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Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin



  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited April 2011


    I'm 42.  Sounds like the hotflashes have begun.  I get hot/cold all night too, especially the 5-10 days after TX.  I didn't sleep much those nights between the hot flashes and getting up to pee all the time.

    The hot flashes for me stayed about the same (worse days 5-10) all through treatment...I am still getting them every single day, several times a day....the only place I "sweat" is right between my breasts and the top of my head.....I dread them this summer, but over the winter they were kinda nice :)

  • lilylady
    lilylady Member Posts: 478
    edited April 2011

    I did not get any rash with my first TCH but got H only Weds and 2 days later my face, neck, head and upper chest covered with small itchy red bumps some of which are scabbing. I have not called them because it isn't making me nuts-but I look like I have the measles. If they are still there Monday I am going to call.

      Since the ins co was balking at paying for pre-meds and I didn't ask for the paper to see what they gave me I am not sure if there was a differnce from week 1 to 2. I will definitely not leave without that info again.

  • jackifp
    jackifp Member Posts: 63
    edited April 2011

    Hello, folks. Reading here over the last few weeks has been a stabilizing force. I start this leg of my journey with TCH Friday, 4/8, every 3 wks with H in between. Keeping my sense of humor includes having my 3 grown kids henna tattoo my scalp once it becomes a painting surface - my poor, conservative husband is reeling at the thought of his 60 yr old wife with a tattooed scalp :) (yet he's growing his hair out while mine is going, until mine grows back - crazy man). I don't see much mention of folks continuing to work as much as possible - I'm a high school biology, math, and theatre teacher, and really love my job. I'm keeping plans for weeks ahead in case I'm too icky to go to work, but having a substitute is rarely a learning experience. Timely in biology, since my students have gotten a first-hand 'what is cancer?' lesson out of it. I realize everyone is different, but are there any teachers out there that managed it? Best to all of you.

  • gasurvivor2011
    gasurvivor2011 Member Posts: 150
    edited April 2011

    TCH Round 3 of 6. Day #5- Cycle 3 is better & worse! Sleeping better(think it's because of a cold I had b/f chemo but hey I'll take it!). Started treating my constipation more aggressively earlier- had a rough evening, but better.

    Feel much more weak than earlier cycles though. Not as much shooting pain/joint/muscle bone pain. This time on Zyrtec and Aleve- only breakthrough meds so far are occasional tylenol. 

    Hard to walk far- very short of breath & tire easily. Forced myself to work some today. Yes I do try to work, but it's not physically present all days- And for me- the week after treatment is unpredictable for that (some days are good others are just rough).

    Trying to rest and also still walk a little around the house, yard, etc. It's so so tiring though. Probably due to the hemoglobin etc still being low. I am so glad pain is easier- wish I had tried zyrtec (rather than claritin) and aleve (rather than tylenol or motrin) sooner. It's nice not to hurt- I can take feeling terrible, but not the pain!

    I do feel I had the overall decline earlier- guess that's the cumulative again. I do feel very weak, but able to interact. Usually the weekends post big tx are my zombie time where I retreat to just make it through. I did that until today- but able to talk to others (as long as it doesn't take too much energy!)

    So happy to be halfway there! 3 down & 3 to go. Feels good! (Think my nose troubles etc might be herceptin too- but I can live w/ that!)

    Time for a nap...


  • dragonfly1
    dragonfly1 Member Posts: 516
    edited April 2011

    Jackifp Welcome! Love the henna tattoo idea-wish I had someone to do that:) You'll do great on TCH, just stick with us...don't know about teaching specifically but working is possible. I'm still working full-time as an ER and inpatient social worker. I've only taken two days off so far through the first 3 cycles. I've had some tough days but I've managed it and I think the activity (mental and physical) along with the colleague support has really helped me through this ordeal. Best wishes on your first TCH this week.

    LisaGH I'm so glad some things are easier this time-I have found that Aleve is the only thing that works for the bone pain too! Hope that cold is getting better every day and that you are resting well...Hooray-the worst of #3 is almost over...

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,263
    edited April 2011

    Hi my triplets!

