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  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,549

    @jenniewren1, welcome back! It is so wonderful to see this thread re-bumped and for you to share your own experiences so openly. We're sure this will help others going through similar situations. Thank you!

    Stay in touch and let us know how you're doing. We're here for you!

    The Mods

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,549

    Hello everyone!

    Here's an article we just published from our main site that fits right in with this discussion: Study: Women Solve Sex Issues After Breast Cancer on Their Own

    Hope you find it helpful, and looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

    The Mods

  • jenniewren1
    jenniewren1 Member Posts: 4

    Thank you for posting the article.

    I'm now armed with chilled coconut oil & gel-coated vitamin E capsules. Applied both for the first time this evening. Even the little capsule was a bit painful 🙄 so for the next application, the oil will be applied to the capsule first. Live & learn 😊

  • jons_girl
    jons_girl Member Posts: 461
    edited January 13

    I know that my post won't be real popular with this thread probably….but I wanted to share what I have done. I realize this isn't a choice everyone would make. But my cancer was caught very early….stage 1, grade 1. So my recurrence possibility isn't really super high. I am post menopause now.

    I have gone on BIOIDENTICAL HORMONES. I started this about 6 mo ago. I am being followed by my medical oncologist but I have a naturopath who is the prescriber and she talked to my MO. My MO is supportive of this decision. I am using the bioidentical estrodiol patch and we have upped that doseage a bit, also taking bioidentical progestrone orally, and now using bioidentical testosterone cream. I haven't been on all of the hormones for 6 mo, however all is going well. Overall this has changed my life. So I just wanted to mention what is working for me.

    I am post cancer almost 7 yrs now. I eat very healthy and try to stay active. Overall all is going well for me, I just wanted to share what is working for me. I am not yet to the place where I think I was pre menopausally. But overall I think I am headed in that direction.

  • gailmary
    gailmary Member Posts: 515

    Jon's girl.

    I can't imagine my dr ever agreeing to that. I thought I read someplace that it should be okay for you. But maybe not for me. I'm also grade 1 but now metastatic. After 7 years of this I asked my dr for some vaginal estradiol and he approved. Thank goodness. 2008 was first dx and letrezole. And 1983 was hysterectomy. No estrogen isn't easy. I Don't think my vagina will know what to do with it.


  • jons_girl
    jons_girl Member Posts: 461

    Hello Gailmary:

    Yes it’s ok for me. I was sharing what I’m doing which seems to be working somewhat well for me. But I realize as I stated, this won’t be a popular post. And I definitely know this isn’t right for a lot of women post breast cancer. I’m sorry to hear your cancer returned with Mets. I think I was using estrodial cream for awhile but decided to switch to the bioidentical estrodial transdermal patch and that’s worked pretty well for me. Have a great week!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    My medical oncologist has let me use vaginal estradial for many years - it helps keep my private parts from totally atrophying. He says that it does not circulate in the blood stream.

    Jons_girl, happy you found something that works for you, so important for the QOL.

    gailmary - sorry to hear that you are dealing with mets. wishing you a long time of staying stable, hopefully nead!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,549

    Hi all! We are posting this here in the hopes you'll join us for our next webinar!

    Let's Talk About Sex and Breast Cancer:
    Desire, Comfort, and Body Image

    Tuesday, February 27, 2024
    4:30 PM ET

    Many people struggle with intimacy during and after breast cancer treatment, but not everyone knows what to expect or how to manage these issues. Let's change that by talking openly about sexual health.

    Submit your questions for the experts when you register for our upcoming webinar. Everyone who signs up will receive a recording of the event.

    Register here.

    Join us to learn all about sex and breast cancer as we discuss decreased desire, vaginal dryness and irritation, pain during sex, decreased breast sensation, and fatigue. We'll have a candid conversation about the emotional challenges and the impact on relationships with partners and with ourselves.

    The life changes that go along with a cancer diagnosis can feel overwhelming. We're here to empower you with the information you need to advocate for yourself. We hope to see you on February 27.

  • shanagirl
    shanagirl Member Posts: 428

    Hi everyone. I’m glad to see this thread!! 🥰. I’d like to share my own personal experience and feelings of being Stage IV bone Mets and still keeping my sexuality at my age after so many years of dealing with Breast Cancer. First, my Oncologist has always had an absolutely no Estrogen philosphy. I’ve been under his care since 2009. My DH & I adore him.But I never felt that I could continue having a fulfilling sex life with my husband without estrogen vaginal crème to help with the. Vaginal Atrophy that results from the hormonal blockers prescribed during treatment. I spoke to my Gynocologist and her opinion was that the ESTRODIAL Crème is fine for treating vaginal atrophy and painful intercourse that occurs during chemo and hormone blockers. She prescribed ESTRODIAL 0.01% with an applicator 1 gram inserted twice weekly…… It was like a miracle!‼️The crème brings back the suppleness to the inside and outside of the area down there. This makes ALL the difference. It was no longer so uncomfortable to wear jeans or wipe after peeing. It felt normal rather than a dried up prune. My DH and I had always had an excellent sexual relationship, and this cream has let this continue. DH was so happy with my renewed libido,that he planned a surprise 1 week getaway for our 50th wedding Anniversary 2 years ago. I have to say that sex has been very pleasurable and YES orgasms, and I even find myself fantasizing sometimes just like the old days when we were young and before breast cancer. Also, tomorrow is my Birthday. I will be 75😉

    I know this subject Is very controversial but estrogen creme is what makes all the difference for couples enduring the side effects of cancer treatment. There are many days when I’m feeling so sick, achy exhausted and miserable which is what Stage IV is all about, compared to the lower diagnosis. Stage !V sucks because treatment NEVER STOPS. We deal with regular, medications treatments and injections, monthly visits to our Onc and constant scans and anxiety, if the treatments are still working or progression. But on the better days sex with DH is always something that is good. 😌♥️

  • gailmary
    gailmary Member Posts: 515

    Shanagirl. I'm so happy for you. I too started estradiol. After first a hysterectomy ay 27, then first bc dx in 2008 with subsequent Femara 5 yrs and then Femara and fadlodex since 2017. A dried prune doesn't begin to describe it. Much better but not normal yet. I only have 3 weeks of treatment left.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    Shana girl - happy birthday. My oncologist permits vaginal estrogen as it does not circulate through the blood stream and it does make a difference. Hope you see NEAD soon.

  • laughinggull
    laughinggull Member Posts: 522
    edited April 4

    I wanted to chime in to report that my MO did a 180 on this, and now is happy to prescribe estrogen cream, due to the latest studies that confirm it is not associated with recurrence. Before, this was a hard no with her. So I recommend to those who were denied this treatment before that they bring the issue up with their MO.

    BCO also reported this study, here below is the link.

    This is a game changer re vaginal estrogen treatment.

  • jons_girl
    jons_girl Member Posts: 461

    that’s great your MO is also seeing the studies proving the use of estrodial isn’t bad for us.

    I use a estrodial patch. I’m not a huge fan of creams. My MO is completely ok with me being on a estrodial patch. I switch it out twice a week. I also take bioidentical progestrone capsule and testosterone cream daily as well. I know a lot of what I take people on this site are shocked at probably but she doesn’t have issues with it. And so far this is working pretty well for me.

    The patch works just as well I believe as the estrodiol cream and it’s not messy.

    Have a great week everyone!