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Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin



  • Bold
    Bold Member Posts: 306
    edited January 2009

    Lolliejean:Welcome to the Divas. You have taken a very aggressive approach. I was wondering if your brach test was positive. You are only stage one looks like grase one too. I am sure that you will beat it and die of old age. I hope that your journey is without SE.

    I on the other hand I will be buzzzzzzzing my hair this weekend. I have tx 2 on mmmonday sorry if I stuttered a little worried thats all. I have a luncheon tomorrow with a group of lady friends and I wanted to show off my short hair. Nobody has seen me with short hair since the 80's. Maybe some of it will hold on for tomorrow or maybe it will be in everyones lunch (ugg) I'll judge it in the morning. DAMN IT ANYWAY. Don't bother with the platitudes I know them all and they are mostly true but it still stinks.

    Good to hear from the graduates. Sue and Cindy. Thanks for your encouragement.

     Rockstarmom:Welcome you and I are pretty close I started on the 28th of Dec. and have 5 more to go 4 after Monday. So I would love to help in any way that I can.

    Cupcake:I wish I was not right about the rads. You will be just fine after chemo it ain't no thang. The neropathy that your experiencing did you tell your dr. I think that you should. It is a side effect from Chemo. I have been taking vitamin B6 to help with that do not know if it works or not but it sure can't hurt. Good thing come to those who wait I guess on the surgery. Sorry about that.

    My2boys: I do not have hair under my arms anymore it was the first place it went, so no worries with the razor. At least for a while. (long while) But thanks I could see how that might be dangerous.

    Rayhope: Thanks for the tips. I got some prunes today I love them and I hope they help too. All I know is that I almost passed out from the pain of the cramping when I was able to evacuate. Lordy lordy that was harsh. I will take the senekot 2 days before as well. And make sure that I drink a boat load of water. glug glug.

    Its 12:30 I should be sleeping with DH and my black cat CHAT NOIR. I sure am having problems sleeping. Anybody else?

  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited January 2009

    Welcome Lori.  You have found a great group. Destin Florida is not too far from me.  About 2 hours I think.  Sorry you had to become a member but you will find a lot of comfort here.

    Cupcake, sorry you have to go thru the rads, but with what you have already been thru, a 30% chance of re-currence is NOT acceptable.  It is just another 7 weeks out of a very long, long, long healthy life.  I think Head Counselor is a great title!

    Bold.  I have found that a good nights sleep with chemo is very hard to come by.  I have had few good nights since my first tx.

    As for the numbness.  My BC surgeon said the numbness from the node removal would never go away, but the PS said it might - in time.  I dislike the BC guy intensly, so I will side with the PS.  My other foob feels and looks perfectly normal.  I am getting real concerned about the discomfort I have been having on the node removal side.  I am not scheduled to see the PS again until mid Feb, so I may call him.

    Sorry in advance to all of you in the north east and the mid west, but I am going to whine about it being in the 40's in south Florida!!!  Have a great day ladies while I go get another blanket!!


  • traci1970
    traci1970 Member Posts: 104
    edited January 2009

    Welcome Lori and Paula.   I am sorry that you have to go through this but this place will remind you that you are not alone.  We all have our good days and we have our bad days.  This is the perfect place to rant or rave.  I had a difficult time finding anyone that understood what I was going through until I came here.  I am finished with chemo and have 5 weeks of rads left.  I am stronger every day.  I had a small daycare before all of this and I am now starting to bring my lillte ones back one by one.  My life seems to be returning to normal and I am sooo happy about that. I am "the bald daycare lady".  I love it.  The children like to rub my head and laugh! 

    I am planning a week long vacation for somewhere around May.  I will still be a "uniboober" but I don't care.  I am thinking Jamaica but I would love some suggestions.  Planning this trip has been such a great distraction.  Any ideas? 

