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Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin



  • gramma23
    gramma23 Member Posts: 482
    edited December 2008

    Good to hear from you Cupcake. I am thinking about you for all the tests and for the surgery. I am feeling better except for some weakness in my legs but not sure what it is from. It could be the fibro or arthritis.I am getting a little exercise just walking but still it helps me. I go tomorrow to get started on the radiation. If you have a double mast. you will probably not have radiation I guess. Anyway the rad. doc is supposed to decide if I need a mammogram to check the new lumps or he may just think it is scar tissue like the onc. I hope that is all it is, but I wish it would go away.

    Good luck on all those that are taking your tx. I had to have extra Decadron with my last treatment because I was getting a tight chest and they said it was from T. I was wound up for a while from that but it did not help the nausea that much more. I still had to take my meds for that and it only helped the tightness a little but then it lasted longer.

    My onc told me he never had anyone have to have so much blood before but he thinks it is my auto immune problem. I sure hope it stays up now. I will still get checked when I go in for H every 3 weeks.

    Hang in there everyone. There is light at the end of the tunnel. I hope everyone has few SE.


  • my2boys
    my2boys Member Posts: 124
    edited December 2008

    Have any of our ladies who have completed treatment had any issues with hair regrowth?  I'm told it can be a bit slower with Taxotere, but not certain if this is caused by the Herceptin or not.

    I still think this drug is the right one for me and I'm glad I switched from my oncologist's first recommendation of AC.  I'm told that Taxotere is easier on the heart than AC.

  • bluedasher
    bluedasher Member Posts: 350
    edited December 2008

    I posted this on the Oct 08 chemo thread but I wanted to put it here too:I just found out that I have a well defined area of calcification on my lung X-ray. They had seen something on the X-ray they did when I went into the emergency room for a fever during my first chemo but the portable X-ray they use there isn't as good so my onc had me go in for a follow up X-ray to check from various angles. Based on what the radiologist wrote, it could be calcium in old scar tissue.

    The odd thing is that I had a shadow on my X-ray about 18 years ago that my allergy and pulmonary doctor got me all freaked out about - normally a great doc but he really thought it was lung cancer and told me it wouldn't be operable because it was behind my heart. Then it turned out to be a calcium nodule from scar tissue - I'd had a spell of breathing problems for about 8 years at that point so scar tissue wasn't a big surprise. But on a follow-up X-ray in 1997 to check on it they couldn't find it.

    I guess this is around the same area because my onc said it was in the upper left quadrant - that sounds like behind the heart to me. The old CAT scan and X-rays were so long ago that I don't expect that they can be found to compare to where this is now. I don't even remember where the X-ray was done and the doctor moved far away years ago.

    She is setting up a CAT scan to check it but she warned me that CAT scan's sometimes increase worries because they see little things that aren't significant so I shouldn't get freaked out about that in the report.

  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited December 2008

    Sorry for more worry bluedasher!  Please keep us posted.


  • cupcake7
    cupcake7 Member Posts: 321
    edited December 2008

    Thanks Shell.  Now the newbies can understand why we call this place Camp Chemo and we are just campers around the fire singing the song and telling the spooky stories we go through. You put the bright smile on their face today instead of the dark corner they were sitting in.  Also on a good not you also made a better path for the people in Lisa's way  I also went around singing it too when you first posted it.  I printed it out and took it to the oncology dept and the nurses just loved it.  You are so gifted Shell.  Hang in there my fellow campers and soon you will receive your merit badge when you finish you TX.  Love you all as only us campers in here can love.....

  • shelbaroni
    shelbaroni Member Posts: 350
    edited December 2008

    Thanks Cupcake. Yeah, I find that I get really funny when things have totally turned to s@#t. I probably couldn't write that song now, because it's all behind me. I wrote it right around the time of my second treatment, so I'd been around the roller coaster at least once.

    And to all the campers who get nightmares from scary stories. You may find that you need to take "breaks" from this website. I did. It's funny how addictive it is, especially this thread. It draws you in. But you know when you need to "take a break" when someone mentions something and then you start worrying that it might apply to you. You might even start googling something you're worried about. Next you might even lose some sleep over it. When you're on chemo, because there's a huge unaddressed emotional component, it's really important to look at how things make you feel when you read them. If you're left with a fearful aftertaste, it's best to read something else for awhile. Because I'm convinced that once you have a cancer diagnosis, your greatest enemy is fear.

