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Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin



  • suemed8749
    suemed8749 Member Posts: 210
    edited December 2008

    Hi all - Aly, love the kitties. We have two, but our neighbors have 5, and a few of them think they live here - I guess we have better cat food. One of their kittens is sleeping on my bed right now - I had to boot him out yesterday because he was ripping up Christmas presents.

    Carolyn - Good news!! You can have a very merry Christmas knowing that the lumps aren't tumors.

    I'm like Shelby and Aly - I lost weight after the initial dx - was just so damned scared I couldn't eat. I knew it was bad when my husband would get worried and tell me I had to eat - that's the only time in 30 years that I've heard those words out of his mouth! I've pretty much kept it off so far, but like Shelby, it tends to creep up when I'm not scared out of my wits. Of course, the two pans of fudge I just made (with many, many spoon licks along the way) will not help me, nor the cookies I have two days to make.  

    Donalee - The drop in your MUGA score really is a kick. You look so young and strong in your picture, I'd hate to think that you were suffering cardiotoxicity (using onc talk.) I'm glad you were able to get Herceptin - and if you do have to "sit out" a few doses, it seems, like so many have said here, that it rises again.

    Shelby - I felt like my body was feeding on the toxic chemicals this summer when my usually brittle, short nails were long and strong - my family asked me if they were fakes several times. It seemed completely perverse that others were talking about theirs falling off and mine were the best they've ever been

    Shelby - the good-looking broad in the portrait ain't no A cup, so I assume it's not a self-portrait - but it's really a beautiful piece.

    Everybody in the colder climes - STAY WARM! My 93-yr-old dad (in Illinois) went out to get the Christmas ham and got stuck coming home - couldn't get up the driveway because of the ice. This is why I live in Phoenix!

  • shelbaroni
    shelbaroni Member Posts: 350
    edited December 2008


    You're right about the portrait. How perceptive of you (ha ha)! I actually painted that from a model the last night of my series of acrylic classes. There I was, bald as a cue ball and flat as a billiards table painting a nude City College student who actually, like, looks like that. Makes one appreciate the full range of physical specimens that are categorized under the heading "Woman". Oh, and my nails were fantastic, too, until right after the 4th (and last) tx, when I lost my big toe nails, and all my fingernails separated from the nail bed about halfway down and I peeled them off before they broke off that low. I'm still waiting for them to grow back.


  • bethanybeane
    bethanybeane Member Posts: 167
    edited December 2008

    Hi girls,

    Been reading to catch up on everyone. So many things going on with so many of you dear ones -- but I hope that, despite these circumstances, everyone here has a peaceful and joy-filled holiday that overrides discomforts and fears. 

    I finished radiation last Friday. I'm tired but so happy to be done -- despite the fact that I loved the people there and really didn't mind going every day for 33 days. A dear friend made me a necklace with 33 special beads -- one for each treatment and added her grandmother's cross -- so it's essentially a rosary of love and blessings. I'm pretty overwhelmed with all the love around. God is everywhere I look.

    The rad onc threw confetti on me and dh (as they do for each patient as they finish). Then, as we were waiting in the "John Wayne" room -- filled with his memorabilia, dr. came in for the final visit and presented me with a plaque with a quote from JW: "Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway." I wish you each could have one of these.

    I gained 18 lbs. !!!!!! (finished on 10/13) -- have lost12 now and hope to get down 15 more. I'm pretty tall -- 5'9" and people say they don't see it -- but they are being nice to me I think -- my face and ankles were so puffy at the end that I think I looked a little bit like a cabbage patch kid -- no eyebrows and puffy everywhere. I saw a picture of me in my wig that looked like Laura Bush -- I was gone and didn't like it. But I'm on my way to coming back and yet I feel all new and hopefully wiser and more joyful.

    I'm off work until Jan 5 -- hoping to show up that day without a scarf or wig -- my hair is longer in the back than on top but it's getting there. Beyond Startrek, passing Sinead O'Connor and moving on to a thick buzz with some curl? not sure yet.

    Merry merry happy happy joy joy. Please all be well and filled with God's peace.


