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Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin



  • Ang7
    Ang7 Member Posts: 568
    edited January 2011


    I just wanted to thank you.  You have written such upbeat helpful posts and you were a big help when I was going through chemo...

  • allisontom911
    allisontom911 Member Posts: 99
    edited January 2011

    dragonfly1 - Port is the only way to go. I know some have had bad experiences but it was the best part out of the entire ordeal. I even had 7 week old baby when it was placed. He did hit it or rub it the wrong way and it hurt but went away quick. Just saved my arms.

    I know some people are very "shy" about  showing it. Like during the summer in a tank or something. It didnt bother me a bit. If someone saw it or said something I would just tell them what it was.

  • allisontom911
    allisontom911 Member Posts: 99
    edited January 2011

    bpositive - how come they sprung chemo on you? Did they find something during surgery that was a surprise?

    You look very you. I was 37 when diagnosed with a 6 week old baby. I had chemo first, then single mastectomy, then rads and just now had the "good" breast removed and expanders placed. I am more depressed now with no breast than I was going thru chemo and the cancer diagnosis. I cry more now. Do try and use your cancer centers resources. We are here to listen to you as well.

    This is a great group of women!!!!

  • webu
    webu Member Posts: 44
    edited January 2011
    dragonfly1 - I am on the same schedule as you are with the weekly Herceptin for now. I'm not crazy about the idea of spending every Friday for the next six months at the infusion center, but my onc thinks the weekly dose is easier on the body than the tri-weekly dose. I'm not sure if there is any evidence of that, but one good thing is that your blood levels will be checked every week so they can catch problems faster. Last week when I went for the Herceptin (it was a week after my first TCH) they found my wbc was only 1.1 and they gave my the neulasta shot
    Tiffany - Welcome, and I'm so sorry you are having a hard time. Amy gave you some great advice. I would add that you should check with your onc's office to see if there are any cancer support groups in the area. I'm in the Chicago area, too, but I'm in the northern suburbs, so I'm not sure what is available in your area, but the onc's office should know. I found a weekly support group here, and it has been incredibly helpful.
  • bpositive
    bpositive Member Posts: 10
    edited January 2011

    Allison.. Initially my surgeon told me I was Stage 0 DCIS in my right breast only and told me the best treatment would be a mastectomy...I opted to have a bilateral...thinking I was doing more than enough.  My surgeon PROMISED me I would not need chemo or radiation..being an ER nurse myself,  I dont know why all of a sudden became stupid or even entertained the idea of a surgeon "promising" me something.  I went into surgery with a great attitude and never expecting chemo, which bothers me more than the surgery.  This is why Im having such a hard time because I guess I was living high off the "no chemo  no rads".  I do want to say that Im so sorry that you have to go through this and that your so sad.  I wish I could make you feel better or at least give you a hug.   What did they find in the "good" boob now?  I will try a local support group...I guess I need it .. Please keep me posted

  • bpositive
    bpositive Member Posts: 10
    edited January 2011
    Webu ..Were are you @ in the northern suburbs?  I have great friends who are gonna help me locate a support seems to be the recommendation here.  This is also a great bunch of women that Im seeing.  The strength here is amazing and all of you give me strength.  Thank you
  • Anniemomofthree
    Anniemomofthree Member Posts: 370
    edited January 2011

    Hi Dragonfly - one more thing, actually two things.  Be picky on the port placement.  Mine is right on my bra line, above my expander.  Nice placement since a swimsuit strap or a tank top would go right over it.  I like that it is not in the middle of my chest.  Also, ask for the smallest possible port.  I got the smaller (of two) sizes of my port brand (can't remember the name).  But, I was talking to someone and they mentioned that there are smaller ports for smaller people...mine is still quite large on my bony upper chest.

    Hi Tiffany - you and I have the same history.  I had the same surprise staging at a 1 with a plan for chemo.  You will make it through this all...the sleep part is the hardest and seems to be at the center of the stress (along with hair, of course).  I tried to medicate with a tylenol pm and woke up agitated and depressed.  The Ativan was OK...but made me groggy.  I am hoping that there is a better solution for us all - tbd!  

