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Illinois ladies facing bc



  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited June 2008

    11:00 lunch sounds good to me Kater and I love the individual payment plan...good idea!

    I will go along with the majority on the other plans.  The menu in the lodge is quite varied...something for everyone!  Maybe the walk this time and if we come back in the fall do more???  I really don't care.


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited June 2008

    11:00 lunch sounds good to me Kater and I love the individual payment plan...good idea!

    I will go along with the majority on the other plans.  The menu in the lodge is quite varied...something for everyone!  Maybe the walk this time and if we come back in the fall do more???  I really don't care.


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited June 2008

     Morning!  Cool but sunny here.

    Starved Rock looks like it is shaping up great!  Sorry I can't make that...but another day!

    RE:  SNB....I had that for my lumpectomy (they did an ex. bx 10 days prior).  They put the emla cream on the nipple/areola area an hour before and then took me down to radiology for the doc to injection the isotopes.  Four injections and I was warned that it would feel like a wasp sting, but VERY short-lived.  2 inj's I felt pretty much nothing, the other 2 felt indeed like wasp/bee stings.  Very painful and burning BUT...and this is a BIG the time I could have yelled "OUCH"...the pain was gone.  It was so fast.  The Doc was super nice and started explaining the whole thing and preparing me and I just said "Let's get it as possible".  And he did...1-2-3-4 and I was done.  I don't want to worry anyone about this and everbody is different but it is a needle stick and you will feel it but it was so not like a reg. inj where the pain of the stick lingers a was just GONE.  VERY fast.  Then they take you to this other room and you lay flat on your back and then off to surgery where they put me out, and injected the blue dye to trace it to the nodes.  IN my case as I had had the exc bx they couldn't locate one sent. node, but a group of 7 turned blue, so  my surgeon removed all of those, and I got lucky and he was able to remove them thru the same incision.  All in all, I thought the whole thing was pretty much a non-event, and boy was I nervous about it!  Even more than the needle localization!  But believe me...I am a bit of a big wuss...and it was quick and done and over....FAST.  And I would have no problem doing this again if I had to.

    Rita, guys are probably on your way to see Jackie.  Have a wonderful visit.

    Laura...actually took the SUV up to Fox takes too long to get up there and the Z isn't practical for me right now...just for short trips.  Hows your foot by the way?  Did you start PT?  I start this am..hope I don't get Attila the Hunnette for a therapist.

    Kater...thanks for doing all the arranging for the Starved Rock trip.

    Becky, is treatment going for you? did in-hosp chemo go?  Better I hope. was the open house?

    Susan, Jackie...thanks for the poems, they were lovely.

    Time for me to get it in gear.  I hope I didn't scare anybody re: SNB but I hate when I hear nurses tell patients..."this won't hurt a bit" cuz for heaven's sake it is a needle in the skin...of course it will hurt.  The nurse I had during the SNB told me the truth so I was prepared and she gave me her hand to squeeze..she said she didn't mind as fromher experience the pain was so quick, most of the patients (like me) didn't even have a chance to "break her hand" before the burny pain was gone...and she was right!  Plus...I do have to say this...the rad. doc. at CDH who did this (Dr Kelly) was sooooo gorgeous.  I am not kidding...

  • zkacmom
    zkacmom Member Posts: 146
    edited June 2008

    Starved Rock....My family will be coming along.  They will pretty much do their own thing.  I think just doing lunch and then walking or sitting outside(depending on the weather) so we all can chat. 

    Wendy...I hope your back gets to feeling better.  I had a herniated disc that was compressed into my siatic nerve.  Talk about hurt.  But I had surgery and that took care of that.  I'll be praying for you.  Wish you could be at starved rock, I would really like to meet you.

    I have been pretty much mia this weekend.  I was at a Curisillo Weekend.  I am pretty tired as I didn't get much sleep...

    I can't wait to meet those who will be at Starved Rock...


  • BustersMom
    BustersMom Member Posts: 260
    edited June 2008

    Hi everyone, I hope you all have a great time at Starved Rock !! Whooohooo!

    Thanks to everyone for telling me about the SNB. They told me they will be injecting the dye 1 hour before surgery. They said that it will feel like bee-stings, just like WendyK said.   I'm not too worried about it, to be honest. 

