How has the Pandemic affected you as a cancer patient/survivor



  • Wish we had these kits (with N95 masks) distributed everywhere, but we completely missed highlighting the message that “information and instructions WILL change during the pandemic."


  • How about some sort of positive news?

    An epidemiologist caught COVID. He and his wife have had 2 doses and not yet eligible for booster. Their infant child protected from mom’s vaccination while pregnant and nursing. With addition of other NPIs (constant N95 use, extra ventilation/filtration, and rapid testing), the wife and child are still negative. 👍


  • I woke up with a sore throat on Sunday and tested positive for Covid on Monday. It’s a breakthrough case - I had my first 2 Pfizer vaccines last March and was boosted in November. The good news is that it’s presenting as a head cold with sore throat. No fever and lungs are clear so far. I started feeling a little better this afternoon so hoping that continues. I know some people who will spin it as proof that vaccination doesn’t work but I feel the opposite is true. It appears to be a milder case that is not requiring medical intervention or hospitalization - just OTC medication and rest. I am also older (63) and have high blood pressure so while not considered “high risk” for complications from Covid I don’t think I’m in a low risk group either. Stay safe out there all

  • Me too, Bitchonwheels. Both my husband and I tested positive a couple of weeks ago. We're vaccinated and got our boosters the end of August. I had fever and a slight cough, headache, along with symptoms of a head cold, for a couple of days. He had no fever but had the same head cold symptoms for about a week. Did our vaccinations protect us? YES. We were mildly ill. We had stuffy noses, not pneumonia. We took solitary walks outside for a few days, not weeks alone on a ventilator in the ICU. The biggest downside, by far, was our 10-day isolation. There are just so many episodes of Longmire and Downton Abbey you can watch.

  • dancemom
    dancemom Posts: 408

    I know of dozens of mild breakthrough cases. I also know of 2 breakthrough (fully vaxxed and boosted) cases in healthy adults (mid 50s) which required hospitalization. Short stays, no ventilation. People need to understand that the medical definition of "mild" is often still no walk in the park. Both those patients are grateful to have not had "serious " cases.

    I am increasingly disappointed in the men (predominantly) who willingly risk their lives for the rest of us daily. I wish police and fire would see that the simple act of wearing a mask in the subway is as lifesaving as their heroics. And also that as enforcers, they should be models.

    I just wish people would understand. This is not about YOU. it is about everyone. Sorry your parents were bossy so you won't take directions. It's not a choice about YOUR body if you plan on breathing near another human. Just get vaccinated already!!! Look at history! I know I am preaching to the choir here. Just venting.

  • Hope those with COVID fully recover soon. The vaccinations are working.

    Dancemom - The vaccine/mask resistance from essential workers is frustrating. You would think the increased deaths from COVID among their coworkers would change their minds.

    The trucker protest in Ottawa is infuriating. The police are letting it continue. The “protesters" are terrorizing Ottawa residents. I cannot imagine being subjected to 5+ days of incessant honking, diesel fumes, and threats. While a student I woke up to car honking on an early Sunday morning. I was so mad I went out barefoot in the cold to yell at the woman to stop. 🤬

  • We have not had covid yet in our house, but we live like it's 2020 still. I can wfh and my husband is on chemotherapy and retired. He's had the vaccines plus a booster but still has very low immunity. Hoping for a fourth shot for him this spring.

  • Ottawa omicronvoy is ongoing, but similar protests around Canada have been nipped in the bud. Getting insurance companies involved will help.

    In Olympic news, Canada women's hockey beat Russians while wearing KN95 masks (Layfield 95PFE-L3 KN95 Respirator Mask - have these 👍). After seeing a figure skater drop out due to becoming COVID+, it makes sense.

    😷 🇨🇦💪


  • wrenn - I’m sorry you’re feeling so anxious. Send me an SOS if you need. Anytime.

  • Wrenn, I'm sorry. Anxiety about ANYTHING is such a dark and dragging shadow. Sending mental sunshine your direction.

    Well, we're all going out somehow. Having a sudden stroke at home ain't the worst I can think of, even the lying rotting on the floor part, which cracked me up.

  • wrenn, I'm may be on the other side of the country but I'm right there with you. (((Hugs)))

  • illimae
    illimae Posts: 5,755

    Wrenn, can you get a brain MRI to be sure? I don’t want to add to any anxiety but brain mets can be sneaky.

  • Wrenn, I'm so sorry you're going through a rough spell. Are you planning to get another cat? Would that help you in the anxious times?

