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In Memoriam List from the BCO Community



  • Yogi70
    Yogi70 Member Posts: 214
    edited October 2016

    Please add: Sonya 32, 6/16/2002 and Brenda 42, 3/2004 (Yogi70)

    Thank you

  • celia088
    celia088 Member Posts: 975
    edited October 2016
    (updated 9-21-08)

    ~THE GARDEN OF ANGELS~ (original name of this list by NBN)

    Tinkerbell (Ann) - 6/28/04
    Emmaline - 2004 (?)
    Sprite - July 2004
    Breezy - January 2005
    runningdear (Kay)- 2005?
    Kathleen Crystal - 2005
    Lanie - Early 2005
    Charlotte Jean Gregory - 6/4/05
    Tine - Margarethe 2005 (early 20's -IBC)
    Annette DiPietro - 10/25/05
    Janie - 10/31/05
    Feegee (Frances)- 11/28/05

    Trisha - (Patricia Tedder, Alabama) screen name ?, January 2006

    Bluekitten (Kathy Verett) - 1/2/05
    MomCasey - 2/26/06
    Sickofit (Janell) - 4/21/06
    Jane Kelly - 4/23/06
    Shirl (Shirl Balsley)- 5/5/06
    Mary Woods - 5/13/06 (England)
    Andee - 4/29/06
    FighterLU (LuAnn) - 6/12/06
    TheresaPW - 2006
    Jane from Illinois. Had Inflammatory BC (year ?)
    Linda O (2006?)
    Faye (Australia) - 6/16/06
    Marie605/AlohaDiane/Smiley_Diane - 7/9/06

    Roza Moldova July 2007
    Shelliks - Shelli - 9/19/07
    3Strikes - Diane 2007

    Kirsti Ottem Langeland (KOL), Mazerolles du Razes, France - 5/2/07

    Stacey (Sunshine) Buckley - NJ - 4/27/07

    Parrothead - Rebecca Rallen, age 33 - 5/16/07 

    Flea - Felicia Volkmar, age 41 - 7/21/07

    Pixiedust - Stacey Agran - 10/2/07

    Sedgymum - Kelly Sedgmen - 10/17/07

    Bev34 - Patricea Ann "Daily" Gluesencamp Lawrence - 10/22/07 

    Debbie Newbill ( sister of jaepinkroses) - 10/27/07

    Cherie-Boop - 11/15/07

    SueMaria - November 2007, Liverpool 

    Jayne1956 - Jayne Mansfield (last name?) - September(?), 2007 

    Jacque Nielson (jacqniel) - 11/22/07


    Stage4 - Kathy - 11/20/07

    Jeannie44 - Jeannie Dunten, 11/30/07 

    SoCalNancy - Nancy, 12/1/07

    Kim825 - Kim Piccione, 11/29/2007

    Lisa40 - Lisa Turner, 12/14/07

    Diane Snipes (wife of Bimmer) - 12/18/07

    Pat Fitzpatrick (fitzpatti) - 12/26/07 

    Cheryl Thomason (CY, b445) - 2/19/08

    Jenben25 - Jennifer Lynn Buron - 1/23/08

    ForTheMoment - Erin Elise Van Dyke - 3/13/08

    Debbie Miller - 3/13/08 

    Shepgirl - Kathryn Bronson - 3/12/08 

    Joanne1428 - Joanne Patricia Schweitzer - 3/19/08

    fd411 - Ferne Dixon - 3/23/08

    kelownagirl - Jill - 4/08 

    skirk - Sherri Kirk - friend of jonimb - 4/10/08

    Theresa - sister of Donna (sisterlove) - 4/7/08 

    PaulaBeth - May 3, 2008

    labradorsandra - Sandra Branton - 3/24/08

    Roberta - friend of flyrzfan - 10/24/06 

    Valsul-Valerie Sullivan-Cheshire, UK - friend of jpann39(and bc.o sisters) -  6/13/08

    ocinny414 - CindyKS - 6/16/08 - from the May 07 chemo thread, and Triple Neg. thread

    Robin Mercer (screen name?) also on, was friend of LiniWD - 06/27/08 

    KariLynn - Kari Lynn Spiers - Pittsburg, KS, 7/3/08 

    Kimmie39 - Kimberly Dawn Franklin - Winchester, VA 7/4/08

    Pauline Jones - England - 6/7/08

    Monica  Pieterse - 27 yrs old - 7/10/08

    Linda_CR, (sister of bschlegel), 1/14/05
    Kat(in Texas)

    Kathleen46 - Kathleen Hemker - 8/25/06

    Beautiful_Mom - Cheryl Ellen Bafford, 33 yrs old - 1/23/78  to 11/12/06 

    MJ66 - Mary Jo Cardwell - 2/23/07

    Jen43 - Jen - June 2007

    Ravencaine - Donna Ivison - 10/17/07

    Mavy - July? 2007

    CTG - Laura McCarthy - 1/19/08

    Kristen  Lupton (friend of stacey2930) - 1/28/08

    OTHERS--friends and relatives OF BCO members:

    Elizabeth (bc) - (MIL of Laura GTO) 1988
    Mary Cron - 4/8/07

    Julie Vaverka (friend of susan02143) - 9/28/07

    Myrna Ann Rotman (mother of sandyk) - 1/19/1984

    Donald Ralph Rotman (father of sandyk) - 4/15/1987

    Jane Eva Marsch (mother of budsadie) - 5/16/07

    Donna White -  7/20/07

    Debbie Babechuk - 1994

    Lori Kennedy - 3/17/04

    Janis M. Fulton (mother of jansdaughter) - 7/1/07

    Alma L. Boyd (mother of pamouell) - 8/27/1989

    Mary Graham ( friend of lvtwoglt) - 9/30/07

    Louisa, (sister of Alishar) - 7/13/04

    Sylvie (friend of  AliceJean) - 2007

    Carol (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Courtenay (friend of SadFriend) - 12/10/07

    Betty-Ann ( sister of CurlyKatFL) - 10/1/1995

    Vilma  (Aunt of CurlyKatFL ) - 2003

    Lois Wilson (mother of MrsBee) - 2/4/91

    Joni Pulley ( best friend of MrsBee) - 12/91

    Leota Braun (mother-in-law of MrsBee) - 1974

    Elizabeth Calthirst (friend of Odalys) - October 2007

    Linda Tarry (friend of AliceJean) - Elyria, Ohio

    Sue Gibbs (friend of cp418) - New Jersey, March 2007

    Gladys Hicks (mother of lucy222) - 56 yrs old, 6/72

    Nikki Lee Norcross (friend of RaeAnn) - 12/17/07

    Valerie Ruff (friend of NancyM) - 6/5/06 

    Shirley (Sandy) Kupferschmid (friend of ritajean's) 47 y.o.--1/12/08

    Sandy Bibee (friend of BinVA) - 1/18/08

    Sandy Moore (friend of LuAnnH) - Cincinnati, OH - 1/26/08 

    Pam Briggle (friend of GSG/Patrice) - 49 y.o. - 11/11/07

    Kiersten Conner-Sax 2/2/08

    Mami, (Odalys's mother) - 2/12/08

    Lisa Jenkinson - friend of Twink's brother, age 37 - 3/08

    Cathy O'Brien - 33 years old - From YSC board 3-29-08

    Jessica Stefaniak - 29 years old - From YSC board 3-25-08 

    Sheila Monastero - 48 years old - Pennsylvania - 2008

    Theresa - 43 years old - sister-in-law of peace41- 4/7/08

    Rosemary Jenks - mother of cmayes71 - 58 years old, Knoxville, TN - 4/2/08

    Lavon Thomas - mother of FirstEdition - 4/20/08 

    Karen - aunt of Amy Brodar - 4/25/08 

    Mother of twiddles - 4/08

    Mother of liz35 - 5/8/08

    Mother of ibrought - 11/04 

    Mother of EXAIMA - 5/08

    Mother-in-Law of Wren - Jeri, 12/31/97

    Mother of LANEF - 6/17/08

    Paula Luberto --53 yrs. old--friend of michie56--6/26/08

    BadBabe's Mum - New Zealand - 7/08

    Lauri Nichols - friend of cp418 - NJ - 8/2/08

    Patricia Cortland - friend of LuAnnH - 8/15/08 

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Maggie - best friend of mldemps - 9/10/08

    mother of etenneson (erin) - 2008

    Jerri - friend of dhettish - 9/19/08 

    Sonya Freeman Peters, age 32 - friend of Yogi70 - 6/16/02

    Brenda Stroud, age 42 - friend of Yogi70 - 3/2004 


    (updated 9/21/08 to add Jerri - friend of dhettish - 9/19/08, Sonya Freeman Peters - friend of Yogi70 - 6/16/02, and Brenda Stroud - friend of Yogi70 - 3/2004)

  • newter
    newter Member Posts: 2,670
    edited October 2016

    I cannot remember how to copy this, the cut and paste routine was just not working for me.

    . I have a couple to add from the YSC Board:

    Danica 6/16/77-9/02/08 - Chemo induced leukemia

    Brinler Sept 9, 2008

    Courtney - Dxd at age 20, died 9/15/08 age 23

    That board has had a lot of losses lately. All too damn young.

  • whoopsiedoodles
    whoopsiedoodles Member Posts: 224
    edited September 2008

    I'm so sorry to hear of the YSC women we've lost.  I am not as active on that board as this one, but a sister is a sister.  God bless their families and friends. 

  • hollyann
    hollyann Member Posts: 279
    edited October 2016

    LeftyLu........We will miss you!....Condolences to the family.......Hugs!


    PS.....Denise (Charity) 9/4/06 Sister of Lucy222 (aka hollyann)

  • celia088
    celia088 Member Posts: 975
    edited October 2016
    (updated 9-29-08)

    ~THE GARDEN OF ANGELS~ (original name of this list by NBN)

    Tinkerbell (Ann) - 6/28/04
    Emmaline - 2004 (?)
    Sprite - July 2004
    Breezy - January 2005
    runningdear (Kay)- 2005?
    Kathleen Crystal - 2005
    Lanie - Early 2005
    Charlotte Jean Gregory - 6/4/05
    Tine - Margarethe 2005 (early 20's -IBC)
    Annette DiPietro - 10/25/05
    Janie - 10/31/05
    Feegee (Frances)- 11/28/05

    Trisha - (Patricia Tedder, Alabama) screen name ?, January 2006

    Bluekitten (Kathy Verett) - 1/2/05
    MomCasey - 2/26/06
    Sickofit (Janell) - 4/21/06
    Jane Kelly - 4/23/06
    Shirl (Shirl Balsley)- 5/5/06
    Mary Woods - 5/13/06 (England)
    Andee - 4/29/06
    FighterLU (LuAnn) - 6/12/06
    TheresaPW - 2006
    Jane from Illinois. Had Inflammatory BC (year ?)
    Linda O (2006?)
    Faye (Australia) - 6/16/06
    Marie605/AlohaDiane/Smiley_Diane - 7/9/06

    Roza Moldova July 2007
    Shelliks - Shelli - 9/19/07
    3Strikes - Diane 2007

    Kirsti Ottem Langeland (KOL), Mazerolles du Razes, France - 5/2/07

    Stacey (Sunshine) Buckley - NJ - 4/27/07

    Parrothead - Rebecca Rallen, age 33 - 5/16/07 

    Flea - Felicia Volkmar, age 41 - 7/21/07

    Pixiedust - Stacey Agran - 10/2/07

    Sedgymum - Kelly Sedgmen - 10/17/07

    Bev34 - Patricea Ann "Daily" Gluesencamp Lawrence - 10/22/07 

    Debbie Newbill ( sister of jaepinkroses) - 10/27/07

    Cherie-Boop - 11/15/07

    SueMaria - November 2007, Liverpool 

    Jayne1956 - Jayne Mansfield (last name?) - September(?), 2007 

    Jacque Nielson (jacqniel) - 11/22/07


    Stage4 - Kathy - 11/20/07

    Jeannie44 - Jeannie Dunten, 11/30/07 

    SoCalNancy - Nancy, 12/1/07

    Kim825 - Kim Piccione, 11/29/2007

    Lisa40 - Lisa Turner, 12/14/07

    Diane Snipes (wife of Bimmer) - 12/18/07

    Pat Fitzpatrick (fitzpatti) - 12/26/07 

    Cheryl Thomason (CY, b445) - 2/19/08

    Jenben25 - Jennifer Lynn Buron - 1/23/08

    ForTheMoment - Erin Elise Van Dyke - 3/13/08

    Debbie Miller - 3/13/08 

    Shepgirl - Kathryn Bronson - 3/12/08 

    Joanne1428 - Joanne Patricia Schweitzer - 3/19/08

    fd411 - Ferne Dixon - 3/23/08

    kelownagirl - Jill - 4/08 

    skirk - Sherri Kirk - friend of jonimb - 4/10/08

    Theresa - sister of Donna (sisterlove) - 4/7/08 

    PaulaBeth - May 3, 2008

    labradorsandra - Sandra Branton - 3/24/08

    Roberta - friend of flyrzfan - 10/24/06 

    Valsul-Valerie Sullivan-Cheshire, UK - friend of jpann39(and bc.o sisters) -  6/13/08

    ocinny414 - CindyKS - 6/16/08 - from the May 07 chemo thread, and Triple Neg. thread