    Just wanted to put my two cents in. For what it's worth.


  • AlyMarie
    AlyMarie Member Posts: 192
    edited December 2008

    Hey!  I resemble that post!! :oP

  • shelbaroni
    shelbaroni Member Posts: 350
    edited December 2008

    Aly. But the question remains whether I resemble my new avatar:)

  • gramma23
    gramma23 Member Posts: 482
    edited December 2008

    Well, Shelby I have never seen you with that much hair. It sure did grow fast! :) My hair is not growing fast enough for me so I may have to draw me. Just kidding I can't draw anything but flies and now that it is winter they are probably not out there. I go for my set up for radiation today. It is supposed to snow a little but it is going to get really cold. I wish this weather would not change so much.

    Aly I do worry too, but I worry about my kids and grandkids. I hate for them to have to drive in the bad weather. I have to pray a lot for them. I certainly can't make them understand how bad it can get in a short time in Oklahoma and they have lived here all their lives. I just hope we don't get another ice storm.

    Bluedasher, I am sorry you have this problem. More to concern you. I pray everything will turn out benign.

    M2boys, I don't think my hair is growing as fast as it used to but then again I never thought much about how fast my hair was growing then. I have never had my hair be this short before either though. I guess we don't think about how fast it is growing when we are busy with keeping it fixed and doing our normal routines. I hope yours grows real fast. I know the girl who had breast cancer  that works at the docs office next to where I work seemed to get her hair back fast and it came in curly. then again I was just going to work and not seeing her very often mostly at paydays since I work at a bank. It probably seemed like forever for her too. Mine feels fuzzy but it still looks like not much hair and before I had thick hair. I had a male friend who had cancer of the small intestine and he had several bouts with chemo. I remember when he first got his hair back it was white as cotton and it was thick too. then the next time he had his hair come in the normal color for him which was salt and pepper. Same for the last time but it seemed like his grew fast too. I guess when it is on us the time is different because we are wanting it to come in faster. It could be the meds too. I would rather go ahead with the less hair and take the Herceptin and make sure I get the cancer gone.

    Have a good day everyone and please think of me today while I am out driving in this weather.


  • Donalee
    Donalee Member Posts: 106
    edited December 2008

    Hi everyone,

    Just had to chime in and let everyone know that I made hershey kiss cookies!! hahaha you know, me and my chocolate addiction!@!

    I've been busy with life but still take the time to read up on how everyone's doing. I finished rads on Nov. 20. I also found out that my insurance is raising our rates 55%! I'm sure it's because I had to USE it!! So Jan. 1st we have to switch to Blue Cross. I hope it will cover my herceptin and other tests. I had a lumpectomy and wanted to get implants at some point, because of my insurance issues we decided to see a plastic surgeon right away. He scheduled the implants for this Friday with the knowlege that I just got done with radiation. Well, I went to my breast surgeon yesterday for my mammo (which was all clear, YAYAYAYA!) and told her about my plan for implants before the end of the year. She freaked out and yelled at me. She told me that there is no way she would recommend that until at least a year out from rads! So now I don't know what to do. I put a call in to my onc. & to my rad DR. I want their opinions before I get this done. If they all say no, then I'm calling the PS and telling him I have to wait a year. I don't understand why a PS would do the surgery if it is so risky? I guess because you have to sign all the papers before surgery or they won't do it!

    Hope everyone has a good day!


  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited December 2008

    I agree, I have read things on this board that I got obsessed about and wasted hours googling.  The biggest for me was 4 tx's vs. 6 tx's - why did I have have 6 when others did not?  That was really stupid of me.  Why did I get BC and none of my freinds have it?Undecided  So I got over it.

    Once again, no 2 tx's are the same.  I was all prepared to be wide awake last night becuase of the decadron - slept like a baby until 3 am when I was awakened with a really sick stomach.  Like a fool, I waited until 4:30 to take a zofran.  I don't usually start to feel this bad until day 3, not very early day 2.  Oh well, maybe that means it will go away sooner too!  I AM allowed to dream if I want.

    One the subject of hair ladies:  My last tx is Feb 9th.  I am planning a trip to St. Augustine Beach with a bunch of girlfreinds May 23rd, will I have at least 1 inch of hair by then?  I used to have fast growing hair, but who knows what this junk has done to that.

