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Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin



  • Grimbol
    Grimbol Posts: 139
    edited October 2011

    imara, it looks like your dx was very similar to mine, did you have surgery yet? just wondering.  I was reading on the HER2 thread about the options of surgery first or chemo.  I was never given a choice, wouldn't have known which to pick anyway but now I'm interested. I had a lumpectomy then chemo then onto rads with Herceptin for the year.  As long as my heart stays ok.

  • Amelie_Rose
    Amelie_Rose Posts: 84
    edited October 2011

    Anafoefana, thanks for encouragement.  Did you have to postpone treatment because of the transfusion?  For how long?  I am worried that the one week delay may compromise the effectiveness of the chemo.  But I suppose that people deal with delays all the time for various reasons....

    Yaya, good luck today.  Thinking of you and hoping all goes well.

    I am with all the ladies here uncomfortable with their ports.  Mine tugs and aches on and off and I can't wait to have it removed.  Anyone had it removed after chemo and had their remaining year of Herceptin through their veins?   

  • anafoefana
    anafoefana Posts: 109
    edited October 2011


    No, they gave me the transfusion  4 days after my infusion and I was fine for the next one.  I am still anemic, but they are letting me ride it out this time since I am done with Tax and Carbo. I completed the 6 treatments!  The transfusion was not bad, just an inconvieniece. 

    I don't have issues with my port and it has worked beautifully.  I occasionally feel it when I am in bed, but I move and I am fine.  The one I have is kind of small compared to others I have seen.  By the way, that is where they gave me the transfusion. I am just keeping mine for the remainder of the Herceptin treatment. 

    I hope you are regaining your strength.  Eating is still and issue for me,  my taste buds never came back after the 4th treatment.  I am hoping soon!!! 

  • TonLee
    TonLee Posts: 1,589
    edited October 2011


    I also carry my purse on my left shoulder and that can cause it to chaff the port lead thingy which causes nerve pain ....

    Did it today as a matter of

  • Grimbol
    Grimbol Posts: 139
    edited October 2011

    anafoefana, I am struggling with no taste buds too, I am almost 2 weeks out from my 4th tx, so I am losing hope of being able to taste again then!!

    FYI - my port is in my arm and doesn't really both me much at all, except it seems if I get dehydrated and then for some odd reason it aches.

  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Posts: 532
    edited October 2011

    i'm back from tx #5 and, of course, no problems so far.  had a heart echo, too, and the tech told me that it looked good.  i'll have to wait for the cardiologist to read it, but i'll know tomorrow when i go back for neulasta shot.  onco said i'm as healthy as a horse and was surprised again that i've had minimal se's on this chemo which he said was a very strong dose.  i'm very, very grateful and hope it stays that way thourhg 5 and 6.  i believe it will!  

    amelie, do you know when #5 will be?  have you had your transfusion yet?

    the problem with my port is that it's very unpredictable.  today it wouldn't draw blood no matter how many shenanigans i did.  had to have blood draw from my arm.  :( 

  • omaz
    omaz Posts: 4,218
    edited October 2011
    yaya - You're a trooper extraordinaire!!
  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Posts: 532
    edited October 2011
    omaz, thank you!  it really hasn't been all that bad, but i think i forget the sad, lonely times.  it's kinda like childbirth, you know?  Smile
  • Amelie_Rose
    Amelie_Rose Posts: 84
    edited October 2011

    Yaya, congratulations on finishing #5.  It must feel great to know that there is only one more left! I don't know when mine will be.  I am hoping next Monday.  I didn't have my transfusion after all.  After talking to my onc, we agreed to wait and have another blood test on Friday and go from there.  I am hoping the numbers are good enough to proceed and if not, I'll have the transfusion then.

    Congratulations again.  Here is hoping for a SE-free week for you!