    Robin Mercer (screen name?) also on, was friend of LiniWD - 06/27/08 

    KariLynn - Kari Lynn Spiers - Pittsburg, KS, 7/3/08 

    Kimmie39 - Kimberly Dawn Franklin - Winchester, VA 7/4/08

    Pauline Jones - England - 6/7/08

    Monica  Pieterse - 27 yrs old - 7/10/08

    Val (Feeval), partner of Laura - 9/26/08

    Linda_CR, (sister of bschlegel), 1/14/05
    Kat(in Texas)

    Kathleen46 - Kathleen Hemker - 8/25/06

    Beautiful_Mom - Cheryl Ellen Bafford, 33 yrs old - 1/23/78  to 11/12/06 

    MJ66 - Mary Jo Cardwell - 2/23/07

    Jen43 - Jen - June 2007

    Ravencaine - Donna Ivison - 10/17/07

    Mavy - July? 2007

    CTG - Laura McCarthy - 1/19/08

    Kristen  Lupton (friend of stacey2930) - 1/28/08

    LeftyLu - 9/26/08 

    OTHERS--friends and relatives OF BCO members:

    Elizabeth (bc) - (MIL of Laura GTO) 1988
    Mary Cron - 4/8/07

    Julie Vaverka (friend of susan02143) - 9/28/07

    Myrna Ann Rotman (mother of sandyk) - 1/19/1984

    Donald Ralph Rotman (father of sandyk) - 4/15/1987

    Jane Eva Marsch (mother of budsadie) - 5/16/07

    Donna White -  7/20/07

    Debbie Babechuk - 1994

    Lori Kennedy - 3/17/04

    Janis M. Fulton (mother of jansdaughter) - 7/1/07

    Alma L. Boyd (mother of pamouell) - 8/27/1989

    Mary Graham ( friend of lvtwoglt) - 9/30/07

    Louisa, (sister of Alishar) - 7/13/04

    Sylvie (friend of  AliceJean) - 2007

    Carol (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Courtenay (friend of SadFriend) - 12/10/07

    Betty-Ann ( sister of CurlyKatFL) - 10/1/1995

    Vilma  (Aunt of CurlyKatFL ) - 2003

    Lois Wilson (mother of MrsBee) - 2/4/91

    Joni Pulley ( best friend of MrsBee) - 12/91

    Leota Braun (mother-in-law of MrsBee) - 1974

    Elizabeth Calthirst (friend of Odalys) - October 2007

    Linda Tarry (friend of AliceJean) - Elyria, Ohio

    Sue Gibbs (friend of cp418) - New Jersey, March 2007

    Gladys Hicks (mother of lucy222) - 56 yrs old, 6/72

    Nikki Lee Norcross (friend of RaeAnn) - 12/17/07

    Valerie Ruff (friend of NancyM) - 6/5/06 

    Shirley (Sandy) Kupferschmid (friend of ritajean's) 47 y.o.--1/12/08

    Sandy Bibee (friend of BinVA) - 1/18/08

    Sandy Moore (friend of LuAnnH) - Cincinnati, OH - 1/26/08 

    Pam Briggle (friend of GSG/Patrice) - 49 y.o. - 11/11/07

    Kiersten Conner-Sax 2/2/08

    Mami, (Odalys's mother) - 2/12/08

    Lisa Jenkinson - friend of Twink's brother, age 37 - 3/08

    Cathy O'Brien - 33 years old - From YSC board 3-29-08

    Jessica Stefaniak - 29 years old - From YSC board 3-25-08 

    Sheila Monastero - 48 years old - Pennsylvania - 2008

    Theresa - 43 years old - sister-in-law of peace41- 4/7/08

    Rosemary Jenks - mother of cmayes71 - 58 years old, Knoxville, TN - 4/2/08

    Lavon Thomas - mother of FirstEdition - 4/20/08 

    Karen - aunt of Amy Brodar - 4/25/08 

    Mother of twiddles - 4/08

    Mother of liz35 - 5/8/08

    Mother of ibrought - 11/04 

    Mother of EXAIMA - 5/08

    Mother-in-Law of Wren - Jeri, 12/31/97

    Mother of LANEF - 6/17/08

    Paula Luberto --53 yrs. old--friend of michie56--6/26/08

    BadBabe's Mum - New Zealand - 7/08

    Lauri Nichols - friend of cp418 - NJ - 8/2/08

    Patricia Cortland - friend of LuAnnH - 8/15/08 

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Maggie - best friend of mldemps - 9/10/08

    mother of etenneson (erin) - 2008

    Jerri - friend of dhettish - 9/19/08 

    Sonya Freeman Peters, age 32 - friend of Yogi70 - 6/16/02

    Brenda Stroud, age 42 - friend of Yogi70 - 3/2004

    Danica Martinez (YSC Board) - 9/02/08

    Brinley Evans (YSC Board) - 9/9/088

    Courtney Clevenger (YSC Board) -  9/15/08 age 23

    Denise (Charity) Hicks-DeBusk (sister of Lucy222/hollyann) - 9/4/06 


    (updated 9/29/08 to add members of the YSC Board,  LeftyLu (from chatroom) - 9/26/08),  Val (Feeval), partner of Laura- 9/26/08)

  • sal0613
    sal0613 Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2008

    Pixie Dust was my sister-in-law.  As the 1st anniversary of her passing approaches, I find myself revisiting these sites, so I can read her words, when she was here with us... amazingly strong, optimistic, and focused.  It means a lot to me to find that she and these other special "Angels" are remembered here. Thank you... I miss her greatly........

  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Member Posts: 765
    edited October 2016

    ~THE GARDEN OF ANGELS~ (original name of this list by NBN)

    Tinkerbell (Ann) - 6/28/04
    Emmaline - 2004 (?)
    Sprite - July 2004
    Breezy - January 2005
    runningdear (Kay)- 2005?
    Kathleen Crystal - 2005
    Lanie - Early 2005
    Charlotte Jean Gregory - 6/4/05
    Tine - Margarethe 2005 (early 20's -IBC)
    Annette DiPietro - 10/25/05
    Janie - 10/31/05
    Feegee (Frances)- 11/28/05

    Trisha - (Patricia Tedder, Alabama) screen name ?, January 2006

    Bluekitten (Kathy Verett) - 1/2/05
    MomCasey - 2/26/06
    Sickofit (Janell) - 4/21/06
    Jane Kelly - 4/23/06
    Shirl (Shirl Balsley)- 5/5/06
    Mary Woods - 5/13/06 (England)
    Andee - 4/29/06
    FighterLU (LuAnn) - 6/12/06
    TheresaPW - 2006
    Jane from Illinois. Had Inflammatory BC (year ?)
    Linda O (2006?)
    Faye (Australia) - 6/16/06
    Marie605/AlohaDiane/Smiley_Diane - 7/9/06

    Roza Moldova July 2007
    Shelliks - Shelli - 9/19/07
    3Strikes - Diane 2007

    Kirsti Ottem Langeland (KOL), Mazerolles du Razes, France - 5/2/07

    Stacey (Sunshine) Buckley - NJ - 4/27/07

    Parrothead - Rebecca Rallen, age 33 - 5/16/07 

    Flea - Felicia Volkmar, age 41 - 7/21/07

    Pixiedust - Stacey Agran - 10/2/07

    Sedgymum - Kelly Sedgmen - 10/17/07

    Bev34 - Patricea Ann "Daily" Gluesencamp Lawrence - 10/22/07 

    Debbie Newbill ( sister of jaepinkroses) - 10/27/07

    Cherie-Boop - 11/15/07

    SueMaria - November 2007, Liverpool 

    Jayne1956 - Jayne Mansfield (last name?) - September(?), 2007 

    Jacque Nielson (jacqniel) - 11/22/07


    Stage4 - Kathy - 11/20/07

    Jeannie44 - Jeannie Dunten, 11/30/07 

    SoCalNancy - Nancy, 12/1/07

    Kim825 - Kim Piccione, 11/29/2007

    Lisa40 - Lisa Turner, 12/14/07

    Diane Snipes (wife of Bimmer) - 12/18/07

    Pat Fitzpatrick (fitzpatti) - 12/26/07 

    Cheryl Thomason (CY, b445) - 2/19/08

    Jenben25 - Jennifer Lynn Buron - 1/23/08

    ForTheMoment - Erin Elise Van Dyke - 3/13/08

    Debbie Miller - 3/13/08 

    Shepgirl - Kathryn Bronson - 3/12/08 

    Joanne1428 - Joanne Patricia Schweitzer - 3/19/08

    fd411 - Ferne Dixon - 3/23/08

    kelownagirl - Jill - 4/08 

    skirk - Sherri Kirk - friend of jonimb - 4/10/08

    Theresa - sister of Donna (sisterlove) - 4/7/08 

    PaulaBeth - May 3, 2008

    labradorsandra - Sandra Branton - 3/24/08

    Roberta - friend of flyrzfan - 10/24/06 

    Valsul-Valerie Sullivan-Cheshire, UK - friend of jpann39(and bc.o sisters) -  6/13/08

    ocinny414 - CindyKS - 6/16/08 - from the May 07 chemo thread, and Triple Neg. thread

    Robin Mercer (screen name?) also on, was friend of LiniWD - 06/27/08 

    KariLynn - Kari Lynn Spiers - Pittsburg, KS, 7/3/08 

    Kimmie39 - Kimberly Dawn Franklin - Winchester, VA 7/4/08

    Pauline Jones - England - 6/7/08

    Monica  Pieterse - 27 yrs old - 7/10/08

    Val (Feeval), partner of Laura - 9/26/08

    Linda_CR, (sister of bschlegel), 1/14/05
    Kat(in Texas)

    Kathleen46 - Kathleen Hemker - 8/25/06

    Beautiful_Mom - Cheryl Ellen Bafford, 33 yrs old - 1/23/78  to 11/12/06 

    MJ66 - Mary Jo Cardwell - 2/23/07

    Jen43 - Jen - June 2007

    Ravencaine - Donna Ivison - 10/17/07

    Mavy - July? 2007

    CTG - Laura McCarthy - 1/19/08

    Kristen  Lupton (friend of stacey2930) - 1/28/08

    LeftyLu - 9/26/08 

    OTHERS--friends and relatives OF BCO members:

    Elizabeth (bc) - (MIL of Laura GTO) 1988
    Mary Cron - 4/8/07

    Julie Vaverka (friend of susan02143) - 9/28/07

    Myrna Ann Rotman (mother of sandyk) - 1/19/1984

    Donald Ralph Rotman (father of sandyk) - 4/15/1987

    Jane Eva Marsch (mother of budsadie) - 5/16/07

    Donna White -  7/20/07

    Debbie Babechuk - 1994

    Lori Kennedy - 3/17/04

    Janis M. Fulton (mother of jansdaughter) - 7/1/07

    Alma L. Boyd (mother of pamouell) - 8/27/1989

    Mary Graham ( friend of lvtwoqlt) - 9/30/07

    Louisa, (sister of Alishar) - 7/13/04

    Sylvie (friend of  AliceJean) - 2007

    Carol (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Courtenay (friend of SadFriend) - 12/10/07

    Betty-Ann ( sister of CurlyKatFL) - 10/1/1995

    Vilma  (Aunt of CurlyKatFL ) - 2003

    Lois Wilson (mother of MrsBee) - 2/4/91

    Joni Pulley ( best friend of MrsBee) - 12/91

    Leota Braun (mother-in-law of MrsBee) - 1974

    Elizabeth Calthirst (friend of Odalys) - October 2007

    Linda Tarry (friend of AliceJean) - Elyria, Ohio

    Sue Gibbs (friend of cp418) - New Jersey, March 2007

    Gladys Hicks (mother of lucy222) - 56 yrs old, 6/72

    Nikki Lee Norcross (friend of RaeAnn) - 12/17/07

    Valerie Ruff (friend of NancyM) - 6/5/06 

    Shirley (Sandy) Kupferschmid (friend of ritajean's) 47 y.o.--1/12/08

    Sandy Bibee (friend of BinVA) - 1/18/08

    Sandy Moore (friend of LuAnnH) - Cincinnati, OH - 1/26/08 

    Pam Briggle (friend of GSG/Patrice) - 49 y.o. - 11/11/07

    Kiersten Conner-Sax 2/2/08

    Mami, (Odalys's mother) - 2/12/08

    Lisa Jenkinson - friend of Twink's brother, age 37 - 3/08

    Cathy O'Brien - 33 years old - From YSC board 3-29-08

    Jessica Stefaniak - 29 years old - From YSC board 3-25-08 

    Sheila Monastero - 48 years old - Pennsylvania - 2008

    Theresa - 43 years old - sister-in-law of peace41- 4/7/08

    Rosemary Jenks - mother of cmayes71 - 58 years old, Knoxville, TN - 4/2/08

    Lavon Thomas - mother of FirstEdition - 4/20/08 

    Karen - aunt of Amy Brodar - 4/25/08 

    Mother of twiddles - 4/08

    Mother of liz35 - 5/8/08

    Mother of ibrought - 11/04 

    Mother of EXAIMA - 5/08

    Mother-in-Law of Wren - Jeri, 12/31/97

    Mother of LANEF - 6/17/08

    Paula Luberto --53 yrs. old--friend of michie56--6/26/08

    BadBabe's Mum - New Zealand - 7/08

    Lauri Nichols - friend of cp418 - NJ - 8/2/08

    Patricia Cortland - friend of LuAnnH - 8/15/08 

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Maggie - best friend of mldemps - 9/10/08

    mother of etenneson (erin) - 2008

    Jerri - friend of dhettish - 9/19/08 

    Sonya Freeman Peters, age 32 - friend of Yogi70 - 6/16/02

    Brenda Stroud, age 42 - friend of Yogi70 - 3/2004

    Danica Martinez (YSC Board) - 9/02/08

    Brinley Evans (YSC Board) - 9/9/088

    Courtney Clevenger (YSC Board) -  9/15/08 age 23

    Denise (Charity) Hicks-DeBusk (sister of Lucy222/hollyann) - 9/4/06 

    Amy Clark Viola (Friend of lvtqoqlt) - 9-26-2008 age 41


    (updated 10-1-08 to add Amy Clark Viola (friend of lvtwoqlt)

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Member Posts: 678
    edited October 2008

    Jacqueline (Schevarth) passed away Wednesday or Thursday October 1 or 2.... there is a thread for her under Prayers and Spiritual Inspiration.

