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Anyone starting Chemo in Feb?
Hello Carynn! Just to let you know a couple of weeks ago I changed from thursday to wednesday treatment days since they asked for volunteers to help the overloaded thursdays. I'm still doing weekly and have 7 more to go. Hope you are doing well. The bone pain stinks but as of yet I haven't had to take the percocet since motrin or tylenol do OK. Take care!
Pat0 -
Twink, don't give up - you won't, I know, but it can't hurt to hear it again. Maybe you could talk to goldnmom - she just waged and won a battle for her insurance to pay for her DIEP . Entirely different circumstances, but she learned a lot about how to fight with insurance companies, and she was effective.
I believe you're entitled to your procedure of choice, as long as your surgeon documents that it is medically necessary. So get those fighting gloves on!0 -
Good morning All
Well it is morning here. Thanks for the laugh about the hair - I really needed some humour this morning.
Twink, get those gloves on and go out and fight. Thank goodness we do not have to go through that here, well not for most treatments. People who need herceptin are having to fight for that but that is with the government not insurance companies
Here is the hair report from Down Under (thats NZ). The hair or rather lack of it I am like you Hillary. Baby fuzz on my head has stayed thougfh I have noticed some more has fallen since beginning taxol. On my body there is very little, haven't shaved since day 12 after tx one. If it was swimming weather I certainly wouldn't need to shave the bikini line, just a few stragglers left. Eyebrows are now really thin so I use a pencil to fill them in and when I an at school or go out use an eyeliner to help bulk out the eyelashes. Have continued to use mascara despite those really lashes are still coming out. I have two more taxols top come so will wait with interest the return of the hair. I would like to be able to have my hair done properly by the time of DDs wedding in January.
Melanie I have tried to work through but everyday things are getting more difficult.
Steph - I can really relate to the tiredness. The last two days have been terrible. I have absolutely no energy and this is day 15 since my first taxol. I have never been so tired it is an effort to do anything -it 10am and I haven't even got dressed yet. I have taken yesterday and today off school. My other big worry at present is that there are so my 'bugs' floating around school and the flu season seems to have started. I have two more taxol on May 24 and June 14.
I had better go, have a shower and get some school work done - I have 46 reports to write by Monday which is going to be difficult.
Hope everyone copes with trips to the bar and those feeling the effects of treatment have a good day. Cyber hugs to all(((((())))))
Alyson0 -
Hello All.
Just wanted to let you know that my friend and boss Jeff, who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in early January, died today.
I am not sure how I feel, just that I am overwhelmed.
My surgery is Monday, so I am probably going to miss the funeral.
I hate this disease. 49 years old, gone in 5 months. It is hard to make sense of this.
Leah0 -
I know how you feel. When my friend found she had a reoccurance of her breast cancer after ten years I just couldn't think. Then a couple of week ago she learnt she had to have further surgery because the cancer had spread into the old scar. It is such a terrible disease.
Hope your surgery goes well on Monday. Love and prayers
Alyson0 -
My deepest sympathy on the loss of your friend. Life is just not fair.
One the hair front....fuzz on my head, no hair under arms or on upper arms. Very little on legs...left eye has no lower lashes...and down there...very thin.
Oh..and no nose hairs.
What a sight.
I am also having hand itching...have had this since March. I assume it is the taxotere. My hands and legs have been swollen. Legs feel like lead and I am very tired. But I only slept 3 hours last night. My mind was too busy to sleep.
Hope everyone at the bar today is doing well tonite.
Love to all,0 -
Leah, so sorry to learn about your friend Jeff. Pancreatic cancer is really a tough one, especially when you are young like he was. I hope he was not in pain too much. My heart goes to his family and friends.
I will be thinking of you on Monday...
Take care, dear Leah.
Big hugs to you,
Catherine0 -
Leah, I am so, so very sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. I too will keep his family in my thoughts and prayers. Best of luck on your surgery Monday. Please let us know when you're up to it how it went an how you're doing. Please know that we're all there with you.
Alyson, hope that you are feeling better soon. Please pass this website on to your friend who is dealing with a recurrence. I guarentee you she will find inspiration there.
Terry, hope you dont see this today cuz you're sleeping! My sleep schedule is still whacked, but I am now getting a good 5-6 a night now which is a vast improvement.
