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Anyone starting Chemo in Feb?



  • Primel
    Primel Member Posts: 652
    edited July 2007
    Hi, Vegas... bonjour!!! Not a minute too soon... glad to hear from you, we were worried. Are you working on your French for next year? I do not forget you and will send links this Fall (after my sister's visit). As you see we are all busy trying to live normally... I feel very good, I must say, a bit stiff too if I sit too long.. which is why I am moving all the time (did serious weeding today because the soil was so moist from the rain... a pleasure). I seem to be doing a lot of things... because I do not have to check in an office everyday... when I play during the day, I work late in the evenings...

    Come back soon, and take care of yourself... My hair must be 0.5cm (1/4 of an inch??) if that... but I went work outside in the yard topless (it was so hot!) and my neighbor crossed to come give me a big hug and tell me I looked great, which I thought was very nice (she is in her late 70's/early 80's).

    Well, sweet dreams to all...
  • vegas
    vegas Member Posts: 151
    edited July 2007
    Bonjour, Catherine, Comment ca va?! I am practicing un petit peu and just trying to get everything back in order so I can plan my trip to France. We are hoping for next June, but in the meantime we are taking a cruise to the southern Carribean and to Hawaii. Someone mentioned earlier that we seem to travel after chemo - I am all for traveling as much as possible!!
  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Member Posts: 474
    edited July 2007
    Vegas! So good to hear from you! That is really wonderful that you have been doing some counseling for bc. Is there a specific organization that you are working with? I have thought many times that I might be interested in doing something for the cause, but I just dont know what yet. BTW, DH and I are kicking around going to LAS for a weekend soon. If it ever gets past the talking stage, I'll definately let you know! And, THANKS for sharing the whisker story. When no one else said a word, I thought maybe I was the only bearded lady in the bunch.

    It's been a very sad weekend in Phoenix this week. I'm sure many of you saw the news footage of the two news helicopters that collided in mid-air on Friday while covering a police pursuit. The entire city feels like they knew these people as we "have them in our homes" every day. The collision happened over downtown during lunch hour so it's truly amazing that no one on the ground was injured. Almost all of the wreckage landed in a park and not in traffic. Both tv stations have been running updates and biographies of those lost. In AZ we have a law that if someone dies as a result of the actions of someone committing a crime, they can be charged with the death. So most likely the bad guy (yes he was caught) will be charged with causing the crash.

    On a much happier note, the carpet guys will be here tomorrow, we've been sleeping in one of the spare bedrooms and I cant wait to get back in my own bed. We bought a new featherbed top, bedspread and accessories, and some nice 300 count sheets. Cant wait to go to bed Monday night.

    Has anyone been following the presidental debates? DH and I love watching both persuasions, if you will. CNN re-ran the You-Tube debate last night. Just wondered if anyone caught the question from the lady with bc. She was awesome!

    Well time to get moving and get something accomplished before the race comes on.

    Enjoy your Sunday!
  • swimmingmom
    swimmingmom Member Posts: 121
    edited July 2007
    Sorry I have not posted over here in awhile. I have been on the rads board. With work and swim meets I have had a hard time keeping up with all the posts. I did catch the tail end of a discussion on facial hair and was wondering if anyone has soft white hair on their face. I have it all over my face including checks, above the lip and on my chin. While you can't see it unless you are right up to my face, when I look in the mirror it is disturbing to me. Anyone else have more than a mustache and this white hair? If so, did you do anything about it?

    Sounds like others are fairing better in the hair growth. I am not sure I could even measure mine yet. But I do have some there.

    Good to see that everyone is doing pretty well.

    Happy Sunday, stay cool.
  • vegas
    vegas Member Posts: 151
    edited July 2007
    Hey Carynn and Karen, That whitish down was on both sides of my face. I think it is related to the puppy dog fur that grew in first on the head before the "real" hair started to sprout. Just shave it off, Karen, and hopefully like Carynn and I, it won't come back. I have heard other women on FORCE also post about chin hairs, thank goodness I didn't get any of those - at least not yet - as they seem to be a permanent addition.

