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Calling All Mepital Film Users!

Hi all, I found out about mepitel film prophylaxis for radiation from some other posts on this board. I asked my RO about it. She said that they do not typically use it but that I am welcome to if I want. So I went and ordered some from CVS. Since my radiation team doesn't typically use it I want to make sure I know what to do with it! Just cover the entire radiation field as a second skin for the length of the radiation and replace if films start falling off? I found some info on the manufacturer's website about how to apply it for breast radiation but it doesn't say anything about how long to leave it on, etc.



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  • lb13
    lb13 Posts: 48
    edited May 2020

    I am in a clinical trial with the Mepitel film. For this trial, you had to be D cup or larger, and be scheduled for 30 treatments. I am half-way through radiation. I do not see much of a difference where the film is compared to where it isn't. (In the trial, only 1/2 of my breast is covered) However - since radiation is cumulative - the doc said I may not know if there is a noticeable difference until my treatments are complete. The film is applied, then meant to stay on throughout treatment. For me, after week three, I have already had it replaced three times.... it rolls and peels almost daily, and if I get sweaty - it is a mess. The techs fix it up for me daily with tape and patches. It really isn't too bothersome other than being a bit itchy for me. Hoping it helps to prevent some burning for me and preserve my skin a little. After 15 treatments, I am pink and warm on the affected breast, but no skin breakdown as of yet. :)

  • BCat40
    BCat40 Posts: 121
    edited May 2020

    thanks! do they have you putting cream on the non-film side for comparison?

  • mac5
    mac5 Posts: 85
    edited May 2020

    LB13, can you send me a link for the Trial you are in? I’m in Pennsylvania also.

    I will have 33 Radiation Treatments. My simulation is May 26 so I’m anticipating the Treatments will begin in June.

    I would like to be in the Trial because my MX incision is still healing and I will have whole breast radiation and under arm.

    The RO said to expect redness on my back during treatment so ima bit freaked ou.

  • lb13
    lb13 Posts: 48
    edited May 2020

    BC@40 - I am using Eucerin and udder cream on the unprotected side and into my armpit.

    mac5 - I do not have a link for the trial (I will ask at my next treatment), but it i s through the Allegheny Health Network and Dr. Trombetta. I am in Pittsburgh.

  • mac5
    mac5 Posts: 85
    edited May 2020

    Thanks LB13. I just ordered some 4x8 sheets from the pharmacy. Kind of pricey, but I'm terrified of radiation burns. There's a reason but probably not a good excuse. I was a Radiation Technician Trainee in 1970. Had a Patient with a huge ugly Mastectomy/Radiation Scar we had to do follow ups on every 6 months. Not a pretty memory. I'm sure it couldn't happen now, but still scared

    I’m at PennState Hershey

  • BCat40
    BCat40 Posts: 121
    edited May 2020

    LB, keep us updated on how it works out for you as you complete your treatment!

  • tigerbunny
    tigerbunny Posts: 4
    edited May 2020

    I had my first appointment today. I talked to RO about mepitel at my consult, and again at my tattoo appointment. She claims to have not received the study I sent (and it is possible the portal ate it). But I showed up with it and they would not put it on.

    "oh, we don't put ANYthing on skin during treatment" I'm pretty sure that's protocol, I know I have not been reading things incorrectly.

    But I'm a little freaked out as I was nauseated after and now and I feel hot and prickly. If I'm like that after one treatment, I don't see how I'm going to reach 30.

    I am printing it to take tomorrow, and turning it into a format that the portal will permit. And I'm finna to refuse treatment unless they put it on me tomorrow.

    I tried to order from CVS and they said 'nope'. But I was able to find it in local CVS stores.

  • BCat40
    BCat40 Posts: 121
    edited May 2020

    Hi Tigerbunny! Good for you for standing up for yourself! My RO said I could use the mepitel and has seen the studies, but when I went in for my mapping not one of the radiation techs or nurses knew what it was or why i would be using it. I made sure to tell them I would be using it while the doctor was still there so they could see that she approved, since the doctor will not be at every treatment session. This is at a major hospital in NYC. They must treat 1,000s of patients a year in the radiation dept.

  • Kel25
    Kel25 Posts: 1
    edited May 2020

    I would like to try the Mepital for radiation, however, I am worried about the chemicals from the film being absorbed into the skin due to the radiation. Has anyone read anything about the risks of this happening? I have to have 6 weeks of radiation and have not started yet.

  • BCat40
    BCat40 Posts: 121
    edited June 2020

    EDIT: I found a description of the content of the film--the part in contact with the skin is just silicone so it should be safe!

