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CMF Question



  • ml143333
    ml143333 Posts: 190
    edited November 2016

    Congratulations Libby!

    it is such a great feeling to know you are done with infusions!

  • Heidi000
    Heidi000 Posts: 17
    edited November 2016

    thanks for the supportive words. Pepcid and Prilosec helped. Left Nov 10 for vacation feeling amazing! So happy my hubby and I went. My energy was high and I felt totally normal. Got home last night with a cold. Must have caught it on the plane. I feel crappy. Worked from home. Dr said to rest. Having blood taken Monday for chemo wed.

    I feel rediculous calling in sick after going on vacation. Guess I have to get over it.

  • Heidi000
    Heidi000 Posts: 17
    edited November 2016

    Congrats on finishing your treatment, Libby! Huge accomplishment!

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Posts: 978
    edited November 2016

    Hi all!

    I just want to wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving. And for the gals in treatment, I send a special greeting because i know these feasts can be difficult--but a few years out and you will hardly remember these times.

    hugs to all xo

    Mandy 1313

  • L_in_CA
    L_in_CA Posts: 28
    edited November 2016

    Yes I also want to wish you All a Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for the well wishes too. Im enjoying the freedom from infusions. I will start radiation therapy in December. Hope it goes well. Take care and enjoy the Holidays!


  • Heidi000
    Heidi000 Posts: 17
    edited November 2016

    its a chemo Thanksgiving for me. Infusion yesterday.

    I'm thankful for the advice and kindness, and now in the home streatch with 3 infusions to go.

    Counts drop so much that I have to have shots next week for 2 days I n a row.

    You all did this, and so can I.



  • ritajean
    ritajean Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2016

    Congrats, Libby! You're a chemo grad! You did it! Life is good after chemo. In most cases, the rads are easier! Hugs to you gal and to the rest of you who are still in treatment. You can do it!

  • Wenrisa
    Wenrisa Posts: 59
    edited December 2016

    I'm doing well! Recently "celebrated" my 1 year anniversary of my 1st chemo! What a difference a year makes!

    Hope you all are well

  • ml143333
    ml143333 Posts: 190
    edited December 2016


    Happy anniversary!

  • L_in_CA
    L_in_CA Posts: 28
    edited December 2016

    Congratulations Wenrisa!

    Heidi you can do this! Best wishes to you!

    Thanks Ritajean! So happy to hear from you and checking in from time to time.

    Im on my 3rd week of radiation and doing good there. Well i tripped on Sunday and dislocated my elbow. Luckily no broken bones and my splint does not interfere with my radiation positioning.

    Happy Holidays Everyone.

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Posts: 978
    edited December 2016

    Hi eeryone!

    Just wanted to stop in with good wishes for a new year of health, happiness, and peace!

    Hugs to all.


  • abjoe73
    abjoe73 Posts: 4
    edited January 2017

    Dear ladies

    I'm new in this thread, looking to get some knowledge from you "professionals" with cmf.

    After my first chemo with AC/Taxol, mastectomy, radiation and Tamoxifen I had a recurrence in a lymph node. So I changed to aromatase inhibitors, but another two months later I had again lymph nodes glowing in my scan.

    So the new suggestion is cmf. Yesterday I had my "new" bad lymph nodes removed together with an ovarectomy.

    Now my questions to CMF: what to expect? I'm open for any postive and negative Inputs :-)

    I hope you all do fine and greet you from my hospital desk in lovely, snowy Sitzerland :-)


  • ml143333
    ml143333 Posts: 190
    edited January 2017

    Annette - welcome to our group!

    I live in Virginia Beach, Virginia where it will be 60 degrees today and then snow by the weekend. Crazy!

    I had 8 rounds of CMF after a bilateral mastectomy. Chemo is not pleasant any way you cut it, but I fared pretty well. I started Claritin 3 days before my infusion and 3 days after if I knew I was getting a Neulasta shot. It helps with the bone pain associated with the Neulasta shot.

