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Re: Grade 3 long term survivors
Approaching 7 years this fall. I was stage 1/grade 3/node negative.
Just scheduled my annual oncologist appt and mammogram. The past year has been more about being a caregiver for my husband after his CAR-T treatment for multiple myeloma. I have to remind myself to stay on top of my own healthcare.
Re: Summer/Fall 2024 Radiation Support thread
I had my first consultation with Radiation Oncologist and was given two choices for treatment. I decided to get the SAVI catheter 5 day internal radiation therapy. Since my surgery was on August 7 hopefully my breast surgeon can get me in next week to place the catheter. Apparently this treatment needs to start before the breast tissue becomes too healed. Once the catheter is in place I will have 2 treatments a day for 5 days at the location where the DCIS was removed.
The alternative would be 4 weeks of radiation treatment 5 days a week to the entire breast.
Since my DCIS was 3 cm below the nipple at 6 o’clock, I am reluctant to radiate my whole breast. When I can have targeted radiation on my lower breast tissue. Which will have less side effects of redness. This will allow me to get back to a more normal work/ life balance.
I feel lucky to have two options available. Fingers crossed insurance will cover SAVI catheter as it is apparently new treatment for DCIS.
Re: I say YES. YOU say NO....Numero Tre! Enjoy!
I had to stop back and see reactions to the debate. I did watch it although I hadn’t planned to. Living so close to Philly how could I not watch? It was exactly the way I expected it to be, one very intelligent adult and one toddler.
I didn’t go all the way back, started at page 1001. Love the memes!
taco, is Mutz a Cairn Terrier? If so, I will have to PM you because I have a lot of questions for you! We adopted Kelce 4 months ago and I think a lot of her behaviors must be breed related. We love her!
Kelce wants to know if she can join the club too!
Re: Anyone with enlarged mediastinal lymph node?
Tangandchris ParakeetsRule Thank you both for responding. I have been in a bad place mentally. The thoracic surgeon they referred me to said my node is in a very risky area for biopsy and scheduled me back in 3 months for another scan. Since I didn't get a definitive diagnosis of metastasis,my medical oncologist has decided that it won't be included in my staging and therefore she does not intend to prescribe chemotherapy or proton radiotherapy. I am beside myself. I have sent them multiple research studies on my specific presentation and they won't hear me out or even read them. I feel like I'm going to be under treated and end up stage IV because of their stupidity. I guess when they say you are fighting, they don't just mean the cancer.
They diagnosed me as stage I on my chart, but I have an enlarged (2.5cm, round) mediastinal lymph node that they refuse to take into consideration. I am beyond frustrated, extremely scared and decidedly pissed off!!
This is the latest study pertaining to my case. Crickets from my oncology team….
Well….Not allowed to post the link…. Google: