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My Chemotherapy Journey



  • pneuma
    pneuma Member Posts: 138
    edited October 17

    STILL day 1. My husband arrived home. Ask what I want to do. Go to clinic or what. He came home in the afternoon. I still just lay there in the bed wallowing in misery I honestly don't know what I am waiting for.. a miracle? maybe I will feel better? Though not sure how when I don't eat or want to do anything really. I just am sooo weak, no energy at all. Anyway by night time and when it's time for me to shower. I just broke down again because I just am SO FUCKING TIRED of the extra shit I have to do for these fucking relentless boils now blisters to clean it, dress it, bandage just… so fucking over this shit already compounded by the fact - I HAVE NO ENERGY!!!! I am so weak… so I told my husband it's time to go to the clinic. We went to the same urgent care place the last time. This time it's different. They can see how weak I am. Because I told them so. That I am fearing I may have sepsis because I have an active infection, I am so fatigued, weak. The amount of blood they drew for me holy shit. and my hemoglobin is already LOW!! In fact I think I ran out of blood that day, because the last blood they draw I can see it's like almost water!!! DAMN it!

    We were there for what seems like forever. Waiting for the go ahead I guess for me to be admitted to the hospital.

    Something funny happen the lady next to me rejected the hospital they were sending her LOL. I actually saw her walk out of the place. LOL. I just heard her son say his mom don't want to go to that hospital and won't sign the paper. LOL.

    Well since I like to torture myself and my mantra with this fucking cancer journey is - FUCK it, if I die, I DIE!! The same hospital the lady rejected…? That's the same hospital they're sending me. LOL. I was like watev. That hospital has some bad reputation so I don't blame her. But I like to live on the edge or probably I just want to die already but I don't know why I keep living DAMN IT!

    anyway forever hrs later…. the ambulance took me to the hospital… it's technically day 2 by then. So…

    Day 2. Saturday the 12th. I arrived in the hospital around 3am I think. What a welcome surprise. I had a private room. The nurse was really nice. Hook me up with IV. Draw some more blood. Infectious Dr. seen me, Checked my boils. While I was there, I was hooked with magnesium, endless saline, the rotating nurses if they feel like it put ointment on my boils. They're supposed to put it twice a day but of course!! —- they only put it once a day!! LOL. I also was given potassium and D3 pills to take.

    Day 3. Sunday the 13th. I had a blood transfusion. While there my hemoglobin went down 6.9 well I fucking wonder why? Maybe because they draw blood on me like I don't know 5 times a day? SHIT! I had 1 unit of blood transfusion. At least I finally know what my blood type is. LOL.

    This is also my first ever transfusion. Anyway my nurse that day say if I have fever, headache, pain anything during transfusion to tell her - fortunately I had no issue at all.

    Day 4. Monday the 14th. I was feeling restless already. I mean I felt better without a shadow of a doubt. I tell whoever comes to my room nurse, aide, DR., please can I go home today? Anyway I finally was released from the IV so I can walk around my room I was pacing up and down feeling restless wanting to go home then BAM! who walked into my room? My torturer!!! my good for nothing onco!! LOL. I was like WHOA! what u doing here? She was like right? 7 am in the morning… In my mind - I was like bitch OK… so? Anyway she was there to see my boil ok so I showed it to her. And because she is a sadist she asks if I also have mouth sores. Bitch must be really disappointed when I told her NO! LOL.

    Anyway this same bitch that told me if my hemoglobin of 8 comes down to 7 then she will order a transfusion. But when I told her I have transfusion coz my hemoglobin went down 6.9 she said if it was her she won't do it. AHAHAHAHAHAAH what a fucking clown this bitch is! Whatever. I did call my sister who is a Dr. if I should have transfusion she told me the same thing. I think it really is protocol that when your hemoglobin goes down to 7 they will order transfusion. So of course I followed my sister's advice.

    But anyway I finally was released. Holy shit. I finally am free. All I can say I made the right decision. Not even going to say anything about my infection but to say it's still there but it's not aggravating me anymore. I still have to do extra shit for it. But it's looking good. Well at least anyone who check on it say so. sooooo OK, I guess.

    But the most I am glad about is that I have energy again. In fact today I did some household chores, did some dancing, did some exercising, I feel good again!!!! I decided to do something about this fucking infection because my surgery is next month and I want this infection cleared before my surgery! I am not even going to say anything anymore about that. Just hopefully that the surgery finally happens. Another first for me. So Ugh. I want the science part of this cancer journey to be over already because all science do was wreck my body. Ya my hospital stay did work but… ugh I just want this to be over already. Although I know it will only be over when I am dead.

    So SHIT!

  • pneuma
    pneuma Member Posts: 138
    edited October 18

    So just want to say, even before I was diagnosed I have always viewed cancer as a death sentence. So I basically consider myself a walking dead the day I was diagnosed.

    Anyway, I feel real good after my hospital stay. Not happy with the transfusion because of the risks. Although I think the reason why I had no reaction at all with the transfusion is because apparently I am immunosuppressed due to chemo. At least that's what I read in the paper they gave me. And that's why this infection ravaged my body. UGH.

