Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin
Laurie - I am on the dexa 12 mg. the night before, that morning, and the morning after. Plus whatever they put in the i.v. Congrats on being almost done!! I too would be scared about changing things if things had been do-able so far.
Thanks omaz and pasmith--Last one this week for you, Yay!
I had to RSVP no to a wedding on the beach in San Diego at the end of July. Shoot. Oh well, onward and upward I guess.
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It's interesting to read the different dosages of steroids that we all get. Reinforces my belief that there are no hard and fast rules and it's as much an art as a science.
I get 8mg of steroids twice daily for 3 days (day before, day of, and day after) but nothing in the IV. I've never had a real issue with them. I'm certainly full of beans those three days. I have great workouts and get lots done. I may have trouble sleeping, but sometimes I'm fine.
Wendyspet-- That's too bad about the wedding. It's hard to plan anything too far in advance. We had a cruise planned for this year. I should be on it right now! It would have forced my last TX out by a couple of days but I would have been feeling pretty decent. There was no way to know that and too risky to even contemplate. C'est la vie!0 -
Thanks Lago for the advice.Looking forward to getting permanent foobs instead of these TE. It was so funny when I had my check up w/ PS who took one look and said "those look uncomfortable." (referring to the totally filled TE which have been that way since right after TCH 5). Yep they are. Not miserable just tight and sometimes sore.
Yes Laurie I agree if you are concerned to see an MD is best option.
I am walking again- rode my dog on the bike at the beach for the weekend. Little leg pain remains- but it's so much better than it was during and right after the TCH. I will start on Arimidex right after the exchange surgery. Hope that won't be too many aches and pains.
I put photos up on facebook w/ me riding a bike w/ my pet yorkie on the front basket. I loved riding the bike at the beach b/f TCH and BC. So nice that some of the things I enjoyed are now doable again!
Happy 4th to all.
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Anyone else experience shortness of breath the day after tx continuing through day 4 or 5? I've only had two treatments and after the first one was prescribed antibiotic for infection. Before second tx doc ordered chest xray, which was fine, so went ahead with tx. Said he would keep an eye on it. I'm thinking it's the herceptin that is causing it. Any advice?
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ah2bthin - I would suggest that you report back to your onc about the SOB. Have you had an ECHO or MUGA? Most often with TCH you have one before treatment starts and then every 3 months. This is because some people have trouble with the herceptin and their heart function so the tests monitor the heart function. Also it could be related to anemia possibly, but others know more about that than I do.0
ah2bthin I had a MUGA before treatment but never any others. This doesn't seem to be the norm though. I have 4 more herceptins left. Every time I go for treatment they ask if I have shortness of breath. You need to report this. It is that important.
always report any new symptoms. I didn't initially report the issue I was having with a toe nail. I causually mentioned it to my onc. She took one look and sent me to a podiatrist. If you ever hear about that gal who had really bad issues with all their nails on this forum they might be talking about me. So don't think these little things are nothing. Your onc needs to know.
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Thanks to everyone who shared their thoughts/experiences regarding watery eyes and steroid dosage. I'm in the chair right now, getting my usual dose of 20 mg. of dexamethasone. The oncologist agreed there was no correlation and no need to alter my premeds if they've been working well up to this point. How nice it is to have a sounding board such as this one - I truly appreciate the input of everyone who responded.0
Thanks for responding to my question regarding herceptin and shortness of breath. I did have a muga scan prior to starting chemo. I appreciate the people who are here, it is great to have the experience and knowledge of others to help ease some anxiety! Good luck to you all!
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ok ladies i am jumping in here to ask about tamafexcin S/P ?? i am going to check with my ins co and see if i can mail order it cheaper does anyone know how much it is, ballpark i know everyones ins is different..i with i had time to join in on this line but its everything i can do to keep up with my april group!i have read up alot getting info from all of you! thank you so much you have helped to much to more than just me i am so sure!!
good luck ladies at what ever phase you are in and by the way i loved it when gosh what is her name ... she posted a pic of her on the boat and was talking about doing all these wounderful activities like hicking and skydiving!! you go ladies!!!