    This is the right sight to reach out relative to the out of body experience.  I think it is a shock to everyone's system to get th dx of BC.  Each day gets better....for me, I am trying to put some little milestones in place and am counting the days down...88 for chemo! 

    Hang in there...there will be good days.  Celebrate the small victories like forgetting about BC for a few minutes, the fact that January is almost done, knowing that in the summer all will seem brighter!!!


  • webu
    webu Member Posts: 44
    edited January 2011

    bpositive - I'm in Northbrook. There is a place here called the Cancer Wellness Center that offers all kind of support services and is free for all cancer patients. I'm sure there is something like that near you. It's good that you have a great group of friends to support you, too. It all can be so overwhelming at first. I can't believe that less than three months ago I knew very little about breast cancer and had never heard of HER2 or Taxotere or any of the terminology with which I am now so familar. The more I learned, the less overwhelmed I felt. This site is an incredible resource, because you can always find people who are going through the same things you are.

    Annie - You are so right about celebrating the small victories. 

  • bpositive
    bpositive Member Posts: 10
    edited January 2011

    lago...You finished your 6th treatment!  YAY for you!  Yes Im now 11 days out of my first treatment and without any SE except for the funny taste in my mouth..and oh yes..the hair loss!  I have to stop anticipating and start relaxing, I guess.  What SE should I be expecting with my 2nd treatment?  Yes Im being treated in Chicago ...Mercy Hospital ..Do you live in the city?

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited January 2011

    bpositive. Yes I live in the city, Lincoln Park. I'm at Rush. I actually kept a diary of my SE. If you are interested I can send you a PM. I recommend you do the same. This way you will know when your SE happen so the next time you can start medicating before they start. You will also have the list to tell your onc when you see them. You would be surprised how much you forget and they really need to know what SE you are getting.

    Thing is the SE are different for everyone. You will find that anything you had the first time might get a little more intense with each treatment. If you do suffer from mouth sores I highly recommend sucking on ice the entire time you are infused with taxotere. My onc told me to do this and it worked for me. I did have a rarer SE of my nail beds hurting and the nails raising, some have fallen off too. I got it/have it really bad. I have read if you ice your fingers you can prevent this. It was a little too late when I found this out although did ice with a bag of peas tx4 & tx5. They still hurt but didn't throb like tx3.

    The fact that your SE are minimal the first go around is a good sign. Are you doing 6tx or 4tx? If only 4 you might have it a little easier than me. Not that doing 4tx is easy but you know what I mean.

  • sunflower71
    sunflower71 Member Posts: 53
    edited January 2011

    DragonflyPrior to my port surgery I spoke with my surgeon about placement.  I wore my favorite sports bra and had him mark where the strap was so that the port would be no where near the strap.  I barely notice it now, and am very thankful for it!

    Bpositive: Welcome, you came to the right place.  It is perfectly normal to be an emotional rollercoaster throughout this process.  Lago gave some good advice about the SE diary, I have one as well.  It did help me anticipate and deal with SEs better. 

    It looks like I may have developed neuropathy.  It started with a burning sensation in my hands and intermittent numbness in my feet.  Now, I am having pain in each fingertip.  I plan to speak with the onco about this prior to my 4th round next Thursday.  The SEs are starting to get to me mentally and I am going to look for a counselor.  I have been unable to run (which was my saving grace throughout this), which has caused some depression.  I find myself crying more and more.  I started taking yoga at Gilda's which has helped with relaxing.  I love being able to do that at Gilda's club, it is the only place I am comfortable.  I can go without a wig or scarf and feel perfectly normal!  Any advice on dealing with the pain? 

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited January 2011

    Sunflower I got numbness in the left heel, tingling/numbness if the left hand and burning soles of feet after TX 2 but would subsided before tx3. I read about them doing trials on taking Acetyl-L-Carnitine on the site. I didn't do a mega dose but started taking 500mg daily. I only have numbness in my left heel, and as you know I just finished all 6tx less than 2 weeks ago. Just check with your onc to see if it's OK.

