Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin
Hello TCH sisters,
Haven't written for a while, although I do follow this thread religiously. Bluedasher, thank you for coming back to share the benefit of your experience 3 years out. For all those having nail issues, I hope you are able to keep them from completely lifting and that this particular SE goes away soon enough. How annoying! Mine have discolored a bit at the base, but so far no soreness or lifting.
I am scheduled for #4 tomorrow. My platelets are a bit low, so they'll have another blood test just before so they can decide whether to proceed or postpone. I feels ambibalent: as much as I relish the prospect of one more week feeling good, I also want to continue so I can be done... Boy, am I ready to be done with chemo! Where did you ladies find the strenght to go through 6 tx's? I am so close to stopping at 4!
I have a question for everyone. My port has been bothering me a bit. I've had it since July 28 and it hasn't caused me any problem. But now, it has started to ache again. Nothing acute, just a bit of achiness, sometimes at the site, sometimes at my shoulder. Has any of you experienced this?
Thanks for your support. You ladies are such a source of strenght and comfort to me.
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amelie - your platelet counts can be high one day and low the next - platelets are quite fickle. If they get low and stay low they can transfuse you with platelets alone. They don't contain red cells, it is a quick transfusion, and then you are good to go. The reason your count needs to be high enough is that platelets are your clotting factors, you may bleed uncontrollably if you receive chemo when they are low.
I have never had a flu shot, and can't get one, because I am allergic to the flu shot medium (albumin) so I will have to take my chances. Don't know what the stats are on cases of flu in Florida, but I am not working at this point so am minimizing my exposure somewhat.
zumba - did you ice your fingers and toes during chemo?
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Thanks for all the posts. I'm 3 days out from my first TCH treatment. Very tired today, yesterday lots of pains like having the flu. Today my mouth is filmy feels like it was burnt and so does my throat. Any advice? I just ate yogurt in to ward off any thrush. I'm really doubting I can stick it out 5 more times......
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Amelie - My port bothered me off and on the whole time I had it. Important thing is probably to keep an eye out for any infection - warmness, redness, any fever.0
amelie, i go for #4 tomorrow as well and i'm also worried about my blood counts. my onc said i'd have to have an transfusion if the reds were 10 or under. at last chemo they were 10.7. i have a twin sister so if i need a transfusion, i hope she can give the blood.
don't stop at 4! we can do this together. and yes, my port has been bothering me a little, especially if i try to sleep on the side it's on. i swear it's too close to the skin. i don't like it, but i'm grateful to have it, if that makes sense. i'll ask my onc tomorrow.
let's hold hands tomorrow while we get #4 and hope that we don't have to postpone because of blood work.
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I would reinterate about the port. Just when I think I'm getting used to it and adjusting it starts aching again. Right now I seem to have a rash around it, no heat, just some red dots and a bit tichy, weird, but I'll keep an eye on it.
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yaya - if you want your twin to donate for you (called a Directed Donation) you need probably at best 72 hours prior to the planned transfusion time to process her blood. The need to collect, test it with screening tests and determine if it is compatible for you, then it must be irradiated for you to use since she is a family member. A Directed unit is good for quite some time so you may want to have her donate it just to have it ready for you (holds on the shelf for at least 30 days) and if you don't use it, it will be given to another patient just before it expires. You could also pay to have it frozen for you, then you can use it any time you need it. If you have any specific questions, ask them here or PM me.
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Anafoefana Sorry I'm so slow in responding. I'm back to work after vacation and I seem to have hit another period of fatigue-not too bad but I get home from work and almost immediately fall asleep on the couch again. Anyway, about those nails-it sounds like you may have avoided the problem since you are so close to the end. During TCH #3 mine became so painful that I couldn't turn lids, manipulate buttons, etc. and they were discolored as well. The lifting became progressively worse during TCH #5 and #6 but even so it still only affected part of the nail. The "lifted" part on the ends grew out and the nails gradually seemed to adhere back to the nailbed so that they returned to normal within a few months. I iced my nails and think that may have prevented it from being even worse. Strange thing is that it never affected my toenails at all. I find that interesting because I ended up with mild neuropathy in my hands but not my feet-seems that the Tax really affected my hands.