    Carynn, the breast care nurse I had when I was first diagnosed has been referring some of her newbies to me just to talk to. And I am going to go to the American Cancer Society and take their class so I can work with them too. I really want to work with the women who are just starting the journey and guide them to resources they can use. I just keep remembering how frightened I was and how nothing made real sense. I knew nothing at all about BC or reconstruction or chemo and I didn't know what to do next or who was in charge of my care. Little did I know, that I was the one in charge!! How quickly we learn. Anyway, it seems a good way to give back for all the help I received along the way.

    Congrats on the new bed and carpeting! I remodeled my kitchen during chemo and it almost feels like a new home when you do something fun like that!
  • SammieKB
    SammieKB Member Posts: 164
    edited July 2007
    It is so uplifting to read the posts today from Karen, Carynn, Vegas and Catherine.
    I am pooped. I did a really stupid thing today. We went to Denny's for brunch and that was a trip. After waiting an hour for our food, the waitress came out with an order for a table of six and dropped the whole thing on the floor. We had to wait another twenty minutes. She did bring a complimentary order of toast as my stomach was burning from the coffee. I didn't expect my stomach to be empty so long. LOL. Anyway, now the stupid thing was we left there and went to the supermarket. Didn't seem like we had to get that much, but we each took a basket and went separate ways and ended up being there for three hours. I am on day 5 post FAC. I didn't have nausea this time, so had a false sense of security about myself. I was so tired when I got home I could hardly stand up. Honestly, I question my sanity at times.
    Carynn, your bedroom sounds wonderful. What fun. I love those high thread count sheets. I was saddened about the copter crash. That was just awful.
    Vegas, how did you get through a kitchen remodel and chemo. You are braver than I. I want to do some updates in my kitchen, but waiting until I get stronger after chemo. I guess you are quite a bit ahead of me on finishing chemo, as I just finished Tues. Darn, my facial hair, I had some pre bc, remember I am the senior post menapausal one here, LOL...but I have enjoyed not fighting with the whiskers. Sorry girls, seems like everyone gets them as we age. Arggggh!
    Catherine, is the sun bothering you? I was wondering how long after finishing chemo does the photosensitivity leave us? I am so glad you are feeling so well. I can't wait until I join you. Soon I am sure.
    My granddaughter came and spent last weekend before she gets ready to go back to college. I am honored that my 20 year old will take time to come and spend the weekend with her grandma. Isn't that awesome?
    Her younger high school sister is coming to spend this week with me. They are such treasures. I am blessed. I am especially close to them as their mother and my son, their dad divorced when they were very young and they spent some formative years with me.
    Well, I a babbling, so will get on with my new project. I am going to start shopping online for good buys on a camper. I want to put one down at the coast and spend some time near the water. Love to all. Good dreams, Sammie Kay
  • twink
    twink Member Posts: 550
    edited July 2007
    Congratulations Sammie Kay! Even with the lingering SEs, I remember how nice it felt to be DONE!

    Once again, I let myself get too far behind to comment on all your posts so just let me say, I read them all... laughed, nodded my head in agreement at a few, enjoyed your news and usual.

    Carynn and Karen, on the facial hair front...yes to the fuzzy white stuff...I'm going to try waxing it. I didn't have this fuzz before Tx.

    I did have my eyebrows waxed on Saturday Marsha. Unfortunately, I let her talk me into an eyebrow tint as well. Not a huge problem except that I decided to bleach my hair later that same day. I look like a cyborg now...almost black eyebrows and a bleach blonde crewcut. Hmmm... matches my tatt I guess.

    Woohoo Melanie! So glad to hear you're happy with the new boobs and recovering quickly. Perhaps we can compare in February! I should have the decorations in place by then. As for my recovery on that front (chuckling), mostly pain free now with just a little discomfort through the night. Still quite tight and not sitting exactly where I'd like them but I see the PS today and I'll find out whether they'll continue to 'settle'.

    I also go to see the lymphedema PT this week. I want to get back to business travel and need that compression sleeve. I am starting to do daily stretching exercises and, although my arms and shoulders don't have full mobility yet, I think I'm doing pretty well. I plan to start back at the gym this week.