    Hope everyone has a great day and gets gret test results coming their way.  For me, I am settled in for a day of the lazy's


  • Donalee
    Donalee Member Posts: 106
    edited December 2008


    My last chemo was Sept. 16. I now have a good inch of hair. It's been about the same amount of time your talking about. So I think you should be O.K with the hair. Mine never grew fast ever! I'm actually getting complements about my "haircut"! I just thank people and don't say anything about chemo treatments. It's kind of like being "normal" again!

    Good luck out there today Carolyn. We've been getting snow everyday since the beginning of November, it's rediculous! I had to drive two hours to my mammo yesterday and somehow was lucky or God answered my prayers. The highway was clear, we had the first break in snow for a long time and the sun actually came out! (even though it was only 20 degrees)


  • cupcake7
    cupcake7 Member Posts: 321
    edited December 2008

    Donnalee a super big congrats on a clear test!  So happy for you.  I was told also to wait at least a year from rads because of the effects of it on the skin.  Also a lot of ladies don't want to plaster something on their chest to cover up any residue of cancer in case it comes back.  They want to make sure it is all gone and not a smidge to start again and the implants can cover it so it couldn't be detected.  I know money is an issue, but your life is more of one.  I spent all last week on deciding what to do with the implant (or implants if BRCA positive), and there is so much to digest that you need time to filter it all out.  Feeling rushed into a quick decision might not be best.

    Carolyn my hair is growing to slow too.  Its like sitting and watching a snail move.  The top is sticking straight up like I put my finger in a light socket, but the sides lay down ok.  It was always a little thin in the front and that is where it is the thinnest now.  Being white it doesn't show up much and the  chrome dome is still showing.  I guess I am feeling it should come back as fast as it went. Please post your experience with the rad set up cause I will be watching.  I know I could go into one of the sights that focus on that, but it is hard to leave the friends I have met in here.  Each of your post seals more of a bond with each one of you.  That is why when one moves on, which they should, I miss them. 

    Shell whatever the reason to compose that song it was brilliant and you can see how many people it blest, me being one of them. 

  • bluedasher
    bluedasher Member Posts: 350
    edited December 2008

    Thanks for the good wishes. I'm not freaking out yet - actually I'm really calm about it so far. When my allergist saw something similar on my X-ray in 1990 and seemed so sure it was lung cancer and really bad, I spent a few days thinking I might have only a few more months to live while waiting for the CAT scan and results.  Lung cancer in non-smokers can be so aggressive and it was worse back then. And my kids were still pretty young. So I've kind of been there, done that.

    More recently, my older sister has had lung cancer with brain mets (she did smoke for a while when she was young but hadn't for many many years). She is doing really well - I think she has passed the 5 year mark now and seems to have licked it. And then I had the uterine biopsy (negative) two weeks before the breast biopsy so there were a few days when I knew I was having the breast biopsy and didn't yet have the uterine biopsy results. And from the initial breast biopsy it looked like I might have been Stage 2 but it turned out half the lump was a benign cyst and most of the rest was IDC so I ended up at the lower side of Stage I. If I wasn't HER positive I probably wouldn't even have done chemo but with the HER2 being 100% I wanted the Herceptin and TCH seemed like the best plan.

    I can't get too worried about the lung thing when all the indications are that it is a calcium nodule again on the old scar tissue. I don't understand why that would have gone away and come back but there you are. I'm not looking forward to the CAT. Last time they did it without an injection and this time it will be a contrast CAT so my body will have more strange chemicals coursing through it.

    And my onc put in the order for my first after Herceptin MUGA. It seems a bit early - I thought that was normally done at 3 months and I'm only at a month and a half but I'm looking forward to seeing how my heart is managing this - I think it is doing okay.

    Just to top it all off, the furnace for our bedroom wing stopped working the night before last. The pilot lights it but the burner doesn't stay on and it just blows cold air.  And we are having (for us in Northern California) a cold snap. The high yesterday was 32 and the high was 46 plus it is foggy and damp so it feels colder than that. It is suppose to get a bit better tomorrow. 

    I threw our summer comforter on top of the winter one last night so the bed was cozy but was worried about the night time bathroom runs. For once I slept soundly after being awake from the decadron almost all the night before. Not one midnight run to the bathroom. Yea. A furnace guy is suppose to come this morning - I hope it is something they can get the part for quickly.

