how about drinking?



  • miriandra
    miriandra Posts: 2,272

    So excited! I got my web site pictures back from my photographer, and they look so good. They're very body-honest, so it took a minute to tell myself that rolls and tummy are part and parcel of being human. And my customers will also have AI softened bodies, so they'll want to see someone who looks like them. And screw it, it's all about the suits not me, so get over your fool self. 😆

    I've sent the folders over to my web designer, so they should be added soon. And then I'm another step closer to launching. It's still overwhelming, but I keep reminding myself that people do this every day. It's totally doable. And I CAN do it.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Posts: 7,990

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! I had a CPR recertification class yesterday ayem at the office retired from. There have been some interesting changes there, and it sounds like the new Director and the Clinical Manager I used to work with aren't getting along all that well. The Clinical Manager made a few comments about the Director not letting her do things the way the Clinical Manager wants to, which I secretly enjoyed hearing. I also got to catch up with a couple of friends that are still working there, one if which is counting down to retirement. It was snowing and blowing , very March coming in like a lion yesterday, which was disappointing after the nice warm days we had just before.

    Carole--March weather in Maine is notoriously insane. Cars need to be stocked with shovels, tire chains, heavy coats, blankets, boots, sunblock, t-shirts, and extra water and it can all get used in the same day. Very crazy. Fortunately, what snow comes down generally doesn't hang out very long, although yesterday's snow isn't melting off today like I'd like to see. Running out of hot chocolate mix is not a good thing!

    Hi, mOmmy! Glad to see you! Gald life is keeping you busy.

    Chi--wow, you really have been kept busy by life! Your upcoming gigs sound like fun. I hope you can find the instruments you need for them. The check mixups seem like a real hassle.

    Miriandra--I am proud to hear you say your website pics are body honest! We need so much more of that in our current society. Too much damage been/being done by showing unobtainable physical attributes and normal body shapes being labelled negatively.

    Lion's Tail Cocktail

    • Bourbon: 2 oz(60ml)
    • Allspice dram: 0.5 oz(15ml)
    • Lime juice: 0.5 oz(15ml)
    • Simple syrup: 0.5 oz(15ml)
    • Angostura bitters: 2 dashes

    How to make

    1. Fill a cocktail shaker with ice.
    2. Add all the ingredients to the shaker.
    3. Shake well until the outside of the shaker becomes frosty.
    4. Strain the cocktail into a chilled coupe glass.
    5. Garnish with a lime wheel.


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,478

    Happy Birthday to me! Might as well celebrate since the birthdays keep coming. Hope everyone has a good day on my birthday!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,896

    Happy Birthday Carole! Hope your special day is a blast!

  • rlschaller
    rlschaller Posts: 446

    Carole - I plan to celebrate and raise a glass , not sure which mocktail I’ll choose yet :) hope you have a lots of joy and laughter today.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,494

    Carole - I celebrated your B-day with TWO gin & tonics.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,472

    Happy birthday, Carole! No drinks for me today: I have an unexpected houseguest. My singing partner came down from Madison to see a concert by a mutual friend (which was tonight's WFMT "Folkstage" program). His wife had a GI illness, likely yet another food intolerance, and couldn't make it down. He'd have had to drive up to Madison afterwards to feed his cats, but then drive down to Itasca to meet with said mutual friend for brunch. So he gave me his wife's concert ticket. We hung out afterwards with yet another couple who used to live in Madison but now live on the border of Skokie & Evanston ("Skevanston" is the actual neighborhood name). Got back here so late neither of us wanted any alcohol (and Bob already had his cider). I threw together some antipasto, sliced up some sourdough, and will call it a night.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Posts: 7,990

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! I am currently having another bout of travel drama. I went to pick up my new passport off the counter where I keep it to finish doing some checking in for the cruise and flight and it wasn't there! I did a quick search of the general area but haven't found it yet. So today's major project is a thorough search of the area and the few other places I keep important documents, and pray that I find it. If not, tomorrow I will need to go to the Post Office and report it lost and apply for a replacement and pay for expedited processing to make sure I get it in time to travel April 27th. Why do I do these things to myself????

    Carole--HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

    Good Morning, mOmmy!

    Hello, rischaller!

    Good to see you, Minus!

    Chi--sounds like you had a nice evening out with friends!

    Birthday Cake Cocktail

    • 1 ounce SMIRNOFF® Iced Cake Vodka
    • 1 ounce SMIRNOFF® Whipped Cream or Vanilla
    • 1 ½ ounce Half & Half
    • ½ teaspoon Vanilla Frosting
    • Sprinkles

    • Dip martini glass in vanilla frosting and rim with fun and festive sprinkles.
    • In an ice filled shaker, combine iced cake vodka, whipped cream vodka and half and half.
    • Shake Well.
    • Strain into prepared martini class.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Posts: 7,990

    Passport found, right where I thought I put it, but facing down instead of up so I didn't recognize it. Duh.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Posts: 1,539

    If it is red, I've been drinking it. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much drama here (neighbors, DH's illness/issues). The national news/antics are also weighing heavily on me.