    How is everyone?  I have been trying to do things around the house with DH for the last couple of hours with varied levels of success.  I had the slipcovers on my big sectional dry-cleaned last week so he put the covers on the poofy cushions and I put them back on the couch.  Had to rest after that.  Then we cleaned the bird cage (big parrot cage) and did some odds and ends around the pool and house.  My DD is out of town for spring break so it was a quiet weekend, we barbequed steaks last night but I only ate about a third of mine.  I was very interested in the loaded baked potato, though!!  I should be eating the steak to boost the RBC's....  This is the first time I have been reluctant to go out in public with low WBC.  DH is leaving early tomorrow for an out of town trip until late Wed. night and DD is driving back from Virginia (by herself!) tomorrow.  She should be home around dinnertime if she leaves when she is supposed to.  I seem to be having more Neulasta pain this time but no Big D yet - don't know if I am happy about that or not!  I am easily fatigued for sure.

  • gasurvivor2011
    gasurvivor2011 Member Posts: 150
    edited April 2011

    Hi- I am glad you all are doing great. I am ok. Weak, weak. The thrush stuff is starting as per usual but my onc gave me a script so I start treating it when I see it show up- now it's about day 5. Diflucan w/ refills- so it's part of the routine- sad part is that's when the food taste gets bad and heartburn increases. Having some minor aches.

    I treated the C this time- so it helped alot. Sleeping helps too- didn't realize how sleep deprivation makes all this so much worse. 

    Achy now, short of breath w/ moving around much, but about on track I think. I cannot imagine cleaning the house- just getting up, dressed, to work and working is enough for me for now. You are quite impressive maam! (You have birds too?)

    I too am getting nervous about going around crowds. Actually taking a few days vacation this week to go to the beach- hoping so much I can make the ride in the car. Keeping fingers crossed on that one. 

    I do feel the blood counts make me more tired- but the sleep has come easier round#3. But I am starting to get hungry and feeling some burning. I hate the feeling of being starving- wanting to eat so bad- but not tasting it- AND knowing if you do- the heartburn will make you wish you never did.

    So, baked potatoes, rice, cream of wheat, bland toast, yum yum for me. At least though that is easily tolerated.

    We are halfway there now! 3 down- 3 to go- everyone can do this!!! 

    Ok- I am tired from typing this (sorry if I am too long winded here). 


  • ma111
    ma111 Member Posts: 167
    edited April 2011

    That's what I was on last year. Hair loss, even eye brows, but not finger nails. Bone pain, usually they will make sure you have pain meds. I did it every 3 weeks. Blood an tissue in my urine scared me, than I found out that is the bodies way of getting rid of dead cancer cells.

  • Lilyn
    Lilyn Member Posts: 156
    edited April 2011
    Hi You have it absolutely correct, you have to have a sense of humour. I am now two and a half years out from my diagnosis, finished all treatment last spring. Chemo, herceptin etc. I think if I didn't sometimes use the humour it would have been sooo hard. I remember when I had the double mastectomies I was then known as "boobless in Seattle" actually I was in reality "boobless in Toronto" also when people questioned how I felt about the decision to have both breasts off, I said well they have done their duty, and as the red queen said in Alice in Wonderland "off with their heads" Boy for a woman who is 58 I have some weird sense of humour. However we are all on this journey and need to be brave and put one foot in front of the other and keep going Best Wishes.Cool
  • samdobbs
    samdobbs Member Posts: 32
    edited April 2011

    Sorry if this is off topic, but I'm posting here in case the answer is specific to the regimen. My wife Liddy had lumpectomy 12/28/10 and is scheduled to finish 6x TCH early June. Does anyone know what the minimum and maximum delays are before radiation starts? And on a related issue, does anyone have experience with Mammosite as opposed to regular rads? Many thanks in advance for any info.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited April 2011


    I just met with a Radiologist Oncologist tonight.  I researched the max time between chemo and rads because I have an open wound and can't get rads until I'm healed.

    Anyway, the studies (and tonight, the RO confirmed this) show that 12 weeks is the absolute limit.  Once you pass 12 weeks the chance for local recurrence doubles.

    However, the studies were done on small groups of women (except one on 2000).  I see your wife is triple positive just like me.  The RO said that since we will be on Herceptin and Tamox that he wouldn't worry so much about the 12 weeks.

    I also read tonight about mammosite.  Looks interesting, but I didn't really pay too much attention since I can't get it (sorry).

    Hope this helps.