  • shelbaroni
    shelbaroni Member Posts: 350
    edited December 2008

    Great googly moogly! You ladies have been talkative this morning. It makes me all warm and fuzzy to see Donalee back again. Welcome, welcome. And a hearty HUZZAH for your clean mammo! I had a clean MRI myself last week. It's really encouraging. Sorry to hear about all the confusion with the PS and the rad docs. But I think you made a great move with Blue Cross. We have Blue Cross PPO, and it's been awesome! They cover Herceptin and some of the newer meds that some of the HMO's don't. They also cover "symmetry surgery". I'm going to Build-a-Boob on January 16 (after my ski trip...sorry, Carolyn, I've been praying for snow...but only in Utah). I'm rather stoked about it, actually.

    Since hair seems to be the topic this morning, I just went into the bathroom and MEASURED my hair. My last chemo was Aug. 7, and my hair seems to be between 1 and 1 1/4 inches. Where it used to be light ash brown/gray and baby fine and on the thin side, it's now black and gray and very thick. It never had any natural curl, but now has just a slight wavy texture...but could be some from hat hair. I walked into a store the other day, and this African-American woman who I'd never met was walking out. She said, "Your hair looks real nice." So I guess it now passes as a real haircut. So now I just wear hats for warmth or as an accessory rather than as a head condom to avoid grossing everyone else out! Soon, I'm going to try and find out a place that I can donate my fairly large and varied wardrobe of chemo caps and do-rags for women who need them and can't afford them. Does anyone know of such a place? I have a feeling that if I took them to my oncologist's office they would just end up in the trash.

    Well, it's almost time to take the little guy to school. My husband's off on a business trip, and I'm going to get some writing done, hopefully. I'm on an important chapter today: Alice finds the lump. Ciou.


  • bluedasher
    bluedasher Member Posts: 350
    edited December 2008

    I'm not sure, but your local American Cancer society office might accept the used caps.

    Or perhaps you could donate them to a Family Services type organization or other organizations that serve the poor. Try people who run food programs since they often also try to provide some other support services.

    A third idea is to donate them to a thrift shop. At least the charity will get the money and they will sell them pretty cheap though some may get bought by students as economical fashion statements but women needing chemo cover on limited means may also find them there.

  • gramma23
    gramma23 Member Posts: 482
    edited December 2008

    Well, I am back from rad doc. I have to have an MRI this Friday and he is slightly worried about the one lump I have been concerned with. they can not schedule me with morning appointments so I am going to stay off work until Jan 5 2009. I don't really mind because I don't feel ready to go back to work strength wise. I probably would get there but I really have got to get serious about getting my strength back. Some days it is there and some it is not. I will go for the rad. set up and discuss the results of MRI Dec 19th. I want to get on with this but then I am concerned about the lump. I say lets get the surgeon to stick a needle in it like he did the first one to see if there is any cancer cells and be done with it.

    I guess I had better get us some soup made. I am still trying to figure out a diet plan for the hubby who likes to eat too much. Esp stuff that is not good for him. Tomorrow he sees his 2 heart docs. I hope they can direct us to a web site or a cookbook. I don't really cook high fat food but he eats too large of helpings. I try to tell him but he gets mad and that just makes him want it more so I tell him it is his body his decision and that has seemed to help.


  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited December 2008

    Carolyn, most heart docs will prescribe cardiac re-hab for open heart patients after they have healed sufficiently.  You will almost always find a cardiac nutritionist at the faciltity that does the physical therapy.

    I hope you get good results on the 19th.  Try not to dwell on it much till then.

    I know what you mean about energy level.  I have already lost so much muscle becuase my activity level as slowed down - and my family is not helping.  They won't let me do anything, especially my dad.  I used to mucking horse stall, slinging 65 pound bales of hay and 50 pound bags of feed.   If I pick up a 5 pound bucket someone runs and grabs if from me.  I am really thinking about joining the gym.  I have exercise equipment at home, but I need the motivation of having not wasting the gym fees. Shelby, did you make it to the gym during chemo, or did you wait until it was over to go back?  I need to do something.

    Taa taa for now, off to get my nasty Nuelasta shot


  • shelbaroni
    shelbaroni Member Posts: 350
    edited December 2008


    I did as much as I could possibly handle during chemo. Usually the first week, once I was up and out of bed, a walk would be all I could handle, progressing to easy, restorative yoga. Usually by late second week into the third week, I was able to do a total body conditioning class or ride an exercise bike or jog (slowly, like 12 minute miles, breathing like an antique locomotive) 2-3 miles. Then I'd go and get knocked down again. But I was also doing training walks for the 3 day while on chemo...only week 3 though. The best advice I ever got from my chemo nurse was to "push back". Good luck!


