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Changes you made after diagnosis?



  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,273
    edited January 2018

    This was a survey of sorts and seemed to show aspirin as protective (assuming not all the teachers were post-menopausal). They seem to think that the anti-inflammatory aspect of aspirin also helps contribute to lower risks.

    I started aspirin with tamoxifen because of the possible blood clots tamoxifen can cause; when I read aspirin could help prevent other things like dementia and recurrence, I just stuck with it.

    This study seems to think aspirin does little to assist in decreased risk:

  • meow13
    meow13 Member Posts: 1,363
    edited January 2018

    I didn't change anything related to diet and exercise since I was already living a healthy life in that respect but I did eliminate obnoxious people in my life.

  • ToughCookie101
    ToughCookie101 Member Posts: 119
    edited January 2018

    Meow. I love the comment! “I did eliminate obnoxious people in my life." I did the same. Best choice, started to focus on myself for once. I was also active before, and slowed down with the shock of diagnosis but back at it on a different level. I kickboxed for 13 years and had to stop that after the biopsies and I don't think it would go that well right after surgery either. I'll be back though! I cut down drinking. I wasn't a big drinker before, but cut it down even more. I am not eliminating it, I still want to live! :) I cut down on dairy and meat, but not removed it. I also cut out processed sugar for the most part. I did have a sweet tooth. I will have dessert maybe once a month now.

  • Hariry
    Hariry Member Posts: 100
    edited January 2018

    Wow girls, a really good thread. Glad to find this. I blamed cigarettes, when I was dx. 2-3 sticks a day on off (I stop smoking when I was pregnant/nursing) for the past 15yrs. Otherwise I too, lived a healthy life, balanced diet, no alcohol, regular exercise etc.

    So, since dx, I quit smoking. I do qi gong an hour everyday. I take more antioxidants and supplements. I rest more (well that's bc of se of chemo)...

    Sometimes I still ask"why me?"

    Most of the times I just be happy with what I do.

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,856
    edited January 2018

    After I was diagnosed with bone mets at the get-go I decided to make a number of changes. One of them was to exercise everyday. In the beginning it was just about taking walks in the forest. 10 years later I am still exercising daily but have a very varied routine. I think as with any medicine, dosage and type of exercise is important and should be personalized. You can't have too much nor too little. I also paid more attention to my upper body than I ever did.

    Second was diet. I increased my antioxidant consumption and fiber intake not through supplements but by eating foods rich in them, up to 10 servings a day. These days I get about 7 a day. I also started intermittent fasting at some point but stopped after a year, or rather increased my eating window. I still get a 13-hour fast a day on most days as opposed to 17 or 18 then. I try to eat low-carb and low sugar to maintain my weight. Christmas time is a big exception, vacations another. At various points and for periods lasting at least a month I tried aspirin, metformin, melatonin, anti-inflammatory meds (e.g., Celebrex, glucosamine and chondroitin), antihistamine. I figure in a month I could kill cancer cells and let my body recover from the meds after. My onc was happy to prescribe my "cure" of the month. I also had natural "cures" like broccoli sprouts (everyday for a whole summer), watercress (after the sprouts caused a thyroid nodule), fish oil, massage (daily for 3 months, really healing!!), acupuncture. I also cut down on alcohol to just 3 deciliters of wine a day (1 glass). I feel there's more wiggle room for me with regards to estrogenic effects of wine and food as I'm 10 years past menopause (chemo-induced). So far so good. Next month I will be NED 10 years. 

    There has been a lot of press lately on our gut microbiome. And thinking about it, the things I have done might have changed my gut microbiome to enhance my immune system enough to kill circulating tumor cells or micrometastasis not seen on imaging. Exercise supposedly can change the microbiome without a change in diet, improving insulin resistance. I actually have very low blood sugar and insulin levels now. This could be the reason,

    A high fiber diet also reduces inflammation and may help increase estrogen metabolism and excretion. More studies are needed

    A tumor suppressor called PML which studies show are related to tumor growth in breast cancer can be targeted by statins, so this could be another therapeutic direction. A low fat diet could also help as suggested by this study for prostate cancer. I try to avoid saturated fats but love olive oil. As long as my cholesterol numbers are good I won't worry about all the cheese and dairy I eat, which I figure is good for my bones.

    One last plug for leafy greens, a mainstay of my diet.

  • FarAwayToo
    FarAwayToo Member Posts: 79
    edited January 2018

    I'm adding this thread to my favorites! I've been doing a lot of research of my own, and find it pretty hard to navigate all the conflicting recommendations.