  • gk2bc0
    gk2bc0 Member Posts: 18
    edited December 2008

    Bethany - what a wonderful state (finished! and with your attitude)  to be in!!  Wishing you a wonderful 2009...we are ALL going to have a great one, together. 

    To everyone,  thanks for the ride this year, even if we didn't expect to be saddling up together.  Love you all!  Merry Holidays and happy, happy new year.  xxoo  gail

  • AlyMarie
    AlyMarie Member Posts: 192
    edited December 2008

    Merry Christmas everybody and GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!!



  • bethanybeane
    bethanybeane Member Posts: 167
    edited December 2008


    That is the funniest kitty picture - could win a contest!

    Merry Christmas,


  • shelbaroni
    shelbaroni Member Posts: 350
    edited December 2008

    Merry Christmas, everyone!

    Just think of all we have to thank the good Lord for. I hope you're all enjoying family and friends during this season.

    I went and had my echo yesterday, but it was a bit trickier than usual, because I had awakened with one of those gnarly muscle spasms between my left shoulder blade and my spine. (I think my 20 year old mattress is to blame!) I had trouble getting dressed, lowering myself to the toilet, and (the worst) was getting in and out of the car. I thought I would have to immobilize my left arm in a sling. I worried about the echo, because of course, you have to lie on your left side. I was in so much pain and was anxious, so I popped a couple Xanax before the procedure. Fortunately, the tech was very patient with me, and it wasn't bad at all. Even the part where you have to take a deep breath and hold it. On the way home, I dozed off (because of the Xanax) and was pretty fuzzy when I got out of the car and managed to slam my left thumb in the door of the car! #@!&%$! Now it's all swollen and bruised, and I'll probably lose that nail AGAIN, and it was just growing back. Well, at least it's not my bowling arm. We always go bowling on Christmas. It's one of our family traditions. And my muscle spasm's eased up, so I think I'll be good to go!


    It sure sounds like you're in a good zone right now. That's awesome!

    Happy holidays, everyone!


  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited December 2008

    Shelby, you just make my day! 

    Merry Christmas!!!!!  I hope all of the TCH ladies past, present and future have a great Holiday!  God Bless you all. And thanks for the support!  You all make my life easier.  Love Ya!  Lisa

  • gramma23
    gramma23 Member Posts: 482
    edited December 2008

    Bethany, I am glad everything went well with the rads and you are finished. I want to get started but things keep happening with the radiation dept. I should get the CAT and all on Tuesday but I have thought that before. I would like to get all that before the first of the year because of the cost. We are going to have enough doc bills as it is in 2009.

    I had my Herceptin Wed before Christmas and it went well except as usual I was tired but was able to make pies and stuff before I rested. I was so tired last night after everyone left and so was hubby. I guess we did not realize our bodies are still not up to 100%. I am dreading working and taking rads and Herceptin but I must. Need the money to pay hubby's doc bills now. I also have to get started on tax prep. I have so much to get together. ugh! At least I can file an ext if I have too! I do the grandson's taxes too but I may teach them how to do them this year. It is not hard since they do short form. I was watching some of the faces of those taking the bad tx while I was taking H and they looked so sad. I just wanted to hug them but they would have thought I was crazy walking around hugging everyone. I hope all of you that are still taking this poison will soon be through. I think about all of you.

    Shelby I am so sorry about your door incident and the spasm. I hope it gets better fast. When to you go skiing?


  • shelbaroni
    shelbaroni Member Posts: 350
    edited December 2008

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with friends and family. I'm happy to report that our annual bowling party, though smaller than usual, was quite fun. My spasmodic trapezius muscle didn't stop me at all, and I managed to break 100 twice, which is pretty darn good for someone who bowls once or twice a year. Then we went to see "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button". Wow--what a film! Even our younger two kids (9 and 11) were mesmerized for 2 1/2 hours! 

    Carolyn, we don't leave for Utah for a week, so that muscle will be all healed up by then. And about this point too, I always crank back on my running and other stuff so I don't whack anything else out of kilter before the trip. Because given half a chance, that's just what I would do. It would be a tragedy if I blew my knee out or something right before I left. Don't even want to go there!

