How long does initial ultrasound results take?

My screening mammogram showed an irregular mass 21mm. This is a change from last mammogram done a year and a half ago.

The radiologist scheduled an ultrasound for this coming Wednesday. How long does it usually take for results? Is it ok to call imaging center and ask?

The waiting and anxiety is torture. I don’t know how anyone does it.

Thank you!


  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,356

    Yes, the waiting and resultant anxiety do stink! Although there isn’t a standard time frame, ultrasound results can be read relatively quickly but it is somewhat dependent on how your facility operates and how busy they are on reading imaging. Yes, it’s fine to ask approximately how long it will take for results to be available but they likely can’t guarantee a specific time.
    I know waiting is difficult but even if you do have bc, this is not an emergency like a stroke or heart attack. Your physical health won’t be compromised by a bit of a wait. Do what you can to distract yourself (easier said than done) and you will likely have results fairly quickly. Take care

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,801

    @cherietenn Yes, the waiting can be very, very difficult. One day at a time and lots of distraction! It really depends on the hospital how long it takes. We'er sorry you have to go through this.
    We're here for you, and please keep us posted!