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Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin



  • traci1970
    traci1970 Member Posts: 104
    edited January 2009

    Shari, I can tell you that this experience was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be.  I was so worried about losing my hair but now I realize how unimportant it is.  I never wear a wig or scarf.  I only wear a hat when my head is cold.  I have never hidden my bald head.  I feel like my bald head and my mastectomy scar are my battle scars and I hold my head high.  This is who I am right now. 

    As far as the chemo goes just try not to worry.  I thought I would feel worse than I did.   I journaled how I felt from day to day and that would help me through the next treatment.  I knew what to expect the next time around on day and day two and so on.  I also found that prayer really gave me peace.  You will get through this and realize you are stronger than you ever thought.  :)

    I hope everyone is doing well this week.  hugs...traci 

  • cupcake7
    cupcake7 Member Posts: 321
    edited January 2009

    lisaWhat a wonderful example you have become.  My but seems like yesterday you sounded like Shari, but look how seasoned you are now.  You have made your badge and now have the title of a senior camper as a counselor.

    Shari: Welcome to Champ Chemo.  I know you would rather not be here, but we welcome you into the sisterhood with welcome arms.  Lisa gave some good advise.  I say to find someone in your family you feel comfortable with or a dear friend that can be by your side while you go through these next few months.  Come in here often when you want to get answers or just to vent.  Its ok to lay it all out cause we are fellow campers with the same breast cancer disease and know exactly what you are going through.  Your emotions will may start out with fear, deniale, sadness, anger, and then acceptance with some emotions inbetween.  Its ok to feel all of them, we all have had them and still  do at times..  Some days I have just wept bitterly with a why me.  Your normal life will be put on hold for awhile so clear the calendar cause it soon will be filled with the journey's appointments.  One suggestion I will throw out to you is get yourself a large calendar with big squares to write on.  It will be good for appointments, but when you begin you will have meds like Decradon (a steroid) that you will take the day before treatment and after.  One thing I did was put happy and sad faces on the days I felt the best and worst.  By a couple of treatments you will begin to see a pattern of when the chemo bothers you the most and the following treatments you will know which days are the worst and when you begin to come out of it.  Believe me it helps to see it cause when you are down you think you will never feel good again....but you will.  Another thing that scared me the most was I thought when I first got the TX (treatment) that I would get sick right then and there.  It will not hit you until about the third day.  Mine hit on that day and I felt like I had the flu, you know just ucky.  I didn't want to do anything but just lay there.  I had drank lots of fluids the few days before so was well hydrated which really helps, but try and sip on anything to keep that way.  The next day some better and the next until I would start to come out of it and by the 10th day I was back to normal.  I would have a good week, before I would get the TX again.  It isn't pleasant, I won't lie to you, and you may get some other side effects, but they arn't hard to deal with as much as the fatigue.  Keep in mind through the ruff days that it is kicking the pants off the cancer cells so they won't come back.  Yes its a shock to loose your hair for awhile, but it will grow back, but look at it this way you won't have to shave your legs through this  Just buy some chemo scarfs or get a wig for those days you want to go out, but I bet you will do like most of us in time and that is just go commando.  Well won't talk your leg off so will close and give other campers some space.  Big cyber hug to you and post often....Brenda

  • RockstarmomPaula
    RockstarmomPaula Member Posts: 124
    edited January 2009
    CoolWelcome Smile! My treatment is preventative as well Are you doing H for a year as well? Be that positive person you need that I'm Day 14 on my first chemo and have done better than I could ever expect I contribute that to a great attitude ! One Day At A Time you can do it !!! It is just a step in the path of life!! I cut 6 " off my hair, waiting for the fallout!! My hair gal got me a beautiful new head of hair, Bonus it has no gray like my own!! I thank God everyday for the great days, I am still working my fulltime job,I get tired I rest I keep fighting!! Cancer is not for Sissies we are tough!!!We will Win!!!    my2boys Good to hear from you Congrats on getting 5 over Rest !Rest!! Feel Better fast !!much love to you!!  cupcake I was sure you were done with chemo Paperwork is just a necessary evil of medical treatment just as tracy said they cover their a##
  • bluedasher
    bluedasher Member Posts: 350
    edited January 2009

     Tx 5 has put me in chemo hell for a while. I went in today for a midcycle blood test and my blood is fine - first time I've had normal readings for red cells and hemoglobin since chemo got into swing. But despite my blood feeling fine, I feel so tired and weak. Perhaps its dehydration or lack of decent nutrition and I'm trying to remedy that. 