  • celia088
    celia088 Member Posts: 975
    edited October 2016
    (updated 10-4-08)

    ~THE GARDEN OF ANGELS~ (original name of this list by NBN)

    Tinkerbell (Ann) - 6/28/04
    Emmaline - 2004 (?)
    Sprite - July 2004
    Breezy - January 2005
    runningdear (Kay)- 2005?
    Kathleen Crystal - 2005
    Lanie - Early 2005
    Charlotte Jean Gregory - 6/4/05
    Tine - Margarethe 2005 (early 20's -IBC)
    Annette DiPietro - 10/25/05
    Janie - 10/31/05
    Feegee (Frances)- 11/28/05

    Trisha - (Patricia Tedder, Alabama) screen name ?, January 2006

    Bluekitten (Kathy Verett) - 1/2/05
    MomCasey - 2/26/06
    Sickofit (Janell) - 4/21/06
    Jane Kelly - 4/23/06
    Shirl (Shirl Balsley)- 5/5/06
    Mary Woods - 5/13/06 (England)
    Andee - 4/29/06
    FighterLU (LuAnn) - 6/12/06
    TheresaPW - 2006
    Jane from Illinois. Had Inflammatory BC (year ?)
    Linda O (2006?)
    Faye (Australia) - 6/16/06
    Marie605/AlohaDiane/Smiley_Diane - 7/9/06

    Roza Moldova July 2007
    Shelliks - Shelli - 9/19/07
    3Strikes - Diane 2007

    Kirsti Ottem Langeland (KOL), Mazerolles du Razes, France - 5/2/07

    Stacey (Sunshine) Buckley - NJ - 4/27/07

    Parrothead - Rebecca Rallen, age 33 - 5/16/07 

    Flea - Felicia Volkmar, age 41 - 7/21/07

    Pixiedust - Stacey Agran - 10/2/07

    Sedgymum - Kelly Sedgmen - 10/17/07

    Bev34 - Patricea Ann "Daily" Gluesencamp Lawrence - 10/22/07 

    Debbie Newbill ( sister of jaepinkroses) - 10/27/07

    Cherie-Boop - 11/15/07

    SueMaria - November 2007, Liverpool 

    Jayne1956 - Jayne Mansfield (last name?) - September(?), 2007 

    Jacque Nielson (jacqniel) - 11/22/07


    Stage4 - Kathy - 11/20/07

    Jeannie44 - Jeannie Dunten, 11/30/07 

    SoCalNancy - Nancy, 12/1/07

    Kim825 - Kim Piccione, 11/29/2007

    Lisa40 - Lisa Turner, 12/14/07

    Diane Snipes (wife of Bimmer) - 12/18/07

    Pat Fitzpatrick (fitzpatti) - 12/26/07 

    Cheryl Thomason (CY, b445) - 2/19/08

    Jenben25 - Jennifer Lynn Buron - 1/23/08

    ForTheMoment - Erin Elise Van Dyke - 3/13/08

    Debbie Miller - 3/13/08 

    Shepgirl - Kathryn Bronson - 3/12/08 

    Joanne1428 - Joanne Patricia Schweitzer - 3/19/08

    fd411 - Ferne Dixon - 3/23/08

    kelownagirl - Jill - 4/08 

    skirk - Sherri Kirk - friend of jonimb - 4/10/08

    Theresa - sister of Donna (sisterlove) - 4/7/08 

    PaulaBeth - May 3, 2008

    labradorsandra - Sandra Branton - 3/24/08

    Roberta - friend of flyrzfan - 10/24/06 

    Valsul-Valerie Sullivan-Cheshire, UK - friend of jpann39(and bc.o sisters) -  6/13/08

    ocinny414 - CindyKS - 6/16/08 - from the May 07 chemo thread, and Triple Neg. thread

    Robin Mercer (screen name?) also on, was friend of LiniWD - 06/27/08 

    KariLynn - Kari Lynn Spiers - Pittsburg, KS, 7/3/08 

    Kimmie39 - Kimberly Dawn Franklin - Winchester, VA 7/4/08

    Pauline Jones - England - 6/7/08

    Monica  Pieterse - 27 yrs old - 7/10/08

    Val (Feeval), partner of Laura - 9/26/08

    Jacqueline Schevarth - 10/08 

    Linda_CR, (sister of bschlegel), 1/14/05
    Kat(in Texas)

    Kathleen46 - Kathleen Hemker - 8/25/06

    Beautiful_Mom - Cheryl Ellen Bafford, 33 yrs old - 1/23/78  to 11/12/06 

    MJ66 - Mary Jo Cardwell - 2/23/07

    Jen43 - Jen - June 2007

    Ravencaine - Donna Ivison - 10/17/07

    Mavy - July? 2007

    CTG - Laura McCarthy - 1/19/08

    Kristen  Lupton (friend of stacey2930) - 1/28/08

    LeftyLu - 9/26/08 

    OTHERS--friends and relatives OF BCO members:

    Elizabeth (bc) - (MIL of Laura GTO) 1988
    Mary Cron - 4/8/07

    Julie Vaverka (friend of susan02143) - 9/28/07

    Myrna Ann Rotman (mother of sandyk) - 1/19/1984

    Donald Ralph Rotman (father of sandyk) - 4/15/1987

    Jane Eva Marsch (mother of budsadie) - 5/16/07

    Donna White -  7/20/07

    Debbie Babechuk - 1994

    Lori Kennedy - 3/17/04

    Janis M. Fulton (mother of jansdaughter) - 7/1/07

    Alma L. Boyd (mother of pamouell) - 8/27/1989

    Mary Graham ( friend of lvtwoglt) - 9/30/07

    Louisa, (sister of Alishar) - 7/13/04

    Sylvie (friend of  AliceJean) - 2007

    Carol (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Courtenay (friend of SadFriend) - 12/10/07

    Betty-Ann ( sister of CurlyKatFL) - 10/1/1995

    Vilma  (Aunt of CurlyKatFL ) - 2003

    Lois Wilson (mother of MrsBee) - 2/4/91

    Joni Pulley ( best friend of MrsBee) - 12/91

    Leota Braun (mother-in-law of MrsBee) - 1974

    Elizabeth Calthirst (friend of Odalys) - October 2007

    Linda Tarry (friend of AliceJean) - Elyria, Ohio

    Sue Gibbs (friend of cp418) - New Jersey, March 2007

    Gladys Hicks (mother of lucy222) - 56 yrs old, 6/72

    Nikki Lee Norcross (friend of RaeAnn) - 12/17/07

    Valerie Ruff (friend of NancyM) - 6/5/06 

    Shirley (Sandy) Kupferschmid (friend of ritajean's) 47 y.o.--1/12/08

    Sandy Bibee (friend of BinVA) - 1/18/08

    Sandy Moore (friend of LuAnnH) - Cincinnati, OH - 1/26/08 

    Pam Briggle (friend of GSG/Patrice) - 49 y.o. - 11/11/07

    Kiersten Conner-Sax 2/2/08

    Mami, (Odalys's mother) - 2/12/08

    Lisa Jenkinson - friend of Twink's brother, age 37 - 3/08

    Cathy O'Brien - 33 years old - From YSC board 3-29-08

    Jessica Stefaniak - 29 years old - From YSC board 3-25-08 

    Sheila Monastero - 48 years old - Pennsylvania - 2008

    Theresa - 43 years old - sister-in-law of peace41- 4/7/08

    Rosemary Jenks - mother of cmayes71 - 58 years old, Knoxville, TN - 4/2/08

    Lavon Thomas - mother of FirstEdition - 4/20/08 

    Karen - aunt of Amy Brodar - 4/25/08 

    Mother of twiddles - 4/08

    Mother of liz35 - 5/8/08

    Mother of ibrought - 11/04 

    Mother of EXAIMA - 5/08

    Mother-in-Law of Wren - Jeri, 12/31/97

    Mother of LANEF - 6/17/08

    Paula Luberto --53 yrs. old--friend of michie56--6/26/08

    BadBabe's Mum - New Zealand - 7/08

    Lauri Nichols - friend of cp418 - NJ - 8/2/08

    Patricia Cortland - friend of LuAnnH - 8/15/08 

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Maggie - best friend of mldemps - 9/10/08

    mother of etenneson (erin) - 2008

    Jerri - friend of dhettish - 9/19/08 

    Sonya Freeman Peters, age 32 - friend of Yogi70 - 6/16/02

    Brenda Stroud, age 42 - friend of Yogi70 - 3/2004

    Danica Martinez (YSC Board) - 9/02/08

    Brinley Evans (YSC Board) - 9/9/088

    Courtney Clevenger (YSC Board) -  9/15/08 age 23

    Denise (Charity) Hicks-DeBusk (sister of Lucy222/hollyann) - 9/4/06 

    Amy Clark Viola (Friend of lvtqoqlt) - 9/26/2008 age 41


    (updated 10/4/08 to add Jacqueline Schevarth - 10/08)
  • ozzie2
    ozzie2 Member Posts: 3
    edited October 2016
    I(updated 7/10/08)

    ~THE GARDEN OF ANGELS~ (original name of this list by NBN)

    Tinkerbell (Ann) - 6/28/04
    Emmaline - 2004 (?)
    Sprite - July 2004
    Breezy - January 2005
    runningdear (Kay)- 2005?
    Kathleen Crystal - 2005
    Lanie - Early 2005
    Charlotte Jean Gregory - 6/4/05
    Tine - Margarethe 2005 (early 20's -IBC)
    Annette DiPietro - 10/25/05
    Janie - 10/31/05
    Feegee (Frances)- 11/28/05

    Trisha - (Patricia Tedder, Alabama) screen name ?, January 2006

    Bluekitten (Kathy Verett) - 1/2/05
    MomCasey - 2/26/06
    Sickofit (Janell) - 4/21/06
    Jane Kelly - 4/23/06
    Shirl (Shirl Balsley)- 5/5/06
    Mary Woods - 5/13/06 (England)
    Andee - 4/29/06
    FighterLU (LuAnn) - 6/12/06
    TheresaPW - 2006
    Jane from Illinois. Had Inflammatory BC (year ?)
    Linda O (2006?)
    Faye (Australia) - 6/16/06
    Marie605/AlohaDiane/Smiley_Diane - 7/9/06

    Roza Moldova July 2007
    Shelliks - Shelli - 9/19/07
    3Strikes - Diane 2007

    Kirsti Ottem Langeland (KOL), Mazerolles du Razes, France - 5/2/07

    Stacey (Sunshine) Buckley - NJ - 4/27/07

    Parrothead - Rebecca Rallen, age 33 - 5/16/07 

    Flea - Felicia Volkmar, age 41 - 7/21/07

    Pixiedust - Stacey Agran - 10/2/07

    Sedgymum - Kelly Sedgmen - 10/17/07

    Bev34 - Patricea Ann "Daily" Gluesencamp Lawrence - 10/22/07 

    Debbie Newbill ( sister of jaepinkroses) - 10/27/07

    Cherie-Boop - 11/15/07

    SueMaria - November 2007, Liverpool 

    Jayne1956 - Jayne Mansfield (last name?) - September(?), 2007 

    Jacque Nielson (jacqniel) - 11/22/07


    Stage4 - Kathy - 11/20/07

    Jeannie44 - Jeannie Dunten, 11/30/07 

    SoCalNancy - Nancy, 12/1/07

    Kim825 - Kim Piccione, 11/29/2007

    Lisa40 - Lisa Turner, 12/14/07

    Diane Snipes (wife of Bimmer) - 12/18/07

    Pat Fitzpatrick (fitzpatti) - 12/26/07 

    Cheryl Thomason (CY, b445) - 2/19/08

    Jenben25 - Jennifer Lynn Buron - 1/23/08

    ForTheMoment - Erin Elise Van Dyke - 3/13/08

    Debbie Miller - 3/13/08 

    Shepgirl - Kathryn Bronson - 3/12/08 

    Joanne1428 - Joanne Patricia Schweitzer - 3/19/08

    fd411 - Ferne Dixon - 3/23/08

    kelownagirl - Jill - 4/08 

    skirk - Sherri Kirk - friend of jonimb - 4/10/08

    Theresa - sister of Donna (sisterlove) - 4/7/08 

    PaulaBeth - May 3, 2008

    labradorsandra - Sandra Branton - 3/24/08

    Roberta - friend of flyrzfan - 10/24/06 

    Valsul-Valerie Sullivan-Cheshire, UK - friend of jpann39(and bc.o sisters) -  6/13/08

    ocinny414 - CindyKS - 6/16/08 - from the May 07 chemo thread, and Triple Neg. thread

    Robin Mercer (screen name?) also on, was friend of LiniWD - 06/27/08 

    KariLynn - Kari Lynn Spiers - Pittsburg, KS, 7/3/08 

    Kimmie39 - Kimberly Dawn Franklin - Winchester, VA 7/4/08

    Pauline Jones - England - 6/7/08

    Monica  Pieterse - 27 yrs old - 7/10/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Melbourne Mum(Ruth) - June 30th 2008

