Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin
trish~ I deal with the cance of recurrence by living in the land of DENILE!!! Every once and a while I pop out and then panic and go back. Besides that I go to the onc. and keep asking for more things to take the risk down lower. I am on clodronate, and I will be popping 2-4 baby aspirin's a week. I have been trying to make healthier food choices but that one gets to me and once I have my drains out I will be starting a long overdo exercise plan again. I agree the numbers do not give me any comfort unless I hear there is 0% chance of it every coming back. So until then this is how I deal with it. I do have bad days but they are getting fewer inbetween.
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Thanks JAIMIEHH- Deinal is good! im working on getting my Denile on! lol
Yes! i was going to mention the report i heard about asprin. What is clondronate? I have changed my eating habits to included as many fruits and vegetables as i can in a day as well as started drinking Kangan water. I hear that alkaline water is a great way to deny cancer a place to grow. Plus i wanted to stop putting any unwated chemicals in my body where i can control it and water is a big part of that. I guess we can only do what we can control. I now see that i have some good days, used to just be good moments. As time progresses and we get further away from this i sure hope that it goes to weeks and months where i dont have these anxiety feelings!
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Third round of TCH today.
Only nagging side effect from round #2 is sore neck muscles. Not bad or extremely painful or anything like that, just a soreness. At first when it happened is was when everything else was sore to. But when the rest of my body stopped aching and it was just might neck, I got concerned.
Spoke with nurse and Doc about this, and evidently this appears to be the part of my body were the wbc's are pooling in the bone marrow rebuild. Some people get this in the back of the head, some in the spine, me it seems would be the neck.
Has anyone else on TCH experienced neck muscle soreness?
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stlcards fan.... it's funny, I'm on week 3 of round 1 and generally feel great (after really rough days 3-9), but the last two nights my neck has hurt, and I had to take Advil in the night. It's a different kind of hurt than my usual neck issues (from the computer). Maybe that's what it is? The Advil knocked it out, though. Does anything help you?
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Writer - I got 600mg Ibuprofen which helps relax the muscles. Over the counter they sell as 200mg.
They also gave me Tylenol with codeine - haven't taken any of that yet.
Heating pad helps too. I have a neck one with gels in it, it goes in the microwave for 1 1/2 minutes, and then I wrap it around my neck. That helps too. My pain in mainly in the part of the neck right below your ears - that muscle on either side. Glad I am not the only one with this symptom!
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Trish~ Clodronate is a bis. drug that helps strenghten my bones. I do not like taking it because of the rules, but I just down it while talking to my kids
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stlcardsfan - Hi there, was just thinking about you. I had #4 today but they almost didnt let me. My platelets got really low and the oncologist on Monday told me they need to be over 100,000 to go forward with chemo today. They were 68,000 on Monday and last Wednesday they were 44,000. So today they were 99,000...I was like come on...dont delay me so the PA okd my treatment, they are just worried I may end up with a transfusion. On my last treatment the platelets did recover and were 220,00 on day of treatment so we'll see.
I am a little more woozy than usual. Came home and slept for 2 hours straight.
Hope everyone else is doing good. Only 2 more treatments.
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TrishK... Ya it odd how we have more trouble with the non cancer side, huh, but since I have no real boobs anymore I know my issue is with scar tissue and expanders. But still, to have them so different from eachother is wierd,... as far as the Tamoxifen goes, I just started mine today, so I don't know how I will feel yet. I did have hot flashes when I was in chemopause, so I'm sure I will have them on Tamoxifen too.
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StLcardsfan.....I remember that after my 3rd treatment I had a lot of muscle weakness in my entire body, especially in my upper legs. Muscle weakness/soreness is just another unfortunate side effect of the chemo.0
Muscle weakness? I'm right there with you. Feeling like my 103 year old great aunt (seriously!) could out-race me with her walker right now! Had my third TCH on Tuesday, and for some unknown reason this one kicked my butt the day after. So disappointing, since the day after number 2, I was able to go to lunch with friends AND watch my kids hockey practice that night. This time - no way. I was in bed early on chemo day and spent most of it in bed yesterday, with the exception of going in for my Neulasta shot! Running a low grade temp this time too! But enough with the negative! A couple of naps today and I should be almost as good as new, well as new as a bald baby anyway!