    I'm having more problems eating and drinking than on the earlier cycles. Nothing tastes right and when I eat something it just doesn't sit comfortably in my stomach. At least nothing has come back up, but I feel I have to go very cautiously to keep it that way.

    I'm dedicating today to resting and trying to get fluids down at least and looking forward to the week 3 good days before they hit me one last time. 

    The mysterious red spots are fading and my platelets are back up to normal too. I guess I'll never really know what they were.

    Cupcake, I'm pretty sure that the signature with witness thing was on my chemo paper work. Perhaps you didn't notice. I think signing it was done at the chemo class so there was other information which may have distratcted you. Even when I went in for the CAT scan, I had to sign something about the side effects of the infusion and there was a spot for the witness.

  • cupcake7
    cupcake7 Member Posts: 321
    edited January 2009
    Blue:I'm sorry you feel so do I remember those days, but in a few you will be back and to know you only have one more to go will make #6 a breeze.  The last one is easy cause you KNOW it is done.  #5 was my worst too.  I think our bodies at that point just gets saturated with the poison and the body being so broken down being hit so many times.  I never signed anything like this to to have my signature being witnessed, but in the beginning I went to the introduction chemo class and they had me signed in as being there so they were safe in I was instructed in everything about the SE's of the chemo.  It just threw me with this one having to have my signatures witnessed.  Just rest and count the days cause you know by the past tx that you feel better by then.  Need anything, just give me a call.....Brenda
  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited January 2009

    I am a Senior Camp CounselorCool  Isn't that the bomb!!!!

    Blue, listen to Cupcake, I agree with her and I feel like you - #5 has been HELL!  I too went for bloodwork today and I too had the best readings I have had since this all started.  No need to go looking for something else to be wrong, like Brenda said, our bodies are just saturated with poison, they are tired and they are ready to be over it.  Yes, the icky taste is lingering longer, it is harder to get ANY fluids in, everything is gaggy and tastes awful.  I even got stupid a little while ago and thought I would have a cocktail - not the brightest idea I have every had.  My theory was the alcohol would kill the nasty taste - wrong.  And you know me and my horseback riding, I have a ride planned for this Friday and I am not really looking forward to it.  Weeks ago I committed to give a "trail tour" to a bunch of mom's that want to take their little girls on the kids first horse camping trip.  The mom's don't know the park, it is 80,000 acres and easy to get lost in.  I know the trails well so I said I would take them out to mark a safe route for the kids.  I can't cancel that. Ughh.

    Cupcake, I soooo hope you are right that the mind win's over tx#6, cause right now I would just a soon leave town that day!

    Sorry if I scared some of you newbies - I didn't mean tooEmbarassed

    Keep up the great attitudes campers and march on!


  • Smile2006
    Smile2006 Member Posts: 132
    edited January 2009

    Thank you all for all the kind words and support.  I hope that I am as brave and encouraging as you all are Laughing!  I will look for the chemo kit you suggested, never heard that before, but thank you for the advice.  I will get to working on that now.  I am suppose to go out next week to look for a wig....this week is Super Bowl in Tampa and my company is exhibiting at several events, so that is keeping my mind busy for now. 

    I am only doing H for 6 treatments, every three weeks (that is what I was told anyway), then radiation afterwards.  But from the sounds of it, Im really not going to like #5.  But I will cross that road when I get there. 

  • cali4
    cali4 Member Posts: 29
    edited January 2009

    Geeze just typed a long post to everyone and the blasted thing lost it before it posted.  I hate that!!!  With chemo brain I can't even remember everything I typed...I was on a role.  So summary is,

    Cupcake - Great News

    Shari - Welcome to the group.  You can do this, it's scary at first, but the support and encouragement you will find here will get you through it!!!