    Linda_CR, (sister of bschlegel), 1/14/05
    Kat(in Texas)

    Kathleen46 - Kathleen Hemker - 8/25/06

    Beautiful_Mom - Cheryl Ellen Bafford, 33 yrs old - 1/23/78  to 11/12/06 

    MJ66 - Mary Jo Cardwell - 2/23/07

    Jen43 - Jen - June 2007

    Ravencaine - Donna Ivison - 10/17/07

    Mavy - July? 2007

    CTG - Laura McCarthy - 1/19/08

    Kristen  Lupton (friend of stacey2930) - 1/28/08

    OTHERS--our friends and relatives:

    Elizabeth (bc) - (MIL of Laura GTO) 1988
    Mary Cron - 4/8/07

    Julie Vaverka (friend of susan02143) - 9/28/07

    Myrna Ann Rotman (mother of sandyk) - 1/19/1984

    Donald Ralph Rotman (father of sandyk) - 4/15/1987

    Jane Eva Marsch (mother of budsadie) - 5/16/07

    Donna White -  7/20/07

    Debbie Babechuk - 1994

    Lori Kennedy - 3/17/04

    Janis M. Fulton (mother of jansdaughter) - 7/1/07

    Alma L. Boyd (mother of pamouell) - 8/27/1989

    Mary Graham ( friend of lvtwoglt) - 9/30/07

    Louisa, (sister of Alishar) - 7/13/04

    Sylvie (friend of  AliceJean) - 2007

    Carol (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Courtenay (friend of SadFriend) - 12/10/07

    Betty-Ann ( sister of CurlyKatFL) - 10/1/1995

    Vilma  (Aunt of CurlyKatFL ) - 2003

    Lois Wilson (mother of MrsBee) - 2/4/91

    Joni Pulley ( best friend of MrsBee) - 12/91

    Leota Braun (mother-in-law of MrsBee) - 1974

    Elizabeth Calthirst (friend of Odalys) - October 2007

    Linda Tarry (friend of AliceJean) - Elyria, Ohio

    Sue Gibbs (friend of cp418) - New Jersey, March 2007

    Gladys Hicks (mother of lucy222) - 56 yrs old, 6/72

    Nikki Lee Norcross (friend of RaeAnn) - 12/17/07

    Valerie Ruff (friend of NancyM) - 6/5/06 

    Shirley (Sandy) Kupferschmid (friend of ritajean's) 47 y.o.--1/12/08

    Sandy Bibee (friend of BinVA) - 1/18/08

    Sandy Moore (friend of LuAnnH) - Cincinnati, OH - 1/26/08 

    Pam Briggle (friend of GSG/Patrice) - 49 y.o. - 11/11/07

    Kiersten Conner-Sax 2/2/08

    Mami, (Odalys's mother) - 2/12/08

    Lisa Jenkinson - friend of Twink's brother, age 37 - 3/08

    Cathy O'Brien - 33 years old - From YSC board 3-29-08

    Jessica Stefaniak - 29 years old - From YSC board 3-25-08 

    Sheila Monastero - 48 years old - Pennsylvania - 2008

    Theresa - 43 years old - sister-in-law of peace41- 4/7/08

    Rosemary Jenks - mother of cmayes71 - 58 years old, Knoxville, TN - 4/2/08

    Lavon Thomas - mother of FirstEdition - 4/20/08 

    Karen - aunt of Amy Brodar - 4/25/08 

    Mother of twiddles - 4/08

    Mother of liz35 - 5/8/08

    Mother of ibrought - 11/04 

    Mother of EXAIMA - 5/08

    Mother-in-Law of Wren - Jeri, 12/31/97

    Mother of LANEF - 6/17/08

    Paula Luberto --53 yrs. old--friend of michie56--6/26/08

    BadBabe's Mum - New Zealand - 7/08

    Lauri Nichols - friend of cp418 - NJ - 8/2/08

    Patricia Cortland - friend of LuAnnH - 8/15/08 


    (updated 7/10/08 to add Melbourne Mum ( RUTHJune 30th 2008)

  • celia088
    celia088 Member Posts: 975
    edited October 2016
    (updated 10/16/08)

    ~THE GARDEN OF ANGELS~ (original name of this list by NBN)

    Tinkerbell (Ann) - 6/28/04
    Emmaline - 2004 (?)
    Sprite - July 2004
    Breezy - January 2005
    runningdear (Kay)- 2005?
    Kathleen Crystal - 2005
    Lanie - Early 2005
    Charlotte Jean Gregory - 6/4/05
    Tine - Margarethe 2005 (early 20's -IBC)
    Annette DiPietro - 10/25/05
    Janie - 10/31/05
    Feegee (Frances)- 11/28/05

    Trisha - (Patricia Tedder, Alabama) screen name ?, January 2006

    Bluekitten (Kathy Verett) - 1/2/05
    MomCasey - 2/26/06
    Sickofit (Janell) - 4/21/06
    Jane Kelly - 4/23/06
    Shirl (Shirl Balsley)- 5/5/06
    Mary Woods - 5/13/06 (England)
    Andee - 4/29/06
    FighterLU (LuAnn) - 6/12/06
    TheresaPW - 2006
    Jane from Illinois. Had Inflammatory BC (year ?)
    Linda O (2006?)
    Faye (Australia) - 6/16/06
    Marie605/AlohaDiane/Smiley_Diane - 7/9/06

    Roza Moldova July 2007
    Shelliks - Shelli - 9/19/07
    3Strikes - Diane 2007

    Kirsti Ottem Langeland (KOL), Mazerolles du Razes, France - 5/2/07

    Stacey (Sunshine) Buckley - NJ - 4/27/07

    Parrothead - Rebecca Rallen, age 33 - 5/16/07

    Flea - Felicia Volkmar, age 41 - 7/21/07

    Pixiedust - Stacey Agran - 10/2/07

    Sedgymum - Kelly Sedgmen - 10/17/07

    Bev34 - Patricea Ann "Daily" Gluesencamp Lawrence - 10/22/07

    Debbie Newbill ( sister of jaepinkroses) - 10/27/07

    Cherie-Boop - 11/15/07

    SueMaria - November 2007, Liverpool

    Jayne1956 - Jayne Mansfield (last name?) - September(?), 2007

    Jacque Nielson (jacqniel) - 11/22/07


    Stage4 - Kathy - 11/20/07

    Jeannie44 - Jeannie Dunten, 11/30/07

    SoCalNancy - Nancy, 12/1/07

    Kim825 - Kim Piccione, 11/29/2007

    Lisa40 - Lisa Turner, 12/14/07

    Diane Snipes (wife of Bimmer) - 12/18/07

    Pat Fitzpatrick (fitzpatti) - 12/26/07

    Cheryl Thomason (CY, b445) - 2/19/08

    Jenben25 - Jennifer Lynn Buron - 1/23/08

    ForTheMoment - Erin Elise Van Dyke - 3/13/08

    Debbie Miller - 3/13/08

    Shepgirl - Kathryn Bronson - 3/12/08

    Joanne1428 - Joanne Patricia Schweitzer - 3/19/08

    fd411 - Ferne Dixon - 3/23/08

    kelownagirl - Jill - 4/08

    skirk - Sherri Kirk - friend of jonimb - 4/10/08

    Theresa - sister of Donna (sisterlove) - 4/7/08

    PaulaBeth - May 3, 2008

    labradorsandra - Sandra Branton - 3/24/08

    Roberta - friend of flyrzfan - 10/24/06

    Valsul-Valerie Sullivan-Cheshire, UK - friend of jpann39(and bc.o sisters) - 6/13/08

    ocinny414 - CindyKS - 6/16/08 - from the May 07 chemo thread, and Triple Neg. thread

    Robin Mercer (screen name?) also on, was friend of LiniWD - 06/27/08

    KariLynn - Kari Lynn Spiers - Pittsburg, KS, 7/3/08

    Kimmie39 - Kimberly Dawn Franklin - Winchester, VA 7/4/08

    Pauline Jones - England - 6/7/08

    Monica Pieterse - 27 yrs old - 7/10/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Melbourne Mum(Ruth) - June 30th 2008

    JillT - Jill Tollefson, (friend of Newter) - 10/08  

    Linda_CR, (sister of bschlegel), 1/14/05
    Kat (in Texas)

    Kathleen46 - Kathleen Hemker - 8/25/06

    Beautiful_Mom - Cheryl Ellen Bafford, 33 yrs old - 1/23/78 to 11/12/06

    MJ66 - Mary Jo Cardwell - 2/23/07

    Jen43 - Jen - June 2007

    Ravencaine - Donna Ivison - 10/17/07

    Mavy - July? 2007

    CTG - Laura McCarthy - 1/19/08

    Kristen Lupton (friend of stacey2930) - 1/28/08

    Tracy1964 - 10/15/08

    OTHERS--our friends and relatives:

    Elizabeth (bc) - (MIL of Laura GTO) 1988
    Mary Cron - 4/8/07

    Julie Vaverka (friend of susan02143) - 9/28/07

    Myrna Ann Rotman (mother of sandyk) - 1/19/1984

    Donald Ralph Rotman (father of sandyk) - 4/15/1987

    Jane Eva Marsch (mother of budsadie) - 5/16/07

    Donna White - 7/20/07

    Debbie Babechuk - 1994

    Lori Kennedy - 3/17/04

    Janis M. Fulton (mother of jansdaughter) - 7/1/07

    Alma L. Boyd (mother of pamouell) - 8/27/1989

    Mary Graham ( friend of lvtwoglt) - 9/30/07

    Louisa, (sister of Alishar) - 7/13/04

    Sylvie (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Carol (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Courtenay (friend of SadFriend) - 12/10/07

    Betty-Ann ( sister of CurlyKatFL) - 10/1/1995

    Vilma (Aunt of CurlyKatFL ) - 2003

    Lois Wilson (mother of MrsBee) - 2/4/91

    Joni Pulley ( best friend of MrsBee) - 12/91

    Leota Braun (mother-in-law of MrsBee) - 1974

    Elizabeth Calthirst (friend of Odalys) - October 2007

    Linda Tarry (friend of AliceJean) - Elyria, Ohio

    Sue Gibbs (friend of cp418) - New Jersey, March 2007

    Gladys Hicks (mother of lucy222) - 56 yrs old, 6/72

    Nikki Lee Norcross (friend of RaeAnn) - 12/17/07

    Valerie Ruff (friend of NancyM) - 6/5/06

    Shirley (Sandy) Kupferschmid (friend of ritajean's) 47 y.o.--1/12/08

    Sandy Bibee (friend of BinVA) - 1/18/08

    Sandy Moore (friend of LuAnnH) - Cincinnati, OH - 1/26/08

    Pam Briggle (friend of GSG/Patrice) - 49 y.o. - 11/11/07

    Kiersten Conner-Sax 2/2/08

    Mami, (Odalys's mother) - 2/12/08

    Lisa Jenkinson - (friend of Twink's brother), age 37 - 3/08

    Cathy O'Brien - 33 years old - From YSC board 3-29-08

    Jessica Stefaniak - 29 years old - From YSC board 3-25-08

    Sheila Monastero - 48 years old - Pennsylvania - 2008

    Theresa - 43 years old - (sister-in-law of peace41)- 4/7/08

    Rosemary Jenks - (mother of cmayes71) - 58 years old, Knoxville, TN - 4/2/08

    Lavon Thomas - (mother of FirstEdition) - 4/20/08

    Karen - (aunt of Amy Brodar) - 4/25/08

    Mother of twiddles - 4/08

    Mother of liz35 - 5/8/08

    Mother of ibrought - 11/04

    Mother of EXAIMA - 5/08

    Mother-in-Law of Wren - Jeri, 12/31/97

    Mother of LANEF - 6/17/08

    Paula Luberto --53 yrs. old--(friend of michie56)--6/26/08

    BadBabe's Mum - New Zealand - 7/08

    Lauri Nichols - (friend of cp418) - NJ - 8/2/08

    Patricia Cortland - (friend of LuAnnH) - 8/15/08

    Mattie Ferrell - (mother of slonedeb) - 69 years old - 1994 


    (updated 10/16/08 to add Tracy1964 - 10/15/08, slonedeb's mother, Mattie Ferrell, 1994, JillT, (Jill Tollefson), 10/08)

  • slonedeb
    slonedeb Member Posts: 133
    edited October 2016

    celcia could you add my mom to this thread mattie mother of slonedeb died of bc in 1994 born april 1st 1925 69 years old

  • celia088
    celia088 Member Posts: 975
    edited October 2008

    slonedeb, i sent you a PM.

    hugs, celia 

  • auntgina
    auntgina Member Posts: 6
    edited October 2016

    Just able to write this. I lost my mother to breast cancer, Elizabeth on February 15, 2008. I am the only one of her 8 daughters to get this so far. Virginia

  • celia088
    celia088 Member Posts: 975
    edited October 2016
    (updated 10/16/08)

    ~THE GARDEN OF ANGELS~ (original name of this list by NBN)

    Tinkerbell (Ann) - 6/28/04
    Emmaline - 2004 (?)
    Sprite - July 2004
    Breezy - January 2005
    runningdear (Kay)- 2005?
    Kathleen Crystal - 2005
    Lanie - Early 2005
    Charlotte Jean Gregory - 6/4/05
    Tine - Margarethe 2005 (early 20's -IBC)
    Annette DiPietro - 10/25/05
    Janie - 10/31/05
    Feegee (Frances)- 11/28/05