  • imara56
    imara56 Posts: 7
    edited October 2011

    Hi Grimbol.  Yes, our dx do look similar.  My surgery is scheduled for December 13th.  I was not given a choice either.  It was chemo first then surgery.  I just got the results from my MRI last week.  I am so blessed.  My lymph nodes are normal and the tumor underneath has shrunk.  I haven't heard yet how my MUGA scan went.  I am just hoping that maybe just one or two lymph nodes will have to be removed.  I will be having my fifth chemo on Friday.  I am praying I won't feel too badly.  These last two chemos were horrible.  All of us are in my prayers. 

  • Grimbol
    Grimbol Posts: 139
    edited October 2011

    Friday, I will be praying for you, I go in next Wednesday for my 5th.  My 4th actually wasn't too bad, although the SEs have lasted much longer this time, more tired and the neuropathy is tough this time too.  But at the time it didn't seem so bad as the previous ones, just din't leave!!  I actually went in again today for hydration to see if that would help, my port was aching and last time I had hydration I noticed that improved a lot.  We'll see.  Battling 'D' too which isn't helping at all.

  • anafoefana
    anafoefana Posts: 109
    edited October 2011

    Has anyone had swollen lymph nodes on their neck swell?  I woke up this morning with all kinds of congestion, not like a cold, but stuff in my eyes, throat and nose.  I noticed this afternoon my neck was stiff and swollen. I called and am seeing the dr. in the morning. Has anyone experienced anything like this?  I had my last treatment last Thursday. 

    I am feeling very scared! 

  • Grimbol
    Grimbol Posts: 139
    edited October 2011

    Sorry, I haven't no, I know you want to hear from people who have but I didn't want to just ignore you either!  Seeing the doctor is the best though if your neck swells more or your throat you should go in to the ER to be sure.

  • specialk
    specialk Posts: 9,266
    edited October 2011

    anafoefana - I am thinking an opportunistic infection because your WBC is whack from chemo - swollen lymphs because of the infection?  I have had this same experience but not related to chemo.  Talk to your doc so you can get some meds if they think it is bacterial.  If viral - you will have to ride it out with treatment for symptoms only.  Bummer!

  • omaz
    omaz Posts: 4,218
    edited October 2011
    ana - I agree, sounds like some sort of infection like specialK said.  Glad you are going to the doc tomorrow.  Hope you feel better.  Keep drinking!!
  • Izzy325
    Izzy325 Posts: 25
    edited October 2011

    Thinking of you, and certainly praying for no big issues. The best approach for you tonight is to not worry. It's out of your control tonight and worrying about bad things won't help ( easier said than done, I know)....Good luck and let us know.

  • mizmarie
    mizmarie Posts: 137
    edited October 2011

    Hi Amelie, we are in the same boat - I also was not able to take chemo last week due to low platelets (I did get Herceptin).  MO did not offer a transfusion, but in hindsight, I wish I had asked for one.  I've had them twice before, and frankly, I'd be happy to get a couple of units every cycle.  It made a huge difference in how I felt the rest of the time.

    I'm going back tomorrow, when hopefully I will have enough platelets to get my poison.  I hate how chemo makes me feel, but I feel so vulnerable not getting it..... 

  • sunflower71
    sunflower71 Posts: 53
    edited October 2011

    Hi Everyone,

    I've been mia, just trying to get back to normal (haha) as treatment comes to an end.  I have 2 more  herceptins to go!  For those that are finished, when did you get the port out?  My onc wants me to keep it in until at least January.  Her reason: she wants to do a PET first.  That is if insurance will allow it.  I want the port out asap, and would like to skip the PET.  I think she is a bit scan happy.  

    Hope everyone is doing well.   

  • omaz
    omaz Posts: 4,218
    edited October 2011
    sunflower - I got mine out the week of my last herceptin.  Had herceptin on Tues, port out on Friday.
  • Wendyspet
    Wendyspet Posts: 103
    edited October 2011

     My mo thought I should keep my port for 5 years (my jaw dropped, and he said we could take it out sooner)

    I am a month past final TC, and had my first "heavy" dose of herceptin October 14.  Since June, my EF has dropped from upper 60s to lower 50s.  My question is, about every other day I feel some lightheadedness--not during walking, climbing stairs, or chores, but maybe sitting at the computer or talking to someone.  Otherwise I feel unbelieveably good (except for my nails lifting).  I am drinking lots of fluids and don't think its dehydration. 