    Lisa or should I say Senior Camp Counselor - YEAH!!! You truly are!!

    Well treatment #5 on Wednesday, and I am prepared for it to kick my butt, seems to be the consensus from Lisa and Blue that it's a tough one.  #4 was tough so this one should just be barrels of fun.  Saw my oncologist today and scheduling another MUGA scan to see what the Herceptin is doing to my heart function, also calling to surgeon to try to get dates scheduled for surgery after Tx #6, so things are moving along.  Seems like everyday brings a new S/ it was tingling in the right foot.  Goes right along with the tingling in my fingertips...oh goody.  Well back on decadron tomorrow, treatment on Wednesday, and probably having a steroid crash by Friday afternoon.  They're also having me continue with the neupogen shots following this treatment, but at least I'm not scared to give myself the shots now.


  • Lucy73
    Lucy73 Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2009

    Hello Everyone!  I recently had my 3rd treatment of TCH, but I just found you guys. I've been on other boards, but they haven't had as many people receiving this regimen. So I'm glad found you. (OK well, I'm not glad we are all here...) Treatment #1 and #2 weren't so bad, but #3 has definitely been worse. I didn't really have any nausea before this one, but #3 is making up for that. I am 8 days past treatment and still having low level nausea all day!  The meds make it bearable, but eating just isn't as fun as it used to be. Nothing tastes good, which makes me sad. My beloved coffee is unthinkable these days.

    I didn't lose all my hair, but enough of it to shave off the rest. Otherwise it just looked creepy.  I do have to say I am happy that I haven't had to shave my armpits or pluck my eyebrows in over a month.  Oh, the benefits!  

    Has anyone had any serious problems that caused you to have to delay treatments? From what I have been reading, it seems like treatments #4-6 are when all the fun begins. >:(  Oh boy!  Is everyone's hearts staying healthy?  I worry about that quite a bit. 


  • my2boys
    my2boys Member Posts: 124
    edited January 2009

    Welcome Lucy.....we are a supportive bunch, so you are in the right place.  I did Tx#5 last Wednesday and the fatigue has been WAAYYY worse with this one, but other than fatigue, I really cannot complain.  I can feel myself starting to come to life a bit today, so hopefully the worst is behind me.

    Blue.....try eating every two hours.  I know this sounds like a lot, but it really works to keep the nausea at bay.  I will admit that the nausea is a little worse than in past months, but once I started with the "every two hour" thing, it really helped.  I hope you are up and about today.

    Lisa.....I hear you about the fatigue being worse this Tx.  I slept for 12-14 hours a day on days 2 and 3.  This is the first day that I'm starting to pick up a bit.  It's only Tuesday, so perhaps you will have your energy back by the weekend so you can do that ride with the children.

    Cali....My MUGA scan was down slightly, but the doctor assured me that this is to be expected and we just need to keep an eye on it.  I guess that as long as it isn't a BIG drop, you should be fine.

    Stay strong ladies......

    Hey's the vacation planning coming along????

  • cupcake7
    cupcake7 Member Posts: 321
    edited January 2009

    Lisa:  You are so funny gal with the a little of shelby humor going on there...IYep you will breeze through TX 6 cause you can count on each day as being the last.  You are over 5 so downhill all the way now.  You can see the light at the end of that dark tunnel you have been in. 

    Shari:  Did you go to a beginners class on chemo?  In there they tell you what to have on hand.

    1.  a thermometer (any fever over 100 immediately get in to the dr.)

    2.  Senna/Collace a stool softner for those constipation days.

    3.  Amodium AD for the diarrhea days.

    4.  stock up light foods like apple sauce, rice, (I liked baby cereal cause it was easy to digest)

    5.  anyone else have things I forgot?

