Has anyone had a LOW oncotype with the ER + 100%, Pr- 0% and Her2-??

Oncotype results…. I am 38, pre menapausal, BRCA negative, no family history of breast cancer.


  • daffnay
    daffnay Posts: 1

    I'm ER+ 95% PR- 0%, HER2 low (+1), post-menopausal, BRCA negative. My mother and maternal aunt had bc. They were both diagnosed post-menopausal. I had genetic testing done, and I don't have any mutations. I had DCIS and LCIS, 26 years ago in the same breast.

    I had both the Oncotype DX and Endopredict. They both indicated I needed to have chemo. This is probably not what you want to hear. It came as a surprise to me, but it was probably for the best since I had that positive node.