    Catherine, I sympathize with the 'sore' comment. I wish I could say it was from strenuous exercise though. My soreness is in my joints. I can't figure this out but am thinking it's a last lovely SE from the Taxotere (that and my toenails falling off). My knuckles are the most bothersome, especially first thing in the morning. Every joint is stiff...not really achey, just stiff until I get moving. I didn't have this problem prior to it's either the surgery and my sedentary life style or it's the chemo. I suppose it could coincidentally be my age but that would too weird.

    I'm still waiting to set my appt. at U Penn. Missed the call on Friday so now I have to call back to set it up. Hopefully it'll take place in the next couple of weeks.

    Jan and Phyll...the thought of going for a bike ride is so appealing right now. Just to get away for a little while....(sigh).

    So nice to see you again Vegas! Glad to hear all is well with you. Counseling...such a good idea to get involved now. I'm aspiring to become a chemo angel and trying to find something else too...not sure what that is yet.

    Have a nice week everybody. Hugs all around.
  • ErinsGram
    ErinsGram Member Posts: 150
    edited July 2007
    Hillary - good news for your DH (and you)!

    Marsha - I'm right there with you on the Brooke Shield brows and the 'outside in'. Never had the brows waxed so I don't know if I want to do that - sounds painful.

    Carynn - I should have posted this on the rads thread but forgot - did you get the 'all clear' for the hottub?

    Terry - I wonder if your young electrician was ever able to 'get intimate' with a pair of boobs?

    Theresa - thanks for check in. Good to hear things are finally going well for you.

    Melanie - nice to know you're pleased with the twins. I need to hop over to the picture forum. I'm out of commission until after this radiation mess clears up but I can't wait.

    Vegas & Catherine - I have a BA in French and I was trying to come up with a response to Carynn's post but I recall so little that I was unable to put a sentence together. I really need to do a little reading in order to refresh my memory.

    Carynn - One of those guys in the helicopter crash formerly worked for one of my local stations in the 80s.

    Sammie Kay - 3 hours in a supermarket?? Holy cow! No wonder you were exhausted.

    Started taking Femara Saturday night. Hopefully I'll have no or few SEs. Hair is getting darker and I feel like I can see it growing daily. The top and sides are still quite a bit shorter than the back - anyone else have that problem.

    Gotta get back to work. It's so nice not to have to make my daily run to the hospital. Off to Philly tomorrow for my business adventure I'm ready to just stay home for awhile.

    Hugs to all!
  • vegas
    vegas Member Posts: 151
    edited July 2007
    Twink, are you on Arimidex or Femara or one of the other aromatase inhibitors? I am on Femara and that does make the joints ache though it goes away pretty quick once you start moving around.

    Phyl, I took six years of French between high school and college, but that was (gulp!) over 35 years ago!! I remember some of the basics, but so much is lost - at least I can now blame it on chemo brain. Catherine, how do you say "chemo brain" in French?!!

    Sammie Kay, So glad you are finally DONE with chemo! It is a great feeling and pretty soon you will feel so much better. The kitchen remodel was something I had wanted to do forever, but I never seemed to have time. With chemo I had plenty of time, and I just took it easy making my choices. We just had a dry bar put in, granite countertops and stainless steel appliances, so it was not a huge project, but it made my kitchen seem like new!
  • CommandoBarbie
    CommandoBarbie Member Posts: 474
    edited July 2007
    Hi all!

    Just stopping in to share a cool story with you.

    There is a particular fast food restaruant that DH and I have a fondness for. It's about 10 miles from the house, so we dont go too often; but once in a while we'll get a taste for it and go indulge.

    Well tonite after all the workmen left and we got the bedroom put back together, neither of us felt like cooking, so, I threw on a scarf and ballcap, and off we went. When we walked in I noticed a couple sitting there and the woman's hair was really short. I started to comment to DH "oh, there's someone just out of chemo," but he's kind of hard of hearing and I didnt want to scream it.

    As we were finishing dinner, the couple came over to our table and the woman said, I hope you dont mind me intruding, but I saw your pink bracelet and your hat and thought I'd introduce myself. Then pointing at herself she said I'm Dee, double mastectomy. Well, we had them sit down and spent the next half hour or so talking. Turns out we even have the same Oncologist! We almost had the same surgeon too; but she couldnt see me soon enough, so I chose another. AND, they also live up by us and also just drive up to this restaurant (one of their favorites too) when they get a craving for it! In a city of 3 million, it was a bit unusual.