    Kater, I decided to go with my 2nd opinion surgeon (the man).  It was a hard decision, but in the end I guess I just like his bedside manner a bit more.

    No report on my crabby ovary yet, they said my OB/GYN will call me tomorrow. 

    Meanwhile, my PCP nurse called about my abdominal CT & said "There's an unspecified nodule on your liver and you will need another CT in 3 months to check it".  WTF?   Sigh.  Whatever.   Just let me get through this doggone mastectomy & then we'll deal with whatever is next, right ?   BLAHHHH!!! I wish everything could be simpler, like...   1. Breast Cancer  2.  Surgery  3. Chemo  4. done.      I don't wanna have to deal with my stupid liver too now.

    Ok, I'm done. I just really needed to vent about that.  Anytime I mention "liver"  to anyone in my family, they freak out.   

    It's a beautiful day outside, so I'm going to get buster saddled up & take him for a nice walk.

    Have a lovely day everyone, HUGS HUGS HUGS!!!!


  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited June 2008


    Such a great day. My periodontal deep cleaning was fine.  I was very nervous.  Now get this, the hygienist said that chemo is good on gums.   How could it be good on anything good?  Do you think she knows what she is talking about?

    Julie R., good luck and it sounds like you are very confident of your decsion.  I know you are ready to just GO  on this.  Maybe that nodule is the cyst he told you about and then told you not to worry about.   I am puttng my money on that (actually I do not gamble, but would put it there if I did).

    DH and I are coming up the night before  (Starved Rock) as we are seeking an adventure...I'll admit staying  in Ottawa is not much of an adventure.  Next year we do Paris perhaps.

     Wendy, I just keep hoping the steroid is kicking in.  I know how discouraging this is for you....for anyone. The pilates sound good, although rather strenuous.  I took yoga but sat on a chair to do it as I could not sit on the floor.  The woman was wonderful and very patient as I am totally not coordinated.  I should have stayed with it as it helped with my balance.

    I like the new look of the threads!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,782
    edited June 2008

    SmileHi to all,

    Just got back from a wonderful afternoon spent with Rita & Mary Jane......and it was fun.  Just way too short but who could truly complain.  Talk about commitment for someone to drive so many hours just to eat a bite of lunch and meet someone.  I will be returning the favor one of these days I'm sure. 

    Wish you all could have been there but in my imagination you were.  We started out with my husband Denny with us as he brought me up to Marion today and it's a coffee only morning for us when we have to come.  He needed to be to work by 3 p.m. so needed some lunch.  My first time ( far as I know ) at Lonestar Steak House--very nice.  Tons of food so I brought some home for dinner tonight.  It all went by so quickly just like I was afraid it would, but Rita won't be home till late and Mary Jane even later.

    Hard to come back to my room after all that and just as hard to say goodbye. 

    Julie I had to suppress a grin when you said everyone in your family gets upset/nervous/out of sorts when you say anything about your liver and I was thinking well---yep !!!!  If you said something about your gizzard  you wouldn't get a raised eyebrow out of the bunch. It's  just certain words that trigger big responses.  I hope things will drop into place better for you and go easier all way round.  It's enough just to have to fight this thing without all the accessory things. 

    Wendy I hope PT went well for you.  I assume they will go easy at first ( unless you really do get Miss Hun ) but I hope  you can feel a little difference for the better right away. 

    I'm going to go rest up a bit---it has been a long exciting day for me and I need to check my mail too before I go. 

    Thanks again Rita and Mary Jane for everything.  You sure made living fun today.  It's my treasure.

    Talk to ya'll again soon.


  • Becky--IL
    Becky--IL Member Posts: 19
    edited June 2008


    The 11am lunch sounds good to me with individual pay. For me I doubt I would be into the boat ride thing but more lunch and a walk and/or sitting and talking in the great room or out on the viranda. The lodge and surrounding area is very nice whether you just want to sit and enjoy or take a stroll.  Not sure what extra input you would like but if you have any questions that I can answer I will glady to so.  I plan to attend unless I am feeling bad. 

     Have a good evening.

