CMF Question
bump don't want to lose this thread!
hang in there you'll make it through!0 -
Hi ladies,
So I'm halfway and although this last round was much better regarding the nausea, I have had a lot of intense stomach pain. My onc is considering a switch to all IV every 3 weeks as it's supposedly easier on the stomach. If I have the same problems, he would switch me back to the oral cytoxan/and MF infusion 2 weeks a month. Anyone have any thoughts about this?
Thanks and hugs,
Holly0 -
Hello Holly,
I've been wondering how you've been doing, and I am sorry to hear about all that stomach pain. If there's really a "benefit" to all this discomfort, maybe you've paid your dues already?!!
Taxotere is working out great for me. Almost no side effects to speak of...I'm running, strength training, keeping house, enjoying healthy and doing stuff!
How's that drawing coming?
I'm really not getting into art right now, but I am getting into sewing. It's a little less open-ended and easier for my feeble chemo brain to deal with. Just finished a copy of a neat 1940s nightgown I saw on eBay.
How's your hair doing? My started falling out yesterday, but my turbans and curly bangs had come just in time. I actually like the turbans better than my wig...I put up some pix over at the January 2007 chemo starter thread. We've got a great bunch of upbeat women over there!!!
Mizsissy0 -
Hi Mizsissy,
Thanks for the reply.I'm so glad to hear you're doing so well. My sister in law started on the same treatment plan as you and expects to be very sick--I sure hope she does as well as you!
I did one drawing of my cat--I somehow turned him into a kitten--I am very bad with proportions, I think! But like you, during chemo treatments, I really can't get into things too complicated...
I recently bought a sewing machine and want to learn that, too! I also want to sew older 40s style patterns. I love the old 40s aprons especially.
I just checked out your pics on the other thread--very nice! My hair looks like crap...very thin and flyaway and unhealthy looking! I just hate hair has always been full and curly. I'm considering a wig...
Hugs, Holly0 -
I don't think your sister-in-law is going to be very sick. Taxotere is one of the gentlest, best chemo drugs. I never even needed nausea meds! The only reaction I had for the first infusion were bone aches and a fluey feeling from the neulasta shot. This time, my white blood count had doubled to what it was previous to chemo, so I don't even need a shot!!!
I don't know why they don't use taxotere more, but I can tell you it costs $2400 per infusion, vs. about $300 for adriamycin!
I'm coming down of Decadron today and just feeling slightly tired in a relaxed, pleasant way. We're heading to the gym.
Tell your SIL to drink lots of water, get plenty of sleep (with meds as directed), take a walk every day, and eat lots of salads and fish!!!
Mizsissy0 -
Hang in there Holly. I tried to drink thing like tomato juice and pineapple juice. One would coat the stomach and the other would make sure I was able to go to the bathroom, Be sure to drink lost of water after taking the pill.
Hope things work out the best for yo.0 -
Congrats Holly on passing the half way mark
Hope you are doing better with your stomach pains. Did you switch to the IV?
Enjoying my 2 weeks off. Feel almost normal, just more tired and more weepy. Oh I did just get my period, so go figure. I wonder do all ladies on CMF go into menopause?
Still have all my hair. Wonder when or if I will start to lose it? Holly when did you start to notice a change?
Wishing everyone graces to face each day.0 -
Hi 3ofus,
My hair started tingling and shedding after my first set of treatments, I believe. It looks thin, dry, flyaway and my curls look more like frizz at the halfway point.
Regarding periods--my onc said the closer you are to menopause, the more likely you will go into chemopause. It's funny, with me, the very first day off those cytoxan pills, I get my period...this is the third time it's happened that clockwork...I don't think I was ever this regular!
I haven't switched and don't know if I should or not...I have less stomach pain but this AM, I kept tasting blood in the back of my throat and I couldn't figure out why. Kinda worried me--did it come from my stomach or nose or what??
I'm glad you're feeling better! Enjoy your free time as much as possible!
Hugs, Holly0 -
Holly, I'm doing the IV every 3 weeks. I had my first one a week ago Friday and after I got through the headaches and nausea of the first few days, I am doing fine. I think the additional week helps to get your system built up again.
3 of many treatments have you had? I'm worried about the hair issue, too.
Rita0 -
Hi Holly, I get a bloody nose every day and have that blood come up too. Probably better to err on the side of caution and let your doctor know. Hope everything is o.k.
Keep me posted re:chemopause---I really pray I don't get it, although I know the chances are pretty great. Have you decided about the 3 week schedule? Is it just as effective and/or have less side effects? Three weeks of recovery sounds good. Keep us posted. Blessings.
Hi Rita, Glad you are doing o.k. with the beginning of this chemo journey. I have had 2 treatments so far (2 week schedule with 2 weeks of cytoxan pills + 2 IV's) I have not had any hair loss at all (still shaving)and have not had any tingles or strange feelings in my scalp so far. I am using nioxin products and am not blow drying my hair straight as much. Don't know what will happen after #2 and #3, but I will let you know. So how are you feeling scalp wise so far? There is a good chance on this CMF we won't lose all of our hair
However, I did pick out a wig, just in case. All the best to you.
