Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin
Hi ipohgirl, I'm on Taxatere and Carboplatin along with the Herceptin. I don't know why the treatment would be different--be sure to ask the next oncologist you see. I'm a little older (60) and my tumor was big--3.5 cm. Let us know what they say.
Campers: Is there any way we can add the date we began chemo to our signatures or something? Ideas? I know there's several of us who began around Feb 12th and it helps to know where we are in the treatment.
I've been having lots of nosebleeds this wkend. Don't know whether to go to church this morning and chance bleeding in the pews or not. I woke up a hypochondriac. My hands are dry and red--don't know why. And all of a sudden I can't fall asleep at night. I was taking Xanex before bed and stopped that. Maybe I've already become addicted? Humph. Better not ever try the hard stuff, huh?
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My first waqs 90 minutes.. and then after that with the chemo about 40 minutes. When I finally moved on to herceptin on its own it was 30 minutes. I didn't have to have any other fluids or even take tylenol. I did well with it. My muga scans were always okay, I had those done every 3 months until Herceptin was complete. I would ask your doctor and hopefully he/she already knows of your family heart disease history!
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I had chemo #5 on Wed. and let me tell you, by Friday I could not keep my eyes open. By 7:30pm I called it a night and did not emerge till this morning! I was never so exhausted in my life. Today I feel a little tired, that's it. One more to go! Congrats Cali on finishing up! Bold sometimes my eyes are twitching so frantically I can't even see straight. Have a nice week campers!0
Denali, I added my TCH start date after my signature. It would be nice if others did the same.
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Well, I got to church this morning and a couple people asked how I was doing. Silly me told them--about the nosebleeds and other side effects. I got into the service and started CRYING! Thank goodness I was sitting next to a friend and told her I had to leave so she walked me out. How embarrassing. I was sitting in the back thank goodness. I just broke down. Should have taken a Xanex before church. And I shouldn't tell people details of how I'm doing--unless it's in an email. I left and then I was on a crying jag. My daughter spent the rest of the day with me and I'm much better.
I feel like I'm on an emotional roller coaster.
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Linda - I find myself reacting the same way. I only tell my close friends how I am really doing....its too hard for me to tell everyone. I end up breaking down and crying and not being able to stop.
I have been sick this whole week and today is the first day I made it all day without having to lay down. Finally, feeling like a human again. Tomorrow I am heading back in to the real world and dreading the question...."How are you feeling?" I had to tell my friends not to even ask...that If I need them I will not hesitate to ask. So far so good. I know they mean well....I just dont want to think about it or talk about it all day every day.
Wishing everyone a healthy week : )
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Linda, have you tried using Ayr Nasal Gel? I have just a little blood when I blow my nose, but I use the gel at least once a day and it seems to help. Don't worry about the crying, it's normal--expecially when you don't feel well. It is definately easier to e-mail than to talk. Have a good night.
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Thanks so much Shari and Helen. That makes me feel so much better and that's good advice, Shari. Describing the most recent side effects that are going on over and over just got to me. Started a pity party in the middle of the first song and couldn't stop.
I asked my onc about Ayr and she just said she's not sure about the product and to just get KY jelly
as it's water based. After my breakdown, I didn't get anymore nosebleeds! Maybe I just needed a good cry.
I can't say it enough: I LOVE THIS BOARD! Just when I'm feeling I'm completely wacko, you all make me feel "normal" for this journey we're on. Thank you!
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Linda, if you or your onc want more info on Ayr--I found a website that tells the ingredients.
I just wish I could find something to make my stomach stop hurting--not nauseated, just hurts--any suggestions?
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Is it stomach cramps? I remember a post saying she tried everything and nothing relieved them. Then she chewed some gum and they went away. Try it!
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duneoaks: Are you on Prilosec? They have me taking it everyday to prevent stomach pain. I know someone who had to double the dose for a while and that worked.
