Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin
Thanks Ang7 at least I can believe that its not just my boby falling apart and that someday I may feel normal again.
i thought I held up good through TCH but here the last few weeks I feel like I'm dragging butt.
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My bones are feeling better but I was trying to have a conversation with my mom tonight and I was forgetting half the stuff I was talking about. I have these great big voids in my sentences where I try to regroup my thoughts and I was NEVER like that before chemo.
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I love my podiatrist. Just saw her yesterday. She told me that my fingers will get worse the more I press on them. That's why the thumbs and index fingers are the worst but the pinkies are hardly effected. Granted I still have to zipper my pants, cook, clean etc. I can't just stop using my fingers but it's so nice to have the information.
She also said that the smell wasn't an indication of infection and that my fingers were never infected. The dermatologist probably gave me the antibiotic as a precaution because that is standard care in my case.
I was a little pissed to find out I really didn't need this double dose of antibiotic! In the future I will wait till my fingers are red. I know what staff is and it spreads fast. Next time I'm waiting.
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webu you are one step closer. One chemo under the belt. Basia is right. Take your antinausea meds before you need them. My schedule was like yours with chemo herceptin and the weeks in between herceptin only. It only took about 1hr total for blood work, etc. No sleepy meds. The herceptin just make my eyeballs, ears, nose, urine, etc. smell weird. So drink plenty of water and it will go away fast.
lago wish I was a little closer to take you to chemo. This is your last one. Just think you can anticipate feeling better each day with another chemo looming. congratulations.
webu see that you like lago and I are a triple positive girl. We all need to make sure we stay connected in the future and kick HER2 but. libraylil
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Libraylil we will stay in touch. Webu and I, although haven't met, both live in Chicagoland (in my case Chicago). She actually went to my onc for her second opinion. Not sure where you are from lybraylil but you will have to visit us sometime in Chicago… but not between mid November-April.
BTW if you haven't already check out the "When do most reoccurences for HER2 happen" thread.
And don't worry about me going to chemo alone. It's only 5 miles away. I can take a cab home. I had to take a cab home during tx4 because my husband had a job interview… and he's now working for that company!
More importantly I have a follow appointment with my dermatologist on Thursday. Thursday is one of in not my worst day. I can not drive my eyes are all weird from the emend and I'm sore from the neulasta. One of my friends is taking me to that appointment. Don't have to worry about dealing with a cap when I feel like the song that I have linked in my signature.
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Hi everyone! I have been reading these post for awhile, but just now getting around to joining the group. I finished my chemo in June and am currently going through radiation. I only have 6 more rad txs! Yay! I also have Herceptin every 3 wks and won't be finished until the end of March. I go to my Onc dr this coming Tues and hopefully will find out when I'll have my f/u scans. She originally told me it would be after I finish rad. Rad txs were postponed several times due to not healing well after my lumpectomy. Turns out my body was allergic to the sutures that were used on the inside that were suppose to dissolve or be absorbed. It took several months of going to wound center and packing wound before they finally surfaced and that is when we found out that it was the sutures all along that kept me from healing. I have a pretty ugly scar from it and will probably have to have reconstruction eventually. My biggest complaint now it the joint pain. I hope that after Herceptin is done it will go away. I'm taking gucosomine chondroitin, but it doesn't seem to help alot. It will be 1yr since my dx on Jan 18. It's hard to believe that its been a yr already. I too, won't know how to act when I don't have a dr appt to go to every week. Anyway, I just wanted to let all of you know that this blog has been a great comfort to me. It's nice to know that some of the feelings and SE I have or have had are not just in my head. Good Luck to each and everyone of you.
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HI Cathy - welcome! Sounds like you are almost done. Congratulations!
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Quick question for anyone/everyone....called the onco last night. I am on day 7 post my first round of TCH. I have been taking ativan at night, compazine and zofran during the day. The zofran was added on day #4. I developed hives all over my torso, head and hands yesterday morning (day #6).
