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Illinois ladies facing bc



  • donnadio
    donnadio Member Posts: 674
    edited April 2009

    Buddy was your golden?? So sorry i wrote it wrong.. obivoisly it is to say, he is always there in spirit.Trust me. i know how all of that goes , always having goldens.



  • donnadio
    donnadio Member Posts: 674
    edited April 2009

    Lisa. How are you today? Tx #2 over? Glad you are progressing and getting thu them and doin a count down! Wish mine would start already!!! Got now a blood/iron deficiency and now am on iron therapy. Most likely it is from the surgery and the transfusions.



  • buddy1
    buddy1 Member Posts: 529
    edited April 2009

    Donna Yes so far so good.  I know the affects are cumulative  But it really is starting out better this time.  I did not realize that you needed a transfusion.  I am so happy they are getting your blood in order and ready before Chemo.Instead of trying do do it while going through chemo. When is your start date?  My WBC was 600 on Wed and yesterday it went to 2200.  So I guess the Nuelsta kicked in.  They went ahead with chemo.  I have to get another one today.  OUCH!

    I sure hope the baby slept for you last night.  I remember a few long nights when we brought our puppy home.

    Love to you all 

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited April 2009

    Just a driveby as I am off to Delnor in a few.....

    Laura....another funny story re: the airport!  You poor thing!  How was Paulie's first night with Mom and Dad?

    Blackjack....glad you made it home and yes, I need that beach chair.  I am so tired of waiting for spring to get here....all I see is cold weather coming. Blech.

    Buddy1/Donna.....keep hanging....tx will be over sooner then you know it.  Really!  Can't believe I finished almost 2 years ago with the chemo part.  Seems like another lifetime....

    Gotta scoot....have a great day and what happened to the sun that was supposed to be shining??????

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,885
    edited April 2009

    My goodness....what a story....the tears popped into my eyes and I thought somewhere in my mind...surely she would not be this coherent about this story if we ended up with squished escalator puppy.  Laura...a little simple thing like standing at the bottom of an escalator turns into near MGM production.  Someday, long time from now, when you are much, much older and sitting in a rocking chair somewhere.....the lifetime of memories.....many of which will keep your adrenaline pumped right up to the top. 

    And you can BELIEVE AND KNOWBuddy was there last night to give you his blessing and complete approval that your love did not end with him and instead will go on to make others have the same warmth, love, and adoration that he was given in his lifetime.  The rainbow was most definitely him.  My belief in these sorts of things is a very deep one and has been pretty much un-shakable since I found my Mom in my kitchen  a few months after her death.  It was the gift of a lifetime and she knew I needed it.   

    Buddy 1.....good that you are getting thru your txs well and I think it does make a big difference to have the shot or shots.  I went out of doors all winter long.....sloshing around in all kinds of weather to feed feral cats and as well was out and about with many people who had colds over and over.  I did have one infection but that was all.....and it was not the cold I would have expected being around all those people.....a esophageal thrush.  So, it is a good thing to do because its just another layer of protection for you. 

    Hopefully soon yep the sooner you start---the sooner you are through and are free to move into a better space.

    See you all soon.  I have to go help Dh....sigh!!!


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited April 2009

    Gals, I picked up David Schreiber's (MD, PhD) book Anticancer A New Way of Life at the library last week and read the entire book in 2 days.  At first I wasn't sure I was going to like it because he gives lots of research for his ideas and solutions.  He is a brain cancer survivor.  After he did the traditional procedures (chemo and rads, etc.) he started looking for ways to change what he calls "the Body Terrain," or the makeup of the body so that it was not so easy for cancer cells to develop.  He has ideas about everything in this book...from deodorants to diet and the research to back it up.  He is still cancer free after 13 or 14 years and has used these ideas with success with other patients.  I think his diet will be hard for me to follow but I'm starting to gravitate toward some of the foods on the list and am working at changing my diet slowly and hoping that I can learn to like some of the anticancer foods.  Now I'm going back through the book more leisurely and taking some notes before I return it.  If you haven't read this, you might want to check it out.  If nothing else, it gives you something to think about.

