and that is ok for me to say. I do not have to Miss Super Positive all the time. I do believe I will get through this and it is just you know…. really hard.

  • ilovelife87
    ilovelife87 Member Posts: 5

    Thank you Doodier yes Stage1 I think…. so far it all looks good as far as this (blank) goes. I hope once I get through this I can get some attractive breasts because after the last few years of health issues I have…. I kind of need that, as all of us women do. It just really hurts your heart. Love you guys!!

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250
    edited September 2

    I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis but glad that it appears to be an early find.

    One of the best things you can do is learn about your particular type of bc. Breast cancer is not a monolith but rather a disease with quite a few variations and possibilities. Please make sure that the info you read is from a reliable source. Knowledge can go a long way toward alleviating stress and anxiety but again, verify the sources of your information. There is an awful lot of bad info on the internet and personal anecdotes are not a substitute for facts.
    Initial assessments and appointments can seem daunting . Once you’ve completed initial treatment, your follow ups will depend on your personal situation but beyond the initial dx/tx/follow ups, I don’t think you need to worry about constant check ups , as that would be quite unusual (depending on your definition of constant).
    Although there are no guarantees, your chances of being treated and never having a recurrence at stage 1, are excellent! Survival shouldn’t even cross your mind (though it does when you receive the dx), as cancer confined to the breast is highly treatable. No one dies from bc unless they are stage IV (spread to sites beyond the breast). Lastly, try to focus on what you know to be true today. Speculation and worry over things that are likely not to happen can really ratchet up stress. Take care

  • ilovelife87
    ilovelife87 Member Posts: 5

    Thank you so much XBRXBRNGRL. I really appreciate your words. I will take heed. Thank you.

  • tpozarski
    tpozarski Member Posts: 1

    I, too am newly diagnosed. I had a double mastectomy last Thursday. It went well. Two nodes were removed from my armpit. Honestly that incision is where my discomfort is. But, it isn't bad at all. I am down to just tylenol 2x a day for pain meds. I will be starting chemo soon. It is scary, mostly of the unknown. I wish you the best!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    Dear @tpozarski, welcome to Despite your circumstances, we are glad you are here.

    Yes we know, the early stages after diagnosis can be tough, with so much fear and uncertainty, but you'll find support and encouragement in this great community.

    Hope you can connect with other members soon. For now, our section for members who've just been diagnosed called Just Diagnosed - Get Prepared, might have some useful information for you.

    Please keep us updated on how you're doing, and know that we're all here to offer support and encouragement as you move forward.

    The Mods

  • day.glow.23
    day.glow.23 Member Posts: 1

    I am now where you were on September 1 - newly diagnosed, scared and awaiting my first oncology appt.

    I pray that your journey is made easy by all those you come in contact with. I have found comfort in this forum. Good, caring advice. I have found that learning what I can about my breast cancer has been helping me to keep calm as I await my appt. It's tomorrow. ⭐️

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    @day.glow.23 - Welcome to our community! We're glad you found us, and it's great to hear that learning more has helped you stay calm. We hope your appointment goes smoothly and that you continue to find comfort and support here. Please, come back soon to let us know how you're doing and how everything goes! We're here for you!

    The Mods