In Memoriam List from the BCO Community



  • socallisa
    socallisa Posts: 10,184
    edited November 2008

    Celia..thank you for keeping this thread is so important..

        for all


  • wendyintx
    wendyintx Posts: 2
    edited December 2008

    Please add Tricia45, 12/4/08, loving friend of wendyintx

  • celia088
    celia088 Posts: 975
    edited October 2016
    (updated 11/16/08)

    ~THE GARDEN OF ANGELS~ (original name of this list by NBN)

    Tinkerbell (Ann) - 6/28/04
    Emmaline - 2004 (?)
    Sprite - July 2004
    Breezy - January 2005
    runningdear (Kay)- 2005?
    Kathleen Crystal - 2005
    Lanie - Early 2005
    Charlotte Jean Gregory - 6/4/05
    Tine - Margarethe 2005 (early 20's -IBC)
    Annette DiPietro - 10/25/05
    Janie - 10/31/05
    Feegee (Frances)- 11/28/05

    Trisha - (Patricia Tedder, Alabama) screen name ?, January 2006

    Bluekitten (Kathy Verett) - 1/2/05
    MomCasey - 2/26/06
    Sickofit (Janell) - 4/21/06
    Jane Kelly - 4/23/06
    Shirl (Shirl Balsley)- 5/5/06
    Mary Woods - 5/13/06 (England)
    Andee - 4/29/06
    FighterLU (LuAnn) - 6/12/06
    TheresaPW - 2006
    Jane from Illinois. Had Inflammatory BC (year ?)
    Linda O (2006?)
    Faye (Australia) - 6/16/06
    Marie605/AlohaDiane/Smiley_Diane - 7/9/06

    Roza Moldova July 2007
    Shelliks - Shelli - 9/19/07
    3Strikes - Diane 2007

    Kirsti Ottem Langeland (KOL), Mazerolles du Razes, France - 5/2/07

    Stacey (Sunshine) Buckley - NJ - 4/27/07

    Parrothead - Rebecca Rallen, age 33 - 5/16/07

    Flea - Felicia Volkmar, age 41 - 7/21/07

    Pixiedust - Stacey Agran - 10/2/07

    Sedgymum - Kelly Sedgmen - 10/17/07

    Bev34 - Patricea Ann "Daily" Gluesencamp Lawrence - 10/22/07

    Debbie Newbill ( sister of jaepinkroses) - 10/27/07

    Cherie-Boop - 11/15/07

    SueMaria - November 2007, Liverpool

    Jayne1956 - Jayne Mansfield (last name?) - September(?), 2007

    Jacque Nielson (jacqniel) - 11/22/07


    Stage4 - Kathy - 11/20/07

    Jeannie44 - Jeannie Dunten, 11/30/07

    SoCalNancy - Nancy, 12/1/07

    Kim825 - Kim Piccione, 11/29/2007

    Lisa40 - Lisa Turner, 12/14/07

    Diane Snipes (wife of Bimmer) - 12/18/07

    Pat Fitzpatrick (fitzpatti) - 12/26/07

    Cheryl Thomason (CY, b445) - 2/19/08

    Jenben25 - Jennifer Lynn Buron - 1/23/08

    ForTheMoment - Erin Elise Van Dyke - 3/13/08

    Debbie Miller - 3/13/08

    Shepgirl - Kathryn Bronson - 3/12/08

    Joanne1428 - Joanne Patricia Schweitzer - 3/19/08

    fd411 - Ferne Dixon - 3/23/08

    kelownagirl - Jill - 4/08

    skirk - Sherri Kirk - friend of jonimb - 4/10/08

    Theresa - sister of Donna (sisterlove) - 4/7/08

    PaulaBeth - May 3, 2008

    labradorsandra - Sandra Branton - 3/24/08

    Valsul-Valerie Sullivan-Cheshire, UK - friend of jpann39(and bc.o sisters) - 6/13/08

    ocinny414 - CindyKS - 6/16/08 - from the May 07 chemo thread, and Triple Neg. thread

    Robin Mercer (screen name?) also on, was friend of LiniWD - 06/27/08

    KariLynn - Kari Lynn Spiers - Pittsburg, KS, 7/3/08

    Kimmie39 - Kimberly Dawn Franklin - Winchester, VA 7/4/08

    Pauline Jones - England - 6/7/08

    Monica Pieterse - 27 yrs old - 7/10/08

    Val (Feeval), partner of Laura - 9/26/08

    Jacqueline Schevarth - 10/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Melbourne Mum(Ruth) - June 30th 2008

    JillT - Jill Tollefson - 10/08

    jonimb - 10/22/08

    jodian (Jodi Squire ) - from the San Diego Lunch Bunch - 11/13/08

    Tricia45 (loving friend of wendyintx) - 12/4/08

    Linda_CR, (sister of bschlegel), 1/14/05
    Kat (in Texas)

    Kathleen46 - Kathleen Hemker - 8/25/06

    Beautiful_Mom - Cheryl Ellen Bafford, 33 yrs old - 1/23/78 to 11/12/06

    MJ66 - Mary Jo Cardwell - 2/23/07

    Jen43 - Jen - June 2007

    Ravencaine - Donna Ivison - 10/17/07

    Mavy - July? 2007

    CTG - Laura McCarthy - 1/19/08

    Kristen Lupton (friend of stacey2930) - 1/28/08

    LeftyLu - 9/26/08

    Tracy1964 - 10/15/08

    heartwings59 - Gina Schonthaler (UK chatter), friend of heavenlyangelks - 10/26/08 UK

    OTHERS--friends and relatives of bco members:

    Elizabeth (bc) - (MIL of Laura GTO) 1988
    Mary Cron - 4/8/07

    Julie Vaverka (friend of susan02143) - 9/28/07

    Myrna Ann Rotman (mother of sandyk) - 1/19/1984

    Donald Ralph Rotman (father of sandyk) - 4/15/1987

    Jane Eva Marsch (mother of budsadie) - 5/16/07

    Donna White - 7/20/07

    Debbie Babechuk - 1994

    Lori Kennedy - 3/17/04

    Roberta - friend of flyrzfan - 10/24/06

    Janis M. Fulton (mother of jansdaughter) - 7/1/07

    Alma L. Boyd (mother of pamouell) - 8/27/1989

    Mary Graham ( friend of lvtwoglt) - 9/30/07

    Louisa, (sister of Alishar) - 7/13/04

    Sylvie (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Carol (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Courtenay (friend of SadFriend) - 12/10/07

    Betty-Ann ( sister of CurlyKatFL) - 10/1/1995

    Vilma (Aunt of CurlyKatFL ) - 2003

    Lois Wilson (mother of MrsBee) - 2/4/91

    Joni Pulley ( best friend of MrsBee) - 12/91

    Leota Braun (mother-in-law of MrsBee) - 1974

    Elizabeth Calthirst (friend of Odalys) - October 2007

    Linda Tarry (friend of AliceJean) - Elyria, Ohio

    Sue Gibbs (friend of cp418) - New Jersey, March 2007

    Gladys Hicks (mother of lucy222) - 56 yrs old, 6/72

    Nikki Lee Norcross (friend of RaeAnn) - 12/17/07

    Valerie Ruff (friend of NancyM) - 6/5/06

    Shirley (Sandy) Kupferschmid (friend of ritajean's) 47 y.o.--1/12/08

    Sandy Bibee (friend of BinVA) - 1/18/08

    Sandy Moore (friend of LuAnnH) - Cincinnati, OH - 1/26/08

    Pam Briggle (friend of GSG/Patrice) - 49 y.o. - 11/11/07

    Kiersten Conner-Sax 2/2/08

    Mami, (Odalys's mother) - 2/12/08

    Lisa Jenkinson - (friend of Twink's brother), age 37 - 3/08

    Cathy O'Brien - 33 years old - From YSC board 3-29-08

    Jessica Stefaniak - 29 years old - From YSC board 3-25-08

    Sheila Monastero - 48 years old - Pennsylvania - 2008

    Theresa - 43 years old - (sister-in-law of peace41)- 4/7/08

    Rosemary Jenks - (mother of cmayes71) - 58 years old, Knoxville, TN - 4/2/08

    Lavon Thomas - (mother of FirstEdition) - 4/20/08

    Karen - (aunt of Amy Brodar) - 4/25/08

    Mother of twiddles - 4/08

    Mother of liz35 - 5/8/08

    Mother of ibrought - 11/04

    Mother of EXAIMA - 5/08

    Mother-in-Law of Wren - Jeri, 12/31/97

    Mother of LANEF - 6/17/08

    Paula Luberto --53 yrs. old--(friend of michie56)--6/26/08

    BadBabe's Mum - New Zealand - 7/08

    Lauri Nichols - (friend of cp418) - NJ - 8/2/08

    Patricia Cortland - (friend of LuAnnH) - 8/15/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Maggie - best friend of mldemps - 9/10/08

    mother of etenneson (erin) - 2008

    Jerri - friend of dhettish - 9/19/08

    Sonya Freeman Peters, age 32 - friend of Yogi70 - 6/16/02

    Brenda Stroud, age 42 - friend of Yogi70 - 3/2004

    Danica Martinez (YSC Board) - 9/02/08

    Brinley Evans (YSC Board) - 9/9/088

    Courtney Clevenger (YSC Board) - 9/15/08 age 23

    Denise (Charity) Hicks-DeBusk (sister of Lucy222/hollyann) - 9/4/06

    Amy Clark Viola (Friend of lvtqoqlt) - 9/26/2008 age 41

    Mattie Ferrell - (mother of slonedeb) - 69 years old - 1994

    Elizabeth Brown - (mother of auntgina) - 2/15/08

    Diana Coleman - (friend of sjack827) - 11/02/08

    Heather Pick - (newscaster in sjack827's city) - 11/07/08

    Mother of ejohn(michelle) - 11/01/08

    friend of whatnow - 11/11/08

    Cinderella Ann Hughes (aunt of Reflection) - 11/15/08

    Ramona Hughes (aunt of Reflection) - 2000


    (updated 12/7/08 to add Tricia45 (loving friend of wendyintx) - 12/4/08)


    **If you post the name that you want added to the list in this thread, it will get added promptly.**

  • celia088
    celia088 Posts: 975
    edited December 2008

    wendyintx, i sent you a PM.


  • celia088
    celia088 Posts: 975
    edited October 2016
    (updated 12/11/08)

    ~THE GARDEN OF ANGELS~ (original name of this list by NBN)

    Tinkerbell (Ann) - 6/28/04
    Emmaline - 2004 (?)
    Sprite - July 2004
    Breezy - January 2005
    runningdear (Kay)- 2005?
    Kathleen Crystal - 2005
    Lanie - Early 2005
    Charlotte Jean Gregory - 6/4/05
    Tine - Margarethe 2005 (early 20's -IBC)
    Annette DiPietro - 10/25/05
    Janie - 10/31/05
    Feegee (Frances)- 11/28/05

    Trisha - (Patricia Tedder, Alabama) screen name ?, January 2006

    Bluekitten (Kathy Verett) - 1/2/05
    MomCasey - 2/26/06
    Sickofit (Janell) - 4/21/06
    Jane Kelly - 4/23/06
    Shirl (Shirl Balsley)- 5/5/06
    Mary Woods - 5/13/06 (England)
    Andee - 4/29/06
    FighterLU (LuAnn) - 6/12/06
    TheresaPW - 2006
    Jane from Illinois. Had Inflammatory BC (year ?)
    Linda O (2006?)
    Faye (Australia) - 6/16/06
    Marie605/AlohaDiane/Smiley_Diane - 7/9/06

    Roza Moldova July 2007
    Shelliks - Shelli - 9/19/07
    3Strikes - Diane 2007

    Kirsti Ottem Langeland (KOL), Mazerolles du Razes, France - 5/2/07

    Stacey (Sunshine) Buckley - NJ - 4/27/07

    Parrothead - Rebecca Rallen, age 33 - 5/16/07

    Flea - Felicia Volkmar, age 41 - 7/21/07

    Pixiedust - Stacey Agran - 10/2/07

    Sedgymum - Kelly Sedgmen - 10/17/07

    Bev34 - Patricea Ann "Daily" Gluesencamp Lawrence - 10/22/07

    Debbie Newbill ( sister of jaepinkroses) - 10/27/07

    Cherie-Boop - 11/15/07

    SueMaria - November 2007, Liverpool

    Jayne1956 - Jayne Mansfield (last name?) - September(?), 2007

    Jacque Nielson (jacqniel) - 11/22/07


    Stage4 - Kathy - 11/20/07

    Jeannie44 - Jeannie Dunten, 11/30/07

    SoCalNancy - Nancy, 12/1/07

    Kim825 - Kim Piccione, 11/29/2007

    Lisa40 - Lisa Turner, 12/14/07

    Diane Snipes (wife of Bimmer) - 12/18/07

    Pat Fitzpatrick (fitzpatti) - 12/26/07

    Cheryl Thomason (CY, b445) - 2/19/08

    Jenben25 - Jennifer Lynn Buron - 1/23/08

    ForTheMoment - Erin Elise Van Dyke - 3/13/08

    Debbie Miller - 3/13/08

    Shepgirl - Kathryn Bronson - 3/12/08

    Joanne1428 - Joanne Patricia Schweitzer - 3/19/08

    fd411 - Ferne Dixon - 3/23/08

    kelownagirl - Jill - 4/08

    skirk - Sherri Kirk - friend of jonimb - 4/10/08

    Theresa - sister of Donna (sisterlove) - 4/7/08

    PaulaBeth - May 3, 2008

    labradorsandra - Sandra Branton - 3/24/08

    Valsul-Valerie Sullivan-Cheshire, UK - friend of jpann39(and bc.o sisters) - 6/13/08

    ocinny414 - CindyKS - 6/16/08 - from the May 07 chemo thread, and Triple Neg. thread

    Robin Mercer (screen name?) also on, was friend of LiniWD - 06/27/08

    KariLynn - Kari Lynn Spiers - Pittsburg, KS, 7/3/08

    Kimmie39 - Kimberly Dawn Franklin - Winchester, VA 7/4/08

    Pauline Jones - England - 6/7/08

    Monica Pieterse - 27 yrs old - 7/10/08

    Val (Feeval), partner of Laura - 9/26/08

    Jacqueline Schevarth - 10/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Melbourne Mum(Ruth) - June 30th 2008

    JillT - Jill Tollefson - 10/08

    jonimb - 10/22/08

    jodian (Jodi Squire ) - from the San Diego Lunch Bunch - 11/13/08

    Tricia45 (loving friend of wendyintx) - 12/4/08

    Linda_CR, (sister of bschlegel), 1/14/05
    Kat (in Texas)

    Kathleen46 - Kathleen Hemker - 8/25/06

    Beautiful_Mom - Cheryl Ellen Bafford, 33 yrs old - 1/23/78 to 11/12/06

    MJ66 - Mary Jo Cardwell - 2/23/07

    Jen43 - Jen - June 2007

    Ravencaine - Donna Ivison - 10/17/07

    Mavy - July? 2007

    CTG - Laura McCarthy - 1/19/08

    Kristen Lupton (friend of stacey2930) - 1/28/08

    LeftyLu - 9/26/08

    Tracy1964 - 10/15/08

    heartwings59 - Gina Schonthaler (UK chatter), friend of heavenlyangelks - 10/26/08 UK

    OTHERS--friends and relatives of bco members:

    Elizabeth (bc) - (MIL of Laura GTO) 1988
    Mary Cron - 4/8/07

    Julie Vaverka (friend of susan02143) - 9/28/07

    Myrna Ann Rotman (mother of sandyk) - 1/19/1984

    Donald Ralph Rotman (father of sandyk) - 4/15/1987

    Jane Eva Marsch (mother of budsadie) - 5/16/07

    Donna White - 7/20/07

    Debbie Babechuk - 1994

    Lori Kennedy - 3/17/04

    Roberta - friend of flyrzfan - 10/24/06

    Janis M. Fulton (mother of jansdaughter) - 7/1/07

    Alma L. Boyd (mother of pamouell) - 8/27/1989

    Mary Graham ( friend of lvtwoglt) - 9/30/07

    Louisa, (sister of Alishar) - 7/13/04

    Sylvie (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Carol (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Courtenay (friend of SadFriend) - 12/10/07

    Betty-Ann ( sister of CurlyKatFL) - 10/1/1995

    Vilma (Aunt of CurlyKatFL ) - 2003

    Lois Wilson (mother of MrsBee) - 2/4/91

    Joni Pulley ( best friend of MrsBee) - 12/91

    Leota Braun (mother-in-law of MrsBee) - 1974

    Elizabeth Calthirst (friend of Odalys) - October 2007

    Linda Tarry (friend of AliceJean) - Elyria, Ohio

    Sue Gibbs (friend of cp418) - New Jersey, March 2007

    Gladys Hicks (mother of lucy222) - 56 yrs old, 6/72

    Nikki Lee Norcross (friend of RaeAnn) - 12/17/07

    Valerie Ruff (friend of NancyM) - 6/5/06

    Shirley (Sandy) Kupferschmid (friend of ritajean's) 47 y.o.--1/12/08

    Sandy Bibee (friend of BinVA) - 1/18/08

    Sandy Moore (friend of LuAnnH) - Cincinnati, OH - 1/26/08

    Pam Briggle (friend of GSG/Patrice) - 49 y.o. - 11/11/07

    Kiersten Conner-Sax 2/2/08

    Mami, (Odalys's mother) - 2/12/08

    Lisa Jenkinson - (friend of Twink's brother), age 37 - 3/08

    Cathy O'Brien - 33 years old - From YSC board 3-29-08

    Jessica Stefaniak - 29 years old - From YSC board 3-25-08

    Sheila Monastero - 48 years old - Pennsylvania - 2008

    Theresa - 43 years old - (sister-in-law of peace41)- 4/7/08

    Rosemary Jenks - (mother of cmayes71) - 58 years old, Knoxville, TN - 4/2/08

    Lavon Thomas - (mother of FirstEdition) - 4/20/08

    Karen - (aunt of Amy Brodar) - 4/25/08

    Mother of twiddles - 4/08

    Mother of liz35 - 5/8/08

    Mother of ibrought - 11/04

    Mother of EXAIMA - 5/08

    Mother-in-Law of Wren - Jeri, 12/31/97

    Mother of LANEF - 6/17/08

    Paula Luberto --53 yrs. old--(friend of michie56)--6/26/08

    BadBabe's Mum - New Zealand - 7/08

    Lauri Nichols - (friend of cp418) - NJ - 8/2/08

    Patricia Cortland - (friend of LuAnnH) - 8/15/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Maggie - best friend of mldemps - 9/10/08

    mother of etenneson (erin) - 2008

    Jerri - friend of dhettish - 9/19/08

    Sonya Freeman Peters, age 32 - friend of Yogi70 - 6/16/02

    Brenda Stroud, age 42 - friend of Yogi70 - 3/2004

    Danica Martinez (YSC Board) - 9/02/08

    Brinley Evans (YSC Board) - 9/9/088

    Courtney Clevenger (YSC Board) - 9/15/08 age 23

    Denise (Charity) Hicks-DeBusk (sister of Lucy222/hollyann) - 9/4/06

    Amy Clark Viola (Friend of lvtqoqlt) - 9/26/2008 age 41

    Mattie Ferrell - (mother of slonedeb) - 69 years old - 1994

    Elizabeth Brown - (mother of auntgina) - 2/15/08

    Diana Coleman - (friend of sjack827) - 11/02/08

    Heather Pick - (newscaster in sjack827's city) - 11/07/08

    Mother of ejohn(michelle) - 11/01/08

    friend of whatnow - 11/11/08

    Cinderella Ann Hughes (aunt of Reflection) - 11/15/08

    Ramona Hughes (aunt of Reflection) - 2000

    Lindsay Altheia Burgess, baby sister of PinkyLee (Barbara) - 12/14/04


    (updated 12/11/08 to add Lindsay Altheia Burgess, baby sister of PinkyLee (Barbara) - 12/14/04)


    **If you post the name that you want added to the list in this thread, it will get added promptly.**

  • celia088
    celia088 Posts: 975
    edited October 2016
    (updated 12/16/08)

    ~THE GARDEN OF ANGELS~ (original name of this list by NBN)

    Tinkerbell (Ann) - 6/28/04
    Emmaline - 2004 (?)
    Sprite - July 2004
    Breezy - January 2005
    runningdear (Kay)- 2005?
    Kathleen Crystal - 2005
    Lanie - Early 2005
    Charlotte Jean Gregory - 6/4/05
    Tine - Margarethe 2005 (early 20's -IBC)
    Annette DiPietro - 10/25/05
    Janie - 10/31/05
    Feegee (Frances)- 11/28/05

    Trisha - (Patricia Tedder, Alabama) screen name ?, January 2006

    Bluekitten (Kathy Verett) - 1/2/05
    MomCasey - 2/26/06
    Sickofit (Janell) - 4/21/06
    Jane Kelly - 4/23/06
    Shirl (Shirl Balsley)- 5/5/06
    Mary Woods - 5/13/06 (England)
    Andee - 4/29/06
    FighterLU (LuAnn) - 6/12/06
    TheresaPW - 2006
    Jane from Illinois. Had Inflammatory BC (year ?)
    Linda O (2006?)
    Faye (Australia) - 6/16/06
    Marie605/AlohaDiane/Smiley_Diane - 7/9/06