    I won't bore you any more with this but if you've got any questions, feel free to PM me.

    I have a FREE day today so I'm actually going to clean off my desk now that the taxes are done and rest up for the bowling banquet at Biaggi's tonight!  YUM!  

    Catch you all later.


  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited April 2009

    Laura:  That ws so funny at the end of the story, but I was a nervous wreck the first half.  Youall have been through so much.  I am so glad the puppy is just fine.

    Rita, I will look for that book.  I am not good at giving up foods, but okay about taking on new ones.  I drink pomegranite juice, red cabbage, and berries and I love canteloupe.  I eat these and I believe they are all anti-cancer foods.  I actually have strated craving cancer fighting foods since my dx.  I wonder if my body is trying to fight the bad guy through these cravings.  I also eat chocolate, red meat and I love butter on my portatoes and veggies and so I need a lot of fuel to fight these. I have toitally given up diet pop, which is somehting I drank daily and without fail.  It is so true that something become a habit with a few weeks.  I craved the pop, but now I never even think about it.

    I hope all is well.


  • BustersMom
    BustersMom Member Posts: 260
    edited April 2009

    Aww Laura, I'm so glad you have Paulie!! and I was LMBO while reading about the teddy bear bouncing down the steps!! 

    BJ - welcome home, I'm sorry you are not coming back to warmer weather though.

    JulieB - glad you came to report on the Dr. visit right away, I was wondering (we all were!)

    Wendy - best of luck at your appt tomorrow

    Hi Rita, Jackie, Michele101, Donna, and anyone that I'm missing.

    Applied for a job at Alexian yesterday, I really, really would like this one - but I'm sure they have 4,000 applicants - doh!!   We'll see if they call.  I've got until Monday  & then I call the temp agencies. 

    Ok - off to look for more leads.  Hugs to all - Juliet

  • donnadio
    donnadio Member Posts: 674
    edited April 2009

    Lisa.... So glad the numbers went up and the nuelasta shot worked!!!WEEK FROM TODAY I START!!!! I am so done in the waiting. Felt kind of discouraged as all i keep reading is all about everyone else and their se's and i am flipping out for them and then for me!!!!!!!!!

    Jackie and Wendy..Thanks for the encouraging words as I WANT THIS TO BE A LIFE TIME memory!!! You are all so alive and full of life and it makes coming here so much more postive than the other threads..for you feel there is life after all of this!!!!!!

    Lisa.. let us know how today went.. i know. it is tough and will be there with you soon!!!!

    Hugs to all those in treatment or healing..


  • buddy1
    buddy1 Member Posts: 529
    edited April 2009

    Donna  I just got home from Therapy and Nuelasta.  I have to say I feel fine.  The first treatment I got a headache and felt realy dizzy.  Not this time.  You will do fine.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited April 2009

    Yea buddy!  You're doing good, gal! 

    Donna, You will do just fine!  It is doable!  And just think...the sooner you get started, the sooner you will be done. 

    Hey Susan, I'm with you.  I'm not good at giving up foods either.  Right now I'm not trying to give up too many of my favorite.  I'm just trying to introduce a few cancer fighters that I've never really liked and never really eaten.  Dave swears that I won't be able to do it since my tastes are now firmly formed but I'm going to give it a try.  We'll see!  LOL

    Laura, hope you and Paulie had a good bonding day!

    Juliet...good luck with the job hunting.  Hugs!

    Back to work here..........