    What is the prevailing opinion on phytoestrogens for hormone positive BC patients and survivors? I love hummus, I make excellent lentil soup, and I've found very good crackers at Trader Joe's that have a lot of seeds, including flax seeds, and not much flour in them. But I keep asking myself if this is also somehow harmful to me?

  • BellasMomToo
    BellasMomToo Member Posts: 93
    edited January 2018

    I had a reasonably healthy lifestyle (both diet and exercise) before my dx. I figure one change I can make is to eat more organic foods so I am buying more organic products now.

    I'm avoiding adding new supplements to my diet because I hate having explain every single supplement (I may take) every time I go in for a test. It's embarrasing when they print out 2 pages of drugs/supplements/vitamins.

  • Roaming_Star
    Roaming_Star Member Posts: 66
    edited January 2018

    Hi - i started seeing a Naturopathic Oncologist. I am on meletonin, low dose naltrexone and vitamine k2 with vitamine d. Also changed to a low glycemic diet.

    Here is an article on low dose naltexone. Low dose naltrexone .

  • catlady72
    catlady72 Member Posts: 13
    edited January 2018

    What a great thread to follow. I feel like it's given me some ideas to try now.

    At my point of diagnosis, I was 45 years old and it devastated me because I had just lost my mom two months earlier to cancer. I felt like I needed to do whatever I could to prevent it from happening again. Anything.

    We did some juicing for a while, but haven't done it in some time. I keep meaning to return to adding juicing back in a little bit. I changed my diet, cut out sugar as much as possible, watched any products I used and switched many of them to organic or little preservatives (soap, shampoo, lotions, deoderant). I tried to stick to as much non-processed foods as possible, I upped my water intake, added lemon to it and started doing high pH water when possible. I added organic turmeric supplements and high vitamin D supplements to my diet. I tried to focus on mostly fruits and veggies, especially those with higher pH values, and limited meats. I try to just eat seafood and chicken for the most part, and I try to find only wild caught seafood whenever possible. I added a square of high cacao chocolate to my evening regiment.

    I am a tennis player, but don't do it as often as I wish I could. I did do a lot more walking and kept that up throughout my treatment...lumpectomy and chemotherapy. I only stopped playing tennis when I had to due to surgery (port insertion, lumpectomy, port removal).

    I dropped weight very quickly after my diagnosis but just my diet changes for the most part. Between April and August or so I lost about 30 pounds and I've kept it off so far, despite slipping a bit in the diet aspect, especially since the holidays. I've had more sugar than I should over the past few months. I'm not perfect, I've slipped, but I try to return back to my fruits and veggies as often as possible. Oh and I did add green tea but haven't had it as often as I should these days. I drink mostly water, some tea with stevia only, and that's about it most of the time.

    I know I need to do more exercise and that should be my next focus. I need to return to more fruits and veggies and probably also should back off on the chicken and dairy products (I LOVE cheese!) also. I need to return to juicing.

    I just started taking tamoxifen a month ago. I've been in chemo-induced menopause for some time already. I feel like I want to snack more often, and I am trying to blame the drug, but I don't know if that's the case.

    I'm always looking for new ways to incorporate better lifestyle changes to my diet to hopefully prevent my risk in the future, but I have a high incidence of cancer on BOTH sides of my family, so in my mind I always just knew it was a matter of time before I'd be diagnosed. I just expected, like most of the rest of my family members who have battled it and who have lost their battles, that I'd be diagnosed much later in life like they were but I wasn't that lucky.

  • claireinaz
    claireinaz Member Posts: 680
    edited January 2018

    Those of you that asked about BMI 19, it's just that I believe being leaner (and some research seems to support it) gives my body less fat cells for estrogen to hang out in and make trouble.

    Anything I can do to reduce circulating estrogen, like keeping my BMI lower, I'm going to do.

    Of course this requires counting calories on my Fitness Pal app most days. I find it much harder to lose weight b/c of menopause and the aromasin I take,, so I have to be vigilant about gaining any. Basically I feel like I've been on a pretty strict diet since 2012, argh.

    But I do take breaks when I'm on vacation!

  • meow13
    meow13 Member Posts: 1,363
    edited January 2018

    claire, my good bmi didn't prevent me from getting breast cancer. Hope it works for you.

  • Amelia01
    Amelia01 Member Posts: 178
    edited January 2018

    If I could starve it out I would.

    Is anyone doing infrared saunas to detox from chemo? Or what measures / supplements is anyone taking in the days post chemo to rid the body (zeolite? Epsoms salt?)

    Having a hard time getting infusion 2 out of my system. I’m feeling very spacey and want my brain back.

    I realize exercise is probably good, but am afraid I’d fall over.