    Roza Moldova July 2007
    Shelliks - Shelli - 9/19/07
    3Strikes - Diane 2007

    Kirsti Ottem Langeland (KOL), Mazerolles du Razes, France - 5/2/07

    Stacey (Sunshine) Buckley - NJ - 4/27/07

    Parrothead - Rebecca Rallen, age 33 - 5/16/07

    Flea - Felicia Volkmar, age 41 - 7/21/07

    Pixiedust - Stacey Agran - 10/2/07

    Sedgymum - Kelly Sedgmen - 10/17/07

    Bev34 - Patricea Ann "Daily" Gluesencamp Lawrence - 10/22/07

    Debbie Newbill ( sister of jaepinkroses) - 10/27/07

    Cherie-Boop - 11/15/07

    SueMaria - November 2007, Liverpool

    Jayne1956 - Jayne Mansfield (last name?) - September(?), 2007

    Jacque Nielson (jacqniel) - 11/22/07


    Stage4 - Kathy - 11/20/07

    Jeannie44 - Jeannie Dunten, 11/30/07

    SoCalNancy - Nancy, 12/1/07

    Kim825 - Kim Piccione, 11/29/2007

    Lisa40 - Lisa Turner, 12/14/07

    Diane Snipes (wife of Bimmer) - 12/18/07

    Pat Fitzpatrick (fitzpatti) - 12/26/07

    Cheryl Thomason (CY, b445) - 2/19/08

    Jenben25 - Jennifer Lynn Buron - 1/23/08

    ForTheMoment - Erin Elise Van Dyke - 3/13/08

    Debbie Miller - 3/13/08

    Shepgirl - Kathryn Bronson - 3/12/08

    Joanne1428 - Joanne Patricia Schweitzer - 3/19/08

    fd411 - Ferne Dixon - 3/23/08

    kelownagirl - Jill - 4/08

    skirk - Sherri Kirk - friend of jonimb - 4/10/08

    Theresa - sister of Donna (sisterlove) - 4/7/08

    PaulaBeth - May 3, 2008

    labradorsandra - Sandra Branton - 3/24/08

    Valsul-Valerie Sullivan-Cheshire, UK - friend of jpann39(and bc.o sisters) - 6/13/08

    ocinny414 - CindyKS - 6/16/08 - from the May 07 chemo thread, and Triple Neg. thread

    Robin Mercer (screen name?) also on, was friend of LiniWD - 06/27/08

    KariLynn - Kari Lynn Spiers - Pittsburg, KS, 7/3/08

    Kimmie39 - Kimberly Dawn Franklin - Winchester, VA 7/4/08

    Pauline Jones - England - 6/7/08

    Monica Pieterse - 27 yrs old - 7/10/08

    Val (Feeval), partner of Laura - 9/26/08

    Jacqueline Schevarth - 10/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Melbourne Mum(Ruth) - June 30th 2008

    JillT - Jill Tollefson - 10/08

    jonimb - 10/22/08

    jodian (Jodi Squire ) - from the San Diego Lunch Bunch - 11/13/08

    Tricia45 (loving friend of wendyintx) - 12/4/08

    joyh (mother of kgodwin03) - 12/08

    Linda_CR, (sister of bschlegel), 1/14/05
    Kat (in Texas)

    Kathleen46 - Kathleen Hemker - 8/25/06

    Beautiful_Mom - Cheryl Ellen Bafford, 33 yrs old - 1/23/78 to 11/12/06

    MJ66 - Mary Jo Cardwell - 2/23/07

    Jen43 - Jen - June 2007

    Ravencaine - Donna Ivison - 10/17/07

    Mavy - July? 2007

    CTG - Laura McCarthy - 1/19/08

    Kristen Lupton (friend of stacey2930) - 1/28/08

    LeftyLu - 9/26/08

    Tracy1964 - 10/15/08

    heartwings59 - Gina Schonthaler (UK chatter), friend of heavenlyangelks - 10/26/08 UK

    OTHERS--friends and relatives of bco members:

    Elizabeth (bc) - (MIL of Laura GTO) 1988
    Mary Cron - 4/8/07

    Julie Vaverka (friend of susan02143) - 9/28/07

    Myrna Ann Rotman (mother of sandyk) - 1/19/1984

    Donald Ralph Rotman (father of sandyk) - 4/15/1987

    Jane Eva Marsch (mother of budsadie) - 5/16/07

    Donna White - 7/20/07

    Debbie Babechuk - 1994

    Lori Kennedy - 3/17/04

    Roberta - friend of flyrzfan - 10/24/06

    Janis M. Fulton (mother of jansdaughter) - 7/1/07

    Alma L. Boyd (mother of pamouell) - 8/27/1989

    Mary Graham ( friend of lvtwoglt) - 9/30/07

    Louisa, (sister of Alishar) - 7/13/04

    Sylvie (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Carol (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Courtenay (friend of SadFriend) - 12/10/07

    Betty-Ann ( sister of CurlyKatFL) - 10/1/1995

    Vilma (Aunt of CurlyKatFL ) - 2003

    Lois Wilson (mother of MrsBee) - 2/4/91

    Joni Pulley ( best friend of MrsBee) - 12/91

    Leota Braun (mother-in-law of MrsBee) - 1974

    Elizabeth Calthirst (friend of Odalys) - October 2007

    Linda Tarry (friend of AliceJean) - Elyria, Ohio

    Sue Gibbs (friend of cp418) - New Jersey, March 2007

    Gladys Hicks (mother of lucy222) - 56 yrs old, 6/72

    Nikki Lee Norcross (friend of RaeAnn) - 12/17/07

    Valerie Ruff (friend of NancyM) - 6/5/06

    Shirley (Sandy) Kupferschmid (friend of ritajean's) 47 y.o.--1/12/08

    Sandy Bibee (friend of BinVA) - 1/18/08

    Sandy Moore (friend of LuAnnH) - Cincinnati, OH - 1/26/08

    Pam Briggle (friend of GSG/Patrice) - 49 y.o. - 11/11/07

    Kiersten Conner-Sax 2/2/08

    Mami, (Odalys's mother) - 2/12/08

    Lisa Jenkinson - (friend of Twink's brother), age 37 - 3/08

    Cathy O'Brien - 33 years old - From YSC board 3-29-08

    Jessica Stefaniak - 29 years old - From YSC board 3-25-08

    Sheila Monastero - 48 years old - Pennsylvania - 2008

    Theresa - 43 years old - (sister-in-law of peace41)- 4/7/08

    Rosemary Jenks - (mother of cmayes71) - 58 years old, Knoxville, TN - 4/2/08

    Lavon Thomas - (mother of FirstEdition) - 4/20/08

    Karen - (aunt of Amy Brodar) - 4/25/08

    Mother of twiddles - 4/08

    Mother of liz35 - 5/8/08

    Mother of ibrought - 11/04

    Mother of EXAIMA - 5/08

    Mother-in-Law of Wren - Jeri, 12/31/97

    Mother of LANEF - 6/17/08

    Paula Luberto --53 yrs. old--(friend of michie56)--6/26/08

    BadBabe's Mum - New Zealand - 7/08

    Lauri Nichols - (friend of cp418) - NJ - 8/2/08

    Patricia Cortland - (friend of LuAnnH) - 8/15/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Maggie - best friend of mldemps - 9/10/08

    mother of etenneson (erin) - 2008

    Jerri - friend of dhettish - 9/19/08

    Sonya Freeman Peters, age 32 - friend of Yogi70 - 6/16/02

    Brenda Stroud, age 42 - friend of Yogi70 - 3/2004

    Danica Martinez (YSC Board) - 9/02/08

    Brinley Evans (YSC Board) - 9/9/088

    Courtney Clevenger (YSC Board) - 9/15/08 age 23

    Denise (Charity) Hicks-DeBusk (sister of Lucy222/hollyann) - 9/4/06

    Amy Clark Viola (Friend of lvtqoqlt) - 9/26/2008 age 41

    Mattie Ferrell - (mother of slonedeb) - 69 years old - 1994

    Elizabeth Brown - (mother of auntgina) - 2/15/08

    Diana Coleman - (friend of sjack827) - 11/02/08

    Heather Pick - (newscaster in sjack827's city) - 11/07/08

    Mother of ejohn(michelle) - 11/01/08

    friend of whatnow - 11/11/08

    Cinderella Ann Hughes (aunt of Reflection) - 11/15/08

    Ramona Hughes (aunt of Reflection) - 2000

    Lindsay Altheia Burgess, baby sister of PinkyLee (Barbara) - 12/14/04


    (updated 12/16/08 to add joyh - (mother of kgodwin03) - 12/08


    **If you post the name that you want added to the list in this thread, it will get added promptly.**

  • lizws
    lizws Posts: 789
    edited October 2016

    Celia, Thank you for keeping this up to date. Please add Helen1 - Helen. She passed at 3 am this morning.

  • celia088
    celia088 Posts: 975
    edited October 2016
    (updated 12/23/08)

    ~THE GARDEN OF ANGELS~ (original name of this list by NBN)

    Tinkerbell (Ann) - 6/28/04
    Emmaline - 2004 (?)
    Sprite - July 2004
    Breezy - January 2005
    runningdear (Kay)- 2005?
    Kathleen Crystal - 2005
    Lanie - Early 2005
    Charlotte Jean Gregory - 6/4/05
    Tine - Margarethe 2005 (early 20's -IBC)
    Annette DiPietro - 10/25/05
    Janie - 10/31/05
    Feegee (Frances)- 11/28/05

    Trisha - (Patricia Tedder, Alabama) screen name ?, January 2006

    Bluekitten (Kathy Verett) - 1/2/05
    MomCasey - 2/26/06
    Sickofit (Janell) - 4/21/06
    Jane Kelly - 4/23/06
    Shirl (Shirl Balsley)- 5/5/06
    Mary Woods - 5/13/06 (England)
    Andee - 4/29/06
    FighterLU (LuAnn) - 6/12/06
    TheresaPW - 2006
    Jane from Illinois. Had Inflammatory BC (year ?)
    Linda O (2006?)
    Faye (Australia) - 6/16/06
    Marie605/AlohaDiane/Smiley_Diane - 7/9/06

    Roza Moldova July 2007
    Shelliks - Shelli - 9/19/07
    3Strikes - Diane 2007

    Kirsti Ottem Langeland (KOL), Mazerolles du Razes, France - 5/2/07

    Stacey (Sunshine) Buckley - NJ - 4/27/07

    Parrothead - Rebecca Rallen, age 33 - 5/16/07

    Flea - Felicia Volkmar, age 41 - 7/21/07

    Pixiedust - Stacey Agran - 10/2/07

    Sedgymum - Kelly Sedgmen - 10/17/07

    Bev34 - Patricea Ann "Daily" Gluesencamp Lawrence - 10/22/07

    Debbie Newbill ( sister of jaepinkroses) - 10/27/07

    Cherie-Boop - 11/15/07

    SueMaria - November 2007, Liverpool

    Jayne1956 - Jayne Mansfield (last name?) - September(?), 2007

    Jacque Nielson (jacqniel) - 11/22/07


    Stage4 - Kathy - 11/20/07

    Jeannie44 - Jeannie Dunten, 11/30/07

    SoCalNancy - Nancy, 12/1/07

    Kim825 - Kim Piccione, 11/29/2007

    Lisa40 - Lisa Turner, 12/14/07

    Diane Snipes (wife of Bimmer) - 12/18/07

    Pat Fitzpatrick (fitzpatti) - 12/26/07

    Cheryl Thomason (CY, b445) - 2/19/08

    Jenben25 - Jennifer Lynn Buron - 1/23/08

    ForTheMoment - Erin Elise Van Dyke - 3/13/08

    Debbie Miller - 3/13/08

    Shepgirl - Kathryn Bronson - 3/12/08

    Joanne1428 - Joanne Patricia Schweitzer - 3/19/08

    fd411 - Ferne Dixon - 3/23/08

    kelownagirl - Jill - 4/08

    skirk - Sherri Kirk - friend of jonimb - 4/10/08

    Theresa - sister of Donna (sisterlove) - 4/7/08

    PaulaBeth - May 3, 2008

    labradorsandra - Sandra Branton - 3/24/08

    Valsul-Valerie Sullivan-Cheshire, UK - friend of jpann39(and bc.o sisters) - 6/13/08

    ocinny414 - CindyKS - 6/16/08 - from the May 07 chemo thread, and Triple Neg. thread

    Robin Mercer (screen name?) also on, was friend of LiniWD - 06/27/08

    KariLynn - Kari Lynn Spiers - Pittsburg, KS, 7/3/08

    Kimmie39 - Kimberly Dawn Franklin - Winchester, VA 7/4/08

    Pauline Jones - England - 6/7/08

    Monica Pieterse - 27 yrs old - 7/10/08

    Val (Feeval), partner of Laura - 9/26/08

    Jacqueline Schevarth - 10/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Melbourne Mum(Ruth) - June 30th 2008

    JillT - Jill Tollefson - 10/08

    jonimb - 10/22/08

    jodian (Jodi Squire ) - from the San Diego Lunch Bunch - 11/13/08

    Tricia45 (loving friend of wendyintx) - 12/4/08

    joyh (mother of kgodwin03) - 12/08

    Norm's five Angels - Norm's beloved wife Brenda, 4 adopted & foster kids: David, Starla, Keenan, Dean - 12/3/07

    Linda_CR, (sister of bschlegel), 1/14/05
    Kat (in Texas)

    Kathleen46 - Kathleen Hemker - 8/25/06

    Beautiful_Mom - Cheryl Ellen Bafford, 33 yrs old - 1/23/78 to 11/12/06

    MJ66 - Mary Jo Cardwell - 2/23/07

    Jen43 - Jen - June 2007

    Ravencaine - Donna Ivison - 10/17/07

    Mavy - July? 2007

    CTG - Laura McCarthy - 1/19/08

    Kristen Lupton (friend of stacey2930) - 1/28/08

    LeftyLu - 9/26/08

    Tracy1964 - 10/15/08

    heartwings59 - Gina Schonthaler (UK chatter), friend of heavenlyangelks - 10/26/08 UK

    helen1 - Helen Mulloy, 12/18/08 

    OTHERS--friends and relatives of bco members:

    Elizabeth (bc) - (MIL of Laura GTO) 1988
    Mary Cron - 4/8/07

    Julie Vaverka (friend of susan02143) - 9/28/07

    Myrna Ann Rotman (mother of sandyk) - 1/19/1984

    Donald Ralph Rotman (father of sandyk) - 4/15/1987

    Jane Eva Marsch (mother of budsadie) - 5/16/07

    Donna White - 7/20/07

    Debbie Babechuk - 1994

    Lori Kennedy - 3/17/04

    Roberta - friend of flyrzfan - 10/24/06

    Janis M. Fulton (mother of jansdaughter) - 7/1/07

    Alma L. Boyd (mother of pamouell) - 8/27/1989

    Mary Graham ( friend of lvtwoglt) - 9/30/07

    Louisa, (sister of Alishar) - 7/13/04

    Sylvie (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Carol (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Courtenay (friend of SadFriend) - 12/10/07

    Betty-Ann ( sister of CurlyKatFL) - 10/1/1995

    Vilma (Aunt of CurlyKatFL ) - 2003

    Lois Wilson (mother of MrsBee) - 2/4/91

    Joni Pulley ( best friend of MrsBee) - 12/91

    Leota Braun (mother-in-law of MrsBee) - 1974

    Elizabeth Calthirst (friend of Odalys) - October 2007

    Linda Tarry (friend of AliceJean) - Elyria, Ohio

    Sue Gibbs (friend of cp418) - New Jersey, March 2007

    Gladys Hicks (mother of lucy222) - 56 yrs old, 6/72

    Nikki Lee Norcross (friend of RaeAnn) - 12/17/07

    Valerie Ruff (friend of NancyM) - 6/5/06

    Shirley (Sandy) Kupferschmid (friend of ritajean's) 47 y.o.--1/12/08

    Sandy Bibee (friend of BinVA) - 1/18/08

    Sandy Moore (friend of LuAnnH) - Cincinnati, OH - 1/26/08

    Pam Briggle (friend of GSG/Patrice) - 49 y.o. - 11/11/07

    Kiersten Conner-Sax 2/2/08

    Mami, (Odalys's mother) - 2/12/08

    Lisa Jenkinson - (friend of Twink's brother), age 37 - 3/08

    Cathy O'Brien - 33 years old - From YSC board 3-29-08

    Jessica Stefaniak - 29 years old - From YSC board 3-25-08

    Sheila Monastero - 48 years old - Pennsylvania - 2008

    Theresa - 43 years old - (sister-in-law of peace41)- 4/7/08

    Rosemary Jenks - (mother of cmayes71) - 58 years old, Knoxville, TN - 4/2/08

    Lavon Thomas - (mother of FirstEdition) - 4/20/08

    Karen - (aunt of Amy Brodar) - 4/25/08

    Mother of twiddles - 4/08

    Mother of liz35 - 5/8/08

    Mother of ibrought - 11/04

    Mother of EXAIMA - 5/08

    Mother-in-Law of Wren - Jeri, 12/31/97

    Mother of LANEF - 6/17/08

    Paula Luberto --53 yrs. old--(friend of michie56)--6/26/08

    BadBabe's Mum - New Zealand - 7/08

    Lauri Nichols - (friend of cp418) - NJ - 8/2/08

    Patricia Cortland - (friend of LuAnnH) - 8/15/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Maggie - best friend of mldemps - 9/10/08

    mother of etenneson (erin) - 2008

    Jerri - friend of dhettish - 9/19/08

    Sonya Freeman Peters, age 32 - friend of Yogi70 - 6/16/02

    Brenda Stroud, age 42 - friend of Yogi70 - 3/2004

    Danica Martinez (YSC Board) - 9/02/08

    Brinley Evans (YSC Board) - 9/9/088

    Courtney Clevenger (YSC Board) - 9/15/08 age 23

    Denise (Charity) Hicks-DeBusk (sister of Lucy222/hollyann) - 9/4/06

    Amy Clark Viola (Friend of lvtqoqlt) - 9/26/2008 age 41

    Mattie Ferrell - (mother of slonedeb) - 69 years old - 1994

    Elizabeth Brown - (mother of auntgina) - 2/15/08

    Diana Coleman - (friend of sjack827) - 11/02/08

    Heather Pick - (newscaster in sjack827's city) - 11/07/08

    Mother of ejohn(michelle) - 11/01/08

    friend of whatnow - 11/11/08

    Cinderella Ann Hughes (aunt of Reflection) - 11/15/08

    Ramona Hughes (aunt of Reflection) - 2000

    Lindsay Altheia Burgess, baby sister of PinkyLee (Barbara) - 12/14/04

    Mother-In-Law of IBCSux - 12/15/08

    Elsa Marianne Charow, mother of looking4answers - 12/22/08


    (updated 12/23/08 to add Elsa Marianne Charow, Mother of looking4answers - 12/22/08)


    **If you post the name that you want added to the list in this thread, it will get added promptly.**

  • hollyann
    hollyann Posts: 279
    edited December 2008

    ShenD      December 27th 2008........

