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Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin



  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Posts: 160
    edited April 2012

    Anyone else having a high resting heart rate? My new normal is between 100-110. I'm usually around 88- pre-chemo.

  • starella
    starella Posts: 101
    edited April 2012

    Yes.. and i am now on beta blockers.

  • omaz
    omaz Posts: 4,218
    edited April 2012
    maginutah - I don't think it's supposed to be the claritin-D, I have read that you are NOT supposed to do the claritin-D.  My onc PA said regular claritin.
  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Posts: 2,461
    edited April 2012

    Hi all.  Ended up in the ER from midnight to 4 a.m. last night.  Had developed extremely sharp groin/anterior hip pain (near the tendons that cross there), then pain in the calf, then swelling and redness in the foot.  I knew I needed to get an ultrasound to rule out a clot.  Well fortunately, no clot.  Looks like it is probably due to Cipro, which causes tendonitis and spontaneous tendon rupture in a small % of patients.  FDA has a black box warning out about this.  I had only taken 2 doses, small (only 250 mg once a day).   I figured my risk for febrile neutropenia was higher, so I took the antibiotics.  Hmmmmph.   I am now on crutches to make sure I don't load the leg and cause the tendons to rupture.  I have stopped the Cipro, and we are hoping the Neupogen is continuing to do it's job in raising me out of Grade IV neutropenia. 

    My experience with TCH just continues to deteriorate.   I am very disheartened. Frown

    Hubby had to go into work (he's overloaded and is working every day the past 2 to 3 weeks) on  just a few hours of sleep.  This is really taking a toll on us (not our relationship - it is stronger than ever), but just emotionally on both of us.  I feel like my cancer is ruining our lives.  No, I don't need counseling.  I just need to vent.  I'll be better tomorrow.  

  • omaz
    omaz Posts: 4,218
    edited April 2012
    ((((((Gentle Hug Dance!))))))
  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited April 2012

    DanceT you don't sound like you need counseling… You're going through quite a lot and handling quite well IMO. Hate that you are having a rough ride but some people do. Just sucks that it has to be you. Thank goodness chemo is not forever.

    ♥ ♥ ♥

  • Laura5
    Laura5 Posts: 419
    edited April 2012
    Hang in there dance, sometimes it does get overwhelming. If your tummy is up to it, treat yourself to a nice glass of wine!
  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Posts: 1,045
    edited April 2012
    Dancetrancer, I became neutropenic (anc was 420)  after my first treatment and received luekine shots (very similar to neupogen) was sceduled for 5, but after the 3rd one, my white cells and neutrophils were back up.  So in my experience it doesn't take long for the shots to work.  
  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Posts: 2,461
    edited April 2012

    Thank you so much everyone your posts warm my heart!  And thank you GrandmaV for telling me me hope that perhaps my numbers are continuing to climb fast and my neutropenic fever risk is decreasing as I type!  

    I got so much encouragement from friends and family today.  I could not do this without DH, this group, and my friends and family.  I just have the worst luck.  It has just got to change soon! 

  • ladybug1
    ladybug1 Posts: 4
    edited April 2012


    I felt the sadness in your earlier post.  I haven't started yet but I anticipate that I will have moments like that.  I appreciate your honesty and openness.  As I have read through posts over the past few weeks I am always so impressed with how much research and fight you are putting into this journey.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Posts: 2,461
    edited April 2012
    Thank you ladybug. Smile
  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938
    edited April 2012

    ((((Hugs, DT,.)))) Da*n, DT,you are on the scenic route. I thought I was the only one getting the weird SEs, but, no, It's you! STOP that! Your onc must be having nightmares about you wondering what odball thing you will have next . Gee, how horrible for you. I hope things go better for you fast. Praying for you. BTW. Vent away, ER do understand. Much love

  • chachamom
    chachamom Posts: 410
    edited April 2012

    Prayers for you Dancetrancer! You are an inspiration of strength and courage! .....not to mention an incredible resource of valuable information. God bless you!

