Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin
ashla Self exams of nodes? What is that. I had 10 removed on the left so not too many left
dougieswife I don't have swelling in my hand. My LE MD actually has me just wearing the sleeve right now. I just have issues in the upper forearm.
Lori good luck with #5
Kellogs I too had enough after #5. I "didn't want to play anymore." But I got through it.It was my nail bed pain/lifting/oozing and the thigh stiffness that really started to drive me crazy.
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I meant gland areas..neck, underarm, chest, abdomen , groin etc....0 -
lago - I haven't had any nail issues so far but the thigh issue is driving me crazy! I can hardly walk up the steps at night, feel like I'm an 80 year old woman and I am only 45! How long did it take after last TCH for you to see improvement in this?
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Kelloggs - it will recede after the TCH is done, but may continue to some degree during the "H" only portion. But much less so. And then, a few months after H is over, you will realize "Oh I don't feel that stiffness anymore." It doesn't go away in a single 'aha!' moment, it is more subtle/gradual. But it DOES GO AWAY!
Plus, as you feel better, you can begin/increase a fitness regimen that should include LOTS of stretching and that will help also.
Press on, Kelly. We are with you!
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Thanks Amy...I know there is light at the end of the tunnel, was just curious how much longer I had to pay the electric bill for it!
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Kellogs, I had the thigh issue too, but it wasn't long after I finished chemo that it was gone. I am now about half-way through H only and do have a little stiffness, but nothing like that HEAVY legs feeling.
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Kellogs the thighs started to get better 5 weeks PFC. It was weird. That exact day is when all of a sudden I felt much better. It got even better once I got off Herceptin several months later. Granted I do have some stiffness from Anastrozole but only if I'm not moving. I can walk up stairs just fine now.
No Ashla I don't check my nodes in those places.
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Special K~ So sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. Just wanted to send my sympathy.
To everyone else ~ Thanks for all the info you guys post. It's a big help as my journey after TCH continues.
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SpecialK - ((((Hugs)))))0
Just had to whine a little...can't have my LAST chemo tomorrow as my platelet count is too low. I am disappointed, especially since I can't get an appointment until next Friday (3/16). I knew you guys would understand. I guess I really want this chemo over with really badly. Thanks for being there to listen to my little hissy fit! Hope you are all well and happy...Linda
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Linda - I'm sorry about the delay in your last tx...that sucks! I had #5 of 6 last week and my MO did not give me the Carbo because my platelets were low. This wasn't an option for you? My MO said the Carbo was the least important of the three. I hope she was right although I trust her completely. Went in for my one week blood draw and my platelets are even lower than last week so I may be in the same boat as you if mine don't rebound by the 22nd. Whining is definitely allowed and I might just join in!
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Hi Ladies. I had day 3 of the iv antibiotics and it made me so sick at my stomach. When I got home I started throwing up. The doc called in some phenegran for me, and it seems to help. I also woke up this morning to find I have a rash where the cellulitis is. Doc looked at it and said he is not too worried about it and for me to take benadryl for it. He said my arm looks much better than on Tuesday. I fear, though, it will not be cleared up by this coming Tuesday, and that my last round of chemo will be postponed. Does this crap ever end? Linda, I am sorry yours was postponed. I think I am walking in your path. LOL. Not that it is funny, but it seems nothing goes the way we want it to. Kelly, I am sorry to hear about your friend. CANCER SUCKS! Hugs to you all! xoxoxo
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Kelloggs ~ Thanks for knowing how I feel...yes, it does suck...LOL! My onc didn't say anything about skipping the carbo. He told me from the start that he likes treatments to be on time, but he was kind of funny today. He said my blood marrow doesn't like him cause it's been low the last 2 times. I will get another blood draw next Thursday and I hope it's a go for Friday. I sure hope you rebound as well. Last time this happened my platelets went up over 100 points in 4 days. I hope that happens for both of us, and soon! Feel free to join in my whining party. I love the company!
Sigarcia ~ Thanks for your kind words. I am glad you are improving, but so sorry about the nausea. Yuck, that is the worst! I am glad your doctor thinks you will be OK. It seems like there is always a bump in the road on this journey. I am so grateful for all of you here. As they say, it takes one to know one! Hope you are feeling better soon and that that cellulitis goes away and stays there. Hope tomorrow finds you feeling wonderful. Linda
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Sorry you guys are having issues with chemo and having to skip stuff. Yeah it's always something. I managed to not have and delays with chemo… Yay I thought. But months later I ended up with shingles and that postponed my exchange. Seems no one gets away without some kind of delay. Eventually though you will get through it. Delays, etc. are not that unusual in the journey. They just don't tell you that.
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Linda - that's the funny thing about platelets, they can rebound in one day! My mom has always had low platelets due to medication she takes for rheumatoid and they can be drastically different from day to day. Just our luck we got the low days checked! I'm sending some prayers your way that all goes well next Thursday so you can get your treatment on Friday. Delays are so close! Hang in there!
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Linnyhopp - thinking of you this week and hoping your bloodwork turns out good so there are no more delays for you.
Slgarcia - how are you feeling? Is the cellulitis clearing up?