  • celia088
    celia088 Posts: 975
    edited October 2016
    (updated 12/29/08)

    ~THE GARDEN OF ANGELS~ (original name of this list by NBN)

    Tinkerbell (Ann) - 6/28/04
    Emmaline - 2004 (?)
    Sprite - July 2004
    Breezy - January 2005
    runningdear (Kay)- 2005?
    Kathleen Crystal - 2005
    Lanie - Early 2005
    Charlotte Jean Gregory - 6/4/05
    Tine - Margarethe 2005 (early 20's -IBC)
    Annette DiPietro - 10/25/05
    Janie - 10/31/05
    Feegee (Frances)- 11/28/05

    Trisha - (Patricia Tedder, Alabama) screen name ?, January 2006

    Bluekitten (Kathy Verett) - 1/2/05
    MomCasey - 2/26/06
    Sickofit (Janell) - 4/21/06
    Jane Kelly - 4/23/06
    Shirl (Shirl Balsley)- 5/5/06
    Mary Woods - 5/13/06 (England)
    Andee - 4/29/06
    FighterLU (LuAnn) - 6/12/06
    TheresaPW - 2006
    Jane from Illinois. Had Inflammatory BC (year ?)
    Linda O (2006?)
    Faye (Australia) - 6/16/06
    Marie605/AlohaDiane/Smiley_Diane - 7/9/06

    Roza Moldova July 2007
    Shelliks - Shelli - 9/19/07
    3Strikes - Diane 2007

    Kirsti Ottem Langeland (KOL), Mazerolles du Razes, France - 5/2/07

    Stacey (Sunshine) Buckley - NJ - 4/27/07

    Parrothead - Rebecca Rallen, age 33 - 5/16/07

    Flea - Felicia Volkmar, age 41 - 7/21/07

    Pixiedust - Stacey Agran - 10/2/07

    Sedgymum - Kelly Sedgmen - 10/17/07

    Bev34 - Patricea Ann "Daily" Gluesencamp Lawrence - 10/22/07

    Debbie Newbill ( sister of jaepinkroses) - 10/27/07

    Cherie-Boop - 11/15/07

    SueMaria - November 2007, Liverpool

    Jayne1956 - Jayne Mansfield (last name?) - September(?), 2007

    Jacque Nielson (jacqniel) - 11/22/07


    Stage4 - Kathy - 11/20/07

    Jeannie44 - Jeannie Dunten, 11/30/07

    SoCalNancy - Nancy, 12/1/07

    Kim825 - Kim Piccione, 11/29/2007

    Lisa40 - Lisa Turner, 12/14/07

    Diane Snipes (wife of Bimmer) - 12/18/07

    Pat Fitzpatrick (fitzpatti) - 12/26/07

    Cheryl Thomason (CY, b445) - 2/19/08

    Jenben25 - Jennifer Lynn Buron - 1/23/08

    ForTheMoment - Erin Elise Van Dyke - 3/13/08

    Debbie Miller - 3/13/08

    Shepgirl - Kathryn Bronson - 3/12/08

    Joanne1428 - Joanne Patricia Schweitzer - 3/19/08

    fd411 - Ferne Dixon - 3/23/08

    kelownagirl - Jill - 4/08

    skirk - Sherri Kirk - friend of jonimb - 4/10/08

    Theresa - sister of Donna (sisterlove) - 4/7/08

    PaulaBeth - May 3, 2008

    labradorsandra - Sandra Branton - 3/24/08

    Valsul-Valerie Sullivan-Cheshire, UK - friend of jpann39(and bc.o sisters) - 6/13/08

    ocinny414 - CindyKS - 6/16/08 - from the May 07 chemo thread, and Triple Neg. thread

    Robin Mercer (screen name?) also on, was friend of LiniWD - 06/27/08

    KariLynn - Kari Lynn Spiers - Pittsburg, KS, 7/3/08

    Kimmie39 - Kimberly Dawn Franklin - Winchester, VA 7/4/08

    Pauline Jones - England - 6/7/08

    Monica Pieterse - 27 yrs old - 7/10/08

    Val (Feeval), partner of Laura - 9/26/08

    Jacqueline Schevarth - 10/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Melbourne Mum(Ruth) - June 30th 2008

    JillT - Jill Tollefson - 10/08

    jonimb - 10/22/08

    jodian (Jodi Squire ) - from the San Diego Lunch Bunch - 11/13/08

    Tricia45 (loving friend of wendyintx) - 12/4/08

    joyh (mother of kgodwin03) - 12/08

    Norm's five Angels - Norm's beloved wife Brenda, 4 adopted & foster kids: David, Starla, Keenan, Dean - 12/3/07

    ShenD - 12/27/08

    Linda_CR, (sister of bschlegel), 1/14/05
    Kat (in Texas)

    Kathleen46 - Kathleen Hemker - 8/25/06

    Beautiful_Mom - Cheryl Ellen Bafford, 33 yrs old - 1/23/78 to 11/12/06

    MJ66 - Mary Jo Cardwell - 2/23/07

    Jen43 - Jen - June 2007

    Ravencaine - Donna Ivison - 10/17/07

    Mavy - July? 2007

    CTG - Laura McCarthy - 1/19/08

    Kristen Lupton (friend of stacey2930) - 1/28/08

    LeftyLu - 9/26/08

    Tracy1964 - 10/15/08

    heartwings59 - Gina Schonthaler (UK chatter), friend of heavenlyangelks - 10/26/08 UK

    helen1 - Helen Mulloy, 12/18/08 

    OTHERS--friends and relatives of bco members:

    Elizabeth (bc) - (MIL of Laura GTO) 1988
    Mary Cron - 4/8/07

    Julie Vaverka (friend of susan02143) - 9/28/07

    Myrna Ann Rotman (mother of sandyk) - 1/19/1984

    Donald Ralph Rotman (father of sandyk) - 4/15/1987

    Jane Eva Marsch (mother of budsadie) - 5/16/07

    Donna White - 7/20/07

    Debbie Babechuk - 1994

    Lori Kennedy - 3/17/04

    Roberta - friend of flyrzfan - 10/24/06

    Janis M. Fulton (mother of jansdaughter) - 7/1/07

    Alma L. Boyd (mother of pamouell) - 8/27/1989

    Mary Graham ( friend of lvtwoglt) - 9/30/07

    Louisa, (sister of Alishar) - 7/13/04

    Sylvie (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Carol (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Courtenay (friend of SadFriend) - 12/10/07

    Betty-Ann ( sister of CurlyKatFL) - 10/1/1995

    Vilma (Aunt of CurlyKatFL ) - 2003

    Lois Wilson (mother of MrsBee) - 2/4/91

    Joni Pulley ( best friend of MrsBee) - 12/91

    Leota Braun (mother-in-law of MrsBee) - 1974

    Elizabeth Calthirst (friend of Odalys) - October 2007

    Linda Tarry (friend of AliceJean) - Elyria, Ohio

    Sue Gibbs (friend of cp418) - New Jersey, March 2007

    Gladys Hicks (mother of lucy222) - 56 yrs old, 6/72

    Nikki Lee Norcross (friend of RaeAnn) - 12/17/07

    Valerie Ruff (friend of NancyM) - 6/5/06

    Shirley (Sandy) Kupferschmid (friend of ritajean's) 47 y.o.--1/12/08

    Sandy Bibee (friend of BinVA) - 1/18/08

    Sandy Moore (friend of LuAnnH) - Cincinnati, OH - 1/26/08

    Pam Briggle (friend of GSG/Patrice) - 49 y.o. - 11/11/07

    Kiersten Conner-Sax 2/2/08

    Mami, (Odalys's mother) - 2/12/08

    Lisa Jenkinson - (friend of Twink's brother), age 37 - 3/08

    Cathy O'Brien - 33 years old - From YSC board 3-29-08

    Jessica Stefaniak - 29 years old - From YSC board 3-25-08

    Sheila Monastero - 48 years old - Pennsylvania - 2008

    Theresa - 43 years old - (sister-in-law of peace41)- 4/7/08

    Rosemary Jenks - (mother of cmayes71) - 58 years old, Knoxville, TN - 4/2/08

    Lavon Thomas - (mother of FirstEdition) - 4/20/08

    Karen - (aunt of Amy Brodar) - 4/25/08

    Mother of twiddles - 4/08

    Mother of liz35 - 5/8/08

    Mother of ibrought - 11/04

    Mother of EXAIMA - 5/08

    Mother-in-Law of Wren - Jeri, 12/31/97

    Mother of LANEF - 6/17/08

    Paula Luberto --53 yrs. old--(friend of michie56)--6/26/08

    BadBabe's Mum - New Zealand - 7/08

    Lauri Nichols - (friend of cp418) - NJ - 8/2/08

    Patricia Cortland - (friend of LuAnnH) - 8/15/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Maggie - best friend of mldemps - 9/10/08

    mother of etenneson (erin) - 2008

    Jerri - friend of dhettish - 9/19/08

    Sonya Freeman Peters, age 32 - friend of Yogi70 - 6/16/02

    Brenda Stroud, age 42 - friend of Yogi70 - 3/2004

    Danica Martinez (YSC Board) - 9/02/08

    Brinley Evans (YSC Board) - 9/9/088

    Courtney Clevenger (YSC Board) - 9/15/08 age 23

    Denise (Charity) Hicks-DeBusk (sister of Lucy222/hollyann) - 9/4/06

    Amy Clark Viola (Friend of lvtqoqlt) - 9/26/2008 age 41

    Mattie Ferrell - (mother of slonedeb) - 69 years old - 1994

    Elizabeth Brown - (mother of auntgina) - 2/15/08

    Diana Coleman - (friend of sjack827) - 11/02/08

    Heather Pick - (newscaster in sjack827's city) - 11/07/08

    Mother of ejohn(michelle) - 11/01/08

    friend of whatnow - 11/11/08

    Cinderella Ann Hughes (aunt of Reflection) - 11/15/08

    Ramona Hughes (aunt of Reflection) - 2000

    Lindsay Altheia Burgess, baby sister of PinkyLee (Barbara) - 12/14/04

    Mother-In-Law of IBCSux - 12/15/08

    Elsa Marianne Charow, mother of looking4answers - 12/22/08


    (updated 12/29/08 to add ShenD - 12/27/08)


    **If you post the name that you want added to the list in this thread, it will get added promptly.**

  • Nickig
    Nickig Posts: 2
    edited December 2008

    Thank you for keeping this going...What a memorial.   

    Bevnurse- December 2004 Warrior: passed away unexpectedly & suddenly: 10/29/08

  • celia088
    celia088 Posts: 975
    edited October 2016
    (updated 12/30/08)

    ~THE GARDEN OF ANGELS~ (original name of this list by NBN)

    Tinkerbell (Ann) - 6/28/04
    Emmaline - 2004 (?)
    Sprite - July 2004
    Breezy - January 2005
    runningdear (Kay)- 2005?
    Kathleen Crystal - 2005
    Lanie - Early 2005
    Charlotte Jean Gregory - 6/4/05
    Tine - Margarethe 2005 (early 20's -IBC)
    Annette DiPietro - 10/25/05
    Janie - 10/31/05
    Feegee (Frances)- 11/28/05

    Trisha - (Patricia Tedder, Alabama) screen name ?, January 2006

    Bluekitten (Kathy Verett) - 1/2/05
    MomCasey - 2/26/06
    Sickofit (Janell) - 4/21/06
    Jane Kelly - 4/23/06
    Shirl (Shirl Balsley)- 5/5/06
    Mary Woods - 5/13/06 (England)
    Andee - 4/29/06
    FighterLU (LuAnn) - 6/12/06
    TheresaPW - 2006
    Jane from Illinois. Had Inflammatory BC (year ?)
    Linda O (2006?)
    Faye (Australia) - 6/16/06
    Marie605/AlohaDiane/Smiley_Diane - 7/9/06

    Roza Moldova July 2007
    Shelliks - Shelli - 9/19/07
    3Strikes - Diane 2007

    Kirsti Ottem Langeland (KOL), Mazerolles du Razes, France - 5/2/07

    Stacey (Sunshine) Buckley - NJ - 4/27/07

    Parrothead - Rebecca Rallen, age 33 - 5/16/07

    Flea - Felicia Volkmar, age 41 - 7/21/07

    Pixiedust - Stacey Agran - 10/2/07

    Sedgymum - Kelly Sedgmen - 10/17/07

    Bev34 - Patricea Ann "Daily" Gluesencamp Lawrence - 10/22/07

    Debbie Newbill ( sister of jaepinkroses) - 10/27/07

    Cherie-Boop - 11/15/07

    SueMaria - November 2007, Liverpool

    Jayne1956 - Jayne Mansfield (last name?) - September(?), 2007

    Jacque Nielson (jacqniel) - 11/22/07


    Stage4 - Kathy - 11/20/07

    Jeannie44 - Jeannie Dunten, 11/30/07

    SoCalNancy - Nancy, 12/1/07

    Kim825 - Kim Piccione, 11/29/2007

    Lisa40 - Lisa Turner, 12/14/07

    Diane Snipes (wife of Bimmer) - 12/18/07

    Pat Fitzpatrick (fitzpatti) - 12/26/07

    Cheryl Thomason (CY, b445) - 2/19/08

    Jenben25 - Jennifer Lynn Buron - 1/23/08

    ForTheMoment - Erin Elise Van Dyke - 3/13/08

    Debbie Miller - 3/13/08

    Shepgirl - Kathryn Bronson - 3/12/08

    Joanne1428 - Joanne Patricia Schweitzer - 3/19/08

    fd411 - Ferne Dixon - 3/23/08

    kelownagirl - Jill - 4/08

    skirk - Sherri Kirk - friend of jonimb - 4/10/08

    Theresa - sister of Donna (sisterlove) - 4/7/08

    PaulaBeth - May 3, 2008

    labradorsandra - Sandra Branton - 3/24/08

    Valsul-Valerie Sullivan-Cheshire, UK - friend of jpann39(and bc.o sisters) - 6/13/08

    ocinny414 - CindyKS - 6/16/08 - from the May 07 chemo thread, and Triple Neg. thread

    Robin Mercer (screen name?) also on, was friend of LiniWD - 06/27/08

    KariLynn - Kari Lynn Spiers - Pittsburg, KS, 7/3/08

    Kimmie39 - Kimberly Dawn Franklin - Winchester, VA 7/4/08

    Pauline Jones - England - 6/7/08

    Monica Pieterse - 27 yrs old - 7/10/08

    Val (Feeval), partner of Laura - 9/26/08

    Jacqueline Schevarth - 10/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Melbourne Mum(Ruth) - June 30th 2008

    JillT - Jill Tollefson - 10/08

    jonimb - 10/22/08

    jodian (Jodi Squire ) - from the San Diego Lunch Bunch - 11/13/08

    Tricia45 (loving friend of wendyintx) - 12/4/08

    joyh (mother of kgodwin03) - 12/08

    Norm's five Angels - Norm's beloved wife Brenda, 4 adopted & foster kids: David, Starla, Keenan, Dean - 12/3/07

    ShenD - 12/27/08

    Bevnurse - (December 2004 Warrior) - 10/29/08

    Linda_CR, (sister of bschlegel), 1/14/05
    Kat (in Texas)

    Kathleen46 - Kathleen Hemker - 8/25/06

    Beautiful_Mom - Cheryl Ellen Bafford, 33 yrs old - 1/23/78 to 11/12/06

    MJ66 - Mary Jo Cardwell - 2/23/07

    Jen43 - Jen - June 2007

    Ravencaine - Donna Ivison - 10/17/07

    Mavy - July? 2007

    CTG - Laura McCarthy - 1/19/08

    Kristen Lupton (friend of stacey2930) - 1/28/08

    LeftyLu - 9/26/08

    Tracy1964 - 10/15/08

    heartwings59 - Gina Schonthaler (UK chatter), friend of heavenlyangelks - 10/26/08 UK

    helen1 - Helen Mulloy, 12/18/08 

    OTHERS--friends and relatives of bco members:

    Elizabeth (bc) - (MIL of Laura GTO) 1988
    Mary Cron - 4/8/07

    Julie Vaverka (friend of susan02143) - 9/28/07

    Myrna Ann Rotman (mother of sandyk) - 1/19/1984

    Donald Ralph Rotman (father of sandyk) - 4/15/1987

    Jane Eva Marsch (mother of budsadie) - 5/16/07

    Donna White - 7/20/07

    Debbie Babechuk - 1994

    Lori Kennedy - 3/17/04

    Roberta - friend of flyrzfan - 10/24/06

    Janis M. Fulton (mother of jansdaughter) - 7/1/07

    Alma L. Boyd (mother of pamouell) - 8/27/1989

    Mary Graham ( friend of lvtwoglt) - 9/30/07

    Louisa, (sister of Alishar) - 7/13/04

    Sylvie (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Carol (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Courtenay (friend of SadFriend) - 12/10/07

    Betty-Ann ( sister of CurlyKatFL) - 10/1/1995

    Vilma (Aunt of CurlyKatFL ) - 2003

    Lois Wilson (mother of MrsBee) - 2/4/91

    Joni Pulley ( best friend of MrsBee) - 12/91

    Leota Braun (mother-in-law of MrsBee) - 1974

    Elizabeth Calthirst (friend of Odalys) - October 2007

    Linda Tarry (friend of AliceJean) - Elyria, Ohio

    Sue Gibbs (friend of cp418) - New Jersey, March 2007

    Gladys Hicks (mother of lucy222) - 56 yrs old, 6/72

    Nikki Lee Norcross (friend of RaeAnn) - 12/17/07

    Valerie Ruff (friend of NancyM) - 6/5/06

    Shirley (Sandy) Kupferschmid (friend of ritajean's) 47 y.o.--1/12/08

    Sandy Bibee (friend of BinVA) - 1/18/08

    Sandy Moore (friend of LuAnnH) - Cincinnati, OH - 1/26/08

    Pam Briggle (friend of GSG/Patrice) - 49 y.o. - 11/11/07

    Kiersten Conner-Sax 2/2/08

    Mami, (Odalys's mother) - 2/12/08

    Lisa Jenkinson - (friend of Twink's brother), age 37 - 3/08

    Cathy O'Brien - 33 years old - From YSC board 3-29-08

    Jessica Stefaniak - 29 years old - From YSC board 3-25-08

    Sheila Monastero - 48 years old - Pennsylvania - 2008

    Theresa - 43 years old - (sister-in-law of peace41)- 4/7/08

    Rosemary Jenks - (mother of cmayes71) - 58 years old, Knoxville, TN - 4/2/08

    Lavon Thomas - (mother of FirstEdition) - 4/20/08

    Karen - (aunt of Amy Brodar) - 4/25/08

    Mother of twiddles - 4/08

    Mother of liz35 - 5/8/08

    Mother of ibrought - 11/04

    Mother of EXAIMA - 5/08

    Mother-in-Law of Wren - Jeri, 12/31/97

    Mother of LANEF - 6/17/08

    Paula Luberto --53 yrs. old--(friend of michie56)--6/26/08

    BadBabe's Mum - New Zealand - 7/08

    Lauri Nichols - (friend of cp418) - NJ - 8/2/08

    Patricia Cortland - (friend of LuAnnH) - 8/15/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Maggie - best friend of mldemps - 9/10/08

    mother of etenneson (erin) - 2008

    Jerri - friend of dhettish - 9/19/08

    Sonya Freeman Peters, age 32 - friend of Yogi70 - 6/16/02

    Brenda Stroud, age 42 - friend of Yogi70 - 3/2004

    Danica Martinez (YSC Board) - 9/02/08

    Brinley Evans (YSC Board) - 9/9/088

    Courtney Clevenger (YSC Board) - 9/15/08 age 23

    Denise (Charity) Hicks-DeBusk (sister of Lucy222/hollyann) - 9/4/06

    Amy Clark Viola (Friend of lvtqoqlt) - 9/26/2008 age 41

    Mattie Ferrell - (mother of slonedeb) - 69 years old - 1994

    Elizabeth Brown - (mother of auntgina) - 2/15/08

    Diana Coleman - (friend of sjack827) - 11/02/08

    Heather Pick - (newscaster in sjack827's city) - 11/07/08

    Mother of ejohn(michelle) - 11/01/08

    friend of whatnow - 11/11/08

    Cinderella Ann Hughes (aunt of Reflection) - 11/15/08

    Ramona Hughes (aunt of Reflection) - 2000

    Lindsay Altheia Burgess, baby sister of PinkyLee (Barbara) - 12/14/04

    Mother-In-Law of IBCSux - 12/15/08

    Elsa Marianne Charow, mother of looking4answers - 12/22/08

    Mother of kimpossible - 12/27/08

    Mother of eim - 2001


    (updated 12/30/08 to add Bevnurse - (December 2004 Warrior) - 10/29/08;

    Mother of kimpossible - 12/27/08; Mother of eim - 2001)


    **If you post the name that you want added to the list in this thread, it will get added promptly.**

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Posts: 737
    edited October 2016

    Kay, "Fancy" 12/21/08

    thank you.