    Oh and I'm not sure if your finger tip pain in nueropathy or what I got. My nail beds were hurting. I was told that if I iced them during treatment it would help but it was too late for me. My nail beds lifted, turned black underneath and where brittle already. They still hurt and it sucks. Some have drained and they smell. Very unusual to get this as bad as I did though.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    edited January 2011

    sunflower - There is also fairly decent data out there for taking L-glutamine powder for neuropathy.  I got neuropathy from TCH.  Glutamine was also ok'd by my oncologist.  During chemo I did about 10g 3x a day.  I just put the powder (from GNC) in a glass, added water and stirred.  Doesn't taste good but it's ok.  I am 9 weeks post final chemo and still taking it for neuropathy.   I also did a B-vitamin supplement because B6 is thought to be helpful as well.  For more information:

    From the National comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN):

    Management of Neuropathy in Cancer  

    This article discusses most of the current potential therapies  and many more issues related to neuropathy in cancer treatment.  

  • motherofpatient
    motherofpatient Member Posts: 124
    edited January 2011

    Anyone suddenly lose her voice - like when you have a cold or allergy? Talked to my daughter yesterday afternoon - sounded fine. By evening she had lost her voice. on call doc put her on once a day antibiotic. Any advise? Thanks

  • webu
    webu Member Posts: 44
    edited January 2011

    Well, my hair has started to go . I woke up this morning and there was hair all over my pillow. Right now it is just coming off the top of my head. I've already got a little bald spot. Even though I knew it was coming, it is still a bit of a shock. I am 15 days out from my first treatment.
    I have a question about chemopause. When did it start for most of you? My last period started the same day as my first treatment (oh joy), even though it had only been 3 weeks since the last one. I'm afraid the  next one will come at the same time as my next treatment, which will only amplify the misery. I'm almost 51, so they were going to stop soon anyways. 
  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325
    edited January 2011

    amylstrong  I am going to pm you with questions about your ipad.

    Tiffany  We are all here to help you through this.  If you are 10 days out with no SE you may not have them at all (or mild).  I finished TCH the Friday after Thanksgiving.  My worst SE's were fatigue, thrush 2 times, hair of course.  I worked throughout my treatment, only taking the day of chemo off.  It kept my mind occupied and made the time go faster.  As to your surgeons promise, my oncologist told me at our first appt that being HER2 positive or having node involvement earns you a seat in the chemo chair.  Count those chemos down, will go fast. Wednesday I went for my first solo herceptin since surgery.  It  was weird not to take an entire"chemo bag" with me.  My older daughter went with me and we chatted, used the laptop, etc.  The time was shorter after the 1st one and went quickly.

    My eyebrows are retuning...yippee.

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422
    edited January 2011

    Hi All,  made it home, had a great time ! Looks like I have a bunch of reading to do. I hope you all are doing good. I'm so glad I took that much need vacation, so glad my best friend and her man went with us. It was so good just to get outside all day and do things, something I miss so much in the winter time.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited January 2011

    motherofpatient I slightly lost my voice a few times but the only one who noticed was me and my mother. I do get heartburn with chemo eventhough I take 2 drugs for it. With gerd you can lose your voice. I had it happen to me years ago when this gastroeninolgist didn't get it that the Prilosuc wasn't working for me and my gerd/heart burn was getting worse. My voice was actually one. I fired this doc of course.

    webu you are right on time with the hair loss. Sorry it happens to most of us. I had my last period 3 weeks before chemo. Been MIA ever since. Replaced by night flashes. I'm 49 for 9 more days.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    edited January 2011
    webu - I was 51 when I started  chemo and was still having regular periods.  I had one period between treatment 1 and 2 and no more.  That last one was in early Sept of last year.  I have lots of hot flashes since the 2nd treatment.
  • bpositive
    bpositive Member Posts: 10
    edited January 2011

    webu...Im sorry about your hair...Im days behnind you sweetie..Im 11 days out and anxiously waiting for the first sign of my hair to go :(  ...Are we on the same schedule ? LOL I also had my period the first day of my first chemo! Boy that sucked! for some reason I started bleeding again! Has that happened to anyone/what does that mean? Are you going to buzz your head? Thats my plan...((webu)) lots of hugs to you because Im sure this is the traumatizing part...thinking of you

  • Anniemomofthree
    Anniemomofthree Member Posts: 370
    edited January 2011

    Wow - me, too!  I had my period on the first day of TCH, 19 days ago.  Is it a coincidence?  Strange...