Ginny0 -
I was already menapausal before I started treatment so I can't help you there. I am a little over a year past the time I started CMF. I had weekly treatments. I had really thick hair when I started and most people don't know that I lost about half of it. It does need a lot more condtioner tho.
I hear the Nioxin products are pretty good.
Hope everyone is doing well. Remember to drink plenty of water!0 -
Hi CY, thanks for your input. Good to see your past a year of CMF. Congratulations and thankyou for posting and helping those of us going through this now. Blessings.
I was wondering, did you notice your hair thinning gradually over the six months? I haven't noticed really any change so far (I have had 2 treatments). Just wondering0 -
I finished up 6 treatments every 3 weeks of CMF in October. I got the tingles about 2 weeks after the first treatment and quite a few hairs flew off when I ran my hands through my hair. Then it was continuous throughout the rest of the treatments, not alot, just a few everyday. I washed my hair every day with the nioxin products and when I got out of the shower I would dry it with a towel over the closed toilet lid to see what came out. I was pretty obsessive about it. There were a few every day but no one really noticed. I continued to have it cut and colored just didn't need to do it so often since it didn't grow very fast. Now, 4 months since my last treatment and my hair is pretty normal. It is growing quickly and seems to be back to being healthy. Except for the lines through my fingernails (they got really dry and unhealthy looking during chemo) all of the outward effects of the chemo are a distant memory. I just went for my 3 month checkup and it was weird to not go to the "other" side of the office for the first time in a long time! I know everyone is different and I do have thick hair so it wasn't that noticable but I think the standard for CMF is 25-50% hairloss. I hope this helps.
Sue0 -
I didn't really notice too much until about 3 months in. Of course I had a perm put in my hair about 2 month into it. Like I said I had weekley treatments which I have found anyone else on tyhat schedule yet. My husband and family noticed my hair thinning but no one else really noticed it. Like I said I had a LOT of hair. My Dr. said to remember that hair and nails grow in three month cycles, so it can take a while to fully recover from the affects of chemo. Just try to eat healthy and drink lots of water. it should help.
0 -
Hi Sue, wow you continued to have it coloured during CMF. Did you use special dyes? That would be great if I could streak my hair in a few months when my roots should be showing
Glad your hair is back to being healthy and congrats on your 3 month check up. Thanks for your input.
CY, hi too. You had a perm put in during treatment, wow! I love it. I haven't notice any change in 3 weeks, so maybe I will notice it more toward the half way mark like you did. We will see. Wonder is blow drying my hair straight is not a good idea now? Thanks for your input again---appreciated0 -
I did not use special dye, they did it at the hairdresser. I had it colored and foiled right before I started, about half way through I had a rinse put on that washed out in a month, then in Sept I had the roots done. I did not use the blow dryer on it at all if I could help it. It sounds like you are not going to have much hair loss if you are not noticing anything yet. Good luck and I say color it if you want to. What ever we have to do to make us smile during this fight is worth it!
Sue0 -
I finished 8 rounds of CMF, all IV infusion in November. I colored my hair throughout those weeks without any problems. My hair did not fall ot but it did not grow fast. I used the Nioxin shampoo and the Nioxin scalp treatment every day. I was never told not to color my hair and I needted to because I hate the grey roots.
0 -
Sorry, got kicked out. I really hope all going through CMF at this time are doing well. I think we are so obsessed with the treatments when we are going through them but once it ends are minds relax and all the side effects go away. Good luck to all and I continue to think of the present CMF girls. Susan
0 -
Thanks ladies! I am encouraged and will be colouring my hair when I'm due in a few months
Anyone blow dry their hair out there? I don't know how I can manage my bangs without it? They go all wavy and in everywhich direction .
It is really kind of you ladies who have graduated from CMF and are helping us that are just going through it. Much appreciated.
Blessings to all,
Ginny0 -
My hairdresser told me that she had colored the hair of a few others while going through chemo and that there was no problem with it. I can probably get through another 4 weeks without hitting her up for a color job and by then I'll have an idea about the hair loss situation. I am 14 days from my first chemo right now and notice no real change. I have used the Nioxin products only a couple of times. They seemed to make my hair feel dry. Anybody else have that problem? Do you think they'd still work if I followed it with a regular cream rinse conditioner that I normally use?
My next chemo is this coming Friday. At least I know what to expect when I go in there this time. Maybe that will help calm me a bit more and I'll avoid the nausea right after the treatments.
Hope everybody has a nice weekend.......In Illinois it appears that we're just going to be trying to stay warm!
Rita0 -
Yeah, the nioxin does not condition very well and also the chemo dries the hair out. You said you just had your first so I don't think you would notice dry hair this soon. Try the conditioner.
Use the blow dryer on your bangs, I don't think it will matter.
