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Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin



  • dragonfly1
    dragonfly1 Member Posts: 516
    edited November 2011

    I've never used any numbing cream on the port. It hurt a little bit the first time it was accessed but the chemo nurses told me to always take a deep breath right before they access it and exhale as the needle goes in. It really works-doesn't hurt at all when I time it right... 

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045
    edited November 2011

    Hi ladies,

    I'm feeling a lot better this evening.  Night before last the Big D hit me.  I was up and down most of the night.  Took Imodium AD (had that on hand per your recommendation - thank you ) and the next day (yesterday) it was better, but still had the cramping and absolutely no appetite.  Didn't eat much all day.  Drank as much as I could stand.  Then got a good nights sleep last night and woke up able to drink more and eat a little.  As I said, I'm a lot better this evening.  DH brought home Church's chicken and I was able to eat a piece.  Had a little cramping afterwards, but not like yesterday.  I go tomorrow to get herceptin.  DH got the day off from work to take me again.  He's been so sweet.  Thanks to you all for your encouragement and support.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited November 2011

    GrandmaV - You might try a BRAT diet when the Big D hits to minimize the cramping - bananas, apples, rice and toast.  I never had the Big C, only D - usually for about 10 days following tx.  Glad you are hanging in.

    I have a super small port, the only ones who access it are the onc nurses, and there is one in particular who is really expert at getting it easily.  It is nice that it is tiny because it is in plain sight all the time since it is adjacent to the clavicle, but sometimes it is a problem to access it.  The last H only the head nurse did it.  I have a bruise about the size of a 50 cent piece to the side of the port that is still there and it has been two weeks.  It is currently dark green, but was bluish-purple last week.  This is the first time that has happened, so I am not sure what the problem was.  It didn't hurt any more than usual.

  • serenitywisdom
    serenitywisdom Member Posts: 109
    edited November 2011

    Hi everyone,

    For the big D,  BRAT diet good and if it gets too bad, talk to onc quickly about med to decrease BM's and discomfort.  Also drink water or chicken broth to not get dehydrated

    I am 4 months post TCH and have a full head of hair, although I did have a little shedding. I have not had to use a wig.   I used the Penguin cold caps and was the first one at my clinic to do so.  They (RN's) told me it wouldn't work.  I did the research and read  many studies from Europe on the effectiveness.  My onc was neutral and said if I wanted to try it go ahead but some of the nurses were quite negative.  If people are interested in this  see  or visit the rapunzel project.  I still find it  frustrating and wierd that I get comments from some of the health professionals  "well glad it worked for you."  They have obviously not done or seem to care to read the research from Europe on the effectiveness of the caps.  The technology has improved but they don't seem to want to know this or care.    They think I am the exception in keeping my hair,  which I am not

     Re Herceptin,  has anyone had their herceptin stopped due to heart changes?  .  My onc just did that today.  I have in treatment for 7 months and I am pretty sure that my heart changes are due to herceptin.  She said that is very rare.  I am seeing a cardiologist now for more follow up.  One day at a time (trying to cope).  Scary!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited November 2011

    I have a kiddie port too although it sticks out a lot. I hear the new ones are thinner.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    edited November 2011
    serenitywisdom - TonLee is going through the heart issues with herceptin right now, you could pm her she is very helpful.
  • Grimbol
    Grimbol Member Posts: 139
    edited November 2011

    Sorry I haven't been on here for a while now.  I had a very close friend die very suddenly last week, heart attack, quite shocking since she was only 54.

    However I need to ask a question today, I am having problems with soreness in my nose since it is running such a lot, partly from crying and partly from drugs.  Any good solutions apart from to stop crying and I'm trying to do that too!!  Is there a good cream or something out there that would work.  I am using a saline spray.  Thanks a lot.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited November 2011

    grimbol - I had a lot of nose soreness too and used Aquaphor. It is kind of weird feeling but I put a blob of it on the end of a q-tip and put it in my nose, and then the other side, and kind of squished it around.  I did it a couple of times a day - and it really helped.  I am so sorry about your friend.  When things happen suddenly like that it is so traumatic, I am sure you must be so shocked and sad. 

