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CMF Question



  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited August 2010

    Wow Mandy!  That sounds fantastic!  I'm so glad you got to go!


  • mom2acat
    mom2acat Posts: 87
    edited August 2010
    Well, I had my mindset all prepared for getting chemo today, and on getting through the feeling crappy the few days after, but my oncologist has decided that it's now time for a bone scan again to check things. Depending on what that bone scan shows, he may give me a "drug holiday", to give time for bone marrow to recover. It's also possible, depending on the scan results, I might not have to have any more chemo, but just continue with the Zometa. But I think if he decides on the two month "drug holiday", I won't have to do that for a couple of months either. If the bone scan shows things have gotten worse, then we will talk about possibly doing a different treatment.

    So no chemo today, and that means no Neulasta shot tomorrow either. I do have to go in for Zometa next week though. My bone scan will be on Thursday.

    I'm feeling like I'm in kind of a limbo now; too soon to excited about the possibility of no more chemo, but glad to have the break from it for now anyway. I kind of feel like I was given a "get out of jail free" card today. I'm am going to try not to get too anxious about the bone scan results between now and next Tuesday.

    I still have my sciatica and allergies to deal with, but those should be easier to manage without throwing chemo into the mix. The fatigue from the chemo has really been hitting me hard, so I still probably won't get a lot done this week, but without having to have the chemo, it will be a better week than I expected it to be.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited August 2010

    Oh Mom2acat.........that chemo holiday sounds good!  I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and hope that the bone scan results are good!  You're due for a break!  Hang in there.


  • English_Teacher
    English_Teacher Posts: 24
    edited August 2010

    Well, I just had my second round of CMF earlier today and I feel like crap right now!  The first one did not hit me that hard (though I felt pretty tired and yechy on day 3 or so -- but just fine the rest of the time).

    Today's, though, was fine for the first few hours but now I feel tired and a little dizzy.  Took the meds but maybe they haven't kicked in too much yet.  The only annoying side effect so far are the rashes and pimple-like things.  My face looks like a 14 year old and the same type of thing is on my shoulders and chest (here and there),  The onc looked at it and says it's the chemicals. 

    Anyway, just whining for a bit before I head off to bed for an early night.  I guess I was hoping that everything would go as well as the first round.  Even though this was the second treatment and I only have four more to go (every three weeks), that sure sounds like a lot right now!  (FYI:  I am a full-time teacher and part-time grad student).

  • DesignerMom
    DesignerMom Posts: 730
    edited August 2010

    English Teacher-  You will be amazed how quickly time passes.  Just keep heading in the right direction.  I just finished #4 and can't believe I only have two more.  I can see the end and so will you.  Make sure you drink LOTS, it really helps get it out of your system.  Baby your skin.  Some ladies say witch hazel helps clear up chemo pimples.  Make sure you take your anti-nausea meds and stay on top of the constipation. 

    mom2acat-  you are in my thoughts and prayers for a great scan.  Try to enjoy your chemo holiday.  Maybe do something special, just to distract yourself from thinking about the scan. Today DH and I went out to lunch, just the two of us.  I even drank half of a Margarita.  Just a small change from my "ordinary" medical/chemo/research life was a real treat.  

  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited August 2010

    English might call your onc and see if you can take Benadryl.  I never had the skin eruptions but know of others who have had them and they controlled them with Benadryl.  Check before you take it, though, as all of us are different.

  • Juliechicago
    Juliechicago Posts: 179
    edited August 2010

    Hi English Teacher-- to add to Rita's--- the acne may be a reaction to the steroid. Are you being given Decadron?  (Ever hear how athletes who take steroids have terrible acne reactions? It's exactly how I figured out my weight-lifting obsessed brother was taking them!)   I had this reaction to decadron (among others- more serious) and insisted being taken off it.  While it can help with nausea, it is not a necessity with CMF.  I did quite well without it, as have a number of other women in this group. It's definitely something to ask about.


  • DesignerMom
    DesignerMom Posts: 730
    edited August 2010

    juliechicago-  Excellent point about the steroids.  Before I started CMF someone PMd me (maybe it was you?) that I should ask if steroids were necessary. I am so grateful she did, wouldn't even have known it was an option.   I asked and my Onc said they probably weren't necessary with CMF.  I have a tiny bit with infusion, nothing else.  I think it is why I am sleeping normally, thank you God!  I know a lot of ladies have sleep issues, bloating, skin problems with steroids.  Definitely worth asking about.

  • stephsal
    stephsal Posts: 6
    edited August 2010

    Hi Everyone.

    Round #3 of 8 of CMF this coming wednesday.... but one questoin.  I have been SOOOOO itchy!  all over my body.  Has anyone else had this?  I guess I should bring up to my onc. this week.  Any insight would be great.


