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Starting Chemo September and October 2024 Support Thread


  • eileenmk64
    eileenmk64 Member Posts: 39

    Has anyone else started chemo this month or starting soon? I'm a 60 year old (on 9/28!) female with IDC and DCIS, Stage 1A, Grade 3. I had a lumpectomy on 8/28 with 2 lymph nodes removed. Margins were clear and lymph nodes were negative so it was looking like radiation would be my next step, but my oncotype score came back at 47 so it is chemo first. I have an appointment with my oncologist next week Tuesday, 9/24 and will have my port placed the next day. So I guess I will be starting chemo either late next week or the following week. I already know via my nurse navigator that I will be doing taxotere and cytoxan four times, 3 weeks apart. Anyone else? Eileen

  • linashowail
    linashowail Member Posts: 5

    hello i am 30 years old had mastectomy 20/8/2024 and diagnosed with IDC 3 foci grade 3 and high grade DCIS, stage T1a with 8 lymph node removal all negative. HR-, HER2+++, ki-67 is 35%.

    I will see my oncologist Saturday 21/9/2024 to start the treatment process most likely they suggested adjuvant chemotherapy of paclitaxel for 12 weeks once a week with trastuzumab for a year

    I am not sure about Radiation but most likely I will not need

    My only concern is that if i take the right decision of taking the treatment

    I had 2 doctors opinions one suggested treatment and the other said just keep under surveillance because the biggest tumor is 3mm so it’s under the international guidelines, but the other doctor said that my cancer type is so aggressive and the treatment is a must to reduce the chances of recurring.
    I hope I’m doing the right thing and the treatment will benefit me in the future. Anyone else with conflict of decision here and what did you decide ?

  • eileenmk64
    eileenmk64 Member Posts: 39

    I have full confidence in my cancer team so I am doing whatever they tell me I should do for this. I haven't actually met with the oncologist yet (9/24) but I talked with the nurse navigator and she laid out what the plan will most likely be for me. That plan is chemo, radiation, hormone blockers. Rereading your post it looks like your cancer is a bit different than mine, I am estrogen +, progesterone -, and Her2 - But it is high grade with a Ki-67 of 30%, and with the oncotype at 47, I think chemo is a no-brainer.

    I hope your appointment goes well tomorrow and you are able to make a decision you feel confident about. Please let me know what your oncologist says and what you decide.

  • eileenmk64
    eileenmk64 Member Posts: 39

    @linashowail Any updates?

    I had my port placed yesterday and I start chemo (taxotere and cytoxin) next Wednesday 10/2.

    Anyone else?

  • eileenmk64
    eileenmk64 Member Posts: 39

    I had my first chemo last week 10/2. I’m still alive. 😃 Am I all alone in here? No one else just started chemo? Seems like the other months are more active. Anyone? 😃

  • gailmary
    gailmary Member Posts: 515

    Eileen. You are not alone here. With the new platform here it seems people find a thread they like. and hang out there. I started Sept 24th but I am triple negative so went to that group before this one was opened up. Several other new gals there too all on the same meds. Typically we go to the thread about the meds we take. And a few general threads. Good luck finding a place here and with cancer.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,549

    Hi All, Please reach out if you need any assistance! Glad you found us here.

  • mamarog
    mamarog Member Posts: 12


    Had my first chemo on Friday 4th October

    I’m triple negative so three rounds of EC followed by 12 sessions weekly of taxol

    Felt poorly but it’s been manageable until last night after my last injection of zarzio and woke in the night with awful pulsing pain mostly in my back but all over really! This took me by surprise and today I have taken paracetamol but it’s still awful . Don’t know if. Anyone else has experienced this.


  • eileenmk64
    eileenmk64 Member Posts: 39

    @gailmary Thank you for that tip. I looked for some other threads and found some I can participate in if this one remains quiet.

  • eileenmk64
    eileenmk64 Member Posts: 39

    @mamarog Thanks for chiming in there! I'm on a different chemo (TC, 4 times, every 3 weeks) for E+, P-, Her2-. Anyway, I had my first chemo on 10/2 and the Neulasta shot the next day. Six days later I had that pulsing back pain most of the day. It was gone the next day. I don't know what Zarzio is. How are you doing today?