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I don't know if any of you have used this cleaning service but apparently there is a service that will clean your house for you once a month for free while you are going through chemotheraphy. Click on this link to find out more about the company:
I have not used the service but I thought that this could be very helpful for some folks. I hope it helps folks ... one less thing to worry about.
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I just finished my first round and no complications for now,just tired cause the session was very long, almost 6 hours
I forgot to mention that I am in a research study from the University ofAlberta , they are doing a study about Herceptin and he effects in your heart so im taking some heart pills every day and they are doing heart MRIs every 3 months to check if everything goes ok, plus mores far so good.
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I'm so over chemo! I had TX6 today. It was probably the longest day of all even though I was in around the same time as ever and finished at the same time as before. I couldn't get through it fast enough.
They have a cancer bell so all the chemo nurses came out when my 8yo niece helped me ring it. That da*med bell fires up the waterworks for me everytime someone rings it and this was no exception.
I'll be back in there in 3wks to carry on with Herceptin but I'm hoping it's a different experience.
I talked with the onc about the plan for the estrogen. He said that since I'm riding the fence where menopause is concerned, the ideal is to do Tamoxifen for a year or two and then switch to an AI drug which only works for post-meno women. However Tamox has a risk of blood clots and I may have reacted to a drug a few years ago. It's a bit iffy because I was never fully diagnosed and never took blood thinners to resolve it. Still he isn't sure he wants to risk it if there's a choice. So he's running a hormone panel to see if I'm post-meno (hysterectomy precludes other evidence) and if I'm definitely post-meno, he'll go with the AI drug.
It's not over until the side effects are done so I still have this next week to deal with. But I don't have do Taxotere or Carboplatin again!0 -
Pasmithx2 Congrats on finishing the TC! There's nothing like getting that out of the way and knowing you won't be facing it'll start feeling a LOT better in 4-5 weeks. Celebrate!!!0
Dragonfly1--Thanks, but I intend to be feeling pretty darned good by next weekend! And it can only get better from there. I always have a good second half of the three week cycle once my taste comes back. I'm already studying the new hair a bit obsessively and it can't grow fast enough AFAIC.
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Pasmithx2 I think we are all obsessing about our hair as soon as we get close to the end of chemo and definitely once we finish:) Have you checked out the "Hair, Hair, Hair..." thread yet? There are lots of great photos to give you some idea of the growth timeline and lots of product tips as well! My hair seems to be growing quite fast now (5 weeks since last chemo) but I understand that it's common to lose our eyelashes and eyebrows at about 5 weeks after TC...Hoping you have minimal SEs on this last round!0
pasmithx2 How old are you? My onc felt at my age and given my mom started menopause at 50. My sister finished at 53 that I would not get my period back. She put me on Anastrozole (generic Arimidex) and tested my Estradiol levels for the past 6 months. She seems to have stopped that after today. I turned 50 just after I finished chemo.0
Hi Ladies! I am 6 weeks PFC and I am catching glimpses of my old self again. I have a question for those of you who are PFC. Today I went for H and had a CBC done and my counts were as low as ever! WBC 3.8 - RBC 3.34 - HG 10.8- PLT 129, is this normal PFC? I thought they would be going up since I was done? I am concerned because I read somewhere low counts are a sign of anemia and a precursor to the Big C. AM I just being paranoid? Also, I got my MUGA results back and I am at 76, when I started chemo I was at a 67. Is this possible? My onc is on vacation until next week my results came from chemo nurse. Any insight would be appreciated.
I truly want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for all of your support, encouraging words and sharing of your experience and knowledge during this fight. During the darkest days it was you ladies who got me through.
Pasmithx2 - YIPPEE! Congratulations on crossing the finish line!
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Hello Everyone. I finally had enough of the hair shedding so I had my daughter shave it all off this evening. It feels good to have this hurdle out of my way. My husband says it makes me look strong and sexy...and somehow I do feel strong (not so sure about the sexy part yet). It is much cooler in this hot weather.
I'm all geared up for TCH #2 tomorrow. I am ready. Thanks everyone for listening to me. I gain strength from all of you!