Hugs to you all.
Carynn0 -
Just got back from four days in the mountains of Utah with no cell and no Internet access and actually it was pretty much heaven. Lovely mild sunny weather - it was literally 40 degrees cooler than Vegas when we left! Trying to catch up with everyone's news now.
Leah, so so sorry to hear about your friend Jeff. I have a friend that has also been recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, she is 52, and they have told her she has about six months. She is fighting it, though, and I told her that she is NOT a statistic! She is going with an aggressive chemo treatment, and we are researching alternative cures being developed, plus finding out about some clinical trials. Cancer just sucks, it really does.
Tammy, special hugs to you and your baby. I do hope your docs figure out what is best for you both and that the insurance company cooperates as well. What an uphill struggle for you at a time when you should be celebrating life and thinking of nothing more momentous than what color to paint the baby's room!
Theresa, glad to hear you are home again and hope your recovery goes smoothly.
To everyone else, hope you are all feeling better and enjoying the spring time weather.
On the subject of hair - as reported previously, eyebrows were gone and then came in nice and thick all of a sudden within just a few days. I now have short stubby eyelashes - at one point I had about three or four nice long ones on each side and it looked so weird I kind of pulled them out myself. Figured eyeliner would look better and call less attention to them. Just starting to see a few wispies on the legs, under the arms nothing, and pubes are still nada too. Very fine fuzz on head coming in ever so slowly - at this rate it will be next summer before I can doff the wigs!
But isn't it awesome we are all thinking about hair and eyebrows and stuff like that again finally. Land ho! The February chemo cruise is almost at an end. Think about how far we have all come since the beginning and how comparatively little there is left to go. Now THAT is truly a blessing! We may not be at the end of our journeys quite yet, but at least this part will soon be behind us.0 -
Leah, my heart goes out to you with the loss of your friend. You've talked of him often and I know how important his friendship, especially of late, has been to you. Part of our new normal, of course, is living with the knowledge that with a cancer dx life becomes a crapshoot in a way. Why him or her and not me? Why me? Other than trying to stay strong, positive and do WHATEVER we have to to beat this crap, what can we do.? Maybe there is a reason your surgery was already scheduled for Monday. You know most of the people there won't understand, like WE all do, that it could be them. A bus hits you tomorrow, a life threatening illness that could already be in your body, a car accident. You know I am thankful for the knowledge that I need to live in the moment, savor every day, even the down days. It's a loss of the carefree innocence of being alive. We traded that in for the knowledge that we need to make the most of every day. "Positive" thinkers say this all the time, but do most of them actually know that for a fact? We do.
Good luck on Monday, let us know how it goes! You are in my prayers.................Hugs,Marsha0 -
Leah, I too am so sorry for your loss. I honestly think that experiencing this loss is harder for us now than before our bc dx's. It seems to "hit home" much harder because we are living with it daily. I lost a very dear aunt in January. She was diagnosed with a brain tumor in November, so it took her very quickly also. Marsha's post really says it all. At least for me. I hope I never take another day for granted.
0 -
Now, I have to tell you gals a funny story.
Last night we went to dinner with friends and one of our drivers was in the office as we were leaving, so of course we invited him along.
He's sitting at one end of the table. He and I are the only ones who have ordered ice tea. Everyone else is drinking beer. He puts his packet of "sweet & lo" in his tea, gets another pack out...and I guess it hits him that I might like some sweetner. Picks it up, holds it out towards me (I am at the other end)...I say "noooo thanks...that stuff causes cancer"...OMG...everyone just stops for about a nano second and busts out laughing. Poor fella, he was in shock. He might turn down our offer next time...LOL.
Vegas; Your friend is fortunate to have you there to help her through this. I know that sometimes friends withdraw at these times, or disappear completely. I am thankful that my friends mostly act like nothing is different, but they are always there for me...and that means more to me than anything.0 -
Hi everyone I didnt check for just a couple of days and so much has happened...
Leah my sincerest condolences to you on the loss of your friend. This is really a terrible disease. I know this is a difficult time, but try to stay strong for your upcoming surgery on Monday.
Hillary Congratulations on your stepsons achievement, and my condolences regarding the loss of your mother-in-law. Hang in there as you have a lot going on right now.