  • linnyhopp
    linnyhopp Posts: 466
    edited April 2012

    Dancetrancer ~ I am so sory to hear the TCH has been such a tough ordeal for you  I am especially sad to hear the problems the Cipro has caused you.  My MO had prescribed it for me as a prophylactic antibiotic after each chemo, but I told him I would not take it as my Achilles tendons in both feet were negatively affected by steroids I had to take for an autoimmune issue for a year and a half.  I took Azithromycine instead.  So sorry you are now dealing with another issue.  As Lago said, you are really doing well considering all you have endured. 

    I truly understand the stress it puts on your DH.  My husband has had to work 30 days straight and just had a day off Thursday so I am very glad I was finished with the chemo as I know he would never have let me go without him which would have caused him even more stress.  Glad you are both on the same page.  That has certainly helped both of us as we have navigated all this BC crap!  Take care and keep healing.  Hugs...Linda

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited April 2012
    DanceT I too got some of the rare SE that in my case there was nothing they could do. I think it frustrating my chemo nurse because she so wanted to help. Granted nothing life threatening like you but the nails lifting & shingles were terribly annoying… but I got through it.
  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Posts: 2,461
    edited April 2012

    Thank you so much everyone! I woke up this morning and feel SO much better! I don't feel like I need crutches, but I am still being very cautious and will be very careful for the next couple of weeks. I read that some people don't have tendon rupture until many months post Cipro. One guy had it happen 6 months post!  My left quad and knee are still a bit sore...icing, icing, icing.  

    Last night I had some flickers of pain in the tendons of my R knee, L knee, R shoulder, and even redness and swelling in my L elbow. This was in addition to the ongoing discomfort in my R hip, calf, and ankle. OMG, this sh*t did a number on my system. Never again, never, EVER again, will I take an antibiotic in this family of drugs. I had taken Cipro once before without incident, so I thought I'd be fine. Harumph.  Linneyhop - I told my doc I didn't want to take Levaquin b/c I knew about the tendon risk.  I didn't realize Cipro was in the same family until after I had already started taking the drug and was heading into the weekend.  I must say...I love my onc but am pissed about this issue, especially since I mentioned my concern about the tendons (I've treated a few patients for bilateral Achilles tendon rupture repair due to Levaquin.)  I suspect the high doses of steroids I had with chemo predisposed me.  Now I'm worried about taking more steroids with each subsequent chemo. Frown

    Oh, and my fever is down!!!! Under 99 F ALL night!!! Let's hope it stays that way!!!!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938
    edited April 2012

    DT, so glad you are a bit better, I will continue to keep you in my prayers. I am allergic to so many antibiotics, cipro, is one of two I am not allergic to. Now I know why they lean towards clindamycin for me. I wish you could tell what family of drugs they came from, clindamycin isn't a mycin family,I have been told. I am allergic to vancomycin and ethromycin. I didn't want to take it, but they said not chemically the same, and I guess it true, no hives from it. I just wish it would be easier! But I am glad you are back on track. Keeping fingers crossed for you.

  • Wendyspet
    Wendyspet Posts: 103
    edited April 2012

    Dance - glad things are better today.  A nice sleep helps for sure.

    Just wanted to say that one thing I noticed is that my emotions were all over the place during chemo.  It was like going thru menopause all over again.

  • dougieswife
    dougieswife Posts: 74
    edited April 2012

    Herceptin only question....I had my first Herceptin only transfusion on Thursday and I have felt great...a little tired and achey here and there, but nothing horrible.  Today, however, I am feeling super run down and have had a headache, ear ache, and my neck/back hurts.  I hate how my back and neck plays mind tricks on you.  I hate that!!!!!  Sunday was always my "feel bad day" with the chemo part...just wondering if this is a se of the Herceptin or am I getting sick.  DH just got over a cold with a bad sore throat so I'm not ruling that out completely.

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited April 2012

    I'm betting a cold but you never know. Did you get Herceptin every 3 weeks before? Some folks do get ache with it .