    I hope everyone has a great week end.   Sue , good luck on the mammo and cupcake I hope your MUGA is perfect!  :) traci 

  • cupcake7
    cupcake7 Member Posts: 321
    edited January 2009

    Welcome Lori to Camp Chemo.  Sorry you have to be here, but glad you are at this time with so many new drugs to help, especially our best friend Herceptin.  I know when I was first dx I went so far as plan out my funeral.  Cancer meant death to my generation, but since then I can see that the new treatments to fight this awful disease has grown so tremendously the last few years that gives all of us a much better chance at a long life.  I'm sorry you lost your Mom and I am sure seeing her go through it just brings all this back to mind now.  Being a nurse you know a stage I is the best stage to catch breast cancer, and the good news in all this you are HER2 positive which means you are able to receive Herceptin.  Treatment is no fun for sure, but it does work.  After my 6 months of chemo I just had my mastectomy and I am cancer free, no traces left and I was a stage IIIa so that should really give you hope.  Are you sure you don't have chemo for 6 months and not six weeks?  I love my port and I'm sure you will too, so much easier to get hooked up every week.  It seems long now, but soon it will be behind you.  There is a lot of love and support here and you can just be you and not that strong nurse you have had to be all these years.  And yes you can say it all in here because we all understand and have walked or walking today this road to wellness.  Welcome again and please post often.  Let us know how you are doing.

    As I was writing this I see all of you are posting too.  Thanks for all your support for me.  For you non sleepers I took 2, and still do on bad nights ,Tyenol AM/PM.  Puts you right out and the onc says it is a safe alternative to sleeping pills.  Also a milder of that even is benedryl that works as a sleeping aide. 

    Did I mention I had numbness on the opposite side of the node removal?  It is the little finger and the side of the hand.  Is that something to do with the Lymphedema or just something else that has popped up?  I'm going this morning to be fitted with a sleeve for the bad arm and a prosthesis beings I won't be able to get my foob for a year out from Radiation.  Boo Hoo, but I want to make sure all traces are gone, before I move on to beauty.   

  • lolliejean
    lolliejean Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2009

    Thanks to all of you for your kind words. I'm glad I found my way here.

     Cupcake: I'll be getting the TCH combo once every three weeks x's 6 so yes, 6 months of that. I'll get the herceptin every week x's 52. So I'll be playing live in the chemo lounge once a week for the next year and then finishing up the reconstruction after all that's done.Then 5 years of armidex as I had a total hyst years ago so haven't had ovaries for years but was on premarin until the breast cancer was found.

    And OH YES seeing how well you and others are doing having started this road from a much harder place... huge hope in that. I love reading about your lives and the good things that are happening. I'll be hanging around and getting to know all y'all and responding more individually as time goes on.

    The fauxboob/expanders look natural as long as I'm dressed and now I'm braless which I LOVE after being a DD and sleeping in a bra for years. Soon I won't have to pluck bristley chin hairs! There's an upside to everything and I'm usually good at finding it. 

    btw I have an online journal where I've been writing about my life for 8+ years which y'all are welcome to visit if you're so inclined.  My international group of online buds there have been wonderfully supportive. There's a link there to my flickr site too where all the pictures ever live so you can meet my family, friends, dogs and my wonderful kilt wearing Scottyhub, Neil who has been the best man ever through this deal. Summarized life story is here:

     I don't have many secrets and I like the people I know to know me too. : )

    I went in telling the doctors I wanted the scorched earth aggressive course of tx start to finish and they've been great. Same treatment team my Mom went to for both rounds, we're all old friends. 

     Haven't had the Brach analysis but it's on the agenda. I have a 34 y/o daughter with fibrocystic breasts. She just had a mammo/ultra and they're doing a repeat in three months, watching a site she had biopsied 10 years ago. So we'll see how it goes and make a decision. If the gene is passing down it may be a bilateral pre-emptive strike since she'd like some new boobs anyway. 

    Ramble ramble ramble... 

    Love and Strength to all of us! Onward!  ~ L

  • cupcake7
    cupcake7 Member Posts: 321
    edited January 2009

    Thanks Lori I want to go on your sight that sounds interesting.  Always nice to learn about our friends.  In here we are almost like family and have never met.  Ah you will be on the Arminex too so beings I had a hysterectomy years ago is why they chose that.  Interesting.  See it is going to be good to have a educated medical person in here.  For most of us that has to start from scratch learning all these new terms and medical stuff.  I would say the Brach test would be good one for you, especially with your daughter.  I was negative, but my girlfriend was positive so you never know.  No you don't ramble at all I like your post.

