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osteoporosis diagnosis after on anatrozole for almost 5 years!

I foolishly googled it and now im pretty scared, it says women have a life span of 20 years after being diagnosed at the age of 50 and can break a bone just by sneezing. Can anyone share there experience with me. I haven't talked with my dr yet as I just received the info through patient gateway. All weekend all I can think about is that character "Unbreakable" with Samuel L Jackson hahaha at least I can still laugh but no seriously im freaking out.

Thanks in advance,


  • kaynotrealname
    kaynotrealname Member Posts: 438

    Have you been put on bisphosphonates? Those will help strengthen your bones. Some people have even reversed osteoporosis with them.

  • hippmark
    hippmark Member Posts: 99
    edited September 30

    Have you had a dexa scan to show your current bone density? Is that why you are mentioning osteo? they can put you on a bone loss reducing medication or a shot that can stabilize your bones or even build bone density. I was on Prolia and just started on Evenity. Pounding weights, taking calcium, D3 and K2 can also help. Don't panic without exploring your options first.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,299

    I have cycled on and off fosamax (the older oral bisphosphonate) several times to get out of the osteoporosis into the osteopenia range which my endocrinologist thinks is safe enough and a realistic goal given my family history. I have bad teeth and for invasive dental work which could cause jawbone osteonecrosis it is quicker to clear the fosamax from your system than the injected/infused meds. Blood tests showed that I absorb calcium and vitamin D much more effectively through diet (yogurt, cottage cheese, canned seafood, kale) and getting sunshine than by taking supplements. I also walk every day since that is the most gentle weight bearing exercise. I'm the only one of my five siblings who hasn't had a joint replacement yet so this seems to be working. My mom actually did die of osteoporosis (spontaneous femur fracture at age 83) but she was on bisphosphonates for many years without "med holidays" which is no longer recommended.

  • toyamjj
    toyamjj Member Posts: 45

    kaynotrealname yes Ive had two, both two Years apart. I just got the results over the weekend and I meet with my Oncologist Wednesday. SO no im not on anything yet. Ive been taking vitamin d but clearly that wasn't enough because I went from just having osteopenia two years ago to now having osteoporosis 😪

  • toyamjj
    toyamjj Member Posts: 45

    hippmark yes Ive had two scans so far, both scans two Years apart. The first scan two years ago showed osteopenia but I think I was just so happy to be cancer free that at the time I didn't think too much of it. But now im understanding the reality of it and when I saw the life exspectency of a 50 year old women diagnosed im starting to realize I have a finite time left and its doing a number on my mental health right now. I meet with my Oncologist Wednesday to discuss next steps.

  • toyamjj
    toyamjj Member Posts: 45

    maggie15 thanks I will research the meds you mentioned, that way im prepared for my dr appointment on Wednesday. Sorry to hear about your mom:(

  • hippmark
    hippmark Member Posts: 99

    Toyamjj, no article can possibly predict your life expectancy. I'm not certain if you are referring to cancer recurrence or osteoporosis when you refer to that. But if you are referring to osteoporosis, I've never heard that before. Speak with your Doctor. There are definitely ways to build back some bone loss as I mentioned before. Like me, just be mindful of fracture risk. My osteo is in my spine. Had it before cancer. The AI made my spine score worse, even on Prolia. But it did make my hip score to almost normal. That's why I started Evenity shots, which is bone building. That and lifting weights and light jogging or heavy walking can all help. Don't be discouraged. Osteoporosis is certainly not a death sentence by any means! You simply need to do a few different things. But proper exercise and some type of bone building or slowing drug is right up there!