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Hi! New here. Recently diagnosed with IDC stage 3. ER+, PR+, HER2- I’ve had a lumpectomy, then had to go in again to increase the margins. Had 1 lymph node positive. My next step is chemo then after that radiation. My Chemo therapy will only consist of Taxotere and Cytocan. My first treatment is this Thursday and I’m a bit scared and was wondering if anyone has experience with this protocol and if so, what can I expect? Thanks for listening 💗


  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,342


    I don’t know enough about chemo regimens to comment. Our chemo threads are generally active and can provide lots of information as well as personal experiences and support. I can’t paste links on bco for some reason but try the search function . I believe a good thread might be Chemotherapy- Before, During and After (or something similar). All the best to you.

  • julie66
    julie66 Member Posts: 2

    I’m similar to you except I’m PR- and I had clear margins. I’m so sorry they had to go back in for your margins💕. That must have hard. I will be having 4 rounds of chemo, Taxotere & Cytoxan as well. I am looking for answers to the same questions. Thank you exbrnxgrl for the advice!

  • flowergirl1975
    flowergirl1975 Member Posts: 59

    Hi! I did TC chemo ( 4 times) every 3 weeks. I found it to be very doable. I did not miss work except for my chemo days. About day 4 I was the most tired. They have meds to help you with all side effects. I didn’t really have any nausea. Worst part about chemo for me was losing my taste for a few days. You both are going to do fine. I understand how frightening it can be. Once you have experienced your first chemo you will at least know what to expect. You can get through this!! If you have any specific questions let me know. Sorry you are having to go through this! It sucks but you are not alone! Feel free to reach out any time!

  • casscran
    casscran Member Posts: 3

    Thank you!
    I have a little tiredness. Mouth is starting to feel irritated and woke this morning with body aches.
    Does the symptoms ease up between treatments?
    Again, Thank you for your insight!

  • flowergirl1975
    flowergirl1975 Member Posts: 59

    yes! As more time passes after the chemo the better you will start to feel. I probably felt my worst days 4 and 5 after chemo and then I would start feeling better again! There are some that get sores in their mouth ( this did not happen to me). If this happens reach out to your oncologist , I think there is a special mouth wash you can use! Rest when needed!

  • casscran
    casscran Member Posts: 3

    Awesome! I’m keeping a journal of any issues for my follow up appointment.

  • carolann1182
    carolann1182 Member Posts: 2

    I was diagnosed IDC stage 2 at the beginning of June in the left breast only. I was mad at the world because I did all the right things. I go to all of the checkups that I am supposed to. Just had a mammogram in November/23 and then this. I was not in a very good mood until the day I had my first chemo treatment. I’m not sure why that was the day that I accepted it. I started chemo the beginning of August. 6 cycles, 3 weeks apart. I just had #5 today. Neuropathy hit at #3. Dosage was lowered on #4 and again today. Trying different medication for that for the last one. I am still working full time. My job has been very accommodating. Fatigue has been an issue. However I got bronchitis after #3 and they gave me erythromycin. Cycle 4 was a breeze. I read that antibiotics can affect the chemo. I didn’t have the mouth issues that I normally have and I was able to eat. However I did get one small blister on my lip, so that was new. The mouth wash doesn’t help me much as I can’t stand the taste and it wears quickly. I don’t actually get sores. My mouth just feels weird and anything I try to eat tastes terrible. My last cycle is not until December. We have traveling plans in November and thanksgiving is my favorite holiday so I pushed it back 6 weeks. I’m having a lumpectomy in January. Before #4 I met with the surgeon and he couldn’t find the lump. However, I could. Now I can no longer find the lump. So that is promising.

    I’m very concerned about radiation that will follow. Of course I’ve researched the good and the bad. I’m am very concerned about the marks that it could leave. I don’t like to have scars or marks on my body. I threw a fit when I found out I had to surgically have the port put in. Still not happy that I have to have it surgically removed. Also concerned about disfiguring. One nurse told me that it will be smaller than the other and that women have the healthy breast reduced. Granted I’m not there yet, but that doesn’t make sense to me. Since it has reduced a great deal I may not have that to even be concerned with.

    I had no idea what people with cancer go through until I got it. I also feel that I have probably had it much easier than most. I just can’t wait until I don’t have tons of appointments. Ladies, we’ve got this. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,788

    Welcome, @carolann1182!

    We're so sorry you find yourself here, but we're glad you've joined us and hope you find it to be a place of support and encouragement.

    We wish you the best on the remainder of your treatment and surgery - every one completed is an achievement checked off!

    We also wanted to let you know that we offer professionally moderated free Zoom Support Groups for those who’re undergoing or have recently completed treatment, which are a wonderful place to get support from others who are right there along with you.

    We are here for you,

    The Mods