  • samdobbs
    samdobbs Member Posts: 32
    edited April 2011
    Thank you TonLee that is very helpful (although no one still seems to have a convincing reason why rads are needed after chemo which is systemic and by definition includes local). Thanks again
  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited April 2011

    Oh Sam!  I asked that too!!

    He said there are two reasons:

    1.  With MX and lumpectomy the blood and lymph systems are compromised in the breast and axilla area.  Once a single lymph is removed the way the fluid flows and evacuates changes which can affect chemo delivery to that area.  Same with blood flow after a MX in the skin.

    2.  Chemo is effective but occasionally a few cells will survive in the tumor/lymph area (the actual tissue) and radiation is meant to kill them.  (Sounds the same as #1 but its not.)

    I'm a little confused over why your wife has to have rads though.  He said if a woman has clean margins, chemo and is less than 5cm with no nodes he wouldn't radiate.

    Have you gotten a second opinion? 

  • NathanL
    NathanL Member Posts: 7
    edited April 2011

    Three plus days post TCH #1 and no side effects of any merit.  My wife was a bit tired over the weekend and a bit constipated (which corrected itself after a cup of coffee on Monday) but otherwise ok.  Her port hurt like heck over the last few days but that seems to be dissipating.  Are we over the hump for round one or will the side effects kick in later in the week?

  • samdobbs
    samdobbs Member Posts: 32
    edited April 2011
    TonLee we have always been led to believe that it is either mastectomy or lumpectomy+rads. My wife did have clean margins and is node neg. We did get a 2nd opinion before starting TCH but only on whether to do chemo or not-- long story, oncotype dx was intermediate and her2 staus was hazy. But now that we're halfway through TCH time to start thinking about rads and Tamoxifen etc. We'll think about another 2nd opinion re: rads, thanks.
  • dragonfly1
    dragonfly1 Member Posts: 516
    edited April 2011
    NathanL It's a good sign that your wife is doing well so far. Hopefully the worst is over. Not to be a downer but there could still be side effects after 3 days (let's hope not). Has she has a neulasta shot? If so, for me the bone pain from the shot always hits me 2 days later and it was pretty bad the first time and has been less intense on subsequent shots-Aleve definitely works the best to dull the pain. Did she take oral steroids for a few days? If so, she can expect a bit of a "steroid crash" but that's really just fatigue and it will lift after 2 days or so. Several of us have experienced bad diarrhea and cramping further out but not everyone gets it and I sure hope she doesn't. I've been getting it every cycle from day 5-9 and nothing really helps except to convert to a liquid/soft diet until it runs its course.  The other side effects are annoying but less severe like the taste alteration which often kicks in after a few days-I can't eat anything highly citrus and I can't taste coffee again until week 3. If she develops any mouth sores, be sure to get the MO to prescribe something for it-mine gave me some dissolvable tablets 1x/day that work great. Wishing her the best and hoping she doesn't have and more SEs!
  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325
    edited April 2011
    Tonlee thanks for that explanation!!!
    />Diagnosis: 7/15/2010, ILC, 3cm, Stage IIa, Grade 3, 3/14 nodes, ER+/PR+, HER2+
  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited April 2011


    I posted this on another thread but here again as well.  I keep forgetting your wife had a lumpectomy.  Forgive me, I tend to think and store information in the MX file cabinet in my head.

    Ok, there are plenty of studies (old and new) that show lumpectomy and rads is just as effective as MX for survival/recurrence.

    Lumpectomy (for 1 cm and above) without Rads has a higher incidence of recurrence.  I don't remember the stats right off hand, I did that research months ago...but you can Google Scholar it...and the journal articles appear.

    Basically the odds of it coming back without rads is higher.  Rads will kill any stray cancer cells in the area in case the chemo missed them (blood supply issue) or they developed a resistance to chemo.

  • Sudzinvermont
    Sudzinvermont Member Posts: 10
    edited April 2011

    Hi All,

    I got my first TCH last Tuesday and Nusleta on Wednesday. I've been feeling pretty good and have worked all week.

    I did have some rounds with the big D on Fri/Sat and Sun, but nothing too bad. Slight headache too.  My biggest issue is I am still unable to sleep and it's driving me nuts.