    I didn't have too many nausea issues because I took an anti-nausea pill directly after my infusion and kept up with them because I didn't want to be sick. I still felt queasy, but okay. Remember to take stool softeners!

    The steroids in the infusion keep you pumped up for the day of the infusion and sometimes a day after so take that into consideration too.

    My hair started to fall out and thin after my second infusion, but I never lost all my hair. No one could really tell but me and my hair dresser!

    I worked through my treatments only taking the day of infusion and sometimes the Monday after.

    Good luck to you and let us know if you have more questions!


  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Posts: 978
    edited January 2017

    Hi Annette!

    Welcome to the sisterhood that no one wants to join. But I think you will find this group will give you any support that you need--we are a combination of new comers and old timers such as me (almost 8 years since I finished treatment). I used CMF for a second cancer and so far, 8 years later, I am ok. So I hope that CMF will help you too.

    The other Mandy has given you good advice. But I had a slightly different experience. I had CMF every 3 weeks for 8 intravenous are you taking CMF? There are slightly different side effects if you take the pill version.

    I want to say that CMF is very do-able. If you have been through AC-T, you will find CMF much easier. First, you likely will keep most of your hair. While I did shed some of my hair, it remained thick enough so that I never needed a wig or even a scarf to cover up. Second, my blood counts remained strong and I never needed neulasta shots. I did have many other CMF side effects and luckily I did not have to work as my energy was not as good as without CMF. I did get weekly acupuncture which helped with energy and also seemed to have prevented mouth sores....I can go into more details about how acupuncture helped me with side effects if it is of interest to you. Otherwise if you send us questions, I will try to answer them. Mandy is correct about making certain to use a stool softener for the few days before the infusion as the steroids and anti-emetics will make you constipated. As well, you might want to have some anti-acids on hand, I used pepcid AC (famatodine) but I don't know which heartburn medications are available to you in Switzerland.

    I hope your recovery from your surgery is quick and that you will soon be out of the hospital. Please stop back and ask any questions that you may have--we will be glad to help you in any way.

    Hugs to you.


    PS What part of Switzerland are you from---you live in such a beautiful country!!!

  • abjoe73
    abjoe73 Posts: 4
    edited January 2017

    Dear Mandy

    Thanks for your reply! So it seems to be similar to my first chemo, except no complete hair loss. That's a plus, although I didn't look all bad as a baldilocks.

    Steroids is good, I'll have to work the day after, then three days off. So I hope I can manage to continue the way I work now. It's not easy with so many students to teach.

    I'll have six rounds of CMF. Did it take you longer than 8 months, because of blood levels? I'd love to be finished in summer.

    I just googled Virginia Beach. Wow, Looks nice. And I can't imagine snow there! Real crazy!

    Have a nice day!!


  • abjoe73
    abjoe73 Posts: 4
    edited January 2017

    Dear Mandy 1313

    Thanks for your reply! Wow, 8 years cancerfree sounds so great! I pray for that, and more of course :-)

    I'll get the MF with infusions on day 1 and 8 and parallel the C with pills for 14 days. Was that the one you got?

    I did quite okay on AC-T but I'm also hoping that CMF will be easier. I worked 60% on AC-T, but now I'm working 100% again, So I don't know, if I can keep that up. I teach about 90 students at the age of 15-19 per week, which can be quite something. Then again I had very positive experiences when telling my students about my situation the last time. So I will be straightforward again and tell them what's up. They can be very understanding.

    I'm familiar with Neulasta and stool softeners from last year's chemo. That's doable. I also did get anti-acids, but I don't remember the name.

    Acupuncture sounds interesting, I might look into that. I have a new doctor, so I don't know what he's into, but my family doctor supports acupuncture, so maybe he can help or give advice.

    Did you have a port-catheter? I'l get the first few shots without, because of my skiing holidays, then my doc wants to put one in.