Like I said before, we have to do whatever makes us feel good during this time.
How are you doing? You're right, it is amazing how the stress of chemo disappears as quickly as it came when we were just starting.
All of you CMF girls hang in there, it will be over before you know it.
Sue0 -
Ginney, I think it's important to hydrate you hair too. So be sure to condition it often. Chemo tends to dry us out in all areas. So go ahead and use the blow dryer just keep it hydrated!
Rita stay warm and drink plenty of water. You'll get very tired of all the water but do it anyhow!
best wishes to all the CMFers0 -
CY...Did you do CMF + radiation and are you currently taking Arimidex or any other hormone therapy? I am very curious because our cases are so similar. My tumor was 1.4 cm...Stage I, Grade 3 (which really disturbed me initially) Her2 negative. I was er negative but pr positive. My nodes were also clear as well as the margins. They didn't get clear margins during the biopsy but did after the lumpectomy.
When it came to chemo, I was in the grey area. After much debating I decided to go with the chemo. My oncologist told me though that if I had severe problems with it we would just quit and go to radiation because the percentage of help it's providing is small.
Just curious about your treatment plan since we're so close in diagnosis.
Rita0 -
I had chemo plus rads, no further treatment since I'm a triple neg. They said if I didn't do the rads I would need to do a mastectomy. so I did the rads.
Remember that when you do rads to keep gently stretching so it doen't get too tight on you.0 -
We are pretty close, my tumor was 1.6 cm, IDC, stage 1, grade 3, ER/PR+, Her-, I had SNB with 4 removed all clean. I did mammosite radiation, then chemo, CMF, and now I am taking tamoxifen since I am 48 and perimenopausal, although I have not had a period since July and only had 3 total in 2006. My recurrence rate was in the gray area so I opted for chemo to be sure.
Sue0 -
Thanks CY for your input.
Sue, You are right. We are pretty close. I will be doing the rads after treatment 4 and then going back for the final 2 chemo treatments. Then I think he is going to put me on Arimidex because I am pr+ (although they prefer you to be er+ instead of pr+). I'm worried about the Arimidex because several of those I know taking it have had to go off it becaue of joint pains, which I seem to have sometimes anyway without it! :-) I think you were wise to do the chemo. Although I really wondered about my decision two days after my first chemo treatment (and certainly dread #2 which is coming up on Friday) at least we know that we have done everything possible and available to us. I certainly appreciate your encouragement! Are you handling the tamoxifen well???
Both of you gals..........please stay in touch. We need your expertise and encouragement.
Have a good Sunday!
Rita0 -
I highly recommend having acupuncture during chemo. It really helped me through all of my treatments.
Bonnie0 -
I don't like myself on Tamoxifen, it gives me achy joints and moodiness, not to mention hot flashes and night sweats but I am willing to deal with it all cause I know it is the best thing, actually the only thing I can take as long as there is a chance that my periods may come back. From what I have read, all of the AI's have side effects too, so I guess it is just part of our recovery from this thing, what a long journey! Good luck with #2 on Friday, (I also had mine on Fridays, it worked out well for my job - worst day was Sunday and I was home), take your nausea meds, even if you don't think you will need them, it can sneak up on you. I also discovered that as long as I kept something in my stomach, the nausea wasn't so bad. And of course, drink, drink, drink! How many treatments do you have? Enjoy your week and keep us posted.
Sue0 -
Thanks for the helpful hints. I'm already dreading the end of the week and need to psych myself into being productive and having a little fun the first part of the week instead of worrying.
I will have a total of 6 chemo treatments. Since I need to have radiation, too, they are going to stop chemo after the fourth treatment and insert the radiation and then finish the last 2 chemo treatments after the radiation. You're so right! It's a long process! Hang in there with the Tamoxifin. Everybody tells me that we are lucky to have the option to take it, but I still worry about the side affects. Do you have to take it for 5 years?
Good ol' Illinois is expecting 5 to 7 inches of snow late this afternoon and evening so I need to head for the store to pick up a few last minute supplies.
Good luck to anybody doing chemo this week!!!
Rita0 -
Sue, CY and Rita,
Hi thanks for the helpful info re: conditioning your hair. I am going to try Nioxin cleanser, regular conditioner then the Nioxin scalp treatment. See how that works. I am going to be bold and blow dry my bangs tooHope they don't fall out. Should not have spoken so soon...3 weeks and 1 day after first 2 treatments did notice quite a bit of hair come out after washing it. Definitely more than usual. Still have to shave
so maybe my hair on my head is just thinning? Treatment #3 coming up on Valentine's Day. After my 2 week chemo holiday am getting nervous again.
Rita, pack lots of fun into the "chemo holiday" time. Isn't nice to eat again? Hang in there. I have 10 more treatments to go, then radiation. I put it all on the calendar and it made me feel better. There is an end date (2 days before my 45th birthday).
Holly how are you doing?
Blessings and hugs everyone,