Reconnecting intimacy after breast surgery.
It has been over 30 years since my wife's surgery and I failed to give her the love and emotional support she needed then. Now I am desperate to correct my past behavior and regain the intimacy we enjoyed before breast cancer. We have been physically close through the years but it was hands off her reconstructed breast.…
NPR story sex after cancer treatment
Sexual Health After Breast Cancer
Sexual Health After Breast Cancer Dec 10, 2024 Noted sexpert Dr. Don Dizon explains why sexual health after cancer treatment should be more than an afterthought. At the 2024 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium Dr. Don Dizon, professor of medicine and professor of surgery at the Brown University Cancer Institute, was part…
Sex is difficult
I am finished with right mastectomy and reconstruction and left breast reduction and I'm on Anastrazole for 3 more years. My biggest issue is with sex. We always had a great relationship with sex. It was wonderful. Now I find, I cannot climax. I actually don't really have any pleasurable feelings when he touches me. I use…
Discovering Asexuality
After starting Tamoxifen and now Anastrozole, my sex drive dwindled to a flicker. Even before my mastectomy, we were having challenges with sex. After delivering my second child as a VBAC, sex was very painful except for a limited few positions. Turned out, my uterus was prolapsing, which put my cervix at a bad angle for…
Hi I am New here. Finished my treatment, lost a husband, would like to share!
I had a lumpectomy, chemo, and then a masectomy complete and a hysterectomy after they found the BRACA gene. I have remained flat and happy with that, my husband left me and my children (not his) after my first chemo as he couldn't and didn't want to take on the extra duties that it might entail. I live in France and had…
Hey girls, You know, this loss of libido thing is just unnacceptable. I was in the chat room earlier today and mentioned it and man, you should've heard how many of us are experiencing this problem. I promised the ladies I'd post my rant, so here it comes (or....doesn't ). If bc were a man's disease, not only would there…
Husband Not Interested in Sex After Mastectomy
Just wondering if there is a thread or a community of women out there with this issue? When I google it, it's usually the woman not interested in sex. It's been 4 years since my bi-lateral mastectomy and the same amount of time since my husband has touched me. Seriously, the last time we had sex was in the hotel room next…
Things just aren't the same
My boyfriend and I started dating two months before my diagnosis, he has been through it all with me and I know he loves me but things aren't the way they used to be. Before you know the kissing the touching etc., after my surgery and since (surgery was June 23rd) it feels like I'm begging for that kind of intimacy. I've…
Talking To A Partner About Sex After Breast Cancer
Talking To A Partner About Sex After Breast Cancer Feb 16, 2024 Dr. Stephanie Ross offers tips on how to overcome some of the barriers people face when talking to their partners about sex during and after breast cancer treatment. Many people struggle with being intimate during and after breast cancer treatment. Surgery can…
Dating after divorce and double mastectomy
This topic just makes me cry. My mastectomy was 10 years ago and I still hate it. I want my breasts back. I am divorced after 20+ years of marriage. I am 100% fine with the divorce and am happier now than I’ve been in a very long time. I want to date and I’d like very much to have sex again! How how how can I ever be…
What Improves Sexual Well-Being After Breast Cancer? Many Women Say Self-Help
What Improves Sexual Well-Being After Breast Cancer? Many Women Say Self-Help Dec 11, 2023 When it comes to sexual functioning, many women with a history of breast cancer help themselves. Read more…
Strategies Available for Women’s Sexual Health Issues After Cancer, Better Access Needed
Strategies Available for Women’s Sexual Health Issues After Cancer, Better Access Needed Sep 14, 2023 Although treatments for women’s sexual health issues after cancer exist, many women don’t know about them. Read more…
Mona Lisa Touch- Have you done this? All opinions appreciated
I can't have estrogen or progesterone and I've had full hysterectomy. The only thing my gyno says can help me at this point is the Mona Lisa touch. I need positive and negative experiences as I am getting desperate Thanks!