    I got my falsie today.  Actually it feels real good.  Being a D and one taken off I was WAY lopsided and you know that may be why my other hand is numb.  With the back trying to compensate for the difference in weight now it could be pinching a nerve or something.  Will be interesting to see if it goes away after being balanced now.  I didn't think being boob less was to bad, but after seeing a blouse on now without a dip on one side looks nice.  Gives a lot more confidence.  Without the teary eyes anymore I can finally start to wear eye shadow and look like a woman too.  I think I will get some false eye lashes until mine grow out to wear mascara again.  Heck pretty soon I will be ALL glued back together.  lol  Have to begin to take care of the hair issues again.  It was nice not to shave the legs yes there is an upside sometimes.  Well hubby about to get home so better run and pick up some.  I overdid today again.  Thinking in the morning by feeling good that I am my old self only to find out half way through the day my toohootie is draggin.  Have a wonderful weekend. 

  • bethanybeane
    bethanybeane Member Posts: 167
    edited January 2009

    Dear Kristy Ann,

    Your Baylor classmate, Dr. John Hogg, seems, according to Google, to be with Austin Radiology A(ssociation?) ARA. He's in a northern suburban office and I'm sorta central, but that is the group where I go for the MUGA scan, the scary scans in the beginning, bone density scan for Arimedex baseline, etc. Maybe he's read my films???? Dunno since we never really see those behind the scenes guys. But it's a connection and I'm really glad you told me.

    Hope everyone is smiling right now.


  • cupcake7
    cupcake7 Member Posts: 321
    edited January 2009

    Beth you on Arimedex too?  I never heard that name before and now you all are on it.  I was kina scared I wasn't getting what everyone else was.  I will have the baseline for the bones too like the muga for the heart.  How's the ladies that had chemo this week?  Hope you are doing ok. 

  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited January 2009

    Morning ladies!!!

    Cupcake, hows the numbness today?  I hope everyone is doing well.

    I am not real sure what is going on with me, but something has whipped my fanny.  I never feel this bad this close to my next tx (#5 Monday). If I walk too far, too fast, I can barely catch my breath and my heart starts racing. Went to Walmart and the grocery store yesterday and both places were real busy (life in a seasonal retirement community) and I had to park way out.  By the time I got in the stores, I had to get a cart to lean on and catch my breath! Forget getting all my horses stalled and fed!  By the time I had them all in I was toast!!  This is first week symptoms. not 3rd week symptoms!!!  My 72 y/o dad with congestive heart failure can out work me this week!

    When I go in Monday I expect my blood counts to be really low.  This time I am asking for the transfusion.  Is it normal to be this weak coming up on tx#5?  Good thing my camping trip did get canceled I am thinking.

    Sorry for whining, but I don't sit around well.  I guess it makes me cranky.


  • gramma23
    gramma23 Member Posts: 482
    edited January 2009

    Lisa, I had 3 units of blood after my last TCH. I had been getting low all the time but for some reason it fell really bad the last 2 tx. My hubby was in hospital too after bypass surgery so I may have overdone it. You need to be really careful right now because you could fall and cause more problems. After the blood trans expect your platelets to get low as they always do after blood. they take the platelets out of whole blood and so you are diluting the platelets you have. You can bleed very easy with low platelets. You know God knows when we don't need to be going camping and the week my husband was in the hospital they kept taking blood samples since I was there and I could not figure out why but they just kept telling me they needed to keep an eye on it this week. Maybe they knew I might take a nose dive with my history of low counts. I had to have a Neulasta after last TCH even though I begged not to. I am sure it was for my own good. I keep telling myself that.

    Hello to all the newbies. Sorry I have not welcomed everyone by name. I am going to rad everyday and trying to work some too plus the everyday stuff like laundry, meals etc. Hubby is home all the time now too and it is really hard to get stuff done with him sleeping and reading. He has to go to cardio rehab 3 xs a week but at least we can go together. I am getting ready to do taxes also but just for us and 2 grandsons this year. My brain can't handle much I am afraid. I will be on H until June. I am 4 rad tx down and 32 to go but I am getting pretty red. I worked Friday night which is hard at a bank and the young girl I worked with does not like me much. She is used to not doing much but since I am her shift leader she will be doing her share. I can barely do my share and she feels like I am not doing my share. I may not be. They changed a lot of stuff while I was gone and I am trying to learn new stuff plus do old stuff. Whine!

    I guess I had better get with it this morning. I hope everyone is doing good and if not just take care and be patient it will get better.


  • bluedasher
    bluedasher Member Posts: 350
    edited January 2009

    Lisa, it sounds like the effect of low red blood cells. Breathing hard after exertion is what I noticed when I started getting low. I think I must still be a bit anemic despite getting the transfusion last time. I changed planes in Denver yesterday and usually I don't notice the altitude that much just going through the airport, but yesterday it made me breath hard.

