walnut-sized lump at chest wall

i went in for an ultrasound yesterday and the radiologist told me that the lump she sees and feels is “more than likely” cancerous - especially because of a lymph node in my armpit that looks like its swollen. Why would she tell me this without a biopsy? The images didn't show any fingers sprouting it was just a black lump that was round but a little irregular in shape. So not perfectly round… i have my biopsy tomorrow. What are the chances this is just a fibroadenoma? Or injury?
@tseugene Hi. Either way, I'm so sorry. Have you returned from the biopsy yet? I can't say what the chances are of it being a fibroid - does it hurt?
I think drs are either super cautious or not, it depends on their style and their patient's character. I'm sorry if your experience was too abrupt and caused unnecessary worries.
For me, the drs told me I had MBC from a back X-ray, and I knew it and was glad they were direct. But that's my style, maybe not yours especially when bc is the subject.
Conversely, the bc clinic went so slowly it was exasperating for me. Wouldn't say anything as they made me go backwards through each little step - painful mammogram, ultrasound, then the biopsy. Two more weeks passed before more preliminary tests were made. In fact, strange as it sounds, it seemed they were pretending that the bc hadn't spread, that the drs diagnosis was somehow flawed. Who knows. I changed drs.
It's good you found the lump now. I hope you're bc free, and that your biopsy report is ready immediately. Thinking positive things for you.