    Anyway, I wont bore you with the details, but we exchanged info and will likely stay in touch. I've read other posts where women have said that they saw another woman who appeared to be going thru chemo but they hesitated to speak to her. Maybe it was this woman's approach, but I thought it was awesome and will probably do the same next time I see someone.

    Small world, huh?
  • twink
    twink Member Posts: 550
    edited July 2007
    Vegas -- no, I'm not taking anything that I could attribute the joint stiffness to at this point. I'm hoping that once I get back to the gym, this current situation will abate.

    Carynn -- I love that story! When I visited the day spa on Saturday (for the eyebrow job) one of the women remarked on how much she liked my short haircut (not the first compliment). I commented that it wasn't my choice but a result of chemo. She asked what kind of cancer... turned into a long conversation about the many women she'd tended to lately who'd had breast cancer. The receptionist piped up that she was an 8 year survivor and that she was very close with a 12 year survivor who is now contemplating reconstruction. I went to the back room for a drink of water and the receptionist called my name out, asked me to come to the front to meet another customer... a 6 year survivor. Both women were so warm and reassuring... repeatedly telling my how they rarely think about BC now and that I should believe there will come a day when BC is not central to my day-to-day life. We hugged... it was pretty emotional. It's a rotten club to have to join but I sure like the other members!
  • vegas
    vegas Member Posts: 151
    edited July 2007
    Twink and Carynn, both great stories. The membership IS pretty special, Twink, and the unspoken bond between total strangers just has to be felt to be believed. I especially like hearing about women who are 12 years or more out. So inspiring!

    On another note, my oldest son got engaged tonight! We really like her and they have lived together for a bit more than two years already. It will still be over a year before they get married, but it is SO fun to have the wedding to look forward to. And by then my hair should be fully grown out and back to its ...ahem.... "natural" color too. Life is good!
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited July 2007
    Well, i am about to bitch sorry.

    My surgeon told me he couldn't justify doing a mastectomy on the left breast even tho I had ILC and LCIS in the same breast, one that didn't show up on mamm/u/s. So I went to my ocologists (med and rad). The med onc wrote an order for left breast and port removal and sent it to my surgeon. His office called yesterday to schedule the port removal and when I said is that all? she said he won't do the mast because their is no justification for it. This asshole is gambling with MY life! He is also the one who said I didn't need radiation but both oncologists said I needed from the beginning. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! This surgeon is the one on my treatment plan, I may not have the option to find another one unless I pay out of pocket (hosp and surgeon bill). I did not sleep a wink last night. First thing my husband said was he seems to be playing God with my life. Maybe he doesn't want to do another freebie surgery?

    Leah, I got your PM, was just waiting to hear from his office. I think everyone just assumed he'd do it if he got an order from my onc. Sorry I haven't responded to you . Also I will check out the link of beach houses you sent.

  • NarberthMom
    NarberthMom Member Posts: 382
    edited July 2007
    Marsha -- You poor baby, I can't believe the nerve of that surgeon. If it's any consolation to you, I also have LCIS in my other breast. Initially, I opted for a lumpectomy because of the location of the tumor, it's relatively small size, the chance of a good cosmetic outcome, and my inability to cope with thinking about reconstruction at that time. After the lumpectomy, an MRI-guided biopsy on my other breast found a benign lump, with a tiny, tiny focus of LCIS. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about having a double mastectomy and reconstruction. However, my med onc, whom I trust, does not think that it is medically necessary. He prefers careful surveillance. I haven't had my six month post-surgery checkup with my surgeon, but I will certainly question her for her opinion.

    Twink and Carynn -- great stories!

    Vegas -- Congrats on the engagement. Your hair will be wonderful by the time of the wedding!

    Twink -- I also have joint issues. My hands hurt when I wake up in the morning and my hip joints hurt when I get up after sitting more than 20 minutes. I definitely attribute it to after effects from taxol. I've been working out on a treadmill about four days a week, and I see no improvement in the pain.

    Carynn, Twink, and Karen -- I, too, have that peach fuzz. I've tweezed a lot of it, but I'll probably end up waxing as well.