Tammy thinking of a precious baby makes me smile I just love babies. You hang in there and make sure your docs are consulting to do what is best for the both of you!
Twink I am so sorry to hear about your insurance woes. Who needs that aggravation on top of everything else. I know that it is frustrating, but I also encourage you to fight for what is best for you!
Carynn thanks for the update on the Nioxin; I am definitely going to look into it as I, too, want to do whatever it takes to stimulate hair growth. I am going to a LGFB session on Monday, and I am excited to see what they have to offer. FYI - regarding eyelashes when I mentioned using false eyelashes to my wig stylist (how funny does that sound), she warned me that there is a risk of infection from the adhesive. She recommended just using eyeliner on the top lid until after chemo is done. I trust her advice as she has worked with many BC patients and is very knowledgeable.
Melanie your story regarding the sweetener was hilarious! Sometimes just being able to add some humor to this whole ordeal makes it a little easier to get through. Like you, I have some really good friends that both laugh with me and support me through all of this.
In general, I am feeling better now that I am a week out from treatment. Since my onc insisted that I get Neulasta, my WBCs were off the chart. The PA believes that this is over-stimulating my bone marrow to make WBCs and consequently compounding my aches and pains. So next treatment we are going to skip the Neulasta and see what happens. (BTW - have you all seen how much Neulasta costs?!? I got an itemized bill from the office and it is $3K per shot I couldnt believe it!)
I am also experiencing some numbness and tingling in my feet to go along with my off and on itchy hands, although bearable. And of course I have to mention the night sweats, and hot flashes that just strike at the oddest times. I was on a job interview (believe it or not) and in this one interviewers office I just started sweating profusely I had to take off my jacket and start fanning. Since I look kind of a young for menopause, I am sure she just thought I was nervous. Looking back its kind of funny.
For those of you wondering why I am interviewing for jobs on top of everything else it is just a good opportunity that I cannot allow BC to stand in the way of! So I stuck it out and sat through 7-1/2 hours of interviews this past Tuesday while dealing with body aches and fatigue. I was loaded up on Percocet, and other than the sweating I made it through, but I was absolutely exhausted when it was done and over. So we will see how it all pans out.
Well, I am certainly glad that it is Friday, and I have made it through another week post-treatment. I wish you all a good weekend to all and I will be checking in.
Steph0 -
Just quickly breezing through to let you know that the insurance stuff got straightened out's covered.
I want to quickly tell you, Leah, that I felt your pain in that posting. I'm so sorry that you have lost your friend.
Off for my Friday night cocktail with hubby and son...0 -
Leah, I am so sorry your dear friend is gone. Good luck on your surgery monday.
Piper0 -
Leah, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend Jeff. Cancer is a horrible disease. It is so close to home and such a reality we live with. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
I have been reading all your posts and enjoying them. Just a quick update. I have lymphedema and don't want to type too long, as I need to elevate my arm. It is a frustating ordeal as I have been unable to get anything I need here in the town where I live. On top of that I had my first FAC on Tues and became nauseous by dinner time that evening. I took the Emend and Zofran. It keeps me from vomiting, but I am very queezy, unable to eat much but crackers and sprite. The afternoons are better. I just sleep in the mornings. It looks like I need to make a trip to Houston to get the lymphadema pump and sleeve I need. I have my arm wrapped with ace wrap and not sure it is wrapped properly. Another major problem is that it is Fri. afternoon and all the therapists are out of pocket. So, as you can see I am quite frustrated. No one here is certified for this therapy. So I will begin the insurance battle to go out of network. I don't feel up to it right now. But I remember from you girls that day 3 through 5 were the first, so I am looking forward to feeling better Sunday, that will be my day 6.
{{{{{{{{{Hugs to all, Sammie Kay}}}}}}}}}}}
P.S. Carynn you didn't lie, the worst day on Taxol is better that the best day on AC. YUK! LOL0 -
Twink, great news...
Steph, I thought about the fact that I was grateful the onc said "no Neulasta" with Abraxane, since the pain would have been compounded... I guess. The insurance gets billed almost 7k for the Neulasta shot. Of course they have "agreements" with providers, and pay "only" 2500$ or so (and I do not have to pay for the difference, TG). My counts went lower but remained in the normal range, so, so far, so good... in 4 days (FOUR days), some of us will be off the hook with chemo... last Abraxane on Tuesday... I can't hardy believe it... This is worth a mass, so on the 7th of June I will go listen to the Missa Solemnis (Beethoven) by the Colorado Symphony Chorus, which should be something... My neighboor/friend is getting the tickets...