    Eat small meals before TX and very light if anything on your worst day.  Remember your digestive system is dealing with a lot and spicy, sweet, or greesy items won't do well.  Adjust your diet with Diarrhea/Consitation.  Look at the BRAT diet.  Just think of when you  have the flu and how you eat then.  But keep as much fluid in you as you can. Dehydration causes nausea

    Lucy:  Hi and welcome to our little camp.  Let your ONC know of your nausea.  They can tweek your meds to make it go away.  I was on Zofran that didn't help me and they switched me to Emend and no nausea what so ever after that.  Don't think you have to put up with it cause it is a part of the tx..there is to many meds out there to keep you from it.

    Cali:  Don't worry to much about the MUGA.  I only lost 1% .  That is why they do a base to make sure you are ok.  They keep a close watch and never heard of anyone having to leave H because of it.  I canceled the Mexico trip and book one for August 15th out your way.  I will be far enough past all this to enjoy it.  Were going to the Eastern Caribbean.  You have surgery after too hunh?  What was your dx to do that???

    Well got to get moving to the Physical Therapist today for the Lymphedema in my arm so will check in later....Hey Carolyn where are you?  Hope all you are doing ok today

  • bluedasher
    bluedasher Member Posts: 350
    edited January 2009

    I'm feeling a bit better today - not great but I've got a little more energy. I'm hoping to be on my god chemo days in a few days and then I'll have only one more round of bad days to get through.

    Shari, there is thread with a whole list of things to have for chemo: 

    Of course most of us will only need some of the thiings but it is nice to know items are on hand just in case. 

    I got several of the inexpensive digital thermometers so I could have one at my bedside, one at my desk and one packed in my travel toiletries - I hate having to track things down.

    The spelling for Immodium AD starts with an I not an A.

    Chemo can dry the skin and chemo can make you sensitive to smells so skin lotion with no fragrance or light fragrance is good to have.

    At some point I got a bit of a rash and was told to put on a mix of antibiotic cream (such as Neosporin) and Cortison cream.

    Chemo sessions can be long - 6 hours the first time and then about 4 hours for following ones. Most chemo centers have some kinds of drinks and snacks for patients but not a wide selection. Bringing your own can make it more pleasant. So you might find a small ice chest or snack box useful. Also something to carry whatever you take to keep busy during chemo. I usually bring my laptop and work on that but others bring reading material or cards. Some people get benedryl as a pre-med for chemo and then sleep through most of chemo but for those who don't, it is nice to have something to do.

    Cali, good luck on the MUGA. Herceptin in TCH often doesn't knock it down that far. My reading on the MUGA after Tx 3 was the same as my baseline. The MUGA is more of an issue for those who had AC-TH.

    Cupcake I hope the PT helps today. And I'm glad you were able to reschedule for a cruise later.

  • bluedasher
    bluedasher Member Posts: 350
    edited January 2009

    Just thought of another set of things that were very helpful for getting through chemo. Between diarrhea, chemo chemicals and all that water we are suppose to drink, chemo can be kind of hard on the rear end. I've found these things help

    Flushable moist wipes (found on the toilet paper aisle) - for more gentle thorough clean-up than TP.

    Butt cream - I tried a few and found Balmex worked best for me. It stays on better than what I'd tried earlier but still wipes off fingers cleanly.

    Sometimes I use a squeeze bottle of water to rinse off - especially the first couple of days after chemo when I worry about residue of chemo chemicals hanging around on my skin.

  • duneoaks
    duneoaks Member Posts: 94
    edited January 2009

    I will have my first treatment of TCH tomorrow morning--the sooner I start, the sooner I finish.  I'm sure I will have comments and questions soon, but wish me well.


  • mason204
    mason204 Member Posts: 36
    edited January 2009

    Hi everyone:

    I received Carboplatin today as well as Abraxane and Herceptin. 

    I feel nausea right now but it's manageable.  I've eaten some dinner but not my usual sized meal so I know the nausea's there.  I've had a history of suffering with severe nausea but after speaking with my oncologist's office, no Emend or Kytril was offered even after I insisted.  Basically they said I have to use what's commonly available before they can offer me more.  So, I'm armed with Zofran (which hasn't helped me much in the past), Dexamethasone (4-8 mg twice daily) and something called Metoclopramide (for breakthrough nausea).  Has anyone used a combo of Zofran/Dexamethsone successfully for nausea?  I'm supposed to try this combo for 3-5 days.