    Today we're going to my dh's doctor to find out what he recommends about the thyroid issue. Even though the lumps are benign, I would not be surprised if he recommends surgery to remove them. Thanks for everyone's good wishes ...

  • MelanieW
    MelanieW Member Posts: 276
    edited July 2007

    Phyl; This hair thing! Mine is only about 3/4" on top and down the back...think mohawk...and about a 1/4" on the very front and down the sides. Go figure. Hubby keeps telling me it's time to go topless. I still wear my old faithful denim bucket hat daily. I will be happy to retire it.

    Carynn; Okay...what fast food joint is it? Tell us what your guilty pleasure is! I love Sonic. But, I have been working hard at eliminating sugar and white starches. I would rather have a hot roll with butter than cheesecake any 'ol time. Isn't it amazing at how we notice women more now. I feel like I am so much more observant and compasionate. At first I didn't want anyone to know what I was going through. Now, I enjoy sharing my story. I feel like I have something to contribute.

    Vegas; I am sooo glad to finally came back here to let everyone know how you are doing. Which I know is Fabulous! Congrats on the engagement! Next...Grandkids! Just wait, you will be amazed at how that stage changes you.

    Twink; I hope you are right when the time comes that we don't think about this everyday. I have been struggling with the BRCA testing...mainly because of insurance issues. I wouldn't do it if it weren't for my daughter. I have decided to go ahead with the testing and pray that I am negative. I have such fear over my daughter having to be tested.
  • Unknown
    edited October 2009


  • FitChik
    FitChik Member Posts: 392
    edited July 2007
    Tina...It's been almost 2 years since I finished chemo, but I remember the peach fuzz syndrome well. I hadn't even noticed it when, one day, my boss was talking to me and I was in the sunlight. She (strangely) said, 'Oh, I see that your hair is coming back.' I still wore my wig so I couldn't figure out how she knew what was going on with my hair. After she left, I looked in the mirror and was horrified! After posting here and researching it, though, I learned that it's very common after chemo as our body hair tries to re-start and is similar to 'lanugo,' the light, fluffy hair that covers neonates. Odd, huh? Anyway, I shaved mine off several times and never got any stubble. Other women report using Nair without irritation and even having it waxed (as you said), but I was sick of pain and couldn't handle the thought. Still others though reported not doing anything and having it eventually just fall out. You just have to live with looking like a prematurely born primate though

    If it makes you feel any better, just see it as your body getting back to being healthy!

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited July 2007
    Hillary, OMG I didn't mean to scare you! We all have different stats and pathology's and I think mine are in no way similar to yours! I copied this post that Leah saw elsewhere so you guys know my stats. Again I didn't mean to question anyone elses treatment plans/options.

    Posted on high risk and Lobular thread:
    Ladies, I am having quite a time of it! I would really appreciate your opinions.

    Quick stats: 5.2 cm ILC tumor, right mastectomy, chemo, currently doing rads and tamoxifen. Er/PR Pos, HER/Fish Neg. Tumor was pleomorphic lobular carcinoma, Ki 42%. The pathology found another 1.5 cm LCIS in the same breast not found on mamm/ultrasound. Stage IIIA 1 of 13 axill node positive.

    I asked my surgeon from the very begining about bi-lat. He thought it was drastic. He told me no rads then after I finished chemo the onc said yes you need rads. What I want is this time bomb that is ticking off my chest! 30% of lobular cancers "mirror" in the other breast. Wouldn't you ladies think I am high risk????? I cannot seem to get anyone to take me serious and I am getting pi**ed but am trying not to let them see that, just being persistant. I have 4 doctors! Anybody have any advice???????????? Thanks, Marsha

    Oh, haven't had the BRCA done but am 46 years old, my grandmother and aunt have BC history. And I forgot this part: at the original mamm/us there were a couple "cycts" in the other breast. I never had a MRI put did have a PET/CT scan right after surgery that was normal. Sorry for rambling. LOL PLUS I feel disfigured with one breast.
  • twink
    twink Member Posts: 550
    edited July 2007

    Hahahaha...'prematurely born primate'...dang, I'm going home to wax the lanugo off this baby's face! Good line Marin...highly motivating!