  • celia088
    celia088 Posts: 975
    edited October 2016
    (updated 1/4/09)

    ~THE GARDEN OF ANGELS~ (original name of this list by NBN)

    Tinkerbell (Ann) - 6/28/04
    Emmaline - 2004 (?)
    Sprite - July 2004
    Breezy - January 2005
    runningdear (Kay)- 2005?
    Kathleen Crystal - 2005
    Lanie - Early 2005
    Charlotte Jean Gregory - 6/4/05
    Tine - Margarethe 2005 (early 20's -IBC)
    Annette DiPietro - 10/25/05
    Janie - 10/31/05
    Feegee (Frances)- 11/28/05

    Trisha - (Patricia Tedder, Alabama) screen name ?, January 2006

    Bluekitten (Kathy Verett) - 1/2/05
    MomCasey - 2/26/06
    Sickofit (Janell) - 4/21/06
    Jane Kelly - 4/23/06
    Shirl (Shirl Balsley)- 5/5/06
    Mary Woods - 5/13/06 (England)
    Andee - 4/29/06
    FighterLU (LuAnn) - 6/12/06
    TheresaPW - 2006
    Jane from Illinois. Had Inflammatory BC (year ?)
    Linda O (2006?)
    Faye (Australia) - 6/16/06
    Marie605/AlohaDiane/Smiley_Diane - 7/9/06

    Roza Moldova July 2007
    Shelliks - Shelli - 9/19/07
    3Strikes - Diane 2007

    Kirsti Ottem Langeland (KOL), Mazerolles du Razes, France - 5/2/07

    Stacey (Sunshine) Buckley - NJ - 4/27/07

    Parrothead - Rebecca Rallen, age 33 - 5/16/07

    Flea - Felicia Volkmar, age 41 - 7/21/07

    Pixiedust - Stacey Agran - 10/2/07

    Sedgymum - Kelly Sedgmen - 10/17/07

    Bev34 - Patricea Ann "Daily" Gluesencamp Lawrence - 10/22/07

    Debbie Newbill ( sister of jaepinkroses) - 10/27/07

    Cherie-Boop - 11/15/07

    SueMaria - November 2007, Liverpool

    Jayne1956 - Jayne Mansfield (last name?) - September(?), 2007

    Jacque Nielson (jacqniel) - 11/22/07


    Stage4 - Kathy - 11/20/07

    Jeannie44 - Jeannie Dunten, 11/30/07

    SoCalNancy - Nancy, 12/1/07

    Kim825 - Kim Piccione, 11/29/2007

    Lisa40 - Lisa Turner, 12/14/07

    Diane Snipes (wife of Bimmer) - 12/18/07

    Pat Fitzpatrick (fitzpatti) - 12/26/07

    Cheryl Thomason (CY, b445) - 2/19/08

    Jenben25 - Jennifer Lynn Buron - 1/23/08

    ForTheMoment - Erin Elise Van Dyke - 3/13/08

    Debbie Miller - 3/13/08

    Shepgirl - Kathryn Bronson - 3/12/08

    Joanne1428 - Joanne Patricia Schweitzer - 3/19/08

    fd411 - Ferne Dixon - 3/23/08

    kelownagirl - Jill - 4/08

    skirk - Sherri Kirk - friend of jonimb - 4/10/08

    Theresa - sister of Donna (sisterlove) - 4/7/08

    PaulaBeth - May 3, 2008

    labradorsandra - Sandra Branton - 3/24/08

    Valsul-Valerie Sullivan-Cheshire, UK - friend of jpann39(and bc.o sisters) - 6/13/08

    ocinny414 - CindyKS - 6/16/08 - from the May 07 chemo thread, and Triple Neg. thread

    Robin Mercer (screen name?) also on, was friend of LiniWD - 06/27/08

    KariLynn - Kari Lynn Spiers - Pittsburg, KS, 7/3/08

    Kimmie39 - Kimberly Dawn Franklin - Winchester, VA 7/4/08

    Pauline Jones - England - 6/7/08

    Monica Pieterse - 27 yrs old - 7/10/08

    Val (Feeval), partner of Laura - 9/26/08

    Jacqueline Schevarth - 10/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Melbourne Mum(Ruth) - June 30th 2008

    JillT - Jill Tollefson - 10/08

    jonimb - 10/22/08

    jodian (Jodi Squire ) - from the San Diego Lunch Bunch - 11/13/08

    Tricia45 (loving friend of wendyintx) - 12/4/08

    joyh (mother of kgodwin03) - 12/08

    Norm's five Angels - Norm's beloved wife Brenda, 4 adopted & foster kids: David, Starla, Keenan, Dean - 12/3/07

    ShenD - 12/27/08

    Bevnurse - (December 2004 Warrior) - 10/29/08

    Fancy - Kay Galipeau - 12/21/08

    Linda_CR, (sister of bschlegel), 1/14/05
    Kat (in Texas)

    Kathleen46 - Kathleen Hemker - 8/25/06

    Beautiful_Mom - Cheryl Ellen Bafford, 33 yrs old - 1/23/78 to 11/12/06

    MJ66 - Mary Jo Cardwell - 2/23/07

    Jen43 - Jen - June 2007

    Ravencaine - Donna Ivison - 10/17/07

    Mavy - July? 2007

    CTG - Laura McCarthy - 1/19/08

    Kristen Lupton (friend of stacey2930) - 1/28/08

    LeftyLu - 9/26/08

    Tracy1964 - 10/15/08

    heartwings59 - Gina Schonthaler (UK chatter), friend of heavenlyangelks - 10/26/08 UK

    helen1 - Helen Mulloy, 12/18/08 

    OTHERS--friends and relatives of bco members:

    Elizabeth (bc) - (MIL of Laura GTO) 1988
    Mary Cron - 4/8/07

    Julie Vaverka (friend of susan02143) - 9/28/07

    Myrna Ann Rotman (mother of sandyk) - 1/19/1984

    Donald Ralph Rotman (father of sandyk) - 4/15/1987

    Jane Eva Marsch (mother of budsadie) - 5/16/07

    Donna White - 7/20/07

    Debbie Babechuk - 1994

    Lori Kennedy - 3/17/04

    Roberta - friend of flyrzfan - 10/24/06

    Janis M. Fulton (mother of jansdaughter) - 7/1/07

    Alma L. Boyd (mother of pamouell) - 8/27/1989

    Mary Graham ( friend of lvtwoglt) - 9/30/07

    Louisa, (sister of Alishar) - 7/13/04

    Sylvie (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Carol (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Courtenay (friend of SadFriend) - 12/10/07

    Betty-Ann ( sister of CurlyKatFL) - 10/1/1995

    Vilma (Aunt of CurlyKatFL ) - 2003

    Lois Wilson (mother of MrsBee) - 2/4/91

    Joni Pulley ( best friend of MrsBee) - 12/91

    Leota Braun (mother-in-law of MrsBee) - 1974

    Elizabeth Calthirst (friend of Odalys) - October 2007

    Linda Tarry (friend of AliceJean) - Elyria, Ohio

    Sue Gibbs (friend of cp418) - New Jersey, March 2007

    Gladys Hicks (mother of lucy222) - 56 yrs old, 6/72

    Nikki Lee Norcross (friend of RaeAnn) - 12/17/07

    Valerie Ruff (friend of NancyM) - 6/5/06

    Shirley (Sandy) Kupferschmid (friend of ritajean's) 47 y.o.--1/12/08

    Sandy Bibee (friend of BinVA) - 1/18/08

    Sandy Moore (friend of LuAnnH) - Cincinnati, OH - 1/26/08

    Pam Briggle (friend of GSG/Patrice) - 49 y.o. - 11/11/07

    Kiersten Conner-Sax 2/2/08

    Mami, (Odalys's mother) - 2/12/08

    Lisa Jenkinson - (friend of Twink's brother), age 37 - 3/08

    Cathy O'Brien - 33 years old - From YSC board 3-29-08

    Jessica Stefaniak - 29 years old - From YSC board 3-25-08

    Sheila Monastero - 48 years old - Pennsylvania - 2008

    Theresa - 43 years old - (sister-in-law of peace41)- 4/7/08

    Rosemary Jenks - (mother of cmayes71) - 58 years old, Knoxville, TN - 4/2/08

    Lavon Thomas - (mother of FirstEdition) - 4/20/08

    Karen - (aunt of Amy Brodar) - 4/25/08

    Mother of twiddles - 4/08

    Mother of liz35 - 5/8/08

    Mother of ibrought - 11/04

    Mother of EXAIMA - 5/08

    Mother-in-Law of Wren - Jeri, 12/31/97

    Mother of LANEF - 6/17/08

    Paula Luberto --53 yrs. old--(friend of michie56)--6/26/08

    BadBabe's Mum - New Zealand - 7/08

    Lauri Nichols - (friend of cp418) - NJ - 8/2/08

    Patricia Cortland - (friend of LuAnnH) - 8/15/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Maggie - best friend of mldemps - 9/10/08

    mother of etenneson (erin) - 2008

    Jerri - friend of dhettish - 9/19/08

    Sonya Freeman Peters, age 32 - friend of Yogi70 - 6/16/02

    Brenda Stroud, age 42 - friend of Yogi70 - 3/2004

    Danica Martinez (YSC Board) - 9/02/08

    Brinley Evans (YSC Board) - 9/9/088

    Courtney Clevenger (YSC Board) - 9/15/08 age 23

    Denise (Charity) Hicks-DeBusk (sister of Lucy222/hollyann) - 9/4/06

    Amy Clark Viola (Friend of lvtqoqlt) - 9/26/2008 age 41

    Mattie Ferrell - (mother of slonedeb) - 69 years old - 1994

    Elizabeth Brown - (mother of auntgina) - 2/15/08

    Diana Coleman - (friend of sjack827) - 11/02/08

    Heather Pick - (newscaster in sjack827's city) - 11/07/08

    Mother of ejohn(michelle) - 11/01/08

    friend of whatnow - 11/11/08

    Cinderella Ann Hughes (aunt of Reflection) - 11/15/08

    Ramona Hughes (aunt of Reflection) - 2000

    Lindsay Altheia Burgess, baby sister of PinkyLee (Barbara) - 12/14/04

    Mother-In-Law of IBCSux - 12/15/08

    Elsa Marianne Charow, mother of looking4answers - 12/22/08

    Mother of kimpossible - 12/27/08

    Mother of eim - 2001

    Mother of cneal318 - 1/2/09

    Wife of jkc -12/12/08


    (updated 1/4/09 to add Fancy, Kay Galipeau - 12/21/08,

    Mother of cneal318 - 1/2/09, Wife of jkc - 12/12/08)


    **If you post the name that you want added to the list in this thread, it will get added promptly.**

  • jkc
    jkc Posts: 3
    edited January 2009

    My wife's name is Maria "Cokis" Staggs if you could add her in place of wife of JKC thank you.

  • celia088
    celia088 Posts: 975
    edited October 2016
    (updated 1/6/09)

    ~THE GARDEN OF ANGELS~ (original name of this list by NBN)

    Tinkerbell (Ann) - 6/28/04
    Emmaline - 2004 (?)
    Sprite - July 2004
    Breezy - January 2005
    runningdear (Kay)- 2005?
    Kathleen Crystal - 2005
    Lanie - Early 2005
    Charlotte Jean Gregory - 6/4/05
    Tine - Margarethe 2005 (early 20's -IBC)
    Annette DiPietro - 10/25/05
    Janie - 10/31/05
    Feegee (Frances)- 11/28/05

    Trisha - (Patricia Tedder, Alabama) screen name ?, January 2006

    Bluekitten (Kathy Verett) - 1/2/05
    MomCasey - 2/26/06
    Sickofit (Janell) - 4/21/06
    Jane Kelly - 4/23/06
    Shirl (Shirl Balsley)- 5/5/06
    Mary Woods - 5/13/06 (England)
    Andee - 4/29/06
    FighterLU (LuAnn) - 6/12/06
    TheresaPW - 2006
    Jane from Illinois. Had Inflammatory BC (year ?)
    Linda O (2006?)
    Faye (Australia) - 6/16/06
    Marie605/AlohaDiane/Smiley_Diane - 7/9/06

    Roza Moldova July 2007
    Shelliks - Shelli - 9/19/07
    3Strikes - Diane 2007

    Kirsti Ottem Langeland (KOL), Mazerolles du Razes, France - 5/2/07

    Stacey (Sunshine) Buckley - NJ - 4/27/07

    Parrothead - Rebecca Rallen, age 33 - 5/16/07

    Flea - Felicia Volkmar, age 41 - 7/21/07

    Pixiedust - Stacey Agran - 10/2/07

    Sedgymum - Kelly Sedgmen - 10/17/07

    Bev34 - Patricea Ann "Daily" Gluesencamp Lawrence - 10/22/07

    Debbie Newbill ( sister of jaepinkroses) - 10/27/07

    Cherie-Boop - 11/15/07

    SueMaria - November 2007, Liverpool

    Jayne1956 - Jayne Mansfield (last name?) - September(?), 2007

    Jacque Nielson (jacqniel) - 11/22/07


    Stage4 - Kathy - 11/20/07

    Jeannie44 - Jeannie Dunten, 11/30/07

    SoCalNancy - Nancy, 12/1/07

    Kim825 - Kim Piccione, 11/29/2007

    Lisa40 - Lisa Turner, 12/14/07

    Diane Snipes (wife of Bimmer) - 12/18/07

    Pat Fitzpatrick (fitzpatti) - 12/26/07

    Cheryl Thomason (CY, b445) - 2/19/08

    Jenben25 - Jennifer Lynn Buron - 1/23/08

    ForTheMoment - Erin Elise Van Dyke - 3/13/08

    Debbie Miller - 3/13/08

    Shepgirl - Kathryn Bronson - 3/12/08

    Joanne1428 - Joanne Patricia Schweitzer - 3/19/08

    fd411 - Ferne Dixon - 3/23/08

    kelownagirl - Jill - 4/08

    skirk - Sherri Kirk - friend of jonimb - 4/10/08

    Theresa - sister of Donna (sisterlove) - 4/7/08

    PaulaBeth - May 3, 2008

    labradorsandra - Sandra Branton - 3/24/08

    Valsul-Valerie Sullivan-Cheshire, UK - friend of jpann39(and bc.o sisters) - 6/13/08

    ocinny414 - CindyKS - 6/16/08 - from the May 07 chemo thread, and Triple Neg. thread

    Robin Mercer (screen name?) also on, was friend of LiniWD - 06/27/08

    KariLynn - Kari Lynn Spiers - Pittsburg, KS, 7/3/08

    Kimmie39 - Kimberly Dawn Franklin - Winchester, VA 7/4/08

    Pauline Jones - England - 6/7/08

    Monica Pieterse - 27 yrs old - 7/10/08

    Val (Feeval), partner of Laura - 9/26/08

    Jacqueline Schevarth - 10/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Melbourne Mum(Ruth) - June 30th 2008

    JillT - Jill Tollefson - 10/08

    jonimb - 10/22/08

    jodian (Jodi Squire ) - from the San Diego Lunch Bunch - 11/13/08

    Tricia45 (loving friend of wendyintx) - 12/4/08

    joyh (mother of kgodwin03) - 12/08

    Norm's five Angels - Norm's beloved wife Brenda, 4 adopted & foster kids: David, Starla, Keenan, Dean - 12/3/07

    ShenD - 12/27/08

    Bevnurse - (December 2004 Warrior) - 10/29/08

    Fancy - Kay Galipeau - 12/21/08

    Linda_CR, (sister of bschlegel), 1/14/05
    Kat (in Texas)

    Kathleen46 - Kathleen Hemker - 8/25/06

    Beautiful_Mom - Cheryl Ellen Bafford, 33 yrs old - 1/23/78 to 11/12/06

    MJ66 - Mary Jo Cardwell - 2/23/07

    Jen43 - Jen - June 2007

    Ravencaine - Donna Ivison - 10/17/07

    Mavy - July? 2007

    CTG - Laura McCarthy - 1/19/08

    Kristen Lupton (friend of stacey2930) - 1/28/08

    LeftyLu - 9/26/08

    Tracy1964 - 10/15/08

    heartwings59 - Gina Schonthaler (UK chatter), friend of heavenlyangelks - 10/26/08 UK

    helen1 - Helen Mulloy, 12/18/08 

    OTHERS--friends and relatives of bco members:

    Elizabeth (bc) - (MIL of Laura GTO) 1988
    Mary Cron - 4/8/07

    Julie Vaverka (friend of susan02143) - 9/28/07

    Myrna Ann Rotman (mother of sandyk) - 1/19/1984

    Donald Ralph Rotman (father of sandyk) - 4/15/1987

    Jane Eva Marsch (mother of budsadie) - 5/16/07

    Donna White - 7/20/07

    Debbie Babechuk - 1994

    Lori Kennedy - 3/17/04

    Roberta - friend of flyrzfan - 10/24/06

    Janis M. Fulton (mother of jansdaughter) - 7/1/07

    Alma L. Boyd (mother of pamouell) - 8/27/1989

    Mary Graham ( friend of lvtwoglt) - 9/30/07

    Louisa, (sister of Alishar) - 7/13/04

    Sylvie (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Carol (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Courtenay (friend of SadFriend) - 12/10/07

    Betty-Ann ( sister of CurlyKatFL) - 10/1/1995

    Vilma (Aunt of CurlyKatFL ) - 2003

    Lois Wilson (mother of MrsBee) - 2/4/91

    Joni Pulley ( best friend of MrsBee) - 12/91

    Leota Braun (mother-in-law of MrsBee) - 1974

    Elizabeth Calthirst (friend of Odalys) - October 2007

    Linda Tarry (friend of AliceJean) - Elyria, Ohio

    Sue Gibbs (friend of cp418) - New Jersey, March 2007

    Gladys Hicks (mother of lucy222) - 56 yrs old, 6/72

    Nikki Lee Norcross (friend of RaeAnn) - 12/17/07

    Valerie Ruff (friend of NancyM) - 6/5/06

    Shirley (Sandy) Kupferschmid (friend of ritajean's) 47 y.o.--1/12/08

    Sandy Bibee (friend of BinVA) - 1/18/08

    Sandy Moore (friend of LuAnnH) - Cincinnati, OH - 1/26/08

    Pam Briggle (friend of GSG/Patrice) - 49 y.o. - 11/11/07

    Kiersten Conner-Sax 2/2/08

    Mami, (Odalys's mother) - 2/12/08

    Lisa Jenkinson - (friend of Twink's brother), age 37 - 3/08

    Cathy O'Brien - 33 years old - From YSC board 3-29-08

    Jessica Stefaniak - 29 years old - From YSC board 3-25-08

    Sheila Monastero - 48 years old - Pennsylvania - 2008

    Theresa - 43 years old - (sister-in-law of peace41)- 4/7/08

    Rosemary Jenks - (mother of cmayes71) - 58 years old, Knoxville, TN - 4/2/08

    Lavon Thomas - (mother of FirstEdition) - 4/20/08

    Karen - (aunt of Amy Brodar) - 4/25/08

    Mother of twiddles - 4/08

    Mother of liz35 - 5/8/08

    Mother of ibrought - 11/04

    Mother of EXAIMA - 5/08

    Mother-in-Law of Wren - Jeri, 12/31/97

    Mother of LANEF - 6/17/08

    Paula Luberto --53 yrs. old--(friend of michie56)--6/26/08

    BadBabe's Mum - New Zealand - 7/08

    Lauri Nichols - (friend of cp418) - NJ - 8/2/08

    Patricia Cortland - (friend of LuAnnH) - 8/15/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Maggie - best friend of mldemps - 9/10/08

    mother of etenneson (erin) - 2008

    Jerri - friend of dhettish - 9/19/08

    Sonya Freeman Peters, age 32 - friend of Yogi70 - 6/16/02

    Brenda Stroud, age 42 - friend of Yogi70 - 3/2004

    Danica Martinez (YSC Board) - 9/02/08

    Brinley Evans (YSC Board) - 9/9/088

    Courtney Clevenger (YSC Board) - 9/15/08 age 23

    Denise (Charity) Hicks-DeBusk (sister of Lucy222/hollyann) - 9/4/06

    Amy Clark Viola (Friend of lvtqoqlt) - 9/26/2008 age 41

    Mattie Ferrell - (mother of slonedeb) - 69 years old - 1994

    Elizabeth Brown - (mother of auntgina) - 2/15/08

    Diana Coleman - (friend of sjack827) - 11/02/08

    Heather Pick - (newscaster in sjack827's city) - 11/07/08

    Mother of ejohn(michelle) - 11/01/08

    friend of whatnow - 11/11/08

    Cinderella Ann Hughes (aunt of Reflection) - 11/15/08

    Ramona Hughes (aunt of Reflection) - 2000

    Lindsay Altheia Burgess, baby sister of PinkyLee (Barbara) - 12/14/04

    Mother-In-Law of IBCSux - 12/15/08

    Elsa Marianne Charow, mother of looking4answers - 12/22/08

    Mother of kimpossible - 12/27/08

    Mother of eim - 2001

    Mother of cneal318 - 1/2/09

    jkc's wife, Maria "Cokis" Staggs -12/12/08


    (updated 1/4/09 to add Fancy, Kay Galipeau - 12/21/08,

    Mother of cneal318 - 1/2/09;

    updated 1/6/09 to add jkc's wifes's name: Maria "Cokis" Staggs)


    **If you post the name that you want added to the list in this thread, it will get added promptly.**

  • aly
    aly Posts: 3
    edited October 2016

    Could you add Shiela Mother of aly 27/11/1979 49 years old

    will be grateful


  • celia088
    celia088 Posts: 975
    edited October 2016
    (updated 1/8/09)

    ~THE GARDEN OF ANGELS~ (original name of this list by NBN)

    Tinkerbell (Ann) - 6/28/04
    Emmaline - 2004 (?)
    Sprite - July 2004
    Breezy - January 2005
    runningdear (Kay)- 2005?
    Kathleen Crystal - 2005
    Lanie - Early 2005
    Charlotte Jean Gregory - 6/4/05
    Tine - Margarethe 2005 (early 20's -IBC)
    Annette DiPietro - 10/25/05
    Janie - 10/31/05
    Feegee (Frances)- 11/28/05

    Trisha - (Patricia Tedder, Alabama) screen name ?, January 2006

    Bluekitten (Kathy Verett) - 1/2/05
    MomCasey - 2/26/06
    Sickofit (Janell) - 4/21/06
    Jane Kelly - 4/23/06
    Shirl (Shirl Balsley)- 5/5/06
    Mary Woods - 5/13/06 (England)
    Andee - 4/29/06
    FighterLU (LuAnn) - 6/12/06
    TheresaPW - 2006
    Jane from Illinois. Had Inflammatory BC (year ?)
    Linda O (2006?)
    Faye (Australia) - 6/16/06
    Marie605/AlohaDiane/Smiley_Diane - 7/9/06

    Roza Moldova July 2007
    Shelliks - Shelli - 9/19/07
    3Strikes - Diane 2007

    Kirsti Ottem Langeland (KOL), Mazerolles du Razes, France - 5/2/07

    Stacey (Sunshine) Buckley - NJ - 4/27/07

    Parrothead - Rebecca Rallen, age 33 - 5/16/07

    Flea - Felicia Volkmar, age 41 - 7/21/07

    Pixiedust - Stacey Agran - 10/2/07

    Sedgymum - Kelly Sedgmen - 10/17/07

    Bev34 - Patricea Ann "Daily" Gluesencamp Lawrence - 10/22/07

    Debbie Newbill ( sister of jaepinkroses) - 10/27/07

    Cherie-Boop - 11/15/07

    SueMaria - November 2007, Liverpool

    Jayne1956 - Jayne Mansfield (last name?) - September(?), 2007

    Jacque Nielson (jacqniel) - 11/22/07


    Stage4 - Kathy - 11/20/07

    Jeannie44 - Jeannie Dunten, 11/30/07

    SoCalNancy - Nancy, 12/1/07

    Kim825 - Kim Piccione, 11/29/2007

    Lisa40 - Lisa Turner, 12/14/07

    Diane Snipes (wife of Bimmer) - 12/18/07

    Pat Fitzpatrick (fitzpatti) - 12/26/07

    Cheryl Thomason (CY, b445) - 2/19/08

    Jenben25 - Jennifer Lynn Buron - 1/23/08

    ForTheMoment - Erin Elise Van Dyke - 3/13/08

    Debbie Miller - 3/13/08

    Shepgirl - Kathryn Bronson - 3/12/08

    Joanne1428 - Joanne Patricia Schweitzer - 3/19/08

    fd411 - Ferne Dixon - 3/23/08

    kelownagirl - Jill - 4/08

    skirk - Sherri Kirk - friend of jonimb - 4/10/08

    Theresa - sister of Donna (sisterlove) - 4/7/08

    PaulaBeth - May 3, 2008

    labradorsandra - Sandra Branton - 3/24/08

    Valsul-Valerie Sullivan-Cheshire, UK - friend of jpann39(and bc.o sisters) - 6/13/08

    ocinny414 - CindyKS - 6/16/08 - from the May 07 chemo thread, and Triple Neg. thread