  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited December 2008

    Shelby, your 3 weeks sounds about like mine.  Wk 1 - shot, wk 2 - approaching human, and by week 3 I am putting my horse in the trailer and taking off somewhere.  There is a fitness chain close to my house that lets you pay by the month without a contract - so what do I have to lose?  They also offer a nice variety of yoga classes which I think would help me immensley.  I turn 45 in March, I dont even want to think about what I am gonna look like if I continue this level of inactivity much longer.  Thanks!


  • my2boys
    my2boys Member Posts: 124
    edited December 2008

    Good Evening Everyone..

    I visited my doctor today.  My 3rd Tx is tomorrow.  She reassured me that she has not ever seen anybody on TCH have issues with hair regrowth and that I should NOT worry about that.  She agreed to lower my decadron which I am VERY happy about.  She reduced it by 3 pills, so we will see how I handle that.  I had a major crying episode in the doctor's office, just couldn't stop crying....very embarrassing.  I'm glad my friend was with me.  The doctor said it is because I am back at the cancer center.  Sometimes just the site of the place can cause women to lose it.  I promised her that I would take a xanax (sp?) tomorrow before chemo to calm my nerves.  I'm glad that she was so understanding about my need to cry and get it all out today.  She gave me a warm hug before I left and reassured me that she thinks I will be fine.

    After the cancer center, we had to make an emergency visit to my dentist because my tooth broke.....ugh!!!  She filed it down so that it will not cut into my gums for now and I will have to have it taken care of after all of my chemo treatments are done....probably in the spring.  Thank God that it is one of my back teeth.  I think I have been grinding my teeth at night from the stress and the tooth just couldn't hold out anymore.  Whats next, right?

    I have been reading all of the posts from today and so many of you are having issues to deal with other than the cancer.  I will remember you all in my prayers tomorrow and I hope that when I am on in the next few days, you will all have happy news.  Just remember your bald friend with the broken tooth who has puffy eyes from crying....that should make you is making me laugh at myself.

    God Bless you All

    Much love,


  • traci1970
    traci1970 Member Posts: 104
    edited December 2008

    Anne you had a full day.  Actually I think all of you ladies have had a full few days.  I have been trying to re-coup from last Tuesdays tx.  It has been a very slow progression.  I had a much harder time with tx #6 than any of them.  It has been a week and I feel sooooo very tired.  I have not done anything this week. 

    I did have a new experience today.  I have had three children and never, ever did I have hemorroids!  It sounds stupid but it scared the heck out of me!  The doctor tried to reassure me that it was okay to have some bleeding and that it was nothing seriuous but I am not convinced.   In my world rectal bleeding is not okay.  Have any of you ever experienced this and please tell me it is okay???

    I will be praying for all of you to have Great results from your tests and scans.  I have a sick baby  so I am off to comfort her for the night.  Traci 

    ps Shelby I love your song!   

  • suemed8749
    suemed8749 Member Posts: 210
    edited December 2008

    Hola, mi amigas -

    I've been entertaining out-of-town guests for the last few weeks, so I haven't been around much. I agree with Shelby - sometimes it's good to take a break before you start googling and then cyber-soiling. I like the positive attitudes about fear - it definitely is the worst part of all of this for me.

    Anne - That's my dd's name and spelling - after chemo, I had two crowns and a filling. Bald, puffy eyes, broken teeth - oh yeah, been there! Hope you're feeling better.

    traci - #5 down - one more to go! I think #5 was hardest for me. It got harder and harder to get moving, but you're almost done!

    Cupcake - You'll be getting lots of good vibes and prayers for your surgery on Dec. 17 - are you having a single mastectomy? That's what I had; just ask if you have any questions.

    Donalee - Clear mammo - that's a big woo hoo!

    Carolyn - Driving in snow and ice is the major things I do NOT miss about living in Illinois and Colorado. It's no accident that friends and relatives come to visit us in Phoenix in the winter! Hope you stay safe on those nasty highways.

    Aly, hope you're sleeping nights and not freaking out about the lungs. I had an x-ray many years ago for back problems, and they called to tell me that I had spots in my lungs - of course, I freaked out - turns out it was scar tissue from Valley Fever which I never even knew I had. Weird "stuff' shows up all the time, but after you've heard the words "It's malignant," every little blip on the radar is scary.

