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Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin



  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited March 2009

    Cloud:  YOU will be OK!  With your DX your will be FINE!  Honey, you just need to pick youself up and move on!!!  This is just a bump in life's road for you. Funk is not allowed!  Live your life like every day is the best!  We all love you and are rooting for you to get through this!

    Smile: Fighting with your best friend is not allowed (providing she trully is a great friend).  You too will be fine.  No nodes!  This is just a bump in the road - a REALLY sucky bump, but a bump none the less.

  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited March 2009

    Bold:  You crack me up!!!!!    3 weeks out and I am soooo tired of being bald!!!  I can't help but think "I am done now, where is the hair?"  I am doing the monistat - what the heck!  I will keep ya'll posted.

    I am getting sick.  All

     through chemo I never even got the sniffles.  Now I am getting a cold or something.  Head ache, sore throat, stuffy head...  Not good.....

  • Denali
    Denali Member Posts: 113
    edited March 2009

    Traci:  Thanks so much for your reply!  That really helps.  I know just what you mean.  It seems once your diagnosis is out there, other survivors come out of the woodworks, sharing their stories.  I NEVER would have guessed the number of women who have been down this road.  You, yourself, Traci have probably memorably affected more folks than you'll ever know, by your courage.

    Living in Colorado, I'll probably have a lot of cold scarf/hat days ahead.

  • sailor35
    sailor35 Member Posts: 38
    edited March 2009

    Am back from trip to South Carolina.  (duneoaks:  it was Columbia) All went very well, except for one hour when I hit a wall of fatigue due to trying to walk great distances in an airport with too heavy luggage.  Learning by doing!  Thanks for all the advice that helped me plan.

    I also have headaches now. Started a week after my first treatment and they have been intermittent, but worse in the middle of the cycle.  Sounds like from what you all are saying that it is due to the hercepting.  On advice of the doc, I have been taking Tylenol (and Motrin, when tylenol is not enough.)  They are a big drag.  Sorry to hear I could be facing a year of these.

    For constipation:  My onc recommended colace morning and night and 2 senna at night for at least the first several days of treatment.  I have mostly stayed on that daily, sometimes dropping the senna if it seems like all is getting too loose. They said you can also add Miralax or Milk of Magnesia in addition, if you need even more relief.

    Help!  My scalp is really itchy.  Any advice?  I can't quite face even walking around my house when other folks are home with my head uncovered.  I am working on it, but it is a big obstacle for me.  For the time being, it is cold here, so I have an excuse.  I better find an emotional way past this by the time the warm weather hits.

    Also, it seems like all of you have ports.  I don't.  How was that decided?  Did you get them at the beginning sometime after you started?

  • duneoaks
    duneoaks Member Posts: 94
    edited March 2009

    Mary Ellen:  Glad you had a good trip--Columbia is my home.  I can't help with the itchy scalp--mine is the same way.  Do you still have stubble--I wish I would get a smooth head--I think that might be why mine itches.  I did use Tea Tree Oil for my folliculitis and that really helped, but it smells awful. 

    As far as a port, my onc said I needed to get a port, so I did--the same day as my mastectomy.  I am really glad I have it--maybe you should ask your onc.  If you don't have problems with your veins, you will probably be ok.

  • Smile2006
    Smile2006 Member Posts: 132
    edited March 2009

    sailor35 I do not have a port.  When I asked the nurse about it at my onc office, she said that my veins look good and think I can go without one.  But, if for any reason, I start having problems I can get one at any time.  But this was just a personal decision for me at this time not to have one.  You need to make that choice for yourself.  It seems like everyone here who has a port really likes it.  If I start having issues I will definately get one.  Just hoping I dont.

    Lisa She has been my best friend for 5 years, but as the saying can lead the hourse to  water, but you cant make him drink.  She is going through some very tough financial times (like a lot of us) but just doesnt make the right decisions to make things better.  I am doing better today, I just have to focus on me....and quit worring about every else.  But that is who I am.  I cant wait to hear how the "monistat" works : )  I would try anything too once I am done with this. 