  • twink
    twink Member Posts: 550
    edited July 2007
    Oh Marsha...I would be sooo angry at that surgeon. I wish I could help you... I'm so willing to help you get this resolved but I'm sure you've thought of/pursued all the angles. I'd complain to some higher big cheeze and see if you can get another surgeon to look at the onc's order.

    Call your congressman/woman. Make some noise. Call the press. Call / write Hillary... hey, she's campaigning -- maybe she'd help you out?
  • twink
    twink Member Posts: 550
    edited July 2007
    Hillary -- I'm sorry you have joint pain too but glad that the fact that you do reinforces my theory that it's chemo related and not necessarily my age.

    I noticed a black mark under the nail of my forefinger Taxotere done May 24th... now toenails falling off, nails dicolored, hairy face, and painful joints more than two months later. Hmmmm...I think prefered the red devil!
  • wildabouthorses
    wildabouthorses Member Posts: 458
    edited July 2007
    Marsha, maybe you could get a MRI done since you've never had that done before to see if they find anything? Maybe thats the push that doc needs to let you have surgery, that is if they find something on the MRI as that seems to be finding alot of the invasive cancer the other methods miss. The first time I met my chemo doc he pushed a double masectomy on me when I already had agreed to the option of a lumpectomy with my BS. He really upset me and my hubby!
    I should add I too have a cyst in the breast that had the larger and invasive cancer. I remember feeling a new lump but didn't think about it being anything since I already had a cyst in another spot. I forgot about it until the MRI found it and it was in the area I had felt that lump! Now I have all kinds of weird lumps thanks to scar tissue and wonder how can one keep on top of a new lump appearing?

    VEGAS Congrats!!!! Now you can be the wicked Mother in Law! LOL just kidding!

    Melanie, I'm still waiting on the Genetic testing results, its a little scary for me as if I have it my BS said I will have a double masectomy on down the road.
  • MelanieW
    MelanieW Member Posts: 276
    edited July 2007

    Marsha, you are so right about everyone's stats being different. As I read my hastily written post above, I realized that my strong feelings on the subject maybe should have been kept to myself. We all have to make our own decisions. I have come to realize that I still have anger towards a doctor that did not fully explain what was possible. I didn't realize how inaccurate mammos could be. I didn't realize how quickly a tumor could grow and spread to my nodes. I thought I was doing all I was supposed to do to protect myself. I'm still trying to do that. But more than that, I want to protect those that I love. I guess I put on a pretty good front. I hear all the time that I am someone's "hero", how brave I am, how good I look. Truth is...I'm still scared.

  • NarberthMom
    NarberthMom Member Posts: 382
    edited July 2007
    Marin -- Thanks for the info about the facial hair ... I feel a bit more relaxed about it, not that I particularly like being compared to a prematurely born primate - LOL!

    Marsha -- You should run, not walk, to a genetics counselor and talk about getting the BRCA testing done. I think that will definitely help your decision making tree and may convince the blankety-blank surgeon. I don't know much about lobular, being a ductal girl myself (!), but the LCIS in my good breast does have me worried. I've got a high chance of recurrence, just being triple negative. Just having LCIS increases my risk by 1/2 to 1% per year. Not sure what the statistics are for being both triple neg and having LCIS -- is it additive? subtractive? cooperative? anti-cooperative?

    Twink -- Toenails falling off, you poor thing ... I had hoped that us Feb gals would avoid that. It seems to have plagued many of the January gals. I seem to be OK with toenails and fingernails so far.

    OK, news from dh's doctor's visit. No surgery needed, though the doc wants to see him in six months to reevaluate or sooner if he has any additional symptoms (trouble swallowing, breathing). Also wants him to see an endocrinologist, to see if thyroid hormone treatments are warranted.


    P.S. Melanie -- I think that we're all scared, but at least we can all be scared together ...
  • Primel
    Primel Member Posts: 652
    edited July 2007
    Hi girls... how good to see more of you posting again...

    Hillary, I like your way to look at things ("at least we can be scared together...). Glad things are not too bad for your DH.