    I’m confused about phytoestrogens. Still not sure how to tackle them but if I take them out of my diet, there goes my nutrition.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293
    edited January 2018

    Amelia01, from what I see phytoestrogens are either neutral or actually beneficial. According to the CMAJ study there's no need to remove soy from diet for example

    For your exercise needs , this might be the time to call in a friend - one of the "tell me if I can do anything for you" people - and have the come to walk around the block with you. Hope you feel better soon!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited January 2018

    Heidi, agree with your comments about gut health. Gut flora seems to affect virtually all systems in the body. We still don't know enough to make definite pronouncements, but I see it as another thing, similar to exercise, where it may help and there is no downside to eating enough fiber and cutting back on white starch. Also, again like the exercise, even if it doesn't prevent more cancer, it can help against general ills of aging as well as against long-term SEs of treatment (for example, elevated cholesterol from the AIs).

  • Amelia01
    Amelia01 Member Posts: 178
    edited January 2018

    The strongest probiotic on market seems to be VSL#3 (found worldwide).

    I am in need of someone to tell me "at 11:00am take this, at 3pm take that ....).

    I just ran across this (ok, scoured the www). Halt on fish oil and oily fish on days around chemo.

    And what does the jury say about antioxidants?

  • shellsatthebeach
    shellsatthebeach Member Posts: 50
    edited January 2018

    Love this thread! The biggest changes I'm making are to increase my exercise and eat healthy. Eating healthy has been rather easy so far. I try to eat organic whenever possible. I load my plate up with fresh veggies, added more fiber to my diet and mainly get my protein through fish, chicken, and/or beans. The best part is dropping weight. Exercise has been a bit trickier. I have two autoimmune diseases so I have trouble with my joints. The treatments I've had for BC has only made things worse. I do use the stairs at work at least six times a day and wear a fit bit and try to walk as many steps as possible. When the weather gets better, my joints are not so stiff and I will be getting outdoors and talking long walks up many hills. It makes me feel alive enjoying nature!

    Amelia, do be careful about supplements during chemo. Talk it over with your oncologist.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited January 2018
  • Hariry
    Hariry Member Posts: 100
    edited January 2018

    Thanks Amelia for the link reg fish oil. I think "moderation" is the key. We need good protein and if it comes with omega 3 so be it. We just don't take tones of it. Yes, I always wonder if antioxidants are ok. We need fruits and vegetables and they come with antioxidants. Will too much of it interfere the chemo effect? Any evidence anyone?

  • meow13
    meow13 Member Posts: 1,363
    edited January 2018

    Anyone get an emotional support animal after your diagnosis?

  • Amelia01
    Amelia01 Member Posts: 178
    edited January 2018

    Meow I’ve thought of two things regarding pets:

    Getting a tumor sniffing dog (or other creature)

    Getting rid of my a””hole cat who is not a therapy pet and oftentimes causes me undue stress due to his bad behavior (pet, pet, pet, bite!) . Unless he is the kind of animal that senses something is wrong and is trying to put me out of my misery.

    I’ve always had cats. An older house trained lap cat would probably make great company (kitten training is like having a baby!).

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited January 2018

    Meow, I didn't get a new animal, but the dog I already had became a closer companion. I also made friends with a pack of strays, during treatment. Especially the pack leader took to me. He would show up outside my house and wait for me to come and talk to him and pet him. He died 2 months ago, and it was like losing a close friend.

  • meow13
    meow13 Member Posts: 1,363
    edited January 2018

    My 2 cats, well my male cat is really my calm down support. It may seem silly but he helps me relax and cuddles me especially at night. Even though it has been 6 years since my diagnosis I have a deep fear of recurrence. I was thinking about trying to get my cats classified as emotional support animals so they can accompany me when I travel.

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited January 2018

    Maybe animal support is the way to get another cat into my house. We had two -- one passed (at 15) in Oct and hubby not keen on another yet. I can always play the cancer card, right?

  • Sophiemara
    Sophiemara Member Posts: 20
    edited February 2018

    I was dx 2.5 years ago now (at 34)and I do the following things:

    Plant based diet, no refined sugar (honey/stevia ok), dairy or red meat, I stopped drinking alcohol the day i was dx, but don't miss it anymore, try to incorporate iodine and selenium weekly (since bc patients are nearly always deficien at dx), take Vit D, magnesium and probiotics as supps.

    I exercise 4 times a week (3x spin/cardio and 1 yoga). I try to destress through yoga, but it can be hard.

    I avoid additional estrogen like the plague. I got a filtered water tap (previously could taste high cholerine content) and eat organic where possible.