    I hope you feel better soon. If it is the RBC, at least a transfusion should make you feel better pretty quickly. 

    I'm wondering what my counts will be this time.

  • KristyAnn
    KristyAnn Member Posts: 131
    edited January 2009

    Hi Everyone,

    I think I will be getting either Arimidex or Femara. I see the onc the end of this month and should be getting over the hysterectomy so she will probably discuss the med choice then. I was really low level estrogen positive- I wish the hysterectomy was enough to cover that risk :(

    My hemoglobin was 11 before my surgery on Jan 8 - it hab been 7 back in August. The nurse came into preop a little worried and wanted to call the doc- I asked her what is was and she said 11 and I responded- That is GREAT! She thought I was crazy- surgeon came in all excited about it like I was. He rechecked it the day after because he knows it is something closely watched with onc patients and he had said I did not lose a lot of blood during surgery- it was only down to 10.5 the day after the hysterectomy. I told him he should brag about that!

    Home all next week- no doctors appointmens (staples are already out this week), no Herceptin, no scans- NOTHING- I have had very few nothing weeks since last March when this started!

    The last week of the month I have onc visit, blood work, herceptin and another post op with the gynecologist so I will more than make up for this week- but Im still going to enjoy the heck out of this week!


  • suemed8749
    suemed8749 Member Posts: 210
    edited January 2009

    Yay Kristy! Glad you're healing and the hemoglobin is coming back up. I know the feeling of joy when you finally get a week with no needles, appointments, poking, prodding, NOTHING! Enjoy.

    I had a mammo and ultrasound of the good boob yesterday, and the radiologist came out and shook my hand and told me he just wanted to reassure me that he saw nothing of any concern. Nice guy.

    Have a good weekend,


  • cupcake7
    cupcake7 Member Posts: 321
    edited January 2009

    Lisa:  I am feeling better on the numbness on the hand.  I am sure now that it is a pinched nerve in my neck doing it from the unbalance on loosing the boob.  I had a massage last night and the therapist said that is common.  She worked on my Lymphedema too.  I think the more tx you have the weaker you become, but also the Herceptin is hard on the heart remember.  When did you get your Muga?  Arn't you about due?  It's three months into chemo they usually give it after the initial one for the base.  I know my heart just pounded, but I only lost 1% on my test and that is really good. 

    Carolyn:  Now that you are into #4 are you feeling any weaker or is the tiredness at work from the chemo residue?  I am going to plan a trip and was wondering how far into the tx of rads I should plan as I heard the longer you are in the more tired you get. 

    Kristy:  Do enjoy your time off you have been through a lot and need a break.  I was thinking last week how wonderful it was not to have anything on my calendar and then had my visit with my onc and now have 7 appointments lined up in two weeks.  They weren't kidding when they said it takes a year to go through the cancer treatment and it puts your life on hold during that time.

    Sue:  Congrats on your mammo being clear. 

    It was so beautiful outside yesterday...70 degrees... that we took our little Jack Russell out to a dog park and watched him play.  I told my hubby it really felt good to be normal again and join the real world doing things people do on Saturday.  Jacky has been pinned up in this house for the last 8 months with me being sick and I'm sure it was a joy for him to get out too.  We also helped a friend move into their new house.  I didn't work but two hours packing up the kitchen and when I began to get tired I told her that was all I could do I knew I wasn't going to be much help, but I had packed everyone a bag lunch cause I knew feeding the crew would be difficult.  They were joyed to have that brought to them, and everyone sat down and enjoyed a ham and cheese sandwitch, an apple, bag of cheeto's, a cookie and drink.  I thought I WAS cleaver, but the new homeowners  topped it with bringing in a Therapist after the move was over, and she gave everyone an hour each professional massage for their giving time to help them move.  Now that's class. 

  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited January 2009

    Hi ladies!

    Cupcake, glad you got to get out!   That is so important for mental health.  I am sure your little doggy loved it too.  A dear friend of mine has two Jack Russells and when they don't get out, they are little demons with fur!!!  She recently had a situation where she was working a lot of overtime and the girls were so bored they attacked each other!!  She reached in to separate them and got bit (needed sticthes) she had to pepper spray them (she's a cop) to get them to stop bloodying each other. ER bill for her and vet bill for them.  So much for the overtime pay!  And yes, your friends that brought in the massage therapist are A-1.  But so are you for the lunches!!!