  • Mich101
    Mich101 Member Posts: 489
    edited June 2008

    JulieR (and Buster) hugs to you. When is your surgery?

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited June 2008

    Just a quick note to let you know that I'm back and Mary Jane is on her way home.  We had so much fun with Jackie and the time just flew by too quickly.  I have pictures to post and will try to get them posted this week. There's a special picture just for you Wendy!!!   Tomorrow is a busy day for me but I will get it done!

    Jackie..we really enjoyed the day and are so glad that we made the trip.  You were right. It is probably about 2 1/2 to 3 hours from Centralia to Bloomington.   I guess I was thinking about Marion when we were talking about it.  We stopped in Effingham on the way home and had another bite to eat.  When we got to Bloomington, I sent Mary Jane on armed with a Mountain Dew to keep her awake!

    I'll catch up with the other posts tomorrow!

    Hugs to all of you!


  • maryjane8
    maryjane8 Member Posts: 68
    edited June 2008

    Hi ladies,

    Jackie, it was GREAT to meet you today. We had such a good time. You are right, it went much too quickly. It was nice to meet your DH also. We'll have to schedule another get-together when your rads are over. You are a very special person.

    Rita, your Mountain Dew did the trick! That and some very loud music on the radio. Got home and Daughter #5 was still packing for her trip to Thailand. She has until 8 a.m. to get it all together!

    Hope everyone had a good day.


  • Jule
    Jule Member Posts: 85
    edited June 2008

    Julie R,

    Sorry if I caused you to worry about the SNB. I was actually talking about the 4 needle sticks beforehand. However as everyone noted, everyone is different.

    I also feel like I should have asked for something now. When I got all 4 shots before the surgery, they did not put a numbing agent on it, and they actually said that they could not put anything on the area. It sounds like some people got the shots while they were under and some people got this wonderful numbing agent which I did not. So, I guess the best thing is to be more informed before you go inEmbarassed

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited June 2008

    Morning!  55 here this morning but so sunny and nice!

    JulieR....these tests are so sensitive that they pick up everything!  A lot of people - probably TONS of people...are walking around with cysts of the "whatever" and they are totally benign and a big, fat nothing to worry about.  They just need to keep an eye on your with your dx so at this point, try not to stress too much about it.  I know that is much easier said than done....but try anyway!

    Jule...I don't think you scared anybody about the SNB, just told the truth and I am VERY surprised that they didn't give you any numbing cream!  You poor thing!  This was the same stuff you can get a script for (EMLA cream) to put on an hour before they access your port.  I never bothered with that, or the "freezy" spray.

    Ginny...sorry I won't get a chance to meet you as well!  Boy it seems so many people are getting disk problems!  I did have a microdiskectomy last August which worked perfectly, immediately!  But I reinjured the same area by being stupid.  So I am giving the epidurals and PT a whirl.  I can see that it is going to be hard work...and so not cheap!!!!  But if possilbe I would like to hang on to what disk I have left as I plan on having MANY more years on this earth!

    Rita, guys are so wonderful to go and see Jackie!  I know how much she appreciated it and so do all of us.

    Jackie...aren't Rita and Mary Jane GREAT people?  They are so super...and I am so glad you had such a nice visit.

    Susan...I had the deep cleaning too about 4 years ago.  They figured I would need it twice a year for a few years to repair some dental neglect on my part.  I went out and bought a Sonicare toothbrush and used it before bed....when I went back in 6 months I did not need anymore deep cleanings.  The dentist was shocked!  Just a thought for you!  And also, re: balance..the only real exercise I had to do at my first PT session was to balance on a balance board for 2 minutes to readjust spinal muscles and boy, did I have a hard time!  I will need to work on this!!!

