Atypical stress fracture from Boniva +Steroids
Hi all,, I have been on Boniva for two and half years for stress fractures in my foot. I have started to have bilateral thigh pain started after 3 rd cycle of TCH and my doctors thought it was from chemo 2 months after finishing chemo it started to get worse limiting my walking and had to take pain meds around the clock…
Bone loss
I have had breast cancer twice. The last time was 2010 with a mastectomy. I was in Tamoxifen for 5 years. I have just been off of exemestaine for about a year. My bone density is now 2.9. So they want me to take Beniva I had an allergic reaction to aerimestane so I stopped that. Any advice?
Should I be nervous about bone density test?
My doctor has ordered a bone density test. It sounds about as easy as getting an X ray, so I'm not worried about the process, just the possible results. But I'm not worried about osteoporosis either. I'm afraid that somehow the test is going to uncover an irregularity that will lead down a bunny trail of further testing…
Parathyroid? Bone/Joint Pain/ High Calcium Blood Level
Hi Friends: (Sorry for lengthy post) I recently got blood work results back. And some of my numbers are higher than normal. My Alk Phos numbers seem to keep going up. Starting in 2017 at my cancer dx timeframe my number was 70 then May of 2020 78 then sept 2020 jumped to 92 then Jan 2021 102. Feb 2021 114 and April 2021…
VITAMIN K2 combined with Vitamin D3 IMPROVES bone density
Something I never see mentioned, which was never mentioned to me even when I saw an orthopedic specialist after breaking my foot, was that Vitamin K2 deficiency along with Vitamin D3 deficiency increases the risk of fractures. Just look at the following research about it. Vitamin K2 works SYNERGISTICICALLY with Vitamin D3…
Best tolerated bone med?
I already had Osteoporosis in my spine prior to BC but had maintained my scores for many years with low-dose estrogen. Well, that is now out the window and my latest bone density scan shows I lost 9% in one year (and I wasn't even on a full dose of Anastrozole during this time due to the trouble I am having tolerating it).…
2+ Yrs of Bisphosphonates Doesnt Offer More Benefits
More Than 2 Years of Bisphosphonates for Early-Stage Breast Cancer Doesn't Offer More Benefits July 2, 2021 Receiving 3 to 5 years of bisphosphonate treatment after surgery and chemotherapy for early-stage breast cancer doesn't improve survival any more than receiving 2 years of bisphosphonate treatment. Read more...
Is it possible to improve T-scores while on Arimidex?
Hi, I just started Tymlos injections. I've tried Prolia and it kept my bone density stable then my endocrinologist put me on Reclast for one year but my scores got worse. Now I'm starting Tymlos. I'm not sure if it will help me since I'm still taking Arimidex. Did anybody had luck with Forteo or Tymlos while taking…
Sugar test machine price
Sugar test machine price varies according to the features and the company. It is always better to use the machines which are safe and hygienic. Make sure to take doctors advice and compare the test results to know the machine is working properly. Most of them are using Beato smart Glucometer you can check in Amazon also,…
Prolia side effects, anyone?
Would anyone like to share good their Prolia experiences? Side effects? Better DEXA scores? My oncologist wants me to take it, but I read about it on the Internet and it scared the bejeebers out of me looking for help in this group. I don't wantto take another thing that will compromise my health! 😥😥