  • Grimbol
    Grimbol Member Posts: 139
    edited November 2011
    Thanks SpecialK,  yes it is very hard, but thanks so much for the tip, I knew I just had to ask and I'd get a response.  I will stop at the pharmacy on my way home from work today.
  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited November 2011

    grimbol - Aquaphor is good for other stuff too.  I started putting it on my hands and feet and wearing socks and gloves to bed toward the end of tx when the skin on fingers and heels started cracking.  It worked great!

  • Grimbol
    Grimbol Member Posts: 139
    edited November 2011

    oh yes, good idea, I am having some cracking on my fingers already, I just try to keep applying hand cream.  Today apparently I am going to have to check out the BRAT diet!!!

  • nmoss1000
    nmoss1000 Member Posts: 324
    edited November 2011

    Hey ladies, saw some posts about the cold caps, I used them and they work very well with TCH regimen. I lost about half my hair BUT I had an XTREME amount of hair. No one not even my hair dresser knew I had chemo until I told her. My onc did not believe me when I wore them but 1 month after PFC he asked if I was wearing a wig! I am glad I did it, it was an extreme amount of work and expense and I some points I wanted to give up but my DH stayed on cap duty and got me through BTW if any of you have a chance to visit Charleston do it. I am here for the majority of the winter except trips home for H.every 3 weeks. It's amazing, nice people beautiful city and great food and it's been in the 70's!

  • Laura5
    Laura5 Member Posts: 419
    edited November 2011
    nmoss1000, I noticed on your signature that you had to stop TCH due to leg issues. I have had 4 treatments so far, due for #5 on Monday, and my legs really hurt. What were your leg issues?
  • Laura5
    Laura5 Member Posts: 419
    edited November 2011
    serenitywisdom, I am also the first one at my clinic to use cold caps, and I too find it frustrating and weird that so many oncologists aren't doing their homework on these caps, considering ten percent of women will choose not to have chemo because of hair loss. A girl on this website said that her onc and 2 second opionion oncs all told her they don't work. My oncologist and my favorite nurse are happy to see how well it is working for me. The rest of them don't seem to really care, especially my chemo nurse. I ordered some brochures from Penguin and my oncologist even said he would pass them out if someone was interested.
  • Judy67
    Judy67 Member Posts: 213
    edited November 2011

    Hello all,  Dragonfly1 recommended this thread to me as I will be starting chemo soon.  I'm having port placed after Thanksgiving.  I pushed back the chemo until first week in January although onc not totally thrilled with my decision.  I work Mon-Thurs so I was planning on doing my treatments (six with a year of Herceptin) on Fridays.  I know everyone is different but how many days after treatment do side effects start?  Is it right away? I'm going backwards in the discussion to see all the past advice.  I appreciate reading about the women who are going through or have already gone through all this.  You are all amazingly strong.

  • nmoss1000
    nmoss1000 Member Posts: 324
    edited November 2011

    Hi Laura5, yay your almost done. I stopped early at the urging of my onc because I could not walk. I had severe hip and leg pain that walking 10 steps was a struggle for about a month after TX 4. My onc thought it may be neuropathy but it turned out to be SE from treatment and it resolved itself after 4 weeks. Also During my TX my worst SE was from Nuelasta that caused me an unusual amount of pain nonstop for 4-5 days after TX. No pain meds worked . Best of luck to you, I also want to add I went into chemo NED and had no node involvement along with a BMX. had I had a different prognosis I would have insisted and completed all 6. Best of luck to you .

  • linnyhopp
    linnyhopp Member Posts: 466
    edited November 2011

    Hi to all...I am a newbie and have posted a couple of times on the November 2011 chemo thread, however, I am going to be on the TCH regimen for 6 treatments at 3 week intervals.  I start on Monday and am very, very nervous about it all.  I am scared of what SEs I will encounter and the thought of the upcoming baldness is freaking me out!  I guess after it all starts and the inevitable happens I will settle down.  At least I keep hearing and reading that the anticipation is worse than what will actually take place!  I hope that's true.  At least that's what happened when I had the surgery (lumpectomy and axillary node removal).  I wish all of you the best weekend ever and will be out hunting down all the helpful items you have mentioned in your posts.  Take care...Linda

  • Grimbol
    Grimbol Member Posts: 139
    edited November 2011
    Judy67 - I have my tx on Wednesdays and I take a week off work and go back on the following Wednesday. I find the s/e's begin around the Friday evening and go through Monday/Tuesday.  The further thru tx the more tired I am, this last one was no.5, and although I still went back to work I am definitely more tired this time.  Are you getting the Neulasta shot too?  The first time was really painful, bone aches etc, but then I took Claritin and it was better. Good luck, keep up with the posts this is a great group.
  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited November 2011

    Quick drive by post. I'm not here quite as often. I've been working full-time at a freelance gig. Still looking for that permanent  position though. I had my first tx Oct 5th last year, my last chemo tx Jan 18th and last Herceptin Sept 6th.