Hope you ladies are someplace WARM and sunny today. Its a high of ZERO here in Minnesota, but the sun is out - gotta love it!
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ccbaby - did your dr let you exercise? I am asking because I have heard yes it is ok, and no it will just make you feel worse. I have done some slow walking on a treadmill we have in the basement, but didn't do any after treatment #2 because of my neck soreness, and then my trip to the ER with racing heart. That was fun, seems I had a very severe acid reflux and the symptoms were mimicing a heart attack. Now on prevacid for the next 28 days and being very, very careful with what I eat.
I am eager to do some type of exercise as I used to walk about 2 miles every day with the dog. Or I should say she walked me.
Some days I can barely make it from my car to the elevator and up to my desk for work. Yes, I am still working - 2 1/2 weeks between each treatment. Although some days I don't make it all day.
Today I get to give myself the Neulasta shot - yea! After today, only 3 more times!
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My docs and nurse practitioner said exercise is extremely important-- try to do something every day. I've been able to, even in my bad week after chemo, but I've only had one round.
Sorry to hear that round 3 kicked some butts. I was feeling so optimistic about my looming East Coast college-hunting trip with my daughter, which will be week 3 of round 3. My energy in week 3 of round 1 is totally normal-- not tired at all, exercising, feeling good. Sounds like that won't necessarily last. Hopefully you'll all feel better in a few more days-- good luck.
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Yes, he said I could exercise...but I was too weak the first 10 days or so after the treatments. I couldn't even stand and do dishes without my legs giving out on me. Then, I would go to work for the next 2 weeks (I am a hairstylist) and would be a little weak. I still have a little muscle weakness now that I am on herceptin only, but not near as bad when I was on the TC.
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Okay I got my hair colored and I was able to get my blonde hair back
Amy is this picture any better
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Now THAT is what you look like! MUCH BETTER. I love the twinkle in your eye.
She's back, baby!
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That's right Amy I am back
Are you coming to the meet up this month ??
I feel incredible. 2 months ago I was flat chested, with my mousey brown hair that DOES NOT look good on me and now I feel like I am slowly being put back together. First in NOLA with the reconstruction and now my hairdresser was able to continue it...... I feel good and can't wait to ditch the drains, get exercising and feeling great again. One day at a time but it's an incredible feeling.
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JAIMIEH_ YOU look so good!!!! I am a couple weeks away from going back to blonde too! been a blonde my whole life and not thrilled with this mousy brown hair that is growing out of my head right now! You look really good!
MUSCLE SORENESS- This was a big problem for me as well, i wished i had gotten massage between chemo but didnt do it until afterwards. it was such a huge help, i was rid of most of it within a couple weeks once i started getting deep tissue massage. And let me tell you it was hard to get through at times, my legs and shoulders and neck were so bad! I didnt get much relief from medicine or heat/ice when i tried to manage on my own. I strongly suggest massage if you can afford to do it. i found a cheap place and just set money aside for it.
EXCERSIZE- it helped me after chemo to get my strength back but after my 4th tx, i was unable to do much, walking to my car was a marathon by then. If you can even do a little a day then do it! But if you cant, dont worry, you will soon enough again.
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Thanks Trish this is the first time the color didn't come up another color (orange or yellow). I had it highlighted and I am thrilled with the results. Now the drains are coming out today. Good for you getting masages.
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stlcardsfan-I have been told that it was not only ok to exercise, but encouraged to do so daily. I have just had one round of chemo and have been exercising daily. Not sure how i will be feeling as good as my treatments continue. I have had some hips aches and pains, but getting on the treadmill has actually helped ease those pains.
Today, my onc told me if I could try and do some form of exercise everyday, the endorphins really help you to cope and feel better thoughout your chemo.