    Bethany, we went to Borders the other day, just 'cuz that's what our family likes to do, and I picked up Anne Lamott's Plan B in hardback on the $5.95 rack. (My husband had a gift card to use up, so we got that book and his book for a penny!) I'll have that to read on the way to Utah, since I'm sick up and fed with crocheting beanies (and wearing them) which is what I usually do in the car when someone else is driving. Actually, I'll start it as soon as I'm done with my collection of Stephen King short stories.

    On Monday, I have a wolloping 2 hours of the Big H (if my scan wasn't funky), followed by the pre-op digital mammogram and ultrasound. Then on Tuesday, I have pre-ops with both the surgeon and the PS. Then I'm all done with doctors until Scalpel day on Jan. 16, when I get my front end re-aligned.

    For all of you taking chemo treatments, you might look askance at my liking to read Stephen King. You might try it sometime. I never enjoyed that genre of literature UNTIL I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Now I can really identify with it, because I've lived there.

    My prayers and best thoughts to you all.


  • gramma23
    gramma23 Member Posts: 482
    edited December 2008

    Shelby, I was wondering when you went because they have had some accidents up there. I hope everything settles down before you go.

    We had a good time Christmas. I am going to try to post a pic from then so lest's see what happens! I have worked all morning trying to set up the puter to copy all my 2008 pics since I have not felt like messing with it this year. I finally got it done!

    Hope everyone is well and had a good holiday.


  • KristyAnn
    KristyAnn Member Posts: 131
    edited December 2008

    Hi Everyone,

    I just got caught up on all the posts- congrats to everyone who has finished surgery, chemo or rads. I have been really enjoying the holidays this year wven though I had Herceptin, a MUGA and a colonoscopy all sandwiched in between the celebrations. I postponed my hysterectomy to January 8 so the holidays have been nice- I am sure hoping my blood counts have continued improving which will help with the January surgery.

    This was my 9 month MUGA and it also showed a 7% drop when I had no drops previously, in fact one MUGA went up! I am still OK for Herceptin and trying to walk regularly- it got a little less regular during rads because I was just flat out exhausted all the time. Im due for Herceptin through April so I am almost there- walking in more frequent but shorter times now to see if that helps with the energy level (15-30 min walks, 1-2 times a day).

    Merry Christmas to everyone (belated) and  Happy New Year- I have all 5 kids home right now so Im not online as much!


  • bluedasher
    bluedasher Member Posts: 350
    edited December 2008

    Tomorrow is going to be a long day for me. I have my 4th of 6 TCH treatments. At least I'm half-way through now.

    Then in the evening I have a CAT scan to check out the spot on my lung X-ray. We hope it is a harmless calcium nodule - I had one around the same area years ago - so long ago that the old X-ray and CAT scan aren't available so we don't know if it is the same exact place.  The nodule had disappeared on later X-rays - would it go away and come back?  It looks smooth on the X-ray so we hope it isn't cancer. 

  • Bold
    Bold Member Posts: 306
    edited December 2008

    What a great group of beautiful wemon:

    I have my first TCH tomorrow. UGGGGGG I will be doing 6 TC and the full year Herceptin.

    I have taken my day before meds and I have drank about a gallon of water. I am having a heard time sleeping. I am thinking of taking a little something something (ativan).

    I have brought two DVDs as I am expected to be there at least 5 hours. Mama Mia and the other Bolin Sister.

    I pray that tomorrow is uneventful.

  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited December 2008

    Sorry you have had to join our club. Bold.  If you have a laptop, take it with you.  It really helps to pass the time.  Also, take some snacks along.  Expect 5 hours at least the first time.  When you go in for that first tx, you think that this whole thing will never end, I know I did.  But time and treatments do pass.  I go in this morning for my 4th out of 6 and I didn't think that would ever happen fast enough, but here it is.

    Also, the Other Bolin Sister is a GREAT book.  Since you are new to the site, you may not be able to post again today, but feel free to e-mail me.

    Good Luck!!