  • Wrenn, I've been thinking about what you said while I puttered around. It occurred to me that you're really brave to admit all of that. I have a lot of similar thoughts but I can't say them to anyone, not even my doctors. Especially my doctors. My fear of being thought a hypochondriac is worse than my fear of cancer or other medical issues. I just wait until my next scheduled appointment to bring up anything - and I usually don't bring it up, thinking that it can wait until the next 6-month or 1-year appointment, or it will go away on its own. I'll bring up a few things with my PCP, but it's usually the least scary thing on my list. I guess it's because I was raised in a house where the reaction to injuries was "Don't bleed on anything!" and to illness was "Take an aspirin and quit complaining!"

    Stoicism sucks.

    Edited to add, what a gorgeous cat! I'm sorry you can't have one now.

  • Wrenn, I don’t think. Richard looks like a leg eater. 😁 He was gorgeous and, a pussy cat I’m sure. I’m glad you are feeling a bit better and hope you will reach out if stress starts to get on top of you. I can’t pop over easily but am a good listener. 😊

    Alice, totally hear you on the issue of seeming like a hypochondriac. It’s a HUGE issue for me despite or because of my MBC diagnosis. Prior to MBC I rarely went to a doctor but now? OMG! I feel like I am there all the time as it is but then, when I report a new symptom I end up in the fast lane. Don’t get me wrong, I really appreciate the responsiveness but when tests come back normal I have a huge amount of guilt (wasting precious health care resources) and, quite frankly, feel like I am neurotic. The reality is, I am probably right thinking something is going on more often than I am wrong but still… for those of us raised to stay calm and carry on, this disease and the resulting angst is crazy making!

    Serenity, soooo irritated with the Ottawa occupation and the fact that the official opposition seems to be supporting them. It needs to be recognized that this is a very vocal minority. Thankfully the Go Fund Me gravy train has been cut off so hopefully they will go home..

  • rah2464
    rah2464 Posts: 1,192

    Wren thank you for giving voice to those anxieties and fears we all can have. I truly hope you find some relief from the worry. Handsome Richard certainly looks large enough to nosh on a leg, but I agree with Sadiesservant, I think he is more of a sweetie. I am sorry you are unable to have the furry companionship. I will offer a spare bedroom as I have plenty of furry ones down here. However, I won't guarantee that mine are as well behaved as Richard

  • Wrenn, So glad you're feeling better!

  • wrenn - Yay! I need to dig out my Ativan.

    Sadiesservant - The terrorists in Ottawa need to go. Hoping they lose their insurance and licenses at the minimum.Arson and assault are not part of a peaceful protest.

  • rah2464
    rah2464 Posts: 1,192

    Wow Wrenn glad you are feeling better.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Posts: 3,534

    I'm not ready. Not while public spaces aren't cleaning the air, elective surgeries are backed up, and HCWs are burned out. And we have a shortage of ambulances. I'm keeping my mask on.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Posts: 1,667

    Excellent. Now for that to be made into a usable mask.

  • dancemom
    dancemom Posts: 408

    I think its way too early in cities. And for any transit going into cities. And for people planning to visit cities. There is just no such thing as being 6 feet away in nyc!!! It physically can't happen. Store aisles are tighter and more crowded. Buses and subway cars are back to standing room only. In my 900 unit building, I am sharing the elevator air with every previous rider of the past hour. The "highest" in area vax rate is Manhattan at 72%. What happened to herd immunity at 95%, 90%, then 85%...? And why should unvaxxed tourists eat out when I can't because of them? Relaxing everything in big open spaces with big box stores, big SUVs, and big chain restaurants might be acceptable in vaccinated areas. But NOT in densely populated areas. The same people who won't vax also wont mask.

  • salamandra
    salamandra Posts: 770

    I am planning to continue wearing my mask at school, to help support kids who don't feel safe taking it off. I'm honestly not sure about how to make the decision beyond school. I am intellectually leaning towards masking until all ages are eligible for vaccines.

  • dancemom
    dancemom Posts: 408

    I am currently not so worried about being sick as I am about more delays in treatment. Until the medical establishment says I don't need to show keep negative covid tests to have Mri, a CT scans, bone scans, biopsies, surgery, have my radiation mapping.. . It is still a pandemic. Anyone who thinks it is over should have to get a negative test to use their GD toilet.

    Its not over. 72% vaxxed NYC is not herd immunity. Allowing tourists to eat inside with no vax proof is prolonging this spread.

    Ok, maybe we won't get AS sick now (I know of dozens of break through, mostly pretty mild, but 2 friends were hospitalized). But I (and MANY others) can be DENIED TREATMENT because somebody didn't feel like getting vaxxed or wearing a mask, and then we test positive.

    It is TOO early to abandon both vax restrictions AND mask mandates at the same time. My child cannot go to school next week until I see how things play out.

  • illimae
    illimae Posts: 5,755

    Well, todays stats put Houston at a 3.8 positivity rate, which is great, and I’m happy that I’ve managed to avoid the beast for over two years now but I will absolutely continue masking indoors and around crowds in the city. Without a vaccine for those of us with severe allergies, I must remain on guard. But that’s ok, I’m happy progress is being made for the majority of others out there. Stay safe 🙂

  • dancemom
    dancemom Posts: 408

    illimae i love how you are always so calm and positive. I hope people continue to respect that some people really need community protection.