Amelie_Rose Yes, I have what I would describe as "aching" or twinges of pain with my port at times. Overall it's always been comfortable (I've had it since Feb) but there are definitely days that it becomes bothersome-it never lasts very long.
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Dragonfly I'm still waiting for several of my fingernails and toenails to unlift. My podiatrist told me my fingernails would come down but she's not so sure about one of my large toenails. The other large toenail is wavy and that won't get better either but… I'm not in pain and NED so who cares about some toenails. It's not like I was going to be a toe model. (I will admit though some of the fingernail beds are still sensitive. 8+ months PFC)0
Amelie, twice (5th and 6th cycle) my platelets were too low in the test 2 days before chemo but they came up enough in the retest on the day of chemo that they let me go ahead.
I did all 6 cycles. I asked my onc about doing only 4 since I was only stage I, but there is no test data on the effectiveness of 4 so she wanted to do 6. I think that there is a study in progress on doing 4 for women with very early stage cancer, but it is probably too early to have results.
YaYa, It is pretty common to need a transfusion around chemo 4. I needed one before they would let me take the 4th one and the 6th one. Many blood centers don't allow directed donation. There is a concern that a family member won't want to reveal a reason for not donating and might give blood when they shouldn't. I know that our local blood supply doesn't allow it.
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Thanks for all your responses.
Special K, I didn't know that platelets could go up and down in a matter of days and had wondered about the retest. I also hadn't realized that a platelet transfusion was different from a blood transfusion.... This board is so informative. I'll keep my fingers crossed. It seems like low platelets is a common enough problem. Bluedasher, my onc told me the same thing about the lack of data with 4 tx's. So I guess I'll stick it for all 6. It just that the SE's seem so cummulative, like the low blood counts for example.
Thanks for all the responses about the port. It's good to know that it's not just me. Omaz, I am watching for signs of infection. So far, it's just achiness at the site and sometimes at my shoulder. It comes and goes. Last week, I had a bit of discoloration (not unlike what Grimbol described, no dots though), but that's gone now too. I had hoped that once it had 'settled', that would have been the end of it. Thanks for the reassurance though.
Lago, I am so sorry to hear about all your nails issues, even so many months after chemo. I hope they resolve themselves in time.
YaYa, I'll keep you in my thoughts tomorrow. Hope your red counts go back up and that you are able to go on with your treatment. Please keep us posted.
Wish us luck, everyone. I'll let you know how it all goes.
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Amelie_Rose They are so much better than before. I was just one of those people who got it really bad. Nail polish hides it so no one knows but me.
Remember I had no nausea on chemo. My taste changes were not too bad and lasted 3-7 days each cycle. Although I would get tired at the end of the day I didn't have the flu-like fatigue. My white counts were good and never needed an infusion or rushed to the hospital. Yadda yadda yadda. I had to get something right. (OK the shingles did suck too but that went away).
This is little stuff. I've even lost all the weight I gained on chemo and my short hair looks great on me… yeah I'm keeping it for a while. Overall I feel great!
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Amelie - Good luck tomorrow!!0
Hang in there...I am sure all of us can't imagine finishing at times. But let's cheer one another on so we can be done with it.
Thanks everyone for your advice. Stupidly I realized a lot of my burning symptoms were too low for heartburn. Getting a pelvic ultrasound Tues. Doing a little better but like someone else said struggling to find food choices that work.
I haven't had nail issues yet.
My big news of the day was wearing my wig in public for the first church. It wasnt too bad.
More later...nite0 -
KRomano--my first TX was the one where I felt "flu-like". It was also the only one I got nauseous at. After that, I was just tired on day 2-3.