    Robin Mercer (screen name?) also on, was friend of LiniWD - 06/27/08

    KariLynn - Kari Lynn Spiers - Pittsburg, KS, 7/3/08

    Kimmie39 - Kimberly Dawn Franklin - Winchester, VA 7/4/08

    Pauline Jones - England - 6/7/08

    Monica Pieterse - 27 yrs old - 7/10/08

    Val (Feeval), partner of Laura - 9/26/08

    Jacqueline Schevarth - 10/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Melbourne Mum(Ruth) - June 30th 2008

    JillT - Jill Tollefson - 10/08

    jonimb - 10/22/08

    jodian (Jodi Squire ) - from the San Diego Lunch Bunch - 11/13/08

    Tricia45 (loving friend of wendyintx) - 12/4/08

    joyh (mother of kgodwin03) - 12/08

    Norm's five Angels - Norm's beloved wife Brenda, 4 adopted & foster kids: David, Starla, Keenan, Dean - 12/3/07

    ShenD - 12/27/08

    Bevnurse - (December 2004 Warrior) - 10/29/08

    Fancy - Kay Galipeau - 12/21/08

    Linda_CR, (sister of bschlegel), 1/14/05
    Kat (in Texas)



    Kathleen46 - Kathleen Hemker - 8/25/06

    Beautiful_Mom - Cheryl Ellen Bafford, 33 yrs old - 1/23/78 to 11/12/06

    MJ66 - Mary Jo Cardwell - 2/23/07

    Jen43 - Jen - June 2007

    Ravencaine - Donna Ivison - 10/17/07

    Mavy - July? 2007

    CTG - Laura McCarthy - 1/19/08

    Kristen Lupton (friend of stacey2930) - 1/28/08

    LeftyLu - 9/26/08

    Tracy1964 - 10/15/08

    heartwings59 - Gina Schonthaler (UK chatter), friend of heavenlyangelks - 10/26/08 UK

    helen1 - Helen Mulloy, 12/18/08 

    OTHERS--friends and relatives of bco members:

    Elizabeth (bc) - (MIL of Laura GTO) 1988
    Mary Cron - 4/8/07

    Julie Vaverka (friend of susan02143) - 9/28/07

    Myrna Ann Rotman (mother of sandyk) - 1/19/1984

    Donald Ralph Rotman (father of sandyk) - 4/15/1987

    Jane Eva Marsch (mother of budsadie) - 5/16/07

    Donna White - 7/20/07

    Debbie Babechuk - 1994

    Lori Kennedy - 3/17/04

    Roberta - friend of flyrzfan - 10/24/06

    Janis M. Fulton (mother of jansdaughter) - 7/1/07

    Alma L. Boyd (mother of pamouell) - 8/27/1989

    Mary Graham ( friend of lvtwoglt) - 9/30/07

    Louisa, (sister of Alishar) - 7/13/04

    Sylvie (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Carol (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Courtenay (friend of SadFriend) - 12/10/07

    Betty-Ann ( sister of CurlyKatFL) - 10/1/1995

    Vilma (Aunt of CurlyKatFL ) - 2003

    Lois Wilson (mother of MrsBee) - 2/4/91

    Joni Pulley ( best friend of MrsBee) - 12/91

    Leota Braun (mother-in-law of MrsBee) - 1974

    Elizabeth Calthirst (friend of Odalys) - October 2007

    Linda Tarry (friend of AliceJean) - Elyria, Ohio

    Sue Gibbs (friend of cp418) - New Jersey, March 2007

    Gladys Hicks (mother of lucy222) - 56 yrs old, 6/72

    Nikki Lee Norcross (friend of RaeAnn) - 12/17/07

    Valerie Ruff (friend of NancyM) - 6/5/06

    Shirley (Sandy) Kupferschmid (friend of ritajean's) 47 y.o.--1/12/08

    Sandy Bibee (friend of BinVA) - 1/18/08

    Sandy Moore (friend of LuAnnH) - Cincinnati, OH - 1/26/08

    Pam Briggle (friend of GSG/Patrice) - 49 y.o. - 11/11/07

    Kiersten Conner-Sax 2/2/08

    Mami, (Odalys's mother) - 2/12/08

    Lisa Jenkinson - (friend of Twink's brother), age 37 - 3/08

    Cathy O'Brien - 33 years old - From YSC board 3-29-08

    Jessica Stefaniak - 29 years old - From YSC board 3-25-08

    Sheila Monastero - 48 years old - Pennsylvania - 2008

    Theresa - 43 years old - (sister-in-law of peace41)- 4/7/08

    Rosemary Jenks - (mother of cmayes71) - 58 years old, Knoxville, TN - 4/2/08

    Lavon Thomas - (mother of FirstEdition) - 4/20/08

    Karen - (aunt of Amy Brodar) - 4/25/08

    Mother of twiddles - 4/08

    Mother of liz35 - 5/8/08

    Mother of ibrought - 11/04

    Mother of EXAIMA - 5/08

    Mother-in-Law of Wren - Jeri, 12/31/97

    Mother of LANEF - 6/17/08

    Paula Luberto --53 yrs. old--(friend of michie56)--6/26/08

    BadBabe's Mum - New Zealand - 7/08

    Lauri Nichols - (friend of cp418) - NJ - 8/2/08

    Patricia Cortland - (friend of LuAnnH) - 8/15/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Maggie - best friend of mldemps - 9/10/08

    mother of etenneson (erin) - 2008

    Jerri - friend of dhettish - 9/19/08

    Sonya Freeman Peters, age 32 - friend of Yogi70 - 6/16/02

    Brenda Stroud, age 42 - friend of Yogi70 - 3/2004

    Danica Martinez (YSC Board) - 9/02/08

    Brinley Evans (YSC Board) - 9/9/088

    Courtney Clevenger (YSC Board) - 9/15/08 age 23

    Denise (Charity) Hicks-DeBusk (sister of Lucy222/hollyann) - 9/4/06

    Amy Clark Viola (Friend of lvtqoqlt) - 9/26/2008 age 41

    Mattie Ferrell - (mother of slonedeb) - 69 years old - 1994

    Elizabeth Brown - (mother of auntgina) - 2/15/08

    Diana Coleman - (friend of sjack827) - 11/02/08

    Heather Pick - (newscaster in sjack827's city) - 11/07/08

    Mother of ejohn(michelle) - 11/01/08

    friend of whatnow - 11/11/08

    Cinderella Ann Hughes (aunt of Reflection) - 11/15/08

    Ramona Hughes (aunt of Reflection) - 2000

    Lindsay Altheia Burgess, baby sister of PinkyLee (Barbara) - 12/14/04

    Mother-In-Law of IBCSux - 12/15/08

    Elsa Marianne Charow, mother of looking4answers - 12/22/08

    Mother of kimpossible - 12/27/08

    Mother of eim - 2001

    Mother of cneal318 - 1/2/09

    jkc's wife, Maria "Cokis" Staggs -12/12/08

    Sheila Voyse, mother of aly - 11/27/1979


    (updated 1/8/09 to add Sheila Voyse, mother of aly - 11/27/1979)


    **If you post the name that you want added to the list in this thread, it will get added promptly.**

  • celia088
    celia088 Posts: 975
    edited January 2009

    NancyM, i sent you a PM about needing a bit more information for Robyn's listing.


  • saint
    saint Posts: 583
    edited January 2009

    When I saw this list some chatters who were important to so many of us immediately came to mind--maybe someone has complete names & dates dates to fill in?

    SherryO ('06?)

    KarenFl ('06?)

    CTG ('08)

    Leftylulu (Oct '08)

    Tracy 1964 

  • celia088
    celia088 Posts: 975
    edited October 2016
    (updated 1/11/09)

    ~THE GARDEN OF ANGELS~ (original name of this list by NBN)

    Tinkerbell (Ann) - 6/28/04
    Emmaline - 2004 (?)
    Sprite - July 2004
    Breezy - January 2005
    runningdear (Kay)- 2005?
    Kathleen Crystal - 2005
    Lanie - Early 2005
    Charlotte Jean Gregory - 6/4/05
    Tine - Margarethe 2005 (early 20's -IBC)
    Annette DiPietro - 10/25/05
    Janie - 10/31/05
    Feegee (Frances)- 11/28/05

    Trisha - (Patricia Tedder, Alabama) screen name ?, January 2006

    Bluekitten (Kathy Verett) - 1/2/05
    MomCasey - 2/26/06
    Sickofit (Janell) - 4/21/06
    Jane Kelly - 4/23/06
    Shirl (Shirl Balsley)- 5/5/06
    Mary Woods - 5/13/06 (England)
    Andee - 4/29/06
    FighterLU (LuAnn) - 6/12/06
    TheresaPW - 2006
    Jane from Illinois. Had Inflammatory BC (year ?)
    Linda O (2006?)
    Faye (Australia) - 6/16/06
    Marie605/AlohaDiane/Smiley_Diane - 7/9/06

    Roza Moldova July 2007
    Shelliks - Shelli - 9/19/07
    3Strikes - Diane 2007

    Kirsti Ottem Langeland (KOL), Mazerolles du Razes, France - 5/2/07

    Stacey (Sunshine) Buckley - NJ - 4/27/07

    Parrothead - Rebecca Rallen, age 33 - 5/16/07

    Flea - Felicia Volkmar, age 41 - 7/21/07

    Pixiedust - Stacey Agran - 10/2/07

    Sedgymum - Kelly Sedgmen - 10/17/07

    Bev34 - Patricea Ann "Daily" Gluesencamp Lawrence - 10/22/07

    Debbie Newbill ( sister of jaepinkroses) - 10/27/07

    Cherie-Boop - 11/15/07

    SueMaria - November 2007, Liverpool

    Jayne1956 - Jayne Mansfield (last name?) - September(?), 2007

    Jacque Nielson (jacqniel) - 11/22/07


    Stage4 - Kathy - 11/20/07

    Jeannie44 - Jeannie Dunten, 11/30/07

    SoCalNancy - Nancy, 12/1/07

    Kim825 - Kim Piccione, 11/29/2007

    Lisa40 - Lisa Turner, 12/14/07

    Diane Snipes (wife of Bimmer) - 12/18/07

    Pat Fitzpatrick (fitzpatti) - 12/26/07

    Cheryl Thomason (CY, b445) - 2/19/08

    Jenben25 - Jennifer Lynn Buron - 1/23/08

    ForTheMoment - Erin Elise Van Dyke - 3/13/08

    Debbie Miller - 3/13/08

    Shepgirl - Kathryn Bronson - 3/12/08

    Joanne1428 - Joanne Patricia Schweitzer - 3/19/08

    fd411 - Ferne Dixon - 3/23/08

    kelownagirl - Jill - 4/08

    skirk - Sherri Kirk - friend of jonimb - 4/10/08

    Theresa - sister of Donna (sisterlove) - 4/7/08

    PaulaBeth - May 3, 2008

    labradorsandra - Sandra Branton - 3/24/08

    Valsul-Valerie Sullivan-Cheshire, UK - friend of jpann39(and bc.o sisters) - 6/13/08

    ocinny414 - CindyKS - 6/16/08 - from the May 07 chemo thread, and Triple Neg. thread

    Robin Mercer (screen name?) also on, was friend of LiniWD - 06/27/08

    KariLynn - Kari Lynn Spiers - Pittsburg, KS, 7/3/08

    Kimmie39 - Kimberly Dawn Franklin - Winchester, VA 7/4/08

    Pauline Jones - England - 6/7/08

    Monica Pieterse - 27 yrs old - 7/10/08

    Val (Feeval), partner of Laura - 9/26/08

    Jacqueline Schevarth - 10/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Melbourne Mum(Ruth) - June 30th 2008

    JillT - Jill Tollefson - 10/08

    jonimb - 10/22/08

    jodian (Jodi Squire ) - from the San Diego Lunch Bunch - 11/13/08

    Tricia45 (loving friend of wendyintx) - 12/4/08

    joyh (mother of kgodwin03) - 12/08

    Norm's five Angels - Norm's beloved wife Brenda, 4 adopted & foster kids: David, Starla, Keenan, Dean - 12/3/07

    ShenD - 12/27/08

    Bevnurse - (December 2004 Warrior) - 10/29/08

    Fancy - Kay Galipeau - 12/21/08

    Linda_CR, (sister of bschlegel), 1/14/05
    Kat (in Texas)



    Kathleen46 - Kathleen Hemker - 8/25/06

    Beautiful_Mom - Cheryl Ellen Bafford, 33 yrs old - 1/23/78 to 11/12/06

    MJ66 - Mary Jo Cardwell - 2/23/07

    Jen43 - Jen - June 2007

    Ravencaine - Donna Ivison - 10/17/07

    Mavy - July? 2007

    CTG - Laura McCarthy - 1/19/08

    Kristen Lupton (friend of stacey2930) - 1/28/08

    LeftyLu - 9/26/08

    Tracy1964 - 10/15/08

    heartwings59 - Gina Schonthaler (UK chatter), friend of heavenlyangelks - 10/26/08 UK

    helen1 - Helen Mulloy, 12/18/08

    OTHERS--friends and relatives of bco members:

    Elizabeth (bc) - (MIL of Laura GTO) 1988
    Mary Cron - 4/8/07

    Julie Vaverka (friend of susan02143) - 9/28/07

    Myrna Ann Rotman (mother of sandyk) - 1/19/1984

    Donald Ralph Rotman (father of sandyk) - 4/15/1987

    Jane Eva Marsch (mother of budsadie) - 5/16/07

    Donna White - 7/20/07

    Debbie Babechuk - 1994

    Lori Kennedy - 3/17/04

    Roberta - friend of flyrzfan - 10/24/06

    Janis M. Fulton (mother of jansdaughter) - 7/1/07

    Alma L. Boyd (mother of pamouell) - 8/27/1989

    Mary Graham ( friend of lvtwoglt) - 9/30/07

    Louisa, (sister of Alishar) - 7/13/04

    Sylvie (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Carol (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Courtenay (friend of SadFriend) - 12/10/07

    Betty-Ann ( sister of CurlyKatFL) - 10/1/1995

    Vilma (Aunt of CurlyKatFL ) - 2003

    Lois Wilson (mother of MrsBee) - 2/4/91

    Joni Pulley ( best friend of MrsBee) - 12/91

    Leota Braun (mother-in-law of MrsBee) - 1974

    Elizabeth Calthirst (friend of Odalys) - October 2007

    Linda Tarry (friend of AliceJean) - Elyria, Ohio

    Sue Gibbs (friend of cp418) - New Jersey, March 2007

    Gladys Hicks (mother of lucy222) - 56 yrs old, 6/72

    Nikki Lee Norcross (friend of RaeAnn) - 12/17/07

    Valerie Ruff (friend of NancyM) - 6/5/06

    Shirley (Sandy) Kupferschmid (friend of ritajean's) 47 y.o.--1/12/08

    Sandy Bibee (friend of BinVA) - 1/18/08

    Sandy Moore (friend of LuAnnH) - Cincinnati, OH - 1/26/08

    Pam Briggle (friend of GSG/Patrice) - 49 y.o. - 11/11/07

    Kiersten Conner-Sax 2/2/08

    Mami, (Odalys's mother) - 2/12/08

    Lisa Jenkinson - (friend of Twink's brother), age 37 - 3/08

    Cathy O'Brien - 33 years old - From YSC board 3-29-08

    Jessica Stefaniak - 29 years old - From YSC board 3-25-08

    Sheila Monastero - 48 years old - Pennsylvania - 2008

    Theresa - 43 years old - (sister-in-law of peace41)- 4/7/08

    Rosemary Jenks - (mother of cmayes71) - 58 years old, Knoxville, TN - 4/2/08

    Lavon Thomas - (mother of FirstEdition) - 4/20/08

    Karen - (aunt of Amy Brodar) - 4/25/08

    Mother of twiddles - 4/08

    Mother of liz35 - 5/8/08

    Mother of ibrought - 11/04

    Mother of EXAIMA - 5/08

    Mother-in-Law of Wren - Jeri, 12/31/97

    Mother of LANEF - 6/17/08

    Paula Luberto --53 yrs. old--(friend of michie56)--6/26/08

    BadBabe's Mum - New Zealand - 7/08

    Lauri Nichols - (friend of cp418) - NJ - 8/2/08

    Patricia Cortland - (friend of LuAnnH) - 8/15/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Maggie - best friend of mldemps - 9/10/08

    mother of etenneson (erin) - 2008

    Jerri - friend of dhettish - 9/19/08

    Sonya Freeman Peters, age 32 - friend of Yogi70 - 6/16/02

    Brenda Stroud, age 42 - friend of Yogi70 - 3/2004

    Danica Martinez (YSC Board) - 9/02/08

    Brinley Evans (YSC Board) - 9/9/088

    Courtney Clevenger (YSC Board) - 9/15/08 age 23

    Denise (Charity) Hicks-DeBusk (sister of Lucy222/hollyann) - 9/4/06

    Amy Clark Viola (Friend of lvtqoqlt) - 9/26/2008 age 41

    Mattie Ferrell - (mother of slonedeb) - 69 years old - 1994

    Elizabeth Brown - (mother of auntgina) - 2/15/08

    Diana Coleman - (friend of sjack827) - 11/02/08

    Heather Pick - (newscaster in sjack827's city) - 11/07/08

    Mother of ejohn(michelle) - 11/01/08

    friend of whatnow - 11/11/08

    Cinderella Ann Hughes (aunt of Reflection) - 11/15/08

    Ramona Hughes (aunt of Reflection) - 2000

    Lindsay Altheia Burgess, baby sister of PinkyLee (Barbara) - 12/14/04

    Mother-In-Law of IBCSux - 12/15/08

    Elsa Marianne Charow, mother of looking4answers - 12/22/08

    Mother of kimpossible - 12/27/08

    Mother of eim - 2001

    Mother of cneal318 - 1/2/09

    jkc's wife, Maria "Cokis" Staggs -12/12/08

    Sheila Voyse, mother of aly - 11/27/1979

    Robyn Stowell, co-worker of NancyM - 1/8/09


    (updated 1/11/09 to add Robyn Stowell, co-worker of NancyM 1/8/09)


    **If you post the name that you want added to the list in this thread, it will get added promptly.**

  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Posts: 765
    edited October 2016

    Please add:Friend of lvtwoqlt in local support group: Sherlene passed away Jan 9, 2008

  • celia088
    celia088 Posts: 975
    edited October 2016
    (updated 1/15/09)

    ~THE GARDEN OF ANGELS~ (original name of this list by NBN)

    Tinkerbell (Ann) - 6/28/04
    Emmaline - 2004 (?)
    Sprite - July 2004
    Breezy - January 2005
    runningdear (Kay)- 2005?
    Kathleen Crystal - 2005
    Lanie - Early 2005
    Charlotte Jean Gregory - 6/4/05
    Tine - Margarethe 2005 (early 20's -IBC)
    Annette DiPietro - 10/25/05
    Janie - 10/31/05
    Feegee (Frances)- 11/28/05

    Trisha - (Patricia Tedder, Alabama) screen name ?, January 2006

    Bluekitten (Kathy Verett) - 1/2/05
    MomCasey - 2/26/06
    Sickofit (Janell) - 4/21/06
    Jane Kelly - 4/23/06
    Shirl (Shirl Balsley)- 5/5/06
    Mary Woods - 5/13/06 (England)
    Andee - 4/29/06
    FighterLU (LuAnn) - 6/12/06
    TheresaPW - 2006
    Jane from Illinois. Had Inflammatory BC (year ?)
    Linda O (2006?)
    Faye (Australia) - 6/16/06
    Marie605/AlohaDiane/Smiley_Diane - 7/9/06