    I'm already out of hospital, back in the claws of my husband and cat :) Tomorrow's another day off, then I start work again on Tuesday and will get my first new chemo on Wednesdey.

    I live about 20 minutes from Zurich. Yes, I like Switzerland a lot, but I do enjoy the States for holidays too! I not only got engaged there but I also had my honeymoon in Disney World, a dream come true since being a teenager. Whereabouts north-east do you live? Any snow?

    Enjoy your day!


  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Posts: 978
    edited January 2017

    Hi Annette!

    You seem to have everything under control. When do you actually begin your CMF chemo? Be sure to stop back here with complaints and/or questions. This group is very supportive and will help you go through this chemo.

    I had a completely IV form of CMF with 8 intra venous treatments. i did not need a port and they just did an IV each time I had chemo. The pill form is a little different. Hopefully one of the Seattle gals who took the pill form will come on here and answer your questions.

    in the meantime, i sent you a private message so that is why you are seeing a lit up private message folder. Let us know fi there is anything we can do for you.

    Hugs to you and to the other CMFers!


  • L_in_CA
    L_in_CA Posts: 28
    edited January 2017

    Hi Annette

    Welcome to our group. Sorry you have to endure more treatments. Heres my experience with CMF. My CMF regimen was weekly for 24 weeks. i started June to November this year. Although it was long, Im happy to say that i did very well. You can do this!!

    I took 2 pills daily followed by MF infusions every Friday. I had a port put in. If you do have one put in make sure to ask for EMLA cream. its lidocaine that you apply a glob and cover up over the port 1 hour before infusion. I never felt the poke. At first i thought i did not need the EMLA but over time the poke was getting painful. What a relief.

    My infusions took about 30 minutes. I found that having them inject very slowly was very helpful. This will prevent that metallic taste if injected too fast. My M and F were 2 separate injections that were mixed with the saline. I think the worst part was the flushing of the port afterwards. i hated the taste and smell of the heparin solutions. I only felt sick for about 5 -10 minutes afterwards and then i was fine. Try chewing some hard flavored candies like lemondrops or ginger while they infuse. it takes away some of the awful tastes. And drink lots of liquids to flush out your system.

    i took some anti nausea pills before infusions. over time you will know if you need it or not.

    My blood levels were stable and sometimes low but not enough to need steroids or nuelesta shots.Aside from the weekly CMF there was the weekly lab work to check blood levels.

    I did not loose all my hair but it thinned out. It wasnt noticable to my friends and family. I was quite nervous when it started shedding but got used to it. i washed my hair every 2- 3 days and used nioxin shampoo.

    Over the course of treatment, my hands and feet color darkened like a tan. i had slight discoloring on some of my fingernails and also had some dark freckly spots on my palms.

    Im 2 months post CMF. My hair is not shedding as before. My normal skin color has returned and fingernail discoloration is disappearing! Im currently having radiation therapy and will finish in a week and a half. (every day except weekends for 6 weeks)

    Everyone has a different experience. I wish you well! Feel free to message me!

    Hi Mandy & Mandy! Great to hear from you!

    Happy New Year!


  • abjoe73
    abjoe73 Posts: 4
    edited January 2017

    Dear Libby

    Thanks for sharing! What you describe doesn't sound too bad, and having AC-T behind me, I think I can do this! My Treatment will be slightly different, with C pills daily for two weeks and two infusions of MF in this time, but I hope the side effects won't be any worse.

    I still have EMLA at home, but I'm thinking about not getting the port for as long as it works without. At least not until after my skiing holidays in February! Were you fit enough to do sports? Not that I'm fit now before chemo. I have hardly done anything in the last 1.5 years. All the operations made it quite impossible to do aerobics and Dance. I'll probabvly have to do something that includes less hopping around, even though I loooove bouncing and frisking :-)

    So with your inputs I can now pack my bag for Wednesday with lemondrops and drinks and a book or something.

    How's radiation going for you? Any burns or Irritation yet? I was a burned, but I've had worse ;-) Look forward to the end of a long tough journey and plan to reward yourself with something nice!