The mouth issues are pretty consistent though. Did your onc give you a script for a mouthwash? If not, call and get one. It helped me with my sore tongue, but unfortunately not the taste. The farther you get away from chemo, the better your taste will be.
You can do this. It seems like time will stand still at times, but it will pass and you will get there!
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amelie, how was your tx today? please check in with us.
i had tx #4 today, too, and so far everything is fine. just really, really sleepy (from the two antihistamines they gave me ... chemobrain isn't allowing me to remember the brand name!). my onco said today that of all his patients who are getting chemo, i'm doing the best. i felt like a million bucks when i left his office. we'll see what #4 brings, though.
i hope you had a good day.
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Yaya, thank you for asking about me. So glad to hear that your treatment went well. I hope you get a good night sleep.
I had #4 today as well. As a couple of the ladies on this board told me might happen, my platelets were back up where they should be and they went ahead with treatment. I iced both my hands and sucked on ice chips. I found that the ice chips helped with the taste changes the last time and I am keeping my fingers crossed for this time as well.
Omaz and everyone, thank you for all the good wishes. Here is hoping for a SE-free week.
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Yay number four...I hope it is a breeze...I'm going to try the ice chips next time.0 -
Great compliment...can't think of one I'd rather hear. Hope you have an easy time of it. Have a restful day.0 -
Hi Ladies 7 days Post exchange and I have been feeling great! odd pain here and there but so far so good. I have to say this new set is far better than my old set:)
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anyone feeling like shit after a weekof chemo #5?,,beacuse i am,the last 3 days with nausea and vomits, my nurse put me in Gravol and now im sleepy too...feeling very tired and i can barely eat anything..this is theworse so far and im really thinking in not going for the last one, I cant live like that anymore, its way too much for me ..any thoughts?
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Paulamati- just had #5 yesterday. Yes, it has definitely been cumulative for me. Each tx seems to kick in sooner and last longer. Blood counts affected too. Earlier this week it was all I could think about to skip #6. But now that 5 is done, i think I can do #6.... Not sure what changed my thoughts. The worst SE are yet to hit me for this last tx but I think it is important to hold tight and finish. I describe chemo to my family like being a prize fighter. When you take repeated blows, it takes longer to get up. Sometimes I dont feel like getting up (ie going for another tx) , but i still do get up. But the fight will be over very soon. It is our best shot at not having another fight in the future. I think the long term endurance to finish is pretty tough. Talk to your doctor. Tell them what you feel, maybe a dose reduction is possible instead of skipping. The data pulled from studies done is usually a range of doses. Not all doctors in studies follow the suggested dosing and modify it to meet their patients needs. The data is still used to assess effectiveness. So a dose reduction is not unheard of. Good luck. Hugs to you.
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Paulamati I didn't have nausea SE but I will tell you after the 5th I wanted to stop too because of all the SE… but I did all 6tx. It sucks. the 6th one will suck too but then it gets better. If you look at my hair transition thread you can see my face looking better and better as the days after chemo increased. It's not just because I have more hair.
BTW Oct 5th last year was my first chemo tx… and today I got nipples. Chemo seems like 10 years ago. I am in such a better place mentally and physically. Life is good (lthough could be better. I need a job
It really does get better and you will feel like you again.
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paulamati and izzy - #5 was my worst, didn't think I could go for #6 but magically I had far less SE after #6. I kept waiting to feel hideous and I was so surprised that I didn't have nearly as bad a time as I did with #4 and #5. I was on a diuretic right after #5 so I think that helped. Just rest and you will get through it and then be all done.
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Paulamati - The 5th was by far my worst. A week out, I remember feeling so awful - couldn't figure out what to do to feel better - more meds, less meds, eat more, don't eat, etc. It is very counterintuitive to us to voluntarily go into that chemo room and sit there and let them do something that WE KNOW is going to make us sick. There is something very paradoxical about that. BUT the only way to get through it is to take the long view. You want to have MANY YEARS of happy, healthy life ahead of you and as Izzy said above, this is our best shot. The short term sucks BUT the long term is worth it.