    Roza Moldova July 2007
    Shelliks - Shelli - 9/19/07
    3Strikes - Diane 2007

    Kirsti Ottem Langeland (KOL), Mazerolles du Razes, France - 5/2/07

    Stacey (Sunshine) Buckley - NJ - 4/27/07

    Parrothead - Rebecca Rallen, age 33 - 5/16/07

    Flea - Felicia Volkmar, age 41 - 7/21/07

    Pixiedust - Stacey Agran - 10/2/07

    Sedgymum - Kelly Sedgmen - 10/17/07

    Bev34 - Patricea Ann "Daily" Gluesencamp Lawrence - 10/22/07

    Debbie Newbill ( sister of jaepinkroses) - 10/27/07

    Cherie-Boop - 11/15/07

    SueMaria - November 2007, Liverpool

    Jayne1956 - Jayne Mansfield (last name?) - September(?), 2007

    Jacque Nielson (jacqniel) - 11/22/07


    Stage4 - Kathy - 11/20/07

    Jeannie44 - Jeannie Dunten, 11/30/07

    SoCalNancy - Nancy, 12/1/07

    Kim825 - Kim Piccione, 11/29/2007

    Lisa40 - Lisa Turner, 12/14/07

    Diane Snipes (wife of Bimmer) - 12/18/07

    Pat Fitzpatrick (fitzpatti) - 12/26/07

    Cheryl Thomason (CY, b445) - 2/19/08

    Jenben25 - Jennifer Lynn Buron - 1/23/08

    ForTheMoment - Erin Elise Van Dyke - 3/13/08

    Debbie Miller - 3/13/08

    Shepgirl - Kathryn Bronson - 3/12/08

    Joanne1428 - Joanne Patricia Schweitzer - 3/19/08

    fd411 - Ferne Dixon - 3/23/08

    kelownagirl - Jill - 4/08

    skirk - Sherri Kirk - friend of jonimb - 4/10/08

    Theresa - sister of Donna (sisterlove) - 4/7/08

    PaulaBeth - May 3, 2008

    labradorsandra - Sandra Branton - 3/24/08

    Valsul-Valerie Sullivan-Cheshire, UK - friend of jpann39(and bc.o sisters) - 6/13/08

    ocinny414 - CindyKS - 6/16/08 - from the May 07 chemo thread, and Triple Neg. thread

    Robin Mercer (screen name?) also on, was friend of LiniWD - 06/27/08

    KariLynn - Kari Lynn Spiers - Pittsburg, KS, 7/3/08

    Kimmie39 - Kimberly Dawn Franklin - Winchester, VA 7/4/08

    Pauline Jones - England - 6/7/08

    Monica Pieterse - 27 yrs old - 7/10/08

    Val (Feeval), partner of Laura - 9/26/08

    Jacqueline Schevarth - 10/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Melbourne Mum(Ruth) - June 30th 2008

    JillT - Jill Tollefson - 10/08

    jonimb - 10/22/08

    jodian (Jodi Squire ) - from the San Diego Lunch Bunch - 11/13/08

    Tricia45 (loving friend of wendyintx) - 12/4/08

    joyh (mother of kgodwin03) - 12/08

    Norm's five Angels - Norm's beloved wife Brenda, 4 adopted & foster kids: David, Starla, Keenan, Dean - 12/3/07

    ShenD - 12/27/08

    Bevnurse - (December 2004 Warrior) - 10/29/08

    Fancy - Kay Galipeau - 12/21/08

    Linda_CR, (sister of bschlegel), 1/14/05
    Kat (in Texas)



    Kathleen46 - Kathleen Hemker - 8/25/06

    Beautiful_Mom - Cheryl Ellen Bafford, 33 yrs old - 1/23/78 to 11/12/06

    MJ66 - Mary Jo Cardwell - 2/23/07

    Jen43 - Jen - June 2007

    Ravencaine - Donna Ivison - 10/17/07

    Mavy - July? 2007

    CTG - Laura McCarthy - 1/19/08

    Kristen Lupton (friend of stacey2930) - 1/28/08

    LeftyLu - 9/26/08

    Tracy1964 - 10/15/08

    heartwings59 - Gina Schonthaler (UK chatter), friend of heavenlyangelks - 10/26/08 UK

    helen1 - Helen Mulloy, 12/18/08

    hshi - Cindy Hunt, 11/18/08

    OTHERS--friends and relatives of bco members:

    Elizabeth (bc) - (MIL of Laura GTO) 1988
    Mary Cron - 4/8/07

    Julie Vaverka (friend of susan02143) - 9/28/07

    Myrna Ann Rotman (mother of sandyk) - 1/19/1984

    Donald Ralph Rotman (father of sandyk) - 4/15/1987

    Jane Eva Marsch (mother of budsadie) - 5/16/07

    Donna White - 7/20/07

    Debbie Babechuk - 1994

    Lori Kennedy - 3/17/04

    Roberta - friend of flyrzfan - 10/24/06

    Janis M. Fulton (mother of jansdaughter) - 7/1/07

    Alma L. Boyd (mother of pamouell) - 8/27/1989

    Mary Graham ( friend of lvtwoglt) - 9/30/07

    Louisa, (sister of Alishar) - 7/13/04

    Sylvie (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Carol (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Courtenay (friend of SadFriend) - 12/10/07

    Betty-Ann ( sister of CurlyKatFL) - 10/1/1995

    Vilma (Aunt of CurlyKatFL ) - 2003

    Lois Wilson (mother of MrsBee) - 2/4/91

    Joni Pulley ( best friend of MrsBee) - 12/91

    Leota Braun (mother-in-law of MrsBee) - 1974

    Elizabeth Calthirst (friend of Odalys) - October 2007

    Linda Tarry (friend of AliceJean) - Elyria, Ohio

    Sue Gibbs (friend of cp418) - New Jersey, March 2007

    Gladys Hicks (mother of lucy222) - 56 yrs old, 6/72

    Nikki Lee Norcross (friend of RaeAnn) - 12/17/07

    Valerie Ruff (friend of NancyM) - 6/5/06

    Shirley (Sandy) Kupferschmid (friend of ritajean's) 47 y.o.--1/12/08

    Sandy Bibee (friend of BinVA) - 1/18/08

    Sandy Moore (friend of LuAnnH) - Cincinnati, OH - 1/26/08

    Pam Briggle (friend of GSG/Patrice) - 49 y.o. - 11/11/07

    Kiersten Conner-Sax 2/2/08

    Mami, (Odalys's mother) - 2/12/08

    Lisa Jenkinson - (friend of Twink's brother), age 37 - 3/08

    Cathy O'Brien - 33 years old - From YSC board 3-29-08

    Jessica Stefaniak - 29 years old - From YSC board 3-25-08

    Sheila Monastero - 48 years old - Pennsylvania - 2008

    Theresa - 43 years old - (sister-in-law of peace41)- 4/7/08

    Rosemary Jenks - (mother of cmayes71) - 58 years old, Knoxville, TN - 4/2/08

    Lavon Thomas - (mother of FirstEdition) - 4/20/08

    Karen - (aunt of Amy Brodar) - 4/25/08

    Mother of twiddles - 4/08

    Mother of liz35 - 5/8/08

    Mother of ibrought - 11/04

    Mother of EXAIMA - 5/08

    Mother-in-Law of Wren - Jeri, 12/31/97

    Mother of LANEF - 6/17/08

    Paula Luberto --53 yrs. old--(friend of michie56)--6/26/08

    BadBabe's Mum - New Zealand - 7/08

    Lauri Nichols - (friend of cp418) - NJ - 8/2/08

    Patricia Cortland - (friend of LuAnnH) - 8/15/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Maggie - best friend of mldemps - 9/10/08

    mother of etenneson (erin) - 2008

    Jerri - friend of dhettish - 9/19/08

    Sonya Freeman Peters, age 32 - friend of Yogi70 - 6/16/02

    Brenda Stroud, age 42 - friend of Yogi70 - 3/2004

    Danica Martinez (YSC Board) - 9/02/08

    Brinley Evans (YSC Board) - 9/9/088

    Courtney Clevenger (YSC Board) - 9/15/08 age 23

    Denise (Charity) Hicks-DeBusk (sister of Lucy222/hollyann) - 9/4/06

    Amy Clark Viola (Friend of lvtqoqlt) - 9/26/2008 age 41

    Mattie Ferrell - (mother of slonedeb) - 69 years old - 1994

    Elizabeth Brown - (mother of auntgina) - 2/15/08

    Diana Coleman - (friend of sjack827) - 11/02/08

    Heather Pick - (newscaster in sjack827's city) - 11/07/08

    Mother of ejohn(michelle) - 11/01/08

    friend of whatnow - 11/11/08

    Cinderella Ann Hughes (aunt of Reflection) - 11/15/08

    Ramona Hughes (aunt of Reflection) - 2000

    Lindsay Altheia Burgess, baby sister of PinkyLee (Barbara) - 12/14/04

    Mother-In-Law of IBCSux - 12/15/08

    Elsa Marianne Charow, mother of looking4answers - 12/22/08

    Mother of kimpossible - 12/27/08

    Mother of eim - 2001

    Mother of cneal318 - 1/2/09

    jkc's wife, Maria "Cokis" Staggs -12/12/08

    Sheila Voyse, mother of aly - 11/27/1979

    Robyn Stowell, co-worker of NancyM - 1/8/09

    Sherlene Dancy, friend and support group member of lvtwoqlt - 1/9/09


    (updated 1/12/09 to add Sherlene Dancy, friend of lvtwoqlt - 1/9/09;

    updated 1/15/09 to add hshi - Cindy Hunt - 11/18/08)


    **If you post the name that you want added to the list in this thread, it will get added promptly.**

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 678
    edited October 2016

    Please add hshi - Cindy to the list angels from the threads.

    She passed away November 18, 2008.

  • celia088
    celia088 Posts: 975
    edited October 2016
    (updated 1/16/09)

    ~THE GARDEN OF ANGELS~ (original name of this list by NBN)

    Tinkerbell (Ann) - 6/28/04
    Emmaline - 2004 (?)
    Sprite - July 2004
    Breezy - January 2005
    runningdear (Kay)- 2005?
    Kathleen Crystal - 2005
    Lanie - Early 2005
    Charlotte Jean Gregory - 6/4/05
    Tine - Margarethe 2005 (early 20's -IBC)
    Annette DiPietro - 10/25/05
    Janie - 10/31/05
    Feegee (Frances)- 11/28/05

    Trisha - (Patricia Tedder, Alabama) screen name ?, January 2006

    Bluekitten (Kathy Verett) - 1/2/05
    MomCasey - 2/26/06
    Sickofit (Janell) - 4/21/06
    Jane Kelly - 4/23/06
    Shirl (Shirl Balsley)- 5/5/06
    Mary Woods - 5/13/06 (England)
    Andee - 4/29/06
    FighterLU (LuAnn) - 6/12/06
    TheresaPW - 2006
    Jane from Illinois. Had Inflammatory BC (year ?)
    Linda O (2006?)
    Faye (Australia) - 6/16/06
    Marie605/AlohaDiane/Smiley_Diane - 7/9/06

    Roza Moldova July 2007
    Shelliks - Shelli - 9/19/07
    3Strikes - Diane 2007

    Kirsti Ottem Langeland (KOL), Mazerolles du Razes, France - 5/2/07

    Stacey (Sunshine) Buckley - NJ - 4/27/07

    Parrothead - Rebecca Rallen, age 33 - 5/16/07

    Flea - Felicia Volkmar, age 41 - 7/21/07

    Pixiedust - Stacey Agran - 10/2/07

    Sedgymum - Kelly Sedgmen - 10/17/07

    Bev34 - Patricea Ann "Daily" Gluesencamp Lawrence - 10/22/07

    Debbie Newbill ( sister of jaepinkroses) - 10/27/07

    Cherie-Boop - 11/15/07

    SueMaria - November 2007, Liverpool

    Jayne1956 - Jayne Mansfield (last name?) - September(?), 2007

    Jacque Nielson (jacqniel) - 11/22/07


    Stage4 - Kathy - 11/20/07

    Jeannie44 - Jeannie Dunten, 11/30/07

    SoCalNancy - Nancy, 12/1/07

    Kim825 - Kim Piccione, 11/29/2007

    Lisa40 - Lisa Turner, 12/14/07

    Diane Snipes (wife of Bimmer) - 12/18/07

    Pat Fitzpatrick (fitzpatti) - 12/26/07

    Cheryl Thomason (CY, b445) - 2/19/08

    Jenben25 - Jennifer Lynn Buron - 1/23/08

    ForTheMoment - Erin Elise Van Dyke - 3/13/08

    Debbie Miller - 3/13/08

    Shepgirl - Kathryn Bronson - 3/12/08

    Joanne1428 - Joanne Patricia Schweitzer - 3/19/08

    fd411 - Ferne Dixon - 3/23/08

    kelownagirl - Jill - 4/08

    skirk - Sherri Kirk - friend of jonimb - 4/10/08

    Theresa - sister of Donna (sisterlove) - 4/7/08

    PaulaBeth - May 3, 2008

    labradorsandra - Sandra Branton - 3/24/08

    Valsul-Valerie Sullivan-Cheshire, UK - friend of jpann39(and bc.o sisters) - 6/13/08

    ocinny414 - CindyKS - 6/16/08 - from the May 07 chemo thread, and Triple Neg. thread

    Robin Mercer (screen name?) also on, was friend of LiniWD - 06/27/08

    KariLynn - Kari Lynn Spiers - Pittsburg, KS, 7/3/08

    Kimmie39 - Kimberly Dawn Franklin - Winchester, VA 7/4/08

    Pauline Jones - England - 6/7/08

    Monica Pieterse - 27 yrs old - 7/10/08

    Val (Feeval), partner of Laura - 9/26/08

    Jacqueline Schevarth - 10/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Melbourne Mum(Ruth) - June 30th 2008

    JillT - Jill Tollefson - 10/08

    jonimb - 10/22/08

    jodian (Jodi Squire ) - from the San Diego Lunch Bunch - 11/13/08

    Tricia45 (loving friend of wendyintx) - 12/4/08

    joyh (mother of kgodwin03) - 12/08

    Norm's five Angels - Norm's beloved wife Brenda, 4 adopted & foster kids: David, Starla, Keenan, Dean - 12/3/07

    ShenD - 12/27/08

    Bevnurse - (December 2004 Warrior) - 10/29/08

    Fancy - Kay Galipeau - 12/21/08

    Linda_CR, (sister of bschlegel), 1/14/05
    Kat (in Texas)



    Kathleen46 - Kathleen Hemker - 8/25/06

    Beautiful_Mom - Cheryl Ellen Bafford, 33 yrs old - 1/23/78 to 11/12/06

    MJ66 - Mary Jo Cardwell - 2/23/07

    Jen43 - Jen - June 2007

    Ravencaine - Donna Ivison - 10/17/07

    Mavy - July? 2007

    CTG - Laura McCarthy - 1/19/08

    Kristen Lupton (friend of stacey2930) - 1/28/08

    LeftyLu - 9/26/08

    Tracy1964 - 10/15/08

    heartwings59 - Gina Schonthaler (UK chatter), friend of heavenlyangelks - 10/26/08 UK

    helen1 - Helen Mulloy, 12/18/08

    hshi - Cindy Hunt, 11/18/08

    OTHERS--friends and relatives of bco members:

    Elizabeth (bc) - (MIL of Laura GTO) 1988
    Mary Cron - 4/8/07

    Julie Vaverka (friend of susan02143) - 9/28/07

    Myrna Ann Rotman (mother of sandyk) - 1/19/1984

    Donald Ralph Rotman (father of sandyk) - 4/15/1987

    Jane Eva Marsch (mother of budsadie) - 5/16/07

    Donna White - 7/20/07

    Debbie Babechuk - 1994

    Lori Kennedy - 3/17/04

    Roberta - friend of flyrzfan - 10/24/06

    Janis M. Fulton (mother of jansdaughter) - 7/1/07

    Alma L. Boyd (mother of pamouell) - 8/27/1989

    Mary Graham ( friend of lvtwoglt) - 9/30/07

    Louisa, (sister of Alishar) - 7/13/04

    Sylvie (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Carol (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Courtenay (friend of SadFriend) - 12/10/07

    Betty-Ann ( sister of CurlyKatFL) - 10/1/1995

    Vilma (Aunt of CurlyKatFL ) - 2003

    Lois Wilson (mother of MrsBee) - 2/4/91

    Joni Pulley ( best friend of MrsBee) - 12/91

    Leota Braun (mother-in-law of MrsBee) - 1974

    Elizabeth Calthirst (friend of Odalys) - October 2007

    Linda Tarry (friend of AliceJean) - Elyria, Ohio

    Sue Gibbs (friend of cp418) - New Jersey, March 2007

    Gladys Hicks (mother of lucy222) - 56 yrs old, 6/72

    Nikki Lee Norcross (friend of RaeAnn) - 12/17/07

    Valerie Ruff (friend of NancyM) - 6/5/06

    Shirley (Sandy) Kupferschmid (friend of ritajean's) 47 y.o.--1/12/08

    Sandy Bibee (friend of BinVA) - 1/18/08

    Sandy Moore (friend of LuAnnH) - Cincinnati, OH - 1/26/08

    Pam Briggle (friend of GSG/Patrice) - 49 y.o. - 11/11/07

    Kiersten Conner-Sax 2/2/08

    Mami, (Odalys's mother) - 2/12/08

    Lisa Jenkinson - (friend of Twink's brother), age 37 - 3/08

    Cathy O'Brien - 33 years old - From YSC board 3-29-08

    Jessica Stefaniak - 29 years old - From YSC board 3-25-08

    Sheila Monastero - 48 years old - Pennsylvania - 2008

    Theresa - 43 years old - (sister-in-law of peace41)- 4/7/08

    Rosemary Jenks - (mother of cmayes71) - 58 years old, Knoxville, TN - 4/2/08

    Lavon Thomas - (mother of FirstEdition) - 4/20/08

    Karen - (aunt of Amy Brodar) - 4/25/08

    Mother of twiddles - 4/08

    Mother of liz35 - 5/8/08

    Mother of ibrought - 11/04

    Mother of EXAIMA - 5/08

    Mother-in-Law of Wren - Jeri, 12/31/97

    Mother of LANEF - 6/17/08

    Paula Luberto --53 yrs. old--(friend of michie56)--6/26/08

    BadBabe's Mum - New Zealand - 7/08

    Lauri Nichols - (friend of cp418) - NJ - 8/2/08

    Patricia Cortland - (friend of LuAnnH) - 8/15/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Maggie - best friend of mldemps - 9/10/08

    mother of etenneson (erin) - 2008

    Jerri - friend of dhettish - 9/19/08

    Sonya Freeman Peters, age 32 - friend of Yogi70 - 6/16/02

    Brenda Stroud, age 42 - friend of Yogi70 - 3/2004

    Danica Martinez (YSC Board) - 9/02/08

    Brinley Evans (YSC Board) - 9/9/088

    Courtney Clevenger (YSC Board) - 9/15/08 age 23

    Denise (Charity) Hicks-DeBusk (sister of Lucy222/hollyann) - 9/4/06

    Amy Clark Viola (Friend of lvtqoqlt) - 9/26/2008 age 41

    Mattie Ferrell - (mother of slonedeb) - 69 years old - 1994

    Elizabeth Brown - (mother of auntgina) - 2/15/08

    Diana Coleman - (friend of sjack827) - 11/02/08

    Heather Pick - (newscaster in sjack827's city) - 11/07/08

    Mother of ejohn(michelle) - 11/01/08

    friend of whatnow - 11/11/08

    Cinderella Ann Hughes (aunt of Reflection) - 11/15/08

    Ramona Hughes (aunt of Reflection) - 2000

    Lindsay Altheia Burgess, baby sister of PinkyLee (Barbara) - 12/14/04

    Mother-In-Law of IBCSux - 12/15/08

    Elsa Marianne Charow, mother of looking4answers - 12/22/08

    Mother of kimpossible - 12/27/08

    Mother of eim - 2001

    Mother of cneal318 - 1/2/09

    jkc's wife, Maria "Cokis" Staggs -12/12/08

    Sheila Voyse, mother of aly - 11/27/1979

    Robyn Stowell, co-worker of NancyM - 1/8/09

    Sherlene Dancy, friend and support group member of lvtwoqlt - 1/9/09

    Claudia Mohr, friend of OneBadBoob - 1/13/09


    (updated 1/16/09 to add Claudia Mohr, friend of OneBadBoob - 1/13/09)


    **If you post the name that you want added to the list in this thread, it will get added promptly.**

  • celia088
    celia088 Posts: 975
    edited October 2016
    (updated 1/17/09)

    ~THE GARDEN OF ANGELS~ (original name of this list by NBN)

    Tinkerbell (Ann) - 6/28/04
    Emmaline - 2004 (?)
    Sprite - July 2004
    Breezy - January 2005
    runningdear (Kay)- 2005?
    Kathleen Crystal - 2005
    Lanie - Early 2005
    Charlotte Jean Gregory - 6/4/05
    Tine - Margarethe 2005 (early 20's -IBC)
    Annette DiPietro - 10/25/05
    Janie - 10/31/05
    Feegee (Frances)- 11/28/05

    Trisha - (Patricia Tedder, Alabama) screen name ?, January 2006

    Bluekitten (Kathy Verett) - 1/2/05
    MomCasey - 2/26/06
    Sickofit (Janell) - 4/21/06
    Jane Kelly - 4/23/06
    Shirl (Shirl Balsley)- 5/5/06
    Mary Woods - 5/13/06 (England)
    Andee - 4/29/06
    FighterLU (LuAnn) - 6/12/06
    TheresaPW - 2006
    Jane from Illinois. Had Inflammatory BC (year ?)
    Linda O (2006?)
    Faye (Australia) - 6/16/06
    Marie605/AlohaDiane/Smiley_Diane - 7/9/06

