How has the Pandemic affected you as a cancer patient/survivor
QC government is trying its best to spread the virus. The Ministry of Education is looking for parent volunteers to cover for teachers who can't be in the classroom due to COVID.
Gotta keep those under-vaccinated kids in the school Petri dish with no clean air and no good masks.
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11 being sent home from school with an at home test as a close contact as I write. I still have drains. 20 is set to go back to college on Sunday. She is hoping to at least get back into her labwork for a little bit until they shut things down...I was thinking that since numbers here are improving, she has a shot at staying in the lab.. This is too stressful.
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Dancemom - Hope 11 is negative and that you’re recovering well. It is stressful.
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thanks serenity. His first home test was negative, we are to redo in a few days. Stupidest thing is we don't even know if he is actually a close contact. Lab apparently lost some tubes.. ? At this point, whatever, i throw my hand up and just hope the fact that i am off ibrance because of the surgery means I have some white blood cells left.🤪🤪
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unfortunately my 11 is too prude to enjoy that fart joke as much as I did, haahhaa
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"Researchers concluded vaccine hesitancy is associated with being less oriented toward the future, and more likely to choose a smaller reward today than wait for a better one later"
"The new study, funded in part by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, surveyed just over 2,000 people, divided about evenly between fully vaccinated and unvaccinated people.
Using standard psychological questionnaires, they were probed on three aspects of cognition.
One looked at so-called "delay discounting," with questions about whether the person would prefer $500 now or $1,000 at some point hours or days away. Another examined the subjects' "time perspective." They were asked, for instance, if they agreed that "living for the moment is more important than planning for the future," or "I spend a lot of time thinking about how my present actions will have an impact on my life later on."
The researchers also looked at "executive dysfunction" of the brain, asking subjects how often they felt that "I am likely to do things without considering the consequences" or "I act without thinking."
There was a weaker connection between people who scored high on the executive dysfunction scale and resistance to the COVID prevention measures, the study found.
"There is a slight, but reliable, tendency for vaccine-hesitant people to be a little more sensitive to near-term rewards," Hall said in summarizing the findings.
That conclusion is "entirely consistent" with what's been observed on the ground, said Wilson. He pointed to the uptick in vaccinations in Quebec after the province required them for buying liquor or cannabis in government stores — a short-term benefit of getting the shot — and a new Simon Fraser University study that suggested there was an average 66-per-cent increase in first-dose vaccination after vaccine mandates were announced in Canada and three other countries."
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nice to see anecdotal evidence backed up. Now how do we fix it...
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Since the new year holiday weekend, the biggest increase in first doses in QC have been in the 5-11 age group (57% to 60% with first dose). It's not clear that the booze and weed mandate made a difference. The 18-39 group still at 89% with first dose in the same time period. There seemed to be a brief uptick in adult first doses after the threat of a tax on unvaccinated.
I would prefer adding the COVID vaccine to the list of vaccines mandated for school, healthcare systems, and large businesses . For kids, offer vaccinations for all eligible family members at the same time. United Airlines followed through on its vaccine mandate. They went from having one employee dying per week to 0 deaths in at least 8 weeks. Vaccine mandates are good for the bottom line.
Vaccinations alone aren't enough. We need to apply all NPIs.
It would really help if those in charge would stop blocking the public health tools that we know work.
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Thanks, Beesie, for posting those results. Not surprising to see the correlation between lower executive function and vaccine resistance, especially here in the US. That, coupled with the anti vax propaganda and the deliberate misinformation campaign has made for a perfect storm here in the states.
Never thought I'd see something like this in my country. It's disheartening to say the least.
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Here’s a Twitter account started by a parent in QC because the provincial government has not been transparent. They’ve added CO2 monitors to some schools with no improvements to ventilation/filtration. I won’t be surprised if his assumption comes true. (2633 ppm is too high.)
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I think the recent increases in first/second doses in young kids and third doses for 50+ is the realization that the QC government is trying to get everyone infected.
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For those in the US, you can order covid tests at the following link:
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This is another one. It's suppose to go active tomorrow but I just checked it and it looks like it's active now.
Both will ship tests later in the month.
Sorry for two posts but I couldn’t get both links to post in one
Edited for spelling.
0 - works 😁. I just put in orders for each of my semi-adult kids households as well as mine. Unfortunately 4 tests doesn't go very far in a house of 9 college girls. I suppose it's a start.
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I heard on the news it went live today. I guess they were worried the site could crash if everyone tried at the same time tomorrow.
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Many thanks for the heads up! Got on it right away and printed my acknowledgment. Surprisingly easy. Hope the delivery happens on schedule
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Dancemom - Nice sign!
While my husband drove me to the hospital today, I saw a taxi with 3 masked people in the back, but the driver had his mask on over his chin. 🤦🏻
Also, don't try to catch COVID!
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It shouldn’t be surprising that forcing COVID+ HCWs back to work leads to more COVID+.
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Serenity- I would not have gotten into that taxi!
I only go out when I absolutely have to now because of people like this (who either won’t mask or won’t wear them correctly). Lucky that I can still wfh
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1) I love Princess Bride! I remember seeing it when it first came out.
2) I felt bad for the passengers, but he may have had it up when they first got in. It was frigid yesterday, so waiting for another taxi would be unpleasant. There is usually a plexiglass barrier. If the trip is short enough, there may not have been enough time for any possible viruses to spread. Opening both car doors would work well to ventilate the back.
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We pretty much watch Princess Bride at least annually! Such a good movie.
A nurse I know refers to cars as “covid containers.” Opening windows is a great idea when there’s no other option.
Stay safe,
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I used to watch it so often I could say the lines!
I can avoid taxis, but sometimes I’ve had to take the commuter train. Then I sit near the doors. With omicron around I only go to medical appointments mostly by our own car.
The QC leaders have decided that even with the death rate at its highest since last winter they will loosen restrictions. University students are going on strike.
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I was planning to go into one of my schools today- the director had a mastectomy a few years ago, so approached me with a work together solution as she felt so much better about everything when she got back to work after her surgery.
She called me last eve to say "don't come in". 3 kids tested positive. They are too young to be vaxxed. The kids who had covid in the past 3 months will be allowed to stay, but she said its not worth the risk for me.
As for getting around, I'm on public transportation daily. No other way. Even with that I've been walking 3-4 miles a day. I'm happy to say 95% of non-police are masked.
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This is from Australia, but it's probably pretty representative of the situation everywhere:
The simple numbers every government should use to fight anti-vaccine misinformation
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With cases, hospitalizations, and deaths still at high levels, QC is loosening restrictions like allowing limited indoor dining (why they think the virus pauses spreading while eating/drinking is beyond me) . They still have not improved ventilation in schools. We can go out to eat, go to school, but heart/cancer surgeries can wait because we don't have enough staffed beds.
Schools and restaurants fall in the red areas.
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We need clean air like we have clean water. It will help prevent future pandemics.
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I don't know if there is a paywall, but John M Barry's essay in the NYT on what we can learn from the 1918 Influenza's fourth wave - in 1920 is quite enlightening as we seem to be tripping down the same path in 2022. .
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And history repeats itself! Very interesting article.
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The trucker protest in Ottawa is out of control. My daughter has a friend who’s driving people so they can stay off public transit to avoid getting threatened for wearing a mask. These protesters have the support of the police. 😡