    Trisha - (Patricia Tedder, Alabama) screen name ?, January 2006

    Bluekitten (Kathy Verett) - 1/2/05
    MomCasey - 2/26/06
    Sickofit (Janell) - 4/21/06
    Jane Kelly - 4/23/06
    Shirl (Shirl Balsley)- 5/5/06
    Mary Woods - 5/13/06 (England)
    Andee - 4/29/06
    FighterLU (LuAnn) - 6/12/06
    TheresaPW - 2006
    Jane from Illinois. Had Inflammatory BC (year ?)
    Linda O (2006?)
    Faye (Australia) - 6/16/06
    Marie605/AlohaDiane/Smiley_Diane - 7/9/06

    Roza Moldova July 2007
    Shelliks - Shelli - 9/19/07
    3Strikes - Diane 2007

    Kirsti Ottem Langeland (KOL), Mazerolles du Razes, France - 5/2/07

    Stacey (Sunshine) Buckley - NJ - 4/27/07

    Parrothead - Rebecca Rallen, age 33 - 5/16/07

    Flea - Felicia Volkmar, age 41 - 7/21/07

    Pixiedust - Stacey Agran - 10/2/07

    Sedgymum - Kelly Sedgmen - 10/17/07

    Bev34 - Patricea Ann "Daily" Gluesencamp Lawrence - 10/22/07

    Debbie Newbill ( sister of jaepinkroses) - 10/27/07

    Cherie-Boop - 11/15/07

    SueMaria - November 2007, Liverpool

    Jayne1956 - Jayne Mansfield (last name?) - September(?), 2007

    Jacque Nielson (jacqniel) - 11/22/07


    Stage4 - Kathy - 11/20/07

    Jeannie44 - Jeannie Dunten, 11/30/07

    SoCalNancy - Nancy, 12/1/07

    Kim825 - Kim Piccione, 11/29/2007

    Lisa40 - Lisa Turner, 12/14/07

    Diane Snipes (wife of Bimmer) - 12/18/07

    Pat Fitzpatrick (fitzpatti) - 12/26/07

    Cheryl Thomason (CY, b445) - 2/19/08

    Jenben25 - Jennifer Lynn Buron - 1/23/08

    ForTheMoment - Erin Elise Van Dyke - 3/13/08

    Debbie Miller - 3/13/08

    Shepgirl - Kathryn Bronson - 3/12/08

    Joanne1428 - Joanne Patricia Schweitzer - 3/19/08

    fd411 - Ferne Dixon - 3/23/08

    kelownagirl - Jill - 4/08

    skirk - Sherri Kirk - friend of jonimb - 4/10/08

    Theresa - sister of Donna (sisterlove) - 4/7/08

    PaulaBeth - May 3, 2008

    labradorsandra - Sandra Branton - 3/24/08

    Roberta - friend of flyrzfan - 10/24/06

    Valsul-Valerie Sullivan-Cheshire, UK - friend of jpann39(and bc.o sisters) - 6/13/08

    ocinny414 - CindyKS - 6/16/08 - from the May 07 chemo thread, and Triple Neg. thread

    Robin Mercer (screen name?) also on, was friend of LiniWD - 06/27/08

    KariLynn - Kari Lynn Spiers - Pittsburg, KS, 7/3/08

    Kimmie39 - Kimberly Dawn Franklin - Winchester, VA 7/4/08

    Pauline Jones - England - 6/7/08

    Monica Pieterse - 27 yrs old - 7/10/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Melbourne Mum(Ruth) - June 30th 2008

    JillT - Jill Tollefson - 10/08  

    Linda_CR, (sister of bschlegel), 1/14/05
    Kat (in Texas)

    Kathleen46 - Kathleen Hemker - 8/25/06

    Beautiful_Mom - Cheryl Ellen Bafford, 33 yrs old - 1/23/78 to 11/12/06

    MJ66 - Mary Jo Cardwell - 2/23/07

    Jen43 - Jen - June 2007

    Ravencaine - Donna Ivison - 10/17/07

    Mavy - July? 2007

    CTG - Laura McCarthy - 1/19/08

    Kristen Lupton (friend of stacey2930) - 1/28/08

    Tracy1964 - 10/15/08

    OTHERS--our friends and relatives:

    Elizabeth (bc) - (MIL of Laura GTO) 1988
    Mary Cron - 4/8/07

    Julie Vaverka (friend of susan02143) - 9/28/07

    Myrna Ann Rotman (mother of sandyk) - 1/19/1984

    Donald Ralph Rotman (father of sandyk) - 4/15/1987

    Jane Eva Marsch (mother of budsadie) - 5/16/07

    Donna White - 7/20/07

    Debbie Babechuk - 1994

    Lori Kennedy - 3/17/04

    Janis M. Fulton (mother of jansdaughter) - 7/1/07

    Alma L. Boyd (mother of pamouell) - 8/27/1989

    Mary Graham ( friend of lvtwoglt) - 9/30/07

    Louisa, (sister of Alishar) - 7/13/04

    Sylvie (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Carol (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Courtenay (friend of SadFriend) - 12/10/07

    Betty-Ann ( sister of CurlyKatFL) - 10/1/1995

    Vilma (Aunt of CurlyKatFL ) - 2003

    Lois Wilson (mother of MrsBee) - 2/4/91

    Joni Pulley ( best friend of MrsBee) - 12/91

    Leota Braun (mother-in-law of MrsBee) - 1974

    Elizabeth Calthirst (friend of Odalys) - October 2007

    Linda Tarry (friend of AliceJean) - Elyria, Ohio

    Sue Gibbs (friend of cp418) - New Jersey, March 2007

    Gladys Hicks (mother of lucy222) - 56 yrs old, 6/72

    Nikki Lee Norcross (friend of RaeAnn) - 12/17/07

    Valerie Ruff (friend of NancyM) - 6/5/06

    Shirley (Sandy) Kupferschmid (friend of ritajean's) 47 y.o.--1/12/08

    Sandy Bibee (friend of BinVA) - 1/18/08

    Sandy Moore (friend of LuAnnH) - Cincinnati, OH - 1/26/08

    Pam Briggle (friend of GSG/Patrice) - 49 y.o. - 11/11/07

    Kiersten Conner-Sax 2/2/08

    Mami, (Odalys's mother) - 2/12/08

    Lisa Jenkinson - (friend of Twink's brother), age 37 - 3/08

    Cathy O'Brien - 33 years old - From YSC board 3-29-08

    Jessica Stefaniak - 29 years old - From YSC board 3-25-08

    Sheila Monastero - 48 years old - Pennsylvania - 2008

    Theresa - 43 years old - (sister-in-law of peace41)- 4/7/08

    Rosemary Jenks - (mother of cmayes71) - 58 years old, Knoxville, TN - 4/2/08

    Lavon Thomas - (mother of FirstEdition) - 4/20/08

    Karen - (aunt of Amy Brodar) - 4/25/08

    Mother of twiddles - 4/08

    Mother of liz35 - 5/8/08

    Mother of ibrought - 11/04

    Mother of EXAIMA - 5/08

    Mother-in-Law of Wren - Jeri, 12/31/97

    Mother of LANEF - 6/17/08

    Paula Luberto --53 yrs. old--(friend of michie56)--6/26/08

    BadBabe's Mum - New Zealand - 7/08

    Lauri Nichols - (friend of cp418) - NJ - 8/2/08

    Patricia Cortland - (friend of LuAnnH) - 8/15/08

    Mattie Ferrell - (mother of slonedeb) - 69 years old - 1994

    Elizabeth Brown - (mother of auntgina) - 2/15/08


    (updated 10/16/08 to add Tracy1964 - 10/15/08, slonedeb's mother, Mattie Ferrell, 1994, JillT, (Jill Tollefson), 10/08, Elizabeth Brown - mother of auntgina - 2/15/08)
  • slonedeb
    slonedeb Member Posts: 133
    edited October 2008

    auntgina  sorry for your loss i to am the only daughter ou of 7 to get this beast i  had one sister to die of lupus one to die of cervical cancer and my only  brother to die of alcholism so gina i am praying for you sister  deb from ky

  • celia088
    celia088 Member Posts: 975
    edited October 2008

    auntgina, i sent you a PM.

  • auntgina
    auntgina Member Posts: 6
    edited October 2008

    Slonedeb, I have been here since March 2006. I thank you for your condolences. With all you have going on, I appreciate it doubly. I want you to know that though I don't post often, I have been here reading of your journey. You are a strong and vital person and I have been praying and rooting for you. So, keep fighting the good fight like the warrior you are. We have to come out on top sometime. auntgina

  • celia088
    celia088 Member Posts: 975
    edited October 2016
    (updated 10/24/08)

    ~THE GARDEN OF ANGELS~ (original name of this list by NBN)

    Tinkerbell (Ann) - 6/28/04
    Emmaline - 2004 (?)
    Sprite - July 2004
    Breezy - January 2005
    runningdear (Kay)- 2005?
    Kathleen Crystal - 2005
    Lanie - Early 2005
    Charlotte Jean Gregory - 6/4/05
    Tine - Margarethe 2005 (early 20's -IBC)
    Annette DiPietro - 10/25/05
    Janie - 10/31/05
    Feegee (Frances)- 11/28/05

    Trisha - (Patricia Tedder, Alabama) screen name ?, January 2006

    Bluekitten (Kathy Verett) - 1/2/05
    MomCasey - 2/26/06
    Sickofit (Janell) - 4/21/06
    Jane Kelly - 4/23/06
    Shirl (Shirl Balsley)- 5/5/06
    Mary Woods - 5/13/06 (England)
    Andee - 4/29/06
    FighterLU (LuAnn) - 6/12/06
    TheresaPW - 2006
    Jane from Illinois. Had Inflammatory BC (year ?)
    Linda O (2006?)
    Faye (Australia) - 6/16/06
    Marie605/AlohaDiane/Smiley_Diane - 7/9/06

    Roza Moldova July 2007
    Shelliks - Shelli - 9/19/07
    3Strikes - Diane 2007

    Kirsti Ottem Langeland (KOL), Mazerolles du Razes, France - 5/2/07

    Stacey (Sunshine) Buckley - NJ - 4/27/07

    Parrothead - Rebecca Rallen, age 33 - 5/16/07

    Flea - Felicia Volkmar, age 41 - 7/21/07

    Pixiedust - Stacey Agran - 10/2/07

    Sedgymum - Kelly Sedgmen - 10/17/07

    Bev34 - Patricea Ann "Daily" Gluesencamp Lawrence - 10/22/07

    Debbie Newbill ( sister of jaepinkroses) - 10/27/07

    Cherie-Boop - 11/15/07

    SueMaria - November 2007, Liverpool

    Jayne1956 - Jayne Mansfield (last name?) - September(?), 2007

    Jacque Nielson (jacqniel) - 11/22/07


    Stage4 - Kathy - 11/20/07

    Jeannie44 - Jeannie Dunten, 11/30/07

    SoCalNancy - Nancy, 12/1/07

    Kim825 - Kim Piccione, 11/29/2007

    Lisa40 - Lisa Turner, 12/14/07

    Diane Snipes (wife of Bimmer) - 12/18/07

    Pat Fitzpatrick (fitzpatti) - 12/26/07

    Cheryl Thomason (CY, b445) - 2/19/08

    Jenben25 - Jennifer Lynn Buron - 1/23/08

    ForTheMoment - Erin Elise Van Dyke - 3/13/08

    Debbie Miller - 3/13/08

    Shepgirl - Kathryn Bronson - 3/12/08

    Joanne1428 - Joanne Patricia Schweitzer - 3/19/08

    fd411 - Ferne Dixon - 3/23/08

    kelownagirl - Jill - 4/08

    skirk - Sherri Kirk - friend of jonimb - 4/10/08

    Theresa - sister of Donna (sisterlove) - 4/7/08

    PaulaBeth - May 3, 2008

    labradorsandra - Sandra Branton - 3/24/08

    Roberta - friend of flyrzfan - 10/24/06

    Valsul-Valerie Sullivan-Cheshire, UK - friend of jpann39(and bc.o sisters) - 6/13/08

    ocinny414 - CindyKS - 6/16/08 - from the May 07 chemo thread, and Triple Neg. thread

    Robin Mercer (screen name?) also on, was friend of LiniWD - 06/27/08

    KariLynn - Kari Lynn Spiers - Pittsburg, KS, 7/3/08

    Kimmie39 - Kimberly Dawn Franklin - Winchester, VA 7/4/08

    Pauline Jones - England - 6/7/08

    Monica Pieterse - 27 yrs old - 7/10/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Melbourne Mum(Ruth) - June 30th 2008

    JillT - Jill Tollefson - 10/08

    jonimb - 10/22/08

    Linda_CR, (sister of bschlegel), 1/14/05
    Kat (in Texas)

    Kathleen46 - Kathleen Hemker - 8/25/06

    Beautiful_Mom - Cheryl Ellen Bafford, 33 yrs old - 1/23/78 to 11/12/06

    MJ66 - Mary Jo Cardwell - 2/23/07

    Jen43 - Jen - June 2007

    Ravencaine - Donna Ivison - 10/17/07

    Mavy - July? 2007

    CTG - Laura McCarthy - 1/19/08

    Kristen Lupton (friend of stacey2930) - 1/28/08

    Tracy1964 - 10/15/08

    OTHERS--our friends and relatives:

    Elizabeth (bc) - (MIL of Laura GTO) 1988
    Mary Cron - 4/8/07

    Julie Vaverka (friend of susan02143) - 9/28/07

    Myrna Ann Rotman (mother of sandyk) - 1/19/1984

    Donald Ralph Rotman (father of sandyk) - 4/15/1987

    Jane Eva Marsch (mother of budsadie) - 5/16/07

    Donna White - 7/20/07

    Debbie Babechuk - 1994

    Lori Kennedy - 3/17/04

    Janis M. Fulton (mother of jansdaughter) - 7/1/07

    Alma L. Boyd (mother of pamouell) - 8/27/1989

    Mary Graham ( friend of lvtwoglt) - 9/30/07

    Louisa, (sister of Alishar) - 7/13/04

    Sylvie (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Carol (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Courtenay (friend of SadFriend) - 12/10/07

    Betty-Ann ( sister of CurlyKatFL) - 10/1/1995

    Vilma (Aunt of CurlyKatFL ) - 2003

    Lois Wilson (mother of MrsBee) - 2/4/91

    Joni Pulley ( best friend of MrsBee) - 12/91

    Leota Braun (mother-in-law of MrsBee) - 1974

    Elizabeth Calthirst (friend of Odalys) - October 2007

    Linda Tarry (friend of AliceJean) - Elyria, Ohio

    Sue Gibbs (friend of cp418) - New Jersey, March 2007

    Gladys Hicks (mother of lucy222) - 56 yrs old, 6/72

    Nikki Lee Norcross (friend of RaeAnn) - 12/17/07

    Valerie Ruff (friend of NancyM) - 6/5/06

    Shirley (Sandy) Kupferschmid (friend of ritajean's) 47 y.o.--1/12/08

    Sandy Bibee (friend of BinVA) - 1/18/08

    Sandy Moore (friend of LuAnnH) - Cincinnati, OH - 1/26/08

    Pam Briggle (friend of GSG/Patrice) - 49 y.o. - 11/11/07

    Kiersten Conner-Sax 2/2/08

    Mami, (Odalys's mother) - 2/12/08

    Lisa Jenkinson - (friend of Twink's brother), age 37 - 3/08

    Cathy O'Brien - 33 years old - From YSC board 3-29-08

    Jessica Stefaniak - 29 years old - From YSC board 3-25-08

    Sheila Monastero - 48 years old - Pennsylvania - 2008

    Theresa - 43 years old - (sister-in-law of peace41)- 4/7/08

    Rosemary Jenks - (mother of cmayes71) - 58 years old, Knoxville, TN - 4/2/08

    Lavon Thomas - (mother of FirstEdition) - 4/20/08

    Karen - (aunt of Amy Brodar) - 4/25/08

    Mother of twiddles - 4/08

    Mother of liz35 - 5/8/08

    Mother of ibrought - 11/04

    Mother of EXAIMA - 5/08

    Mother-in-Law of Wren - Jeri, 12/31/97

    Mother of LANEF - 6/17/08

    Paula Luberto --53 yrs. old--(friend of michie56)--6/26/08

    BadBabe's Mum - New Zealand - 7/08

    Lauri Nichols - (friend of cp418) - NJ - 8/2/08

    Patricia Cortland - (friend of LuAnnH) - 8/15/08

    Mattie Ferrell - (mother of slonedeb) - 69 years old - 1994

    Elizabeth Brown - (mother of auntgina) - 2/15/08


    (updated 10/24/08 to add jonimb - 10/22/08)
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Member Posts: 678
    edited October 2016

    I am doing this for heavenlyangelks

    She would like heartwings59 added to the angel list - she was a UK chatter

    her name is Gina and she passed October 26, 2008 12:45 pm (UK time)

  • celia088
    celia088 Member Posts: 975
    edited October 2016
    (updated 10/27/08)

    ~THE GARDEN OF ANGELS~ (original name of this list by NBN)

    Tinkerbell (Ann) - 6/28/04
    Emmaline - 2004 (?)
    Sprite - July 2004
    Breezy - January 2005
    runningdear (Kay)- 2005?
    Kathleen Crystal - 2005
    Lanie - Early 2005
    Charlotte Jean Gregory - 6/4/05
    Tine - Margarethe 2005 (early 20's -IBC)
    Annette DiPietro - 10/25/05
    Janie - 10/31/05
    Feegee (Frances)- 11/28/05

    Trisha - (Patricia Tedder, Alabama) screen name ?, January 2006

    Bluekitten (Kathy Verett) - 1/2/05
    MomCasey - 2/26/06
    Sickofit (Janell) - 4/21/06
    Jane Kelly - 4/23/06
    Shirl (Shirl Balsley)- 5/5/06
    Mary Woods - 5/13/06 (England)
    Andee - 4/29/06
    FighterLU (LuAnn) - 6/12/06
    TheresaPW - 2006
    Jane from Illinois. Had Inflammatory BC (year ?)
    Linda O (2006?)
    Faye (Australia) - 6/16/06
    Marie605/AlohaDiane/Smiley_Diane - 7/9/06

    Roza Moldova July 2007
    Shelliks - Shelli - 9/19/07
    3Strikes - Diane 2007

    Kirsti Ottem Langeland (KOL), Mazerolles du Razes, France - 5/2/07

    Stacey (Sunshine) Buckley - NJ - 4/27/07

    Parrothead - Rebecca Rallen, age 33 - 5/16/07

    Flea - Felicia Volkmar, age 41 - 7/21/07

    Pixiedust - Stacey Agran - 10/2/07

    Sedgymum - Kelly Sedgmen - 10/17/07

    Bev34 - Patricea Ann "Daily" Gluesencamp Lawrence - 10/22/07

    Debbie Newbill ( sister of jaepinkroses) - 10/27/07

    Cherie-Boop - 11/15/07

    SueMaria - November 2007, Liverpool

    Jayne1956 - Jayne Mansfield (last name?) - September(?), 2007

    Jacque Nielson (jacqniel) - 11/22/07


    Stage4 - Kathy - 11/20/07

    Jeannie44 - Jeannie Dunten, 11/30/07

    SoCalNancy - Nancy, 12/1/07

    Kim825 - Kim Piccione, 11/29/2007

    Lisa40 - Lisa Turner, 12/14/07

    Diane Snipes (wife of Bimmer) - 12/18/07

    Pat Fitzpatrick (fitzpatti) - 12/26/07

    Cheryl Thomason (CY, b445) - 2/19/08

    Jenben25 - Jennifer Lynn Buron - 1/23/08

    ForTheMoment - Erin Elise Van Dyke - 3/13/08

    Debbie Miller - 3/13/08

    Shepgirl - Kathryn Bronson - 3/12/08

    Joanne1428 - Joanne Patricia Schweitzer - 3/19/08

    fd411 - Ferne Dixon - 3/23/08

    kelownagirl - Jill - 4/08

    skirk - Sherri Kirk - friend of jonimb - 4/10/08

    Theresa - sister of Donna (sisterlove) - 4/7/08

    PaulaBeth - May 3, 2008

    labradorsandra - Sandra Branton - 3/24/08

    Roberta - friend of flyrzfan - 10/24/06

    Valsul-Valerie Sullivan-Cheshire, UK - friend of jpann39(and bc.o sisters) - 6/13/08

    ocinny414 - CindyKS - 6/16/08 - from the May 07 chemo thread, and Triple Neg. thread

    Robin Mercer (screen name?) also on, was friend of LiniWD - 06/27/08

    KariLynn - Kari Lynn Spiers - Pittsburg, KS, 7/3/08

    Kimmie39 - Kimberly Dawn Franklin - Winchester, VA 7/4/08

    Pauline Jones - England - 6/7/08

    Monica Pieterse - 27 yrs old - 7/10/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Melbourne Mum(Ruth) - June 30th 2008

    JillT - Jill Tollefson - 10/08

    jonimb - 10/22/08

    Linda_CR, (sister of bschlegel), 1/14/05
    Kat (in Texas)

    Kathleen46 - Kathleen Hemker - 8/25/06

    Beautiful_Mom - Cheryl Ellen Bafford, 33 yrs old - 1/23/78 to 11/12/06

    MJ66 - Mary Jo Cardwell - 2/23/07

    Jen43 - Jen - June 2007

    Ravencaine - Donna Ivison - 10/17/07

    Mavy - July? 2007

    CTG - Laura McCarthy - 1/19/08

    Kristen Lupton (friend of stacey2930) - 1/28/08

    Tracy1964 - 10/15/08

    heartwings59 - Gina Schonthaler (UK chatter), friend of heavenlyangelks - 10/26/08 UK

    OTHERS--our friends and relatives:

    Elizabeth (bc) - (MIL of Laura GTO) 1988
    Mary Cron - 4/8/07

    Julie Vaverka (friend of susan02143) - 9/28/07

    Myrna Ann Rotman (mother of sandyk) - 1/19/1984

    Donald Ralph Rotman (father of sandyk) - 4/15/1987

    Jane Eva Marsch (mother of budsadie) - 5/16/07

    Donna White - 7/20/07

    Debbie Babechuk - 1994

    Lori Kennedy - 3/17/04

    Janis M. Fulton (mother of jansdaughter) - 7/1/07

    Alma L. Boyd (mother of pamouell) - 8/27/1989

    Mary Graham ( friend of lvtwoglt) - 9/30/07

    Louisa, (sister of Alishar) - 7/13/04

    Sylvie (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Carol (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Courtenay (friend of SadFriend) - 12/10/07

    Betty-Ann ( sister of CurlyKatFL) - 10/1/1995

    Vilma (Aunt of CurlyKatFL ) - 2003

    Lois Wilson (mother of MrsBee) - 2/4/91

    Joni Pulley ( best friend of MrsBee) - 12/91

    Leota Braun (mother-in-law of MrsBee) - 1974

    Elizabeth Calthirst (friend of Odalys) - October 2007

    Linda Tarry (friend of AliceJean) - Elyria, Ohio

    Sue Gibbs (friend of cp418) - New Jersey, March 2007

    Gladys Hicks (mother of lucy222) - 56 yrs old, 6/72

    Nikki Lee Norcross (friend of RaeAnn) - 12/17/07

    Valerie Ruff (friend of NancyM) - 6/5/06

    Shirley (Sandy) Kupferschmid (friend of ritajean's) 47 y.o.--1/12/08

    Sandy Bibee (friend of BinVA) - 1/18/08

    Sandy Moore (friend of LuAnnH) - Cincinnati, OH - 1/26/08

    Pam Briggle (friend of GSG/Patrice) - 49 y.o. - 11/11/07

    Kiersten Conner-Sax 2/2/08

    Mami, (Odalys's mother) - 2/12/08

    Lisa Jenkinson - (friend of Twink's brother), age 37 - 3/08

    Cathy O'Brien - 33 years old - From YSC board 3-29-08

    Jessica Stefaniak - 29 years old - From YSC board 3-25-08

    Sheila Monastero - 48 years old - Pennsylvania - 2008

    Theresa - 43 years old - (sister-in-law of peace41)- 4/7/08

    Rosemary Jenks - (mother of cmayes71) - 58 years old, Knoxville, TN - 4/2/08

    Lavon Thomas - (mother of FirstEdition) - 4/20/08

    Karen - (aunt of Amy Brodar) - 4/25/08

    Mother of twiddles - 4/08

    Mother of liz35 - 5/8/08

    Mother of ibrought - 11/04

    Mother of EXAIMA - 5/08

    Mother-in-Law of Wren - Jeri, 12/31/97

    Mother of LANEF - 6/17/08

    Paula Luberto --53 yrs. old--(friend of michie56)--6/26/08

    BadBabe's Mum - New Zealand - 7/08

    Lauri Nichols - (friend of cp418) - NJ - 8/2/08

    Patricia Cortland - (friend of LuAnnH) - 8/15/08

    Mattie Ferrell - (mother of slonedeb) - 69 years old - 1994

    Elizabeth Brown - (mother of auntgina) - 2/15/08


    (updated 10/24/08 to add jonimb - 10/22/08,

    updated 10/27/08 to add heartwings59 (UK chatter), Gina Schonthaler - 10/26/08)

  • celia088
    celia088 Member Posts: 975
    edited October 2008

    dreamwriter, i sent you a PM.