  • trishyla, great topic. so now just about everything, include air transport, is dropping mask requirements. as stage IV with bone mets, i'm not too thrilled about it even though i've done very well with isolating as i'm already a quasi-hermit LOL. i'm interested in hearing from anyone in the community who has survived covid. oh did i also mention i had sepsis last summer? good times! PS - PCC area Pasadena here in the house!

  • illimae
    illimae Posts: 5,755

    edgeofnoreturn, my husband and I have stayed safe from Covid, colds, flu, etc. by employing faiy strict precautions and common sense. We still mask indoors in public, although we’ve been busy and just don’t go out much. I will relax some and try going maskless in the nearby very small town when the situation allows (not when tourists are around). I’m stage IV too and my husband is diabetic, so neither of us are taking risks.

    I hope everyone else is doing well 🙂

  • gladis
    gladis Posts: 43

    I'm sad. Yet, I read these and try desperately to suck it up.

    I followed my husband to CA for a great job-----Left ALL my friends, my child, my Littles, and sold all our belongings, our home across from a cow mooing meadow.

    we said goodbye to our life- and Jumped!

    THEN, nine days after we arrived here in British Columbia, we were in lockdown for the next 18 mos(No travel in or out of BC)

    This past Feb 17th I found a 1.5cm lump in the shower (IDC) HR + Her (-) for the moment, right?

    I'd been feeling really off, and I'd been feeling 'odd' for a long while and started Googling 'heavy boob feel'

    The covid vaccine caused a serious health flare. UGH but I did it

    .Against medical advice, trying to get to our son's Bosotn wedding after 2 yrs without friend or family ...I risked it.

    Please, don't judge, after over 700 days with only us 2...24/7...

    and now IDC-

    The biopsy one month ago and excision surgery April 11th-I know I'm lucky to even have surgery with the pandemic's surgery wait list and bumping !

    The Pandemic brought an already burdened medical system to it's knees here in British Columbia.

    A GIANT wait list , my retired neighbor is on a 3 yr ankle surgery wait list.

    She was a Banff forester , she can't walk farther that a few feet)

    My breast cancer surgeon in Vancouver has scheduled and rescheduled and failed to phone me back at all since my surgery on April 11.

    Even 3 msg (one a day they request)

    of me trying to self diagnose bruises from neck to crotch (lumpectomy left 1.5cm)

    (Thank you mods for reaching out, I was scared out of my mind. Thank you rah for answering, I teared up)

    The entire internet does not have any images that looked like me after my lumpectomy- I took the picture down, it was scary- wtf?

    and now a seroma??? It is the size/shape of a DOVE soap bar (Sent. Node removal.) Painful but no fever.

    Today, 8 days later the nurse phoned to say the office is overwhelmed, he's in the er, and to go to an emergency room. NO worries, while there is no answering service, the phone message says go to the er too)

    or see a family dr (he too is unable to see me or anyone on short notice, but booking out a month.)

    --I will if This is an actual emergency but it is sketchy, we've been 2x over the last 2 years....

    I'm unsure what happens IF I don't get this drained though

    (I've read the threads under the topic seroma :-()
    But, (pls don't judge, I'm wrecked and lonely)

    I'm driving 8 hrs to see my daughter in Washington right now, where she is flying in ...I have to.

    I'm also aware, I'm lucky to have what I do, a home, a paid for car, and my husband is working and while the pandemic has /is taking a toll on my mind and my poor marriage..

    This pandemic has sucked the marrow from the bones of civilization in myriad ways.

    I KNOW this moment before a DX is the best time, the medical data is in someone's lab (ty) or by now on someones desk. for now my family is ok, right now.(ty ty ty)

    (BTW: my pap smear from January is still an unknown, taking 16 weeks on average I'm told)

    The pandemic allowed me to 'entertain' 2 cancers breast being only the one.

    The poor People who perished in a car accident just now in Surry-- didn't get even this much warning

    I've been warned. Suck it up buttercup. I tell me this a lot.

    The pandemic has made life a microscope view of now, don't look back, don't dream forward without the caveats

    Cancer has made a bright yellow highlighter mark with a black thick sharpie exclamation point on life.

    I miss me, my idealistic hopeful insides and can't believe that the pandemic losses, the missed everything, the attempt by MOST of us - with a can do attitude, and a hail to science..could entertain this so Ted Lasso like -It's " The Hope that kills you"

    Sorry to be sad on this rainy cold day, but thanks for the pandemic subject to give a rant to reflect on what has been a 100 yr historic 2x4 to society.

    Best to every soul,



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