  • cupcake7
    cupcake7 Member Posts: 321
    edited January 2009

    Helen:  Good luck tomorrow.  Just remember they will watch you closely for anything your having a reaction to, but I haven't heard of anyone having any problems.  You won't feel anything for a few days.  Keep us updated.

    Blue:  Great advise, forgot about those things.  Never had the butt problem cause never came out that  Another good thing of the bag.  Oh my gosh the PT was wonderful.  I actually felt lighter when I got done.  She really moved that fluid to the other side...was amazing.  She is going to teach me how to do it next time.  She said if I have any lymphedema it is mild.  Your right my spelling is awful. 

    Cheryl:   That is just terrible they won't give you the meds you need.  Shame on them.  I would hope someday they have to sit on that end of the chair and someone tell them to suck it up and use only these sorry I wouldn't want to wish chemo on anyone.  Just makes me mad t think they would say that.  I'm glad they don't have me as a client for I'm afraid they would want to hang me to shut me up.  That's one thing I can say about my tx group.  They are just there to help and give me anything I need.  I wouldn't mix things unless you ask them.  Some of these things are pretty potent. 

  • Lucy73
    Lucy73 Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2009

    Cheryl: I was OK with just Zofran and Dexamethasone on Tx2.  I took emend on my last one (#3) and was fine while I was on it for 2-3 days. Since then (now day 8) I've had low level nausea that is bearable, but not fun. I am still taking Zofran "as needed". Emend is a newer med and super expensive (no generic available), so maybe it is not widely used yet where you are. Maybe an issue with insurance? Lucky for me the doctors threw an arsenal at me against nausea. Demand it I say!  It's not a luxury you're asking for. 

    And yes, the flushable wipes are a must!  Keep a travel pack handy!  

  • cinrae123
    cinrae123 Member Posts: 211
    edited January 2009

    Hi Ladies,,,,,,,,,,,,,,just popping in to say Hi,,,,,,,,and good for those of you that are done.  Big kudos to you all.  And to those that arent done yet,,,,,,,,,hang in there,,,,,you are almost thru that tunnel.  Sorry to see Shelly moving on out of here,,,,,,she always had some good insight.  And funny too.  Welcome to all the new ladies......I'm so sorry you have to be here,,,,,,,,,,but these ladies all have good info to share, you are in good hands here.  Just remember that this will be behind you and it will be a distant memory.  I am a little over a year out of chemo and radiation,,,,,,,and 8 months out of my last herceptin,,,,,,,,and doing just fine.  And the hair issue,,,,,,,,I was worried sick at first,,,,,,,,but when I lost it and then shaved my head,,,,,,,it was one thing I finally felt I had control of.  Plus,,,,,,,,getting ready in the morning was so easy,,,,,,,just pop on that wig and you are good to go. lol  And it does grow back,,,,,,,,my hair is all back to normal.  whoo hoo!!!! 

    Gramma,,,,,,,,,,I'm so sorry to hear about your brother passing.  I know it must be hard for you,,,,,,,my prayers go out to you and your family.

    Take care of yourselves.   Rest, take help when you need it, come here to vent and share and most important,,,,,,,,,,,chin up.  Stay positive.  There is light at the end of the tunnel, trust me on that.


  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited January 2009

    Good Morning Ladies!!!

    Wow, this place was busy yesterday.  Tx#5 seems to finally be subsiding.  Yesterday I worked a full day and I survived.  The bad taste is still lingering a bit but the digestive upset is gone (thank you Lord) and I have some energy back.  I am starting to look forward to my riding trip now.  I am just going to sit back for the next 12 days and bask in the glory of #6 and dream about having hair again.Cool

    Lucy Glad you found us.  You will find that we area  pretty consistent and very supportive group.  Hang in there, you are half way thru!

    Shari Geting your "chemo kit" together will give you some mental control and some peace of mind going into the unknown.  Just remember you have a great bunch of people here to answer your questions and pray with you.