  • celia088
    celia088 Member Posts: 975
    edited October 2016
    (updated 11/08/08)

    ~THE GARDEN OF ANGELS~ (original name of this list by NBN)

    Tinkerbell (Ann) - 6/28/04
    Emmaline - 2004 (?)
    Sprite - July 2004
    Breezy - January 2005
    runningdear (Kay)- 2005?
    Kathleen Crystal - 2005
    Lanie - Early 2005
    Charlotte Jean Gregory - 6/4/05
    Tine - Margarethe 2005 (early 20's -IBC)
    Annette DiPietro - 10/25/05
    Janie - 10/31/05
    Feegee (Frances)- 11/28/05

    Trisha - (Patricia Tedder, Alabama) screen name ?, January 2006

    Bluekitten (Kathy Verett) - 1/2/05
    MomCasey - 2/26/06
    Sickofit (Janell) - 4/21/06
    Jane Kelly - 4/23/06
    Shirl (Shirl Balsley)- 5/5/06
    Mary Woods - 5/13/06 (England)
    Andee - 4/29/06
    FighterLU (LuAnn) - 6/12/06
    TheresaPW - 2006
    Jane from Illinois. Had Inflammatory BC (year ?)
    Linda O (2006?)
    Faye (Australia) - 6/16/06
    Marie605/AlohaDiane/Smiley_Diane - 7/9/06

    Roza Moldova July 2007
    Shelliks - Shelli - 9/19/07
    3Strikes - Diane 2007

    Kirsti Ottem Langeland (KOL), Mazerolles du Razes, France - 5/2/07

    Stacey (Sunshine) Buckley - NJ - 4/27/07

    Parrothead - Rebecca Rallen, age 33 - 5/16/07

    Flea - Felicia Volkmar, age 41 - 7/21/07

    Pixiedust - Stacey Agran - 10/2/07

    Sedgymum - Kelly Sedgmen - 10/17/07

    Bev34 - Patricea Ann "Daily" Gluesencamp Lawrence - 10/22/07

    Debbie Newbill ( sister of jaepinkroses) - 10/27/07

    Cherie-Boop - 11/15/07

    SueMaria - November 2007, Liverpool

    Jayne1956 - Jayne Mansfield (last name?) - September(?), 2007

    Jacque Nielson (jacqniel) - 11/22/07


    Stage4 - Kathy - 11/20/07

    Jeannie44 - Jeannie Dunten, 11/30/07

    SoCalNancy - Nancy, 12/1/07

    Kim825 - Kim Piccione, 11/29/2007

    Lisa40 - Lisa Turner, 12/14/07

    Diane Snipes (wife of Bimmer) - 12/18/07

    Pat Fitzpatrick (fitzpatti) - 12/26/07

    Cheryl Thomason (CY, b445) - 2/19/08

    Jenben25 - Jennifer Lynn Buron - 1/23/08

    ForTheMoment - Erin Elise Van Dyke - 3/13/08

    Debbie Miller - 3/13/08

    Shepgirl - Kathryn Bronson - 3/12/08

    Joanne1428 - Joanne Patricia Schweitzer - 3/19/08

    fd411 - Ferne Dixon - 3/23/08

    kelownagirl - Jill - 4/08

    skirk - Sherri Kirk - friend of jonimb - 4/10/08

    Theresa - sister of Donna (sisterlove) - 4/7/08

    PaulaBeth - May 3, 2008

    labradorsandra - Sandra Branton - 3/24/08

    Roberta - friend of flyrzfan - 10/24/06

    Valsul-Valerie Sullivan-Cheshire, UK - friend of jpann39(and bc.o sisters) - 6/13/08

    ocinny414 - CindyKS - 6/16/08 - from the May 07 chemo thread, and Triple Neg. thread

    Robin Mercer (screen name?) also on, was friend of LiniWD - 06/27/08

    KariLynn - Kari Lynn Spiers - Pittsburg, KS, 7/3/08

    Kimmie39 - Kimberly Dawn Franklin - Winchester, VA 7/4/08

    Pauline Jones - England - 6/7/08

    Monica Pieterse - 27 yrs old - 7/10/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Melbourne Mum(Ruth) - June 30th 2008

    JillT - Jill Tollefson - 10/08

    jonimb - 10/22/08

    Linda_CR, (sister of bschlegel), 1/14/05
    Kat (in Texas)

    Kathleen46 - Kathleen Hemker - 8/25/06

    Beautiful_Mom - Cheryl Ellen Bafford, 33 yrs old - 1/23/78 to 11/12/06

    MJ66 - Mary Jo Cardwell - 2/23/07

    Jen43 - Jen - June 2007

    Ravencaine - Donna Ivison - 10/17/07

    Mavy - July? 2007

    CTG - Laura McCarthy - 1/19/08

    Kristen Lupton (friend of stacey2930) - 1/28/08

    Tracy1964 - 10/15/08

    heartwings59 - Gina Schonthaler (UK chatter), friend of heavenlyangelks - 10/26/08 UK

    OTHERS--our friends and relatives:

    Elizabeth (bc) - (MIL of Laura GTO) 1988
    Mary Cron - 4/8/07

    Julie Vaverka (friend of susan02143) - 9/28/07

    Myrna Ann Rotman (mother of sandyk) - 1/19/1984

    Donald Ralph Rotman (father of sandyk) - 4/15/1987

    Jane Eva Marsch (mother of budsadie) - 5/16/07

    Donna White - 7/20/07

    Debbie Babechuk - 1994

    Lori Kennedy - 3/17/04

    Janis M. Fulton (mother of jansdaughter) - 7/1/07

    Alma L. Boyd (mother of pamouell) - 8/27/1989

    Mary Graham ( friend of lvtwoglt) - 9/30/07

    Louisa, (sister of Alishar) - 7/13/04

    Sylvie (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Carol (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Courtenay (friend of SadFriend) - 12/10/07

    Betty-Ann ( sister of CurlyKatFL) - 10/1/1995

    Vilma (Aunt of CurlyKatFL ) - 2003

    Lois Wilson (mother of MrsBee) - 2/4/91

    Joni Pulley ( best friend of MrsBee) - 12/91

    Leota Braun (mother-in-law of MrsBee) - 1974

    Elizabeth Calthirst (friend of Odalys) - October 2007

    Linda Tarry (friend of AliceJean) - Elyria, Ohio

    Sue Gibbs (friend of cp418) - New Jersey, March 2007

    Gladys Hicks (mother of lucy222) - 56 yrs old, 6/72

    Nikki Lee Norcross (friend of RaeAnn) - 12/17/07

    Valerie Ruff (friend of NancyM) - 6/5/06

    Shirley (Sandy) Kupferschmid (friend of ritajean's) 47 y.o.--1/12/08

    Sandy Bibee (friend of BinVA) - 1/18/08

    Sandy Moore (friend of LuAnnH) - Cincinnati, OH - 1/26/08

    Pam Briggle (friend of GSG/Patrice) - 49 y.o. - 11/11/07

    Kiersten Conner-Sax 2/2/08

    Mami, (Odalys's mother) - 2/12/08

    Lisa Jenkinson - (friend of Twink's brother), age 37 - 3/08

    Cathy O'Brien - 33 years old - From YSC board 3-29-08

    Jessica Stefaniak - 29 years old - From YSC board 3-25-08

    Sheila Monastero - 48 years old - Pennsylvania - 2008

    Theresa - 43 years old - (sister-in-law of peace41)- 4/7/08

    Rosemary Jenks - (mother of cmayes71) - 58 years old, Knoxville, TN - 4/2/08

    Lavon Thomas - (mother of FirstEdition) - 4/20/08

    Karen - (aunt of Amy Brodar) - 4/25/08

    Mother of twiddles - 4/08

    Mother of liz35 - 5/8/08

    Mother of ibrought - 11/04

    Mother of EXAIMA - 5/08

    Mother-in-Law of Wren - Jeri, 12/31/97

    Mother of LANEF - 6/17/08

    Paula Luberto --53 yrs. old--(friend of michie56)--6/26/08

    BadBabe's Mum - New Zealand - 7/08

    Lauri Nichols - (friend of cp418) - NJ - 8/2/08

    Patricia Cortland - (friend of LuAnnH) - 8/15/08

    Mattie Ferrell - (mother of slonedeb) - 69 years old - 1994

    Elizabeth Brown - (mother of auntgina) - 2/15/08

    Diana Coleman - (friend of sjack827) - 11/02/08

    Heather Pick - (newscaster in sjack827's city) - 11/07/08


    (updated 11/08/08 to add Diana Coleman, sjack827's friend - 11/02/08, and Heather Pick, newscaster in sjack827's city - 11/07/08)

  • gsg
    gsg Member Posts: 1,700
    edited October 2016

    Celia, thank you for keeping this heartbreaking list up. I heard Rita (actress wife of Tom Hanks) joyously proclaim on television at an event recently that "breast cancer is no longer a death sentence." While for many it isn't, I immediately thought of our wall of angels and wished I could mail it to her. She sent out a somewhat misleading message and it irked me on behalf of our angels.

  • celia088
    celia088 Member Posts: 975
    edited October 2016
    (updated 11/12/08)

    ~THE GARDEN OF ANGELS~ (original name of this list by NBN)

    Tinkerbell (Ann) - 6/28/04
    Emmaline - 2004 (?)
    Sprite - July 2004
    Breezy - January 2005
    runningdear (Kay)- 2005?
    Kathleen Crystal - 2005
    Lanie - Early 2005
    Charlotte Jean Gregory - 6/4/05
    Tine - Margarethe 2005 (early 20's -IBC)
    Annette DiPietro - 10/25/05
    Janie - 10/31/05
    Feegee (Frances)- 11/28/05

    Trisha - (Patricia Tedder, Alabama) screen name ?, January 2006

    Bluekitten (Kathy Verett) - 1/2/05
    MomCasey - 2/26/06
    Sickofit (Janell) - 4/21/06
    Jane Kelly - 4/23/06
    Shirl (Shirl Balsley)- 5/5/06
    Mary Woods - 5/13/06 (England)
    Andee - 4/29/06
    FighterLU (LuAnn) - 6/12/06
    TheresaPW - 2006
    Jane from Illinois. Had Inflammatory BC (year ?)
    Linda O (2006?)
    Faye (Australia) - 6/16/06
    Marie605/AlohaDiane/Smiley_Diane - 7/9/06

    Roza Moldova July 2007
    Shelliks - Shelli - 9/19/07
    3Strikes - Diane 2007

    Kirsti Ottem Langeland (KOL), Mazerolles du Razes, France - 5/2/07

    Stacey (Sunshine) Buckley - NJ - 4/27/07

    Parrothead - Rebecca Rallen, age 33 - 5/16/07

    Flea - Felicia Volkmar, age 41 - 7/21/07

    Pixiedust - Stacey Agran - 10/2/07

    Sedgymum - Kelly Sedgmen - 10/17/07

    Bev34 - Patricea Ann "Daily" Gluesencamp Lawrence - 10/22/07

    Debbie Newbill ( sister of jaepinkroses) - 10/27/07

    Cherie-Boop - 11/15/07

    SueMaria - November 2007, Liverpool

    Jayne1956 - Jayne Mansfield (last name?) - September(?), 2007

    Jacque Nielson (jacqniel) - 11/22/07


    Stage4 - Kathy - 11/20/07

    Jeannie44 - Jeannie Dunten, 11/30/07

    SoCalNancy - Nancy, 12/1/07

    Kim825 - Kim Piccione, 11/29/2007

    Lisa40 - Lisa Turner, 12/14/07

    Diane Snipes (wife of Bimmer) - 12/18/07

    Pat Fitzpatrick (fitzpatti) - 12/26/07

    Cheryl Thomason (CY, b445) - 2/19/08

    Jenben25 - Jennifer Lynn Buron - 1/23/08

    ForTheMoment - Erin Elise Van Dyke - 3/13/08

    Debbie Miller - 3/13/08

    Shepgirl - Kathryn Bronson - 3/12/08

    Joanne1428 - Joanne Patricia Schweitzer - 3/19/08

    fd411 - Ferne Dixon - 3/23/08

    kelownagirl - Jill - 4/08

    skirk - Sherri Kirk - friend of jonimb - 4/10/08

    Theresa - sister of Donna (sisterlove) - 4/7/08

    PaulaBeth - May 3, 2008

    labradorsandra - Sandra Branton - 3/24/08

    Roberta - friend of flyrzfan - 10/24/06

    Valsul-Valerie Sullivan-Cheshire, UK - friend of jpann39(and bc.o sisters) - 6/13/08

    ocinny414 - CindyKS - 6/16/08 - from the May 07 chemo thread, and Triple Neg. thread

    Robin Mercer (screen name?) also on, was friend of LiniWD - 06/27/08

    KariLynn - Kari Lynn Spiers - Pittsburg, KS, 7/3/08

    Kimmie39 - Kimberly Dawn Franklin - Winchester, VA 7/4/08

    Pauline Jones - England - 6/7/08

    Monica Pieterse - 27 yrs old - 7/10/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Melbourne Mum(Ruth) - June 30th 2008

    JillT - Jill Tollefson - 10/08

    jonimb - 10/22/08

    Linda_CR, (sister of bschlegel), 1/14/05
    Kat (in Texas)

    Kathleen46 - Kathleen Hemker - 8/25/06

    Beautiful_Mom - Cheryl Ellen Bafford, 33 yrs old - 1/23/78 to 11/12/06

    MJ66 - Mary Jo Cardwell - 2/23/07

    Jen43 - Jen - June 2007

    Ravencaine - Donna Ivison - 10/17/07

    Mavy - July? 2007

    CTG - Laura McCarthy - 1/19/08

    Kristen Lupton (friend of stacey2930) - 1/28/08

    Tracy1964 - 10/15/08

    heartwings59 - Gina Schonthaler (UK chatter), friend of heavenlyangelks - 10/26/08 UK

    OTHERS--our friends and relatives:

    Elizabeth (bc) - (MIL of Laura GTO) 1988
    Mary Cron - 4/8/07

    Julie Vaverka (friend of susan02143) - 9/28/07

    Myrna Ann Rotman (mother of sandyk) - 1/19/1984

    Donald Ralph Rotman (father of sandyk) - 4/15/1987

    Jane Eva Marsch (mother of budsadie) - 5/16/07

    Donna White - 7/20/07

    Debbie Babechuk - 1994

    Lori Kennedy - 3/17/04

    Janis M. Fulton (mother of jansdaughter) - 7/1/07

    Alma L. Boyd (mother of pamouell) - 8/27/1989

    Mary Graham ( friend of lvtwoglt) - 9/30/07

    Louisa, (sister of Alishar) - 7/13/04

    Sylvie (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Carol (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Courtenay (friend of SadFriend) - 12/10/07