  • DesignerMom
    DesignerMom Posts: 730
    edited August 2010

    stephsal-  I just finished #4 and have only had a bit more dry skin.  I would speak to your Onc, just to make sure it might not be a SE of some of your meds.  Good luck with #3!

  • mom2acat
    mom2acat Posts: 87
    edited August 2010

    Well, I won't be getting that "chemo holiday" after all. Bone scan showed the areas in my hips and spine are stable or unchanged, but I have new spots on the ribs, which may or may not be mets, I have to have another bone scan in 2 months.

    So, he wants to keep going with the CMF, so I start that again next Tuesday, after Labor Day. I was scheduled to get my Zometa today, but he said I can wait and do that next week. I have had a busy week so far, and with a dentist appointment Thursday, and meeting a friend on Friday to go to a used book sale and a city wide yard sale, I am glad to not to have to have the Zometa this week.

    No additional tests scheduled for now, but I did ask about a bone density test, since my last one was 6 years ago. I got to thinking about that because of my hip pain, and was wondering if some of it could be thinning in the bones there from all the cancer drugs and from having radiation there twice. He agreed and said it was a good idea. I'm waiting for a call back with the appt. time, it couldn't be scheduled while I was there in the office because the hospital's computers were down.

    The bone density test will be a peice of cake to do, compared with all the bone scans and MRI's I've had done; glad to have at least one test that is easy to do.

  • Beanius
    Beanius Posts: 1,494
    edited September 2010

    mom2acat - So sorry you won't get a chemo holiday. That's good news the scan showed hips and spine are stable, but darn to a new worry on your ribs. How will they find out if those are mets? Glad to hear no Zometa! So on with CMF...I just started round #3 yesterday with an MF infusion and now I have 14 days of cytoxan pills and next Wed another MF infusion.

    DesignerMom - I have gotten fluconazole and clortrimazole now for mild thrush from the antiB's I had to take before, so that should be fixed pretty quick. Darn, I forgot to bring your remedy for constipation with me when I went to the store yesterday, so I'm just using extra strength ex-lax for now. I'll be halfway through CMF on Sept 14!!! My wonderful oncologist says about 1/4 of her patient on my regime lose their hair and she said I would probably have lost it by now if I'm going to. So far it's all still there, I may be having a bit more shedding, but it's not noticeable yet. We'll see how it goes. I'm still not washing it often, and not brushing it much or messing with it. I always look kinda disheveled, but I'd sure like to keep it. Oh, on the nip thing, the are dissolvable and she took the parts we could see out. No problem at all, but maybe the BS could have mentioned it earlier?? Oh well. I'm doing quite well so can't complain. Hope the same for you!!!

    stephsal - I'm not sure what to recommend for itching. My DH gets dry skin and uses Goldbond. They have several products, some smell better than others, but it's very nice lotion.

    You are all in my daily prayers and I am so wishing exellence for us all. Have a great day!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited September 2010

    Oh mom2acat, I wish I lived closer.  I love yard sales and book sales!  You are right!  The bone density test is a piece of cake.  I just had one a few months ago.  Too bad all the tests aren't as easy.  I have to have the density tests every couple of years while I'm on the Arimidex.  So far there has been little change in my case, which is good.  Hang in there and please keep us informed about that spot on your ribs.  I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  • mom2acat
    mom2acat Posts: 87
    edited September 2010

    Thank you for the prayers!

    I just found out today that I won't be on the CMF anymore, started Vinblastine today.

  • DesignerMom
    DesignerMom Posts: 730
    edited September 2010

    mom2acat- I hope this new drug works magic for you.  Keeping you in my prayers.

    Okay, all you CMF veterans.  I just finished #5 last Friday, though they almost didn't give it to me because my white count was only 900.  I'm feeling pretty okay, though I am more tired than usual, guess it is cumulative.  Here's my question.  I seem to be shedding a LOT.  Looks like I washed a bear after I shower!  Thankfully I have a lot of hair to begin with.  I can see it is thinning a bit in a few areas, probably not noticeable to others.  I have one more treatment to go.  In your experience does the shedding slow down?  Get worse?  Just wondering.

  • mom2acat
    mom2acat Posts: 87
    edited September 2010

    I started the CMF in April; I noticed about mid-July my hair seemed to start shedding faster, and I noticed more around the drain too.

    Hair thinning is also a side effect of the new chemo I'll be on, but I'm hoping the "shedding rate" will still slow down.

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Posts: 977
    edited September 2010

    Mom2acat: Saying prayers that the vinblastine works magic for you. And sending a special (((((((((((((((( cyber hug)))))))))))) too.  

    Designer Mom:  My worst hair loss was after number 4---it looked as if a mouse was in my bathtub drain but it was just me shedding.  Then it started to slow down. While my hair thinned, I think I was the one who noticed it most.  So hopefully yours will slow down too.