    No PT until tomorrow but I will cut the grass later for some exercise.  Hope everyone has a wonderful, happy and healthy day!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited June 2008

    JulieR - IMO, from what I will be asleep for the SNB...the part you will be awake for is the mapping. You may know this...but they inject dye into the area b/4 surgery so it has a chance to flow through the area and locate the Sentinal Node. I was also told numbing before the procedure would not allow the dye to travel properly/accurately, so my Dr insisted against the numbing. Then, after you have been sedated for the actual removal/surgery, they will zoom in on the Sent Node, at which time the dye will have located the Sent Node...they will remove it, check it under the microscope. If it looks suspicious, they may remove some Axillary nodes. If the Sent Node doesn't look suspicious, they will just send it out for further/more in depth pathology. A few days later you will get the results...if it comes back normal/negative, they will leave it at that. If it comes back positive, they may suggest another surgery called an Axillary Node Dissection. That's when they go back in, remove approx., 10-15 Ax Nodes (depending on the cellular structure and your diagnosis) and send those out for an in depth pathology. This was the chain of events in my situation...just FYI...and...I took a .25 Xanax before I left home for "the big day" really helped calm me.



    I'm open for an 11 lunch, provided JanC and Mich are okay with that ( posted it was). I think we would have to leave here at about 8ish...a lunch cruise sounds good...but I'm easy to please!

    BUT we should take into consideration the mosquito situation this time of the may want to slather on the repellant! Yikes...


    Gotta jump in the shower-today's an in-office day...will check in tonight.

  • JanClare
    JanClare Member Posts: 267
    edited June 2008

    11 am, pay for your own lunch no boat ride, is okay for me too- but my hubby says we need to leave about 7:45 am.  Which is okay by me!  I'm always up early.

    Is there anyone else who needs a ride??  We can meet up with people on the way- pick you up in a parking lot, etc..  Come on everyone- if you want to come, but don't want to drive, here's your chance! 

    SNB- I had the same experience as Laura.  It's the injections for the mapping that are so painful (like bad bee stings), but only for the time that the needles are in.  The instant that the needles are removed, no more pain.  Also told no numbing cream for the reason Luara listed.  So it was very painful for a very short time- very doable for me.  

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,782
    edited June 2008

    LaughingMorning everyone,

    Still bummed that yesterday went so fast, but this morning on the way back to my room a lady was coming down the motel stairs with her kids and DOG.  So today is going great since I got to pet the pooch.  He was really friendly and cute.

    Laura--had to laugh when you talked about the mosquito repellent.  We have good friends that use Skin So Soft oil from Avon---not the kind that says it is for mosquitoes, just the regular kind.  They slather it all over and they just glisten everywhere.  On their recommendation Denny and I tired it but it didn't work.  We finally decided that we didn't apply enough---we weren't glistening.  Of course the mosquitoes were not biting them---Denny said they didn't have a chance before sliding off. 

    Wendy I so agree.  Rita and Mary Jane are both very vibrant people.  I so looked up to my teachers all through school and I guess I still have a reverence for anyone who is a teacher. I had rhumatic fever in the 3rd. grade ( not good in a little country school ) and had to miss almost all of my third yr......tutored in Math & English, but even though I never had to repeat any grades I don't think I ever caught up and always felt like I "wasan't getting it" most of the time.  I was 9th. in my high school graduating class  but I don't think that is saying much as I had some bad subjects that I just barely passed. 

    Got to tell you---I don't usually look good in pictures...I'm not photogenic like some people so I hope you all are not expecting great things.  While in front of the restaurant...a nice gentleman who was ????getting ready to go in or ??? just came out offered to take a picture of the three of us together.  That was so nice.  One of my greatest joys these past 11 years of being back in Illinois is how nice people are to you.  Most of the years we lived in California most people were cool and distant if they did not know you and you become used to that----it's still refreshing to have people ( strangers ) treat you like family.  After all---we all are---though naturally, there are some I don't want to claim and you don't either.  Like it or not we are all part of the human race.

    I'm getting used to this new format---was a little freaked out yesterday when I got back from the day with Rita and Mary Jane.  I thought someone had been messing with this computer while I was gone but I may not be so old that I can't adjust to it. 

    Will be back here later.  See you then.  Denny sure enjoyed meeting Rita and Mary Jane as well. 


  • smerf
    smerf Member Posts: 476
    edited June 2008

    Hi Everyone,

     I guess I didn't remember how much work is involved with remodeling. So many surprises and changes along the way, yikes! Both bathroom floors had to be replaced, for one thing. Under the old tile the wood was rotting. They use different products now, so new floors are very improved. No problem, they'll just add it to the original estimate! I don't feel like I have the best handle on the final cost of this whole thing, and that makes me a little nervous, but it needed to be done.