Sorry I have been absent from posting. I had a long post disappear from my screen just before I sent it and, with my newly lowered tolerance for frustration, couldn't face trying again for a while.
A few other responses to various recent inquiries and comments. 1) I am also 60 years old. 2) Great idea to change profiles to add date of first TCH treatment. I will work on that soon. I started January 28, 2009 (same as duneoaks). 3) Acupuncture: Both my surgeon and acupuncturist said I could have no needles in arm on side where lymph nodes were removed. I think it helps a lot with side effects of chemo. I think it also helps with response to Decadron. 4) Does everyone get Decadron? It seems to be standard where I am being treated. 5) Wine: I was told that it was OK in moderation, but that most women lose their taste for it. I did have a bit the 3rd week of my 1st treatment round, but had no interest before that.
Second round seems to be going ok for me. I do not like being hair-free.
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Mary Ellen--No, I am not on Prilosec, but I am going to call my onc about that tomorrow. Yes, I get Decadron the night before and the day of TX--none after that--thank goodness. Is your head really bald yet? Mine is not and I wish all the little prickly hairs would come out. I still have some folliculitis--so I try not to wear anything some of the day--mirrors scare me. My husband wanted me to model my bald head (on Skype) to our 2 1/2 year old granddaughter, but I was afraid it would really scare her. Skype is wonderful when you have kids and parents out of town.0
Has anyone experienced a faint rash on the back of the hands? It itches sometimes and the skin is chapped and dry.
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what can anyone tell me about the Tamoxifen metabolism test. What lab does it etc. I know a lot of oncologists are not doing it because it is new. Any firsthand information would be great. Thanks....traci
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Danali: Yes I have had a rasj om the back of my hands. I treated it with heavy duty moisturizers like Aquaphor. If it itches like crazy try hydrocordisone cream or benedryl creams. It Will pass and my did not come back after the first treatment. However I am still fighting the one on my face (yippie).
I wanted to tell some of the newish people on the tread that emotions are very raw when you are on chemo. Some of that has to do with the endocrinology system. Hormones are being depleted from your system. Some of those hormones are serotonin and it makes you much more susceptible to sadness. We are also experiencing post traumatic stress syndrome.
I find that one of the most important things that I can do for myself is to take the time to do healing meditations. After your body is in a complete relaxation state go to a place of healing be it a beach with healing waters that you swim in or a forest that has very highly oxygenated air that can heal your body. One other favorite is imagine a ball of light so bright and beautiful. If you are a Christian this can be the love of Christ. This ball is a so pure that it is white. It enters you at the top of your head and slowly goes through your whole body healing and filling you with peace calm and a loving feeling. the more you do these types of meditation your body and mind remember it and it becomes who you are. In contrast to a body ravaged by chomo in fear of the unknown with negative mental thoughts popping in our heads way to often. Anyway just thought I throw that out there and see if anyone was interested.
I use ayr too it is wonderful both the spay and gell as needed.
peace and health to all today. Change your thinking change your world.
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I also have the rash on the back of my hands. I got it very soon after the first TX and I still have it. My onc says to keep it moisturized, but it stays the same.
Bold--thanks for the positive meditation suggestions. How was your Oscar party?
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Yesterday was number Tx3 I am 1/2 way done Just have to say it Feels so good!!! Still feeling good and still with hair.It is hard when everyone asks how you are doing,they do mean well unless its someone I know well my standard answer is I'm doing great, Thanks for asking. I live in a very small town, it didn't take long to weed out the busybodies who like to know everything and the genuine people that care,they are the ones that already know whats going on with me. Denali Hope you are feeling better!!! emotions can just take alot out of a girl! Bold Has wonderful advice for all!! I say alot of prayers,Keeps me strong,Great idea on posting treatment start date,I did mine hope I did it right.Sailor Nice to have you back with us I get frustrated easy to, posting sometimes can be trying. I had to ask my onc nurse aout steroids I read all the time about the high everyone gets and I have never really got that. She said I get Decadron mixed with something I can't remember now what it was, in my premeds before chemo,I guess I am just lucky.