    Ive read either on this thread or the Hair thread that usually the hair in places everyone doesnt see usually goes first then the hair on your I need to be prepared for the next couple of days to get bad.  I am torn today...I want to go ahead and cut my hair shorter and just wear hats everyday until it is all out....but I cant seem to pick up the scissors.  My son (19) already told me he did not want to see me with no hair....just for that....I am going to sneak into his room one evening and scare the sh** out of him just for saying that.

  • Denali
    Denali Member Posts: 113
    edited March 2009

    LOL !  Good for you, Shari!  Scare that silly son of yours! 

    My son is already bald, so he's going to do the honors of shaving my head--but not yet...I'm hoping to last until next wkend, so we can make a party out of it.  I need to start practicing tieing scarves on my noggin so I'll look 'elegant.'  Maybe the Sophia Loren look.....

  • REKoz
    REKoz Member Posts: 164
    edited March 2009

    Hello all-

    I finally did the final bald buzz on Wednesday. My DSO God bless him, did it for me. My hair experience has gone as follows: Began with THICK between chin and should length. Pre surgery, had a "bed head" cut. way shorter in the back and easier to deal with especially with limited arm motion for blow drying. Then came my pre chemo "pixie." Interestingly enough, I absolutely loathed it and am certain under ordinary circumstances would have completely freaked out and suffer from total paranoia! Guess the knowledge that soon enough that would seem like long hair had me basically shrugging over it. My hair hurt and head itched after my first cycle of chemo and just before the second cycle, it started coming out in my hands as Denali said. It got so messy that I then went for the crew cut buzz. That only lasted less than 2 weeks as the hats and wig felt uncomfortable and it did not relieve the terrible itching. Once I got that cut, it was head covering all the way so I finally broke down and asked him to shave it entirely. I did have him leave my sideburns so it looks like I have hair under whatever I have on my head. My head feels 100% pain, itch free. Believe me. I'm not loving the bald and still feel shock when I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I think being here on the boards truly prepared me to deal with the hair emotional fall out (no pun intended.) Plus, IMO the se's from chemo and feeling like total crap(another no pun intended) are hardest to deal with. Hair comes in 2nd (or, is it unfilled expanders since Nov?). I suppose my mind just came to terms with this total package and the mantra that it is not permanent has finally been internalized.

    My best regards to all my sisters here.


  • Gayleebug
    Gayleebug Member Posts: 12
    edited March 2009

    Traci ~~ you are so right about hugs from strangers when going out "commando" or with just a ball cap.  I'm not a very demonstrative person and certainly not gushy but I was very touched by the number of women I had never met before who wanted to give me a hug and wish me well.  I am convinced that all the good thoughts and prayers helped me get to where I am.

    My hair is coming back in on schedule.  It's the same color as before (dark brown and "silver" lol) but patchy in the top middle (what I heard someone call the chemo strip).  I'm going to the drugstore today ... maybe I WILL pick up some monostat.  Still way constipated 12 weeks out from chemo and 7 weeks out from surgery... I'm also going to pick up some Miralax that a Dr. recommended to go along with the stool softeners.

    I started physical therapy for range of motion & strength in my surgical arm  a couple weeks ago.  I love my therapist but the exercises are tough!  I need to develop more discipline to do them when I'm not at the PT center.

    And I start my first rads tomorrow.  Wish me luck!



  • mason204
    mason204 Member Posts: 36
    edited March 2009

    How do you guys handle swallowing all the pills when you're full of nausea.  Lactulose doesn't go down too well with me even when I'm feeling fine.  I don't think I could even swallow it on chemo.  I'm finding that I'm not taking stool softeners and other good stuff I need the first week of chemo because it's just all too much.  Let's see the pill list the first week of chemo (in no particular order):

    *Calcium (clinical trial)
    *Vitamin D (clinical trial)
    *hydromorphone (for pain from abraxane)

    *many of these I take several times a day.

    I'm a girl who usually takes no pills so it's a bit of a stretch.  I'm having trouble keeping track of all the pills and I'm finding the constipation falls by the wayside the first week.  How do others cope?  How do you manage your pills?