    Carolyn, hang in there with the rads.  Everyone says it is so very exhausting.  My mom had rads with her BC and she said it just wore her out.  There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

    Blue, I am really going to insist on a transfusion tommorrow when I go in for tx #5.  I know I will have to be typed and crossed and probably will not get it till the next day.  My dad caught me short of breath yesterday and really got on to me.  He said I had the same symptoms my mom had when she needed blood.

    I am bracing myself for these last two tx's to be doozies.  I had to cancel another horse ride today due to upset stomach.  Digestive system has been off for several days now and I didn't have a healthy digesive system going into this.  Actually, I think God has been conspiring to keep me off the back of a horse as weak as I am.  I am too hard headed, so He is taking care of things - like no porta potty at the park I was supposed to ride at todayCool

    For those of you that work, enjoy the day off tommorrow for MLK day!!

    I am off to start guzzling my pre-tx water!


  • gramma23
    gramma23 Member Posts: 482
    edited January 2009

    Lisa, you might get your blood today but plan on being there a while. I always got it on the day they tested my blood but I am O+ so easy to match I guess. the day I had 3 units was a long day but I was worried about hubby wanting to go home. I had to have lasix because I started wheezing and they gave me more Benadryl plus a breathing tx and I know some of it was just being upset because I was taking so long. I thought 2 units took a long time but 3 is all day long. I had a Herceptin tx just before the blood though so I was there and then upstairs for the blood and it was almost 5 in the afternoon before I got out of there. My hubby was ready to leave at 7 am when I got there. It was a very stressful day but don't let it be for you. Take some magazines or a book so you can relax. If you are hard to match it may be the next day. My brother is very difficult to match so it has taken a few days to get his blood. Just remember your platelets will probably go down after the transfusion.

    Kristy I am so happy for you having a whole week to do nothing. I am glad you are feeling good. Just take care of yourself and don't over do it like I always did.

    Sue I am so happy for you that everything is looking good. It is such a relief when they tell us that isn't it.

    Brenda you were very thoughtful to make a lunch for everyone. I know that helped a lot and you packing too. I hope you are doing okay after that. I am sure the sunshine made you feel good and your puppy.I know I enjoy getting out in the fresh air and sun. I will sure be glad when the warm weather is back but it is not too bad now. Better that 10 and the high of 20 with the wind blowing. burrrr!

    I am tired from going downtown everyday and also work too but I am really sore from the rads. My boob is swollen and I hurt from climbing up on the table. part of my problem is the fibro and the arthritis I think. I am supposed to see the doc today but who knows. I am not impressed with the radiation dept. here. I guess just get it done and be through! I have a Herceptin tx on Wed after rad. I don't have to work that day I don't think but all things are subject to change. I have some tests from work to take. I wish I had looked while I was off to see if I had any since 3 are from Nov. I am not sure I could have got my brain to work though. I tried to take one the other day and it was not easy. I am wondering if I am going to learn the new stuff and catch up on the tests and all. I think I lost a few brain cells along the way. I guess just getting back in the swing of things.

    Bethany when did they tell you about taking the Arimidex? I have not heard my doc even mention it. I go to the Onc Feb 11 so I guess we will see. they like to tell me one thing at a time it seems. I have had a couple of bone scans because I take meds for the arthritis and so far they have been good.

    I am hoping everyone is doing okay with the tx and not feeling too bad. We have to go where they are having the Martin Luther King parade to get to hospital so we will have to go a different way home or be caught up in all of it today. I think we will be able to get through there early enough to miss it going but coming home the streets will be full of people.


  • cupcake7
    cupcake7 Member Posts: 321
    edited January 2009

    Lisa:  You just have to be easy on yourself and as much as you want to be normal your body is being assaulted with this chemo big time.  Let go and let it rest.  I know what you mean and just getting out yesterday to be "normal" again is what I am saying with you.  Living like this is anything but normal. That is what cancer treatment is and by giving up this year for it you will have many more normal days after its over, but for now just put your body care over what you want to do and just put the other life on hold just for a little while.  I know it is hard and some like Shelby kept up the running etc., but your body is saying you can't.  Even the help in moving on Saturday put me down some on Sunday.  I have heard it takes a year to get your complete strength back and with this I know I can only do a little at a time and not overtax my body and I am through the chemo 3 months now.  My little Jack is amazing.  Yes I rarely leave him alone and that can create the fur demons, and he can at times have all this boundless energy, but through my tx he would lay quietly next to me with a paw on my leg just to comfort me.  So I think it is the way you raise them.  My boy is a TV watching couch potato, like me through this, and maybe your friend being a cop has instilled the tuff instinct in  just a joke. 