    Mason Nausea is not acceptable in 2009.  When I complained, my doc wanted to go straight to more steroids before he even tried Zofran.  I said NO.  I felt I was getting enough steroids in the pre-meds and I was not pumping my body full of more until he tried all the other drugs that I knew for a fact were available (thanks to these great ladies).  The Zofran has worked for me, but had it not, I would have demanded Emend before I took the extra steroid.  Remember, we are allowed to argue with them.  There is no God in M.D.

    Duneoaks I am so sorry that you have had to join us.  I will be thinking of you today.  Mentally, the first one is the worst.  Once you get thru the unknown, you will feel much better.  Good luck and keep us posted.

    Cali Don't you just hate it when you are on a roll and the computer burps on you?  Good luck today with #5 and please don't let Blue and I scare you.  Just keep thinking "One more to go, one more to go"  Maybe Blue and I are just being  babies cause we're tired?Wink  You are almost done!  Yippee!!!  I will be thinking of you today!!

    my2boys One more to go!!! One more to go!!!  There are no sweeter words.

    Blue  I guess we made it thru #5, even with our type A personalitiesSurprised  How is your nausea this morning?  I had to go out to eat last night with some freinds that came in unexpectedly - what a waste of money.  I still have a lingering "bad taste" so I could only pick at my food.  I haven't had anything other than coffee yet this morning, but it tastes fine.  Fingers crossed, I know if I could eat a good meal, I would have more energy.  One more to go, One more to go........

    Cupcake  You are without a doubt our Camp Director. Thanks for all the support and good advice.  When I think of how much you and Carolyn have been thru and how you have done it with such grace, I can't complain and feel sorry for myself.  Thanks.

    Carolyn  I hope you are doing well.  We are all thinking about you.

    Have a great day ladies!


  • bluedasher
    bluedasher Member Posts: 350
    edited January 2009

    My nausea is better but because I get it from the Neupogen, it probably won't be totally gone until around Friday. At least I was able to eat better yesterday and some food tasted okay.

    #5 has been made worse for me because I have a mild cold or overactive allergies this time - I can't quite decide which. The coughing and mucous doesn't help with eating or nausea.

    I seem to get the odd side effects like nausea instead of bone pain from Neupogen. Last cycle I had a rash on the back of some of my fingers for a few days and that is back again. I''m smearing it with cortisone cream and antibiotic cream as instructed. At least the little red skin dots have mostly faded away. I think a couple of days downtime helped.

    "One more to go" is the mantra for now. My grandson is due to arrive about the start of week 3 of my last chemo cycle. I'm hoping he won't be early so that I'll be in good shape to great him. Things are very hectic around here. His parents who have been living with us for about a year and a half are in the process of buying a house about 90 miles from here. I'm a bit worried about the double change on our granddaughter of a new brother followed by a move away from us. We will need to visit often - they are saying maybe they will come here every other weekend.

    To all the new campers - it has gotten tougher as the cycles go on but it is doable. Just there are times when even type A women will have to give in and rest for a couple of days. I'm glad that I'm doing everything to keep this beast from coming back.

  • Bold
    Bold Member Posts: 306
    edited January 2009

    Sweet Smile:I is fair to say that It is not as scary as it seems before you actually do it. The key word is DO IT, ITS DOABLE. I hated hated hated losing my long beautiful blond hair. I have been an actress and a model and have a healthy self esteem. I must say I still hate not having hair but I pull it off with a million different looks. I have a boat load of hair pieces and wigs and I just have fun. Tyra Banks wears them all the time. So if She can do I can too and you can too.

    Stay active as you can. Walk and stretch. Smile and laugh and do not be consumed by fear it will steal you happiness. You deserve to be happy!

  • cali4
    cali4 Member Posts: 29
    edited January 2009

    Hi All -

    Made it through TX #5 yesterday.  Went well and feeling pretty good this a.m.  I usually have a fairly good day the next day and they Friday when the steriord crash hits the fun begins and I'll feel like crawling under a rock for a couple of weeks.  So trying to enjoy my day today.