  • plakatakr
    plakatakr Member Posts: 45
    edited March 2009

    sailor35- I also do not have a port. I am 12 weeks out from Chemo and am getting H only. No problems with my veins yet.

    12 weeks and I have very thin hair about 1/2 inch long, I look like someone that has had hair transplant done. It looks like a bunch of hair plugs. I am mostly white. Maybe if I color it I will look like I have more hair. I'm still wearing a wig and will for quite a while. My DH is the only one who has seen me without it. For those of you losing your hair, when it is gone and no longer sore and itchy, the wig is very comfortable. Hang in does get better!

  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited March 2009

    REKoz:  I followed the same hair cut pattern as you.  And like Traci, no wigs.  I tried the wig once and hated it.  I just looked stupid. Smile,  you will get used to walking around the house all natural, it just takes time.  As for you son, gather up a big, giant handful of the hair that is falling out and put it in his bed!  That oughta freak him out!

    I am encouraged by the hair growth of others that are finished with T & C.  I am just NOT a patient person.  Tomorrow is 3 weeks out for me, so hopefully next weekend I will see some fuzzies.  Before BC, I practically lived in baseball caps when not working, but now I am sick of them - how silly is that?

    Cheryl - You poor thing, that is a LOT of pills. Have you spoken to the onc or onc nurse about how to get all of that down?  I wish I had some tips for you.


  • Bold
    Bold Member Posts: 306
    edited March 2009

    Good morning Ladies: My heart goes out to the new ladies. You have to remember that you are still in shock. Be very gentle with yourself. (and others). Your emotions are raw. Your have a lot of fear to overcome (and you will).

    The hair loss is just a bitch. There is no way of putting a true good spin on it. I and everyone here hates it. Maybe Lisa handled it best. She has a daughter with alopecea that helped. But the rest of us suffered the loss. (and still area). But it will grow again and this part of the journey will pass.I must admit that there is a vulnerability like I have never experienced being bald (and chubby). I do not like it.

    I am meeting with a nutritionist on Monday as I am in TX4. I would like to know why I crave suger. I have never been a sweets person in y life. Now I crave everything that is not good for me. Comfort maybe? Is the chemo doing it? Is the CANCER doing it. I know that being 30 pounds (NOW) overweight increases my chance for recurrence. I need to get the weight off. It is as important as chemo. I have to take control. But still have not successfully consistently been able to. I do know some of the weight is water (I hope) and it will be easier when I have more stamina and not feeling like crap. Rant And Rave.

    Yesterday was wonderful at the beach. Today I will work in the garden. It is a huge task, so I will do a little bit. I start steroids today so that will help. My DH is laying tile in the master bath so I best get dressed and get to work while I can.

    Thank you for always listening and being there. I pray that everyone stays well and keeps a good thoughts .Change your thoughts change your life.


  • duneoaks
    duneoaks Member Posts: 94
    edited March 2009

    Thought you might enjoy this web site:

  • my2boys
    my2boys Member Posts: 124
    edited March 2009

    Bold - I hear you about the cravings.  During chemo, I had the worst cravings.  They just wouldn't quit.  Now that the treatments are done with, I have noticed the cravings subsiding a bit.  Let's hope that they stay away.  I put on 10 pounds during chemo, but I'm hoping now that I'm moving around more, they will start to melt away.

    Lisa - I was smiling all day yesterday thinking about you and the Monistat.  If this works, I will be sure to try it.

    To all the campers who are losing their hair.  It's just a rotten thing to go through, but once you are done shedding, it really does get easier.  As many of you here already know, I had a tough time with losing my hair.  I never thought that I would smile after that week, but once it was over and done with, I had a good cry and then I quickly adjusted.  It's a pain to have to cover my head everyday, but it's just freezing here in New York, so it's something I have to do.  Contact and they will send you a free box of hats.  I never did lose all of my hair, just most of it. 

    Gayle - I am supposed to start physical therapy tomorrow.  I am a little anxious to get my range of motion back in my bad arm.  Do you find that the exercises are helping you?  Are you worried about developing lymphedema in the arm from physical therapy?