     Last night I began with the pain, my legs, hips, ribs. It even felt like my organs were moving around inside me. It was much more intense than I expected. My question is that was 5 days out from my nulasta shot. Do you think it could be something different...or did it just take a little longet to mainfest in me?

    That said I still think I'm doing fine and far I feel normal.


  • nmoss1000
    nmoss1000 Member Posts: 324
    edited April 2011

    Hi Sue I had my first Nuelasta shot 2 weeks ago and the majority of pain was in first 48 hours. Then went away for 4 days then returned for another 2 days and nothing since. This thing has a mind of it own. Best of luck to all of us.

  • Sudzinvermont
    Sudzinvermont Member Posts: 10
    edited April 2011
    thanks nmoss. I guess I'll just assume it's all teatment related. Smile
  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited April 2011


    You may want to ask your Onc for a sleeping aid.  I took Ambien for 4-5 days the week of treatment....and it worked like a charm...really makes a difference in the whole feeling good area.

  • jackifp
    jackifp Member Posts: 63
    edited April 2011

    TonLee - "I'm a little confused over why your wife has to have rads though.  He said if a woman has clean margins, chemo and is less than 5cm with no nodes he wouldn't radiate."

    My diagnosis was the same, but grade 3 and I'm 60 - both surgeon and onc said that the chemo and rads are strongly suggested because of those additional factors-grade 3s aggressive growth and Her2+s increase in replication errors with age of the person.

  • imatthew
    imatthew Member Posts: 69
    edited April 2011

    fwiw, my wife was told by her BS and ONC that she didn't need rads.  She had one positive node out of 4, and clear margins.   We never did meet with a radiation oncologist though, I'm wondering if that was a mistake.

  • AmyIsStrong
    AmyIsStrong Member Posts: 426
    edited April 2011

    I was 51 at dx and had 2.8 cm tumor, no nodes, clean margins with my lumpectomy.  There was never a question about rads - I was told from the beginning I would have surgery, chemo, herceptin for 1 year and rads, and then tamoxifen. Period. I was told that with Her2+, they throw everything at it.

    At the time I was so freaked out by the entire thing, I didn't question anything, just went through it.

  • kriskat
    kriskat Member Posts: 116
    edited April 2011

    Going for round #2 of TCH tomorrow. Took a mini vacation over a long weekend-first flight since dx. Wore my le sleeve with no probe. Felt "normal' for most of the trip!! It was great but back to reality tomorrow!!! Hope everyone is doing well!!!!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited April 2011

    jackifp to confuse you more my rad onc said I was in a gray area and she was not recommending rads since my treatment was so aggressive. I think that because I am doing Anastrozole for 5 years as well as the chemo/herceptin I got a pass even with my large 5.5 tumor. I also did a BMX. My PS told me there were so many variables these days when considering rads that he couldn't keep up anymore. BTW you have 10 years on me.

    AmyIsStrong  to my knowledge rads is always recommended with lumpectomies.

  • Ang7
    Ang7 Member Posts: 568
    edited April 2011


    I also had 1 positive node out of four, met with a radiologist who told me that if she were me she would skip the rads.  So I did...

    Not looking back.

  • pejkug3
    pejkug3 Member Posts: 277
    edited April 2011

    Hmmm...I had one positive node and a similar diagnosis to IMATTHEW and ANG7.  To my knowledge, I will be getting rads when chemo ends.

    I'm 35.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,263
    edited April 2011

    I was given a choice between lump+chemo+rads or BMX+chemo.  I chose BMX+chemo and will not be having rads.  This turned out to be a wise choice since there was all kinds of weird dysplasia crap in the left prophylactic breast.  It would only have been a matter of time for the second diagnosis and I would have definitely had to do all this over again.

    Interesting development - full body rash neck to knees, appearing the day after last chemo, which was #3.  Called the onc and went in today to see them.  I had a UTI after #2 and was on an antibiotic for 7 days finishing the day before chemo #3.  They don't know if I am allergic to the antibiotic or Taxotere.  The plan is this - treat the rash with Benadryl, Zyrtec and topical steroid.  Try new oral steroid regimen before next chemo in two weeks.  If I am allergic to Taxotere they will have to switch me to something else for #5 & 6.  I also saw my PS today and he said if blood counts are OK I can have the left TE put back in about 3 weeks after the end of chemo - yay!!!  Today was a busy day!