  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Posts: 978
    edited January 2017

    Hi Libby!

    Just wanted to wish you well with the rest of your radiation. It sounds as if you are doing well.

    All the best.



  • ml143333
    ml143333 Posts: 190
    edited January 2017

    Annette - It took me 8 months to finish my chemo, but there were a few bumps along the road that not everyone get. Yes, I was delayed a few times because my counts were too low. I was also delayed because I developed blood clots around the port, under the arm and down in my arm that had to be dealt with. I also was delayed because the catheter in my jugular from the port cracked and had to have it removed.

    Keep coming back and asking any questions!

    I wish you good things through chemo and radiation!

  • L_in_CA
    L_in_CA Posts: 28
    edited January 2017

    Hi Annette

    How are you doing? With CMF, I dont think it will limit you from doing sports or dancing, etc. As for me i did well and sometimes experienced short nausea spells after infusion.

    Im nearing the end of radiation and have irritation near my armpit. My skin has darkened on my breast but not sore at all. My RO says to continue using Calendula, aloe vera gel, and aquafor. For the itch areas i use cortizonefor relief. So far its going well.

    Wishing you well! Thank you Mandy too for the well wishes.


  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Posts: 978
    edited January 2017

    Hi Libby!

    Towards the end of my radiation, my RO had aquafor with lidocaine (he made it himself) which he gave to us to use on painful areas. You might ask your RO for something like that. It really made a difference to my comfort.

    Hope you are feeling better.

    And Annette, I hope that day one of CMF went well. But in any event, do check in with us...we are all here for you.

    Hugs to all.


  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Posts: 978
    edited January 2017

    Hi Amapola36!

    Welcome! You will find that this group is very supportive and will be hear to answer questions and listen to your complaints. So come back as often as you like and feel free to say whatever you like. We are here for you. When do you start chemo?



  • ml143333
    ml143333 Posts: 190
    edited January 2017

    Welcome. We are a pretty supportive group. I wish you well.

  • ml143333
    ml143333 Posts: 190
    edited January 2017

    Hi Amapola!

    I am not currently on cmf, but didngo through that regimen. Good luck on Wednesday. Take plenty to do and plenty of water to keep hydrated.

    Let us know you you're doing and ask any questions you may have.

  • ml143333
    ml143333 Posts: 190
    edited January 2017

    Ok my friends...

    I am 2 1/2 years from diagnosis. I went for a quarterly check up with my MO last week. He said all the bloodwork that was in was good and he would see me in 4 months. You know the liver enzymes and ca 15-3 tumor markers take a few days to come in. They came in today and I got them online. Liver enzymes were all good. My tumors rose from 6.6 to 7.2 and I am freaking out. I have never had cancer before and just don't want to see that number rise. Nothing has changed in my physical outlook lately other than I have purposely lost weight. My MO wasn't in today so I shot him an email asking if I should be worried or if there was testing that should be done or if I should chill. I just want to live long and get old, see my kids grow up, all that good stuff that people without cancer get to see. I have found myself lately thinking about the what ifs or mets or recurrence.


  • akshelley
    akshelley Posts: 58
    edited January 2017

    Have done 8 months of CMF and can expect a couple more. It has held my metatstasis at bay, but my tumor markers starting slowly going up two months ago. Constipation, fatigue, oral sores are the main side effects and I'm struggling with jaw pain from ONJ. (I had a tooth extracted in September).

    AMPOLA36...I understand when you say you're feeling lonely in this thread. I feel that way too sometimes. Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions for me.


  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Posts: 978
    edited January 2017

    Amapola36, if I'm right today is your first chemo. Let us know how it went--we are all pulling for you and hoping it does the trick and that your side effects are few. Remember to drink lots of water or other fluids after the chemo so you flush your system out. You can do this!! CMF is very doable!



  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Posts: 978
    edited January 2017

    Mandy, I sent you a private message.