    Cheryl - I wish I could give you some clear answers about the pills.  Are you starting another round of chemo?  I'm so sorry that you are having difficulty with the nausea.  This just stinks.

    Smile - Sorry about your friend.  I've had a few disappointments with friends since my diagnosis, but I've mostly had people who supported me beyond belief.  I am learning to let go of the disappointments and turn to my supporters for a shoulder to lean on.  My doctor told me during my first office visit that during this time I needed to learn to concentrate on myself.  It's hard to do when you are talking about your best friend, but it's something that you need to learn.  At least you are feeling a bit better today.  Good luck to you.

    Have a wonderful night everyone.


  • CaliforniaCloud
    CaliforniaCloud Member Posts: 105
    edited March 2009

    Thank you Lisa for your personal words of encouragment and to all the rest of you who are cheering the newbies along. 

    Thank you all for your posts about handling hair loss.  I think I will get the short cut and then go for the buzz once my hair starts to fall out.  In fact, being the control freak that I am, I really just want to buzz my hair right now, before the first chemo treatment, just to show I still have some control of my body.  But, I am thinking maybe it would be better to try and float a little as it seems this approach will make my cancer journey easier.

    Today, I cried for the first time.  No doubt about it, I am afraid and I don't want to do this.  But even though I do not want to do this, I have already begun to take the Colace and I am increasing my fluids.  One step at a time, eh ladies?

    As To get my mind off things, I think I will go spend the afternoon making biscotti.



  • Majanumba1
    Majanumba1 Member Posts: 66
    edited March 2009

    Hi everyone. I hope you have had a good weekend. I had the biggest surprise when my 2 sons and daughter- in-law from Los Angles showed up at my doorstep on Thursday night. It has been wonderful and I really had no idea they were coming. My DH and DD surely can keep a secret!

    Treatment #5 is tomorrow but I feel so happy after this weekend it isn't even bothering me.

    Cloud: I shaved my head after treatment #1 but I have long stubble. My DH and DD tease me constantly and tell me I would still have hair if I hadn't jumped the gun. Possibly, but it would have looked really scruffy. I hated it falling out and it HURT. I understand the urge to take matters into your own hands, Its not so bad once it is gone but I think that the process was terrible.

    Cheryl: i know what you mean about taking pills when you are nauseous. In addition, after chemo I get spaced out and it is hard to keep track. I try and write down what and when I take them!

    For constipation, I think the key is lot's of water. Especially the day of and next few days after chemo. It also helps to flush all the chems out of your liver.

    Good luck to everyone who has treatment this week and lets hope for no or few SE's.


  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited March 2009

    Bold: Don't try to diet right now.  You are almost done with the tx's and the last two are the worst.  Just try and get some exercise when you can.  Your body is craving what it needs to fight the chemicals right now - go ahead and give in.  Hang on girl, you are almost done!

    For all of you with the constipation, ask you doc to add 2 bags of fliud with your tx.  I found it really helps.


  • bluedasher
    bluedasher Member Posts: 350
    edited March 2009

     On hair, losing mine didn't bother me. Maja, Iost my hair on a business trip. I had intended to shave it when it started shedding but I was on the trip and didn't have a chance. It got to looking really scraggley with wisps of hair all over but the bald showing through all over. It looked demented. Buzzed short, it seems like there is lots of stubble but it can seem that way without having coverage so your husband and son are probably wrong about jumping the gun.

    Cheryl, I know what you mean about pills too. It wasn't so bad for me right after chemo because the nausea medication generally kept me from being nauseous. But sometimes I had sudden nausea later in the cycle, would try to take a pill and vomit right after. Generally it worked to sip some water for a while and then try taking the pill again. If nausea gets too bad, they can prescribe an anti-nausea drug in a suppository. I haven't tried that.