    Shelby - Love the avatar! The tattoo is still peeling a little, but if I stand in front of a mirror topless in a dark light and cross my eyes, my boobs look like a perfect match! Wink

  • cupcake7
    cupcake7 Member Posts: 321
    edited December 2008

    Traci I had that problem a few years ago and I , like you, did not feel it was normal even though the dr. kept saying some was ok.  I pressed it and got an upper butt view and they found and took out a polyp and took it out.  It wasn't cancerous, but no more bleeding after that so no you just press is NOT ok.  I only had one child, but he was a whopper at 10# and got hemorrhoids but all these years they never bothered me until right before cancer.  They would flare up at any diarrhea episodes.  Believe it or not even with this colostomy and it wasn't even attached to the bottom I got them when the chemo cause diarrhea.  Weird!

    Shell I once had someone bring a box into the fusion room and everyone could take what they wanted so I thought I would take mine back there in a box and put a sign on it free and watch them disappear.  I even met a lady that liked my hat one day and I took her name and told her I would send it and some more to her when I am done...she was very grateful.  Some of those scarfs were very expensive.  And I know some would really appreciate not having to buy them. 

    Sue: I do have a question on the mastectomy.  I am having the right one taken like the camp song says.  The Lymph Nodes too.  How long did it take you to recover?  Have any suggestions for me.  I will have two tubes and bottles. 

  • gramma23
    gramma23 Member Posts: 482
    edited December 2008

    Well, all that worry for nothing, I did not have any ice or snow but parts of the city did and lots of wrecks around. the moisture is gone for today but it is 18 this morning and the low 30s is going to be the high. We have to go to my husband's cardio rehab and his 2 doc appointments so I think we will eat out after that. we need a treat! He will have to pick something good for him though and I think he will. They are having the woman who does the diet info today but it is during our doc appt. they are even serving lunch and we will miss that.

    traci,  do get hemorrhoids sometimes that bleed but if you take the Miralax stool softner it helps until they are healed. I use Prep H sometimes too. I never got these when I was younger but I think this chemical they put in us does mess up everything. You might mention it to your doc and see if it is anything to worry about though. Mine gave me some cream but the over the counter stuff worked best for me. the cream helped when I had the vaginal sores at the first but it was really not for that but since it helped I used it for that.

    Anne I am sorry you are feeling down. I take Xanax and it does help me but I have been taking it for a long time for my fibromyalgia. It helps the pain some. I always dreaded getting the TCH because I knew I would be sick by the weekend. I was always sick on Sunday and I teach a class of 4 & 5 year olds. I hated having to have someone fill in for me. I do enjoy them and I am glad I am able to do it myself now. I remember the first Sunday I tried to teach after my tx the Wed before. I was so sick I was almost passing out and then the diarrhea hit and my husband had to take me home. I slept the rest of the day. After that I would just get my lesson ready for when I was going to have the TCH and line up someone to teach and I stayed home to take care of me. the next Sunday was difficult but I would make it even though I was weak. I would not eat anything for a couple of weeks except boost or broth. You take care of you and it will be over soon. I know it seems like it will never end but it does and you will get better. I am not saying you will be back to your old self right after the last tx but you will get there.

    That tx did a number on my teeth too. I need to get to a dentist soon but I guess it will be after radiation since they don't want you doing anything except what has to be done. I have an implant and have not been able to get it put on. I hope they don't throw it away. I am going to give them a call to make sure. I have a healing imbutment on it right now. It kept coming off and I figured I would be better just waiting to get the new one when I finish everything.

    Will this port be a problem with the MRI? I had my other one before I got my port. I don't think it will but you never know.

    Have a good day everyone


  • my2boys
    my2boys Member Posts: 124
    edited December 2008

    Thank you for the words of encouragement everyone.  I took a Xanax and I feel much better today.  I think that Tx #3 will go much easier because of this.  Packing up some games and playing cards to keep hubby and me busy.

    Traci - I have some hemorrhoids from my pregnancy 13 years ago, but they didn't bother me until my first Tx.  I used some hemorrhoid cream on them and they calmed down  and yes they did bleed a little until I got them under control.  I also bought some Tux medicated pads and I used them after each diarrhea episode.  They haven't bothered my since.