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The Oscar party was off the scale. So many celebs and stars. I wish I could of stayed later as it was just heating up at about 2:30 Am I left at 3:00. It took a full day to recover from it. I wore a vintage Christian Dior gown and DH wore Armani. We were adjacent to the Vanity Fair party so people mingled back and forth after about 1:00 in the am. So everyone was on best behavior. The champaign and pomegranate martinis were flowing. Conversations were loud. a lot of talk about the economy and the need for happy endings. (Hollywood). We could all use one of those. Shreryl Crow was there and I spoke to her as we had the same BS.and ONC. She was great but . I understood., A good time was had by all. Thanks for asking. I was able to disguise my face rash with a good concealer and my wig looked real (I HOPE) and my feet were killing me just like every other woman in the room.
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I had the itching red rash on the back of my fingers. My onc said to use a mix of half antibiotic ointment and half cortisone ointment on it. That calmed it down.
I've been quiet the last few days. Had a real tough time over the weekend - Tx 6 has been a bear. On FridayI had continuous diarrhea and had to stop eating - just clear fluids for the day - then the next day I just did a BRAT diet (banannas, rice, applesauce and toast). Now I'm better but so tired still. My red cells are very low but my onc says not low enough to need a transfusion since I have no more chemo cycles.
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Bludasher: You did it though # 6. How cool is that. You can know now that you are recovering from chemo period. No more sister. And diarrhea is better than constipation. Things are moving out. I just wanted to congratulate you. Your prognosis is soooo gooood. Your onc was very aggressive with your treatment and you are on the path to wholeness. AWWWWWWWW
I must admit I am a little jealous as I am only doing #4 on Monday. gulp. would you say it is the last three that are the hardest? I am curious as some of our sister are finished at 4 grrrrrr. We have 2 more so I would love to hear if they are progressively harder as far a digestion and fatigue are concerned. As well as skin and nails neropathy etc....
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LOVE this board! Thought I was going crazy with the rash thing. Last year I had to have a spot on my arm frozen as it was pre-cancerous. Figured it was just engulfing my hands. Goodness, where my imagination takes me. I feel soooo much better! Thank you all who answered.
Bold: look at you partying down while in the middle of chemo! You go, girl!
I'm in for 6 tx, with only one down. I was thinking I should have a party when it's all over, but maybe not, huh? I'm so sorry you had a tough wkend Bluedasher! Thanks for taking the time to post!
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bluedasher. I mean I have 3 to go not 2 (wishful thinking)
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Day 7 of tx3 I developed a rash on the back of my hands. It came on suddenly after doing a lot of laundry. At the same time, my palms became red and sore. I used aloe vera gel and lots of lotion; the rash disappeared in a day or so, but my palms stayed red and sore for over a week. This is day 6 tx 4, and I don't have that problem so far. I have been washing my hands in cold water, keeping them moisturized and trying to avoid using them more than necessary.
I wouldn't necessarily say the last treatments are the hardest. The most severe symptoms for me have been the digestive issues, and I seem to be better at managing them with otc meds. However, there is some cumulative fatigue which was worse after my last treatment. I was still tired when I went back for tx4. My onc said it is due to continued anemia and chemo "beating you up".
Almost forgot - I have a lovely red rash on my cheeks today. Hoping it won't stay too long.
I hope everyone does as well as possible with treatments. We'll all get through this "one day at a time".
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I have been finished with my treatment awhile but wanted to chime in with the rash thing. I too had a terrible rash on the back of my hands. Hurt like crazy and had to keep it very moisturized, also used some cream I had around from my bil who prescribed ti for my son for his ezcema. One lingering side effect I still ahve ( and last treatment was march 28/2008) is my fingers split and my nails are awful. I never had nice nails but they were never this weak AND I had never had splitting finger tips before either. It is quite painful. I also suffered from nosebleeds the entire time and I had 6 tx. I developed a rash on my face as well, or more like a redness it was from teh decadron.