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,885
    edited April 2009

    Donna....good news.  You only have to wait a week now.There is a huge life for everyone getting through their individual treatments ---  course as you know, the real trick to that is getting started.  Even in the time since I was done with my chemo.....April 30,th. 2008  I have forgotten how the time waxed and waned through the cycles.....I had 3 different kinds of chemo once every three weeks for 6 months.  At first, it seemed a fairly short time....then, a while after I suddenly seemed quite long.  The last week was too long up till the last tx.....and then of course it seemed like my last se's were going to hang around forever but it was just me in a hurry as usual to totally embrace the freedom of being done.  But, we all got through --- even with set-backs, se's or whatever came along.  This is how you get well and that is what everybody is determined to do come h*** or high water.  We will be with you all the way.



  • Mich101
    Mich101 Member Posts: 489
    edited April 2009

    Laura-so glad to read that you got Paulie home. First your corn story, and now this at the airport-yikes... hope you have some calmer days coming up!

    Bustersmom- I hope you get the job you want at Alexian. Times are tough now finding a job but the right one will come along for you. If you do end up going to a temp. agency, that might not be so bad afterall. You may get your foot in the door of a really good company. Also, you are not committing yourself to a job, to find out that maybe it's not right for you. It's good for refreshing your skills too. Hang in there!!!!

     Hi to everyone else.

  • elf_song
    elf_song Member Posts: 148
    edited April 2009

    What a nice weather we had today compare to yesterday..   So... How are you ladies?? 

    It's been a  little over 6 weeks I finished my chemo and my hair is starting to grow~!   OMG~~ I am so happy~!~!   Also, I started my radiation today..   29 more to go~~       Hard to manage the schedules with two little kids (one and three) and husband is working at night..   I can't come here everyday as much as I love to but my heart is always here with you ladies~!  God bless you all~!     Have a good night~!~!

    BTW, how to put the images with the post??   

  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited April 2009

    Morning!  Another drvie-by!

    Elfsong......It must be so hard with the 2 little ones and having to do rads daily.  But...see?  We told you it would grow back!  Isn't it exciting?  For putting pictures have to upload them first to an on-line storage website (I use photobucket).  Someone here can direct you from there if you can't figure it out....

    Juliet....fingers crossed for the job at Alexian...what was it?

    Donna/Buddy1.....there IS life after chemo!  It's a strange new one....but it's fun!  We say around here..."'s the new nomal".  We really need bumper stickers........ to the library today and I will look for that book.  I may have to reserve it...heck, I don't even know if it's in their system!

    BJ....another busy day for you at school I bet!  Now...don't you wish you had taken our advice and STAYED there???? gave such good advice to Juliet.  You have your "safe" field but then you need to take a temp position...and you just may find your calling!

    My appt with the rad onc went great.....I now have been pushed off to once a year.  He also told me that I will now only be getting mamm's once a year on both girls.  No more needing to sneak in the bad girl in the 6 months in-between!  He also gave me a sheet of paper re: that pain we all seem to have on the radiated side.  He said no one really ever addresses this pain and he decided to hand out some sheets.  As soon as I figure out how to post THAT here, I will!

    Off to shower up and get pretty...should only take me a few hours.....

  • donnadio
    donnadio Member Posts: 674
    edited April 2009

    YES the new normal!!!!  Thanks ALL as it is goin to be doable and we are not alone..that is what makes the difference indeed.

    Lisa.. or anyone.. the pre med Decadron. (sp?), .. this is the predisone one..they say to take it the evening before.. what time is best i wonder as i understand that it hypers one!!! I was goin to tae it around 5pm and then plan on a sleeping pill if it is too strong to sleep. I also have to take 2 beofre chemo and that is goin to be early as my appt is 7:30 a.m., leaving the house around 6:30. Sleep is proabbly goin to be hard the first two nights of chemo startin, i am assuming.

    Have a good day all and keep dry!!!!!!

    Hugs and  Thanks...'