    I'm trying to work on getting my Polish Passport…so much red tape.

    Happy Birthday, Carole. May your days be filled with laughter and joy.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Posts: 5,005

    It’s been awhile but I’ve come to the lounge to wish Carole a very Happy Virthday. Cheers to you, Carole.

    NM, glad you located your passport. Whew!

    Hope y’all are staying hydrated and drunk as well.

    Peace girls. Cheers and lotsa love from sunny South Carolina!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Posts: 12,001

    Hi ladies- happy Daylight Savings time. We will all be tired this week, right? I made it to yoga this morning despite dragging my butt but know keeping with routines will help me to adjust better. Next up will be St Patty's day next Tuesday then on to the official start of spring.

    I love hearing about all the travel everyone is doing. I get the Viking River Cruise catalog every once and awhile in the mail and the cruises look amazing. I have one friend who did something in Germany awhile back as part of trip to that country and loved it. Spring is a great time to travel, and I have a trip coming up too….

    My 65th birthday is in a couple weeks and since I missed my planned trip for 60 in 2020 due to the pandemic (everything shut down about 12 days before), I was determined to do something for this next milestone. I am meeting my sister in New Orleans for a six-day birthday trip meet up. We have reservations for a few fun things including a food tour, paddleboat jazz cruise, cemetery tour and an early visit to Preservation Hall for a jazz performance. Lots of other free time to visit the french quarter, enjoy the culture, and food. My sister doesn't drink but I do so I plan to enjoy the fun cocktails. We are there for four full days and looking forward to it (also to get away from the job for a week too, lol). I have only been there once before and a very long time ago (40 years!) for a conference with a bunch of fellow grad students over one spring break. I remember get hurricanes from a stand in the French quarter and walking up and down the street with open drinks and thought that was such a hoot!

    NM- I held my breath when I heard you couldn't find your passport for your trip in April, but whew, glad you found it. Glad you have a fun trip coming up with your cousin and hope mom had a good birthday.

    Trying to get some work done on my taxes the next few weekends so those are done before I go. Everyone have a good week!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,494

    Jazzy - I was in New Orleans in 1977 and visited the King Tut exhibit. Good memories even though I was with my ex-DH who doesn't like music or dance or cocktails. Hope you have a wonderful time. And happy 65th.

    NM - I too am SOOOO glad you found your passport. I had a discussion just today with a friend about forgetting or loosing things. She's worried about Altzheimers. She did admit she dropped her keys in a different place every time she came in her door. I countered that she just needed to become more OCD and develop some patterns. OK, ok - I know - but it works for me.

  • wren44
    wren44 Posts: 7,985

    my son in law was scheduled to fly the next morning and couldn’t find his passport. Ticket was bought and nonrefundable. That night he dreamed about making a copy. Sure enough it was in the copier. Talk about relief!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,472

    Welcome back, Dorothy, if only for a stopover!

    Jazzy, you'll find NOLA has changed quite a bit—not necessariy bad, but just different from '77. (Especially since Katrina—tourism has ramped up with a vengeance). If you thought walking around the Quarter with hurricanes in to-go cups was a hoot, I'd advise you to pick a hotel at least a couple of blocks from Bourbon Street if you value your sleep. It is Drunken Tourist Central, with a soundtrack of mostly bad cover bands. The Pat O'Brien's hurricanes are sedate compared to the neon green "hand grenades" and "yard-of-booze" containers in seemingly every other hand, especially at night. Preservation Hall is a very short show—15-20-minute set, tops, before you're hustled out for the next audience. They're still virtuosos, though. Frenchmen Street (beyond the Quarter) is the place to go for great jazz, with the best-known clubs being Snug Harbor & the Spotted Cat. And the buskers are wonderful! The most serious (even conservatory-trained) ones tend to be along Royal St. (by the galleries & antique shops) and along the west side of Jackson Square. There are often high school jazz ensembles playing outside Cafe du Monde—and with the quality of music education in that city you'll find them more talented than college-level jazz bands anywhere else.

    My favorite walk is along Esplanade by the French Market, and then east to Canal. Too bad you'll be a week late for St. Patrick's Day, which NOLA does like nowhere else. There are parades in the Quarter, but the best one is in the Garden District. It's like a family-friendly Mardi Gras parade, but besides the usual throws they hand out little cabbages and bags of baby carrots! Besides the cemetery tours and the streetcar ride out to Carrolton & back, I'd advise taking a class at the New Orleans School of Cooking. The instructors are tremendously entertaining (and you get to eat each course they demo).

    DsOTD were a Vermentino with lunch at Francesca's, and an Albariño with tonight's paella.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Posts: 7,990

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! Monday is usually grocery shopping day for Mom, but it's snowing so we're going to wait until tomorrow when the roads aren't dangerous. FWIW, the roads aren't dangerous, there is a barely visible coating of snow on them, no schools have been canceled or delayed. But there is more than 1 snowflake in site, therefore it's a blizzard in Mom's mind. Gotta love the Mamma!