    Betty-Ann ( sister of CurlyKatFL) - 10/1/1995

    Vilma (Aunt of CurlyKatFL ) - 2003

    Lois Wilson (mother of MrsBee) - 2/4/91

    Joni Pulley ( best friend of MrsBee) - 12/91

    Leota Braun (mother-in-law of MrsBee) - 1974

    Elizabeth Calthirst (friend of Odalys) - October 2007

    Linda Tarry (friend of AliceJean) - Elyria, Ohio

    Sue Gibbs (friend of cp418) - New Jersey, March 2007

    Gladys Hicks (mother of lucy222) - 56 yrs old, 6/72

    Nikki Lee Norcross (friend of RaeAnn) - 12/17/07

    Valerie Ruff (friend of NancyM) - 6/5/06

    Shirley (Sandy) Kupferschmid (friend of ritajean's) 47 y.o.--1/12/08

    Sandy Bibee (friend of BinVA) - 1/18/08

    Sandy Moore (friend of LuAnnH) - Cincinnati, OH - 1/26/08

    Pam Briggle (friend of GSG/Patrice) - 49 y.o. - 11/11/07

    Kiersten Conner-Sax 2/2/08

    Mami, (Odalys's mother) - 2/12/08

    Lisa Jenkinson - (friend of Twink's brother), age 37 - 3/08

    Cathy O'Brien - 33 years old - From YSC board 3-29-08

    Jessica Stefaniak - 29 years old - From YSC board 3-25-08

    Sheila Monastero - 48 years old - Pennsylvania - 2008

    Theresa - 43 years old - (sister-in-law of peace41)- 4/7/08

    Rosemary Jenks - (mother of cmayes71) - 58 years old, Knoxville, TN - 4/2/08

    Lavon Thomas - (mother of FirstEdition) - 4/20/08

    Karen - (aunt of Amy Brodar) - 4/25/08

    Mother of twiddles - 4/08

    Mother of liz35 - 5/8/08

    Mother of ibrought - 11/04

    Mother of EXAIMA - 5/08

    Mother-in-Law of Wren - Jeri, 12/31/97

    Mother of LANEF - 6/17/08

    Paula Luberto --53 yrs. old--(friend of michie56)--6/26/08

    BadBabe's Mum - New Zealand - 7/08

    Lauri Nichols - (friend of cp418) - NJ - 8/2/08

    Patricia Cortland - (friend of LuAnnH) - 8/15/08

    Mattie Ferrell - (mother of slonedeb) - 69 years old - 1994

    Elizabeth Brown - (mother of auntgina) - 2/15/08

    Diana Coleman - (friend of sjack827) - 11/02/08

    Heather Pick - (newscaster in sjack827's city) - 11/07/08

    Mother of ejohn(michelle) - 11/01/08

    friend of whatnow - 11/11/08 


    (updated 11/11/08 to add Mother of ejohn/michelle - 11/01/08,

    updated 11/12/08 to add friend of whatnow - 11/11/08) 

  • BMD
    BMD Member Posts: 215
    edited November 2008

    We have lost another sister. Third from the left. Jordian. She was part of our San Diego Lunch Bunch. That is her new baby Zoe.

  • whoopsiedoodles
    whoopsiedoodles Member Posts: 224
    edited November 2008


    To Brenda, and any person mourning the loss of our sister, I offer my love and prayers.  What a precious little baby. 

    Thank you for letting us know, Brenda.  Deb

  • celia088
    celia088 Member Posts: 975
    edited October 2016
    (updated 11/16/08)

    ~THE GARDEN OF ANGELS~ (original name of this list by NBN)

    Tinkerbell (Ann) - 6/28/04
    Emmaline - 2004 (?)
    Sprite - July 2004
    Breezy - January 2005
    runningdear (Kay)- 2005?
    Kathleen Crystal - 2005
    Lanie - Early 2005
    Charlotte Jean Gregory - 6/4/05
    Tine - Margarethe 2005 (early 20's -IBC)
    Annette DiPietro - 10/25/05
    Janie - 10/31/05
    Feegee (Frances)- 11/28/05

    Trisha - (Patricia Tedder, Alabama) screen name ?, January 2006

    Bluekitten (Kathy Verett) - 1/2/05
    MomCasey - 2/26/06
    Sickofit (Janell) - 4/21/06
    Jane Kelly - 4/23/06
    Shirl (Shirl Balsley)- 5/5/06
    Mary Woods - 5/13/06 (England)
    Andee - 4/29/06
    FighterLU (LuAnn) - 6/12/06
    TheresaPW - 2006
    Jane from Illinois. Had Inflammatory BC (year ?)
    Linda O (2006?)
    Faye (Australia) - 6/16/06
    Marie605/AlohaDiane/Smiley_Diane - 7/9/06

    Roza Moldova July 2007
    Shelliks - Shelli - 9/19/07
    3Strikes - Diane 2007

    Kirsti Ottem Langeland (KOL), Mazerolles du Razes, France - 5/2/07

    Stacey (Sunshine) Buckley - NJ - 4/27/07

    Parrothead - Rebecca Rallen, age 33 - 5/16/07

    Flea - Felicia Volkmar, age 41 - 7/21/07

    Pixiedust - Stacey Agran - 10/2/07

    Sedgymum - Kelly Sedgmen - 10/17/07

    Bev34 - Patricea Ann "Daily" Gluesencamp Lawrence - 10/22/07

    Debbie Newbill ( sister of jaepinkroses) - 10/27/07

    Cherie-Boop - 11/15/07

    SueMaria - November 2007, Liverpool

    Jayne1956 - Jayne Mansfield (last name?) - September(?), 2007

    Jacque Nielson (jacqniel) - 11/22/07


    Stage4 - Kathy - 11/20/07

    Jeannie44 - Jeannie Dunten, 11/30/07

    SoCalNancy - Nancy, 12/1/07

    Kim825 - Kim Piccione, 11/29/2007

    Lisa40 - Lisa Turner, 12/14/07

    Diane Snipes (wife of Bimmer) - 12/18/07

    Pat Fitzpatrick (fitzpatti) - 12/26/07

    Cheryl Thomason (CY, b445) - 2/19/08

    Jenben25 - Jennifer Lynn Buron - 1/23/08

    ForTheMoment - Erin Elise Van Dyke - 3/13/08

    Debbie Miller - 3/13/08

    Shepgirl - Kathryn Bronson - 3/12/08

    Joanne1428 - Joanne Patricia Schweitzer - 3/19/08

    fd411 - Ferne Dixon - 3/23/08

    kelownagirl - Jill - 4/08

    skirk - Sherri Kirk - friend of jonimb - 4/10/08

    Theresa - sister of Donna (sisterlove) - 4/7/08

    PaulaBeth - May 3, 2008

    labradorsandra - Sandra Branton - 3/24/08

    Valsul-Valerie Sullivan-Cheshire, UK - friend of jpann39(and bc.o sisters) - 6/13/08

    ocinny414 - CindyKS - 6/16/08 - from the May 07 chemo thread, and Triple Neg. thread

    Robin Mercer (screen name?) also on, was friend of LiniWD - 06/27/08

    KariLynn - Kari Lynn Spiers - Pittsburg, KS, 7/3/08

    Kimmie39 - Kimberly Dawn Franklin - Winchester, VA 7/4/08

    Pauline Jones - England - 6/7/08

    Monica Pieterse - 27 yrs old - 7/10/08

    Val (Feeval), partner of Laura - 9/26/08

    Jacqueline Schevarth - 10/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Melbourne Mum(Ruth) - June 30th 2008

    JillT - Jill Tollefson - 10/08

    jonimb - 10/22/08

    jodian (Jodi Squire ) - from the San Diego Lunch Bunch - 11/13/08

    Linda_CR, (sister of bschlegel), 1/14/05
    Kat (in Texas)

    Kathleen46 - Kathleen Hemker - 8/25/06

    Beautiful_Mom - Cheryl Ellen Bafford, 33 yrs old - 1/23/78 to 11/12/06

    MJ66 - Mary Jo Cardwell - 2/23/07

    Jen43 - Jen - June 2007

    Ravencaine - Donna Ivison - 10/17/07

    Mavy - July? 2007

    CTG - Laura McCarthy - 1/19/08

    Kristen Lupton (friend of stacey2930) - 1/28/08

    LeftyLu - 9/26/08

    Tracy1964 - 10/15/08

    heartwings59 - Gina Schonthaler (UK chatter), friend of heavenlyangelks - 10/26/08 UK

    OTHERS--friends and relatives of bco members:

    Elizabeth (bc) - (MIL of Laura GTO) 1988
    Mary Cron - 4/8/07

    Julie Vaverka (friend of susan02143) - 9/28/07

    Myrna Ann Rotman (mother of sandyk) - 1/19/1984

    Donald Ralph Rotman (father of sandyk) - 4/15/1987

    Jane Eva Marsch (mother of budsadie) - 5/16/07

    Donna White - 7/20/07

    Debbie Babechuk - 1994

    Lori Kennedy - 3/17/04

    Roberta - friend of flyrzfan - 10/24/06

    Janis M. Fulton (mother of jansdaughter) - 7/1/07

    Alma L. Boyd (mother of pamouell) - 8/27/1989

    Mary Graham ( friend of lvtwoglt) - 9/30/07

    Louisa, (sister of Alishar) - 7/13/04

    Sylvie (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Carol (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Courtenay (friend of SadFriend) - 12/10/07

    Betty-Ann ( sister of CurlyKatFL) - 10/1/1995

    Vilma (Aunt of CurlyKatFL ) - 2003

    Lois Wilson (mother of MrsBee) - 2/4/91

    Joni Pulley ( best friend of MrsBee) - 12/91

    Leota Braun (mother-in-law of MrsBee) - 1974

    Elizabeth Calthirst (friend of Odalys) - October 2007

    Linda Tarry (friend of AliceJean) - Elyria, Ohio

    Sue Gibbs (friend of cp418) - New Jersey, March 2007

    Gladys Hicks (mother of lucy222) - 56 yrs old, 6/72

    Nikki Lee Norcross (friend of RaeAnn) - 12/17/07

    Valerie Ruff (friend of NancyM) - 6/5/06

    Shirley (Sandy) Kupferschmid (friend of ritajean's) 47 y.o.--1/12/08

    Sandy Bibee (friend of BinVA) - 1/18/08

    Sandy Moore (friend of LuAnnH) - Cincinnati, OH - 1/26/08

    Pam Briggle (friend of GSG/Patrice) - 49 y.o. - 11/11/07

    Kiersten Conner-Sax 2/2/08

    Mami, (Odalys's mother) - 2/12/08

    Lisa Jenkinson - (friend of Twink's brother), age 37 - 3/08

    Cathy O'Brien - 33 years old - From YSC board 3-29-08

    Jessica Stefaniak - 29 years old - From YSC board 3-25-08

    Sheila Monastero - 48 years old - Pennsylvania - 2008

    Theresa - 43 years old - (sister-in-law of peace41)- 4/7/08

    Rosemary Jenks - (mother of cmayes71) - 58 years old, Knoxville, TN - 4/2/08

    Lavon Thomas - (mother of FirstEdition) - 4/20/08

    Karen - (aunt of Amy Brodar) - 4/25/08

    Mother of twiddles - 4/08

    Mother of liz35 - 5/8/08

    Mother of ibrought - 11/04

    Mother of EXAIMA - 5/08

    Mother-in-Law of Wren - Jeri, 12/31/97

    Mother of LANEF - 6/17/08

    Paula Luberto --53 yrs. old--(friend of michie56)--6/26/08

    BadBabe's Mum - New Zealand - 7/08

    Lauri Nichols - (friend of cp418) - NJ - 8/2/08

    Patricia Cortland - (friend of LuAnnH) - 8/15/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Maggie - best friend of mldemps - 9/10/08

    mother of etenneson (erin) - 2008

    Jerri - friend of dhettish - 9/19/08 

    Sonya Freeman Peters, age 32 - friend of Yogi70 - 6/16/02

    Brenda Stroud, age 42 - friend of Yogi70 - 3/2004

    Danica Martinez (YSC Board) - 9/02/08

    Brinley Evans (YSC Board) - 9/9/088

    Courtney Clevenger (YSC Board) -  9/15/08 age 23

    Denise (Charity) Hicks-DeBusk (sister of Lucy222/hollyann) - 9/4/06 

    Amy Clark Viola (Friend of lvtqoqlt) - 9/26/2008 age 41

    Mattie Ferrell - (mother of slonedeb) - 69 years old - 1994

    Elizabeth Brown - (mother of auntgina) - 2/15/08

    Diana Coleman - (friend of sjack827) - 11/02/08

    Heather Pick - (newscaster in sjack827's city) - 11/07/08

    Mother of ejohn(michelle) - 11/01/08

    friend of whatnow - 11/11/08

    Cinderella Ann Hughes (aunt of Reflection) - 11/15/08

    Ramona Hughes (aunt of Reflection) - 2000 


    (updated 11/16/08 to add jodian (Jodi Squire) from the San Diego Lunch Bunch - 11/13/08;

    updated to add Cinderella Ann Hughes - 11/15/08, Ramona Hughes 2000 - aunts of Reflection)

  • celia088
    celia088 Member Posts: 975
    edited January 2009


    The last person who copied and pasted the List of Angels in order to add a name, copied and pasted an earlier list from the thread than the most current up-to-date list, and a lot of names were dropped off.  I had to find the lost names on a later list and re-add them.

    When we got back an early version of the List of Angels that had been lost for a long time, i went through all the posts in this forum and other forums to find the names that needed to be on the list, and I also went through my own personal notes from the chatroom to add names that needed to be on the list. It would be a shame to lose any names of our Angels from our list for any reason.  This list is a ongoing permanent memorial to honor our sisters.

    If you post the name that you want added to the list in this thread, it will get added promptly.



This discussion has been closed.