Take our poll: How are you feeling as we near the New Year?
Homophone word game
heroin / heroine
0 -
jalousie / jealousy
0 -
flu flew
0 -
retch / wretch
0 -
which witch?
0 -
been bean
0 -
pole / poll
0 -
sol / sole / soul
0 -
bold / bowled
0 -
riffle / rifle
0 -
dragon / draggin' :-)
0 -
close / clothes
0 -
flagon / flaggin' :-))
0 -
grown / groan / growin'
0 -
weave / we've
0 -
use / youse (as in y'all)
0 -
teas / tease / tees
0 -
its / it's
0 -
bate / bait
0 -
bite / byte
0 -
presence / presents (thought of this in the middle of the night and just remembered)
0 -
variance / variants
I do that too - some word will come up and I think ooh, that's a homophone.
Then the trick is to remember it!
0 -
Your / you're
0 -
real / reel
0 -
read / reed
read / red
0 -
merry / marry
0 -
ferry / fairy
0 -
wring / ring
0 -
doze / does (female deer)
does / Duz (remember Duz detergent?)
0 -
strait / straight
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