    Roza Moldova July 2007
    Shelliks - Shelli - 9/19/07
    3Strikes - Diane 2007

    Kirsti Ottem Langeland (KOL), Mazerolles du Razes, France - 5/2/07

    Stacey (Sunshine) Buckley - NJ - 4/27/07

    Parrothead - Rebecca Rallen, age 33 - 5/16/07

    Flea - Felicia Volkmar, age 41 - 7/21/07

    Pixiedust - Stacey Agran - 10/2/07

    Sedgymum - Kelly Sedgmen - 10/17/07

    Bev34 - Patricea Ann "Daily" Gluesencamp Lawrence - 10/22/07

    Debbie Newbill ( sister of jaepinkroses) - 10/27/07

    Cherie-Boop - 11/15/07

    SueMaria - November 2007, Liverpool

    Jayne1956 - Jayne Mansfield (last name?) - September(?), 2007

    Jacque Nielson (jacqniel) - 11/22/07


    Stage4 - Kathy - 11/20/07

    Jeannie44 - Jeannie Dunten, 11/30/07

    SoCalNancy - Nancy, 12/1/07

    Kim825 - Kim Piccione, 11/29/2007

    Lisa40 - Lisa Turner, 12/14/07

    Diane Snipes (wife of Bimmer) - 12/18/07

    Pat Fitzpatrick (fitzpatti) - 12/26/07

    Cheryl Thomason (CY, b445) - 2/19/08

    Jenben25 - Jennifer Lynn Buron - 1/23/08

    ForTheMoment - Erin Elise Van Dyke - 3/13/08

    Debbie Miller - 3/13/08

    Shepgirl - Kathryn Bronson - 3/12/08

    Joanne1428 - Joanne Patricia Schweitzer - 3/19/08

    fd411 - Ferne Dixon - 3/23/08

    kelownagirl - Jill - 4/08

    skirk - Sherri Kirk - friend of jonimb - 4/10/08

    Theresa - sister of Donna (sisterlove) - 4/7/08

    PaulaBeth - May 3, 2008

    labradorsandra - Sandra Branton - 3/24/08

    Valsul-Valerie Sullivan-Cheshire, UK - friend of jpann39(and bc.o sisters) - 6/13/08

    ocinny414 - CindyKS - 6/16/08 - from the May 07 chemo thread, and Triple Neg. thread

    Robin Mercer (screen name?) also on, was friend of LiniWD - 06/27/08

    KariLynn - Kari Lynn Spiers - Pittsburg, KS, 7/3/08

    Kimmie39 - Kimberly Dawn Franklin - Winchester, VA 7/4/08

    Pauline Jones - England - 6/7/08

    Monica Pieterse - 27 yrs old - 7/10/08

    Val (Feeval), partner of Laura - 9/26/08

    Jacqueline Schevarth - 10/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Melbourne Mum(Ruth) - June 30th 2008

    JillT - Jill Tollefson - 10/08

    jonimb - 10/22/08

    jodian (Jodi Squire ) - from the San Diego Lunch Bunch - 11/13/08

    Tricia45 (loving friend of wendyintx) - 12/4/08

    joyh (mother of kgodwin03) - 12/08

    Norm's five Angels - Norm's beloved wife Brenda, 4 adopted & foster kids: David, Starla, Keenan, Dean - 12/3/07

    ShenD - 12/27/08

    Bevnurse - (December 2004 Warrior) - 10/29/08

    Fancy - Kay Galipeau - 12/21/08

    Linda_CR, (sister of bschlegel), 1/14/05
    Kat (in Texas)



    Kathleen46 - Kathleen Hemker - 8/25/06

    Beautiful_Mom - Cheryl Ellen Bafford, 33 yrs old - 1/23/78 to 11/12/06

    MJ66 - Mary Jo Cardwell - 2/23/07

    Jen43 - Jen - June 2007

    Ravencaine - Donna Ivison - 10/17/07

    Mavy - July? 2007

    CTG - Laura McCarthy - 1/19/08

    Kristen Lupton (friend of stacey2930) - 1/28/08

    LeftyLu - 9/26/08

    Tracy1964 - 10/15/08

    heartwings59 - Gina Schonthaler (UK chatter), friend of heavenlyangelks - 10/26/08 UK

    helen1 - Helen Mulloy, 12/18/08

    hshi - Cindy Hunt, 11/18/08

    OTHERS--friends and relatives of bco members:

    Elizabeth (bc) - (MIL of Laura GTO) 1988
    Mary Cron - 4/8/07

    Julie Vaverka (friend of susan02143) - 9/28/07

    Myrna Ann Rotman (mother of sandyk) - 1/19/1984

    Donald Ralph Rotman (father of sandyk) - 4/15/1987

    Jane Eva Marsch (mother of budsadie) - 5/16/07

    Donna White - 7/20/07

    Debbie Babechuk - 1994

    Lori Kennedy - 3/17/04

    Roberta - friend of flyrzfan - 10/24/06

    Janis M. Fulton (mother of jansdaughter) - 7/1/07

    Alma L. Boyd (mother of pamouell) - 8/27/1989

    Mary Graham ( friend of lvtwoglt) - 9/30/07

    Louisa, (sister of Alishar) - 7/13/04

    Sylvie (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Carol (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Courtenay (friend of SadFriend) - 12/10/07

    Betty-Ann ( sister of CurlyKatFL) - 10/1/1995

    Vilma (Aunt of CurlyKatFL ) - 2003

    Lois Wilson (mother of MrsBee) - 2/4/91

    Joni Pulley ( best friend of MrsBee) - 12/91

    Leota Braun (mother-in-law of MrsBee) - 1974

    Elizabeth Calthirst (friend of Odalys) - October 2007

    Linda Tarry (friend of AliceJean) - Elyria, Ohio

    Sue Gibbs (friend of cp418) - New Jersey, March 2007

    Gladys Hicks (mother of lucy222) - 56 yrs old, 6/72

    Nikki Lee Norcross (friend of RaeAnn) - 12/17/07

    Valerie Ruff (friend of NancyM) - 6/5/06

    Shirley (Sandy) Kupferschmid (friend of ritajean's) 47 y.o.--1/12/08

    Sandy Bibee (friend of BinVA) - 1/18/08

    Sandy Moore (friend of LuAnnH) - Cincinnati, OH - 1/26/08

    Pam Briggle (friend of GSG/Patrice) - 49 y.o. - 11/11/07

    Kiersten Conner-Sax 2/2/08

    Mami, (Odalys's mother) - 2/12/08

    Lisa Jenkinson - (friend of Twink's brother), age 37 - 3/08

    Cathy O'Brien - 33 years old - From YSC board 3-29-08

    Jessica Stefaniak - 29 years old - From YSC board 3-25-08

    Sheila Monastero - 48 years old - Pennsylvania - 2008

    Theresa - 43 years old - (sister-in-law of peace41)- 4/7/08

    Rosemary Jenks - (mother of cmayes71) - 58 years old, Knoxville, TN - 4/2/08

    Lavon Thomas - (mother of FirstEdition) - 4/20/08

    Karen - (aunt of Amy Brodar) - 4/25/08

    Mother of twiddles - 4/08

    Mother of liz35 - 5/8/08

    Mother of ibrought - 11/04

    Mother of EXAIMA - 5/08

    Mother-in-Law of Wren - Jeri, 12/31/97

    Mother of LANEF - 6/17/08

    Paula Luberto --53 yrs. old--(friend of michie56)--6/26/08

    BadBabe's Mum - New Zealand - 7/08

    Lauri Nichols - (friend of cp418) - NJ - 8/2/08

    Patricia Cortland - (friend of LuAnnH) - 8/15/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Maggie - best friend of mldemps - 9/10/08

    mother of etenneson (erin) - 2008

    Jerri - friend of dhettish - 9/19/08

    Sonya Freeman Peters, age 32 - friend of Yogi70 - 6/16/02

    Brenda Stroud, age 42 - friend of Yogi70 - 3/2004

    Danica Martinez (YSC Board) - 9/02/08

    Brinley Evans (YSC Board) - 9/9/088

    Courtney Clevenger (YSC Board) - 9/15/08 age 23

    Denise (Charity) Hicks-DeBusk (sister of Lucy222/hollyann) - 9/4/06

    Amy Clark Viola (Friend of lvtqoqlt) - 9/26/2008 age 41

    Mattie Ferrell - (mother of slonedeb) - 69 years old - 1994

    Elizabeth Brown - (mother of auntgina) - 2/15/08

    Diana Coleman - (friend of sjack827) - 11/02/08

    Heather Pick - (newscaster in sjack827's city) - 11/07/08

    Mother of ejohn(michelle) - 11/01/08

    friend of whatnow - 11/11/08

    Cinderella Ann Hughes (aunt of Reflection) - 11/15/08

    Ramona Hughes (aunt of Reflection) - 2000

    Lindsay Altheia Burgess, baby sister of PinkyLee (Barbara) - 12/14/04

    Mother-In-Law of IBCSux - 12/15/08

    Elsa Marianne Charow, mother of looking4answers - 12/22/08

    Mother of kimpossible - 12/27/08

    Mother of eim - 2001

    Mother of cneal318 - 1/2/09

    jkc's wife, Maria "Cokis" Staggs -12/12/08

    Sheila Voyse, mother of aly - 11/27/1979

    Robyn Stowell, co-worker of NancyM - 1/8/09

    Sherlene Dancy, friend and support group member of lvtwoqlt - 1/9/09

    Claudia Mohr, friend of OneBadBoob - 1/13/09

    Carol Duncan, friend of rumoret - 1/15/09


    (updated 1/17/09 to add Carol Duncan, friend of rumoret - 1/15/09)


    **If you post the name that you want added to the list in this thread, it will get added promptly.**

  • HappyTrisha
    HappyTrisha Posts: 115
    edited January 2009
    Jan 17, 2009 02:31 am, edited Jan 17, 2009 02:36 AM by celia088 celia088 wrote: (updated 1/16/09)

    ~THE GARDEN OF ANGELS~ (original name of this list by NBN)

    Tinkerbell (Ann) - 6/28/04
    Emmaline - 2004 (?)
    Sprite - July 2004
    Breezy - January 2005
    runningdear (Kay)- 2005?
    Kathleen Crystal - 2005
    Lanie - Early 2005
    Charlotte Jean Gregory - 6/4/05
    Tine - Margarethe 2005 (early 20's -IBC)
    Annette DiPietro - 10/25/05
    Janie - 10/31/05
    Feegee (Frances)- 11/28/05

    Trisha - (Patricia Tedder, Alabama) screen name ?, January 2006

    Bluekitten (Kathy Verett) - 1/2/05
    MomCasey - 2/26/06
    Sickofit (Janell) - 4/21/06
    Jane Kelly - 4/23/06
    Shirl (Shirl Balsley)- 5/5/06
    Mary Woods - 5/13/06 (England)
    Andee - 4/29/06
    FighterLU (LuAnn) - 6/12/06
    TheresaPW - 2006
    Jane from Illinois. Had Inflammatory BC (year ?)
    Linda O (2006?)
    Faye (Australia) - 6/16/06
    Marie605/AlohaDiane/Smiley_Diane - 7/9/06

    Roza Moldova July 2007
    Shelliks - Shelli - 9/19/07
    3Strikes - Diane 2007

    Kirsti Ottem Langeland (KOL), Mazerolles du Razes, France - 5/2/07

    Stacey (Sunshine) Buckley - NJ - 4/27/07

    Parrothead - Rebecca Rallen, age 33 - 5/16/07

    Flea - Felicia Volkmar, age 41 - 7/21/07

    Pixiedust - Stacey Agran - 10/2/07

    Sedgymum - Kelly Sedgmen - 10/17/07

    Bev34 - Patricea Ann "Daily" Gluesencamp Lawrence - 10/22/07

    Debbie Newbill ( sister of jaepinkroses) - 10/27/07

    Cherie-Boop - 11/15/07

    SueMaria - November 2007, Liverpool

    Jayne1956 - Jayne Mansfield (last name?) - September(?), 2007

    Jacque Nielson (jacqniel) - 11/22/07


    Stage4 - Kathy - 11/20/07

    Jeannie44 - Jeannie Dunten, 11/30/07

    SoCalNancy - Nancy, 12/1/07

    Kim825 - Kim Piccione, 11/29/2007

    Lisa40 - Lisa Turner, 12/14/07

    Diane Snipes (wife of Bimmer) - 12/18/07

    Pat Fitzpatrick (fitzpatti) - 12/26/07

    Cheryl Thomason (CY, b445) - 2/19/08

    Jenben25 - Jennifer Lynn Buron - 1/23/08

    ForTheMoment - Erin Elise Van Dyke - 3/13/08

    Debbie Miller - 3/13/08

    Shepgirl - Kathryn Bronson - 3/12/08

    Joanne1428 - Joanne Patricia Schweitzer - 3/19/08

    fd411 - Ferne Dixon - 3/23/08

    kelownagirl - Jill - 4/08

    skirk - Sherri Kirk - friend of jonimb - 4/10/08

    Theresa - sister of Donna (sisterlove) - 4/7/08

    PaulaBeth - May 3, 2008

    labradorsandra - Sandra Branton - 3/24/08

    Valsul-Valerie Sullivan-Cheshire, UK - friend of jpann39(and bc.o sisters) - 6/13/08

    ocinny414 - CindyKS - 6/16/08 - from the May 07 chemo thread, and Triple Neg. thread

    Robin Mercer (screen name?) also on, was friend of LiniWD - 06/27/08

    KariLynn - Kari Lynn Spiers - Pittsburg, KS, 7/3/08

    Kimmie39 - Kimberly Dawn Franklin - Winchester, VA 7/4/08

    Pauline Jones - England - 6/7/08

    Monica Pieterse - 27 yrs old - 7/10/08

    Val (Feeval), partner of Laura - 9/26/08

    Jacqueline Schevarth - 10/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Melbourne Mum(Ruth) - June 30th 2008

    JillT - Jill Tollefson - 10/08

    jonimb - 10/22/08

    jodian (Jodi Squire ) - from the San Diego Lunch Bunch - 11/13/08

    Tricia45 (loving friend of wendyintx) - 12/4/08

    joyh (mother of kgodwin03) - 12/08

    Norm's five Angels - Norm's beloved wife Brenda, 4 adopted & foster kids: David, Starla, Keenan, Dean - 12/3/07

    ShenD - 12/27/08

    Bevnurse - (December 2004 Warrior) - 10/29/08

    Fancy - Kay Galipeau - 12/21/08

    Linda_CR, (sister of bschlegel), 1/14/05
    Kat (in Texas)



    Kathleen46 - Kathleen Hemker - 8/25/06

    Beautiful_Mom - Cheryl Ellen Bafford, 33 yrs old - 1/23/78 to 11/12/06

    MJ66 - Mary Jo Cardwell - 2/23/07

    Jen43 - Jen - June 2007

    Ravencaine - Donna Ivison - 10/17/07

    Mavy - July? 2007

    CTG - Laura McCarthy - 1/19/08

    Kristen Lupton (friend of stacey2930) - 1/28/08

    LeftyLu - 9/26/08

    Tracy1964 - 10/15/08

    heartwings59 - Gina Schonthaler (UK chatter), friend of heavenlyangelks - 10/26/08 UK

    helen1 - Helen Mulloy, 12/18/08

    hshi - Cindy Hunt, 11/18/08

    OTHERS--friends and relatives of bco members:

    Elizabeth (bc) - (MIL of Laura GTO) 1988
    Mary Cron - 4/8/07

    Julie Vaverka (friend of susan02143) - 9/28/07

    Myrna Ann Rotman (mother of sandyk) - 1/19/1984

    Donald Ralph Rotman (father of sandyk) - 4/15/1987

    Jane Eva Marsch (mother of budsadie) - 5/16/07

    Donna White - 7/20/07

    Debbie Babechuk - 1994

    Lori Kennedy - 3/17/04

    Roberta - friend of flyrzfan - 10/24/06

    Janis M. Fulton (mother of jansdaughter) - 7/1/07

    Alma L. Boyd (mother of pamouell) - 8/27/1989

    Mary Graham ( friend of lvtwoglt) - 9/30/07

    Louisa, (sister of Alishar) - 7/13/04

    Sylvie (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Carol (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Courtenay (friend of SadFriend) - 12/10/07

    Betty-Ann ( sister of CurlyKatFL) - 10/1/1995

    Vilma (Aunt of CurlyKatFL ) - 2003

    Lois Wilson (mother of MrsBee) - 2/4/91

    Joni Pulley ( best friend of MrsBee) - 12/91

    Leota Braun (mother-in-law of MrsBee) - 1974

    Elizabeth Calthirst (friend of Odalys) - October 2007

    Linda Tarry (friend of AliceJean) - Elyria, Ohio

    Sue Gibbs (friend of cp418) - New Jersey, March 2007

    Gladys Hicks (mother of lucy222) - 56 yrs old, 6/72

    Nikki Lee Norcross (friend of RaeAnn) - 12/17/07

    Valerie Ruff (friend of NancyM) - 6/5/06

    Shirley (Sandy) Kupferschmid (friend of ritajean's) 47 y.o.--1/12/08

    Sandy Bibee (friend of BinVA) - 1/18/08

    Sandy Moore (friend of LuAnnH) - Cincinnati, OH - 1/26/08

    Pam Briggle (friend of GSG/Patrice) - 49 y.o. - 11/11/07

    Kiersten Conner-Sax 2/2/08

    Mami, (Odalys's mother) - 2/12/08

    Lisa Jenkinson - (friend of Twink's brother), age 37 - 3/08

    Cathy O'Brien - 33 years old - From YSC board 3-29-08

    Jessica Stefaniak - 29 years old - From YSC board 3-25-08

    Sheila Monastero - 48 years old - Pennsylvania - 2008

    Theresa - 43 years old - (sister-in-law of peace41)- 4/7/08

    Rosemary Jenks - (mother of cmayes71) - 58 years old, Knoxville, TN - 4/2/08

    Lavon Thomas - (mother of FirstEdition) - 4/20/08

    Karen - (aunt of Amy Brodar) - 4/25/08

    Mother of twiddles - 4/08

    Mother of liz35 - 5/8/08

    Mother of ibrought - 11/04

    Mother of EXAIMA - 5/08

    Mother-in-Law of Wren - Jeri, 12/31/97

    Mother of LANEF - 6/17/08

    Paula Luberto --53 yrs. old--(friend of michie56)--6/26/08

    BadBabe's Mum - New Zealand - 7/08

    Lauri Nichols - (friend of cp418) - NJ - 8/2/08

    Patricia Cortland - (friend of LuAnnH) - 8/15/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Maggie - best friend of mldemps - 9/10/08

    mother of etenneson (erin) - 2008

    Jerri - friend of dhettish - 9/19/08

    Sonya Freeman Peters, age 32 - friend of Yogi70 - 6/16/02

    Brenda Stroud, age 42 - friend of Yogi70 - 3/2004

    Danica Martinez (YSC Board) - 9/02/08

    Brinley Evans (YSC Board) - 9/9/088

    Courtney Clevenger (YSC Board) - 9/15/08 age 23

    Denise (Charity) Hicks-DeBusk (sister of Lucy222/hollyann) - 9/4/06

    Amy Clark Viola (Friend of lvtqoqlt) - 9/26/2008 age 41

    Mattie Ferrell - (mother of slonedeb) - 69 years old - 1994

    Elizabeth Brown - (mother of auntgina) - 2/15/08

    Diana Coleman - (friend of sjack827) - 11/02/08

    Heather Pick - (newscaster in sjack827's city) - 11/07/08

    Mother of ejohn(michelle) - 11/01/08

    friend of whatnow - 11/11/08

    Cinderella Ann Hughes (aunt of Reflection) - 11/15/08

    Ramona Hughes (aunt of Reflection) - 2000

    Lindsay Altheia Burgess, baby sister of PinkyLee (Barbara) - 12/14/04

    Mother-In-Law of IBCSux - 12/15/08

    Elsa Marianne Charow, mother of looking4answers - 12/22/08

    Mother of kimpossible - 12/27/08

    Mother of eim - 2001

    Mother of cneal318 - 1/2/09

    jkc's wife, Maria "Cokis" Staggs -12/12/08

    Sheila Voyse, mother of aly - 11/27/1979

    Robyn Stowell, co-worker of NancyM - 1/8/09

    Sherlene Dancy, friend and support group member of lvtwoqlt - 1/9/09

    Claudia Mohr, friend of OneBadBoob - 1/13/09


    (updated 1/16/09 to add Claudia Mohr, friend of OneBadBoob - 1/13/09)


    **If you post the name that you want added to the list in this thread, it will get added promptly.**

    Joined: Jul 2005
    Posts: 2378
    Jan 18, 2009 03:14 am celia088 wrote: (updated 1/17/09)

    ~THE GARDEN OF ANGELS~ (original name of this list by NBN)

    Tinkerbell (Ann) - 6/28/04
    Emmaline - 2004 (?)
    Sprite - July 2004
    Breezy - January 2005
    runningdear (Kay)- 2005?
    Kathleen Crystal - 2005
    Lanie - Early 2005
    Charlotte Jean Gregory - 6/4/05
    Tine - Margarethe 2005 (early 20's -IBC)
    Annette DiPietro - 10/25/05
    Janie - 10/31/05
    Feegee (Frances)- 11/28/05

    Trisha - (Patricia Tedder, Alabama) screen name ?, January 2006

    Bluekitten (Kathy Verett) - 1/2/05
    MomCasey - 2/26/06
    Sickofit (Janell) - 4/21/06
    Jane Kelly - 4/23/06
    Shirl (Shirl Balsley)- 5/5/06
    Mary Woods - 5/13/06 (England)
    Andee - 4/29/06
    FighterLU (LuAnn) - 6/12/06
    TheresaPW - 2006
    Jane from Illinois. Had Inflammatory BC (year ?)
    Linda O (2006?)
    Faye (Australia) - 6/16/06
    Marie605/AlohaDiane/Smiley_Diane - 7/9/06