  • buddy1
    buddy1 Member Posts: 529
    edited April 2009

    Donna.  I am on extra steroids.  I have many allergies to meds.  So they want to avoid any reactions.  I start the day before chemo.  I take 2 in a.m. and 2 in p.m.  I do this for 5 days.  I try to take them as close to 12 hours aprt.  I dont notice any SE from them.  I hope you do the same. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited April 2009

    Thanks for welcoming Paulie! He is a doll, but man... it's alot of work. He's so small - we have to watch every step he takes. He loves to be cuddled and falls asleep whenever he's held. I'll post some pics as soon as he'll sit still long enough.

    Who is Lisa?

    JulieChi - Your first colonoscopy is the worst...just think... you will be getting rid of all the toxins! Some people lose up to 10lbs from it! If you want to go to the "Y" this Sat. let me know.

    Wendy - I'm curious... what does your rad Onc look for or check at your visits?

    donna and Buddy - Hang in there!

    Gotta go police the little one! Will check back later. Have a great day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,885
    edited April 2009

    Back later today after work to post.

    "The measure of a man's real character is what he would do if
    he knew he would never be found out."

    -- Thomas B. Macaulay

  • buddy1
    buddy1 Member Posts: 529
    edited April 2009

    Lisa would be me

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,885
    edited April 2009 glad you are still with us.  Glad to you are getting your hair back.  Exciting isn't it??? Just about the time you have settled totally into your no hair routines it comes back and then we start all over to now deal with our hair once more.  It's the only time you'll be thanking god for bad hair days.  Before you know will be done with your rads too.  It is generally so easy ( just use your lotion or cream faithfully ) after chemo....almost pesky in that you have to go everyday.  You will stay in our minds and hearts even if you don't get on here are one of us...always.

    Buddy if I can only remember to call you Lisa...actually I'd probably try and put Buddy 1/Lisa just to not have any possible confusion with same name people. fantastic.  That's real progress to be able to cut back on some of the checkups/visits.  They will miss you....I bet you are a hoot when you are there.  Don't know why but a mild case of nerves seems to bring out the humor in many of us. 

    Gotta run....see ya later.


  • donnadio
    donnadio Member Posts: 674
    edited April 2009

    YES i knew it was LISA.(Buddy) ..cause we are so connected.!!!LOLOLOL!!! Did i cause some havoc here and good confusion for everyone!! Keeping any chance of chemo brain to progress...lolol.Yes the pre meds  I will take a good 12 hrs apart too. Did you sleep the first night of predisone?That is what i dread and with the zyrtec etc.. sleepy and then wide awake.which will it be. I am soooo sensitive with meds.. always have been.

    OH cannot wait to see pics of that sweet Paulie... it has to be challenging to keep up with, but it is so gratifying when they are older,!!!

    I have put my part time teaching job on hold as i don't know how i will feel until i get thru my first treatment. Hard to make future commitments or dates, that is the hardest for me as you feel your life is on hold. Plus the germs in school , would want to see how my blood counts are etc. The kids would probavbly say..Mrs. C.. how come you have a wig on?!!!All this is something i seem to be shakey on. It is a process and will see how it goes.



  • zap
    zap Member Posts: 1,850
    edited April 2009


    Good thing your teaching  job is flexible and you can take time off to see how you feel.  Only suggestion (I too teach) is try not to give FIRM dates on absences.  I felt fairly fine throughout the whole things and teaching actually got my mind off of my worries.  I teach 8th grade and they knew what was going on, but I did not discuss it with them.  I did warn them that I would be wearing a wig due to the meds I had to take and they actually applauded after that quick explanation.  They are old enough to know that I was referring to the effects of chemo.  During the same time, a young child in our district had neuroblastoma, so I was not the sole  center of attention.    I guess what I am saying is that it is great you can take some time off, yet keep in mind you may want to be in the classroom just to escape it all.  I wish you well.