     This new format seems very nice. Does everyone like it?

    Julie....Are you having dye and radioisotope injections for your SNB? The nuclear medicine people usually do those injections, and they did sting very briefly. I found it was not a problem. I had the dye injected in surgery after I was asleep. Some docs do it before surgery, but your breast needs to be massaged after the dye goes in. If it's done before, you may be asked to do the massage. My op report states that someone massaged my breast for five minutes after they injected the blue dye. I missed that, as I was out at the time. I wonder who got that job, but I really don't want to know! I'm told the dye can sting too, but most people seem to have that injection in surgery. I think the reason is that the dye travels faster, and they need to do the surgery shortly after the injection. The radiactive injections take a little longer to travel to the nodes, and one of my friends actually had hers the afternoon before her surgery. I didn't need any numbing cream, and the needles are very small, so I'm glad you said you are not worried about it. Hope some of this makes sense, and helps. My thoughts are with you!

    Jackie...I'm so glad you met Rita and MaryJane! They are really special people, aren't they? I'm thinking of you, and glad to hear that you are doing okay with rads. I'm sure Baby Boss misses you even more than you miss him!

    Susan...Glad the cleaning went well, but I never heard that chemo is anything but hard on our gums and teeth! I wonder what your hygienist meant by that, because my dentist said that many people have problems during chemo. I cracked a tooth, and had to have a crown made. He told me that is common in his experience.

    Have to run, because the guys are calling out to me!

  • HensonChi
    HensonChi Member Posts: 68
    edited June 2008


     You made me laugh out loud when I read your response about the breast massage....that is a riot!

  • smerf
    smerf Member Posts: 476
    edited June 2008

    Workers wanted to show me that one small corner area is not quite square, and their remedy for same. You would think I was building a house, not just two rooms. I'm glad they are so on their toes, I think anyway.

     So sorry to have to miss Starved Rock! I have many happy memories there, as my family used to go every summer. It is a beautiful spot, and I'm sure it'll be fun! I'm hoping to start reclaiming our bedroom that day, if the schedule stays on time. I think the plastic will start to come off this weekend. All our furniture is completely wrapped up, and I won't be surprised if some dust got in there in spite of that precaution. JanClare, I hope I am finished by the time you start!

    Michele....Have a wondeful visit with your son!

    Leesa....Hope your txs are going better now. I'm thinking of you.

     Kater...Hope the garage sale went well, and you collected big bucks for our furry friends!

    Wendy...Hope your back is starting to feel better with the epidural and the PT. Be careful not to overdo it! My DH keeps reminding me that getting older is the cause of my back troubles. Thanks a lot, Big Guy! I really need him, don't you think?

    My son just got here, so I'll come back later.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,782
    edited June 2008
    vvv - Whats New Pussycat?
    The ultimate measure of man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

    - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - Whats New Pussycat?
    The ultimate measure of man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

    - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - Whats New Pussycat?
    The ultimate measure of man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

    - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - Whats New Pussycat?
    The ultimate measure of man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

    - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - Whats New Pussycat?
    The ultimate measure of man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

    - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,782
    edited June 2008
    vvv - Whats New Pussycat?
    The ultimate measure of man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

    - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - Whats New Pussycat?
    The ultimate measure of man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

    - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - Whats New Pussycat?
    The ultimate measure of man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

    - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - Whats New Pussycat?
    The ultimate measure of man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

    - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - Whats New Pussycat?
    The ultimate measure of man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

    - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,782
    edited June 2008

    Sorry all--was trying to post a quote, but it didn't want to go in with the method I was using so maybe later.  Susan, I think you are having way too much fun with your bathroom remodel, but I think it's like childbirth---rather hideous while it's happening but oh so rewarding once it's over.  That is why we all want pictures after it's done.  We all remodel once in awhile too---but I won't be doing it any time soon. 

    See ya'll later.