  • mamarog
    mamarog Member Posts: 12

    Thankyou for asking it lasted about 24 hours and has eased off today thank god

    I expect it will be the same next time but for now I’m just glad it’s passed.

    Have you been managing ok ?

  • eileenmk64
    eileenmk64 Member Posts: 39

    @mamarog I'm glad it's better! I was afraid to move too much. I had back surgery for a herniated disc 6 years ago and it started with spasms like that. I'm doing well. I had the usual nausea, fatigue, and headache which are all gone. My nose was irritated, my mouth was sore, my lips were numb. Those are all better too. But I've had a few new side effects, I didn't know they would keep coming after the first few days! I have a small rash on my face under and to the side of both eyes. It's better today than it was this weekend. Also a few days ago I developed what I assume is neuropathy in my fingertips - if I touch something hot they hurt but it goes away right away, and my fingers feel itchy. So weird. What a crazy ride! Everything has been manageable but not fun. More than usual hair came out when I was putting product in this morning so I suppose that has started now too, right on schedule according to what they say will happen. What kind of side effects have you had other than the muscle issue and how do you feel today?

  • mamarog
    mamarog Member Posts: 12

    I’ve had nausea since the treatment and a thick head like a migraine type

    I’ve had achy muscles and constipation (sorry if too much info)

    My mouth has been sore and I’ve had no spit but apart from this awful pain yesterday I feel like I’ve managed it ok my hair feels different texture wise and I’m waiting for that bit and not looking forward to it

    You are right it’s not being ready for these things that’s scary


  • eileenmk64
    eileenmk64 Member Posts: 39

    @mamarog I had constipation too, I left that out ha ha. I get it from the zofran. It is a balance, nausea vs constipation. I think I was nauseous for the first 5 days or so, not any more. My hair felt like straw afterward which didn't make sense to me since the hair on your head is already dead. Weird. It's all weird. But I'm thankful for modern medicine! How old are you? I'm 60. Did you have surgery? I had a lumpectomy on 8/28. I'm in Wisconsin, USA. I figure you're not in the US because you said you felt "poorly". I need to use that phrase, I like it. :-)

  • mamarog
    mamarog Member Posts: 12

    I’m in England and I’m 51

    That makes sense why the drug names are different. I’ve had a lumpectomy on the 1st July niw chemo and then I need a second op to remove my lymph nodes and a bit more from the lump then radiotherapy so a long road ahead,

    Poorly is a good phrase.


  • eileenmk64
    eileenmk64 Member Posts: 39

    I've always wanted to visit England specifically Cornwall after watching Doc Martin. :-) How are you doing today? My hair started coming out Monday. I have an appointment this upcoming Monday to have my head buzzed.

  • mamarog
    mamarog Member Posts: 12

    we love Cornwall and holiday there every year!
    I’m actually not doing bad today which feels nice

    I think my hair is starting too is it coming out a lot ? If I pull my fingers through it more than normal comes out x and the texture feels different

    Are you feeling ok about the hair part I’m a bit anxious about it x

  • eileenmk64
    eileenmk64 Member Posts: 39

    Okay I'm jealous! Have you watched Doc Martin? I love that show so much! Sad it's over.

    I am feeling okay about my hair. I never liked my hair that much anyway. It's stick straight and very fine, so hard to style. Though since menopause (about 7 years) it's been a bit better, I think it got a little more texture. So I've had some good hair days lately but bye bye to that for a while. :-) I've bought a bunch of hats already, I could spend a fortune on them if I let myself. :-) If I run my hands through my hair a good 10 strands come out, and when I comb my hair and put product iin after my shower, A LOT comes out. I don't think you can really tell quite yet, my hair may be fine texture but I have a good amount. I'm sure soon it will be looking thin.

    I'm glad you're doing okay today. One week from today I have my next chemo. Can't say I'm looking forward to it, but the sooner I get them done the sooner I can move on to radiation the sooner I can live my life (along with taking hormone blockers for 5 years).