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Jaimieh.... wow great picture... glad you are doing so great now!!.
I felt like an old lady when I was in TCH too... Mine ended last July and it takes a long time to feel normal again. I walk my dog about 5 days a week, even during chemo, unless I was too tired or had stomach aches. But I know what you mean about the muscle pain. If I would kneel down for something I could barely get back up. Oh, and #3 kicked my butt as well.. but the rest of them were not as bad.
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Girls.....I am so excited about tomorrow....I will have my LAST Herceptin treatment!! It has been a long year!! I remember thinking that this day would never come. And once I have my second stage surgery to my reconstruction in a week and a half, will be done with everything until my next CT scan in 6 months!!!!
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Thanks Wendy
Christy~ I am so excited for you!! First your last hereptin and then your stage 2
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Hi Everyone!!! I tried to scan thru all the posts, but I was sooo far behind - about 10 pages - there was no way I could keep up and get it all straight. I just wanted to check in and make sure all of my sisters were doing well and to let everyone know there IS LIFE AFTER TCH!!! Not the same as before, but doable.
I did see some had questions about body aches and herceptin - you betcha! Large muscle pain/fatigue and other general body aches can be atrributed to the Big H. But that is OK because that is what will keep us on this earth a long, long time.
It is nice to hear about those of you that are finishing treatment and moving on. And I so enjoyed reading some posts from the gals in my "era" - gramma and Bold, love you two!. Some of you, Jaimie and CCbaby, I keep up with on FaceBook.
I am moving on and getting more energy everyday., My only complaint is tamoxifen. The hot flashes suck and I have packed on over 20 pounds since starting it 11 months and 2 weeks ago. I have 4 years and 2 weeks to go, but hey, whose counting. But I have a plan for that and a challenge for my sisters that are in the lower midwest and east coast - or all of you for that matter.
I have challenged myself to get in shape to run in the National Breast Cancer Marathon next year. My goal is to finish the half marathon which is 13.1 miles. The Run is in Jacksonville, FL in February.
All proceeds go to Breast Cancer research at The Mayo Clinic and funds to support un and under insured breast cancer patients.
Come on ladies! A lot of you are a lot younger than me and in much better shape! If I can get my tamoxifen belly moving anyone else can too!
I would also like you to pray for a freind that was just diagnosed and had surgery this past week. She had the double mast and the surgeon did not get clear margins. Please pray for MJ.
Also, I have a dear freind that has been battling colon cancer for 4 years. Marcy is only 34 years old. The cancer has been in her lungs for 2 years and not responding to chemo, now it is in her brain. Moffit has told her there is nothing more they can do for the lung mets and they are doing whole head radiation on the brain mets. Marcy has a 14 y/o daughter and a 6 y/o daughter. The 6 y/o is in remission from luekemia. Please keep this family in your prayers.
Keep hangin' in there sisters!! My love to you all.
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I haven't posted in a while but have walked this path with you all! What a help you have all been!
Jamieh: You look fantastic! So great to hear you are better each day and you have gotten through all of this!
ccbaby: Woohooo! So glad to hear today is your last day! I can only imagine how excited you must be! I don't finish until July and seems like forever still! Way to go!!!
Lisa: I was suppose to start Tamoxifen 8 weeks ago but am putting it off. I so don't want to gain any more weight than I already have due to chemo (22lbs) and don't want to have to deal with more se's. I also have a antibody syndrome that causes blood clotting so I will have to take a adult size aspirin each day with the Tamoxifen to counteract the effects of the Tamoxifen that can cause blood clots. Seems like I am trading one problem for possibly another and I am so through with all this tx that sometimes I just don't care! Good for you to sign up for this race!! What a challenge for you and how great you should feel when you accomplish this awesome goal! You go girl!!!
Allisontom911: Hang in there, only 2 more to go!!!! Hope your feeling better!