    Laura I became very stiff on TCH but never enough to  stop moving. My thighs were so stiff that after tx 6 I couldn't even sit on the floor cross legged. 5 weeks PFC that stiffness got better. Now that hercepin is finished it's almost gone completely. Just a little stiff when I first move but then goes away.

    Linnyhopp yes the anticipation is the worst. My first chemo my husband and I just sat there waiting for some SSE to happen. Never did get any major SE. Matter a fact the day after chemo for the first 3 tx I was working out in the gym for 70 minutes on the elliptical & treadmill combined. The one person I know that did get SE said that the nurses immediately stopped her treatment and gave her some meds. She was fine in seconds. Then the restarted the chemo, but slowly. She made it through the rest of the 5 remaining tx… get this-- with almost no SE except a little taste change after tx 6.

    Judy you may find that after the first tx you will be fine. Some women can work the entire time. Others are a bit more challenged. It's really hard to say but my worst days were day 2-5 but mostly after the 4th tx.1st tx was difficult because I got constipation but then I knew when that was going to happen so next time I medicated before I got it. Also I got nuelasta and the first nuelasta had the worst SE. Again I medicated before the SE kicked in the next  5 times but it never got as bad as the 1st.

  • linnyhopp
    linnyhopp Member Posts: 466
    edited November 2011

    LAGO: Thanks for the encouragement.  I am trying to stay positive by believing what I have read that everyone is different and all the SE's don't affect every single person.  What a lucky person it was that only had a taste change from all the chemo...that would be my goal.  Would love to feel well enough to keep working at least part of the time.  I am a School Office Manager so I know that I will have to stay clear of the kids which wouldn't be hard for me since I actually work directly for the principal.  Staff is wonderfully suportive and I know they will stay away from me if necessary, but I will miss all the holiday hustle and bustle that goes on in an elementary school. The little kids are the most fun! Just don't know what the treatments willl bring, but at least employer is fine with whatever so I am lucky about that.  By the way, I am originally from Chicago...southsider!  Where are you located?  I live in the San Diego area.  Have a great Saturday!

  • aburenga
    aburenga Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2011

    Hello Ladies, I just started with my first chemo on 11/1/2011 and got very sick 11/2. Ended in Urgent care with severe abdominal pain and vomitting and was admitted in hospital for 1 week. The doctors don't believe this was as a result of the chemo because apparently the chemo doesn't react that fast. I feel better, my mouth tastes weird.

    But now I am scared of the 2nd treatment.  I take chemo 1x every 3weeks.

    I know I will be fine but since this is all new to me, just need some feedback.

    Any thoughts?

  • nmoss1000
    nmoss1000 Member Posts: 324
    edited November 2011

    Hi aburenga sorry you had to join us here. The one thing you can expect is that the SE from TX will be different each time and everyone reacts differently. My first 2 TX were very easy then number 3-4 all heck broke loose from nausea to bone pain. For me pain was the major SE but from the Nuelasta not the chemo. One of the most taxing parts of treatment for me was the anxiety of not knowing what was going to happen next in terms of SE and trying to stay positive knowing that all of it was temporary. Stay connected with the ladies on the boards they can be wonderful source of support and somedays just having another person say yes what happening to you happened to me was enough to get me through that day. Good luck!