  • dougieswife
    dougieswife Posts: 74
    edited April 2012

    I did get Herceptin before.  I think I am putting all bets on a cold.  My headache that was just an "ache" is now feeling like a full on sinus headache and the throat is getting much sorer...Bring on the cold meds!!!  I was prepared for the potential achiness of the Herceptin and like I said, I was feeling great, but I did have a VERY busy weekend and probably over did it a bit..and my RBC's are still a bit low as well.

  • linnyhopp
    linnyhopp Posts: 466
    edited April 2012

    Dance ~ Glad you are a bit better.  I am so sorry for the pain of the tendons.  I have a sense of how it hurts just from the inflammation I have in my heels (forever). Now with the neuropathy in my feet, I am not having fun walking and I really need to exercise.  And, wow, I can't even imagine a double rupture of the Achilles tendons.  That has to be excruciating.  Glad you were able to avoid that horrible situation. 

    Dougieswife ~I am hoping you don't have an ongoing issue with Herceptin.  Don't want you to be sick at all, but a few days with a cold might be better than feeling crappy every 3 weeks.  Will keep positive thoughts for you either way!

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Posts: 2,461
    edited April 2012

    Hey all - great report after seeing doc today - white counts WAY up - Neupogen really worked overtime for me! Only 4 shots needed...probably needed only 3, but it was over the weekend so couldn't be tested. So I am set for round 2 next Tuesday of TCH.

    My tendon pain is much improved.  I'm no longer using crutches, but I am still limping on the R side and being really careful.  Hopefully that will get better every day.

    My energy level is SO much better.   

    I am going to enjoy my 8 days of feeling somewhat "normal"!!!  Thank you all SO, SO, SO much for helping me get through this 1st round.  It was a rough one!  Hoping, hoping, hoping that the next one is better now that my reflux meds are changed, I'm on probiotics, I know not to try to wean too early from the Zofran, and I will be getting Neupogen earlier than I did this time.  Fingers crossed!!! 

  • dougieswife
    dougieswife Posts: 74
    edited April 2012

    YAY, Dance!!!  So glad you are feeling better!!!!  Honestly, it was kinda like night and day you are feeling horrible and then the next, like someone flipped a switch, you feel almost normal.  I don't understand it at all, but that is how it was for me!

    I took some cold medicine last night and feel much better today--no more sore throat or overall yucky feeling.  I still have a headache but I have read that Herceptin can cause headaches.  I had weird headaches through chemo as well and this headache is very similar to those, so I'm thinking it is the herceptin. 

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited April 2012
    DanceT the first round in many ways is the toughest because you don't know what's coming. Now that you know the meds are in place and you know what to do/take when the SE come. Reflux is the worst when it won't go away. My 1st TX had bad reflux/heartburn. Long story (screw-ups) but  I called after 5 days of it. It took another 5 days to get the new script! I was ready to kill someone.
  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Posts: 2,461
    edited April 2012

    dougieswife, that is SO true!!!  glad you are feeling better, hope that headache eases soon! 

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Posts: 2,461
    edited April 2012

    Lago - I SO agree!  Reflux is SOOO uncomfortable.  OMG, I can't believe you went 10 days with awful!  I think this time I will ask doc if I can take some Pepcid, too, by mouth the 3 days I am getting the dex - it increases acid production, I think.  I highly suspect that is part of the cause of the flare of my reflux (although who knows, it could have been the chemo, too).  Stupid me forgot to read the bottle...take with food...duh.   Usually I am so good about that...too stressed to pay attention! 

  • voraciousreader
    voraciousreader Posts: 3,696
    edited April 2012

    DT... Glad you're doing better! Carpe Diem!

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited April 2012

    I had issues before chemo but I did have it under control… but the reflux resurfaced with chemo. I'm sure it's chemo issue for you too. GI issues are a typical SE with chemo. Yes I was calling the NP nurse Ratched at the time. Funny but we get along great now.

    I was able to go out that weekend once I had the meds and celebrate my wedding anniversary.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Posts: 2,461
    edited April 2012

    LOL Lago!!!