    Wally--I can't imagine what it's like to get a passport from another country, the process here in the US is crazy enough!

    Dara--Good to see you!! The passport was never really lost, I was just looking with the wrong eyes.

    Jazzy--I've only been to New Orleans once, for a long weekend, and loved it. I remember on one of the carriage rides we stopped outside a bar and they brought out Hurricanes for us to buy, and they were so very good! I hope you get to the Café Dumond. I went there every day just for the beignets and coffee and listen to the street performers. Your birthday trip sounds like it's going to be a blast! I can't wait to hear about it. Happy Birthday in advance.

    Minus--I hear you about the patterns. I was forever hunting for my car keys when I first moved into my house, until I put hook up next to the door and made myself put the key on the hook as soon as I came through the door every time. That made a huge difference for me. Once I got the habit set I've rarely had to hunt for my keys.

    Wren--talk about your son in law's subconsciousness helping him out! I bet that was one very deeply felt sense of relief!

    Chi--it sounds like you have spent a lot of time in New Orleans!

    The Original Hurricane Recipe

    • 4 oz rum (usually aged rum or equal parts aged and white)
    • 2 oz passion fruit syrup or fassionola syrup
    • 2 oz lemon juice

    • Add all ingredients to a cocktail shaker with a couple small pieces of ice.
    • Shake until the ice has dissolved, then open pour the cocktail into a hurricane glass filled with crushed ice.
    • Stir, top with more crushed ice, and garnish with an orange slice and a cocktail cherry.


    Modern Hurricane Recipe
    • 2 oz aged rum
    • 2 oz white rum
    • 2 oz passion fruit juice
    • 1 oz orange juice
    • ½ oz lime juice
    • 1 tablespoon simple syrup
    • 1 tablespoon grenadine

    1. Add all ingredients to a cocktail shaker and add a couple of small pieces of ice. Shake until the ice dissolves.
    2. Open pour the cocktail into a hurricane glass filled with crushed ice.
    3. Stir, top with more crushed ice, and garnish with an orange slice and a cocktail cherry.


  • teka
    teka Posts: 21

    sunshine99 has passed away!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,896

    Temps are near 60 here today.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Posts: 1,539

    May sunshine99 rest in peace.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Posts: 7,990

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday!

    So sorry to hear about Sunshine99.

    Sweet Fallen Angel

    1/2 cup sugar
    3 tablespoons fresh lime juice
    1 bunch fresh mint
    1/2 cup dry gin
    2 teaspoons grenadine
    4 cups club soda
    Mint leaves
    Mint wedges


    1. For the mint lime simple syrup: Place a small saucepot over medium heat. Pour in the sugar, lime juice and 1/2 cup water. Add the mint and simmer until the sugar is dissolved, 3 to 5 minutes. Turn off the heat and cool completely, then remove and discard the mint. This can be stored in airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.
    2. For the cocktail: Fill 4 Collins glasses with ice to chill.
    3. Fill a cocktail shaker with ice, then add the gin, lime juice and 1/4 cup mint lime simple syrup. Shake vigorously and strain over the ice in the chilled Collins glasses. Slowly pour 1/2 teaspoon grenadine on top of each cocktail, then divide the club soda on top of each. Garnish with fresh mint leaves and lime wedges. Serve immediately.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Posts: 7,990

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! I just got a message from Mom's landlord, the generator is being installed today and the power will be off for a few hours, so I've been trying to get her on the phone to give her a heads up. Of course, she isn't answering. Her phone is probably on the stand next to her recliner, and she is probably in the kitchen fixing breakfast or in the bedroom getting dressed, or in the craft room organizing and doesn't hear it. She swears she keeps her phone will her all the time, but obviously she doesn't. I just hope I can get through to her before the power goes off so she doesn't end up calling me in a panic because the power goes out! Why the landlord can't just knock on the door, or have one of the installers knock on the door and let her know baffles me. I live too far away to be able to drive in and tell her in person before the power goes out. I imagine Mom is pretty tired today, she spent 2 and a half hours in the Dollar Store and another 2 hours in Walmart shopping yesterday. I'm thinking about setting her up for an automatic weekly delivery of a few key items so I know she always has them on hand. I will be setting that up for the 3 weeks I'm on vacation coming up. Gotta love the Mamma!

    Bahama Mama


    • 1 cup crushed ice
    • 1 fluid ounce orange juice
    • 1 fluid ounce pineapple juice
    • ½ fluid ounce rum
    • ½ fluid ounce coconut-flavored rum
    • ½ fluid ounce grenadine syrup


    1. Combine crushed ice, orange juice, pineapple juice, regular rum, coconut-flavored rum, and grenadine in a blender. Blend until the drink's consistency is slushy.


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