    My question is: how long after TC before you felt 100% again?  Ever?

    Hope everyone is enjoying the fall.  (I am going to be Charlie Brown for Halloween--me and my ins. co paid a fortune for this hair-do and it needs to be seen!)

  • Grimbol
    Grimbol Posts: 139
    edited October 2011

    5 years!?!?!  I can't imagine keeping it that long.  I know we sort of get used to it but only barely and only because we have to.  I have to keep mine for at least the year for Herceptin, but I am in shock, 5 years!?!?! was he kidding?

  • anafoefana
    anafoefana Posts: 109
    edited October 2011

    Thanks for all the support!

    I have a huge ear infection and that is what is draining into my neck.  I am on antibiotics and hopefully will kick this.

    Meanwhile, my blood counts are really low.  Grrr!  I have to have another transfusion.  The oncologist said because I am scheduled for surgery in a few weeks, I should not ride it out. I have mixed feelings about it, but trust her. Unfortunately I have a racing heart and walking a few steps knocks my breath out.  

  • omaz
    omaz Posts: 4,218
    edited October 2011
    ana - Glad you got an answer.  Just curious, does your onc do neulasta shots?
  • TonLee
    TonLee Posts: 1,589
    edited October 2011


    I had the exact same light headedness as my ejection fraction dropped (had to stop Herceptin with 3 left to go).  Keep an eye on that.....

  • Wendyspet
    Wendyspet Posts: 103
    edited October 2011

    Thanks tonlee- I am waiting for results of an echo right now.  I'd love to get as far as you with the herceptin treatments.  How is your EF now?

    No Grimbol, he wasn't kidding about keeping the port for 5 years.  I sure don't want to go in there all the time to get it flushed.  I'd like to get it out with the nipple reconstruction, but don't want to tempt fate!

  • TonLee
    TonLee Posts: 1,589
    edited October 2011

    Wendy I haven't had a MUGA since two weeks ago when it was 49%...Hope it hasn't dropped more since then!  lol

    I really think the L-Carn. liquid is helping.....I certainly feel better, less dizziness....

    They told me 5 years with the port.  I'm not waiting that long.  I hope to get it out when I get my exchange...if that EVER happens...I want it out!  It hurts.

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited October 2011

    Sunflower my last herceptin was Sept 6th. I still have my port. My onc wants me to keep it for 2 more years. I can get removed but if I need it again it can't go in the same spot. I only have to have it flushed every 3 months. I coordinate with my other doctor appointments.

    No more Franken nipples for me. I got my stitches out today.

  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Posts: 532
    edited October 2011

    lago, congratulations on getting your stitches out!  are you pleased?  It seems like you've been through so much since last year.  

    speaking of ports ... for those of you who have had yours removed, was it a procedure similar to having it put in?  easier?  i can't imagine having it messed with.   

  • Grimbol
    Grimbol Posts: 139
    edited October 2011

    yaya, indeed, I don't want to keep mine but I can't imagine having it removed either.  However, I have a long way to go before that, but I'd be interested in the responses from those having had it removed already.

  • anafoefana
    anafoefana Posts: 109
    edited October 2011


    Yes, I am getting Nuelasta.  My WBC are low, but not enough to do anything about it and typical for the week after chemo.  They usually bounce up to normal by week 3.  It is my red count and platelets that are really low. 

    I have concerns about another transfusion, but I think there are risks in everything and I am hoping I will not have any kind of reaction.

    I was told I may keep the port for two years after my last treatment.  I will cross that bridge when I get there.  Right now, it serves a good purpose!  Yesterday I had to have blood drawn 3 different times and I wished they had used the port.  My poor arm is black and blue!