    Carolyn;  Just after my chemo my onc and I talked about the hormone treatment for five years and was put on Arimidex.  I'm surprised your onc hasn't but I'm sure they will.  I have to have the bone density like the muga so they can have a base to keep track on how my bones will do on it cause it messes with the strength of your bones like Herceptin messes with the strength of your heart and us ol gals have danger of osteoporosis anyway.  Sorry your so cold.  I'm sure that messes with your arthritis.  I know cold does mine big time.

    Lori:  I couldn't get on your sight...what am I doing wrong??  Do I need to add the numbers on the end? 

    Bold:  How's the hair do?  Did your friends like it? 

  • Bold
    Bold Member Posts: 306
    edited January 2009

    Cupcake:Thank you so much for asking. I did shave. I left like dark vader coming out of hids helmet. But it did look ok. I still look like me kinda. I have my TX2. I have only been sleeping a few hour a night. yesterday I painted and decorated the master bath. I just love it. It really needed it. All that is left is a new floor. Next I am tackling the kitchen. I would like to get these things done that I have been putting off. I love the sense of accomplishment. I just have to so it when I am up for it. I try to listen to body when it needs rest. I do big jobs instead of short walks. My left leg swells when I am on my feet to much. What was your percentage of estrogen in your biopsy? Just curious.

    Better go get ready for my healing treatment.

  • lolliejean
    lolliejean Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2009

    Cupcake - Just copy the entire link including the numbers and then paste it into your browser bar. That will take you directly to the particular entry where my summarized life story lives. : ) 

     For the continuing daily saga copy and paste that link into your browser and then bookmark it so you can get back there if you want. It's where I do most of my writing online. You can even respond via the anonymous feature under comments but sign your name so I'll know it's you. : )

    Day three (yesterday) off the first TCH was tough.  Lots of achy bone and muscle pain, especially in my hips, lower back and former boobs. Owie. The expander area was tight as a drum. Better today thank goodness as I need to run the vacuum and suck up this floating fur carpet my corgi has distributed around the house.

  • cupcake7
    cupcake7 Member Posts: 321
    edited January 2009
    Bold:  Darth Vader..funneee.  Did you try Typenol AM/PM for sleeping or a bendyrl?  It does help.  We must be kindred spirits in the accomplishment thing.  I am that way too. I think by doing this and making accomplishments we feel in control when our life with this cancer is so out of control.  Also, I know for me, making something that looks beautiful when I don't feel beautiful right now is medicine for my soul.   You sure have a lot of energy, but don't be surprised if it dwindles as you go along. 
  • cupcake7
    cupcake7 Member Posts: 321
    edited January 2009

    Lori:  Hi, sorry you had a bad time of the TCH, but your day 3 and wanting to vacume???  Good for you.  Any SE yet outside the bones that ache?  I guess that is enough, but nothing else?  Ahhhhh a Corgi.  Pretty soon you and him will be shedding together.  lol.  My jack is a smooth coat and he sheds worse than a cat.  I just booked a cruise to Mexico for hubby.  I say him cause I may just be sitting in a chair on deck and not moving to much after the rads.  I hope nothing else hits me.  I really wanted to wait to get through all this cause all new treatments is so in the unknown territory with how I will feel, but I guess waiting for 8 months while I have went through all this and his patience through all of it with me he deserves his cruise.  It is only a weekend so won't be to bad, and I have been in Mexico so many times I can just stay on ship while everyone else gets off.  Kina nice cause you have the ship all to yourself during that time. 

  • my2boys
    my2boys Member Posts: 124
    edited January 2009

    Hello ladies.  I have a question for you.  Has anybody had the pins and needles in their toes to the point where it hurts?  I'm having trouble walking today because the pain in one toe on my right foot is bad when I step with that foot.  Have you had any success getting relief at all?  What did you do for the pain?


  • shelbaroni
    shelbaroni Member Posts: 350
    edited January 2009

    Fellow Campers;

    While this site has been my "home", my comfort, since last May or so, I need to be moving on. I thought I would post one last entry in explanation, so that you all wouldn't be wondering if I'd OD'd on Xanax or jumped off the Coronado Bay bridge or challenged a pack of rapid Rottweilers to a wrestling match just for entertainment. But as I have come to the conclusion that most of my current issues and limitations stem from merely being an overeducated, somewhat melancholy, underemployed, aging American white woman rather than from breast cancer and its management, I think it would be best to move on.