  • gramma23
    gramma23 Member Posts: 482
    edited December 2008

    KristyAnn, I am glad you are having a good holiday even with all that is going on.I still have not started my rads but it is supposed to get started Tues. but we will see, I have heard this before. I am really dreading it since I will be having to work and I am still kinda of tired anyway. My hubby is still taking cardio rehab so we will be there anyway 3 days of the week so I am glad we are at the same hospital anyway. I just want to get it over with. I know you will be glad to get the hyst. over with too and I hope it is a breeze. I had one in 1979 and another surgery in 1985 to remove my other ovary they said they needed to leave.they thought I might have cancer then but did not find any. It has been a year now since I found my cancer and I think I keep thinking about that. I wish I had gone in earlier and maybe I would have this all over with and it would not have spread so much. I am glad I am all clear though now.

    Bluedasher, I will be thinking about you with this tx. I hope it goes fast for you now. I think #4 was my hardest but that was my fault because of eating things I knew I should not have. I was so sick. I hope you do better than I did! I got smarter about it for the last 2 though. Now I just have the Herceptin until June and of course rads.

    Lisa I am also thinking about you too! You and Blue are right there together aren't you. Cupcake and I started out together but I had problems with blood counts and having to take whole blood. We are both finished with the TCH now and I am not sure if she has rads since the surgery. I hope all goes well and the other 2 go fast for you 2.

    Bold, I am sorry you are among the campers but you will find good support here. Read as much as you can about this but remember everyone reacts different to it. I hope you do not get the mouth sores I got but if you do get on top of it fast and call the chemo nurses if you need them. My brother is in the hospital now because he would not eat and he got mouth sores which made it worse and when I tried to get them to call and get him IVs they waited. Don't wait when something comes up please. You have to get that fluid down you and if it means IVs get that. Also you need to keep your bowels going. I don't know if you have read anything about that but it is very important and again it is different for each of us but diarrhea was a big problem for me and I was dehydrated a lot but then if it goes the other way you need to get that cleared up too. Very important! I am wishing you a good and easy time, take your nausea meds, I would forget to take mine and then my husband finally helped me remember to take them. I know that sounds silly but my brain could not handle all this for a while. If you need help ask someone. I hope you have a good home support. Use them if you do.I don't mean to sound bossy but with my brother being so sick I just feel I should have done more for him to get the message. He had tongue cancer and radiation first and then they found it in his lymph nodes in his neck after that. he has lost a lot of weight because he would not eat. I know his is different than bc but still some of the same meds.I also kept my mouth cold during the chemo even though my meds were not the kind they said you need too but after the first bout with mouth sores I was not taking any chances. It might help you too. Did you go to chemo school? If you did and got a book read it and keep records so you will know how you react with the meds because you will forget for the next one. They had to lower my Carboplatin 2 different times because it bothered me so much but others have more problems with Taxo. Good luck and post here for support. We are here for you.


  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited December 2008

    Thanks for the thoughts Carolyn.  Yes, Blue and I are on the same schedule.

    Chemo nurse just informed me that I am very anemic - I feel ok.  I still get my tx but she said they will give me something else with it.  Didn't tell me what yet.  I don't understand how I can be that bad, I did great this last time.  I went to the gym, I rode my horse, I feel fine. Who knows.  Just when you think you have this stuff figured out.....

    Lisa, posting from the chemo room.

  • bluedasher
    bluedasher Member Posts: 350
    edited December 2008

    Lisa, I'm quite anemic too. I've been somewhat anemic on all my post chem tests, but this is the lowest that it has been. They may be planning to give you Procrit (or one of a couple of other drugs that are similar). It is a drug to cause you to produce more red blood cells. My oncologist said she wouldn't use that because it can reduce the effectiveness of chemo. I've done some looking on line and found some FDA announcements that there is evidence for some cancers that they increase in size more quickly when Procrit is given. She said if my anemia gets to bad they will give me a blood transfusion (which I've heard isn't great either).

    She told me the threshold for red blood cells count and hemoglobin where I would need a transfusion but now I can't remember what it was. I think my current numbers may be below that now. I guess I'll find out today, but I'm seeing a different onc because mine is on vacation.