  • kimbly
    kimbly Member Posts: 46
    edited March 2009

    Magnola, I think that manicures may even help.  I have never had the best nails to begin with but now post chemo I find my skin is so dry and this includes my nails.  Putting clear polish on does help keep them from breaking and lots and lots of lotion.  So... I would say they are not out forever no (manicures that is), my onc said they will eventually return to normal.. geez it has been almost a year for me.. I can barely believe it.  I have been having flashbacks of chemo though, and well I guess that's normal though as I creep up on my anniversary dates.  

  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited March 2009

    My nails were great all thru chemo, but that seems to have cuaght up with me now and they are started to split and chip.  I just keep them filed down really short until the brittlness can grow out.  As a licensed nail tech and a cosmetology teacher, I DO NOT recommend manicures and pedicures during chemo unless you know the salon and the tech REALLY REALLY WELL!!  You are well within your rights to quiz them on their sanitation practices.  Avoiding salon germs during chemo is just as important as avoiding flu germs - maybe even more so.  Please be careful.


  • RockstarmomPaula
    RockstarmomPaula Member Posts: 124
    edited March 2009

    Cool Denali You lucky girl!! my grays are hanging on for dear life what few hairs that are left, I went to wearing a cap my boss got me last weekend it is a Black Izod nylon cap with a pink ribbon it is so comfortable cuz it conforms to your head .It doesn't make my head hot it is lightweight. Since it is 60 here in Beautiful Colorado and will be nice all week!! Maybe next week scarves and warm hats, We know how soon it can change!!! duneoaks I checked out that website those bras are amazingly Beautiful! My boss is a quilter I'm going to see if he will make one for me to auction off to raise money so I can do the Susan Komen walk in August.  On getting a port it was my decision after my 1st Tx I got it done,my thoughts are: every 3 weeks for a year I have to get an infusion I have good veins now and would like to have them when Im done. my Onc nurse was helpful in giving me the pros and cons, also have blood work through it Im glad I did it!! Everyone Just do what is best for you! The cravings are crazy For a week I wanted a corndog, then it was No bake cookies ( My brother hooked me up with them he makes the best)Now its mac & cheese. I figure I deserve it I will worry about it when Im through with this journey!

  • Denali
    Denali Member Posts: 113
    edited March 2009

    My hair is now shedding faster than the dogs--which is a LOT!  Fingerfuls come out at a time!  My son will have to come over before the wkend or it'll drive me crazy!

    Do any of you know about Chemo Angels?  google it and go to the site.  I think it's especially nice for those of us who live alone during this journey.  An 'angel' is designated for you and they will send you cards and maybe gifts during your chemo.  I just think it would be nice to get a funny card once in awhile.

  • RockstarmomPaula
    RockstarmomPaula Member Posts: 124
    edited March 2009
    CoolDenali The shedding is crazy I hated it I got mine cut very short and the shedding now is hardly I hardly have much to shed!! LOL!!  I have 2 chemo angels I have got beautiful cards and nice gifts such great words of kindness and encouragement I love it!! Everyone should sign up!!! I plan to return the favor and become an Angel when my journey is done!!
  • jkcrml
    jkcrml Member Posts: 53
    edited March 2009

    I will be officially join this group next week with my 1st round of chemo and I can't think of a nicer group to go this road with! When you have the chemo, do you feel anything; such as does it sting or do all the side affects happen after they send you home?


  • rayhope
    rayhope Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2009

    Karen:  Welcome to the group!  I'm sorry you have to go through chemo but glad you found this great group for support.  I have a port which makes the actual chemo infusion really easy.  I never feel anything when the drugs are going in.  My side effects don't start until the second night or third day.  Days 3 and 4 are pretty bad for me; day 5 I start to feel a little better each day.  I would suggest being as proactive as you can to prevent symptoms, i.e. taking anti-nauseau meds, drinking water, etc.  Constipation was a big issue for me the first treatment.  Since then I have also taken meds to prevent that; however, I don't believe everyone has the problem.  While I can't say chemo has been pleasant, it has certainly been doable.  You will do fine. 