  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited June 2008

    Jackie, I am not sure what you are trying to do above this,  but you must have been reading my mind.  MY CAT IS SICK! It has diarrhea and is having accidents all over the house. Kater, what do I do?  I called the animal clinic and they are all booked for today and I have an appointment for tomorrow.  She didn't seem alarmed (the woman at the clinic). It could be new litter, eating the grass outside, the kids visiting, or new food.  YIKES.  I was told to keep food from her and give her water.  To everyone who hates cats, please excuse this cry for help.  To everyone else, I am open to suggestions simply because she is messing up all over and my husband barely tolerates this cat to begin with.

    Yes, Pat, the  thing about the chemo and it being good for teeth and gums threw me for a loop.  The older I get the more I realize people have no clue what they are talking about.

    Rita and Mary Jane, you are such dolls to take care of our Jackie!  It sounds like you had a great trip!  

     Becky, if you are up to Starved Rock and need a ride, we can pick you up.  I see you live in Ottowa. The only problem is that I will not have a car if you decide you have had enough. 

     Time to google "diarrhea and cats"................Susan

  • smerf
    smerf Member Posts: 476
    edited June 2008

    Susan...I'm so sorry about your cat! Can you possibly confine him/her to a small space with the litter box? I was lucky to have my laundry room next to the kitchen, and when necessary my cat could be contained there. My vet said the same thing about diarrhea, and it usually didn't last long. Darn cat liked to eat things that were not at all good for him, but I loved him dearly, and was willing to put up with it all. He lived 22 years, and I still miss him!

    HensonChi...Welcome to IL ladies thread. Glad you had a laugh from me. That's what I get for being such a control freak that I have to read my op report! Luckily for them I was too absorbed by my bc diagnosis, so I wasn't looking over the residents in the room too carefully. Usually I  want to choose who gets to touch my boob!

    Hey Jackie...I'm the one doing the remodeling now. Rita I think is finished, and JanClare is yet to start. I can't wait to hear her stories, as her project sounds much bigger than mine.

    Hugs to all, smerf

  • tdbear
    tdbear Member Posts: 286
    edited June 2008

    Wow  what a change I like the new look but this print seems small or are my eyes failing!!LOL

    My SNB was the radioactive kind when the Dr injected the radioactive dye it was painful but the nurse saw the look on my face and started pumping something in my IV....thats all she wrote!! If they massaged it in I didn't know it!

    Got my gd back from mission camp, now getting her ready to go work on a friends wheat farm help drive wheat truck & nanny for a month or 2 .

    My car isn't running....and of course can't get parts so have to drive a rental till at least Friday. It's a little Chevy small for my height.

    Better get back to work  check back later

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited June 2008
    Jackie and Hubby" ="" width="" height="" align="" />
  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited June 2008

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Just wanted to stop by and wish everyone a happy Starve Rock trip. I know you all will have a great time and have lots of fun. Remember to take pics..and don't talk about all of us who aren't there lol. Kater..thanks again for making the reservation's for everyone..great job !! Maybe you are up to taking over lol

    Just wanted to let you know that I will be MIA for a few to see my son. He told me the weather is hot and sunny there. Yeah !!  He has a big surprise dinner set for I know I will be rolling out of there. lol

    If anyone has suggestions for July lunch bunch / as this month is open, please let me know. Your suggestions, dates and times are always welcome and appreciated.

    Wishing everyone in tx get well wishes and big hugs to you all.

    I have to run but will ck back later...

    Remember be happy


  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited June 2008

    Jackie you are so cute with your dh..and I love your hair. Hope you are feeling better too.

    Rita thanks for posting Jackie's pic. You are the best !!!  That why you are the queen.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited June 2008

    Hey gals!  I'm having a heck of a time getting my pictures posted today.  The above picture is Jackie and her hubby, Denny.

    I am frustrated at this point.  I have been working over an hour trying to get the pictures off my camera, onto photobucket and then finding the URL to get them on here.  Chemo brain!  I quit for now.  Maybe I'll think of what I am doing wrong later!  :-)


  • FEB
    FEB Member Posts: 13
    edited June 2008

    Sorry I haven't kept up with you all, but I was wondering if anyone would like to join me this weekend at the healthfreedomexpo in Schamberg? I have been feeling so great since I finished treatments and started my health regiment and I think this expo sounds like there is a lot to learn. Go to to learn abou it. Let me know if anyone would like to join me.