  • traci1970
    traci1970 Member Posts: 104
    edited December 2008

    Welcome Bold.  This is not a group any of us wanted to join but here we are and here for a reason I'm sure.  I was so afraid for my first tx but it was not anything I thought it would be.  I think tv scars our minds with horrible images.  I did not have any of that.  I took ativan and benadryl and then took a nap during my tx.  I actually slept through most of my txs.  My biggest problem was being tired.  That really did not start until after the 3rd tx.  Well, the neulasta made me feel yucky for a few days.  The best thing I did for myself was journal everything.  I wrote day one: this is how I feel and day two: this is how I feel.  It helped me through the next tx.  It just reminded me that what I was feeling was not new and was normal.  I also learned that if one medication is not working for you, ask for another.  There are plenty of medications out there and you should not suffer needlessly. 

    Christyann and Carolyn you have been in my thoughts and I hope all goes well for you both.  Lisa, good luck today!

    I go in on Friday for my simulation? for rads.  I am a little nervous but ready to move forward.  I get nervous every time they mention a scan.  If anyone can tell me what to expect on Friday that would be great.  

    Shelby, I love your picture.  Absolutely beautiful!

    Here is to a wonderful 2009 for all of us!  We earned it thats for sure!...Traci

  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited December 2008

    Blue, what was your count?  Mine is 8.5.  They are NOT giving me anything extra, guess, I misunderstood.  The doc said no transfusion because I am feeling so good.  They are running an iron study.

    Thanks for the good luck thoughts Traci

    And yes, here is to a Happy 2009!


  • kjbell
    kjbell Member Posts: 454
    edited December 2008

    I have had two rounds of TCH and go for just Herceptin tomorrow.  This weekend I noticed my hands were itchy.  Anybody else have this?  I take benadryl and it seems to stop it for a few hours.  I will mention it tomorrow.

  • gk2bc0
    gk2bc0 Member Posts: 18
    edited December 2008

    Bold - by the time you get this you will be through with tx#1...congratulations(?!) and condolences.  I finished 6 TCH and am on H alone now til July. I was so scared for my first tx too, but you will  realize soon enough just how much you can handle, and this is a good place to check in...we've all been there.  It's okay to feel crummy, and someone will have an uplifting story, or remedy for you, and a place to vent/share. 

    My last TCH was Oct 30th and I noticed today that my eyelashes are starting to grown back!  and i finally have a soft covering of fuzz all over my head.  Unfortunately, the hair on my legs is also growing back!  I kinda got used to the full-Barbie!  too bad we can't get it to grow back selectively!

    Bluedasher - Arenesp is the drug given to produce red blood cells, but my onco doc didn't recommend it for me. He said that  studies show it doesn't work very well and might have some side effects down the road. Mine also recommended blood transfusions instead for an HCT under 25 and HGB under 10, but it would depend on how i felt.  If i wasn't able to function at 27, then he'd consider a transfusion then.  I never went under 27.0, and my HGB went down to 9.1 but I could still function, so I never got a transfusion. Hopefully you will get through without it. 

     Kbell - i got itchy hands could be dry skin. This stuff takes a toll on your skin. I went though tubs of moisturizer.

     It's almost a new year...wishing everyone a good one.  Gail

  • Seven11
    Seven11 Member Posts: 13
    edited October 2010

    I finished my 6th and final TCH on 12/24.  I haven't lost all of my eyebrows or eyelashes and still have some fuzzies on my head.  I'm having surgery on 1/21, then rads after that.  I had to get Neulasta after rounds 5 and 6 only. I will of course be on H for a year - every three weeks. 

    Bold, you can do this.  Don't talk yourself in to anything.  It's very managable.  I'm a whimp and I did well.   

  • bluedasher
    bluedasher Member Posts: 350
    edited December 2008

    Lisa, I assume that 8.5 is your Hemoglobin (HGB).