  • Denali
    Denali Member Posts: 113
    edited March 2009

    Karen, my experience has been exactly like Rayhope's.  Chemo day is a piece of cake--especially with the port, I don't feel a thing.  Day 3 I got achy from the Neulasta shot.  They tell you to take an Aleve and a Claritan for 3 days around the shot.  Next chemo (this Thurs) I'm going to take it for FOUR days.  Otherwise, I just felt fatigue on the 3rd day after chemo.  I'm prepared this time--I have a stack of books and lots of programs recorded.

    I had constipation too, but they recommended taking Miralax next time, so hopefully, I'll preclude that SE. 

  • duneoaks
    duneoaks Member Posts: 94
    edited March 2009
    Karen:--most of us have have very manageable side effects.  Constipation and other stomach issues seem to be very common, so be proactive.  If you have a tendency to be constipated, start on Senecot S or something recommended by you onc. a couple of days before your first treatment and stay on it for a few days after.  All of us are different, but my down days seem to be 3 - 6.  If you are on Decadron before your treatment, you will probably feel kinda high/weird from its effects.  This is a great support group, so ask any and all questions that you have.
  • Majanumba1
    Majanumba1 Member Posts: 66
    edited March 2009

    Welcome camper Karen, I am sorry that you must be here but it is the best palce to be with lots of support and information to get you through. My experience has been very similar to Rayhope's and Denali's.I too have a port and it makes things much easier for me as my veins are terrible. The port is a godsend just make sure to ask the onc nurses for lidocaine you can apply at at home about an hour before you have it accessed. You won't' feel a thing.

    Your first treatment will probably take a long time (mine took 6 hours) but they put everything in really slowly to minimize any reactions. i have had no problems at all with the infusions. I usually sleep through half my treatment.

    After chemo drink plenty of water and take your nausea meds. I take colace the day before and for a few days after to keep the constipation under control. I had a bit of trouble finding the nausea meds that work for me but do not hesitate to call your onc...ever. Mine has been very responsive in helping me be comfortable through this whole process.

    I too have the Neulasta shot 24 hrs after chemo and it does tend to make your bones ache and give general flu like symtons.I have never taken the claritan but tylenol helps or if it is really bad prescription Motrin. Like Rayhope and Denali my SE's kick in the night of Day 2, day 3 and day 4. Day 5 I begin to feel much better. Remember to eat as it will help nausea Popscicles work for me. drink tons of water. It doesn't last for ever and before long you are at the end. I have one more tx and then I am done!!!!!!! It goes really fast if you take it one day at a time and keep reminding your self that Nothing lasts forever.

    All the best to everyone.


  • Bold
    Bold Member Posts: 306
    edited March 2009

    Hello My friends:

     I had TX today and ,my liver enzymes were very elevated. There were words throw around like. POSTPONE CHEMO and send you to a liver specialist. WHAT THE!!! I have to get my liver happy. I am going to talk to my eastern dr. I know of a great supplement called milk thistle. It is suppose to regenerate the liver. Gulp. I really want everything to go according to schedule I only have 2 more to go. And then Rads and HAIR and I will be on my way to perfect health. I can't wait. I realize that I have a lot of work to do one the Dr. finish there work. But I will make the commitment to eat more healthful foods and to exercise more. And to love and accept myself and spread that love to others. That seems like a really good recipe for health and happiness. (money is  a separate issue)

    Sorry that there is a influx of new Campers.But the advice you have been givin is wonderful. I do not have a port. It has its pros and cons. The water is uber important. I am trying to do even better so maybe my liver will not hold the toxins to long. Kidneys too have to be flushed asap after treatment especially. Stool softener do not work with out water.

    Many of us are on Nulasta and I have to say that my white blood count and most important Neutrophis, Lymphcytes,Monocytes,Eos., and baso's are good as they do a lot of the dirty work to keep your immune system cranking. What I am trying to say if they are with in range you are in pretty good shape and do not have to live in fear of every little germ. However washing your hands often is a real good practice.(sick or not).

    I give myself my own manny and peddy. I have bout the most wonderful lotions and the proper accoutrement's to make it fun with good results. I would still rather get them done. I still have to shave my legs. What up with dat. Upside I still have eyebrows and lashes. Its 11:39 I am going to try to steroid sleep.

    In solidarity