  • Laura5
    Laura5 Member Posts: 419
    edited November 2011
    linnyhopp,the anticipation is definitely the worst. As far as losing your hair, I used Penguin Cold Caps and so far (4 of 6 treatments) have not lost any hair. If your first treatment is Monday, doubt if you could get them in time, though. I postponed my first treatment by 1 week so I could use them. Good luck!
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    edited November 2011

    Welcome to the ladies just starting out! If you didn't see the earlier posts about protecting your nails I'll post it again - Please consider icing your fingers and toes to prevent problems from the taxotere. Here is a LINK to an article about it. Docetaxel is taxotere and onycholysis is separation of the nail from the nail bed. I used insulated lunch sacks from Target and frozen peas. Here is another LINK

    A couple other things that I found helpful were to keep track of my symptoms after each round so when I went back the next time I could tell them how I was feeling. I didn't know what was important or worrysome for an SE so I told them about everything.  And of course drink as many fuids as you can manage and eat small but frequently.  My onc nutritionist told me to eat 95 grams of protein a day.  Keep up the daily activity as best as you can too.  During the thick of it my walks were mostly shuffles but I kept moving as best as I could.  

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited November 2011
    Just to add nail lifting is not a common side effect. That being said I had it… on every single finger and toenail. Lost several toenails but never any fingernails. My last chemo was Jan 18th. 6 of my fingernails are still lifted. Some of my toenails are permanently ruined. All of my nails still have big thick vertical ridges. It's not a huge deal but if I had to do it all over again I would ice. This lifting was painful at times and I was down to one pair of boots because my toenail was so  lifted it wouldn't fit in any other shoes without painful walking.
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    edited November 2011

    It's is really not much trouble to ice the fingernails/toenails.  I think onc centers should at least discuss this with their patients and offer it to them if they want it. Elastogel also makes mits availabe at amazon but I used peas and they worked fine. 

  • Awnooo
    Awnooo Member Posts: 56
    edited November 2011

    I will def steal the advice and ice my limbs!

    linnyhopp, im on the same TCH regime, started 2 weeks ago, i am a person that went through a lot of bad SE and two weeks after that im back to being my usual self with the same energy, so even at its worst is not that bad :)

    im only one treatment ahead of you so remember you are definitely not alone ;) Blessings!

  • dragonfly1
    dragonfly1 Member Posts: 516
    edited November 2011

    Everybody starting TCH: please ice your nails-you have nothing to lose-bags of frozen peas worked well for me too. The nurses and my MO thought I was crazy but I didn't care. There is increasing evidence that icing works. I had nail discoloration and pain/tenderness by my third infusion even with the icing and my nails lifted on the ends by the last infusion. They grew out within 2-3 months and are absolutely fine now. I believe the ice prevented them from being a lot worse (not everyone gets this SE but why take the chance?)

  • anafoefana
    anafoefana Member Posts: 109
    edited November 2011


    I was able to work through most of my treatment.  I teach special ed preschoolers and did not get sick until the last treatment. My WB count was good throughout.  I got Nuelasta and I know that helped.  I was concerned about being at school as well, I am at an elementary school with 600 students.  I think as long as you wash your hands a lot, you will be okay.  I was grateful to go to work.  I started my treatment in July and was off for the summer and I was starting to get depressed being at home.  Too much time to think about what I was going through. 

    I took off an average of 3 days after each treatment.  You get to know which days are the worst and you can anticipate them and prepare for them. I usually went for D to C from day 5 to 7.  I did not take anti-nausea meds after the first two treatments, but realized they really helped by the third.  My taste buds came back by the 18th day the first three treatments and never came back after #4.  I am 3 weeks from my last treatment and I still have yuck mouth.  The good news is that now I am losing weight.  I did not gain anything during treatment and have lost 10 lbs since the last one. 

    I agree with dragonfly,  I used the frozen peas and my nails are fine.  I have one that has a little discoloration, but they have not lifted and are doing well.  I also used tea tree oil on them daily.  I am not sure that helped, but the nurses told me to do it. 

    My hair started falling out on the 16th day after my first treatment and I am pretty bald.  I have some funny white hairs that stick straight up, but they are sparse.  I am looking forward to not worrying about what I am going to put on my head everyday.  I have a couple of wigs, but hate them and have been using scarves and caps.  It is getting cold now though and it complicates things! 

    Good luck to all of you who are starting.  Time will go by quickly and you will be done before you know it! 

  • Grimbol
    Grimbol Member Posts: 139
    edited November 2011
    Just wanted to say thanks to SpecialK, the Aquaphor really is helping, even after just one day I can feel a difference in my nose.