    I'm trying to focus on the positive thought that there is only one more full chemo treatment to go and they the bad stuff will be over!! (Well except for the surgery, although one lady I met in the chemo suite told me the surgery would be a piece of cake after dealing with chemo first, I hope that's the case).

    To all the newbies that have joined us, everything is doable.  It's overwhelming at first, the journey can be a little up hill at times, but everyone is here to help you as much a we can!  Hang in there!

  • gramma23
    gramma23 Member Posts: 482
    edited January 2009

    Hello all, I am sorry I have not been in the camp for a while. I am not sick or anything. Really don't have a good reason but I did read a lot of the posts. I see we have several new ones. I am glad so many are carrying on the support since I have let ya'll down. I go to radiation every day Mon through Fri. and I work on Tuesday & Thursday. We have been out of commission with all this ice lately though. I am so glad it is also over. My grandson has made it to work every day but I have been so worried about him. I have missed 2 radiations because of the ice and I will miss Fri because we are headed to Houston for my brother's Memorial. Thanks to all of you that have been thinking about me. It has been hard to deal with. We will come back on Sunday and start the cycle all over again. I will be glad when this radiation is over. It is not hard just going everyday is hard. We have been going for a while down there because my hubby has been doing his cardio rehab for a while now. I guess the ice storm gave us a break in that for 2 days at least.

    I am so happy for those of you that are coming up on the last chemo. I never thought I would make it to that and finally I did and now it has been a while since I finished. I do miss the chemo nurses though. I go in every 3 weeks for Herceptin and they are happy to see me too.I know when I was going every week we were pretty much the same ones there but now there are a lot of new faces. Just like on this board. It is amazing how the cycles run. Still there are some of the old ones in there and some just taking Herceptin like me. I still don't have much hair but my friend's that took it when I did is growing back fast. I told her Sunday I was jealous but I am not really. She is 71 and it is coming back in white as snow and straight. She said she had hoped it would come in red and curly. Well I guess we can only hope for so much! I just want hair right now but it is coming in about the same brown and gray as it was. It is just not coming in very fast.

    To all the newbies, please keep coming here for support even if you just feel like reading because it does help mentally. You will need the mental help as much as the physical and these girls have a lot of good ideas to keep going. You must keep going even if it is at a snails pace or your muscles will take longer to build back. I think I am stronger now than 2 weeks ago so it does come back.


  • duneoaks
    duneoaks Member Posts: 94
    edited January 2009

    Yesterday was a long day for my first treatment--6 hours, but I feel fine.  I am headed to get my MUGA scan this morning.  Thanks for your words of encouragement.

  • cupcake7
    cupcake7 Member Posts: 321
    edited January 2009

    Cali4;  The surgery is not hard at all.  You will be past the worst part of everything your next tx.  It will go quickly cause you know it is the last. You are like me in have chemo first and then the surgery.  Problem was after chemo had killed off everything they couldn't tell how many nodes were involved cause they were all clean and of course for me no tumor so it was hard for them to decide how to do the radiation.  Did you hear any of that? 

    Carolyn:  Glad everything is ok.  They are saying I may be taken off H when my rads begin.  Sounds like that didn't happen with you.  I went in yesterday to be marked up, but they couldn't fit me into their donut machine so I have to go out on Friday to another place with a bigger hole.  Did you have any redness appear?  The rad dr. said he wants that to make sure it is working???  Here I go again with another MD who does not know about the Occult.  He swears yesterday I don't have it, even now that the ONC agrees I do.  So I took the paper to him.  He said, "is this from the internet?"  I guess they deal with a lot of paitents who believe everything they get off there.  I answered no to him that it came fromt he National Cancer Institute and edited by Dr. Jay Harris...whoa you hear him  gasp when I dropped that yeah it is the biggest name in Radiology and he hails from Harvard.  Now he is interested.  I told him I just wanted to make sure you and his study is on the same page.  He is radiating the same place that the study says, but not the surgery area as he said they pretty much wiped everything out there.  I am not doing two appointments a day in different glad when I settle down with just one place to go to. 

    Duneoaks:  Your on your way girl.  Just be ready for the crash when those steroids wear off. 