    Roza Moldova July 2007
    Shelliks - Shelli - 9/19/07
    3Strikes - Diane 2007

    Kirsti Ottem Langeland (KOL), Mazerolles du Razes, France - 5/2/07

    Stacey (Sunshine) Buckley - NJ - 4/27/07

    Parrothead - Rebecca Rallen, age 33 - 5/16/07

    Flea - Felicia Volkmar, age 41 - 7/21/07

    Pixiedust - Stacey Agran - 10/2/07

    Sedgymum - Kelly Sedgmen - 10/17/07

    Bev34 - Patricea Ann "Daily" Gluesencamp Lawrence - 10/22/07

    Debbie Newbill ( sister of jaepinkroses) - 10/27/07

    Cherie-Boop - 11/15/07

    SueMaria - November 2007, Liverpool

    Jayne1956 - Jayne Mansfield (last name?) - September(?), 2007

    Jacque Nielson (jacqniel) - 11/22/07


    Stage4 - Kathy - 11/20/07

    Jeannie44 - Jeannie Dunten, 11/30/07

    SoCalNancy - Nancy, 12/1/07

    Kim825 - Kim Piccione, 11/29/2007

    Lisa40 - Lisa Turner, 12/14/07

    Diane Snipes (wife of Bimmer) - 12/18/07

    Pat Fitzpatrick (fitzpatti) - 12/26/07

    Cheryl Thomason (CY, b445) - 2/19/08

    Jenben25 - Jennifer Lynn Buron - 1/23/08

    ForTheMoment - Erin Elise Van Dyke - 3/13/08

    Debbie Miller - 3/13/08

    Shepgirl - Kathryn Bronson - 3/12/08

    Joanne1428 - Joanne Patricia Schweitzer - 3/19/08

    fd411 - Ferne Dixon - 3/23/08

    kelownagirl - Jill - 4/08

    skirk - Sherri Kirk - friend of jonimb - 4/10/08

    Theresa - sister of Donna (sisterlove) - 4/7/08

    PaulaBeth - May 3, 2008

    labradorsandra - Sandra Branton - 3/24/08

    Valsul-Valerie Sullivan-Cheshire, UK - friend of jpann39(and bc.o sisters) - 6/13/08

    ocinny414 - CindyKS - 6/16/08 - from the May 07 chemo thread, and Triple Neg. thread

    Robin Mercer (screen name?) also on, was friend of LiniWD - 06/27/08

    KariLynn - Kari Lynn Spiers - Pittsburg, KS, 7/3/08

    Kimmie39 - Kimberly Dawn Franklin - Winchester, VA 7/4/08

    Pauline Jones - England - 6/7/08

    Monica Pieterse - 27 yrs old - 7/10/08

    Val (Feeval), partner of Laura - 9/26/08

    Jacqueline Schevarth - 10/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Melbourne Mum(Ruth) - June 30th 2008

    JillT - Jill Tollefson - 10/08

    jonimb - 10/22/08

    jodian (Jodi Squire ) - from the San Diego Lunch Bunch - 11/13/08

    Tricia45 (loving friend of wendyintx) - 12/4/08

    joyh (mother of kgodwin03) - 12/08

    Norm's five Angels - Norm's beloved wife Brenda, 4 adopted & foster kids: David, Starla, Keenan, Dean - 12/3/07

    ShenD - 12/27/08

    Bevnurse - (December 2004 Warrior) - 10/29/08

    Fancy - Kay Galipeau - 12/21/08

    Linda_CR, (sister of bschlegel), 1/14/05
    Kat (in Texas)



    Kathleen46 - Kathleen Hemker - 8/25/06

    Beautiful_Mom - Cheryl Ellen Bafford, 33 yrs old - 1/23/78 to 11/12/06

    MJ66 - Mary Jo Cardwell - 2/23/07

    Jen43 - Jen - June 2007

    Ravencaine - Donna Ivison - 10/17/07

    Mavy - July? 2007

    CTG - Laura McCarthy - 1/19/08

    Kristen Lupton (friend of stacey2930) - 1/28/08

    LeftyLu - 9/26/08

    Tracy1964 - 10/15/08

    heartwings59 - Gina Schonthaler (UK chatter), friend of heavenlyangelks - 10/26/08 UK

    helen1 - Helen Mulloy, 12/18/08

    hshi - Cindy Hunt, 11/18/08

    OTHERS--friends and relatives of bco members:

    Elizabeth (bc) - (MIL of Laura GTO) 1988
    Mary Cron - 4/8/07

    Julie Vaverka (friend of susan02143) - 9/28/07

    Myrna Ann Rotman (mother of sandyk) - 1/19/1984

    Donald Ralph Rotman (father of sandyk) - 4/15/1987

    Jane Eva Marsch (mother of budsadie) - 5/16/07

    Donna White - 7/20/07

    Debbie Babechuk - 1994

    Lori Kennedy - 3/17/04

    Roberta - friend of flyrzfan - 10/24/06

    Janis M. Fulton (mother of jansdaughter) - 7/1/07

    Alma L. Boyd (mother of pamouell) - 8/27/1989

    Mary Graham ( friend of lvtwoglt) - 9/30/07

    Louisa, (sister of Alishar) - 7/13/04

    Sylvie (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Carol (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Courtenay (friend of SadFriend) - 12/10/07

    Betty-Ann ( sister of CurlyKatFL) - 10/1/1995

    Vilma (Aunt of CurlyKatFL ) - 2003

    Lois Wilson (mother of MrsBee) - 2/4/91

    Joni Pulley ( best friend of MrsBee) - 12/91

    Leota Braun (mother-in-law of MrsBee) - 1974

    Elizabeth Calthirst (friend of Odalys) - October 2007

    Linda Tarry (friend of AliceJean) - Elyria, Ohio

    Sue Gibbs (friend of cp418) - New Jersey, March 2007

    Gladys Hicks (mother of lucy222) - 56 yrs old, 6/72

    Nikki Lee Norcross (friend of RaeAnn) - 12/17/07

    Valerie Ruff (friend of NancyM) - 6/5/06

    Shirley (Sandy) Kupferschmid (friend of ritajean's) 47 y.o.--1/12/08

    Sandy Bibee (friend of BinVA) - 1/18/08

    Sandy Moore (friend of LuAnnH) - Cincinnati, OH - 1/26/08

    Pam Briggle (friend of GSG/Patrice) - 49 y.o. - 11/11/07

    Kiersten Conner-Sax 2/2/08

    Mami, (Odalys's mother) - 2/12/08

    Lisa Jenkinson - (friend of Twink's brother), age 37 - 3/08

    Cathy O'Brien - 33 years old - From YSC board 3-29-08

    Jessica Stefaniak - 29 years old - From YSC board 3-25-08

    Sheila Monastero - 48 years old - Pennsylvania - 2008

    Theresa - 43 years old - (sister-in-law of peace41)- 4/7/08

    Rosemary Jenks - (mother of cmayes71) - 58 years old, Knoxville, TN - 4/2/08

    Lavon Thomas - (mother of FirstEdition) - 4/20/08

    Karen - (aunt of Amy Brodar) - 4/25/08

    Mother of twiddles - 4/08

    Mother of liz35 - 5/8/08

    Mother of ibrought - 11/04

    Mother of EXAIMA - 5/08

    Mother-in-Law of Wren - Jeri, 12/31/97

    Mother of LANEF - 6/17/08

    Paula Luberto --53 yrs. old--(friend of michie56)--6/26/08

    BadBabe's Mum - New Zealand - 7/08

    Lauri Nichols - (friend of cp418) - NJ - 8/2/08

    Patricia Cortland - (friend of LuAnnH) - 8/15/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Maggie - best friend of mldemps - 9/10/08

    mother of etenneson (erin) - 2008

    Jerri - friend of dhettish - 9/19/08

    Sonya Freeman Peters, age 32 - friend of Yogi70 - 6/16/02

    Brenda Stroud, age 42 - friend of Yogi70 - 3/2004

    Danica Martinez (YSC Board) - 9/02/08

    Brinley Evans (YSC Board) - 9/9/088

    Courtney Clevenger (YSC Board) - 9/15/08 age 23

    Denise (Charity) Hicks-DeBusk (sister of Lucy222/hollyann) - 9/4/06

    Amy Clark Viola (Friend of lvtqoqlt) - 9/26/2008 age 41

    Mattie Ferrell - (mother of slonedeb) - 69 years old - 1994

    Elizabeth Brown - (mother of auntgina) - 2/15/08

    Diana Coleman - (friend of sjack827) - 11/02/08

    Heather Pick - (newscaster in sjack827's city) - 11/07/08

    Mother of ejohn(michelle) - 11/01/08

    friend of whatnow - 11/11/08

    Cinderella Ann Hughes (aunt of Reflection) - 11/15/08

    Ramona Hughes (aunt of Reflection) - 2000

    Lindsay Altheia Burgess, baby sister of PinkyLee (Barbara) - 12/14/04

    Mother-In-Law of IBCSux - 12/15/08

    Elsa Marianne Charow, mother of looking4answers - 12/22/08

    Mother of kimpossible - 12/27/08

    Mother of eim - 2001

    Mother of cneal318 - 1/2/09

    jkc's wife, Maria "Cokis" Staggs -12/12/08

    Sheila Voyse, mother of aly - 11/27/1979

    Robyn Stowell, co-worker of NancyM - 1/8/09

    Sherlene Dancy, friend and support group member of lvtwoqlt - 1/9/09

    Claudia Mohr, friend of OneBadBoob - 1/13/09

    Carol Duncan, friend of rumoret - 1/15/09


    (updated 1/17/09 to add Carol Duncan, friend of rumoret - 1/15/09)


    **If you post the name that you want added to the list in this thread, it will get added promptly.**

  • celia088
    celia088 Posts: 975
    edited October 2016
    (updated 1/20/09)

    ~THE GARDEN OF ANGELS~ (original name of this list by NBN)

    Tinkerbell (Ann) - 6/28/04
    Emmaline - 2004 (?)
    Sprite - July 2004
    Breezy - January 2005
    runningdear (Kay)- 2005?
    Kathleen Crystal - 2005
    Lanie - Early 2005
    Charlotte Jean Gregory - 6/4/05
    Tine - Margarethe 2005 (early 20's -IBC)
    Annette DiPietro - 10/25/05
    Janie - 10/31/05
    Feegee (Frances)- 11/28/05

    Trisha - (Patricia Tedder, Alabama) screen name ?, January 2006

    Bluekitten (Kathy Verett) - 1/2/05
    MomCasey - 2/26/06
    Sickofit (Janell) - 4/21/06
    Jane Kelly - 4/23/06
    Shirl (Shirl Balsley)- 5/5/06
    Mary Woods - 5/13/06 (England)
    Andee - 4/29/06
    FighterLU (LuAnn) - 6/12/06
    TheresaPW - 2006
    Jane from Illinois. Had Inflammatory BC (year ?)
    Linda O (2006?)
    Faye (Australia) - 6/16/06
    Marie605/AlohaDiane/Smiley_Diane - 7/9/06

    Roza Moldova July 2007
    Shelliks - Shelli - 9/19/07
    3Strikes - Diane 2007

    Kirsti Ottem Langeland (KOL), Mazerolles du Razes, France - 5/2/07

    Stacey (Sunshine) Buckley - NJ - 4/27/07

    Parrothead - Rebecca Rallen, age 33 - 5/16/07

    Flea - Felicia Volkmar, age 41 - 7/21/07

    Pixiedust - Stacey Agran - 10/2/07

    Sedgymum - Kelly Sedgmen - 10/17/07

    Bev34 - Patricea Ann "Daily" Gluesencamp Lawrence - 10/22/07

    Debbie Newbill ( sister of jaepinkroses) - 10/27/07

    Cherie-Boop - 11/15/07

    SueMaria - November 2007, Liverpool

    Jayne1956 - Jayne Mansfield (last name?) - September(?), 2007

    Jacque Nielson (jacqniel) - 11/22/07


    Stage4 - Kathy - 11/20/07

    Jeannie44 - Jeannie Dunten, 11/30/07

    SoCalNancy - Nancy, 12/1/07

    Kim825 - Kim Piccione, 11/29/2007

    Lisa40 - Lisa Turner, 12/14/07

    Diane Snipes (wife of Bimmer) - 12/18/07

    Pat Fitzpatrick (fitzpatti) - 12/26/07

    Cheryl Thomason (CY, b445) - 2/19/08

    Jenben25 - Jennifer Lynn Buron - 1/23/08

    ForTheMoment - Erin Elise Van Dyke - 3/13/08

    Debbie Miller - 3/13/08

    Shepgirl - Kathryn Bronson - 3/12/08

    Joanne1428 - Joanne Patricia Schweitzer - 3/19/08

    fd411 - Ferne Dixon - 3/23/08

    kelownagirl - Jill - 4/08

    skirk - Sherri Kirk - friend of jonimb - 4/10/08

    Theresa - sister of Donna (sisterlove) - 4/7/08

    PaulaBeth - May 3, 2008

    labradorsandra - Sandra Branton - 3/24/08

    Valsul-Valerie Sullivan-Cheshire, UK - friend of jpann39(and bc.o sisters) - 6/13/08

    ocinny414 - CindyKS - 6/16/08 - from the May 07 chemo thread, and Triple Neg. thread

    Robin Mercer (screen name?) also on, was friend of LiniWD - 06/27/08

    KariLynn - Kari Lynn Spiers - Pittsburg, KS, 7/3/08

    Kimmie39 - Kimberly Dawn Franklin - Winchester, VA 7/4/08

    Pauline Jones - England - 6/7/08

    Monica Pieterse - 27 yrs old - 7/10/08

    Val (Feeval), partner of Laura - 9/26/08

    Jacqueline Schevarth - 10/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Melbourne Mum(Ruth) - June 30th 2008

    JillT - Jill Tollefson - 10/08

    jonimb - 10/22/08

    jodian (Jodi Squire ) - from the San Diego Lunch Bunch - 11/13/08

    Tricia45 (loving friend of wendyintx) - 12/4/08

    joyh (mother of kgodwin03) - 12/08

    Norm's five Angels - Norm's beloved wife Brenda, 4 adopted & foster kids: David, Starla, Keenan, Dean - 12/3/07

    ShenD - 12/27/08

    Bevnurse - (December 2004 Warrior) - 10/29/08

    Fancy - Kay Galipeau - 12/21/08

    roja1955, Pat - 12/31/08 

    Linda_CR, (sister of bschlegel), 1/14/05
    Kat (in Texas)



    Kathleen46 - Kathleen Hemker - 8/25/06

    Beautiful_Mom - Cheryl Ellen Bafford, 33 yrs old - 1/23/78 to 11/12/06

    MJ66 - Mary Jo Cardwell - 2/23/07

    Jen43 - Jen - June 2007

    Ravencaine - Donna Ivison - 10/17/07

    Mavy - July? 2007

    CTG - Laura McCarthy - 1/19/08

    Kristen Lupton (friend of stacey2930) - 1/28/08

    LeftyLu - 9/26/08

    Tracy1964 - 10/15/08

    heartwings59 - Gina Schonthaler (UK chatter), friend of heavenlyangelks - 10/26/08 UK

    helen1 - Helen Mulloy, 12/18/08

    hshi - Cindy Hunt, 11/18/08

    OTHERS--friends and relatives of bco members:

    Elizabeth (bc) - (MIL of Laura GTO) 1988
    Mary Cron - 4/8/07

    Julie Vaverka (friend of susan02143) - 9/28/07

    Myrna Ann Rotman (mother of sandyk) - 1/19/1984

    Donald Ralph Rotman (father of sandyk) - 4/15/1987

    Jane Eva Marsch (mother of budsadie) - 5/16/07

    Donna White - 7/20/07

    Debbie Babechuk - 1994

    Lori Kennedy - 3/17/04

    Roberta - friend of flyrzfan - 10/24/06

    Janis M. Fulton (mother of jansdaughter) - 7/1/07

    Alma L. Boyd (mother of pamouell) - 8/27/1989

    Mary Graham ( friend of lvtwoglt) - 9/30/07

    Louisa, (sister of Alishar) - 7/13/04

    Sylvie (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Carol (friend of AliceJean) - 2007

    Courtenay (friend of SadFriend) - 12/10/07

    Betty-Ann ( sister of CurlyKatFL) - 10/1/1995

    Vilma (Aunt of CurlyKatFL ) - 2003

    Lois Wilson (mother of MrsBee) - 2/4/91

    Joni Pulley ( best friend of MrsBee) - 12/91

    Leota Braun (mother-in-law of MrsBee) - 1974

    Elizabeth Calthirst (friend of Odalys) - October 2007

    Linda Tarry (friend of AliceJean) - Elyria, Ohio

    Sue Gibbs (friend of cp418) - New Jersey, March 2007

    Gladys Hicks (mother of lucy222) - 56 yrs old, 6/72

    Nikki Lee Norcross (friend of RaeAnn) - 12/17/07

    Valerie Ruff (friend of NancyM) - 6/5/06

    Shirley (Sandy) Kupferschmid (friend of ritajean's) 47 y.o.--1/12/08

    Sandy Bibee (friend of BinVA) - 1/18/08

    Sandy Moore (friend of LuAnnH) - Cincinnati, OH - 1/26/08

    Pam Briggle (friend of GSG/Patrice) - 49 y.o. - 11/11/07

    Kiersten Conner-Sax 2/2/08

    Mami, (Odalys's mother) - 2/12/08

    Lisa Jenkinson - (friend of Twink's brother), age 37 - 3/08

    Cathy O'Brien - 33 years old - From YSC board 3-29-08

    Jessica Stefaniak - 29 years old - From YSC board 3-25-08

    Sheila Monastero - 48 years old - Pennsylvania - 2008

    Theresa - 43 years old - (sister-in-law of peace41)- 4/7/08

    Rosemary Jenks - (mother of cmayes71) - 58 years old, Knoxville, TN - 4/2/08

    Lavon Thomas - (mother of FirstEdition) - 4/20/08

    Karen - (aunt of Amy Brodar) - 4/25/08

    Mother of twiddles - 4/08

    Mother of liz35 - 5/8/08

    Mother of ibrought - 11/04

    Mother of EXAIMA - 5/08

    Mother-in-Law of Wren - Jeri, 12/31/97

    Mother of LANEF - 6/17/08

    Paula Luberto --53 yrs. old--(friend of michie56)--6/26/08

    BadBabe's Mum - New Zealand - 7/08

    Lauri Nichols - (friend of cp418) - NJ - 8/2/08

    Patricia Cortland - (friend of LuAnnH) - 8/15/08

    mother of mymothersbaby - 8/13/08

    Maggie - best friend of mldemps - 9/10/08

    mother of etenneson (erin) - 2008

    Jerri - friend of dhettish - 9/19/08

    Sonya Freeman Peters, age 32 - friend of Yogi70 - 6/16/02

    Brenda Stroud, age 42 - friend of Yogi70 - 3/2004

    Danica Martinez (YSC Board) - 9/02/08

    Brinley Evans (YSC Board) - 9/9/088

    Courtney Clevenger (YSC Board) - 9/15/08 age 23

    Denise (Charity) Hicks-DeBusk (sister of Lucy222/hollyann) - 9/4/06

    Amy Clark Viola (Friend of lvtqoqlt) - 9/26/2008 age 41

    Mattie Ferrell - (mother of slonedeb) - 69 years old - 1994

    Elizabeth Brown - (mother of auntgina) - 2/15/08

    Diana Coleman - (friend of sjack827) - 11/02/08

    Heather Pick - (newscaster in sjack827's city) - 11/07/08

    Mother of ejohn(michelle) - 11/01/08

    friend of whatnow - 11/11/08

    Cinderella Ann Hughes (aunt of Reflection) - 11/15/08

    Ramona Hughes (aunt of Reflection) - 2000

    Lindsay Altheia Burgess, baby sister of PinkyLee (Barbara) - 12/14/04

    Mother-In-Law of IBCSux - 12/15/08

    Elsa Marianne Charow, mother of looking4answers - 12/22/08

    Mother of kimpossible - 12/27/08

    Mother of eim - 2001

    Mother of cneal318 - 1/2/09

    jkc's wife, Maria "Cokis" Staggs -12/12/08

    Sheila Voyse, mother of aly - 11/27/1979

    Robyn Stowell, co-worker of NancyM - 1/8/09

    Sherlene Dancy, friend and support group member of lvtwoqlt - 1/9/09

    Claudia Mohr, friend of OneBadBoob - 1/13/09

    Carol Duncan, friend of rumoret - 1/15/09


    (updated 1/17/09 to add Carol Duncan, friend of rumoret - 1/15/09;

    updated 1/20/09 to add roja1955 - 12/31/08)


    **If you post the name that you want added to the list in this thread, it will get added promptly.**

  • lizws
    lizws Posts: 789
    edited October 2016

    Please add my dear little friend Nathanual age 5. 1/18/09. He fought brain cancer and mets since 2007.


  • whoopsiedoodles
    whoopsiedoodles Posts: 224
    edited January 2009

    Liz, I'm so sorry.  Sorry to thread-hijack, but had to chime in after seeing how young he was. 

This discussion has been closed.