    Have a wonderful day everyone! Laughing 

  • bluedasher
    bluedasher Member Posts: 350
    edited December 2008

     Carolyn, it might depend which port you have. The power port I have says MRIs are okay,IIRC. It doesn't have much metal and what it does is suppose to be titanium which isn't magnetic. It didn't set off the metal detectors at the airports.

  • shelbaroni
    shelbaroni Member Posts: 350
    edited December 2008


    The dark, unmentionable world of the hemorrhoid is one that I have yet to fathom the mysteries of. I've had them for years and have studiedly avoided flare ups. But unexpectedly, once and again, one will pop up (or OUT, as the case may be) like one of those relatives at your doorstep that your folks would only mention in hushed tones after bedtime behind closed doors and you wish you'd gone to church that morning instead of staying home because you would have missed them. You get the picture. They come unannounced. I had one of my all-time worst flare ups after doing one of Jane Fonda's ab workouts! But you have something else working against you right now: chemo. Not only has it scourged the chemistry, biochemistry, and rhythm of your intestinal tract, but it's played havoc with EVERY MUCUS MEMBRANE in your body. So, if your nose tends to bleed when you blow it, your other end may be a bit more "tender" at this time as well. Same with your vagina. So I would tell the doc about it, but do yourself a favor and don't go spelunking in the colorectal cancer websites. When you hear hooves outside your door, it's more likely to be horses than zebra. I tend to go see if there's a Western on TV before I even go to the window, if you catch my drift. In the meantime, keep the stools soft with stool softener. Give your tushie a little TLC, and it'll heal up in no time.


  • gramma23
    gramma23 Member Posts: 482
    edited December 2008

    Shelby, I had a bad one flare after I was at the hospital with my hubby and I was laying in a big over sized chair with my legs on 1 arm and my head on the other. It was fairly low also. When I would get up it worked my stomach muscles and then I had a hem. show up like one of the relatives you mentioned. Up to that point all was going good. No D or C and it just showed up. I wonder if working your abs with Jane and my working my muscles getting out of the chair was the same effect. I would have swore it was not working the bottom but who knows! I kept wondering why that would cause that. After all the other things I had go wrong during tx and then I was just getting out of the chair. Makes you want to say " hummmmm"

    I think I must be really out of shape. I am not going to work until Jan 5 because of all the doc appointments and they can't get me in when I need to and I work evenings and of course evenings is the only time they do this. they said lets just see what happens before you go to work so I am. My youngest grandson is going to be with us during his school break so that is good I can spend some time with him. I know he is not going to like having to go downtown with us everyday but he will be okay because we can go places after the appointments. Everything is downtown anyway that we have been wanting to do.

    I go for the MRI tomorrow. I wonder how accurate these things are? I really wished they would just do a needle biop. and be done with it. He wants to look at the other one too and it is just sitting there doing nothing wrong. I ordered a sport bra that comes farther down on the rib cage and a camisole that has a sewn in area that will fit the boobs. He said no bras since it will irratate that area. I told him I had to wear a bra to work it was the rules. He said not if your doc says you can't. I guess he is correct but I am large even with part of it gone. I don't mean huge but not an A cup. I wear a D cup. I guess we will see how this works!

    Have a good day everyone. I get my next H tx 12/24. I bet that place will be busy like the day before Thanksgiving. I thought I would never get my H and get home.


  • my2boys
    my2boys Member Posts: 124
    edited December 2008

    Good Morning Ladies....

    I have a question for you.  Has anybody had any issues with Creatinine levels in their blood rising somewhat due the Carboplatin?  Mine have risen slightly and the doctor has ordered new bloodwork next week to check them again.  I am worried that this is the first sign of kidney damage.  I read some things on-line about rising creatinine coupled with higher blood pressure readings (this I also have) could be a sign of kidney issues.  With the exception of the morning of my mastectomy, I have NEVER had a high blood pressure reading until yesterday.....ugh!

    Other than the disturbing blood news, my Tx#3 went very well and uneventful.  Went to my son's holiday orchestra concert last night to get my mind off of things.  He played beautifully and it brought tears to my eyes to see him so "grown up".

    I'm off to Neulasta shot today.  Doctor said no more Aleve, Motrin or anything of the sort for me while my creatinine is a big ????  She did say, however that I could take the Claritin after the Neulasta shot and a Tylenol if needed for the bone pain.

    It's raining here on the east coast, so for everyone stuck in this messy weather, bundle up!  Have a great day.