    I no longer use insectides or weed killer like roundup in the garden. I also go for vinegar or similar as household products. I avoid parabens/sulfates and stick to natural face creams made with olive oil..

    may seem overkill, but so far so good.

    I do still dye my hair though..that's the one thing I can't do without

  • dani_katze
    dani_katze Member Posts: 8
    edited February 2018

    Hi Axolotl,

    I was the same age when I was diagnosed with my first BC. I understand your concern, but for what I know antidepressant doesn't represent a risk on BC. Have you feeling well since you left Zoloft? Rather contraceptic side effects in the long run describes BC as possibility. I took it for about 10 years and one of my oncologist told me that I had BC due this and because I haven't being pregnant. However I have known women who have been pregnant and have had BC afterwards...

    Before BC I used to do a lot of sports, so I continued doing this afterwards. I used to try to eat ealthier after my first diagnose and made some research about that. I tried to avoid sugar, red meat and to eat more fruits and vegetables. But I have to be honest, it wasn't easy. I was on tamoxiphen for years and I didn't know at that time, but one of its side effect is lack of appetite, so I just ate what it was fast to cook and to fill my stomach.

    Lately, I have been doing new research about food, as well as alcohol and for what I read and listened, there are people that report being healed after they left things like processed food, meat, alcohol and diery products, going vegan. But honestly this is too hard for me.

    I would like to go vegan, cut alcohol... but I feel too depressed right now. I'm just on antidepressant and will register in a gym to do some sports and feel better. That's all I can do right now.

  • Zena32
    Zena32 Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2018

    hi there,

    Some changes I have made is I stopped drinking immediately and I really believe thatmay have attributed to my diagnoses. I was a wine drinker and there have been many articles that link the two. I also actively try to cut down my stress, I juice and eat lots of raw veggies and fruit, don’t use the microwave period, and overall try to be more active.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 4,830
    edited April 2018

    I just found this thread. While we all have different ideas, some evidence based some just suspected, on what may or may not help to prevent recurrence, it is clear that there is no one solution and certainly no guarantees.

    I was, essentially, stage IV de novo (long story). At first, I was compulsive about avoiding sugar, juiced everyday, no alcohol etc. I was also very unhappy. I felt restricted and that my whole life revolved around thinking about breast cancer and how every little thing I did might help or hurt the situation. My younger dd, who lived with me at the time, got into arguments with me if she thought I was eating something that wasn't good for me or using non-organic products. It wasn't a fun way to live, especially since I already lived a healthy lifestyle. I decided to abandon all compulsive habits and behaviors and do what made me happy. I probably like sweets too much, but rarely drink alcohol (but don't deny myself if I want a drink). My food choices are heavy on produce, little red meat and organic if possible, but that's what I did before bc. Almost 7 years after dx, I remain NED. More importantly, I am happy and enjoying life. I hope you all do the same!

  • sandibeach57
    sandibeach57 Member Posts: 1,387
    edited April 2018

    Exbrnxgrl, I like how you have evolved! I am also easing up on being restrictive and enjoying life much more. Heck, I joined a wine club..mainly to tell myself that I could! Cancer is still hiding out in my body..playing a hide and seek game. But controlled for now.

  • 1redgirl
    1redgirl Member Posts: 94
    edited May 2018

    I do not think it is stress that causes cancer, but I do think great sadness is lethal over a long period of time. Some of us just cannot stop blaming ourselves for losses. 20 years ago, I was 5 minutes late to see my horse that I adored more than anybody. He was killed just before I got to him. I know it was just an accident. A bad decision by the stable hand. Still, the grief of finding him nearly dead in that pasture has crippled me emotionally. Since then and recently I have experienced extreme sadness over the loss of two other horses and a wild cat. Yes, I am an animal lover. They become like my kids. My world revolves around them. I grew up in a house with great sadness because of a fatal car accident. Previous to my first cancer, my parents had died, and my niece plus my in-laws. It was a terrible time. One goes on because we must. We look for an opening of happiness and we gladly walk through it. Just how many extreme griefs can one tolerate? I think if you can let go, it is more healthy. Some of us just cannot let go no matter how much we try. We are always looking back I think. At 65, I know more people that I loved that are now gone. I miss them still. I remember years ago, speaking with a woman that was about 85 and still rode her horse each week. All,her friends and familywere dead. She said it was hard to live with. Getting in that saddle kept her wanting to live.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited May 2018

    Redgirl, there are studies to back your intuition: "I think if you can let go, it is more healthy." I have a feeling that the impact of stressful and/or sad events has a lot to do with how we process and deal with it. Which would logically mean that it is more important to adjust coping skills than it is to avoid stress/trauma.