Any idea what is going on? The on-call onco told me to take benadryl. He thought it was not related to the TCH. Could it be related to the anti-nausea? I have had nausea and diarhhea every day. This has been harder than I thought it would be...
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lago will you be having radiation? For some reason I thought mastectomy/no rads; lumpectomy rads. At my last appt the dr told me even if I had gone for the mastectomy I'd still have a date with the radiation. Is this lymph node positivity of her2 agin.0
Librylil, I was in a grey area for rads. My rad onc thought it wasn't worth the increased stress on my body since I was already doing aggressive treatment.
Tumors larger than 5cm many times do get radiation (mine was 5.5cm). My BS thought for sure I would due to the size of my tumor. Also it appears if you have lymph node invasion they might do rads too. So it is a misconception that if you proceed with a mastectomy you will not have to do rads. It really depends on the individual case.
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lago just checking. Since I have BC I am very suspicious. I'm not too worried about the rads...since I made it through chemo they can hit me with their best shot. libray lil0
I had bimx, chemo and rad. It still baffles me how they stage bc. To me it doesn't seam logical that a stage 1 for and area of 5cms like mine and they only count the largest tumor which was 1 cm. I had 3 separate tumors and lots of multi focal specks throughout the area. To me1 solid tumor should be less of a threat than many spots of tumors. Don't you think with many spot that the cancer was starting out multiplying and spreading. Not that I want to be a different stage I just think it sounds bad that it was already multiplying and instead of 1 tumor to start with it was starting with many spots. IDK I'd like to know if others have this. it also seam to be less common to just be her2neu it looks like there are a lot more on here that have her2neu with some hormonal factor. Anyone know how the percent of her2 that are only her2?
My Drs say mine was aggressive and we had had to treat it aggressive. I asked how long she thought I had it growing there and onc.said probably only six months. I had to have rad. because they didn't get a clean margine, one tumor was all the way to my rib. Good news I will be done Tue. with rad. and my skin still looks good, I put the cream the RO gave me on like 4-5 xs a day.
Question, has anyone flown since they have had they're port, I am wondering if it causes any problem at the airport?
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anniemomof3 - sorry you are having such a hard time. I would take the benadryl for now and call your regular onc tomorrow. I doubt you are having a allergic reaction to the chemo this late in the game. I would guess it is one of the meds you are taking orally right now. My first treatment was pretty rough as well. My 2nd and 3rd were pretty uneventful 4th was hard and 5th was hard 6th was actually pretty easy.
iowasue44 - yes I have flown with my problem at all. I wore my mx sleeve to prevent lymphedema but it all went well!
I just had my reconstruction surgery started. My BS and rad onc did not want me to have any reconstruction prior to rads. so I did chemo, uni mx, rads and now did a mx on my "good" side and did a lat dorsi flap on my cancer side with tissue expanders on each. It has been a hard recovery. I am about 2 1/2 weeks post surgery. can not wait to get my boobs back!
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I fly out of the frozen tundra in about a week. My onc told me to take the card, that came in my paperwork for the port, to the airport and tell the screeners about it before I go through.
Will let you know how it goes!
Lynn0 -
pickles- I fly out in a week next Sun. What about the breast prosthesis, anyone heard of problems with them and screening? Thanks for the responses, I do have my card I will just have to remember to take it with. Where are you going pick?
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IowaSue44 it's actually more common for HER2+ to be hormone negative. Even those of us that are triple positive tend do not tend to be highly positive (although there are a few that are). I myself am only 30% ER+ and 5%PR+.
My IDC part of my tumor was 5.5cm. There was an DCIS part (less than 25%) that they didn't even measure. They only look at/measure the invasive part. So the MRI showed a 6.5cm tumor which might have been correct when including the DCIS.
I was told my very fast growing tumor was there for 4 years.