    All of you who are beginning or in the midst of chemo, it is doable. Please take care of your minds, emotions and relationships as well as your bodies. Cupcake and Carolyn, you guys have become the sweet, nurturing mamas that Cindy and Nan were when I started. You're making a difference in so many lives. Whatever torch I carried (camp jester, perhaps...remember that clowns only wear makeup so you can't see how they really feel), feel free to pass it on.

    And to Sue, Aly, Bethany, Donalee and all those who were in my "cohort", I wish you all the best! You guys are vibrant, funny, creative, and have so much to offer to everyone in your lives. You've kicked it in the pants! Laugh every day. You guys gave me so much love and encouragement and put up with my whining. Thank you.

    And to Blue, Lori, Lisa ...and I'm sure I'm leaving out a few...I regret not having quite as much chance to get to know you, but you're in my prayers. There were a couple ladies that were about a year ahead of me in treatment when I first started that I was sad when they left. But I realized later that they had to just close the book and walk away. And that's what I need to do. 

    But I can't throw away relationships just because I'm discontinuing daily vigilance on this site. So anyone who wants to talk to me, please don't hesitate to contact me at

    Health and life to you all,


  • cupcake7
    cupcake7 Member Posts: 321
    edited January 2009

    Shelby:  We will miss you so terribly, but we know you have to move on.  Your camp song will live on forever and your antics, and the way you made us laugh on our darkest days.  There is others who need you now.  I just passed on your song to the onc dept here in California so even though we don't hear your sweet e-mails you do live on.  Will forever in our hearts.  We love you.

    Anne: That is Neuropathy that is caused by the steroids.  Are you a diabetic?  Have you been checked?  I am and knew what it was, but when the steroids got out of my system it went away, but will hit me if I let my blood glucose numbers go to high.  When the tiny vessels that are in your toes can't get the blood that is being pumped to them they do that.  When you see amputations for people with diabetes for years that is why.  They are the farthest from the heart to get the blood. 

  • bluedasher
    bluedasher Member Posts: 350
    edited January 2009

    How did it go today Lisa? I had my pre-chemo blood test today - Carolyn is right about the tranfusion and platelets. Mine are really low this time. This is the first time that they have been below normal. My white cells are okay. My RBC are back to where they have been for much of chemo - below normal but not low enough to need a transfusion so I guess that is why I'm still breathing hard when I walk fast or up a slope. I thought they might be higher after the transfusion. I hope they stay high enough that I don't need a transfusion next time.

    Shelby - thanks for the last note. Best wishes for getting on with your life.

  • RockstarmomPaula
    RockstarmomPaula Member Posts: 124
    edited January 2009
    CoolSo Bold Curious if and when you lost your hair? Also are you THC regimen Do you have a port?
  • HensonChi
    HensonChi Member Posts: 68
    edited January 2009


    I did TCH and my last one was on Oct.28.  I am on herceptin every 3 weeks.  I lost all the hair on my body  including my arms.  It is growing back everywhere now, but seems to be slower on my head for some reason.  even my eyebrows and eyelashes are growing back.

  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited January 2009

    Shelby - I have tears in my eyes.  I have only been a part of this group for a short time, but you will never know how much you lifted me up and got me out of bed and moving.  You made me realize that I was too healthy and too young to just sit down and roll over.  You are right.  Carolyn and Brenda will carry your torch with grace and wisdom.  Move on my freind, embrace a new world and a new life, but please check on us every now and then along the way.

    May God  forever bless you and your family. May He place his hand and you and guide thru His continued love and wisdom.  May He keep you safe and healthy.  May He continue to use you to spread His glory and guide those in need.  In his name, Amen.

    Thank you Shelby.


  • RockstarmomPaula
    RockstarmomPaula Member Posts: 124
    edited January 2009

    CoolBold  How many rounds of chemo did you have? What about side effects? Did you lose your hair? 

  • RockstarmomPaula
    RockstarmomPaula Member Posts: 124
    edited January 2009
    CoolHensonChi How many herceptin do you have to go? I am a bit nervous about that because of possibility of cardiac toxicity My Grandma and Mom both passed away from heart disease,but they are monitoring my heart.How far into chemo did you lose your hair?