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Hey Everyone ~ Thanks for your empathy and encouragement on my delay of the last TCH. I have quit pouting now. LOL! I actually had a nice weekend that I know wouldn't have happened had I been able to have the chemo. Met the "girls" in the family for lunch at a restaurant (and checked out the banquet room) to plan a bridal shower for one of our nieces. It was great to have something positive to do and to look forward to a fun time. I kept wondering if I will have any hair by the time of the shower (August) and the wedding (October).
Hope you all had a great weekend and are feeling great. Onward to Friday and my last TCH. All I can say is these darned platelets better behave! Take care...Linda
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Glad the weekend was good. I can't promise hair by the shower, but you WILL have it by the wedding. I had my last TCH on 7/31 and had a very short crew cut style by 10/1 (I remember b/c I went out to dinner for my birthday and sported my 'new look' - I put on big earrings, makeup and pretended I was a supermodel (not that ANYONE would be fooled! If you want, PM me and I will send a pic showing how much hair I had at that time - maybe it will help you judge. But you will have FOUR extra months than I did by the time October comes.
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linny - I ended chemo first week of June and was wearing my own hair around by the first week of October - and mine was slow growing. My chemo "triplet" sisters both had way more hair than I did at that point. Hope that helps your timeline.
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what are you guys doing about being exposed to the flu? my grandson had the flu and i was with him two days after diagnosis. then his mother, who was with me on saturday, got the diagnosis of the flu yesterday. my son (the father and husband) had knee surgery last friday so he and his wife are a little out of commission. i feel terrible about it, but i told them i could bring food or whatever, but i didn't feel like i should be around them all. there are two other children who haven't caught it yet. i did get the flu shot, but i still worry because i know my blood levels are still low, although it isn't too low to have herceptin. what would you guys do? i hate this guilty feeling. am i being selfish?
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yaya - I would limit exposure but do what you can. Wash up good, change your clothes. I like alcohol wipes for the finger tips. By the way, I like your new picture! Maybe just deliver stuff to the front door.0
thank you, omaz. i've offered to bring them anything they need/want and leave it on the front porch. i still feel guilty, though. i think they're mad at me and that makes me feel even worse.0
I got a flu shot at my 2nd tx. My onc wants all her chemo patients to get them although I did see several refuse. It was the first flu shot I ever got. I did get one this year too but insurance wouldn't pay for it. My PCP did fight for it but they refused. I'm on a different insurance now.
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Hi Ladies. I am doing better, but my last chemo (supposed to be tomorrow) was postponed. I am so disappointed. I just want this to be over. My arm is looking better, but not clear enough for chemo. I will go in every day this week, and through the weekend for the iv antibiotics. I have been on antibiotics since March 3rd. I cannot even imagine how bad this could've gotten had I not gone in when I did. YaYa~~~don't feel bad or guilty. You need to stay healthy and no one can or should be mad at you for that. Hang in there hon. Linny~~fingers crossed your platelets cooperate. Hugs to everybody!!!0
Amy & Special K ~ Thanks for the encouragement with the hair growth. I am sure I will be checking that mirror out like a maniac when it finally starts growing. The funny part is that my MIL (87 yrs. old) who doesn't know about the BC (somehow we have been lucky enough to keep it secret from her) told me yesterday that my hair is growing. I had my wig on! I just smiled and told her I probably needed a trim. LOL!
Yaya ~ Don't feel guilty. You have to keep your health so you can deal with these treatments. I work in a school office and luckily I have my own office. My onc is only OK with me working because I am not exposed to the sick kids. I work with a teacher who will be starting chemo and she has the same onc as I do. He told her she absolutely can not work while doing chemo since there is too much chance of exposure to illness. So when you know someone is ill, you have to protect yourself. I hope your family isn't mad at you. They really shouldn't be, but sometimes, if a person hasn't walked in these shoes, they just don't get it. Take care of YOU and try not to let it upset you.
SiGarcia ~ So hoping you are better and can have your treatment. I know how disappointing these delays are. I have had to postpone 3 times due to my counts being low and it is not a happy time when they give me that news. On top of it, my doctor always tells me he doesn't like delays. Duh...and I do? What the heck? In your case, I am just glad you went and got treatment for your arm, That infection sounds nasty. Take care and pretty soon we can both claim to be finished with the chemo treatments!
Sweet dreams to all! Linda
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YaYa stay away! If you get the flu you may end up with a hospital stay. They will understand if not explain to them your body does not have the ability to fight an illness such as the flu! We battle enough SE don't need to add nasty germs to it.
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slgarcia - Glad you are doing better but sorry you had to delay the last chemo, that's bummer. Did anyone have a theory about what caused the infection?0
YaYa I would avoid anyone who was sick, and I would not feel one bit guilty about it! You could end up hospitalized!
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thanks, you wonderful women who are so kind and helpful. as others have said, i couldn't have made it without each one of you.
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I am fairly new to the boards and started chemo on January 31st. I started out on TCH, the T being taxotere and had an anaphylactic reaction. I them moved my way through the taxane family and changed my "T" to Taxol and had an allergic reaction (severe rash/itching). Today I tried the "third time's a charm" taxane and start Abraxane. I was also doing treatment every 21 days and today we switched to weekly so I'll have to arrange my calendar as everything was revolving around "the good week". Changing to weekly came with another added plus which is no more Neulasta!. Anyone else out there on ACH?
I created a new thread for Abraxane, Carboplatin, Herceptin, but didn't see any posts yet so I thought I would try here!0