    My numbers are:

    Red Blood Cell Count: 2.95 (normal is 3.6-5.1)

    HGB 8.9 (normal 11.5-15.0)

    Hemocrit 27.9 (normal is 34-46%)

    I'm off to the oncologist now for my pre-chemo appointment so I'll see what she says. It doesn't make me feel bad except that, when I exert myself by doing something  like carrying my Granddaughter, I feel like I am working much harder than I am and I get tired quickly. One of the chemo nurses told me that if my red cells had suddenly dropped to this point I would feel really bad and probably faint but because it drops slowly and the body has a chance to adapt it doesn't feel as bad.

  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited December 2008

    Yep Blue!

    HGB 8,5

    RBC 2.49

    Hemocrit 24.5

    I wouldn't win any foot races, but I feel OK.  I need to start eating better I think.  I have used chemo as an excuse to exist on junk food.


  • susiered
    susiered Member Posts: 83
    edited December 2008

    kjbell, I got itchy hands twice from the carboplatin. It was an allergic reaction. Luckily I was at the oncs office when it happened, because mine got worse. My whole face and neck turned bright red and I felt like my ears were burning off my head. I would definatly mention it to your nurse or onc. They told me it is something that sometimes happens with carboplatin, especially after you have had it a few times.

    Question for you ladies...I had my last chemo Oct. 15, bi-lat Nove 13th, removal of right expander Dec. 13th.due to infection. I am so tired all the time. I want to sleep constantly. My blood count are good. I ache especially in my hips and legs. I just don't seem to be bouncing back. I know my body has been through a lot, but are any of you experiencing these kind of things? I try to walk a little everyday, but it absolutly weras me out. I am just good for nothing it seems. Would just like to know I am not the only 1.

    Thanks and God bless you all! Susan  

  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited December 2008

    Susan, the surgeries and then the infection so fast after chemo have probably just worn you down.  Lay low and rest as much as you can and then try to sneak in a baby walk whenever possible to get some muscle back.  The best advice I ever got was from Shelby - Push Back!  Some days you can't, but some day's you will surprise yourself.  Good luck!

    Help ladies!!  I feel fine!  But I have to get these blood levels back up.  I will admit that I have used chemo as an excuse to have a junk food diet.  That has officially come to an end!  Anyone got any suggestions?  I am 4 down and 2 go with the last scheduled for Feb 9th.  I a WILL NOT mess up that schedule!


  • shelbaroni
    shelbaroni Member Posts: 350
    edited December 2008

    Well ladies;

     I have good news and bad news. The good news is that I have a clean mammogram and ultrasound to add to my clean MRI, so I get to have my exchange surgery.

    The bad news is that my last echo on the 24th, while it showed an ejection fraction in the mid-70's (like a 25 year old, my doctor said), it showed an enlargement of my left atrium. I have none of the predisposing conditions that cause this, and I showed no signs of it on my baseline. On my first follow-up, there was a suggestive hint of it, but this time it was more clear. So he said I might be done with Herceptin. He sent me for a chest Xray, which turned out clear, but I'm feeling fairly freaked-out. Not a good way to be right before a ski trip. I hate feeling like there's something wrong and no one knows what it is. Where's Dr. House when I need him???? 

  • bethanybeane
    bethanybeane Member Posts: 167
    edited December 2008

    Oh Shelby,

    Doggone drat poop shoot  *(*)*(&*&^^%^%$^#%$&%*^^&*.  When will the decision be made about what to do next? Will you see a cardiologist? when do you leave for your trip?

    I am glad for the clean scans. Bethany

  • bluedasher
    bluedasher Member Posts: 350
    edited December 2008

    Lisa, I've been quite good about diet and have tried to get foods with iron and I'm still anemic. My oncologist said it isn't due to diet. On chemo, you can have plenty of iron in your  body, but your bone marrow isn't making red cells to carry it because of the effect of chemo.

    My oncologist (well really the substitute because mine is on vacation) said I had to get my red cells up for chemo to be safe (even though my counts were the same as yours, but I did tell her that mild exertion makes me breath hard). I got two units of blood today instead of chemo and will have the chemo tomorrow so it won't throw me off schedule. 

    Our next chemo would fall on Martin Luther King day. Because of that, I'll have to have my next one on Wednesday - Tuesday was already filled up.