    Happy to see it healing though. Finally, I think the antibiotic works and without a shadow of a doubt - those endless saline infusion is also a big part of that. I think that's what I believe. I want to add, I was actually given an antibiotic infusion while I was in the hospital and when I was released, I was given the capsule form of the antibiotic to take. I am still taking it until this Saturday.

    Now I have insatiable appetite and I want to think I was given a vampire blood. LOLOLOLOLOL. How I wish………

    MY energy is back and I am back to normal doing household chores, cooking…. etc.

    Next step - lumpectomy. FUN….


  • maggiehopley
    maggiehopley Member Posts: 134

    Pneuma, I am glad that you are feeling better and that you have finished your chemo. I found surgery to be easier than chemo. I hope it goes smoothly for you!

  • pneuma
    pneuma Member Posts: 138

    Thank you. I really hope the surgery does go smoothly. I also hope it remains as an outpatient surgery as what both the breast surgeon and the plastic surgeon told me.

    Ya really glad the hospital stay was worth it because I am back to feeling normal. No diarrhea, appetite is back, taste is back. Most of all - energy is back!! Very happy.

    It was the low energy that really messed with my head, that really affected my will to fight/go on, to be honest.

    I wish you well always with your own journey.

  • malleemiss251
    malleemiss251 Member Posts: 584

    @pneuma, I send my best possible thoughts and wishes for the next part of your treatment. After the infections you deserve things to begin going your way.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,249

    Happy to hear things are looking up for you.
    I know it’s sometimes difficult to wrap your head around, but cancer does not automatically equal death. The vast majority of those in treatment go on to lead typical lives so you can clearly see that cancer dies not always equal death. While far too many still die from bc, the majority don’t. Take care

  • pneuma
    pneuma Member Posts: 138

    Thanks. My journal obviously are all what I believe, my conviction. It does not necessarily mean the truth for everyone. It is the truth for ME. And that's OK.

    From what I gather on your posts that I read. It seems you were one of the fortunate ones who handle your cancer journey really well and live with it for a long time now. And I can only hope the same for me…. or probably not, LOL depends if it's a living nightmare like I have experienced so far then I'd rather not. Pffft.

  • pneuma
    pneuma Member Posts: 138

    Thanks. Ya this infection SE is the WORST. I had been dealing with it since round 2 of my chemo. It does looks like it finally reach the end of its journey. I hope so.

  • pneuma
    pneuma Member Posts: 138

    This is more like a rant. Apologies in advance. When it rains, it pours. My sister is also dealt with personal problem aside from battling this EVIL disease. It does not help that I really believe (speaking for only myself) that these cancer 'treatments' is really more like for profit MORE than really healing and helping cancer patients.

    My shitty insurance had the audacity to let me know they will only cover half of my medical bills. Add to that, my husband totalled his car. Fortunately he is ok. Unfortunately we are now down to 1 car and now I have to worry NOT only about this freaking incurable disease but also about the finances AND now my transportation for my appointments.

    My sister does drive me to some of my appointments but not all. It's just one problem after another for me. It's like what the hell did I do to deserve all this?

    I believe in karma but I honestly am trying to think what I did in my life to have all these piled up on me one after another?

    Then, I think I have a lymph node swollen on my left underarm. And my cancer is in my right breast. I did have multiple 'benign' cysts on my left breast.

    I honestly can't believe this is happening to me right now. UNREAL. Truly a living nightmare hell I can't wake up from.

    Yes. I feel good after my hospital stay. Yes I really think my infection is healed. I had a nasal swab before I left the hospital for MRSA test. I just seen the result and thank God, it's negative. But now I am dreading the hospital bills and the ambulance bill. Oh God like WHY?

    I searched for financial assistance on this site but I don't see anything?

  • ann5631
    ann5631 Member Posts: 10

    A couple of places to try for financial assistance are Susan G Komen and American Cancer Society. You could also reach out to your clinic or hospital and ask them about any local or national organizations that could provide financial assistance with your medical bills.

    I believe the American Cancer Society has volunteer drivers that could drive you to & from appointments, if you need a ride.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,249

    I can’t paste links on bco for some unknown reason but please search for this thread. This may help with finances. Also, please check with your hospital/tx center as they should have social workers and other staff who can help guide you to financial assistance.

    Video: Paying for Breast Cancer Care: Advice and Personal Stories

  • pneuma
    pneuma Member Posts: 138

    Thanks! Appreciate the info about American Cancer society, I actually already have a navigator contact in the Komen foundation. They're really great so is my navigator. I did talk about her. She is Ms. D in one of my journal entry here. Unfortunately she just stopped communicating with me anymore. No idea why. But I definitely will check out American cancer society. Thanks, again.

  • pneuma
    pneuma Member Posts: 138
    edited 1:57AM

    Thanks so much, exbrnxgrl. Am I supposed to search this here:

    Video: Paying for Breast Cancer Care: Advice and Personal Stories

    I did search financial assistance in search bar but I don't see anything useful.

    Thanks appreciate you, exbrnxgrl.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,249

    You’re very welcome! Don’t forget to utilize social workers or others at your treatment center to discus financial assistance.