In the meantime... a lot of pages to translate, so I'll come back later. I had "the blah's" from Saturday through Wed., but feeling much more energetic and pain free since yesterday...
The best of week-end to all of you, and leah, make sure to rest a lot before Monday... After the surgery, the night at the hospital, I kept drinking anything I could get (water, cranberry juice) and had to call the nurse every couple of hours to go pee, but the next morning I felt pretty fresh, the anaesthesia drugs eliminated from my system... I had taken a small lavender flower sachet (I make those when the lavender is not too open, in the summer), and the smell of it helped me a lot, too, calming and fresh. Also, I took a lot of Arnica Montana homeopathic pellets right after surgery (it is suposed to help recover from the trauma, bruising, etc... I do not know what would have happened without taking those... but 10 days later, I was healed completely... but had big bruises anyway down my sides...).
Well, till soon,
CatherineH0 -
Oh, SammiKay, hope you get over AC crap soon... Don't wait to be sick to take the drugs... as you very well know... did you go back to our earlier posts? There was so much helpful info...
Will be thinking of you...
Big hugs,
CatherineH0 -
OK first off does anyone else get to the bottom of the screen and forget what everyone said. I always want to answer and respond to everyone but I sure can't remember it all! Chemo brain I guess or just being over 40.
Leah my condolences. I know that pancreatic cancer is a difficult one. I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. I will pray for him. I will be thinking of you on Monday.
Twink, glad the insurance thing worked out. I bet that was some tense moments.
Sammie Kay sorry to hear about the lymphedema. I wonder if a good and experienced massage therapist could help. My onc gave me a great website and they have evidence based information that I have found helpful it is
Alyson I admire your work as a teacher. I bet you are exposed daily to all kinds of little germs. I can't imagine the stamina it takes as well. My hat is off to you for the most important job out there, teaching our kids!!
Steph good luck with the job interview. I put school on hold for treatment and sure hope I can get back to it one day. We need to still look at our future and plan ahead!!
Had treatment #7 today, the second Abraxane. Only one more left. WAIT, I have to do that again. Only ONE more left. OMG a tiny light at the end of the tunnel. It is party hats and cake in two weeks.
Thank goodness once again the abraxane went down well with no allergic reactions thank goodness. Nice change from C and T. The last treatment left me with mild toe and finger tingling but completely manageable and gone by week two. The muscle and joint pain was less but still took percocet full day. Catherine I am taking the neulasta, not sure why since counts are great but doing what the new dr tells me. It still gives me the bone pain but responds to advil. Catherine the abraxane makes me nauseated but no vomiting just feel VERY quesy for about 4 days with bad mouth taste, lots of brushing and rinsing just like AC. But hey doesn't all of this make me nauseated!!! I can think chemo and get nauseated. No nail problems as of yet or itching, peeling and the rash went away after the taxol.
I am having big problems with my voice. It sounds like I have a bad cold all the time and at times I lose my voice, I think the kids like that. At first they thought it was the taxol but it lingers on. Now they are wondering if the decadron which is making my GERD worse is hurting my vocal cords. Hopefully, once more dose and it will get better. Anyone else having that problem?
Funny story-I ran into an IT person at work that I had not seen since I was diagnosed. She came in my office and dropped her jaw and said. "OMG, you look terrible, are you alright?" Crap, I thought I was having a good day, had eyeliner on and everything!
I stopped working until one week after my last treatment. I have to say it has lifted my spirits and I feel good about focusing on getting through the last of this. Saved enough disability for 10 days off during radiation just in case.
I found out that the nurses at work have organized a benefit for me on June 2nd. Rented a great bar on the river, free beer, band, the whole works. Sending out 2,000 beautiful invites. I have no idea who those 2,000 people are since I have only lived in here for two years. I don't like being in the spotlight but feel so grateful for my employees who would do this for me. It will be the day after my last treatment and I hope I feel well enough.