  • DesignerMom
    DesignerMom Posts: 730
    edited September 2010

    Mandy-  Thanks for the haircouragement!  It's always nice to hear good experiences.  I'm trying to decide whether I should ask my Onc about a Neulasta or Neupogen shot to boost my white count.  As my white count was so low after #5, I would hate to have to miss my final #6.  I am ready for this to be over now!  Any of you CMFers have to take a shot to boost your counts?

  • socallisa
    socallisa Posts: 10,184
    edited September 2010

    I had the neupogen shots...I could only handle half a dose..but they worked..

  • socallisa
    socallisa Posts: 10,184
    edited September 2010

    Mandy, I did send you a pm with my fb ...a little late cuz I missed your input

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Posts: 977
    edited September 2010

    Lisa, I just friended you on facebook. 

    Have a nice day all!

  • mom2acat
    mom2acat Posts: 87
    edited September 2010

    I had the Neupogen shots when I had chemo the first time around, in 2003. I had to get one daily for about 2 weeks after chemo. With the CMF, I had the Neulasta; that was just one injection after each chemo.

    With the Neupogen, I had bone pain, and with the Neulasta, muscle pain. But the muscle pain usually only lasted a couple of days, where with the Neupogen, the bone pain lasted a lot longer.

  • cabmom
    cabmom Posts: 291
    edited September 2010

    mom2acat, sending lots of prayers your way that the new medication works!  You will continue to be in my prayers. 

    Designermom, I agree with greatest thinning began after #4, although I did thin before that as well, it became more noticeable to me after that time but I really do think I was the only one that noticed it.  Also, it did stop for me about 2 to 3 weeks after chemo ended.  I just tried to be extra gentle with it during this time.  I remember how nervous and scared I was but it truly was not as bad as I feared it would be and had to remind myself, almost daily, how lucky and blessed I really was.  Sending positive thoughts your way.  Also, I was one of the lucky ones and didn't have to have any shots but my counts did get pretty close a couple times.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited September 2010

    Mom2acat....hoping and praying that the new drug does the trick for you!  Hang in there!

    The hair shedding process is always scary, isn't it?   I wonder how many of us panicked midway through the journey.  Like Mandy, I think my hair dresser and I were the only ones who noticed my hair loss.  Everyone else said, "How amazing that you didn't lose your hair!"

    Hope you're all doing well! 


  • cabmom
    cabmom Posts: 291
    edited September 2010

    Hi ladies.....well I have to tell you that I'm a little nervous right now.  Went for my 4 month followup visit with the oncologist and my tumor marker was elevated to the point that he's decided to do more blood tests to see if there's a change from last Friday until today.  I had to have the blood drawn at a different facility on Friday and he's hoping that that's the difference but wanted to make sure that we're not looking at any other possibilities.  I hate to see a worried look in a doctor's eyes.......doesn't give you a very comfortable feeling, ya know?  Anyway, won't find out for a few days on these latest blood tests but he's already talking about more tests.....

    SO.....asking for everyone prayers that it will be nothing and that all will be okay!  Has anyone else had a fluctuation in the their tumor marker numbers?  Hoping that I'm worrying for no reason......

  • MaryNY
    MaryNY Posts: 486
    edited September 2010

    Hi cabmom: I just read a leaflet on the tumor marker CA-125 this morning. The leaflet was geared toward women with ovarian cancer. The gist of it was that although the tumor markers can be useful, they are not always reliable. Things other than a recurrence can cause the number to go up. Hoping for the best for you and that you get the result back this week.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited September 2010

    Cabmom....I checked in tonight to see if you'd posted.  Now I imagine that you're really worrying but Mary is right.  There are lots of other things that can make tumor markers go up or fluctuate.  Please keep that in the front of your mind until you have the second set of blood work tests back.  Do you know what the number was on that first tumor marker test?

    Hugs to you!  I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.  I am glad that your doctor is moving ahead and doing more tests.  That isn't bad or any reason to worry.  This is what we want them to do when something doesn't look right to them.  We want them to be proactive even though it scares the crap out of us!  Hang in there and let us know as soon as you hear anything.

    One of my best friends had a spike in her tumor marker several years ago.  They never figured out what caused it and it went down after that and stayed down.  She is almost 16 years out now and still going strong.  I can't keep up with her! 


  • DesignerMom
    DesignerMom Posts: 730
    edited September 2010

    Okay ladies.  Gotta ask.  What are tumor markers and how are we tested for them? My Onc has never mentioned them. 

  • cabmom
    cabmom Posts: 291
    edited September 2010

    Ladies.....I am so happy.  Just spoke with the onc and my test came back this time within range!!!  I can't even tell you how scared I was or how thankful I am NOW! 

  • mom2acat
    mom2acat Posts: 87
    edited September 2010

    That is great news!