I just saw my onc yesterday for a checkup. All good, breezed in, breezed out - see you in six months. Yeah! I am back to my regular life better than ever, just ran my first 5k, am lifting weights, hiking, running. Working hard, loving my family, living each day to the fullest. The memories of chemo (and all the other treatment) are steadily fading. I still remember, but it is not as vivid or as fresh.
Sometimes when I am working with my trainer, he will have me get into the push-up position and hold it for a minute or 1:30. It is HARD to maintain it. He sits with the stopwatch and counts down. Your body starts to hurt, abs start to burn, arms, etc. I just tell myself "You sat there and let them put that chemo into your body - you were strong enough to take it - you CAN do this." And then I just get really intense and tell myself no way am I giving up. And I get through it. Every time.
My point is - you DO have it in you to get through this. Don't decide about #6 while you are still sick from #5. By the time #6 is here, you will be feeling better again and be more ready to face it. And if/when you do feel bad after #6, just knowing you are DONE makes it SOOOOOO much easier to get through. I know many other women on here will say the same thing.
AND remember, getting the Herceptin-only (after TCH is done) is a BREEZE compared to TCH. I used to drive myself over, decline the benadryl, get the H, and go about my day. Absolutely no comparison to chemo. So encourage yourself with that thought.
PM me if you have any questions or if there is anything I can do.
Sending you strength and support across the miles -
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I never got benadryl with Herceptin. Not even offered but I did get it with chemo. Yes herceptin is a breeze. I would meet friends for lunch right after. BTW my last Herceptin was Sept 16 so I can honestly say I had no SE except maybe my hairnails might have grown a little slower.
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Thanks ladies for your words, Im start to feeling better and at the same time to think better, and you are all right..I can do this,number 6 will be better and I will be done with CHEMO yeah!!!!.Its just everything got together, my mom just left to chile after being with me during my whole treatment, so when I started to feel so sick plus alone during the day I freack out, but now I see different and i know I can do this and you guys helped a lot with this change too, thanks so much for your u all
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I post sporadically on some other forums. My name is Katie and I was dx in March 11. I went thru 6 cycles of Taxotere, Carboplatin, and am still taking Herceptin. I had my UMX in August and my BS said the chemo did it's job, crushing my tumors to micromets and at the time of surgery there was no lymph involvement. During diagnosis in March there WAS lymph involvement so the chemo helped with that too. All my scans came back good in March also.
As I started to begin RADS, they did the normal simulations and x rays. Yesterday, I get a call from my onco saying that the radiologist who read my RADS pLanning saw some bone scarring on my thorax/spine. My onc wanted to investigate further with a MRI and a bone scan. I am literally freaking OUT. My radiation oncologist says to be calm that neulasta can cause these types of things to show up and it would be highly unusual for this to be something serious as I just completed active tx but I CANNOT stop worrying. Like everyone else here, I have a family, a 5 year old son and I cannot fathom having to change treatment plans when everything is still so new. Praying for a miracle.0 -
Tiger_Blood anything that is not typical they check. When I had my initial scans they saw a spot on my liver but everyone said it was a benign cyst. Then my onc saw it and she wanted me to do another more detailed scan after chemo. They saw even more benign cysts… and she still wants me to do another scan in a year.
Also when I had my initial chest xray they saw shadows. They did it again marking my nipples. That's what the shadows were.
I also broke out with a rash on my legs in August. Saw my GP. It wasn't itchy or bumpy just discoloration. GP did order a blood test to be safe. But when I went for my Herceptin everyone went nuts and onc wanted me to see a special dermatologist. By the time I got in to see the dermatologist (tough to get an appointment) the rash was gone and I cancelled the appointment.
So what I'm saying is don't worry about this stuff until they tell you there is something to worry about. They are overly cautious now that we've had a cancer diagnosis.
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Tiger my thoughts are with you. Praying this is just a little Neulasta left-over!