Aches and pains!! Oh my gosh, I feel as if I am 90 and my onc doesn't acknowledge that it could be from treatment so he makes me feel like it's all in my head. IF I am hearing you all right, a lot of you are experiencing the same aches and pains??? I never felt this way before bc and can't imagine the extra weight I put on due to chemo could make me feel this awful. No one seems to understand this complaint and just would like to know that this if from treatment (Herceptin?) and that it will go away when I am done! Does anyone know how long after you finish Herceptin that we might get relief of this?
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I begin my challenge this week ... TCH starts on 3/3 and then every 3 weeks for a total of 6 sessions. THen continue on Herceptin for a year. I also just landed a new job, which I will start on 3/15. Challenges!
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Blessedby4 - I got my last H only Oct 17th-ish of last year. Based on the condition of my nails and the growth of my hair, I would say it is just about all out of my system. I am now fighting fatigue because I am over weight and on my small frame, everything hurts at one point with this extra weight. Don't let your doc tell you there are no aches and pains with H only - there are! Hang in there, it will pass.
Frosty - good luck! You can do it!
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Frosty1 - good luck to you....we have a good group here. I just finished #4 of TCH 2 more to go then on th "H" only!
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Frosty1, You can do this even though it does not feel like it at times. I think it went fast for me but then as I was going through it I didn't think so.Good luck on your new job. what kind of work do you do? I hope they are understanding to your situation since at times you may not be as well as at other times. I hope you will be one of the ones that breeze through this. I was not but I had other problems before cancer.
All of you talking about how tired and old you feel, I understand completely but I have felt like this for a very long time. I was like this before I had cancer because of the autoimmune problem. I think once you finish the tx you will feel better. Exercise does help even if it is just moving around a little everyday. I find that with my auto immune problem that is the answer to my fatigue. also distraction helps not that it makes you feel stronger but it helps to take your mind off it. I am working part time and on the nights we are so busy I feel like I am going to die but I was like that before cancer. I don't think pushing yourself to over do is good but just enough to get active right now is best. when I was taking chemo ( the hard stuff) I had my grandsons living here and I would make breakfast for them because they were working. some days I had to have my husband help me but I do think the fact I had something I needed to do helped me keep moving. If I had stopped I may not have been doing as good as I am so just keep doing your best at moving and getting as much exercise as you can. walking is great exercise.
Good luck to all that are finishing and I hope you feel a lot better as the weeks go by.
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Frosty1, You can do this even though it does not feel like it at times. I think it went fast for me but then as I was going through it I didn't think so.Good luck on your new job. what kind of work do you do? I hope they are understanding to your situation since at times you may not be as well as at other times. I hope you will be one of the ones that breeze through this. I was not but I had other problems before cancer.
All of you talking about how tired and old you feel, I understand completely but I have felt like this for a very long time. I was like this before I had cancer because of the autoimmune problem. I think once you finish the tx you will feel better. Exercise does help even if it is just moving around a little everyday. I find that with my auto immune problem that is the answer to my fatigue. also distraction helps not that it makes you feel stronger but it helps to take your mind off it. I am working part time and on the nights we are so busy I feel like I am going to die but I was like that before cancer. I don't think pushing yourself to over do is good but just enough to get active right now is best. when I was taking chemo ( the hard stuff) I had my grandsons living here and I would make breakfast for them because they were working. some days I had to have my husband help me but I do think the fact I had something I needed to do helped me keep moving. If I had stopped I may not have been doing as good as I am so just keep doing your best at moving and getting as much exercise as you can. walking is great exercise.
Good luck to all that are finishing and I hope you feel a lot better as the weeks go by.
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Thanks, Gramma23. I'm feeling a bit emotional today -- kind of the end of the new normal. I guess I get a new normal starting tomorrow. I am an HR Manager and I will be going to work for a health insurance company. Kind of ironic, isn't it? I told my new boss yesterday about my diagnosis and chemo treatments. SHe was very understanding and said to let her know if I need anything and to keep in touch. I plan to wear my wig on my first day of work (3/15) as I know I will be losing hair shortly after that. MIght as well start with my new look!