  • mac5
    mac5 Posts: 85
    edited June 2020

    Good for you tigerBunny! Even if you have to sign a Waiver for them to use something not in their Protocol I think it’s worth it. There are too many Studies showing that it prevents Radiation Burns not to use it. IMO

    After 7 Rads with Mepitel of one type, my RO said it’s okay to switch to the Mepitel Lite film. The “Lite” is a film like the tagaderm covering over an IV site or a Port Site. It should stay on my skin much easier.

  • lb13
    lb13 Posts: 48
    edited June 2020

    I finished my treatment on June 9th, and will have a skin check this afternoon. I will fill out final paperwork from Mepitel clinical trial also. My personal experience is: Following 30 radiation treatments, the half that was under the film throughout the trial had little to no burns or skin breakdown. The other half was red, raw, seeping and a mess. The worst of it was under my arm and the underside of my right breast in the fold. That being said, the Mepitel film itself was a pain - itchy, always rolling and peeling up - had to be replaced multiple times throughout the six weeks of treatment - and annoying in general. However - if I could have done it for my whole breast - I would have and if I had to choose to do it again - I would. The skin area without the film was extremely painful for the last two weeks and is now starting to heal. I think the Mepitel film saved me some additional grief.

  • BCat40
    BCat40 Posts: 121
    edited June 2020

    Thanks for the update LB13! I am halfway through my treatment and have definitely had to put some effort into re-patching peeling areas of film but I think it will be worth it! So sorry you had such a bad reaction on the uncovered side. My hat is off to you for soldiering through 30 treatments. I only have to have 21 and I already can't wait to be done.

  • lb13
    lb13 Posts: 48
    edited June 2020

    Hang in there @BC@40 - you WILL get through this. I hated it too, but I can say now that it is over - I am SO relieved and feeling better each day. My skin is already close to being completely healed and I remind myself daily that I have NED. I am doing everything I can to keep this nasty monster from ever coming back anywhere in my body again! We must remain positive and enjoy each and every day. Thinking of you and sending you big hugs!

  • mac5
    mac5 Posts: 85
    edited June 2020

    LB13 and BCat40

    Just checking in...I’m in the third week of Rads. Just want to say again THANK YOU! The Mepitel Film is amazing! I finally got the right kind to use (Mepitel Lite) and after 15 tx there is NO redness.

    My RO agreed to place the film to cover the complete field of exposure. It covers the whole chest from collar bone to bottom of rib cage and under the arm to about a quarter of my back. It does peel and roll up where there is an overlap. So the RO says she will “trim” the pieces to fit in the future.

    If things go this well to the end of tx she says she will help change the protocol for her patients. 😁

    Maybe I can have the Reconstruction after all

  • BCat40
    BCat40 Posts: 121
    edited June 2020

    Mac so glad it is working for you. You got the clear stuff without the foam right? It’s easy to get confused with the Mepitel and Mepilex.

  • lb13
    lb13 Posts: 48
    edited June 2020

    @Mac5 - I am so glad it is working for you as well! :)

  • Ann22
    Ann22 Posts: 1
    edited August 2021

    My RadOnc said it was my choice to use Mepitel prophylactically but that she had concerns it might possibly affect the radiation amounts right under the skin. There is a nurse from one of our local hospitals who will apply it for anyone who wants it but isn't affiliated with the cancer center that I'm getting radiation at (I'm in Canada) I haven't come across this potential risk anywhere else...I am curious if anyone who is enrolled in a study has been informed about this potential risk? I am getting a condensed five day course with five extra booster days. I understand that the jury is still out on the definitive benefits of Mepitel but I was not expecting to hear that using it might actually have a detrimental effect.

  • mac5
    mac5 Posts: 85
    edited August 2021


    I can say without any doubt whatsoever the Mepitel Film prevented Radiation skin damage during my treatments.

    I had 31 Radiation treatments and 5 “Bolus" treatments on the incision. The mepitel film prevented the radiation area from even becoming slightly red.

    I have no skin darkening or color changes at all. From my personal experience I HIGHLY recommend the film.

    Due to other complications, my Reconstruction Surgery was delayed. But I know plan to have “foobs" on August 31, 2021.

    Good luck!

    I’ve included a Study for you

  • macdebbie
    macdebbie Posts: 70
    edited October 2021

    mac5 and others, where did you find the Metipal? I can't find it anywhere (I live in SC). I've called every pharmacy in the area and they said they can't even order it.

  • lw422
    lw422 Posts: 1,419
    edited October 2021

    Macdebbie--you are misspelling Mepitel, so that might help your search. As I said in your other thread, it is available at CVS and on Amazon, but verify with your RO to make sure they will allow it. Good luck!

  • BCat40
    BCat40 Posts: 121
    edited October 2021

    I have to apologize for misspelling mepitel in the title of this thread. I was trying to find it for another patient and it appears CVS has discontinued carrying it. You should ask your RO where to get it. You want to make sure you are getting the thin clear stuff and not the thicker beige bandages.


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