  • Juliechicago
    Juliechicago Member Posts: 179
    edited April 2009


    Received the results of my bloodwork today. (GP ordered it).  Good news is that for what it's worth, CA-125 number was low.  But she also ran a ferritin (think I'm spelling that wrong) iron test-- and it was very low. Hemoglobin slightly low. I've been anemic in some fashion since college- could never give blood. But this is the first time it's really pointing to iron deficiency anemia.  GP has recommended a supplement and to talk about it with Onc next week. I'm going to start the ball rolling on the colonoscopy, but I know that anemia is a key sign of a colon issue-- so have that to worry about more now.  aargh.

    Anyone here has anemia issues?  I don't notice that I'm especaily tired- more than usual. My son could wear out just about anyone.  (Analogy-- try putting a leash on a tornado.) 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited April 2009

    JulieChicago - I'm sorry you have another thing to deal with. I know how easy it is to worry about the possible causes of our ailments. I can understand why you would be concerned. BUT... I think it's a very good sign that you are not overly fatigued and you don't have any of the symptoms. I can see how you would relate the anemia to the colon, but again, I think if it was something serious, you'd have lots of symptoms. Hang in there!

    Donna and LISA (lol) - Hang in there...!

    PJuliet - Good luck with the job search. Don't you kinda have a foot in the door at Alexian? lol ; )

  • donnadio
    donnadio Member Posts: 674
    edited April 2009

    Susan....Will keep all of what you say in mind as it is all probably a process, if i have little s/e's after first week of first treatment,  I will be albe to understand what to expect. IT is the fear of the unknown and getting this first treatment under my belt!!!!!!!!!!!!Notice there are alot of teachers here!!!!Next week is spring break and my first treatment is WED.. good timing for work being missed too.

    Thanks Laura!! Kiss Paulie for me!

    Lisa/Buddy....(lol).. all ok after this last treatment? Hugs being sent.

    Healthy Wishes,


  • blackjack
    blackjack Member Posts: 771
    edited April 2009

    Morning Girls,

    Just a quick hi to everyone as I am off to the I am not going anywhere, but wish I was back on the beach. Dh is going to RI to drive back with my son. So he will be coming home and moving up north. He has a job at the Abbey as a chef so this will be good. School has been very busy and I am trying to play catch up now. I hope all is well with everyone. Sending healing hugs to those in tx. Hang in there.....

    Gotta run...have a great day everyone. Will check back later.

    Remember to be happy and think spring.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited April 2009

    Good Morning...

    Help...I am making bread pudding this morning...a friend is coming over this afternoon. The sauce for the b-pudding calls for 3/4 cup of Whiskey... I really don't want to use whiskey. What can I use instead? I am heading out to the store in a little while to pick up the ingredients.


  • wendyk13
    wendyk13 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited April 2009

    Morning!  Thought it was time for the "Peep Spa"....

    BJ....glad your son is coming home!  Does he get board at the Abbey?

    Laura....the alcohol will cook off and whiskey makes such a delicious sauce for bread pudding and I HATE whiskey!  I don't think there is a whiskey flavoring like there is for brandy...

    I too had a hard time with LISA!  Lisa who?  OH.....ok...Lisabuddy1!  We're a little slow here due to all that chemo!  At least...that's what we blame it on and we're sticking to that!

    JulieB...glad you got some answers at least!

    I am off to do some errands and then lunch out with an old friend...can never have too many of those!  You can always just be yourself...and they love ya anyway!

  • JanClare
    JanClare Member Posts: 267
    edited April 2009

    Hello all!

    Stopping by to let you know that I'm still alive and doing okay.  Our renovation is almost over and I should be able to post more often soon!

    I hope everyone is doing well and my best wishes to those in treatment.  

    Is there going to be an April get-together?  I see that the Day of Sharing has finally sent out information.  Unfortunately, my husband and I have a business covention that weekend and I won't be able to go- but I encourage anyone else who can to go!  It's really fabulous with a lot of info, a great lunch, and a wonderful fashion show.  

    Laura, make a vanilla sauce instead- here's an easy one from online:,1832,152170-226199,00.html 

    Hope to stop in again soon..