Also I think oncs don't only look at staging when deciding treament. They look at other things like age of patient, tumor markers, proliferation rate, multifocal, etc. when deciding treament.This is why all those things are measured, tested and listed on your path report.
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lago - best wishes for number 6 tomorrow - LAST ONE - yay!!!0
I'm with IowaSue on the achey. I feel like I ache more with just Herceptin than I did during TCH! My legs are killing me and it never goes away. At least with chemo I would ache for a few days and then it would get better. Why would my body react to Herceptin alone like that? I have trouble getting dressed, lifting my legs into pants not only hurts, but is hard. It's like my muscles are not working. Is this normal?
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michcon - I have the same. I notice it most when I have been sitting or staying in one position and then I go to move to another position and everything hurts. I am wondering if it is the estrogen withdrawl?? I am 8 weeks post last chemo.0
Omaz - Maybe. Who knows. I just hope that it doesn't feel this way all through Herceptin. I don't think I could take it until September!
I don't see my Onc for a few more weeks, I'll ask him then. I'm sure I won't get a straight answer though...
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I'm having the same stiffness/sore muscle issue especially in my thighs. I did seem to do better when I was exercising more. I just assumed it was from the chemo not herceptin or chemopause/lack of estrogen.
Thanks Omaz.
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muscles - Just with a quick look both herceptin and taxotere list muscle pain as a possible side effect.0
Yes when I get up out of a chair my body aches and I feel like I am an old lady. I have tried blaming it on many things but it has got to be herceptin. I will start having it every 3 wks now that radiation will be done tomorrow!! I hope the pain is less with getting it lees often.Yippee, one more thing I'm glad to be done with.
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Yay for finishing rads Sue!0
Just got back about 30 minutes ago from LAST TCH!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Regardless of the SE's, it's the LAST ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! About Herceptin only...after TCH, when you go to every 3rd week, is it the same dosage as every week? If not - like if it's a 3X dose, I will ask about continuing weekly. Even though it's an inconvenience, knowing I have zero SE's from the dosage I now take, it would be worth it to me to go weekly and bypass possible SE's.
Did not see the Onc. today, will see him next week. I think the plan is to have a PET scan shortly, and consult with the RAD dr. to start rads next month. But hey, whatever. TCH IS DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ALSO, another bit of good Medicaid policy WILL cover reconstruction. BS nurse called me today with the confirmation. My next appt. with them is 3/17, and we should schedule a consult with a PS following that.
The best to you tomorrow,Lago. I hope this one is easy breezy for you! And for all of us who have recently finished TCH, or will shortly, "Here's to gorgeous hair and beautifully manicured fingernails and toenails." oh, and also, "Here's to ENERGY again!!!"
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Thanks, Omaz! I'm excited to be moving on!
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Hello there other triple positives-can you help clarify some of my surgical pathology? I just had my 1 week followup with the surgeon today and received the final pathology before I go to the Onc. Here's what the report says that I don't quite understand "the largest measurement of tumor in any section is .7 cm. However, tumor is present in five contiguous sections; thus, the total tumor size may be greater than 1 cm. The tumor is staged T1c, N0, Mx or pathologic stage group 1A". So is the tumor smaller than 1 cm or bigger than 1 cm? Doesn't T1c mean 1cm+?
I also see "ER 90% favorable, PR 90% favorable, Her2 (FISH) 7.1: Positive"... I understand that I'm triple positive but I'm curious about what the 7.1 means for the Her2?
I had 4 lymph nodes removed-all negative-hooray! Tumor is "high nuclear grade" but that is normal for a Her2 tumor, right? I couldn't get an appt with the Onc until 1/28 so I'll just have to wait until then to find out for sure about my treatment.
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bbryant hooray! now when you feel better it is just going to get better and better. Don't it feel good?0
Betty - I am pretty sure that if you get the herceptin once every 3 weeks it is 3 times the weekly dose.0