  • RockstarmomPaula
    RockstarmomPaula Member Posts: 124
    edited January 2009
    Cool Lucy & duneoaks Welcome!!! Helen my first treatment was 5 hours long. We are close to the same schedule my 2nd is Monday.I will be one ahead so maybe I can help!! Im on Day 17 still have hair but it is shedding and the last few days its felt tingling and weird so Im assuming fallout is close, Anyone care to give me the news if that is what is happening . Mason Lisa is right you should not be having nausea I was giving Kytril and a script for Compazine (generic it was cheap) I took it 3 days after treatment and havent needed it again Cali,Lisa & Everyone with one more to go I am so happy for you all you are blessed angels to help as all as well as all the Angels who are done and help.What a great place this is. Love Laughter & Sunshine
  • RockstarmomPaula
    RockstarmomPaula Member Posts: 124
    edited January 2009
    Cool Cindy  Thank you for your post it was very encouraging! I getting a little nervous thinking after the first two are down it seems it will get tougher but by 5 with one more to go there will be light at the and of the tunnel.Others talk about it being Doable so I know I can !! Cupcake You most certainly our Director and Guardian Angel your words to everyone are so helpful,Thank you for being here for us. You are a beautiful lady!!! Paula
  • Bold
    Bold Member Posts: 306
    edited January 2009


    Yep your hair is on the way out. It is just a shame. Nothing can be done to keep it in our heads only our memories.After I cut mine I made it pretty short but it still started matting like a dog soooo I took the clippers and buzzzzzzzed it off. It was a good thing to do. I wonder if I will go completely bald. I am on my 32 days of chemo  and still have patches.

    Cupcake: Hows your hair doing. Of all the stupid questions. We are fighting the fight of our lives and I am asking about hair. Well its not like I am not doing what I am suppose to be doing.

     I am going up to the YMCA and ask if they have a deal for the pool use for four months. I have my own pool but it is reallllly cold. not good for swimming. I have a Jacuzzi but I have not used it since before I was dx. My DH is in it all time on weekends. I miss the candles and wine and sex. I am not doing well with my libido. I need to get my mojo back.

    My next treatment is FEB 9 and I will be half way through. OH BOY!

  • traci1970
    traci1970 Member Posts: 104
    edited January 2009

    my mojo went on a big vacation during chemo.  Not to mention that it became extremely painful to have sex.  I am very happy to say that now that I am done with chemo everything is returning to normal.  Kiss  So for any of you experiencing unpleasant side effects in the romance department let me tell you it does get better.  I am in the process of planning a week long romance filled vacation!  I am taking suggestions for locations...

    Have a good week end ladies...traci 

  • cupcake7
    cupcake7 Member Posts: 321
    edited January 2009

    Paula what a nice thing to say.  Pretty soon you will take my place and be the one who, unfortunately, welcomes in the new campers and helps them with their fearful days.  I think you will agree the unknown is so scary and once you start and know the rountine it isn't as scaryBold My hair is coming back ok.  I saw a guy next to me in infusion yesterday that was so thrilled his weak limp hair came in curly and he didn't even want to get a haircut.  I don't think I am going to be as lucky.  It still looks pretty straight.  At least now I can make it lay down instead of straight up in the air.  Another month or so it may look like I had a haircut intending to be this short.lolTraci I think anywhere you can be with hubby after chemo will be heaven.  I don't know about yours, but mine feels like he got cut off for five years.  He has patienly waited for me.  I still don't feel so sexty with bald head, one boob and a poop bag on the side.  lol  I think at this point that is not the thoughts he is going for if you get my drift.  Went for the Bone Density today..piece of cake. No shots of junk in ya, just lay on a table and they scan your bones.. Some of you may have to take a baseline of this test if you take Amidex for five years after treatment.  They want to make sure you don't loose to much bone density, which is possible with this med, sort of like the MUGA for the H while you take it.  Well here's hoping all of you on TX that you are doing well.  For the newbies just going on it will be fast, and the rest just enjoy the wonderful weekend coming up....hugs  Brenda.