    Hugs to you all!!!


  • webu
    webu Member Posts: 44
    edited January 2011

    Thanks, lago and omaz. Somehow I had forgotten that as soon as the periods stop the hot flashes begin. Something else to look forward to.

    Tiffany - You are only a few days behind me. I am doing TCH x6, and my second treatment is next Friday. I'm going to go to my wig place on Monday and get my head buzzed. I'm bringing some friends with to keep my spirits up 

  • webu
    webu Member Posts: 44
    edited January 2011

    Annie - that is a strange coincidence. I wonder if it is stress that brings it on?

  • stlcardsfan
    stlcardsfan Member Posts: 227
    edited January 2011

    FYI - Las Vegas Reunion thread has started - from reading last years thread - sounds like a fun time! 

  • allisontom911
    allisontom911 Member Posts: 99
    edited January 2011

    bpositive - nothing was found in my "good" breast thank god. I am actually happy that I did chemo first. They did a bi-lat MRI of both breast which came back clean excpet for the tumor in my breast and huge lymph node we already knew about from the mamo and ultrasound. Maybe because I tried to be so positive in the begining and upbeat during chemo everything is catching up with me now.

    We are all sick in my house now. I have had fevers all week..up to mom had to be admitted to the hospital last night for pneumonia. Hubby is sick and so is my 15 month old who I still cant pick up. I should of gone into the room with my mom when I took her to the doctors 2x, last time was thursday afternoon at 330. Then by friday night she is disoriented, can hardly walk...very scary. When she came out of the doctors on Thursday they gave her a script for 12 hour Sudafed...What the hell....Anyways.....She is 77 and is always in good health but she never tells you anything which is scary. enough of me complaining. Laughing

    I will be checked again at the doctor on Monday. So far all my reconstruction is looking ok for no infection but I dont think the antibiotics are working for the bronchitis. Guess we will find out on Monday.

  • allisontom911
    allisontom911 Member Posts: 99
    edited January 2011

    Oh yeah, I forgot about the chemopause question. I had a period one week after treatment, so last week of december 2009. I came out of chemopause the end of September 2010. I was 37 when I started chemo and 38 when my period returned. I was happy to get it back (maybe one more baby) but sad it did come back... it was nice while it was gone!

  • PGK
    PGK Member Posts: 38
    edited January 2011


    I was 38 when I started chemo and had my final period. Are you on Tamox now? Just wondering if it will come back during Herceptin only or Tamox?


  • elaineg
    elaineg Member Posts: 85
    edited January 2011

    I had my last period same day as second chemo. I will have 6th and last coming up Wednesday so time will tell if it will come back or not. I have not had any hot flashes so not sure what that may mean. I will be 50 in April.

    Btw seems like yesterday I was on here finding out what to expect and reading everyone elses stories and advice. I promise you it goes quickly! My surgeon told me that mine is "very treatable" and would just take 6 months or a year out of my life. Helped me to remember that and I feel so lucky and keep recalling some are not...

  • webu
    webu Member Posts: 44
    edited January 2011

    Allison - It sounds like a nightmare at your house right now. I hope your mom is alright and everyone else in the house gets better fast.  I also hope that with all the craziness you are able to take care of yourself. <<HUGS>>

  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325
    edited January 2011

    elaineneg   another triple positive member.  My oncologist told me the same thing.   Time has flown by.  Congrats on finishing chemo.  My last was in November.  Hair is returning, more like cat fur, but noticed eyebrows are coming in.  No more Bette Davis eyes.  We really need to have a board with all of us triple positives checking in over the long haul.

    libray lil