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Big hard lumps 2 and 4 cm (from ultrasound). Biopsy preliminary result says very invasive high grade

gfrtobf Member Posts: 2

Freaking out. What stage will I be in? I am worried it has spread everywhere!
Is there hope?

I have not received the complete biopsy, so I don't know the details. My primary doctor just told me last friday that the preliminary result is that it is very aggressive and high grade.

I am 40yo with 8 and 6 year olds.

Have not gotten an appointment with a specialist yet. Have an appointment with a 'nurse navigator' tomorrow. Everything is taking too long.

I am based in USA, California, Bay Area.

I am sorry i will be putting them through this.


  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250
    edited September 30


    Sorry that you find yourself in this situation. Obviously, without details , there is no way to know stage/grade/hormonal profiles. Even high grade breast cancers are not considered an emergency so the waiting, and there will likely be more of that, will not have a negative impact on your overall health (but we all understand that it feels like an emergency!). Additionally, only breast cancer that has moved beyond the breast (metastatic, stage IV) is terminal. About 6% of new bc diagnoses are metastatic so the odds are clearly in your favor.
    I know this is difficult but in the absence of details, don’t look at the worst case scenario which is unlikely to be what you’re facing.
    I am also in the Bay Area (San Jose). Take care and don’t go down paths you may never need to travel.

  • gfrtobf
    gfrtobf Member Posts: 2

    Thank you for taking the time to share these kind words. Appreciate it

  • trishyla1
    trishyla1 Member Posts: 93

    Multiple tumors are unusual, but not necessarily rare. I was diagnosed in 2016 with seven tumors, having five distinct kinds of cancer, spread across both breasts. One of the cancers was triple negative, a very aggressive kind of breast cancer. I did a year of chemo and bilateral mastectomy in 2017. It was rough, but doable. And I'm still here eight years later.

    I know the wait is awful, but please don't get ahead of yourself. You'll feel better when you know what you're dealing with.

    Best wishes. Trish

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    We're so sorry you find yourself here, @gfrtobf, we know this all feels very overwhelming. And the waiting is so hard! Hopefully once you have more information about your diagnosis and available treatments and can develop a plan with your medical team, you'll start to feel a little more in control.

    Also, we want to let you know we offer very supportive, moderated Virtual Community Meetups. There are a number of different groups and times, so if you're interested, please check them out here: Virtual Community Meetups.

    We're here for you!

    The Mods

  • threejintmec
    threejintmec Member Posts: 1

    I'm still in the waiting game. Had my biopsy on the 18th, finally received the confirmation nobody wants birad6 on the 26th. Found out I had breast cancer when the surgeon Dr office called to schedule my appt, and don't see the Dr until the 7th. She's on vacation this week. Not too happy about the waiting game. what a joke this early detection. My annual mammo was abnormal on July 31. It's been nothing but advocating for myself. Constantly calling the scheduling desk for cancellations. The technician commented on how "fast" they got me in at the biopsy - after waiting 2 and a half months. Are you kidding me? My original follow-up mammogram and ultrasound was appt was scheduled on Sept 29. If I hadn't kept calling and complaining, I'd would just now be getting referred for the biopsy and mri.

    Oh, and I'm never speaking to that nurse navigator again. She was toxicly positive. Way too over the top cheerful. Lady, I have breast cancer. You are supposed to help. Being overly cheerful is not helping. When she was putting the band aid on and giving me after care instruction after the biopsy, she asked if I knew what a hematoma was. I'm not 5, lady. Could not stand the woman.

    I switched medical groups so I could go to a different facility that had shorter wait times and hopefully a nurse navigator who can actually help. Had to give up my primary, but the new medical group/facility has high ratings for breast cancer care in the state and nation. Do some research. You are in the Bay Area; you may have better options. It's not too late to switch providers if you are not getting the care you need.

    Anyway waiting has absolutely effected my mental health. I'm up at 2 am writing this because sleep eludes me at the moment, I've lost over 10 pounds and I'm a wreck emotionally. I hate being vulnerable. The sympathy, pity, fear I see in people's eyes when I tell them brings me to tears. I haven't been able to tell many people. I'm so angry and not very good company. I scheduled an appt with a therapist. My life will not be nothing but waiting for the next Dr appt. I am keeping my plans for outings, holidays and vacations and making new ones for next year. Going to try for some sleep now. "It's 3 am I must be lonely…" 3 am, Matchbox Twenty

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    Dear @threejintmec, we are very sorry for your new diagnosis and for what you are going through, but we're very glad you've found and joined our community.

    There's no doubt that the waiting game can be emotionally and psychologically draining, but you’ve done an amazing job advocating for yourself. Please know that this space is here for you, and we hope that it is a source of comfort and understanding as you move forward. If you want, you can also post in the IDC forum to connect with members with a similar diagnosis. Feel free to contact us if you need assistance!

    Looking forward to hearing more from you soon!
    The Mods