  • mamarog
    mamarog Member Posts: 12

    I’ve watched a few years ago it’s a great programme x Cornwall is a beautiful part of the country x

    I am two days behind you x

    I feel the same x I already have a wig ready but I think I will get a buzz cut too as soon as mine starts to go x just enjoy this week of hopefully feeling alright xx at least for round two we will know a bit more about what to expect.

  • eileenmk64
    eileenmk64 Member Posts: 39

    How's your hair? Mine is coming out fast and furious! Monday can't come soon enough, I am getting hair everywhere. You can barely tell by looking at me, but I think that's going to change soon. I can certainly tell how much thinner it is by feel though. This morning when I combed it out after my shower twice as much came out as did yesterday. It's kinda wild. I had to wear a hat when making dinner last night so I wouldn't get hair in the food, yuck. I'm not planning to wear a wig, I just have a bunch of hats.

  • mamarog
    mamarog Member Posts: 12


    I’m sorry that the hair loss is getting worse x mine is too and for some reason I can stop running my hands through it even though that’s making more come out !
    my husband shaves his head so he said when I’m ready he will buzz mine off x if you could do that now would you ? I can’t decide if to try and hang on for a few more days xx

    Other than hair have you felt ok this last few days ? I have felt a bit more normal xx

  • eileenmk64
    eileenmk64 Member Posts: 39

    Ha, I am the same - every once in awhile I see what comes out on both sides and in the back. I can't help myself. I should stop because we are having a get together for my daughter's birthday on Sunday and though it is just my family who will be here, I don't really want to have bald spots. :-) Yes I would shave it today if I could. I did want to wait until it was actually coming out to shave it, partly just to see what it was like, and also just in case it didn't fall out though my oncologist said she has never had someone doing TC chemo not lose their hair. I asked my hairdresser a few weeks ago if she could shave it today or Monday and she only had Monday available. I don't want my husband to do it, he is more sensitive about all this than I am, so tenderhearted. I think he would fall apart. My sister is going to go with me on Monday.

    I'm feeling pretty good overall. I seem to be more tired this week than last week though. Other than that and my hair, my fingertips are still sensitive to heat otherwise all my other side effects are gone.

  • mamarog
    mamarog Member Posts: 12

    well hopefully you will be fine for Sunday xx happy birthday to your Daughter xx

    I think I will probably do it in the next few days then xx

    I’m glad you are feeling better xx make sure you don't overdo it just because some side effects are gone xx enjoy the next few days until round 2 next week

    We’ve got this !!!


  • eileenmk64
    eileenmk64 Member Posts: 39

    Yes we do! I have been taking naps. When I wake up, I feel like I could just stay in bed all day. But once I'm up and about again I feel okay. I can't believe Round 2 is next week already.

    Let me know when you shave your hair!

  • mamarog
    mamarog Member Posts: 12

    I will

    Gave a lovely weekend xx

  • mamarog
    mamarog Member Posts: 12


    I hope you are feeling ok x and had a lovely party

    I have shaved my hair off ! I’ feel a lot better as it was falling out all over the place x

  • mamarog
    mamarog Member Posts: 12

    hi Eileen

    Did you get your hair done today ? I hope you are feeling ok xx

  • eileenmk64
    eileenmk64 Member Posts: 39

    @mamarog Not yet, my sister is coming to pick me up in an hour, she offered to go with me. If I had to do it over again I would have had the beautician at the cancer center do it last week, but I already had an appointment with my own hairdresser. Hair hair everywhere! I don't have much left.

    How do you feel with yours shaved off? How do you feel overall? I felt really good all weekend, pretty normal actually. That will change in a few days. :-(

  • mamarog
    mamarog Member Posts: 12

    I feel better with it shaved off xx I’m sure you will too x good luck

    I’m feeling pretty good too x blood test tomorrow xx

  • eileenmk64
    eileenmk64 Member Posts: 39

    I have my blood drawn the same day as my chemo appointment. Let me know how yours looks! I feel good so I'm hoping mine is good! Everything looked as it showed one week post chemo so I think it will be.