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Iago--I'm just coming up to 50 in Sept. I don't have sisters to use as possible guidelines and my mom had a hysterectomy early, so no help there. I had my own hyster a few years ago and the GP did a blood test last year that indicated that I was post-meno. But that number can fluctuate as you approach meno. We'll see what comes of the hormone panel this time. I think then onc's concern is that if I am not quite meno, going straight to an AI drug may have any effect. He'd rather stick to Tamox for a year or so to be sure and then switch.
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nmoss I never had my blood counts taken after my last chemo. I guess since they were fine all the way through there was no need. I got the big C at every tx of chemo but my counts were normal. I don't think one has anything to do with the other. Something about the 5 week PFC you seem to notice things are getting better/back to normal. Strange isn't it.
Pasmithx2 I was peri before chemo. My periods were regular but fluctuated a bit in flow. Typically less flow, fewer days but sometimes normal. I think my onc doesn't like the SE of Tamox so she prefers Anastrozole and to monitor. I'm good with that. My estradiol levels the last time I checked was 10< (I think that's what a prepubescent male is
). So I guess that means the Anastrozole is working and I'm still in menopause.
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Christean - Number 2 was my 'easiest' round - I hope it is easy for you too.0
Good luck on #2 christean!! I am a week and 2 days out from #6 and it feels great!!! You will get there too!!!
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pasmithx2 - My onc has the same approach, tam then the ai for those of us around menopause age who went through chemopause.0
Hi onlygirl
I live in Ireland. The treatment here seems identical to the USA. I was diagnosed April 19th it was from a routine mammogram I had no symptoms other than feeling unusually tired. The shock was unreal I actually started laughing in the doctor's office. I had a lumpectomy on my right breast and I also had the lymphnode removal. My tumor was HER2 positive. Im not sure if that is good or bad. I felt like it was a positive thing as I was eligable for Herceptin. So Im getting the same as you. Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin. My hair hasn't started to fall out yet. Let me know how you are doing.
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I had TCH #5 today ... the last one will be on July 28! So far so good but I don't usually experience any side effects on the day of infusion or even the next day but I will definitely feel it on Saturday and Sunday. I will still feel the effects of fatigue for about 1 1/2 weeks but I should manage to work my normal schedule. Eating will be a pain.
Also, this time for the first time Decadron gave me insomnia the night before the TCH infusion ... not fun!
I cannot wait to have the energy to go back to doubling my exercises and eating normally again. I've already started using this site to track what I am eating: --- it's free. Figured I might as well start early. I have lost weight on chemo rather than gain it, but like most I have that chemo belly that is bugging the heck out of me ... it must go!!!
Thank you to all of you for sharing your starting chemo, going through it, nearing the end and those lucky ones who have finished chemo ... your experiences are invaluable to us all!
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nmoss - after my last chemo my counts were lower than yours and then fell again on the next CBC. I am 35 days PFC. He ran another bunch of labs as well and many of those results were pretty dismal as well. My onc was not alarmed about most of it except the CA 27/29 and the Vitamin D level. I will have my next CBC in a week with my next H only tx, and I will let you know if the WBC/RBC/Hgb are starting to come up. Here is the way he described chemo when I asked him about the half-life. He said " you hold up a gun and shoot yourself in the shoulder. The bullet goes in the front, travels through your shoulder, and exits out the back. The bullet is chemo, in and out of your body fairly quickly. The small hole in the front of your shoulder, the mess it left on the inside, and the big hole it made coming out are the things you have to deal with afterward." Pretty interesting analogy, and true! It is going to take a while to clean up all the mess chemo left behind.
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SpecialK - Nice analogy!0
Special K - Thank you for the information. I feel much better. It was really making me uneasy. That is a terrific analogy. Sadly I got my FSH back today 127, bad news good for not having to take Tamoxifen right away bad news for never having another kid. Permanent Hot Flashes...Yipee!
Lago - your right this is the the trickiest thing I have ever encountered.
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nmoss - How does the FSH work?0
Hi Omaz it's a simple blood test to detect your level of Follicle Stimulating hormone. There are ranges for pre - peri- post menopausal. 20-135 is Post menopausal.