TO all that are going through I think you are doing great. This chemo to me was very doable and 6x do go by fast.
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Kimbly--thanks for staying in touch. Just wondering if you put olive oil or anything on your fingernails. This has been suggested to me, so I am trying to remember to do it.0
Bold, I think that the tiredness is a bit more each cycle.
All along I have had nausea unusually late in the cycle. Either I have a delayed reaction to the Carboplatin or Neupogen makes me nauseous. We aren't sure which - neither is a common side effect. That got worse on treatments 3 through 6 but I don't know that it means much for others who don't get nausea late in the chemo cycle.
In the beginning, I was envious of those who were just on 4 cycles of TCH. After all, I'm just Stage Ib (less than 1 cm) and at the border for needing chemo at all. But my onc only does 6 cycles because that is what was tested. Then in December at the San Antonio conference they released the retrospective studies of recurrence in women with Stage I cancers who didn't get chemo. The numbers for not getting chemo with a less then 1 cm HER2+ cancer were high enough (around 23%) that I decided I was glad that my onc was doing the full deal. What is an extra cycle or two (even a rough one) compared to the risk of a recurrence? When I went in for my pre-chemo visit for #6, she actually suggested not doing the sixth one because my blood numbers weren't coming back up very well but at that point I wanted to know that I had had the full treatment.
So I'm glad I'm done and I'm eagerly awaiting the tiredness of this cycle passing but I'm glad I went the full 6. This should be temporary.
Other symptoms like the rash on the back of my fingers have been kind of random. I had it for a couple of cycles and then it didn't come back. I've had numbness at the very tips of my fingers but it is slight and not bad enough to interfere with keyboarding. It has stayed about the same and I think it is even starting to go away now.
I've got ripples on the bottom 3/16" of my fingernails so I'm expecting them to be weak when that grows out to the tips but it doesn't look that bad so far. I guess I'll keep them trimmed up short to try to minimize stress on the nails.
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Day 4 of trt #1, okay so far. I have tried to post my start date (2/20/09). Can't seem to get it to post. There are a handful of women a couple weeks ahead of me; is anyone just a couple days in?
I am having one annoying side effect...Do Ayr Drops help for runny noses, too or just nose bleeds?
Kimbly: are the nails beyond manicure help?? I don't know which I'll miss more, my hair or my manicures. I know my hair will grow back, but please don't tell me manicures are a thing of the past!
I'm getting my first round of blood work done on Thursday. Will they go through the port or use a vein to draw blood?
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So sorry to double post but I have to say: Bluedasher: Thank you so much for your words. When I was diagnosed, they believed it was only DCIS in the right breast. We decided to do a bilateral mas. with reconstruction to be as safe and aggressive as possible. I was told no chemo, no radiation. But after pathology came back, they found stage 1 (less than 6mm) in the right and DCIS all over the left. (6) TCH's were ordered. My onco said that if it had been less than 5 or 4mm, he wouldn't have recommended chemo at all. How would I ever have been sure it was all gone? The piece of mind that these next 4 1/2 months will give me over the next forty plus years are worth any bit of side effects I may face. Thanks for the reminder Blue!!
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Magnola--Ayr Nasal Gel will not help with the runny nose--just keep a kleenex handy at all times. I know some folks talk about Claritin D, but I've never used it--I don't need another med to keep me awake. I really can't answer about the blood and the port. Before my TX they drew blood from the port, but I don't know what they do if you are only having blood drawn and no TX. I would be very careful about manicures--you do not want to get an infection. Just cut your nails really short and rub olive oil on them every night. We do have to remember how fortunate we are to have chemo and especially Herceptin--we will all get through this.0
Magnolia, where I go, only chemo nurses are allowed to access the port so when I go to the lab for a phlebotomist to draw blood they don't use the port. When I get a MUGA, they also don't use the port. I wish they did.