I was wondering how many of us will go on to rads. I would live to stay with the same group for the next round. My onc said today that it is typically 3-4 weeks before they actually start since they have to have it all set up. Anyone game to stay together for that?
OK, in case you have not guessed I am on my decadron high. Think I will go work on laundry. I guess it will be a late night!!!
Best of luck to all for next week.
Leah (((((hugs again)))))
karen0 -
One more question. Does anyone know anything about henna tattoos?
One of the nurses at work had it done for her wedding-she is pakistani. It was beautiful. So we decided to put a henna butterfly across the back of my head. We did all the research to make sure the henna we have is safe. One of the people I ran into at the LGFG class had done this as well.
Of course it is temporary and the nurse told me unlike your feet and hands it would only stay on maybe 2-3 weeks.
But heck I am bald and it would be fun. What do you all think? This is pretty out of character for me.
karen0 -
Karen, Thanks for the link. I have already accessed it and found other links there. Thanks for the help. Sammie Kay
0 -
Hi, Karen... glad Abraxane is not as hard on you. I do not have nausea nor queazyness (I get Aloxi just before the Abraxane), but I have a hoarse voice... I thought that was from Avastin (the only thing I have had since day one)... I do not take decadron at all (had some in IV for AC, but not since)... go figure... The tingling has never gone to my toes, and was very mild after tx#2 and 3, the achyness increased this time around, but I needed to take max. 6 advils a day (usually 4 or even just 2).
I saw some of these henna tatoos, they can be very pretty. I think there is a member on these board who shows hers (on her head).
Good for your co-workers... sounds like a party in style...
Well, enjoy doing the laundry... and take care...
Till soon,
CatherineH0 -
Leah - my thoughts and prayers go out to you for both the loss of Jeff and for your upcoming surgery.
Karen - I'd love to hang out with you for rads. I have my simulation May 29th - I'd like to think he'd start the next day, but I'm betting he'll wait till maybe the following Monday since that's 2 weeks out from my last chemo. We'll start a 'rads in June' thread.
Twink - good deal on the insurance.
SammieKay - good luck with the lymphadema - I'm terrified it's gonna show up. BS's nurse says it's about 50/50 - sounds like a crap shoot to me. The home care nurse who stopped in to see me after surgery told me her mother went 10 years before it showed up.
Karen - go for the henna tattoo - I think it would be cool. Thought about it myself but now I have quite a bit of bristly stuff so I don't think it would go on very well. Enjoy that party on the 2nd - what a way to celebrate the end of treatment.
Time to get busy. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Hugs to all!
Phyl0 -
Thank you all for your condolences about my friend Jeff. It is comforting to think that you all shared/respected my love for him, if only for the moments you wrote. That feels good somehow.
Karen, I will be doing rads starting in about 3-4 weeks. I will be our buddy! Would love the company.
This the Avon Breast Cancer walk in Boston weekend. I am off to cheer on my friend Sue. We have managed to raise over $7,000 from our friends for her walk. It is cold (44 degrees) and rainy, so not sure if she will do the whole thing. But no matter- checks are all cashed!!! I imagine those dollars going right over to fund some more 'triple-negative' research, as that's where I, and a few of us I love here on the board, have a great need.
I will check in with you all before Monday's adventure. Very comforting to know so many of you went before me and are happy with their bodies as a result.
Love.0 -
Don't laugh Melanie, but I might be able to arrange something...wouldn't that be fun. A bunch of us in Florida for a few BNOs...that sounds sooo good right now!
0 -
I'm a little late in reading this week, been busy mowing the yard and pasture. I did it over a week rather all in one day like usual so to conserve on my energy! Not easy mowing 5 acres of 3 ft tall grass and weeds with a riding mower!
LEAH I'm so sorry to hear about Jeff, prayers of comfort for you and hope your surgery goes well!
Carynn, now that was a really funny hair report! I showed my head last night as I was wearing a hat, took it off and my biker friends said OMG you have more hair than your hubby now! LOL! I look like I had a buzz cut, about 1/3 inch of black even stubbies and oddly a white fuzz against the skin as a under layer. I usually wear a helmet when on a bike, may have to throw a wig in the trunk of the trike and grab it or a cap when I take my helmet off. I used to grab a cap to cover up messy "helmet" hair!
