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TC Chemo

Hi, I am 75 years old and had lumpectomy for invasive ductal carcinoma 7/26/24. Stage 1, grade 2, clear margins and no lymph nodes involved. Oncotype score 32 which indicated 20% chance of recurrence somewhere else in my body within next 9 years, but with chemo that reduces risk to 5%. Oncologist is recommending 4 TC chemo treatments, 15 rounds of radiation and hormone blockers for 5 to 10 years. My main concern is my age and my co-morbidities. I was hospitalized in 2021 with myocarditis and am now being treated for nonsustained ventricular tachycardia, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and hypertension. I was diagnosed last year with Myasthenia Gravis. All of these are well controlled with meds. Oncologist does not think chemo will adversely affect any of these issues. Not much history of cancer in my family and the closest family members who received chemo were an aunt on my mother's side and an uncle on my father's side. Chemo basically destroyed their hearts and that is what killed them. Of course, that was several years ago, different cancers and chemo, I am sure. Hardest decision I have ever had. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Oncologist is leaving decision to me.


  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,296

    Hi @absgirl, I’m sorry you have to join us here and have a difficult decision to make about treatment. Since doctors seem to look at patients through the eyes of their specialty I would consult your cardiologist and the physician treating your MG. While chemo might not cause problems for patients without cardiac issues you are in a different situation. Also, neuropathy from the chemo might aggravate the MG. Radiation to the right breast would probably be OK but if it is your left breast your heart might be in the scatter field. Hormone blockers have been associated with a slightly higher risk of future heart disease but it is quite small.

    After consulting your doctors you can decide whether to undergo all, some or none of the recommended treatments. Like me, you are at an age where quality of life may be more important. I like to look at the risk of recurrence the opposite way; your Oncotype indicates an 80% chance of no recurrence without chemo and AIs. My treatment choices have put me at a 20% risk of recurrence which I am comfortable with but everyone has to decide what is best for them.

    When you find yourself between a rock and a hard place, try to figure out which course of action you would regret least if the worst were to happen. Unfortunately there is no way to foretell the future. I hope things work out well for you.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,549

    @absgirl, we're sorry you have to be here for this, but wanted to send you a warm welcome to the BCO community.

    It's great to hear that your oncologist is considering all your conditions and that they feel confident about your treatment options. We hope the support you’re getting here helps you make the best decision. Here is an article from our main site about heart problems that might be helpful too: Heart Problems

    Hope this helps! Looking forward to hearing more from you soon.

    The Mods