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Has anyone gotten the newer Mentor Boost implants?

I am ready for a 10-year implant exchange surgery and my PS is recommending the newer Mentor Boost implants that came out in 2022. Does anyone have these? What are your thoughts? Are they too firm to feel natural?


  • simonerc
    simonerc Member Posts: 155

    I swapped to Mentor Memory Gel Boost about 4 months ago. Previously had Mentor Memory Gel Xtra. These look much better. Almost no rippling. I think the shape looks better. I haven’t noticed that the Boost feel much different than the Xtra. So far so good!

  • weety
    weety Member Posts: 378

    I'm so happy to hear that! I do have some rippling on my cancer side with the Mentor Memory Gel ones since the skin is so darn thin there. My PS is hoping the Boost ones might help minimize this.