Here's a pic of the "new" bike, its being triked out supposedly starting next week.
This is what it will look like when its triked out but in the Candy Black Cherry color. This is a friend of mine's trike that has the same trike kit we are putting on ours.
Here's a pic of us on the other bike we had the accident with. We were pulling this trailer when the accident happened. Luckly it has a swivel hitch so stayed upright while we were on the ground facing downhill on our left side on a gas station driveway! A small nearly invisible rut had grabbed our front tire and threw the bike on its side and we slid for about 15 ft. Only were going 15mph! If my hubby had turned in a second sooner or later we would have missed the rut...was a freak accident.
Saw my surgeon friday, everything checked out fine! Said to see her in 3 months and then 3 months after that to have a mammogram. I told her about us getting the trike and she said, good sounds like you are getting back to living your normal life!0 -
Jan -- What a cool bike! Send pictures after its transformation ... I'm glad that you showed pictures of you and dh on your old bike with the trailer. I was confused and thought that you sat in the trailer. Can you tell that I know nothing about motorcycles? I have ridden on the back of one once, when a friend was trying to get me to pick my car up before the place closed. Racing through California highways during rush hour!
Leah and Karen -- I'll be doing rads as well, so we can all stick together. I meet with the rads onc for the first time next Tuesday, right before my chemo.
Leah -- My condolences for the loss of your friend. Don't worry about the surgery. It's much easier than AC! Remember to take your pain pills on time. I would also strongly advise taking a ativan or two the morning of your surgery. For me, the worst part of the day was the waiting around before hand. That is great news about raising the money fomr the Avon Breast Cancer walk. You must have a great group of friends!
Karen -- What a wonderful group of friends from work. We look forward to hearing all about the party
Speaking of benefits, Marsha -- what ever happened to the boob-athon benefits we talked about for you?
Catherine -- I share your amazement that Tuesday will be our last chemo!
SammieKay -- What kind of schedule are you on for FAC, every two or three weeks? Don't forget to drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink ... well, you get the idea. A lot of us had one treatment cycle (typically the third), where we were lax on getting enough fluids and we all paid the price. Especially important to do it the day before, day of, and the two days after. I'm sorry to hear about your lymphedema problems. From what I've read, it is really important to find a therapist who specializes in this. It is worth the insurance fight to go out of network to find a certified therapist.
Twink -- What a relief about your insurance woes! What was your magic touch to get it worked out?
Steph -- I'm so impressed that you managed a job interview!
Melanie -- Great story! If we can't laugh, then who can?
OK, better send this off before chemo brain hits and I erase it all! Hugs to everyone ...
-- Hillary0 -
Here's what I know for sure ... let me know who to add!
Monday - Phyl (last taxol)
Tuesday - Hillary (last taxol), Catherine (last abraxane)
Wednesday - Marsha (last taxol), Wendy, Pat (taxol #6), Theresa (last?)
Thursday - StephJ (2nd to last), Alyson0 -
Sammie Kay what a bummer on the lymphadema. I bought a sleeve as they do have them without a prescription, was preparing for flying out to see our Marine graduate so had to have it. Doing everything I can to prevent it.Hubby still has to remind me to switch arms when doing something heavy!
Oh and my surgeon said she hasn't heard anything about my genetic testing, was going to check into it. I told her how insurance was hemming and hawing about paying for it.0 -
Phyl -
I wasn't able to start my rads until 4 to 6 wks after my last AC tx, so be prepared to have to wait until the 4 wk mark. I didn't have to do taxol, so I already started my rads - May 9th (I just did my 8th rad tx on Friday). It's not bad, just a pain having to go EVERY day! LOL
I joined the March Rads group, but still read everyone's posts here to keep up.
Leah - so sorry about your friend Jeff. I lost a friend in April to lung cancer - such a shock (she was 50) as she had NO symptoms until just after Christmas. They didn't even know it was lung cancer until a little over 2 WEEKS before she died!! So my heart goes out to you - it's very heartwrenching I know.
My SIL told me about a new country song out by Craig Morgan - called "Tough". About a woman fighting BC - and how "tough" she is getting thru it. In my opinion, I could have come up with some better lyrics - but the message gets across. Kind of weird how this is now in songs!
Hope all have a great weekend!
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