An Old Friend Died

Hi All,
I just found out that an old girlfriend from my scuba diving days died last night from this horrible disease. Her name was Jerri. We lost touch over the years but we spent a lot of time diving together and taking trips. She was so full of life. She had a bumper sticker that said "I want it all". I remember her listening to songs over and over until she got all the words. Even that old Billy Joel song that has so many lyrics......can't think of the name....just numb. I did not even find out she had BC until yesterday when we were told by another friend that she was already on hospice and was incoherent. I'm just in shock. She was my age....50. I can see her face with her big curly hair, blue eyes, and her ever present smile. I hope she is at peace. I pray for her family.
Debbie -
I am so sorry for your loss. A coworker died on Tuesday of metastacized melanoma and we buried him on Friday. I still have a voice mail in his distinctive accent on my voice mail, and I don't want to erase it, as I can still pretend that he's just out in the field, as long as it's there.
It's just, I still want him to be in the world, because the world was just a little better with him in it.
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So sorry sorry.
Hugs, Traci
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Debbie, i am so sorry to hear that your friend Jerri passed away. I am sure that she is at peace now. You will always keep her memory in your heart. I have added her name to the List of Angels in the Friends and Relatives section.
hugs, celia
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Hugs to you.....I am so sorry for your loss. Your friend sounds like a wonderful person, and I know she will be missed.
I hate this disease!
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Thanks Celia for the additon of her name to the list of angels. Her funeral was Monday but we could not make it as I was having my implant exchange surgery. Here I was having a good day....felt kind of wierd. Mixed emotions.