Sex and cancer. The dirty talk - from intimacy to roommates
My husband and I had a strong intimate relationship before cancer. I understood we would have down cycles in our marriage, but breast cancer brought a new definition into my home for the word "downcycle." After my diagnosis, my husband and I discussed the expected changes to our intimacy. We knew it would change, but we…
Podcast: Cancer Ghosting: What It Is and How to Respond
Dating after a Masectomy
Hi everyone! I got divorced and then diagnosed with breast cancer in 2018 when I was 53 years old. I had a double masectomy with reconstruction (non nipple-sparing) and was fortunate enough to not have to go through chemo and radiation. My question is this--at what point do I tell someone I am dating that my breasts are…
Vaginal Atrophy solution that is working for me!
Hello all! Ive been a member for quite some time now and wanted to post about my sexual side effects of my treatment and what Ive been doing to combat them. I was diagnosed with my ER/PR+ breast cancer and have chosen to take an aromatase inhibitior along with Lupron (ovarian suppression ) injects for the next 5-10 years.…
Vaginal Laser Treatment Safe for Breast Cancer Survivors
Vaginal Laser Treatment Safe for Breast Cancer Survivors, but Is It Effective? Feb 15, 2023 Although vaginal laser treatment seems safe for women with a history of breast cancer, it's not more effective than a placebo. Read more...
Podcast: Sexual Health Side Effects From Cancer Treatment
Sexual Health Side Effects From Breast Cancer Treatment Feb 17, 2023 Dr. Sarah Tevis discusses her research on how women want to be told about sexual health side effects that can be caused by breast cancer treatment. Dr. Sarah Tevis recently conducted a study that found that many women who receive breast cancer treatment…
Vaginal Estrogen Questions
Hi Friends: I know with that topic above there will be those who want to yell at me. But I'm asking anyway. I'm considering using estrogen vaginally. My MO and my GYN support me in this decision as there are studies they are fine with this decision. They will be checking my blood work and I also have diagnostics every 6 mo…
Testosterone Cream Vaginally -for dryness, libido etc…
Hi Friends: So I just started on testosterone cream (vaginally) prescribed by my gyn for vaginal dryness and libido mainly. I'm going to try this for 3 mo. My gyn doesn't want me to take more than one hormone to start with so we know if it's working, if there are any side affects etc. I may also go on estrodiol cream or…
High libido
I know this sounds strange but I have a very high sex drive. I want it all the time. The dr. said he’s never heard of this before. First thought is-your husband must be happy but it’s opposite. He’s tired. Has anyone ever experienced this. I was on birth control for 30 years and when I found out I had breast cancer, I…
Where did my sex drive go???
I wish there were an easy way to bring this subject up! I had a double mastectomy in 2018, and I'm on AI with another 1.5 years of treatment to go before I'm finished with it. I'm 65 and divorced, but I was dating casually when I was first diagnosed. I haven't dated since then as I was struggling to feel better and get my…
Helpful sex cream
After a hysterectomy and then endocrine therapy(AI and Tamoxifen), I was put through instant menopause.I had a lot of side effects. The worst was sex life. This cream was very helpful: https://anandaprofessional.com/products/bliss-intimate-oil-retail Bliss Intimate oil.
FDA Issues Warning on Vaginal Laser Treatment
FDA Issues Warning on Laser Treatment for Vaginal Atrophy and Other Menopausal Symptoms August 9, 2018 On July 30, 2018, the FDA issued a warning about energy-based devices used to treat vaginal conditions and symptoms related to menopause, urinary incontinence, or sexual function. Read more...
what to expect after total hysterectomy
Hi! Im having a complete hysterectomy in about 5 weeks. Ive been having some cramping so during an ultrasound they found that one of my fibroids is growing and they should be shrinking because I'm on a monthly lupron shot ( prior to diagnosis I had very heavy periods and multiple fibroids). They won't know if its anything…
Everything No One Tells You About Cancer and Your Sex Life
Everything . . .I found this booklet on line and wanted to share updated link to this booklet
Testosterone cream
Clitorus swollen all the time
Was wondering if anyone else had this problem? My clitorus has been engorged for months. It's super sensitive, of course. I am on Tamoxifen. Could this be causing it? It doesn't go back to normal after intercourse. I am not super worried about it, it's just an annoyance. But wondering if I should be mentioning it to my…