    Marsha, sweetie, I've read your posts these last few days on various boards, and you need somebody to help you out: can your onc recommend another (good) surgeon(a woman?) who could give you "their best quote" so to speak... it may be way below the "official prices"... how long have you been without insurance? I figured that between the monthly premiums and my high deductible, I have to put away 5500-6000 dollars each year to take care of my health... this is half the surgery, I would think (the double mast was 25000$ everything included, I think, this is the "loaded" price for the insurance company, I understand, the insurance paid only 3500$, yes, 3500$ and I did not have to pay for the difference--- I still wonder how all that works). So you may find out that the "savings" from not being insured and the possibility of serious price reduction would make this surgery possible even on your own nickels (I'd bite the bullet and would do it that way, personnally, my life is worth it, yours too...). If you could find a caring competent breast surgeon, and explain your circumstances, you might find light at the end of the tunnel... My tumor (1.7cm) was IDC grade 3, not ILC, but I do not know whether that makes a difference. The surgeon did not even tried to talk me out of my decision to get rid of both breasts (although she "legally" had to give us the whole pitch about the full range of options, so she did), even though nothing showed in the left (except the microcalcifications I had for the last 20 years prior to this). Turned out I had atypical hyperplasia... so everybody is happy with the decision to go "drastic" right away. Could the cancer associations be of any help on this? Which major city do you go to for these medical issues? I wished you were not feeling so let down and isolated because of this (poorly informed?) surgeon.

    Vegas, "chemobrain" is "chemobrain" in French... I googled it after I saw your question... too recent a concept to have found a French expression yet...

    Neonate primate? count me in... Zoe licks my head (likes the puppy fur feeling) and I expplained to her that I may be closer to a Orang-Outan...

    A good evening to all, I've got to go...

    Big hugs all around and special ones for Marsha today,

  • leahrc
    leahrc Member Posts: 384
    edited July 2007
    Don't worry about me. Just know that I am here for you. Whatever you need.

  • vegas
    vegas Member Posts: 151
    edited July 2007
    Marsha - that is utterly ridiculous!! Did you ask him where he would like the certified letter sent for when you sue him after you get a recurrence?!! Run, don't walk, to the nearest breast surgeon that is willing to take you seriously - there must be at least one other on your plan. Maybe we need to revive the Boobs or Bust fund raiser?!!

    Seriously, I am going to PM you the info on my surgery with all out of pocket costs in New York. The hospital was willing to do monthly payments and I bet the docs would be willing to as well. I am so upset for you - you should NOT have to deal with this crap on top of everything else.

    Melanie, real courage is continuing on in the face of fear - you ARE a hero!

    Twink, so sorry you are having all these SE's still. But they really should stop soon and you should be able to heal finally. Hang in there girl!

    Hillary, thank goodness your hubby does not need surgery and hopefully he never will.

    Wildabouthorses - when do you get your results back? Waiting is so hard. Have you been on the web site? It has lots of info on the genetics.

    Marin, thanks for jumping in here and reassuring all us gals that the Planet of the Apes fashion statement is only temporary!
  • wildabouthorses
    wildabouthorses Member Posts: 458
    edited August 2007
    Hillary, excellent suggestion on genetic testing, here I mentioned it and saying what I did without thinking Marsha could actually benefit from that kind of testing!

    Hubby told me last night that insurance is still bickering around about paying for the genetic testing so maybe that's why I don't have results? Or maybe my BS is going to tell me during my August 17th apt? Thanks for the link vegas!
  • Mtnfrog
    Mtnfrog Member Posts: 16
    edited August 2007
    Marsha- I to have ILC and I have asked the oncologist, the radio;logist, my surgeon and others about having the other breast removed. All have told me - no- we will monitor you closely and thats it. They will do mri's and such. I wanted a double mass from the start but no doc would go for that. I am not even going to have reconstruction. I found a great victoria's secret bra and put a couple shoulder pads in and it look great.
  • talbrig13
    talbrig13 Member Posts: 358
    edited August 2007

    Marsha...I don't blame you for being angry and upset. Who are these people to tell you what to do with your body? Surely there is a surgeon out there who would accept the program you are in....But in the event you can't find one, I agree with Patti...insist on extra mammos, mri's etc, maybe the ins would rather just get the surgery done and not pay for extra testing for an indefinte period of time.